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Here's the gossip...

  • Brian Taylor
  • 28 Mar 07, 12:38 PM

Minor subterranean muttering at Holyrood about party strategy. Who鈥檚 getting it right? Whose best laid schemes are drifting mildly agley? All, of course, influenced by polls continuing to suggest an SNP lead over Labour, including Populus in The Times today.

Here鈥檚 the gossip, variously. Is Jack McConnell entirely wise to stress the London link 鈥 eg signing a partnership on policy with the PM, in Westminster?

Yes, say those who argue it trumps the SNP and their supposed plans to 鈥減ick fights鈥 with the UK Government. No, say those who fear that Tony Blair may now be a vote loser by association.

Secondly, is Alex Salmond entirely wise to lay out so much detail on the party鈥檚 plans, including the challenges to Westminster and the wording of a potential referendum on independence?

Yes, say those who argue it reassures the voters by spelling out that they鈥檇 decide, separately and later, on independence, while the SNP stands up for Scotland in the interim. No, say those who fear it simply gives unnecessary ammunition to Labour.

How about the Tories? Should they rule out joining a coalition, as they do? Doesn鈥檛 it make them look ineffective, prepared to say popular things but not to act on them?

No, say the leadership, you can exert influence without Ministerial office.

And the LibDems? Less muttering, frankly 鈥 but still the submerged issue of whether to form an alternative coalition. With the SNP? On what terms?

Anyway, that鈥檚 the goss thought I鈥檇 share with you.

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  • 1.
  • At 01:34 PM on 28 Mar 2007,
  • Stephen wrote:

Has the SNP ever enjoyed such positive poll ratings this close to an election in the past?

I can't think of any such past event. As an SNP supporter I'm almost scared to believe that the real election will be so good for the cause of independence - such is the Scottish psyche at times! It's precisely that self doubt that the Labour party in particular have exploited over the years with their dreadful negative campaigning. Hopefully people are beginning to see through it, although the figure for those supporting independence has perhaps been reduced by it.

On a much less serious note - perhaps if Scotland do well in Bari this evening, the SNP will gain even more support?! We can but dream!

  • 2.
  • At 06:10 PM on 08 Apr 2007,
  • Martin wrote:

Hi Brian,

I find you an entirely agreeable chap, impartial and well informed. But please, leave Dundee Utd out of the blogs! Apart from the fact that your support for that team displays a darker, more introverted side to your character; I feel you waste good space to feed my hungry mind with your insightful political observations.


  • 3.
  • At 11:49 AM on 09 Apr 2007,
  • Mary wrote:

I keep asking myself why all this hooplah over this Supposed great increase in SNP support as I havent heard any support of it were I live in Glasgow, are you sure someone isnt pulling your chain ..the only time I hear of it is Poll results ??? who are they actually polling???? it is possible some wee tartan hacker is playing with the system ( sorry couldnt resist it )when after complaining about the size of party donations should be kept to 拢50.000 they accept the 拢500.000 donation from the exbanker. Well that showed how quickly their opinions can changed when confronted with large sums of Money ( insert a Wink and a Nod here) To cut a long story short the people of Scotland can spot that Alec is not more than a " Chanty Wrastler and about as much use as a Chocolate teapot.....The End

  • 4.
  • At 01:14 PM on 09 Apr 2007,
  • Barry wrote:

I must say it amuses me to see that Stephen blames the "Scottish psyche" for the failures his party to make any significant gains, it reminds me of a time when we were branded "90 minute patriots" I was insulted then and feel quite insulted now.

Why is it that the SNP go on about what a great country we "could" have and what a success we "could" be and despise negative campaigning when they have pretty much said that all they are going to do is try and create problems for Westminster? If that is not the epitome of negativity then I have obviously been using a British dictionary as opposed to the Nationalistic variation.

Must be because I am living in such an underachieving country without the resources the facilitate learning process...

  • 5.
  • At 10:43 PM on 11 Apr 2007,
  • Mark Sutherland-Fisher wrote:

What do we Scots want? A Gordon Brown Executive in Edinburgh led by Wendy Alexander speaking Gord's scripts, Alex Salmond challenging Labour's assumed right to control life for the average Scot "from cradle to grave", Nicol Who? telling us one thing while his colleagues support another or David Cameron's favourite "auntie" lecturing us like naughty school kids! Surely the whole point of the tortuous electoral system for Holyrood (one of four different ones now operating in Scottish elections) is that no one party should ever get its own way. Whether it was Scottish Tory Secretaries of State imposing London's will or Tony paratrooping in Scots backbenchers to impose unwanted policy in England, we need to be adventurous to take Scotland forward and stop blaming the English for everything we fail to achieve ourselves. Let's try Alex Salmond as First Minister of a minority government relying on Annabel to support the policies which don't attack the Union and also calling on the (few) talented people in Scottish Labour and the (even fewer) talented people in the LibDems. After all if our 7 MEPs can work together for Scotland, why can't those in each party who actually have a brain and aren't there because they had passed their sell by date in whichever "rotten burgh" Labour council they were vegitating in or just couldn't cut the mustard to get picked for Westminster. Even Tommy Sheriden has something to offer apart from advice on an allover tan and (allegedly) other activities and lets not forget the almost saintly Margo MacDonald (without whom the Sunday Post would never be the same), Jean Turner and assorted others who may actually have something to contribute to Scotland.

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