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What do you want?

  • Brian Taylor
  • 5 Apr 07, 10:47 AM

An aside on the 麻豆官网首页入口 Scotland poll on priorities.

There鈥檚 an old Liberal Democrat joke. (No, not PR for Westminster - they鈥檙e serious about that.) It tells the tale of LibDems on a protest march - beards fluttering and sandals in synch, tramping proudly.

鈥淲hat do we want?鈥, their leader yells. 鈥淭he single transferable vote in multi member constituencies鈥, they chorus back.

鈥淲hen do we want it?, bellows the boss. 鈥淚n due course!鈥, they trill.

You get the point. Ineffably polite. Well, it seems it may be more than just a caricature. In our poll, identified LibDem supporters tended to be less demanding. They favoured change - but preferred not to shout about it. They weren鈥檛 so inclined to give every issue top billing and top priority.

Those who were pressing most for action were those in the DE income band. Not surprising, I guess. If you have little, you want more - and you want it quickly.

Men had the strongest opinions on motoring levies. They really hated the ideas of congestion charges and motorway tolls. (To be clear, every sector of society disliked these notions.)

Elsewhere, it was women who tended to have the most sharply defined opinions, notably pressing for action on law and order.

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  • 1.
  • At 12:55 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • Andy Robertson wrote:

I am more interested in Labour's COMPLETE failure to do ANYTHING about anti-social behaviour and policing.

Far fewer police officers on the beat - more and more of them behind desks filling in reams of paperwork handed down by John 'I killed the Scottish Regiments' Reid.

Fine police officers leaving the force because they cannot go on filling in papers whilst people are being abused and harrased in their own homes by yobs ...

One officer has blown the whistle on John Reid

As for these stupid talking cctv cameras - how many PREVENTIONS will they score - when did you last see a police officer in your street - there is NO SUBSTITUTE for a bobby on the beat ... PCOs get laughed at by yobs as they no they have limited powers.

A vote for Labour is a vote for more anti-social crime and fewer police officers on the streets.

Welcome to Labour's dream!!

  • 2.
  • At 01:44 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • Darryl Matheson wrote:

The SNP seem to be promising everything but refusing to say how we will have to pay for it, how much longer can they go on making more and more spending commitments without challenging Labour's figure of an extra 拢5000 per family under the SNP.

A vote for the SNP is a vote for economic breakdown and huge tax bills, and in refusing to challenge the figures they themselves confirm this.

  • 3.
  • At 03:29 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • scott barker wrote:

The old song again is it not?
Although none of the parties have actually delivered on any of their claims including the bread and butter issues like law and order, they continue to bleat the same old platitudes.
There is a direct correlation between rising poverty and crime. When societies really want reform they will realise this plain and often talked of truth, and finally do something about the real issues. Poverty, lack of hope for the poor,
lack of education,lack of housing.
None of the parties seem too happy to get on with doing the job.
Perhaps then a change in the political system(Independance) followed by political reform in Scotland to give genuine representation.

I dont know where Andy Robertson (first comment) lives in Scotland but I have seen policemen out and about on patrol push bikes recently on a Fri evening in our town square. Thats what I would call back to basics. No doubt it also helps cut our CO2 emissions. Seriously though I think the first comments are quite exaggerated although I do agree that the police have far too much form filling and need to get out more.

As to the LibDems? They will be too nice for their own good. And the SNP -the years of political and economic turmoil if they win should give political pundits like you plenty to write about.

  • 5.
  • At 04:17 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • Alex C wrote:

That may be interesting Andy, but John Reid has next to no power in Scotland - the police being a devolved issue, and its failings or otherwise governed by the justice ministry, presently headed by Cathie Jamieson.

Of much more interest to Scots in this election is today's news in The Spectator that the Scottish Tories are to be cut adrift by David Cameron and left to come up with policies of their own. Is that the death-knell for Conservatism in Scotland? Will anyone actually vote for a party whose biggest single issue is the maintenance of the Union? Or will the Scots Tories listen to that wing party which advocates independence, not just for their party but for Scotland as a whole?

  • 6.
  • At 04:18 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • Hermit wrote:

"What do you want?"
Well, an independant Scotland will do for a start....not likely to get it with LibDem and am fairly sure Tony Blair has a "perish the thought" kinda mentality over the matter....

  • 7.
  • At 06:11 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • S.Smith wrote:

PPP is becoming more of an issue at present.
Companies have to disclose pension liabilities as well as leasing and HP contracts etc. in their accounts.

Why can we not see the future liabilities of the country (UK or Scotland) along with all these spending plans being talked about?

Then we might be able to get a clearer picture of the proposals made by the contestants - as well as UK's future position.

  • 8.
  • At 08:09 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • Des wrote:

Labour are warmongers, any decent person would have left a long time ago. When they come to your doorstep, if they have any activists left at all, then tell them. Vote anyone but labour, even Tories if they have the best chance of beating them!

  • 9.
  • At 08:17 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • Derek Stores wrote:

There is only one party to vote for in Lothian - that's Adam Lyal's Witchery Tour Party. The ghost was speaking at the mound the other day, and I was impressed with his delivery. Imagine a pale-faced ghoul as First Minister?

  • 10.
  • At 10:14 PM on 05 Apr 2007,
  • Mark Sutherland-Fisher wrote:

Why does everyone think the LibDems are going to gain seats? They share the blame with Labour for the lack of advance in Scotland over 8 years. They are as responsible for the lack of Police on the streets, the poor state of Scotland's major roads (ironic that they lead from the Central Belt north to Liberal heartlands in Grampian and the Highlands and south to Berwick, Selkirk etc)and the constantly falling standards in Scotland's schools. The LibDems want to blame Labour for things they are as responsible for failing to deliver. The voters are not so stupid!

  • 11.
  • At 10:31 AM on 06 Apr 2007,
  • Peter, Fife wrote:

The blight of the unitary authority needs to be addressed; this in many regions has created instances of the authority operating policies of positive discrimination / centralisation of services into their seats of their power.

We have been treated to Jack McConnell informing us that his policy of 鈥榮preading Government across Scotland,鈥 would be good for the country, strangely this pattern is not followed by his cohort Andy Kerr who is in favour of centralising health provisions.

Where were these chosen areas for inward investment of Government jobs, guessed right? The West coast of Scotland.

This is the creation of a thinly veiled post code lottery; the same is happening with the provision of medication, it was deemed that areas of deprivation would be targeted for medications, note is it not patients in need that are being targeted it is the areas of deprivation.
Where were these areas of deprivation, guessed right? The West coast of Scotland.

Bridge tolls removed from the Erskine and Skye bridges, tolls maintained on the Forth and Tay bridges; a panic change of this policy is imminent.

We do not have a First Minister, we have a Motherwell Minister.

  • 12.
  • At 04:06 PM on 06 Apr 2007,
  • campbell wrote:

I路ve never seen a LibDem in sandals and very few with beards.

  • 13.
  • At 02:06 PM on 08 Apr 2007,
  • Neil Small wrote:

I would like the SNPs plan for reducing crime, especially since they are unable to produce a coherent policy for business. Labour hasn't been a success at all, but since the SNP, Lib Dems and SSP were all enthusiastic about signing up to the Criminal, sorry Human Rights Act, I can only see the situation getting worse.

  • 14.
  • At 09:31 AM on 09 Apr 2007,
  • William Garvie wrote:

Pyisical Education like the Australian schools, where winning is not just everything. It is a way of life. Maybe just maybe then we might produce some sports stars instead of gallant losers all the time. Dare I say it, we may even save the health service some money by promoting and living healthier lifestyles. We could also get some future Captains of Industry and (God forbid) MP's/MSP's

  • 15.
  • At 06:19 PM on 09 Apr 2007,
  • Bill Bradbury wrote:

What do I want? The SNP to get home rule for Scotland so that the Scots can return to what they did best, raiding the English as they will have (had) nowt up there.

Scottish Taxes for Scottish projects like the forces, health service and Education, plus pensions as they have better old age provision than we English have. Then they can find other jobs in the area of our Naval Bases, when they kick the Navy out as is their policy.

They then can get all those EU subsidies as there will be precious little oil left, but probably it will provide them with yet another grievance against the English and spend the next few hundred years trying to get their money back and a probable excuse why their budgets won't balance.
And Finally we English won't have Scottish MP's telling us what to do. All those you can have back to help you to run your country. I look forward to the SNP landslide. The Scots will have to pay for all those extra civil servants, on inflation proof pensions and all the international "junkets" that Alex can go on as a "World Statesman" with a seat in the UN plus allied staff! I can't wait for the 3rd.May. What fun!

  • 16.
  • At 07:13 PM on 10 Apr 2007,
  • Bill wrote:

To my namesake Bill 15. You don't state whereabouts in England you stay - but your tone implies somewhere south of the Midlands - I'd guess Surrey ?

Fact is me boy that an "independent" ( what does that mean in modern terms ? ) will have the ability to set political policies that suit the people staying in Scotland. If we put up with an overburgeoning public sector and continue to spiral into an ageing, ailing uneducated and unhealthy future - then that'll be our look out - and we'll deserve it.

Personally I hope that independence will bring with it a new age of confidence and optimism. A sense that we are not owed a living by the world but that by utilising the many resources and talents we have available to our very sustainable wee country we can give our people a standard of living enjoyed by other small countries in Europe - many of which don't have as many resources as we do.

When you run out of water and non-nuclear electricity - you can be rest asured that we won't take too much umbrage at the subsidy-junkie charge when we're selling them to you.

Oh and happy to take back all the MPs - most of them are fairly harmless - although you can keep Reid, Brown and Alexander to do with what you will ... and Blair's one of yours anyway. In return you can have the new Trident and the debts of the London Olympics - although i'm sure we'll still reap the tourism benefits ...

Kind regards Bill - I'm sure you guys will be able to look after yourselves when we're gone ...

  • 17.
  • At 01:41 AM on 11 Apr 2007,
  • peter mc creadie wrote:

if there is a problem with the standard of education in Scotland, the state of our school buildings, anti-social behaviour, poor health records, soaring council tax bills etc. it would appear that its nothing to do with the labour party!, however, as far as im aware, theyve been the ruling party in scotland for a number of years, so any mess is there mess.

  • 18.
  • At 11:50 AM on 11 Apr 2007,
  • Peter Thomson wrote:

Anyone who watched Cathy Jamieson on Newsnight last night will be extremely embarrassed if she reflects Labour's best brains!

The Labour manifesto has nothing to offer Scotland except mediocrity, more dependency and economic stagnation.

8 years of Labour education policies in Scotland have seen standards going backwards.

There is need of change and if that means the SNP getting my vote for the first time then so be it.

  • 19.
  • At 09:41 AM on 13 Apr 2007,
  • Alan Reid wrote:

Why is it such a mistake for Scots to aspire to independence ? National self-determination is a noble ideal which is applauded when it comes from the Baltic States or eastern Europe. We don't see Gordon Brown et. al. saying what a mistake it was for Lithuania to leave Moscow control behind and we don't see the Norwegians begging Sweden to take their nation back under Stockholm's wing. What is it so strange and unique about the Scots that we are not to be trusted with running our own country ? I don't hear the unionists going beyond scare-mongering and making a rational case for rule from London.

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