Caption Competition
Caption Competition is now closed.
There is still no prize, except the traditional small quantity of kudos.

A performer dressed as robot stands at the international toy fair in Germany.
6. bossy202:
We call it.. the Mobot
5. PeeJayEll:
The Government's next solution to child-care - this can look after eight toddlers all at once.
4. Bellhouse Hartwell:
Yeah, I'm from Village Robot People, but I don't know where M, C and A have got to.
3. StraightOnTilMorning:
OK, OK, we'll leave your puny planet alone - just tell us how to get out of Westfield ...
2. Raven Clare:
I come to rule you all, and to eliminate those who dare to stand in my way ... er, could someone please press the button for "lower arms"?
1. wonkypops:
Optimus Primark.