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Revolving door

  • Paul Mason
  • 5 May 06, 10:41 AM

There is a revolving door at the 麻豆官网首页入口's Millbank studio that is going to be revolving pretty fast today as the ministerial reshuffle takes place. Charles Clarke, after winning the Newsnight poll, is to be "axed". And that's just the start.

I invite you to hit the comment button and let our political editor Martha Kearney know what you think about it all, as it happens. The is currently a flurry of election stats and ministerial comings and goings. And News 24 will be following it all live. At the end of the day I will give you the latest Newsnight thinking on what it all means...

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  • 1.
  • At 11:56 AM on 05 May 2006,
  • Brendan wrote:

What an extraordinary gamble Blair has taken and how well it has paid off; laying a trail of red herrings like the Clarke, Prescott and Hewett affairs, he managed to dupe even the most hardened professionals in the media into concentrating solely on these isues, while ignoring the real reasons for the parlous state the country is really in.
Impeach President Blair sez I.

  • 2.
  • At 12:43 PM on 05 May 2006,
  • Jamie Taylor wrote:

It's interesting how the Labour old guard are bemoaning the loss of their Councillor friends, eg Frank Dobson's rant about the leadership causing the loss of his 'mates' in the local council of Camden and that the cabinet reshuffle is rearranging the furniture on the Titanic; yet it is quite possible that the voters decided that they didn't like the high handed attitude of Franks' 'Champagne Socialist' friends and took the opportunity of wider division to give them a bloody nose.

It is also interesting, amongst all of this hysteria about the PM that according to the latest 麻豆官网首页入口 poll, 25% of people want Blair to serve a full term and a further 20% want him to stay - period! This is almost 1/2 of those polled.

The PM must have something, some qualities that endear him to such a large and mostly silent mass of the populace. Could it be his ability to steer a steady course and his staying power?

In paradox, could it be that the British people don't like the constant braying and betrayal by the old Labour guard and that this is what is driving one of Labour's achilles' heels? The British people tolerate a lot but they don't put up with division and betrayal.

Old Labour, aka Dobson, Abbott, Short et al are gambling a lot on Gordon Brown's ability to heal the wounds of their constant tearing of the electorate's tolerance. One wonders if a stable economy is a heavy enough counterweight to offset David Cameron's push to userp them all.

  • 3.
  • At 02:37 PM on 05 May 2006,
  • Martin Newlan wrote:

I have just listened to Clarke, who sounds so plausible in his interview with Nick Robinson, but a personal disaster for him has triggered what looks like a simply desperate reshuffle. Blair has reached the bottom of the barrel and has no new "big hitters" to promote. Reid will probably do a suitably tough job at the Home Office, but Beckett at the FCO!! What is he thinking of? Kelly needed to get out of the DFES before she got lynched, but why keep her in Government? This administration is in terminal decline, thank Heaven, and one can only hope that Cameron and his advisers are ready when the moment comes. Despite the local election results, the Conservative Party does not look to be ready to govern any time soon.


  • 5.
  • At 03:17 PM on 05 May 2006,
  • Brendan wrote:

Can anyone be surprised that a survey conducted by the - post Hutton - 麻豆官网首页入口 produced results that were favourable to Blair. Though it is no longer possible to contact David Kelly I am quite sure that either Greg Dyke or Piers Morgan would be able to confirm exactly what 鈥渟pecial qualities鈥 Blair possesses when it comes to dealing with anyone who dares to try to expose him for the conniving, pernicious LIAR that he is.

  • 6.
  • At 05:41 PM on 05 May 2006,
  • Laura Daly wrote:

I have to say I am finding this day of musical cabinet chairs excellent fun. A ex post office union boss goes to the dept of education, someone who could'nt handle education gets a supermax ministry, old Labour go to the FCO, a bully boy goes to the Home Office. A new minister it is decided after 10 years is needed for Europe. And no one either in the goverment or in the media mentions who has gone to Defence! And lastly JP holds on to DPM but will not actually be doing anything. hmmm... fat cats? Gordon really you still want this job eh?

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