

Talk about Newsnight


On internet conspiracy theories

  • Newsnight
  • 18 Aug 06, 04:30 PM

roswell203152.jpgMost journalists use the phrase 'conspiracy theory' as an insult. Not because they're arch-rationalists who never entertain such notions in private but because if they publish something controversial and can't back it up, big trouble follows. You lot can say what you like about Diana and flying saucers and JFK, but hacks stick to the evidence, at least until they get down the pub.

But as the internet takes over the media mainstream, conspiracy theory (CT) journalism is getting a much wider airing than it ever used to, whereas the official version (OV) is no longer shifting copy like it did. So we present our net veteran Adam Livingstone's personal rule-of-thumb guide to believing CTs and OVs:

1 Journalists usually take government facts in good faith, albeit they're somewhat spun and edited. No-one ever got sacked for printing the OV, and, let's face it, challenging it takes a lot of graft for a busy reporter. So when they 're told that Iraq has chemical weapons, journalists tend to publish it . But for a reader or viewer, rule one is 'Don't believe the OV until you see proof. But assume it is true if you do see decent proof.' The September 11 CT that said 'Flight 93 was brought down by the airforce not the passengers' was once a widely held internet CT, but then decent taped evidence came along and undermined it among all but the most cynical.

2 Use Occam's Razor - which means that the best explanation of any event must make as few assumptions as possible. So just because you see a weird flying saucer and the OV claims it's marsh gas, don't assume it's therefore an alien spaceship. Favour the simplest explanation that fits the known evidence. Just because there are oddities in the photos from the moon landings, that doesn't mean that they were mocked up in the Nevada desert. Interpret the credible proof in the simplest way that works.

3 Who has the better background narrative - the CT or the OV? In other words who sets the more convincing dramatic backdrop to the events in question? The Diana CTs sold well because they had this enthralling background plot and cast that everyone was already familiar with, but the OV was also a credible story, just painfully prosaic. On the other hand the CT that the Iraq evidence was faked had a really consistent hinterland of elegantly intermeshing revelation and gossip, whereas the OV narrative always seemed to be changing or unravelling. But the background to the World Trade Centre attacks had an utterly compelling received wisdom, whereas the CTs just never remotely fitted with how any sensible person expects the world to behave.

So which CTs should you buy into? Well you'll just have to make your own minds up. I've got a mortgage to pay.

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Many conspiracy theories require a level of competence from the state that it just does not possess. But maybe that's just what THEY want us to believe...

My opnion is that conspiracy theories tend to miss the point. There's very rarely an actual, tangible "conspiracy", but rather an accumulation of mutual vested interests which, taken together, act as though there was a mythical conspiracy.

Noam Chomsky makes this point in "Understanding Power", when he says that his "propaganda model" of the mass media is actually the opposite of a conspiracy theory.

  • 3.
  • At 06:14 PM on 18 Aug 2006,
  • elkoolio wrote:

One of the most insidious things about postmodern democratic societies is the duplicity - the Straussian protectionism - that it is better for society if the general public are kept unaware of the horrifying truth... that they are a bunch of feckless suggestible morons incapable of offering statements up to the simplest tests of verisimilitude, let allow advanced levels of critical thought.

With the exponential growth of the need to suppress anything that may be deemed offensive, twinned with there being so many idiots to get offended by being informed of such, society is left, neigh provoked, into participate in endless idle prattle. Here about conspiracy theories.

We live in a world where the belief systems of many seem to accommodate the rejection of hobgoblins, Father Christmas, fairies, leprechauns, Greek mythology etc., but still accept alien abduction, ghosts, fatalism (NB not to be mistaken for determinism), creationism, magic, astrology, faith healing, spiritualism, theism, ad infinitum.

Of course some may argue that these beliefs are fideistic, but isn鈥檛 that de facto idiocy?

You should always look at who is using the phrase "conspiracy theory" and how important it is.

When used by an individual to look at some historical event, then you can see it is often just the work of an overactive mind making false assumptions.

But when used by those in powers to dismiss a fair investigation of a current event, then you should be suspicious. Avoid cutting yourself with Occam's razor!

The example (which was on the Media Guardian podcast today) of if it was a missile or a plane that was guided into the Pentagon is a favourite event to be described as a "conspiracy theory".

To my mind, if you study the evidence of this event, then there is a lot that is not known. Clearly there needs to be an open investigation into the exact events. It is not helpful to get involved in the speculation about it being a missile or a plane. A jet powered aeroplane with a reprogrammed GPS-guided control system is just the same to me.

There is a real matter, which is did the US government arrange 9/11 to happen to justify the changes they wanted to make to US society? If you apply Occam's razor to this, then it starts looking more interesting.

"How did two passenger planes collapse THREE World Trade Centre buildings" is another fair question.

"Did Bush and Blair" agree to invade Iraq long before parliament voted on it? Everyone knows that's true.

IMHO, the people working at the 麻豆官网首页入口 have done one investigation ("The Power of Nightmares") into this subject and it can only be government pressure (after the Hutton whitewash) that stops further digging.

It's always the same. How often did Auntie Beeb accuse the police of being "institutionally racist" before the McPherson report?

Blair is a proven liar. Bush is a proven criminal ("US judge rules wiretaps illegal").

How long, dear Auntie, before you start supplying the truth and stop dismissing everything as a "conspiracy theory".

A lie often repeated does not become the truth.

  • 5.
  • At 06:36 PM on 18 Aug 2006,
  • The Fly wrote:

Today the interpretation of most events around the world are formed by those within the media, and people generally believe that interpreation as being the truth. It is, however, important to realise that the government and other organisations are incredibly complex systems and to believe that events involving such complex systems can be explained in a 3 minute insert on 麻豆官网首页入口 news without missing any details is absurd.

The corporate media, including the 麻豆官网首页入口, have a vested interest to defend the ideologies or systems that allow them to excist and therefore will tend to have a vested interest in misinterpreting events. This usually leads to a limited range of interpretations, by selection, or a discrediting of those whose interpretations contradict or question the status quo.

You can see a simplified version of this in Question Time, where one event can have multiple and sometimes equally persuasive interpretations held by each panel member. If there are such differing interpretations between so few people then it is reasonable to assume that there will be a similar range of differing interpretations held by the vast numbers of people in the multiple systems that are involved in complex international events. Also, as is evident in question time and the media as a whole, the selection of those whose interpretation can be voiced is done in a way that ensures that their is no undermineing or questioning of the status quo. For example, in question time you are very unlikely to see on the panel a BNP member or a communist party member because their interpretations may actually question the consensus and result in a true debate outside of the general assumptions of the situation, just as you are unlikely to get a lebanese civilians' interpretation of events.

A classic case for Occam's Razor, Briantist.

"How did two passenger planes collapse THREE World Trade Centre buildings" you ask.

It is indeed a good question but there are several answers more simple than the one that says the government therefore conspired to demolish all the towers.

The point is that conspiracies do happen, but it's a lot easier to dismiss all of them them if there is no way to distinguish the credible from the incredible.

  • 7.
  • At 06:47 PM on 18 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Bravo Newsnight!! This should be very interesting. But how do we know this isn't just a ploy to lure those Who Know out into the light for easy identification and capture? Beware people, don't post anything...doh!

adamliv: cui bono?

I've looked at all the explanations and I can say that what I ask myself is "cui bono?, cui bono?".

The World Trade Center event on 9/11 was far too much the "conjuring trick" - smashing the planes into the top of the buildings using GPS-guided aeroplanes.

Go look at Brighton's West Pier. It's a stell structure and it's been on fire lots of times and rusted by the sea for 150 years. And it's still standing.

I can see a partial trail of evidence that suggests that the events of that day have not been explained properly.

So, to me the answer to "cui bono?" is Bush and the neocons.

If you dismiss THE question as a "conspiracy thoery" then you have your eyes closed and your brian off.

Briantist: Dismissing all CTs is as unintelligent as believing them all. There has to be a methodology to distinguish the ones that might be true from the ones that probably aren't. This is my test and the World Trade Centre CT fails it. What's your test 8-)

  • 10.
  • At 09:36 PM on 18 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

adamliv: I'm not disagreeing with you.

IMHO The events of 11th September 2001 are deserving of more attention than some of the other popular conspiracy theories (Diana, Roswell, etc) because it is used as fact by a section of the political society in the USA, "Old men in stripy trousers rules with world with plastic smiles", to justify their actions.

The problem with the WTC events is that the standard response to anyone who wants to ask proper questions and look for proper evidence has been dismissed as "unpatriotic".

As an atheist I pride myself on not believing anything. But as a rationalist I want to know exactly how a lightweight aircraft causes a building to collapse. For me, it starts there. I've studied United States history, and the current war-state is a travesty.

Everything from the Iraq war, the PATRIOT Act, the Zionist invasion of Lebanon to new Labour's perceived right-wing agenda are all based on something that is clearly not based on fact.

So it is very, very important to rake over these facts again and again and again. To me, it was a typical "conjuring trick". Crash two planes into the top of the two towers so all the world's attention is diverted from what is really going on.

And one day, be it on Newsnight or not, the truth will out.

Briantist: Reminds me of the GK Chesterton line - "When a Man stops believing in God he doesn鈥檛 then believe in nothing, he believes anything."

But if you don't believe anything, are you saying you don't believe in the CTs either? Or that 9/11 never even happened at all? Or that New York doesn't even exist? How far do you take your unbelief?

  • 12.
  • At 11:24 PM on 18 Aug 2006,
  • Jason wrote:

We have all been conditioned to associated the word conspiracy with theory.

A theory is a hypothesis and therefore just something that COULD happen. However, with some evidence - no matter how flimsy the evidence is - the hypothesis becomes a POSSIBILITY. The more evidence you collect, the more likely that possibility becomes and eventually it will be PROBABLE.

When we are told that there are terrorist conspiracies against the whole population, they are not described as theory but when they are reported to be forces within the government, they are theories!

Despite there being evidence, those who think 911 was an inside job are attacked as unpatriotic or lunatics(https://www.letsroll911.org/) but with no evidence we are expected to believe there is a threat to UK outbound flights... like the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq maybe?

  • 13.
  • At 11:53 PM on 18 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

The Fly (5) makes some interesting points, which extends on Chomsky's argument about how the media's choice of particular linguistic phrases frames debate and discourse. The stigma attached to the phrase "conspiracy theory" does a lot to undermine the credibility of a certain perspective on events.

This concept of language - particularly the acccepted "forms" of language - is also applicable to religious discourse. Adamliv quotes GK Chesterton: "When a man stops believing in god he doesn't believe in nothing, he believes in anything". The key word here is "stops" - Chesterton takes the view that men naturally believe in god from the outset, and therefore must make a conscious effort to disbelieve in him; rather than the other way around.

Adamliv's question to Briantist - "How far do you take your unbelief" - is misplaced. It's perfectly possible not to believe in anything, if one takes the relativist view that notions of truth and falsehood are human contrivances, not transcendental facts. We may think that an event has happened, but we do not "believe" this to be the case. Belief, in its proper sense, implies faith in something other-worldly.

SPL writes:
"It's perfectly possible not to believe in anything, if one takes the relativist view that notions of truth and falsehood are human contrivances, not transcendental facts."

True but is it logical not to believe in anything and then believe in conspiracy theories supported by weak evidence? Surley that declares an almost religious faith in one's pre-existing desires and beliefs.

  • 15.
  • At 03:16 AM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

麻豆官网首页入口 Newsnight should be congradulated for its article. Of course, certain truths that have been dismissed as conspiracy theories have come to light [including the fact that the Republican and Democrats in USA are using everything to stay in power and repress alternative political forces].

  • 16.
  • At 06:09 AM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • Jenny wrote:

It might be worth a blog entry or two for Newsnight staffers to keep us updated on which "controversial" stories they reserve for when they are "down the pub". Have any, in living memory, made the transition from the pub to air, as serious reports?

  • 17.
  • At 09:37 AM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • Rick B wrote:

There are plenty of "conspiracy theories" that turned out to be true. The Holocaust wasn't widely known about until after WWII. Under the Bush administration there have been a litany of conspiracies uncovered, generally suffixed with "gate" after the famous Watergate conspiracy that happened under Nixon. There's Enrongate, Plamegate, Abramoffgate, NSAgate (warrantless wiretapping) and of course Abu Ghraib. There are the stories about Jessica Lynch and Pat Tillman in Iraq and Afghanistan which were propounded with great hoopla by the Pentagon that turned out to be a pack of lies. Not to mention the whole WMD (or lack of them) issue. As for 9/11, I tend to overlook physical conspiracies (e.g. controlled demolition) and simply ask political and financial questions like: who paid the hijackers the $500,000 that the operation cost? Who are those people connected to financially and politically? Follow the money. (The most in-depth and factual look at 9/11 I've found is David Ray Griffin's book "New Pearl Harbor". Any TV network that serializes that will make a fortune, if they're ever allowed to publicize it...)

Well Jenny since you ask, the most worrying conspiracy theory of all which we're just dieing to tell you about is that [DELETED BY GOVERNMENT CENSOR]with a goat.

We'd just love to broadcast that if we could. Just as soon as we have the photos.

  • 19.
  • At 11:17 AM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • Sitting-Bull wrote:

Sometimes conspiracies do exist.

It's not longer a theory, if you can prove it.

We can prove that the official theory is a conspiracy theory, and far worse, one that conflicts law of physics, logic, and normal precedures.

And it stands alone without one single court-steady proof besides you take the Bush government word for real.

But inner circles in the US have the means, the opportunity and the possibility to create false flag self inflicted terror for their own goals.

Please read my timeline:

  • 20.
  • At 12:36 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

This article is obviously in response to the September 11th Truth Movement that is making waves thoughout the world. The claims made are shocking, but unfortunately true. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that contradicts the offical theory. Investigate these "conspiracy theories" for yourself and make up your own mind after you've seen all the evidence.

If anyone is looking for a good resource to see the evidence behind the claims of the 9/11 truth movement, visit

  • 21.
  • At 03:19 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • Philip wrote:

Conspiracy theories are one thing. The TRUTH is another!

It鈥檚 become a sad fact that today in 2006 certain 鈥榠ndividuals鈥 that are hiding the truth from the masses control the mainstream media. The mainstream media has become one large propaganda tool to sell 鈥榚vents鈥 to the people. Most people now know this. To use the word conspiracy theory on certain subjects has just become a 鈥榗op out鈥 for the media and the journalists alike. The editor of the New York Times once said, 鈥渘othing of importance is ever reported in the mainstream media鈥
Most people are aware that the recent terror threat to blow up passenger aircraft over the Atlantic was pure propaganda and once again it was down to the media to sell this to us! It does not matter that all of the so-called terrorists did not posses any flight tickets. The day before a few million 鈥榩ut options鈥 were placed on British Airways stock. To most people those comments are another conspiracy theory. I am in a position to know its fact.
9/11 and 7/7 are branded conspiracy theories in order to stop the real and frightening truth from coming out and to keep the spin going in order to stop the 9/11 truth movement from gaining strength any further.
As for the ultimate story 鈥 鈥淔lying Saucers鈥 (for the 麻豆官网首页入口鈥檚 benefit, the real name is ETV). Yet again so much evidence, so much knowledge with regards to ETV鈥檚 yet the mainstream media refer to a very 鈥榙odgy鈥 report by the MOD claiming its 鈥渕arsh gas鈥 oh my aching sides!! ETV, UFO, flying saucers call them what you will is the ultimate conspiracy theory for the media. Under no certain terms is ANYTHING to be released regarding ETV鈥檚. Why? Control and Power by the real and permanent government.

Journalists do have to pay their mortgage so must stick to the OV. Lets hope one day all journalists get the chance to report and broadcast the TRUTH!!

The next conspiracy theory to surface shall be the release of a nuclear or biological weapon on this planet and shall of course be blamed on Iran (right before the America mid-term elections in October, very clever!) hence the war with Iran shall then get under-way. Time is running out 鈥 6 years left!!

  • 22.
  • At 05:24 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

adamliv: The GK Chesterton line reminds me of the joke about the dying agnostic, "God, if there is a God...".

To quote Douglas Adams' wit:

"My Universe is my eyes and my ears. Anything else is hearsay. I've never met all these people you speak of. An neither, I suspect, have you. They only exist in words we hear. It is folly to say you know what is happening to other people. Only they know, if they exist. They have their own Universes of their own eyes and ears. The Lord knows I am not a cruel man".

"Ah! You say The Lord. You belive in something!"

"My cat, I call him The Lord. I am kind to him"

"How do you know he exists? How do you know he knows you to be kind, or enjoys what you think of as kindness?"

"I don't" said the man with a smile, "I have no idea. It mearly pleases me to behave in a certain way to what appears to be a cat. Do you belive any differently?"


When I say "I don't belive in anything", I mean that I accept information that comes my way, but I remember where it came from.

I just don't have an automatic buy-in to the conclusions that other people reach, or reach for.

Does New York exist? There seems to be a lot of evidence for it, and people write about the place and produce TV and films about the place, so it must do. But to some extent these are all opinions and "states of mind" because this is all media provided information, not something I have experienced directly myself. LA on the other hand...

To my way of thinking (as a rational athiest) you should always be aware of what information you have experienced yourself and which has come your way by means of instruction and media.

Returning to the idea of a "conspiracy", I bet EVERYTHING that you "know" about 9/11 came though the media. Every single little bit.

So, even if it all made sense, which it does not, you should keep in the back of your mind that it was not a direct experience but an indirect one.

I don't BELIEVE in any conspiracy anymore or any less than I do anything I see on Newsnight. All I can do is ask "is this rational" "does this make sense" "what does the psychology of the situation suggest" and so on.

When I have met people who work on Newsnight and heard their opinions directly, then they differ from what you have broadcast, for example. But that's another post entirey.

  • 23.
  • At 05:27 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

To illstrate the point about belief, I heard Newsnight's Kirsty Walk at an MGEITF talking about THAT Radio 4 report about the goverment knowing that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before the invasion took place. And this was before Dr David Kelly "aparently" killed himself.

But I have never see her on Newsnight with the same forthright opinion about the situation.

Is there any better proof about "the medium is the message".

  • 24.
  • At 06:14 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

You said: "No-one ever got sacked for printing the OV, and, let鈥檚 face it, challenging it takes a lot of graft for a busy reporter."

So now we know. Even with all the resources a 麻豆官网首页入口 reporter could possibly wish for, paid for by an unfair and undemocratic 麻豆官网首页入口 poll tax, it鈥檚 just not enough - because 鈥渋t takes a lot of graft to uncover the truth鈥. Too much like hard work is it? Maybe that explains the poor quality of reporting on Newsnight and the 麻豆官网首页入口 in general.

It wasn't the mainstream media that resulted in Reuters photographer, Adnan Hajj, being sacked for doctoring images during the recent Israel/Lebanon conflict. UK blog, EU Referendum proved that the pictures had been doctored. So if bloggers, with nowhere near the amount of resources you people have can do it, why can't the 麻豆官网首页入口's reporters?

Pubs open are they? Maybe that explains why some of the poorest people in Britain, forced to pay the 麻豆官网首页入口 poll tax even though they鈥檙e already struggling to buy shoes for their kids let alone visit a pub for a drink, resent the kind of unprofessional, lazy, and biased reports spewed out by some of its so-called journalists.

Brian wrote:
I bet EVERYTHING that you "know" about 9/11 came though the media. Every single little bit.

That's a bet you'd lose. After 9/11 I personally rang up every eye witness I could find to the United 93 crash to see if they could substantiate the rumour that the plane was on fire going into the crash.

Not one of them did so.

  • 26.
  • At 07:35 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • sandy wrote:

Did you phone the local coroner, who said he never saw a single body or even a single spot of blood at the supposed crash site too?

  • 27.
  • At 07:36 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • sandy wrote:

Did you phone the local coroner, who said he never saw a single body or even a single spot of blood at the supposed crash site too?

  • 28.
  • At 08:06 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

adamliv: wrote "That's a bet you'd lose. After 9/11 I personally rang up every eye witness I could find to the United 93 crash to see if they could substantiate the rumour that the plane was on fire going into the crash. "

If that is an admission about the extent of your "first hand" experience of the events of that day,then it certainly demonstrates that you asked questions.

I do not dispute that the United 93 may not have been on fire in a way that was apparent to eye-witnesses, but we all know that eye-witnesses have a phycholoical tendendy to tell interviewers what they expect to hear.

I suppose one point worth making is that if you go in for "belief" is that you tend to use politicians logic (cats have four legs, dogs have four legs therefore cats are dogs).

Because you have a "belief" about this one aspect, it has allowed you to extrapolate this into a "belief" about the official version of the whole events of that day.

I also wonder what your experience of aircraft fires and subsequent crashes is? Was the only question you asked "was the aircraft on fire?" Given that most jet aircraft can continue to fly properly with an engine on fire, how relevant is this question? How much do you get to see of plane that is flying at several hundred miles an hour?

Another good question is "where did you get a list of phone numbers to phone up witnesses from?"

  • 29.
  • At 08:20 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Dear Newsnight,

> Most journalists use the phrase
> 'conspiracy theory' as an insult.

Does that include government conspiracy theories? Oh dear, double standards! But I appreciate the point about paying the mortgage!

> Not because they're arch-rationalists
> who never entertain such notions

Arch-rationalism can lead in the other direction too! Where is the rationalism in believing our best brains in the government, military and intelligence services can't tell the difference between a British made weather balloon truck and a mobile chemical weapons laboratory? (see evidence used for Iraq War 2003)

> in private but because if they publish
> something controversial and can't back
> it up, big trouble follows.

you should be amongst Britain's, nay the World's, most highly trained investigative journalists. it's a given you wouldn't publish something you can't back up. But what stops you taking your first step on the road of investigation? Shouldn't there at least be a part of Newsnight dedicated every now and again to a global, geopolitical version of Rogue Traders?

Here's a suggestion: there's a long and honourable tradition of 'suppression of free energy devices' conspiracy theory. Before 2nd-Law-of-Thermodynamics Supporters Club members jump to the keyboard, I mean "free energy" in the sense of Coefficient of Performance > 100%. We've all (well, I have!) been waiting eagerly for news of Tom Bearden et al's patented Motionless Electromagnetic Generator to hit the shelves, but we wait in vain. You know, Tom Bearden, one of the current great hopes of the 'free energy' movement. If so, then why does Bearden's domain name cheniere.org list an address, 151 La Jolla, in Santa Barbara, also listed by two oil service companies? - surely there can't be links? why would the oil industry share an office with a prominent figure in the 'free energy' movement, hmm......

Anyway, here's Newsnight's chance to cover a new 'free energy' story that's developing in Ireland right now - perhaps a trimonthly progress report from Ethical Man is needed?

If they really have a COP>100% clean energy technology, whooppee! We can leave Iran and Iraq to their worthless oil fields! And if you don't believe in conspriacy theories then - well, there's nothing to fear! The government can give them a DTI grant, and the oil industry can diversify into organic food farms. If it's a bogus claim, you'll still have some nice footage of top physicists blowing the claim apart and scoring one in the eye for arch-rationalism - James Randi would be proud, and anyway we need to inject a bit of action adventure into physics considering the latest A Level stats for this declining subject!

> Journalists usually take government facts
> in good faith, albeit they're somewhat spun
> and edited.

What happened to the fourth estate? Occasionally it's more than just spin and editing. e.g. "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." -- President Bush, Jan.28, 2003, in the State of the Union address. Joseph C. Wilson's reward for a no-spin, no-editing, truthful approach to his work...the illegal outing of his wife's employment by the CIA, very possibly by senior members of The White House (civil suit in progress). If so, a bona fide government conspiracy (using the US legal definition of conspiracy

> But the background to the World Trade Centre
> attacks had an utterly compelling received wisdom,
> whereas the CTs just never remotely fitted with
> how any sensible person expects the
> world to behave.

Are we living on different planets? What about PNAC's fundamental propositions, and talk of a long process of transformation...absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor ? What kind of background do you need to qualify as 'utterly compelling'?

> So which CTs should you buy into?

Beware of buying into any of them, unless Consumer Protection law applies! We should prioritise which ones are most important to investigate and start investigating, especially as when working in Public Service Broadcasting (this isn't to impugn what you already do - keep up the good work!)

Brian wrote:
I do not dispute that the United 93 may not have been on fire in a way that was apparent to eye-witnesses, but we all know that eye-witnesses have a phycholoical tendendy to tell interviewers what they expect to hear.

You are quite correct about eywitnesses - but at the time we were hoping to establish that the official version was wrong. I mean that's the only point of asking such questions, and people like 'The UK Daily Pundit' who think we're all bone idle establishment stooges don't always appreciate that at Newsnight we spend a lot of time checking stuff out that never sees the light of day, and that's why (I hope) our viewers trust us.

But in this case we didn't dent the OV. The OV could not be demonstrated to be false.

  • 31.
  • At 09:40 PM on 19 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

adamliv: I personally wouldn't haved watched Newsnight as often as possible if I didn't think that you tirelessly researched your facts.

You wrote: 'But in this case we didn't dent the OV. The OV could not be demonstrated to be false. '

I think I have two concerns. One is that if there was a conspiracy, it is possible that "they" may have 'played the man, not the ball'. If I knew how you researched your information, I could ensure beforehand that I would have answers for your pointed questions.

My second problem stems from that I do not understand where the "official version" came from in the case of U93.

I worked (did I say this before?) as project librarian on a military Global Positioning System project back in the late 1980s. So I learnt a lot about how missiles and aircraft use the system to fly by "waypoints".

Wasn't it the 麻豆官网首页入口's Kate Aidie who saw a missile come down a street and "turn a corner".

Most civiliant and military aircraft fly by their GPS systems these days, automatically flying from one waypoint to another.

As far as I can disern, the only way you can fly an aircraft at a few hundred miles an hour into anything as small as a building is to program in it's GPS co-ordinates into the flight control system.

When the systems (there are two, an accurate one for military use and a less accurate civilian one) were set up, the US congress knew they could be used to target the USA and allowed the President to order it to be switched off.

This means that most airline pilots do the take off and landing, but just have to hang around in the cockpit incase the GPS system shuts down. They can "fly" the plane in an emergency, but mostly they are "fly by wire".

Leaving aside the question of why someone didn't suggest the GW Bush that the system was switched off when the first plane hit, it seems to me that U93 falling from the Sky was probably because it was either already programmed to do that, or that the GPS system was switched off and it just flew into the ground because there was no pilot to take over when the computer stopped flying the plane.

So, there would be no fire required to bring the plane down. There must be a log of the GPS system upstate for 11/9/2001, so it would be possible to check the latter theory.

This isn't the OV of course, but your research would not have uncovered this, for example.

Given the amount of spyware and virus on the internet over the last two decades, it seems quite possible to me to reprogram a flight computer to have new, terrible, co-ordinates.

It is published fact that the M1 motorway was built with bombs in it (I think they may have been removed when it was widened). This would have allowed the motorway to be destroyed if the UK was ever invaded, which was required during the paranoia of the Cold War. It seems quite possible to me that the two main WTC buildings, also built during the cold war, could have been built with the same provision.

If I wish Newsnight could do one thing, it would be to build a true, scale reconstruction of the two big towers - and the third one that fell too - and smash a scale plane into it with the scale amount of fuel and see if they fell down in 90 minutes.

A computer similation can demonstrate anything you like (Star Wars films seem credible) but it's a shame that an organization with the resources of the 麻豆官网首页入口 have never done this.

(I could bitch about there being virtually no science on the 麻豆官网首页入口, but I'll leave that for now).

  • 32.
  • At 11:47 AM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. -- Arthur Schopenhauer

The truth about 9/11 is being increasingly accepted. According to a recent Scripps-Howard poll in the USA, over half of young adults believe the US government deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen in order to create public support for war in the Mideast.

A Republican congressman (Curt Weldon, PA 7th) has publicly praised a 9/11 truth video. And not just any 9/11 truth video, but the one by BYU physics professor Steven E. Jones which accuses the Bush administration of deliberately allowing 9/11 to happen and placing explosives in the three tallest World Trade Center buildings to make sure that they would be totally destroyed on 9/11. Unbelievable? Just have a look here:

The 9/11 truth video that opened Rep. Weldon's eyes can be seen here:

A bombshell from the FBI: The Muckraker Report spoke with Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden鈥檚 Most Wanted web page, Tomb said, 鈥淭he reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden鈥檚 Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.鈥 For details, see

Even the Presbyterian Church is waking up to the truth about 9/11:

  • 33.
  • At 01:10 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Neil wrote:

The WTC towers were not small. They were 1360ft high and 208ft wide. It is not difficult to believe that it would not require a great deal of skill to fly a plane into them.

A common thing said by the CTists is that the fire would not have been hot enough to melt the steel supports. But steel weakens and loses a lot of its strength at much lower temperatures than its melting point. The plane impact itself had already severed many of the columns, forcing the load to be redistributed across the remaining columns. Computer simulations after the event showed that the impact and initial explosion were powerful enough to dislodge fireproofing from the supports and that once enough of the supports weakened, the part of the tower above the impact will start to fall. The falling piece then essentially became a wrecking ball gathering up the rest of the tower and developing a huge amount of kinetic energy. (see e.g. )

NIST has not yet released its report on the 7 WTC collapse. The FEMA report said that more research was needed, as it was uncertain what had caused the collapse. The central problem here for the CTists is a) why collapse 7 WTC? b) if somehow this can be tied in to the conspiracy, why not destroy it more plausibly? To the rest of us, it just goes to show that some things are not always immediately explainable, but we can still predict that a rational explanation will be possible. "Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brain falls out."

  • 34.
  • At 01:23 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Rick B wrote:

Please let's stop with these theories and counter-theories dealing in technical minutiae. The military, political and financial questions surrounding 9/11 are much more important.

  • 35.
  • At 03:40 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Neil (33),

> The central problem here for the CTists is
> a) why collapse 7 WTC?

Hypothesis: To destroy evidence of a Command & Control Center used for attacks and/or Secret Service case evidence

"The Tripod II drill became the command & control emergency response center on 9/11. The command center in WTC 7 was reportedly evacuated by 9:30 on 9/11, but Tripod II provided a new command center organized just as the original was."

"All the evidence that we stored at 7 World Trade, in all our cases, went down with the building," according to US Secret Service Special Agent David Curran

> b) if somehow this can be tied in to the conspiracy,
> why not destroy it more plausibly?

How 'more plausibly' would you destroy your Command & Control center? Under this hypothesis, perhaps they meant for it to be destroyed shortly after it was evacuated, so it's collapse would co-incide more closely with the the collapse of WTC1 and WTC2, but that something went wrong. Or maybe a collapse in the afternoon was perfectly acceptable.

> To the rest of us, it just goes to show that some
> things are not always immediately explainable
> but we can still predict that a rational explanation
> will be possible.

CTists do not rule out rational explanations, nor do they demand everything be immediately explainable. We just demand proper investigation.

> "Keep an open mind, but not so open that
> your brain falls out."

Don't close your mind too much either.

  • 36.
  • At 06:04 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

Newsnight said,

"But the background to the World Trade Centre attacks had an utterly compelling received wisdom, whereas the CTs just never remotely fitted with how any sensible person expects the world to behave."

Can you provide any details on that "utterly compelling received wisdom", just some basic facts, rather than general narrative, as to what happened on 9/11, who was behind it, and what was the purpose of it all, a rationale that meets any sensible person's expectations as to how the world should or should not behave.

When it comes to busy reporters, too busy to check on every intricate detail of any such story,

1 contact Andrew (29), Brian Butterworth (31) and Oleg (32);
2 apply a concept of "micro-journalism" proposed by one Little Richardjohn, post 60, in response to Peter Barron's "Redesign Newsnight's website", 17 Aug 06, 04:25 PM;
3 assign a viable budget to it.

I volunteer to clarify the difference between aliens and swamp gas.

  • 37.
  • At 06:57 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Just to clarify, when I said the WTC towers were "small", I meant that for an aeroplane flying at 900km/h, a building that is only 63 meters wide represents the distance a plane travels in about a quater of a second.

Zoran wrote:

Can you provide any details on that "utterly compelling received wisdom", just some basic facts.

Sure - the OV said Bin Laden was behind it. Bin Laden then boasted that he had indeed organised it. What more do you need?

  • 39.
  • At 07:55 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

There is a point about "internal consistency" too.

For example, a 747 weights about 435,000kg and inclduing 56,700 kg as fuel.

The two planes that crashed into the WTC buildings, which I estimate have a mass of 755,871 tons or 685714755kg.

So the building had a mass of 1570 times that of the aeroplane. In effect, it was like shooting a 1g feather at an 1.57kg iron bar secured deeply into the ground with concrete. Why not try this at home?

Secondly, the plane that hit the Pentagon causes almost no damage, but the ones that hit the WTC managed to completely destroy THREE buildings.

So, how long does it take 56,700 kg of fuel to vaporise? I think the real answer is "whoomph!" (like the Pentagon) not hours (like the WTC).

It is not possible for the Pentagon story to be true AND the WTC story to be true in the same universe.

  • 40.
  • At 07:59 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Can I also say that I am pleased to see that the 麻豆官网首页入口 are reshowing "The Power of Nightmares".

You might have a few more viewers for this excellent series if it was on 麻豆官网首页入口 ONE at 9pm, not 麻豆官网首页入口 TWO at 11:20pm.

  • 41.
  • At 09:33 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

adamliv wrote (38) "Sure - the OV said Bin Laden was behind it. Bin Laden then boasted that he had indeed organised it. What more do you need?

Actually, Bin Laden was reported, just after the attacks, as denying any involvement. e.g.

According to many versions of the CT, fake Bin Laden videos were released later to provide support for the OV. Check out the visuals for yourself;

What more do you need to at least doubt the OV enough to investigate further? In the age of home-made Star Wars internet fan movies with light saber effects, producing fake videos would be a doddle.

Also, considering the hoohah about faked Lebanon photos, where's the hoohah for this?

  • 42.
  • At 09:34 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

adamliv (38), that's precisely kind of epic narrative that I don't find compelling. Since when are selfincriminatory, if somewhat ambiguous, statements such as those you point to considered an evidence. Why did FBI took him of their list of suspects then?

Also, can you square anthrax in as well? Or is it a separate event only accidentally and superficially associated with 9/11 and war on terror in general? -

in support of Brian Butterworth (37)

"Just to clarify, when I said the WTC towers were "small", I meant that for an aeroplane flying at 900km/h, a building that is only 63 meters wide represents the distance a plane travels in about a quater of a second."

Exactly. And then consider hitting a building as low as the Pentagon, head on, at over 500 miles per hour, that's quite a feat for any pilot, any aircraft.

  • 43.
  • At 09:39 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Sir Truth wrote:

This "jouranlist" is in the wrong profession if he can't put a dent in the myth of Flight 93. All one needs to do is read the transcript of the hijackers in the cockpit. Not 1 question or remark is made on how to fly the plain, if they are too high, low, velocity, on/off course, what switch/button does what, etc.

Also, we must take 9/11 as a whole, not just consider Flight 93, but all the other implausible things that happened befrore, during & after 9/11.

  • 44.
  • At 09:51 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Sarah Czepiel wrote:

Brian Butterworth wrote:

"Secondly, the plane that hit the Pentagon causes almost no damage, ..."

Almost no damage?

Feel free to read and review this entire site and look at the pictures.

  • 45.
  • At 09:53 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Just in case we think we're being cutting-edge here, by discussing 'paranoid conspiracy theories' in a Beeb forum, we've been beaten to it by Adam Hart-Davis, in the book of his 麻豆官网首页入口 series, What the Tudors & Stuarts did for us;

'The passing centuries have cystallized the Gunpowder Plot in those rather simplistic terms; there is reason to believe, however, that Stuart spin doctors - primarily Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury and the King's Chief Minister - discovered the plot early on (or perhaps even fabricated it in the first place) and manipulated events to their advantage. We will probably never know the full truth.' - p.136

That was about 400 years ago! Nothing new under the sun, eh! Let's hope it's not another 400 years before something similar appears about 911!

Anyway, I like Zoran's suggestion (36) of being able to contribute in some way to a Newsnight investigation into 'internet conspiracy theories'. I'm up for it, if Peter Barron is.

It's a vast subject, of course. With regard to 911, which seems to be everyone's current favourite, I'm sure there's a format that would respect all points of view, and be up to Beeb standards, without shirking from investigating troubling questions. David Ray Griffin's 115 point list of ommissions and distortions in the 9/11 Commission Report might be a good starting point.

Zoran wrote:
Since when are selfincriminatory, if somewhat ambiguous, statements such as those you point to considered an evidence.

Not much ambiguity about "we had agreed with the Commander-General Muhammad Ataa, Allah have mercy on him, that all the operations should be carried out within 20 minutes, before Bush and his administration notice."

And unforced confessions are pretty good evidence where I come from.

  • 47.
  • At 10:57 PM on 20 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

adamliv (46),

yes, that particular quote is as good as this one:

"It never occurred to us that the commander-in-chief of the American armed forces would abandon 50,000 of his citizens in the twin towers to face those great horrors alone, the time when they most needed him."

or this one:

"In those difficult moments many hard-to-describe ideas bubbled in my soul [...]

"And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon [in 1982], it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children."

or this one:

"I couldn't forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere [...]

"The situation was like a crocodile meeting a helpless child [...]"

I could go on and on, and eventually reprint the entire article... it still smacks of musings of a retired mujahadeen. Late Col. Philip J. Corso confessed that he personally "spearheaded the Army's reverse-engineering project that seeded alien technology at American companies". Does his unforced confession also qualifies as "an utterly compelling received wisdom"?

Zoran wrote:
Late Col. Philip J. Corso confessed that he personally "spearheaded the Army's reverse-engineering project that seeded alien technology at American companies". Does his unforced confession also qualifies as "an utterly compelling received wisdom"?

LOL good point. I suppose it would be compelling if the US army confirmed it as well.

I suppose you could argue that it suits Bin Laden to pretend to have done it. But Occam's Razor doesn't allow that. He said he did it. Everyone else said he did it. The evidence strongly suggests he did it. The simplest explanation is that he did it.

  • 49.
  • At 12:00 AM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Rick B wrote:

Saying "Bin Laden did it" is somewhat simplistic. The FBI website does not mention 9/11 in Bin Laden's profile -

Also the apparent 9/11 "mastermind" -Khaled Sheikh Mohammed - is in custody in Pakistan. The people who transferred funds to the hijackers are also known about and do not include Bin Laden. He may have known about it in advance but that's not quite the same. Although I guess you can say that when you say "Bin Laden" you actually mean "Al Qaida". If so then let's ask what is Al Qaida?

  • 50.
  • At 12:07 AM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

adamliv (48),

I agree that [Bin Laden] "said he did it", and I agree that the simplest explanation is the best one, but only as long as it holds water, and I would not argue that "it suits Bin Laden to pretend to have done it". I would actually argue that it suits Dick Cheney.

"Everyone else said he did it", and "The evidence strongly suggests he did it" - that does not exactly hold water. I can only once again point to an article which says that FBI changed their mind about it. Instead of reposting the link, I suggest that 麻豆官网首页入口 contacts the FBI and asks for a clarification - does all the evidence they collected over the past five years "strongly suggests he did it", or does it not. It should be simple enough even for a busy journalist. Ask them about that anthrax as well, since you're not addressing the question yourself, and it's under their jurisdiction anyway.

  • 51.
  • At 02:13 AM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

i have just watched the film ( ) of Steven Jones lecture about 11th september, and the events both before and after, and IT is utterly compelling

watch the film

and 麻豆官网首页入口, please put it on tv

the website... ...sign the petition if you too see the compelling evidence that the OV is more BS than the "CT", surely the "CT" will one day be the OV ?

let's hope the internet remains at least as free as it currently is

  • 52.
  • At 04:47 AM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • B Clarke wrote:

麻豆官网首页入口 says:
But the background to the World Trade Centre attacks had an utterly compelling received wisdom, whereas the CTs just never remotely fitted with how any sensible person expects the world to behave./end quote

This is how I expect the world to
behave because we now know that it has behaved this way many times in the past. Two recent examples, not counting 911 itself:

Operation Northwoods
In the 60's Pentagnon Chiefs of staff produced plans to stage false flag terror attacks against US military and civilian assets and Cuban refugees which would likely involve loss of life and certainly bodily harm to civilian and military personnel. The idea was to blame Cuba and Castro and so justify an invastion of Cuba.

Operation Gladio:
Right wing facists and far right organizations organized and facilitated by NATO and some West European intelligence agencies staged murderous terror attacks on European civilians. These terror attacks were blamed on far left radicals and communists in order to discredit the left and in the words of one participant in his sworn testimony to force the public to turn to the state for greater security. See:

In the days following 911 It became clear to me 911 was a black op/false flag attack designed along the lines of Gladio to instill fear and terror in the US populace. Note how on the mainstream US TV channels they played the shots of the towers collapsing over and over again for a period of days interespersing the shots of the falling towers only with the talking heads, retired generals and security analysts yammering away about the Osama and Al Quaida as being the likely perpetrators.

Yet today the FBI says they have no hard evidence connecting Osama to 911.

I guess Osama's phony "confession" video tape isn't good enough evidence for the FBI either.

Seemed at the time just like a giant brainwashing exercise to me, and the passage of time when we learnt about the information over the internet that is hardly ever covered in any depth at all by the mainstream media, e.g. claims of treasonous behavior in the FBI made by FBI whistle blower Sibel Edmonds (now under a government imposed gag order), the Pentagon hijacking excercises and war games on the day of 911 (conveniently causing confusion and delays in the military's response to the crisis), the neat collapse into its own footprint of the third WTC builiding, WTC 7, after the owner Larry Silverstein said they decided to "pull it", the apparent insider trading on the stocks affected by 911, the claims of the Kean Commission that they believed they were being deceived and lied to by Pentagon witnesses, the results of journalist Daniel Hopsicker's investigations into shady goings on and apparantly officially sanctioned drug smuggling operations at the terrorists' flight school in Venice, Florida ( See Hopsicker's site www.madcowprod.com ) has only increased my conviction that we were being intentionally misled by the government and the mainstream media was intentionally not doing its job and following up on the anomalies (e.g. see www.cooperativeresearch.org ) and unanswered questions.

Top 40 Reasons to doubt the Official story:

Testimony of Operation Gladio participant (see globalresearch.ca link above):

'You had to attack civilians, the people, women, children, innocent people, unknown people far removed from any political game. The reason was quite simple: to force ... the public to turn to the state to ask for greater security."

  • 53.
  • At 10:04 AM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi adamliv,

You raised the link to the Bin Laden video as utterly compelling evidence for the 'received wisdom'* about 911 (post 38), and invited response (on the assumption this is an open forum) with the question 'What more do you need?'

After I pointed you to an analysis of that video as being faked (41), you then continue to respond (46, 48) only to Zoran on the continued assumption the video is genuine.

"unforced confessions are pretty good evidence where I come from" (post 46)

"I suppose you could argue that it suits Bin Laden to pretend to have done it" (post 48)

Is this a case of you not reading all posts, not getting round to it yet, or of not being willing, or able, to engage in debate?

* your term 'received wisdom' underestimates, imho, how many people doubt the OV of 911. Are you aware of the results from the Aug 2004 Zogby Poll (https://www.zogby.com/news/ReadNews.dbm?ID=855) and others like it?

Andrew wrote:
Is this a case of you not reading all posts, not getting round to it yet, or of not being willing, or able, to engage in debate?

Number 3. I can't take seriously the notion that the NOvember 2004 video is fake based on that evidence.

  • 55.
  • At 10:50 AM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • J Last wrote:

If the conspiracy theories surrounding the events of 9/11 turn out to be true, then after I have thrown a barrage of insults towards the administration concerned, I would have to take my hat off to President Bush for his acting capabillities.

If they are true, then the way he has fooled the world into thinking he is a blithering idiot has to be admired, and what about that performance he gave whilst sat on that chair in front of an audience of schoolchildren? .

The way he portrayed a man sinking deeper and deeper into a state of loneliness and despair, looking more and more overwhelmed with the news of each strike as he slowly realised the magnitude of the situation he now found himself in, and the way he finished his performance looking numb and dejected, and staring into a vacant space whilst conveying a look, much in keeping with his young audience, a look of "I want my Mommy!", must be given the proper recogntion it deserves through the means of an academy award.

  • 56.
  • At 11:16 AM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • sandy wrote:

Over 100 million people are now estimated to have watched Loose Change via the internet. I wonder how many of them now share your conviction, adamliv, that the official conspiracy theory provides an accurate depiction of the events of 9/11.....pretty few i would imagine.

The film is not perfect and is still a "work in progress" but it does provide a lot of news footage from the day of 9/11 which should surely would make you raise at least one eyebrow.

  • 57.
  • At 01:05 PM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

adamliv wrote (54): "I can't take seriously the notion that the November 2004 video is fake based on that evidence."

You are resting your case of the OV being 'utterly compelling' on the video evidence that a special effects industry expert says, "would be relatively easy for a skilled professional to fake"

Also, who benefited from that video?

"the most immediate political effect [of the Dec 2001 Bin Laden tape] will probably be a boost in support for President George W Bush. The commander-in-chief has been under intense pressure in recent weeks, accused of trampling on civil liberties in pursuit of terror suspects"

'Utterly compelling' evidence cannot, imho, be evidence that is 'easy for a skilled professional to fake'. We are talking about global agendas for shaping the world. Budget is not a problem. Fake evidence wouldn't have to be done by the US govt. - it just has to be 'found' somewhere convincing, and the rest takes care of itself. In today's age of digital effects, it's a wonder audio and video, that cannot be supported by other means, is taken as evidence at all!

I find the current OV deeply suspicious because there's been no official investigation of the effects of the wargames Vigilant Warrior, Vigilant Guardian and Northern Vigilance on the US military's ability to defend against attack on the morning of 9/11. But we won't get a US official investigation into this whilst the Bush administration actively blocks and hinders 911 investigation of any type!

  • 58.
  • At 01:38 PM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

Many of these 9/11 CT鈥檚 arise from the poor maths, science and practical skills of the adherents. I did a bit of metal forging in school (age 12 or 13) and understand that steel becomes very soft and malleable when heated to temperatures well below melting point. This tiny bit of practical knowledge helps me to understand how the fires in the WTC collapsed the structures. In addition the chief designer of the WTC has explained in detail how the structural design lead to the collapse. When you understand a little bit about the relative strengths of light alloy airframes and large reinforced concrete building, you have no problem accepting that a plane flew into the Pentagon, not a missile. In addition the CT adherents don鈥檛 explain why this cabal of crazed evil geniuses can conspire and cover up such complex plots but then fail to take the next obvious step of planting WMD evidence in Iraq?

We need to round up these CT theorists in special science camps where they will be forced to learn the rudiments of math and science. They will also be given aversion therapy to make them gag when they read anything written by Noam Chomsky. This is cruel, but it is our only hope.

  • 59.
  • At 02:43 PM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

correction: apologies for posting 10/03/2006 麻豆官网首页入口 news story in connection to Dec 2001 tape. But my general point stands, e.g.;

Bush takes a six-point lead after new bin Laden tape

Sandy wrote:

Over 100 million people are now estimated to have watched Loose Change via the internet. I wonder how many of them now share your conviction, adamliv, that the official conspiracy theory provides an accurate depiction of the events of 9/11.....pretty few i would imagine.

I dunno. I watched it. It does make you think and it asks some interesting questions but I'm not convinced by the answers. Just because the government say it's marsh gas, doesn't mean the only other explanation is space aliens.

And I'm pretty sure I could make a documentary that convinced most viewers the earth was flat, given enough time and the right guests. In the end it's a matter of trust, I suppose. And that's true of our stuff too.

  • 61.
  • At 03:40 PM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Alan (post 58) wrote:
> "Many of these 9/11 CT鈥檚 arise from the poor
> maths, science and practical skills of the adherents.
> I did a bit of metal forging in school (age 12 or
> 13)...We need to round up these CT theorists in
> special science camps..."

Are the maths and science skills of Prof. Steven E. Jones, Physicist and Archaeometrist, high enough for you (with your secondary school metal work experience) to engage in debate of the facts without using personal attacks?

Alan also wrote,
> In addition the CT adherents don鈥檛 explain why this
> cabal of crazed evil geniuses can conspire and cover
> up such complex plots but then fail to take the next
> obvious step of planting WMD evidence in Iraq?

Some have put forward explanations, it's just that you may not have come across them! e.g.
"the CIA Counter-Proliferation Division prevented the shipment of binary VX nerve gas from Turkey into Iraq in November 2002. The Brewster Jennings network in Turkey was able to intercept this shipment which was intended to be hidden in Iraq and later used as evidence that Saddam Hussein was in possession of weapons of mass destruction. U.S. intelligence sources revealed that this was a major reason the Bush White House targeted Plame and her network"

I don't think all, or even most, CTists see 'conspirators' as "evil geniuses" (in the 'Hollywood' sense), or that they have complete control over everything and everyone - far from it! The system (government, police, intelligence services, military, etc.) can be seen as mostly innocent, doing honest work to abide by the rule of law - thank god! The 911 CTs can be explained easily by the activities of small, organised (but powerful) groups who can abuse the system.

  • 62.
  • At 03:46 PM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

Andrew (57), the tapes don't even have to be fakes themselves. Osama bin Laden could conceivably be a party to the plot, but his role is more a cameo like. Here is the rationale behind this notion:

once the war against Russians in Afghanistan was over, Osama, an old man with serious health problems, was ready for a retirement. However, he had some unresolved issues with the US government - see Yossef Bodansky's book "Bin Laden - The Man Who Declared War On America" - this book, published in 1999, is where I for the first time "learned" about "our way of living" and a threat that "militant islam" poses to it. Foreword, page vi:

"If there is one important message that this book conveys, it is that a campaign by radical, militant islam threatens our way of life".

Here, Dick Cheney kicks in and offers Osama a quiet retirement, and a martyrdom/ resistance hero status as a bonus, in exchange for a few videotaped statements. Knowing well that he can't seriously fight another war, against Americans this time around, which he knew was coming; and that he is therefore bound to become a forgotten hero of a forgotten war against Communism, Osama takes Dick's offer instead.

I emphesize, this is just a hypothesis in a nutshell, but it helps make sense of his VD statements, their timing, and the fact that none of it ever helped any criminal investigation into 9/11 at all, although the tapes do figure prominently in official War On Terror narratives.

Alan (58), with all due respect to your metal forging high school experience, at least some people who actually manufactured, tested and certified that steel we're talking about, don't seem to agree with you.

If you share some of that "little bit about the relative strengths of light alloy airframes and large reinforced concrete building", we can check it against our collective wisdom and knowledge, and see if we can learn something from it. Sound better to me than those "special science camps" you're proposing.

"In addition the CT adherents don鈥檛 explain why this cabal of crazed evil geniuses can conspire and cover up such complex plots but then fail to take the next obvious step of planting WMD evidence in Iraq?"

They couldn't just "plant" something, out of context. A feasible context was much more difficult to "plant" given that Hans Blix for one spent considerable time in Iraq and knew one and another about the country. Also, "they" expected to find some chemicals rotting around, scary TV images of neglect and depravation, dirty traces left by an evil regime. It didn't materialize, but noone cared - ultimately, the "evil geniuses" didn't expect that we'll be still discussing any of this five years later. They are old skool industrial age types, they don't dig the internet.

  • 63.
  • At 04:48 PM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#61 Andrew

鈥淎re the maths and science skills of Prof. Steven E. Jones, Physicist and Archaeometrist, high enough for you..鈥

No, I suspect he is a nutter. A cursory glance over this paper is enough to see that it is complete nonsense. The issue of the melting point of steel is a red herring. The collapse was started by the floor panel structures deforming due to the high temperatures. The floor panel structures where attached to the main structural frames by bolted plates. These plates failed due to the stresses created by the deformed floor panel structures (these stresses were not expected and were not designed for). The first floor panel to fail fell on the one below and caused it to fail in turn and set up a chain reaction. The building unzipped internally. The building鈥檚 designer said that they did consider a hit by a commercial jet in the design calculations but did not consider the effects of a near-full load of jet fuel. The failure mode is well understood.

鈥淪ome have put forward explanations, it's just that you may not have come across them! e.g.鈥

Plame wasn鈥檛 鈥渢argeted鈥 by anyone. She was a CIA operative who arranged a boondoggle for her husband to spend a few days in Niger to get evidence in order to discredit Bush. Now there鈥檚 a conspiracy for you! Joe Wilson has been completely discredited; he was closely involved with MoveOn.org and the Kerry campaign and his assertions to the press were at odds with his testimony to Congress! If you ask why I should think my information is more credible that yours, just ask yourself this; how credible is it that Joe Wilson鈥檚 few days sipping Mint Juleps around the pool with his old friends in Niger would have any chance, whatsoever, of uncovering new information not know by the combined French, German and UK security services?

鈥淭he 911 CTs can be explained easily by the activities of small, organised (but powerful) groups鈥

Yes of course they can be explained easily in these terms but that doesn鈥檛 make the explanation any less fanciful. What is wrong with the more plausible explanation that after the failed WTC bombing in 1991, a group of Islamists learned to fly (but not land!) commercial aircraft and hijacked several planes and then flew them into the WTC?

  • 64.
  • At 05:34 PM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Zoran (62),

> "the tapes don't even have to be fakes themselves.
> Osama bin Laden could conceivably be a party to the
> plot, but his role is more a cameo like"

Thanks for the info. It's an interesting hypothesis. I'm not sure what Bin Laden's motivation would be in helping the US, though. Although there's the 80s CIA-ISI-MAK connection for the Afghan Jihad against Soviet occupation, he is (or was!) a militant Islamist who has been indicted for his (pre 9/11) murderous attacks against Americans in Saudi Arabia, Kenya and Tanzania (as well as suspected involvement in other terrorist attacks). I thought one of his goals after the 1991 Gulf War was to get the US military out of Saudi Arabia. He seems pretty anti-American. But I appreciate he could have hidden allegiances, or was forced in some way. I don't rule out him secretly working for US interests as a double agent - especially considering Le Figaro's article on the Bin Laden/CIA meeting in July 2001, and the preferential treatment the Bin Laden family got from the Bush administration, after the 911 attacks, in being allowed to fly out of the country! I wonder if he didn't die shortly after 911 from kidney failure, though. Also, not sure how anyone could pursue this line of enquiry further. But I do agree with you the OV of Bin Laden commanding a bunch of Arab guys with box cutters to pull off 911 has more holes than Tiger Woods' entire career - something has to give! Even in the scenario where Bin Laden did order Arab terrorists to hijack those planes, something paralyzed the military response.

> the "evil geniuses" didn't expect that we'll be still
> discussing any of this five years later.


> They are old
> skool industrial age types, they don't dig the
> internet

let's hope there isn't a big clamp down of the net - I'd hate to be at the mercy of the OV-only regime again!

  • 65.
  • At 05:37 PM on 21 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#62 Zoran

鈥淎lan (58), with all due respect to your metal forging high school experience, at least some people who actually manufactured, tested and certified that steel we're talking about, don't seem to agree with you.鈥

Well, OK. I do have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, so I don鈥檛 base my views entirely on high school metal shop. I do think high school metal shop was sufficient experience though. NO ONE WOULD DISAGREE that steel becomes progressively weaker at high temperatures well below melting point. The floor panels, deformed with the heat, ruptured the bolt plates that held them to the main frame and the whole structure collapsed like dominoes (except vertically). This is well understood.

鈥淚f you share some of that "little bit about the relative strengths of light alloy airframes and large reinforced concrete building", we can check it against our collective wisdom and knowledge, and see if we can learn something from it. Sound better to me than those "special science camps" you're proposing.鈥

I saw a video of a crash test done by the military. It involved crashing a fighter jet into a very large (house sized) solid reinforced concrete block. The impact was recorded with high-speed cameras. In the side-on view you could see the aircraft hit the block and simply vaporise. Nothing was left of the aircraft and the concrete suffered only minor damage. The fighter jet turned into a hot mist. This is what happens when the enormous kinetic energy of the flying jet is turned, almost instantaneously into heat. Aircraft are very strong when they are operated within their design parameters (e.g. flying) but very weak otherwise. They are mainly made of Aluminium (like beer cans - OK, the SR-71 Blackbird was made of Titanium.) Take a look at the B52 Stratofortress at the Duxford air museum. You can see the fuselage sagging and the metal skin wrinkling. Beer cans hold beer under enormous pressure but when empty they are easily crushed flat. Imagine a big empty beer can hitting a wall at 300mph.

For me most of these theories fall down because they assume a level of secrecy and technical competence from the players that they self-evidently cannot command. I'm always more inclined to only believe the CTs that involve really clumsy spinning followed by a cacophony of off-the-record briefing by unnamed officials that the OV is nonsense.

Anything else attributes a combined level of sophistication, organisation, intelligence and discipline within the conspiring authorities that I just don't see any evidence of.

  • 67.
  • At 12:57 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • Wanabee wrote:

I've taken the time to read every post on this blog and I must say that I am disappointed in its outcome so far.

Adamliv, you obviously work for Newsnight - as an investigative journalist? However, I have seen no evidence to the contrary or in favour of either CT or OV view of events on 9/11. Have you looked into this or not Adam[?] and if so what were your findings? do you plan to make them public?

The time and effort that members of the public have given to make this work easier for you to do, should be at least rewarded by you taking an interest in the subject and giving clear and unambiguous replies to the points that have been raised.

So far I see a large proportion of comments here favourable to Conspiracy theories and only a few who regard the Official version as credible.

Short of a video confession from George W Bush himself saying that 911 was 'a put up job', what further evidence do you require to at least look into these claims further and make your findings public?

Bring on Jeremy Paxman to make comment here, that's what I say!

  • 68.
  • At 01:24 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • Rick B wrote:

I wonder how many people - on both sides of the argument - have actually read the full 9/11 Commission report?
The OV may be vastly different from the nippets we read in the newspapers and soundbites on TV.

  • 69.
  • At 03:00 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Congratulations to Newsnight for realising that they, like everyone else in this country - nay, the world - are at the behest of out of control state and corporate entities that will stop at nothing to prevent their own imminent demise in favour of something new and better for everyone except those whom have conspired to ruin things for all thus far. Top journalistic insight, well done Newsnight!

This is precisely why mainstream media is being rapidly replaced by the guerilla journalism of bloggers, youtube video productions and flickr photo collections.

Guess what, Newsnight? We all have rents and mortgages and taxes and bills to pay too. But we also have things that have far wider appeal than your self-interested commitments to arbitrary financial arrangements with the money-men, a couple of things that mainstream media journalists, writers and producers don't appear to have at all any more, namely intellectual honesty, integrity and a dedication to the truth, irrespective of what the truth may be.

Maybe the next point of cognition for journalists, especially the 麻豆官网首页入口 with their annual TV owner's tax known as a 'Licence Fee', will be the fact that it is we, the people, who pay the very mortgages about which they are so precious.


Let me ask you one question
Is your money that good
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul

And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand o'er your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead

- Bob Dylan, Masters of War

  • 70.
  • At 03:43 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • Wanabee wrote:

I just thought I would post this video download link to the latest video interview with Prof. Steven Jones of Bingham Young University in the US.

His recent paper on the subject of WTC1 ,2 and 5 being brought down by controlled demolition has passed peer review in the US, so it has at least 'some' credibility I guess.

Here's the link:


He says some interesting things that may or may not be true, just as the 9/11 report may or may not be true.

I found it interesting anyway and recommend giving it a look.

  • 71.
  • At 04:02 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Perhaps the person who moderates this blog might explain the arbitary disappearance of some posts, mine included. Is it based on a 'complaint' being made, or 2 or 5?

What form of censorship is this blog under?

  • 72.
  • At 04:47 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

The blog disappearences !!!!!

Surely a conspiracy :)


  • 73.
  • At 06:01 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

incredulity...that is my reaction...but not to [some of] the CTs

it is suggested above, that a reason to doubt our leaders are criminal geniuses (or is that genii), is in their incompetence, this is possibly the single most frightening thing i've ever read in the interbibble

so either, our leaders our too stupid or confused to plan sordid backroom coups of various kinds...so must be too idiotic to 'rule' us...

...or (think on this one) are so competent and cunning as to ensure that a slightly wobbly, cheeseburger and golf obsessed nixon-spiritual-successor fronts the whole show, and one who not only has trouble saying nuCLEAR (because that is how you say it george - not nu-cul-ar, homer simpson gets this one wrong too, and he also has the power to shower us all in high radiation, but at least he's confined within the tv), not only that, but he 'looks' and sounds like he's a wee bit tipsy sometimes

this doesn't fill me with confidence, nor does it make OVs particularly reassuring

  • 74.
  • At 06:11 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

hello fellow researchers and inquirers,

adamliv (66), I would not underestimate the authorities. After all, governments do run countries, economies, social policies, military, diplomacy, etc... Admittedly, there is little intelligence and sophistication there, but apparently, one does not need any of these qualities in huge quantities in order to run policies (or scums). Take the runup to Iraq war for example: the case for war wasn't argued very intelligently, or presented in a particularly sophisticated way. If you look back at it, you'll see that they "won" the argument by shear brute force rather than sophistication of any kind. By "brute force" I don't mean blunt physical violence; a hacker breaking a password by running, in a dull, mechanical fashion, all possible combinations until he/ she gets the right one is using a technique known as "brute force attack". Dull, stubborn persistence, and good old plain lying is how Blair "proved" his case for war. Did you personally find his arguments sophisticated? Do you actually think that he acted like an intelligent, responsible person back then? On the other hand, people pushing for the war did show a remarkable level of discipline, organization and coordination throughout, although - I'm convinced - Blair, Straw, Bush, Cheney, Scarlet, Powell, Greenstock, Wolfowitz... the list is lengthy, never sat together to conspire to invade Iraq. They didn't even have to be in complete agreement with each other on every detail in order to work together towards the same end.

From operational point of view, purely technically speaking, I can turn your argument around and say that the US Defence Intelligence Agency is - arguably - the only organization in the world with operational and material capacity to carry out such a large scale operation on US soil. Your line of thinking implies that the key institutions of modern Western governance are too dull and dumb to pull anything like 9/11, whereas a gang of know-how, may-do flyers from Tora Bora can do it as a matter of fact. What is it that Commander-General Muhammad Ataa ever knew or had, that the generals in the Pentagon didn't have or know?

Another key element here is fear, it helps to maintain a "secrecy". People are generally reluctant to question the authorities in times of danger, and the authorities do tend to exploit fear as a means of achieving and maintaining social cohesion. But most of all, it's the implications of all this that scares many people away from entertaining such thoughts, a realization that the answer to this questions might just as well be "Yes" is what is so frightening to many, from ordinary people, to journalists, judges, parliamentarians, and other sensible individuals - we would all prefer that it's not true.

Which brings us back to the core issue: sensible person's expectations as to how the world should behave. A sensible person would not expect to see millions of fellow humans dying like flies, daily, and for no reason. Technically, they are dying of numerous (preventable) diseases, of war and starvation... etc, but philosophically speaking, they are dying due to a complete lack of care and appreciation. That's certainly not sensible at all, but the reality of the world we live in is a net result of all our actual doings rather than sensible individuals' expectations. The world we live in appears to be stranger than that. Which is not to say that Dick Cheney did it. However, we should not discard this notion only because it violates our expectations about the world (and fellow earthlings).


Alan (65), I would not dispute your experience and expertise, or that of 9/11 Commission, or that of Steven E. Jones, and many others. However, what it shows to me is that there is still a variety of opinions out there, all reasonably well argumented. In other words, not all seems to be that "well understood" just yet.

Aircraft are made mostly of duraluminium but that's a minor detail. The plane that hit the Pentagon actually pierced through the reinforced concrete walls of the building as it evaporated. That's somewhat puzzling. Does this photo resembles what you've seen on that crash-test video? -

What strikes me personally the most is a high content of "against odds" elements in events that make up the 9/11. I would welcome any pilots out there, civilian and military, to give their opinion on what are the odds of amateur pilots hitting those buildings with such a precision, or navigating their way through New York air space without a guidance from air traffic control, relying entirely on their know-how and onboard radars. Further on, the collapse of three buildings was in many ways a rather unique event, that much is a matter of historical record. The crash site of the flight 93 was also a unique crash site, historically speaking, in terms of what was/ was not found there. And finding General Muhammad Ataa's passport, in plain sight at the ground zero, is not absolutely impossible neither, but it stretches the odds even further. These are just some technical oddities. There are many more involving money transactions, real estate dealings, the "what was housed" in WTC7, and so on. It is possible that any of these events could happen by chance alone, however small the odds. It is not entirely impossible that a number of these in itself "against odds" happenings then come together to form the very basic, constitutive elements of one large event ie the 9/11. It's only that I can't take it all for granted.


Andrew (64), you're right, my "scenario" is not at all obvious or clean-cut. What I wanted to point out, in a somewhat caricatural way, is that the authenticity of the videos is not a big issue anyway. They can be made to fit any scenario, whether one assumes them to be forged or authentic. And, as you point out yourself, there are many shades of gray when it comes to a relationship between the US and the Afghan Jihad, the Bush and the Bin Laden families, never mind the CIA and the Saudis, all entangled in an intricate network of interests, both the mutual ones, and the conflicting ones. There are many roles for Bin Laden to play, other than just the official one, the State Enemy No1. Perhaps the most interesting is that the OV depends so heavily on those video tapes. Considering the latest revelations from the FBI one is left to wonder what is the OV now? Mullah Omar and the Taleban..?

  • 75.
  • At 06:29 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

I will attempt to repost a comment I made earlier and which disappeared with no explanation.

I notice some here such as vikingar who made similar comments on a previous thread Which Side Are You On? I replied then:

When two or more people plan to commit a crime, there exists by definition a 'conspiracy'.
Therefore, any theory about who did it, or how it was done, is by definition a 'conspiracy theory'.
The question is then not whether you are a conspiracy theorist, but for which conspiracy theory you find the evidence most compelling.

The idea that dissenters of any kind should fall into line because the world might not make sense if there is no common consent among the people is quite an unsatisfactory reason to denigrate 'conspiracy theorists'. Many commonly accepted facts about life and the universe were ridiculed as conspiracies when first proposed.

The separation of facts from theories generally depends on whether or not people are prepared to make the required shift in consciousness to risk having their familiar perceptions of the world altered. Therefore, conspiracy theories by no means provide the 'easy answer'.

The validity of any given theory should never be assumed to correlate with the level of agreement or opposition it might receive, or indeed the state of mind of its architects.

Ordinary people, who could be called 'citizen researchers', uncovered the facts about the Luton train time on 7/7/05 that John Reid announced to Parliament om 11/7/06 was erroneous in the 'narrative'. No investigative journalist touched this story, despite complaints to the 麻豆官网首页入口 that these train times were incorrect.

The 麻豆官网首页入口's own flag-ship science programme, Horizon, quoted these train times.

No evidence, to date, exists in the public domain that conclusively proves the guilt of the 4 young men alleged to have carried out these acts on 7/7/05.

  • 76.
  • At 06:30 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

PS - adamliv, I love the new photo accompanying the blog entry! This was meant to be a discussion on conspiracy theories in general, but it zeroed on 9/11 (all but inevitably); we shouldn't leave the aliens in the cold though - it wouldn't be a sensitive person's way to deal with a guest, would it?

Bridget wrote:

No evidence, to date, exists in the public domain that conclusively proves the guilt of the 4 young men alleged to have carried out these acts on 7/7/05.

What you mean apart from Mohammad Sidique Khan's suicide video? I suppose it depends how you define 'conclusively'

  • 78.
  • At 07:53 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Khan's so-called 'martyrdom video' doesn't make any reference to these attacks though, neither does the conveniently timed Tanweer video. When Khan's video was first shown, his friends said it looked strange and sounded nothing like him. I do know that I've 'seen with my own eyes' Gene Kelly break-dancing to Singing in the Rain, but I guess it wasn't really him.

Adam Gadahn, white American 'convert' to Islam and grandson of an ADL board member, made an appearance in Tanweer's video which is interesting. He is apparantly Al'Qaida's propaganda mastermind and responsible for these videos. All from a cave with broadband in the Tora Bora mountains no doubt.

Why haven't we seen any of the hours and hours of CCTV from Luton car park, Luton station, Kings Cross, platforms etc? The so-called 'rehearsal' on the 28/6 has been shown, disingenuously by the 麻豆官网首页入口 over it's narrative coverage on May 11th.

If only I had the 麻豆官网首页入口's resources to investigate!

  • 79.
  • At 08:47 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Thanks Zoran, Bridget and others for your interesting posts.

I propose Newsnight puts up a 拢15,000 prize for the most convincing fake Bin Laden video, where he talks about his surf days in California, and how wonderful the rides are at Universal Studios. Or better still, just commission one from ILM, to demonstrate how unreliable this kind of evidence is (by itself), despite the fact, as Bridget pointed out, we've already got Gene Kelly break dancing to Singing in the Rain, so we know anyway!

  • 80.
  • At 09:17 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

in addition to Zoran's comment (76) regarding the blog photo from 11-year old, discredited Roswell 'alien autopsy' film;

There's nothing like the famous 麻豆官网首页入口 impartiality! They have to train for years to become so good.

  • 81.
  • At 09:26 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

I meant...photo from [recreation of] 11 year old... etc.

Bridget wrote:
Khan's so-called 'martyrdom video' doesn't make any reference to these attacks though

Well it's pretty general, but it's clearly a suicide video. And he was photographed that morning with Shehzad Tanweer, who was identified from body parts from the Aldgate explosion, and who also posted a suicide video.

Are you suggesting all that is fabricated?

Here's Khan's transcript for anyone interested:

  • 83.
  • At 10:42 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Adamliv @ 82

'It's clearly a suicide video'... so therefore we must conclude from this that Khan was in London on 7/7/05?

Why haven't we seen any evidence for him being in London on 7/7/05?

Where are the so-called suicide videos of Hussain and Lindsay? Why did Hussain's own father tell the 麻豆官网首页入口 that he had been shown no evidence of his son's guilt? Why doesn't the MSM ask the important questions?

The narrative claimed these 4 men took the 7.40 from Luton to KX despite this train being cancelled and the train that left at 7.42 arrived too late for them to catch the underground trains that exploded. This research was carried out by unpaid 'citizen researchers', not our fearless investigative journalists. Why is that? John Reid was impelled to announce that the narrative was erroneous to Parliament on the 11th May, due to erroneous witness statements. How comes? Why haven't the 麻豆官网首页入口 questioned this inaccuracy?

Perhaps the next time that Peter Power of Visor Consultants, ex-Scotland Yard anti-terror officer, appears on Newsnight he could be asked about his company's exercise at 'precisely these locations' that morning.

What is wrong with questioning the OV of 7/7, is it because only the truth can stand up to rigorous investigation?


I suspect this will be a case of the official version being slightly wrong and therefore people assuming a sinister cover up (marsh gas = aliens). Same thing happened over United 93 IIRC. But I don't really know so I'll shut up and find out more.

  • 85.
  • At 11:33 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

@ adamliv
I do find equating questioning the evidence for 7/7 with aliens & marsh gas insulting. This need to belittle and mix in nonsense as depicted in the picture that was added to the top of this blog only serves to obfuscate and distract.

The evidence for 7/7 does not exist in the public domain, yet.

Given the serious and major miscarriages of justice such as the Guildford 4 and Birmingham 6 and security services involvement in assasinations such as that of Pat Finucane should at the very least inform us that any OV requires a sceptical eye to say the least.

If the CT's are wrong over 7/7 or 9/11 then no harm is really done is it, but if we are proved right then that changes everything it seems to me.

  • 86.
  • At 11:36 PM on 22 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

@ adamliv
I do find equating questioning the evidence for 7/7 with aliens & marsh gas insulting. This need to belittle and mix in nonsense as depicted in the picture that was added to the top of this blog only serves to obfuscate and distract.

The evidence for 7/7 does not exist in the public domain, yet.

Given the serious and major miscarriages of justice such as the Guildford 4 and Birmingham 6 and security services involvement in assasinations such as that of Pat Finucane should at the very least inform us that any OV requires a sceptical eye to say the least.

If the CT's are wrong over 7/7 or 9/11 then no harm is really done is it, but if we are proved right then that changes everything it seems to me.

  • 87.
  • At 12:14 AM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Bridget 鈥撀86 - totally agree. What really amazes me is that if you analyze most discussions about 9/11 there are two camps:
1. the people who have had their eyes opened to what is really going on with the PTB and find it staring-them-in- the-face obvious that 9/11 has been created and used to further the US empire. These people, like myself, have spent maybe a couple of years, maybe more, studying all the evidence, mainstream and otherwise on this (and believe me there is a lot) and have reached a rational, intelligently considered conclusion.
2. People who (and I've observed this at close quarters) actually can't face the possibility of it really being true and so either refuse to look at the possibilities or else throw insults or obfuscate, anything rather than really investigate. it's human nature.
What is worse is that the real paid investigators, the journalists, write what they are told to write, and will not go off message.
But doesnt this fit perfectly with the theory that actually the media are part of the lie! They have to keep their mortgages going, it's true that it's not their fault. The only hope is that the internet, for the moment, and individual voices, will enable critical mass to be reached in terms of the facts being made known to the larger population.

  • 88.
  • At 12:22 AM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

some interesting reading on the alleged global hawk attack on the pentagon (might explain the lack of knackered football shaped engine wrecks rolling around outside, and little evidence of wing remnants - just where did those wings go ?)

if it's all so silly, why not report it under "whew, what a bunch of loonies" ? i suspect viewers may respond with "tell us more"

so where did they plane go ? into the what ? i can't tell you

...p.s. why not replace that grey with a picture of bush - i don't think he's for real either

Bridget wrote:
I do find equating questioning the evidence for 7/7 with aliens & marsh gas insulting.

I don't mean to insult. It's a reference to the original article and Occam's razor, not a suggestion that you believe in martians (not that I want to insult people who believe in extra-terrestrial incursions - they're all license fee payers.)

  • 90.
  • At 07:29 AM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Firstly, thanks to adamliv and Newsnight for opening up the subject and for various well-modulated interjections. In short, I trust you. Not that you're always right, of course. Not that you always cover the most important stories, or give them the right emphasis. But the method, the discipline, the honesty about the tricky judgment calls you have to make is right. That's why I still listen to the 麻豆官网首页入口.

I'm also an arch-sceptic. In all directions. For example, Brian Butterworth praises "The Power of Nightmares". But how about this from the maker, in

Cliff Babbs, Daventry: Do you believe it possible that the American Neo-Cons engineered the 9/11 atrocity as a catalyst for their program?

Adam Curtis: No.

Well said, Mr Curtis. Which of course means that I agree with his judgment on that.

But I was also convinced by J McMichael's pioneering "Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics!" Worth pointing to because it was written just forty days after 9-11, now at

I also agree with Melanie Phillips last month that Norman Baker's claims that David Kelly was murdered need to be taken seriously -

I also trust Canon Andrew White - the very brave, so-called Bishop of Baghdad - that his close friends in Iraq still believe that Saddam had WMDs right up to the invasion in 2003, because they worked on or knew directly about such programmes. I don't think that Canon White is being suckered there. He knows the people too well for that. He was against the war until after the main fighting was over. Then such old friends were able to tell him for the first time about their terrible torture under Saddam.

Messy picture, is it not?

Which set of people am I trusting that I shouldn't be? And vice versa?

The CT/OV distinction is really only a start. So is this one page of discussion. But, because it's the Beeb, I count it as significant. So thanks.

  • 91.
  • At 11:00 AM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • AndrewH wrote:

It's sad, but understandable, that discussion of very serious allegations of state terrorism is lumped in with "Internet Conspiracy Theories". Since the Internet is, up to now, the only forum available for researchers and interested people to share information of this type, and since that medium lacks the legitimacy of older forms of media (for myriad reasons), there is always a sense that there's something "not quite right" about "stuff on the Internet".

If the allegations about state involvement in 9/11 are true, then to me that is absolutely petrifying. The evidence put forward by thoughtful researchers (such as David Ray Griffin) is compelling, and deserves hearing out. As a long-time license payer, I would very much like to see a Newsnight special give these views an airing.

  • 92.
  • At 11:47 AM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#74 Zoran

鈥淭he plane that hit the Pentagon actually pierced through the reinforced concrete walls of the building as it evaporated. That's somewhat puzzling. Does this photo resembles what you've seen on that crash-test video?鈥

No it doesn鈥檛. My post (#65) mentioned that they used a 鈥渉ouse sized鈥 block of reinforced concrete. Your picture shows a wall. The whole point of my post was to demonstrate that there could be enough kinetic energy in an aircraft flying at a sufficiently high speed, to vaporise the structure upon impact. The kinetic energy of the falling WTC produced pools of molten steel that persisted for weeks. Energy transfer works in many ways, including punching holes through walls. You are puzzled because you can鈥檛 imagine the enormous energy transfers involved in bringing a 400mph (or whatever the speed was) aircraft to a standing stop in a fraction of a second. Some of the energy was dissipated in punching a hole in the wall, some destroyed the fabric of the aircraft, and all of it ends up being dissipated as heat. You are not used to seeing aircraft almost completely disappear in crashes because they don鈥檛 normally hit solid walls and the kinetic energy is dissipated more gradually so more of the structure survives.

  • 93.
  • At 12:39 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Wanabee wrote:


Alan: not being critical in the slightest about your post, but I think you'll find that the pools of molten metal found under WTC1,2 and 7 consisted of Iron - plus trace elements - and not molten construction steel.

  • 94.
  • At 12:42 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Richard - 90 - I'm touched by your faith in the 麻豆官网首页入口, especially considering you're an arch-sceptic. I loved Power of Nightmares and found it a trigger to looking into all this stuff. However I'm not entirely convinced by Curtis's wide ranging and well researched answer to the question about 9/11. Maybe he needs to expand a little... and I don't see how you can agree with that and the 911 review article. If there is serious doubt that OBL did it (and let's face it, even the FBI have now admitted they have no evidence) there is only one other compelling possibility, which is that the US government, or elements thereof, did.

  • 95.
  • At 01:00 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

AndrewH, what exactly is the problem with "very serious allegations" of "thoughtful researchers" like David Ray Griffin being lumped in with "Internet Conspiracy Theories"?

Okay, I know. Many sneer, even before they listen to evidence for or against, the moment they hear the term.

But an unconvential explanation involving alleged, not widely considered, secret intentionality typically is called a CT. Those are the facts of our social intercourse in the English-speaking world.

The best way to go, I've believed for a while, is to remove the automatic stigma on the term.

Those who were arguing for twenty years that Roberto Calvi did not commit suicide under Blackfriars Bridge, but was murdered, were, it now seems, the sensible ones. In my view the CTs were always much more sane than the OV, in the form of the initial coroner's verdict. Let's start to tell the story honestly, start to distinguish considered from crackpot CTs (as best we can), let's at least admit the need for the adjectives.

Meantime, David Ray Griffin can look after himself, I'm sure. What a nice surprise to have an accomplished process theologian in the fray!

Although, like Griffin, I'm no civil engineer, I agree with him and many others about the physical improbability of the collapse of WTC buildings 1, 2 and (especially) 7. That clinched for me that something truly disturbing was going on that fateful day.

The massive questions then are:

1. how much the state was involved - and how much of the state was involved.

2. how much Al-Qaeda was, likewise.

If I follow anyone in such murky waters it's John Loftus, who speaks of rogue elements within US intelligence, going right back to the horrendous compromises in pardoning and using known Nazis after WWII. This also establishes historic links to Islamic radicalism that I believe that it is utterly foolish to downplay.

I realise that many Democrats will want to argue that all the main players in the Bush administration were knowingly involved - and of course none from Clinton's day.

For the moment, though, I suggest that mainstream news programmes like Newsnight should focus on the most basic levels of the evidence - the lack of convincing physical models (apart from controlled demolition) to explain the total collapse of all three buildings at almost free fall speeds.

That would be both bold and careful at the same time. So I'm not holding my breath! (It's too easy to include far too much, from too many hotheads, for sensationalist reasons and, inadvertantly perhaps, to discredit more careful CTs.)

  • 96.
  • At 01:02 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#93 Wanabee

What is the significance of this? I was making a point about the destructive forces that can arise when kinetic energy is tranformed into heat. Steel is just iron, carbon and trace elements. Is the iron significant in the CT?

  • 97.
  • At 01:24 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#92 Wanabee

OK, I glanced over STEVEN E. JONES write-up on the molten metal, so I see where your comments come from. Jones say鈥檚 鈥渟tructural steel melts at about 1510 oC, far above that which could be attained from the fires, and several scientists and engineers confirm that the jet fuel (or other fires that day) could NOT have melted the steel.[1] Hence, the molten structural-steel hypothesis is ruled out.鈥 .

What ASTOUNDS me about this is that Jones has completely neglected to consider the energy released by the collapse of the building itself. I am not going to attempt the maths here but any A-level mathematicians should be able to do some rough calculations. All you have to do is calculate the potential energy stored by the entire weight and height of the WTC (a vast amount!) and assume that a fairly large portion of this is transformed into heat held in the core of the pile. This happened in a VERY SHORT TIME, which means that extremely high localised temperatures would have been achieved, probably much higher than the 1510 oC degrees mentioned by Jones.

I don鈥檛 know what Jones鈥 qualifications are but the paper doesn鈥檛 describe him as a Professor at BYU. I do know that any A-Level physics teacher would have known that these high temperatures may have arisen from the energy of the collapse. I wouldn鈥檛 want Jones teaching my kids Physics!

  • 98.
  • At 02:36 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Jayhawk wrote:

>I'm touched by your faith in the 麻豆官网首页入口, especially considering you're an arch-sceptic.

Faith is too strong. Hope and love, perhaps!

>I loved Power of Nightmares and found it a trigger to looking into all this stuff.

I was coming from a different place then. I thought that TPON was good in parts - particularly on Sayyid Qutb - but dangerously wrong in trying to argue for moral or methodolical equivalence between Al-Qaeda and "the neoconservatives". The use of the neocon label is ridiculously loose in the UK and TPON only made it worse. Its account of Cold War days was very unconvincing. Where was the seminal role of the Democract, Henry "Stoop" Jackson, with his idealistic and ultimately very effective campaign to stop appeasement of the Soviets until they had a better human rights record? Against the cynical realists like Henry Kissinger? That was the key formative phase for the likes of Richard Perle and others. Like them or not these days.

>However I'm not entirely convinced by Curtis's wide ranging and well researched answer to the question about 9/11. Maybe he needs to expand a little... and I don't see how you can agree with that and the 911 review article.

I admitted that it was a messy picture. I'm trying to follow the evidence. The collapse of the buildings now stands out like a sore thumb. I have to be honest about that. As I start to go into in my second contribution, I've been looking into the ideas of John Loftus as background for some of this.

>If there is serious doubt that OBL did it (and let's face it, even the FBI have now admitted they have no evidence)

I don't find the FBI page that big a deal. OBL didn't have a hands-on role. I hadn't thought so for a while. On the other hand I fully believe (and so do millions of Muslims, if you take care in looking) that he rejoiced about 9-11 and (perhaps later) boasted that he'd had some kind of role. There was even the tape where he admitted surprise of many of those guys that the towers came down. I know it's open for anyone to doubt any of this stuff but I've spoken to Muslims who are close friends from work and I've been to Speaker's Corner and spoken to a number of radicals there. I've also read various opinion polls, showing millions supporting OBL or at least Al-Qaeda precisely because they are thought to have done it. Just those pertaining to Pakistan are bad enough. I'd say that this gives the West - perhaps the UK more than anywhere - a genuine problem, of quite huge proportions. OBL's operational involvement in 9-11 is fairly marginal to all that.

>... there is only one other compelling possibility, which is that the US government, or elements thereof, did.

Not just one other possibility. Elements thereof, working with, perhaps manipulating, young Islamic extremists. That's a hypothesis I've been kicking around since last year.

I'd only add this. Anyone ruthless, clever and evil enough to be involved, who wasn't an Islamist, would also be fully aware of the propensity of many Muslims, even otherwise moderate ones, to believe in conspiracy theories of all kinds.

It looks to me like manipulation of the whole world, through trauma, with a dreadful payback wanted not just from a warlike US conservative incumbent but from a worldwide constituency already given to rampant paranoia and anti-semitism.

Not just messy ... not a pretty picture at all.

  • 99.
  • At 03:23 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Richard - 98 - I'm guessing you're a christian, in which case it's remarkable to come across one who actually takes this seriously instead of apparently swallowing the OV.
Richard said:
"It looks to me like manipulation of the whole world, through trauma, with a dreadful payback wanted not just from a warlike US conservative incumbent but from a worldwide constituency already given to rampant paranoia and anti-semitism."
This is really The Bigger Picture isn't it? There is a definite hint of approaching Armageddon about all this. Fear is the major factor in terms of control of the population, and the truth of endtime prophecy (to some) and even the myth (to most) has a strange power.
By the way:
"September 11th was a US conspiracy"
Has the probability figure gone up from 4%?

  • 100.
  • At 06:06 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Dear Bridget (71, 75, 78, 83, 85), I've just read through your blog entries at and I find your investigation to ascertain some simple facts about 7/7 extremely admirable. I think your original research over many months merits the commissioning of a Newsnight special, and I wish to god they'd have the courage to do something like that. As a license fee payer I want to see more than a couple of talking heads on Newsnight debating some 'within the paradigm' issue of the day. 'Citizen journalists' like Bridget have carried out deep, sustained investigation into an important issue, and have results worth communicating to the nation. But I can guess, from adamliv's comments, and others, that the OV may not be questioned seriously, however simple and straightforward the questions are. It seems that one or two videos or photos is enough evidence for most people not to question any further, whilst ignoring the fact, as Bridget points out in the case of 7/7, there should be masses of video and photos from any number of CCTV cameras (we're told it's not made public for reasons of national security, ongoing investigation, etc).

Adamliv points out (82) there's also forensic evidence in the case of Shehzad Tanweer (identification of body parts). Whilst it's not impossible to also fake forensic evidence and 'disappear' people, I agree with careful use of Occam's razor. To say, for example, that Shehzad Tanweer didn't do it, you have to believe the CCTV photo, video statement, and forensic evidence are irrelevant or faked and that he was 'disappeared' (or didn't exist in the first place, and his whole family are fictional! ;) - which I find much less probable than the OV. However, under the scenario of Tanweer and the other 3 being used as patsies, as part of the Visor Consultants simulation, the CCTV photo and forensic evidence could be accurate, just needing the video statement to be faked (although there are issues around the photo and train time, too). I'd believe more in video evidence if it were discovered in the house of the alleged bomber, or the house of a friend or relative, etc., rather than appearing via some 'Islamist website' - which means it could have come from anywhere.

  • 101.
  • At 07:11 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard Drake wrote (98);
> It looks to me like manipulation of the whole world,
> through trauma, with a dreadful payback wanted not
> just from a warlike US conservative incumbent but
>from a worldwide constituency already given to
> rampant paranoia and anti-semitism.
> Not just messy ... not a pretty picture at all.

I'd agree with this sentiment. It seems to me there's a force in the world deliberating fomenting war on a huge scale. This is why I think it's wrong to be a Muslim apologist, or to take the 'terrorists are innocent' CT seriously. Both sides are being whipped up to a frenzy. Maybe it is end-times nutters behind it. I think things will truly unravel once Iran is attacked (as seems inevitable). Several CTs say the end game is a new world war - (new) order through chaos; one that will see rich, Western leisure classes (such as those well fed and educated enough to discuss things on a forum like this, whatever their pov) eradicated.

So if Newsnight were, completely hypothetically, to do something on 7/7 conspiracy theories, what should we do? Just to make your answers realistic, take it as a given that we wouldn't do anything that remotely suggests the CTs are true.

Answers in 50 words or less please. Pretend it's a real pitch.

  • 103.
  • At 09:14 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

adamliv said:

take it as a given that we wouldn't do anything that remotely suggests the CTs are true.

What more is there to say? Adamliv, you have just proved the case of those who say that the media have a closed mind. Anything you define as a CT is not worth addressing seriously! Why would I waste my time trying to pitch on that premise?

"conspiracies do happen"
you said it.....

Jayhawk wrote:
Why would I waste my time trying to pitch on that premise?

Because I'm in no better position than you are to produce the evidence required to stand up these CTs (setting aside the issue of whether such evidence actually exists.) You may think we can wave our magic Newsnight wands and make the Men In Black confess on camera, but the truth is that my resources are a phone, a web connection and an oyster card. And you want us to turn an anomoly in a train timetable and a corporate training day into proof that the government is actually jam packed with criminal pychopaths who murdered 52 innocent people for propaganda purposes?

So given that's not going to happen, should we just ignore your views completely? Sounds like you'd prefer that.

  • 105.
  • At 11:59 PM on 23 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

surely it's ALL CT, at least from where i'm looking, the terrorism is conspiracy, and much of what is reported as fact is theory, seemingly from the lack of evidence at least

is it not possible to address the many issues raised in this film ?...

the apparently faked osama tape, the doubt over the temperatures necessary to cause failure of the trusses in the towers ?...these two things for a start appear to be self evident reasons to probe, rather than CTs in of themselves

  • 106.
  • At 12:02 AM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

and are the issues raised by Bridget Dunne not worth looking into, from the point of view of innacurate details rather than CT particularly

  • 107.
  • At 12:44 AM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

This is not the pitch. It is over 50 words. But I do say that we should try to agree a pitch - or more than one. Tomorrow at the latest.

Meanwhile, wild allegations of my Christianity have not been substantiated by any evidence at all. Here's the most interesting piece that I can think of. On the day that news of the (alleged) multiple plane plot broke I was seen deep in conversation in rural Sussex on the place of Israel in Christian eschatology (theology of the end times) with an American evangelical leader who had just made the front page of the New York Times for his startling idea, for Americans at least, called "The Myth of the Christian Nation" (now a book).

Here's a serious plea. Don't even think of me as a Christian until you've read something of Greg Boyd's attack on the damage done to the cause of One we call Prince of Peace by a loud-mouthed, judgmental church with way way too close an alliance with the Caesar of its day.

This kind of alternative, unaligned faith in the Jesus who cried out to forgive those that crucified him is the only one that will have anything to offer given the deep threats we face. And "end time nutters" is right, Andrew. Greg, I and thankfully many other thinking Christians opt out of that whole ghastly, fatalistic, superstitious mess too, for what we feel are rock solid, scriptural reasons. But this isn't the time or the place for all that.

Lastly, Adam is dead right about this:

>And you want us to turn an anomoly in a train timetable and a corporate training day into proof that the government is actually jam packed with criminal pychopaths who murdered 52 innocent people for propaganda purposes?

I haven't looked at the claimed anomalies on 7-7 for more than about five minutes but nothing seemed anything like as important or as hard to explain as the collapses of WTC 1, 2 and 7. The question of keeping one's eye on the ball is crucial. Certain UK Muslims are dying (forgive the phrase) for the 麻豆官网首页入口 to even appear to give credence to such theories, and thus to let them all off the hook, bin Laden and all, and frame instead the demonic duo of Blair and Bush (who, whatever their grave personal weaknesses, have been elected according to the rules our two societies have evolved and that good men have given their lives for).

So, we've got to be extremely careful.

We've also got to be extremely honest and clear-headed, about the differences in the nature of the evidence re 9-11 and 7-7.

At least, that's the way I see it. I remain willing to learn. The priority being to uncover the very best non-conspiratorial explanation of the WTC collapses. The problem being that, so far, I've not seen anything in line with the OV that even vaguely does the job, for WTC 7 especially. But it may be out there.

I'd prefer it to be so.

  • 108.
  • At 01:11 AM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

In my opinion we should be examining the evidence for these 4 young men carrying out the attacks in London on 7/7/05 rather than expecting people to have evidence that they didn't.

After all it is the State's job to prove guilt not ours to prove innocence.

Adamliv: As for your statement:
"And you want us to turn an anomoly in a train timetable and a corporate training day into proof that the government is actually jam packed with criminal pychopaths who murdered 52 innocent people for propaganda purposes?"

Are you referring to the same people that are responsible for the slaughter of innocent men women and children in Iraq?

State terrorism isn't necessarily carried out by a countries own forces, either. There is strong evidence that the attacks on the Paris metro in 1995 were part of the Algerian government's 'dirty war' on its opponents, and was blamed on 'Islamic terrorists'.

  • 109.
  • At 05:39 AM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • Ian Neal wrote:

My response to Adamliv's invitation to hypothetically pitch in 50 words or less is...

A report on the questions surrounding the type of explosive used OR

HOW the official narrative could get the train time wrong given that police allegedly interviewed witnesses on the train OR

The connections of Haroon Aswat to J7 and the opinions of John Loftus

Any of those would fill 15 minutes of air time very easily if properly investigated and analysed. If you think the questions that surround 7/7 come down to the Peter Power exercise and wrong train time, you need to do some more research.

If you are serious about doing something on 9/11 for the 5th anniversary perhaps you would like to interview David Ray Griffin, one of the leading US campaigners as I'm sure even the 麻豆官网首页入口 is aware.

He will be speaking in London on the Sept 9. Let me know if you want a ticket. Further details here


Ian Neal

  • 110.
  • At 10:48 AM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

With reference to my previous post #97, here is some math to illuminate why molten metal was found in the WTC pile. (I thought I'd better give it a shot since no one else took up the challenge).

Approx weight of WTC 500,000t = 500,000,000 kg
Height = 411m above ground plus 21 m below ground = 432m from base.

Approx Potential Energy (PE) of whole building (assume all weight at half the height, the centre of gravity, for simplicity) is given by:

PE = M * g * H where M is the mass in kg , g = gravitational constant and H = height in meters, therefore

PE = 500,000,000 * 9.8 * 216 = 1,059,480,000,000 Joules.

This is about 100th of the energy released by the atomic bomb in Horoshima.

Looking at it another way, this energy was released in about 10 second (collapse time) this is equivalent to an energy release rate of:

105,948,000,000 Watts or 105,948 Mega Watts.

This is equivalent to about 100 large electrical generating stations pumping all their electrical output into the WTC pile for 10 seconds.

These numbers are of course very rough but they do give an idea of the magnitude of the energy released. Some of this energy would have been released to the atmosphere but a lot would have been held in the pile with the potential for some extremely hot spots to develop. The insulation of the concrete dust and fine debris would have been responsible for trapping the heat for weeks.

If you want to understand more about the WTC collapse, see the link below. I especially liked the quote by Lord Kelvin at the end of the piece:

鈥淚 often say . . . that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be.鈥

Also note the references include MIT, National Fire Protection Association, U.of Sydney et al..

  • 111.
  • At 11:22 AM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran Novakovic wrote:

adamliv (102), completely hypothetically, organize a broad, robust, televised public debate; ban the phrases such as "conspiracy theories", "criminal pychopaths", etc, and discuss just facts; have Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed on the panel:

  • 112.
  • At 11:25 AM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

I'll try reposting one of my comments which didn't make it on here, presumably for the same unexplained reason that some of my comments are removed.

adamliv @ post 102:

Take your pick:

1. Is the one cctv image of the 4 accused, taken outside Luton station 30 miles from London, with 3 of the 4 faces unidentifiable, enough evidence to prove their guilt?

2. The official report into the London bombings is riddled with inconsitencies, anomalies and unanswered questions. Why? Should the authorities now release the evidence to conclusively support it's conclusions?

3. Was 7/7/05 the UK's 'Reichstag Fire' and are we moving inexorably towards a police state on the basis of it?

4. Why have there been no further arrests for the events in London on 7/7/05, compared to the 43 arrested and 17 charged for the 21/7/05 when no one was killed or injured?

5. Haroon Rashid Aswat was identified in early reports as the ring leader for 7/7/05, he left the UK on 6th July. John Loftus claims Aswat is an asset of MI6 and is protected by them. What is Aswat's connection to these events.

Or you could take a look at the Mind the Gaps section of the July 7th Truth Campaign website:

  • 113.
  • At 05:02 PM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • Optical wrote:

As someone who has studied intelligence agencies,both CT's and OV' I find most of the above amusing.

But I'm intrested in the WMD argument and Iraq.

I've actually read in full the Iraqi Survey Groups findings,the Butler Report findings, plus a long list of books on the subject (including Mr Paxman's book with Robert Harris), dating back to the Strath Report in the 1950's.

I've also read many CT's.

Both ISG and Butler have never said there were no WMD-only they could not find them.

It's more complex than the mantra that "There were no WMD=Bush and Blair lied".

Intelligence is an esoteric subject-how can one nation know FULLY another nations warplanning and warfighting is impossible, they are a nations most secure secret,therfore have the most protection in the form of counter-intelligence.

So to say we went to war on "lies" is missing the point-Intelligence no matter how it is obtained in NEVER accurate.

Think of Chinese whispers and you get a basic idea of how the intelligence process works.

In most of the public's mind when we think WMD we imagine those old USSR Mayday marches...very big missiles.

But the opposite is true,and with modern technology the Aum sect managed to make Sarin from non-Government sources.

So it is conceivable that there are still active WMD's in Iraq or they have been moved outside.

We simply don't know, and that's the danger with CT and OV-more often than not we fill in blanks when we have no answers.

But in this day of Mcworld V Jihad myths become fact and fact myths.

My suggestion to people-read as much as you can,both for and against arguments, talk to others and make your own mind up.

In other words be your own intelligence officer.

  • 114.
  • At 05:50 PM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

With reference to my previous post #97, here is some math to illuminate why molten metal was found in the WTC pile. (I thought I'd better give it a shot since no one else took up the challenge).

Approx weight of WTC 500,000t = 500,000,000 kg
Height = 411m above ground plus 21 m below ground = 432m from base.

Approx Potential Energy (PE) of whole building (assume all weight at half the height, the centre of gravity, for simplicity) is given by:

PE = M * g * H where M is the mass in kg , g = gravitational constant and H = height in meters, therefore

PE = 500,000,000 * 9.81 * 216 = 1,059,480,000,000 Joules.

This is about 100th of the energy released by the atomic bomb in Hiroshima.

Looking at it another way, this energy was released in about 10 second (collapse time) this is equivalent to an energy release rate of:

105,948,000,000 Watts or 105,948 Mega Watts.

This is equivalent to about 100 large electrical generating stations pumping all their electrical output into the WTC pile for 10 seconds.

These numbers are of course very rough but they do give an idea of the magnitude of the energy released. Some of this energy would have been released to the atmosphere but a lot would have been held in the pile with the potential for some extremely hot spots to develop. The insulation of the concrete dust and fine debris would have been responsible for trapping the heat for weeks.

If you want to understand more about the WTC collapse, see the link below. I especially liked the quote by Lord Kelvin at the end of the piece:

鈥淚 often say . . . that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be.鈥

Also note the references include MIT, National Fire Protection Association, U.of Sydney et al..

  • 115.
  • At 06:57 PM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Optical (110) wrote;
> Intelligence is an esoteric
> subject-how can one nation know
> FULLY another nations warplanning
> and warfighting is impossible

I don't think anyone is arguing for an ideal here. A 'clear and present danger' sounds about right to me for launching a pre-emptive war. Otherwise, we'd be launching dozens of wars on the above basis!

> So to say we went to war on "lies"
> is missing the point-Intelligence
> no matter how it is obtained in
> NEVER accurate
> Think of Chinese whispers and you
> get a basic idea of how the
> intelligence process works.

If the world works in the way you're suggesting, we can view the Bush administration as victims of 'chinese whispers', going to war in good faith on the intelligence they received. Unfortunately, this view is at odds with what has been reported.

For example, the National Intelligence Council, according to The Washington Post, produced a Jan 2003 memo in reply to a Pentagon request, unequivocally stating that "the Niger story was baseless and should be laid to rest." The memo was sent immediately to Bush and his advisors.

It's a long article about the Niger document 'intelligence' process, but well worth reading;

Bush used the story anyway a few days later in his State of the Union Address to call for war. They marketed a war to us, using forged evidence - a war that certain people had wanted for a long time, and which 911 had given them the excuse to launch.

> My suggestion to people-read as
> much as you can,both for and
> against arguments, talk to others
> and make your own mind up.

It's what we're (hopefully) already doing!

  • 116.
  • At 09:33 PM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

@adamliv#102: "So if Newsnight were, completely hypothetically, to do something on 7/7 conspiracy theories, what should we do? Just to make your answers realistic, take it as a given that we wouldn't do anything that remotely suggests the CTs are true. Answers in 50 words or less please. Pretend it's a real pitch."

Fifty words?

It only takes four; four words which once constituted the basis of the British justice system:

"Innocent until proven guilty."

  • 117.
  • At 10:25 PM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Alan (63),
Sorry for the delay in replying to your very interesting post, as I've been travelling. You gave me a good laugh in suspecting Prof. S.E. Jones is a nutter. Anyway;

> Plame wasn鈥檛 鈥渢argeted鈥 by anyone.
> She was a CIA operative who
> arranged a boondoggle for her
> husband to spend a few days in
> Niger to get evidence in order to
> discredit Bush. Now there鈥檚 a
> conspiracy for you!

Boondoggle is a pejorative term, implying his trip to Niger was a waste of time and money. I don't argue that he supported Kerry, or that he, and others, were intentionally trying to discredit Bush and undermine the arguments for the Iraq 2003 war - as were millions of other people at the time! Wilson has publicly stated he supported a strategy of containment backed up by the threat of military action. If the Wayne Madsen report I referred to earlier (61) has any truth to it, no wonder Wilson was trying to stop the Bush administration.

> Joe Wilson has been completely
> discredited; he was closely
> involved with MoveOn.org and the
> Kerry campaign and his assertions
> to the press were at odds with his
> testimony to Congress!

One doesn't undermine the casus belli of The President's Men without consequences!

> how credible is it that Joe Wilson鈥檚
> few days sipping Mint Juleps
> around the pool with his old
> friends in Niger would have any
> chance, whatsoever, of uncovering
> new information not know by the
> combined French, German and UK
> security services?

It seems the French and British were just recycling the SISMI report anyway, rather than doing any investigation of their own.

I've read Wilson's account of his trip to Niger, and it seems quite rational and effective for the scope of this trip: - and it seems reasonable to me.
btw: I've never had a Mint Julep, thanks for mentioning them, I'll try one out! (Wilson described drinking 'sweet mint tea', though - is it a euphemism for something stronger?)

> What is wrong with the more
> plausible explanation that after the
> failed WTC bombing in 1991, a
> group of Islamists learned to fly
> (but not land!) commercial aircraft
> and hijacked several planes and
> then flew them into the WTC?

This is a big question, not to mentioning a loaded one ('...the more plausible explanation...'). Just the assumption that 'a group of Islamists learned to fly' colours the question. There are many articles on the web, questioning the ability of a Top Gun pilot to pull off the Flight 77 maneuvers, let alone Hani Hanjour, a cessna flight school dropout!

There isn't really space on this blog for me to give a full answer, but I'd mention; the WTC attacks black-box coverup , the living hijackers (stolen identities?) , the magic crash-proof passport , the list goes on and on - just read any good 911 website for a few hours, and beware that some is undoubtedly disinformation. The main issue for me is the lack of response from the military. The given timelines just don't add up. And why scramble from Langley AFB when Andrews Air Force base was tasked with protecting Washington DC? Even with Langley AFB, the times don't add up, unless the fighters were at half speed or less. The OV has lots of holes in it. The information is out there, so I won't repeat it again here.

  • 118.
  • At 11:52 PM on 24 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Ok, here's my pitch. Sorry about the 50 word limit.

In an ideal world Newsnight would separate the following concerns within the general War on Terror area:

1. 7-7 CTs

2. 9-11 CTs

3. David Kelly CTs

4. Iraq CTs (including Oil for Food and WMDs)

5. Muslim CTs (not least confronting the key issue of anti-semitism)

6. Fundamentalist CTs (ie cross monotheisms)

But Adam asked about 7-7 specifically. Here's what I'd do with that.

A debate around the proposition: "Conspiracy theories are sometimes necessary" against the proposition "Conspiracy theories are always harmful."

In the initial report, present the idea that CTs are thought by some to be necessary either

a) to get closer to the truth or

b) to expose some secret dealings so that they will not bear fruit with such harmful intensity in the future.

(See the "Preventative Journalism" of Claud Cockburn in for a pioneering proponent of the latter.)

In the area of truth-seeking, CTs may be necessary either to explain substantive anomalies or to do justice to testimony, often confidential, of political or intelligence "insiders".

A key example of a substantive anomaly, the one on which Newsnight should focus in this case, is the collapse of WTC 1, 2 & 7 on 9-11, a physical phenomenon apparently unprecedented in the history of fires in steel-framed buildings.

THERE IS NO SUCH ANOMALY TO MY MIND WITH 7-7. That point should I think also be made, loud and clear.

What there is with 7-7 is the testimony of John Loftus concerning MI6 (and Al-Qaeda) running Haroon Aswat as a double-agent prior to 7-7, and the disputes that arose between UK and US intelligence services as a result. (See the much-referenced - you don't have to accept anything else on this site for the transcript from FOX to be genuine. But there is one key problem. As I hear it, John Loftus only says that Aswat WAS a British double-agent, not that he IS one as of August 2005. It's not a small matter of semantics, given that 7-7 has already happened, with Aswat widely refered to throughout the UK media as the controller or mastermind of the four bombers who died.)

Here are some ideas on the panel for discussion

David Ray Griffin has certainly written on the subject of the WTC collapses but I feel that he may not be ideal to present the salient technical points accurately but in a way the layman (or even Paxo) can understand.

John Loftus could usefully explain why his knowledge of US and other intelligence circles is to be prefered in the area of 7-7 to other peoples'. What is to stop him being used by the unscrupulous?

Rachel North has more than earned the right to represent the voice of reason against the 7-7 conspiracy nutters that have hounded her in such a heartless way since she endured the reality of UK Islamist terrorism first hand.

Lastly, someone like Daniel Pipes, Chip Berlet or David Aaronovich would make a useful general sceptic on CTs.

Hey, it was worth a try. The issues of presentation of the WTC collapse phenomena would be worth some more interaction, if interest there be.

If this forum stays open tomorrow, I may list some suggestions for panellists in the other cases. Even more hypothetically, no doubt.

  • 119.
  • At 10:48 AM on 25 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

adamliv wrote (102);
> we wouldn't do anything that
> remotely suggests the CTs are true

and therein lies the key to understanding mainstream media. it's as if we were back in the early seventeenth century, with the Church allowing discussion of Copernican theory as long as no one remotely suggests the earth orbiting the sun is reality. Also, trying to equate CT with the idea "the government is...jam packed with criminal pychopaths" (104) assumes UK government involvement (which isn't obligatory for a CT - Innocent Until Proven Guilty applies as much to government as to anyone else) and obscures how few people would need to be involved. The idea "government is jam packed with good people doing their jobs to the best of their ability" can be perfectly consistent with CT!

> Answers in 50 words or less
> please. Pretend it's a real pitch

OK, to allow keeping within your 'can't suggest [non-OV] CT is remotely true' constraint, you could push the 'hidden al-Qaeda controllers' theme, allowing you to step into new territory, but under the safety of the official paradigm. (e.g. along the lines of )

So my <=50 words pitch would be: Were the 7/7 London bombers duped into killing themselves by al-Qaeda controllers who used the cover of a corporate training exercise to pull off the deadly attacks? [optional] Were the same tactics used, but with wargames as cover, in pulling off the attacks of 9/11? [end optional]

I can understand your dilemma in even pursuing research into such matters, as other areas of the establishment would make mincemeat of you once they found out the tack being taken. But when they shout angrily that it's your job to report the news, not 'create' it, the response should be it's your job to find out the truth, and not just accept things on faith. Surely it's suspicious, even to the most hardened, cynical journalist, that the corporate training involved bombs at exactly the same locations as the real ones? This, as a standalone fact, is surely worthy of investigation? I'm not suggesting for one second that Visor Consultants are in on it, at all - I suspect neither they, nor even their client are involved - but that someone with the necessary inside knowledge used the training day as cover for a real attack. We are not in possession of enough facts to know - and much investigation would be needed into the corporate training day - which may not even be possible, considering the resistance there would be to any investigation. There would be corporate reputation at stake simply by the implication their training day could be abused so seriously by terrorists. I doubt you'd even get such a pitch OK'd by legal who, if my experience is anyting to go by, are increasingly risk-averse corporate types who couldn't give a damn about exposing the truth.

Critics will point to the video evidence, of course, as a reason why it's already 'case closed' - which is why someone needs to make and release a 100% convincing spoof video on the internet, to demonstrate how unreliable this kind of evidence is, by itself. If the OV stands up to scrutiny after proper investigation of the false-flag-op line of inquiry, I have no problem whatsoever in subscribing to it.

Thanks Richard - that's very interesting. 50 words is a good professional discipline but doesn't really matter as long as it's focused.

  • 121.
  • At 11:20 AM on 25 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

[second attempt to post a response to you - hopefully this will be approved!]
Hi Alan (63),
Sorry for the delay in replying to your very interesting post. You gave me a good laugh in suspecting Prof. S.E. Jones is a nutter. Anyway;

> Plame wasn鈥檛 鈥渢argeted鈥 by anyone.
> She was a CIA operative who
> arranged a boondoggle for her
> husband to spend a few days in
> Niger to get evidence in order to
> discredit Bush. Now there鈥檚 a
> conspiracy for you!

As you know, Boondoggle is a pejorative term, implying his trip to Niger was a waste of time and money - it's a term used all the time in American politics to describe things across the political spectrum. I've read Wilson's account of his trip to Niger, and it seems quite rational and effective to me, for the scope of this trip:

I don't argue that he supported Kerry, or that he, and others, were intentionally trying to discredit Bush and undermine the arguments for the Iraq 2003 war - as were millions of other people at the time! Wilson has publicly stated he supported a strategy of containment backed up by the threat of military action. If the Wayne Madsen report I referred to earlier (61) has any truth to it, no wonder Wilson was trying to stop the Bush administration.

> Joe Wilson has been completely
> discredited; he was closely
> involved with MoveOn.org and the
> Kerry campaign and his assertions
> to the press were at odds with his
> testimony to Congress!

One doesn't undermine the casus belli of The President's Men without consequences!

> how credible is it that Joe Wilson鈥檚
> few days sipping Mint Juleps
> around the pool with his old
> friends in Niger would have any
> chance, whatsoever, of uncovering
> new information not know by the
> combined French, German and UK
> security services?

It seems (and this is admittedly a very murky subject) the French and British were just recycling the SISMI 'intelligence' anyway, rather than doing any investigation of their own.

btw: I've never had a Mint Julep, thanks for mentioning them, I'll try one out! (Wilson described drinking 'sweet mint tea', though - is it a euphemism for something stronger?)

> What is wrong with the more
> plausible explanation that after the
> failed WTC bombing in 1991, a
> group of Islamists learned to fly
> (but not land!) commercial aircraft
> and hijacked several planes and
> then flew them into the WTC?

This is a big question, not to mention a loaded one ('...the more plausible explanation...'). Just the assumption that 'a group of Islamists learned to fly' colours the question. There are many articles on the web, questioning the ability of a Top Gun pilot to pull off the Flight 77 maneuvers, let alone Hani Hanjour, a cessna flight school dropout!

There isn't really space on this blog for me to give a full answer, but I'd mention; the WTC attacks black-box coverup , the living hijackers (stolen
identities?) , the south tower firefighters tape describing much smaller fires than we were led to believe , the magic crash-proof passport , the list goes on and on - just read any good 911 website for a few hours (days, or years!), and be aware that some is undoubtedly disinformation (especially beware 'straw man' CTs designed to ridicule serious ones). The main issues for me are; the continual blocking of proper investigation by the Bush administration (what have they got to hide?), and the almost overwhelming heap of lies upon lies in so many details of the story (why should we believe their hole-riddled, contradictory conspiracy theory that demands a level of incredulity difficult for an adult to supply!) How can anyone not challenge Bush on his own admission of seeing the first plane hit on "TV"? Or that he sat and did nothing when his country was under attack? (when the secret service should have whisked him away to safety as his location was publicly known). Yet it fits perfectly and rationally with the idea they delayed reaction long enough for the attacks to play out - new Pearl Harbour. Their given timelines for the response just don't add up. And why scramble from Langley AFB when Andrews AFB was tasked with protecting Washington DC? Where were the surface-to-air missles protecting the Pentagon and White House restricted fly-zones? Even with Langley AFB, the times don't add up, unless the fighters were at half speed or less. The OV has so many holes in it. The information is out there, so I won't repeat it all again here.

  • 122.
  • At 11:27 AM on 25 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

No problem. Now, if I can only get that Mossad-implanted microchip out of my brain it could be a good day.

  • 123.
  • At 11:54 AM on 25 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi adaminliv; please don't post this message to the board.

If you're approving my posts, please accept the one I wrote this morning (in reply to Alan), not the almost identical one I posted last night, as this morning's post is an improved version.
thanks, Andrew

  • 124.
  • At 08:02 PM on 25 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

Alan (111), I appreciate that you did a reality check on your own proposals. Take this admittedly somewhat corrosive analysis of it as a further expression of my appreciation. We are here to learn something first, and only then, and highly unlikely, to resolve any of the questions under consideration.

Your model and the accompanying maths are valid for a solid body of a given mass falling freely in a vacuum. The actual event we are discussing is a collapse of a structure, not a mass in a free fall.

The mass of collapsing WTC buildings was dispersed widely in huge clouds of dust, tons and tons of it. In fact, a substantial portion of those 500.000 tons was converted to fine dust - you can find out how much exactly and adjust your calculations accordingly. All these tiny particles, trillions and trillions of them, delivered energy upon falling on the ground albeit in a rather miniscule discrete packages, as the dust was settling down. This process of overall matter/ energy distribution took considerably longer than 10 sec - another thing for you to consider while you're fine tuning your model. Never mind that they didn't actually reach the ground in a free fall but were rather swirling around in the air, colliding with each other, before falling and settling down.

A substantial portion of sum-total amount of potential kinetic energy that you have calculated, was therefore dissipated just as far and wide from the actual footsteps of the towers and any steel to melt. Additionally, another part of it was converted to, and further dispersed by sound waves, noise and rumble that all could hear. Not all kinetic energy turns into heat, the least that of a blunt strike. Consider a case of large, heavy dictionary, 20 pounds or so, falling freely on the floor. From how high one has to drop it before your model would require a synthetic carpet on which it falls to start burning? Or at least to get smoldered? People usually don't try to start a fire by hitting hard on a log of wood. They will rather try to apply sustained friction pinpointed to a very small area, if kinetic energy is the only means available. Your model lacks some such (energy) focusing mechanism.

The main culprit when it comes to conversion and distribution of energy of larger chunks and blocks that did reach the ground in a more or less free fall, would be the seismic waves caused by the collapse. People standing miles away from ground zero could feel the tremors, and instruments sensitive enough did register them from far away. That's, in my opinion, where most of that energy went. I doubt that much of it was actually converted into heat, let alone it being "held in the pile with the potential for some extremely hot spots to develop". If potential energy contained in structural collapse of a building, controlled or otherwise, is being converted and distributed as your model suggests, then "hot spots" and exceedingly high temperatures in general, accompanied by pools of molten metal (not necessarily steel) and/ or plastic, incinerated woodworks, etc, these would all be common features of every controlled demolition/ accidental collapse involving an office building, or a large housing block for example.

Additionally, if you subscribe to the "pancake theory" ie floor panels collapsing floor by floor, "unzipping" the WTC in the process, as you apparently do (post 65), then you can not base your energy calculations on the assumption of a free fall collapse. These two propositions are mutually exclusive. And if you try to calculate energy distribution within the "pancake" model framework, oh well, if your intuition tells you it still holds water, give it a go.

Here is a nice quote on theory modeling from Sir Roger Penrose:

"He [Steven Weinberg] is right [in] what he's saying, that there are models which will fit in with the observations, direct cosmological observations. But these models are pretty artificial looking and they are not things that most cosmologists would take seriously [...] You're quite right to say that they would fit the data, but they don't do much else. They don't do anything else. [You see] you want a model which will somehow fit in with the rest of physics and which gives you an overall picture which is kind of coherent."

If you like the quote, here is a link to Sir Roger HardTalk interview which is where it comes from:


Hi Andrew

I don't have anything to do with the moderation.



Ricahrd wrote:
No problem. Now, if I can only get that Mossad-implanted microchip out of my brain it could be a good day.

D'oh (slaps head in dispair)

  • 127.
  • At 05:05 AM on 26 Aug 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Investigation v Conspiracy

Does it solely depend on the assayers viewpoint/bias 鈥︹.

Came across recent development ref coverage of alleged Israeli 'war crimes' in Lebanon [1]

- famous pic of alleged rocket attack on Red Cross ambulance
- supposedly injured medical personnel.
- other incidents

You decide, thought at the time that hole looked a bit too round to be true (housed a ventilation unit)




  • 128.
  • At 02:01 PM on 26 Aug 2006,
  • Steve wrote:

Its odd how the facts get distorted over time. I remember watching the news bulletins on 11 September and it was on one of these, the 麻豆官网首页入口 I believe, which first mentioned the shooting down of Flight 93. The reporter cited as proof the two impact zones; the first being the debris from the missile hit and the second being the general aircraft wreckage.

I was a little surprised therefore to here the OV of some kind of airborne posse huntin down the bad guys.

  • 129.
  • At 02:33 PM on 26 Aug 2006,
  • Springgrove wrote:

Alan, at post No. 111 on the 24th August, pointed us to a link which purported to prove the maths behind the falling twin towers.

From this analysis it seems that there is a 2 second difference between the towers falling 'domino effect' and 'free fall' and thus, because they fell in nearly 10 secs., it must be the former.

Relevant quote from the link; " This started the domino effect that caused the buildings to collapse within ten seconds, hitting bottom with an estimated speed of 200 km per hour. If it had been free fall, with no restraint, the collapse would have only taken eight seconds and would have impacted at 300 km/h."

So, the dabate is about 2 seconds then......

  • 130.
  • At 11:50 PM on 26 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#120 Zoran

The energy calculation is a valid expression of the potential energy of the WTC structure regardless of the environment, vacuum or whatever. My point was to give an idea of the magnitude of the energy released. Once the dust had settled all this energy would have degraded to heat, this is the nature of entropy. In my view the amount released outside of the pile would have been small compared to the amount generated within the pile. This seems fairly clear to me because the major bulk of the debris landed in the pile (as far as I am aware). The energy transfers involved were of course hugely complicated so we can鈥檛 really estimate these proportions. I think we can agree that a huge amount of energy was absorbed in the pile though.

I think you are missing some of the basics of energy transfer. Your example of the heavy dictionary doesn鈥檛 really work because of terminal velocity, although if you started it in the upper atmosphere you could probably get a nice burn going before it reached the ground. You log hitting idea would work if you hit the log fast enough. Anyone who has seen a Tom and Gerry cartoon knows that if you do something fast enough it bursts into flames. A better analogy would be cold forging or pressing of steel. This operation forms metal by pressing or hammering at very high pressures and the steel gets very hot in the process because the energy of each blow (or press) is absorbed by the deformed steel and is turned into heat (OK, a little is transferred as sound to the atmosphere)
You say that 鈥淵our model lacks some such (energy) focusing mechanism.鈥 The energy focusing mechanism would be the same one that causes devastation whenever someone walks over a polished wood floor in high heels. The tiny heel has a small surface area and the pressure it exerts on the wood is expressed as the mass of the (inconsiderate) wearer divided by the area of the heel. Such heels can punch a deep indentation in wood. In the same way, a steel joist that falls in a vertical position and is then subjected to several hundred tons of steelwork pounding it into the concrete would be subjected to vast pressures and sheer forces that could have produced very high temperatures. If the steelwork had plopped down as one big flat plate then this would be equivalent to someone walking on your wood floor in flats.
I disagree about the energy of the seismic waves. This sort of assumes the energy transfer was a bit like a Newton鈥檚 Cradle with the input at one end all being transferred to the other end. With the sort of pressures involved, the steelwork was malleable and would have absorbed a lot of energy in deformation. The geology under New York is rock (as far as I am aware), I suspect it absorbed very little on account of its stiffness in relation to the steel.
I don鈥檛 get your 鈥減ancake鈥 point. My simple calculation doesn鈥檛 depend on the exact mode of collapse. More or less energy may have been released during the collapse, before the steel hit the ground. But you still have hundreds of tons of steel falling a very long way. I think you are splitting hairs here.
You say that 鈥渢hese would all be common features of every controlled demolition/ accidental collapse involving an office building鈥. No one has ever demolished a building of this size. It is all a matter of scale. To give an analogy, the compost heap at the bottom of my garden is about 4 feet high by 5 feet in diameter. I you plunge your hand into the centre it is quite hot due to the biological reactions. My brother ran a power plant in California that burned mountain sized piles of pits (from almonds and plums etc.). These piles were about 40 foot high and got so hot that they could spontaneously combust, if precautions weren鈥檛 taken. All previous demolitions were my compost heap, the WTC was a mountain-sized pile of plum pits.
So think in terms of cold forging, stiletto heels, Tom & Gerry and compost heaps and you should get my drift.

  • 131.
  • At 11:56 PM on 26 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#124 Springgrove

I think I said "if you want to understand more about the WTC collapse". I said nothing about proving maths. My maths were a simple expression of the hugh amount of energy that was, after the dust had settled, transformed into heat. The domino effect is a credible scenario but I doubt if anyone can PROVE the exact failure mode.

  • 132.
  • At 12:32 AM on 27 Aug 2006,
  • Rick B wrote:

Here's one of the best articles I've read on 9/11 (and there's no mention of "controlled demolition" or remote-controlled planes etc):

The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11

The most interesting stuff is in the second half of the article, it's worth reading all the way through.


"Throughout the late '90's, we were informed that bin Laden had declared war on America by reason of the American military presence on Saudi soil in the wake of the Persian Gulf War. We were told how bin Laden, ensconced in Afghanistan, headed up a world-wide terror franchise whose sophistication and global reach dwarfed that of the Iranian-financed Hizballah or Islamic Jihad (previously, the most widely known of the terror organizations among the masses in the Middle East). Bin Laden's organization, al-Qaida, was presented to us as something entirely new in the annals of terrorism - a far-flung, sophisticated empire of terror, possessing - possibly - weapons of mass destruction, while having no clear or viable state sponsor behind it (as the Afghani Taliban were merely its resident protectors). In short, by September 11, the United States now had a bona fide enemy - and, as they say in criminal justice parlance, a suspect with motive, means, and opportunity."

  • 133.
  • At 07:46 AM on 27 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

Steven Jones is a man you need to hear out, and then keep an open mind about the 11 sept 01 OV...

...and this even has alex jones, the character from skys conspiracies 'illuminati' programme...

  • 134.
  • At 09:39 AM on 27 Aug 2006,
  • Springgrove wrote:

#127 Alan

The focus of my attention was to the contents of the link and not to you personally.


  • 135.
  • At 05:25 PM on 27 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

It might be taking five years for this whole rotten 'conspiracy theory' of hijackers and box-cutters on 9/11 to unravel, but unravel it is.

Check this out, from mainstream CNN:

For those of you who still recommend the Popular Mechanics debunking, have a listen here to one of the magazine's publishers and then consider the credibility of this publication:

Hopefully we won't need to wait 5 years for the evidence to be released which supports the OV of 7/7/05.

  • 136.
  • At 11:05 PM on 27 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Alan, you should setup a website or blog of your own, as your enough-energy-released-in-collapse-to-melt-metal argument advances the debate, imho. Not being an engineer, I can't judge your debate with Zoran, but your point sounds worthy of serious analysis.

I'm now on holiday for two weeks (emailing this from island internet cafe!), so I don't expect the forum to be around by the time I'm back. I'll be sorry to see this forum disappear from the site, or fade from use, in due course (despite its clunky download-all-posts-before-reading-the-last-one format). Pity it can't be given a permanent home! If Newsnight doesn't do anything on what we've discussed, I'm thinking about funding a documentary myself, although I would fear 'Them' (to use paranoid conspiracy jargon!) Bridget is far braver than me! Anyway, goodbye all. It's been very interesting, thanks to adamliv for actually airing the subsject and engaging with CT nutters, and the standard of posts from all points of view have been a pleasure to read.

  • 137.
  • At 12:36 AM on 28 Aug 2006,
  • Nikko wrote:

Alan (126)

Your model really needs to take into account the mode of collapse, if it is to have any credibility. As Zoran explained (in 120), collapse of the building at free fall velocity as a result of the floors pancaking requires two mutually exclusive phenomena to occur and is therefore impossible. The reason - conservation of momentum. As a floor crushes on top of the floor beneath it, it transfers momentum to the lower floor therby loosing its own velocity. This is not splitting hairs as you suggest.

Also, your suggestion that the high temperatures found at the bottom of the rubble were as a result of steel members falling vertically and being subjected to high pressures borders on fantasy. Besides, in a pancaking scenario of the floors, the supporting coumns should surely remain standing.

  • 138.
  • At 04:12 AM on 28 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

recent quote from the conversation of a world war two veteran and one of his peers [who served this nation and us all] (with permission/anon)...

"...but would you go SO far as to say that evidence of an inside job [u.s./911], also constitutes evidence of the pax americana global manipulation game ? [nuke/radioactive] bomb to come, iran blamed/invaded [before they have nukes to fight back with], western 'rule' of middle east, and the last covers coming off of the if-you-like fascist state at home here and in the u.s. ?"

...(the other party replied)...

"yes, but please don't use that [fascist] word ! in whichever order the confirmation comes, that seems to me what has been creeping up on us all these years, if they think they're found out they can blame a few bad apples, but i fail to see how such a broad attack upon us all could be the mere workings of a few fraudsters, this has the wreak of something less pleasant even than that, most disturbing, is the lack of real care as to whether we can see it's a put up job or not, makes me feel the war is lost already - there's a bleak thought, but we bear witness, to this very day, the fact that victory over evil seems to be the more natural outcome, and even when it seems already too late")...this i found somewhat comforting, aside from the fact that here were two 'true brits', talking as though the hammer and sickle or swastika were flying from a flag in downing street (i asked them if i put that, would i be overstating things somewhat, and they unanimously replied that if freedom still looms large in parliament, it can take the criticism) ouch !...the (admittedly anonymous, and far better informed than i, and whose ages and experience add gravitas to their statements) two people in question, i would suggest, should not be accused of treason, more of genuine concern for the values upon which they risked and lived their lives

i used to think that newsnight had teeth, but when alleged u.s. government dictats are stating that christians, home schoolers and defenders of the constitution and bill of rights...

- are terrorists -

...and this goes unreported, it makes me fearful , but not of the terrorists so much as our leaders, and the alarming parallels between american and uk domestic policy...

...it makes me fear that this war has, as conversation participant number two says above, already has its victor

i'd be glad if all this turns out to be a CT false alarm, we'll see...if this stuff is just plain insane ramblings, report it under "phew, what a bunch of loonies"...go on, i dare you

or did the above wise elder get it more right than they could allow themselves to fear ?

everyone - watch 'loose change', just incase some day soon you can't

  • 139.
  • At 10:34 AM on 28 Aug 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

Alan (126), there is nothing wrong with your calculation per se; if anything, the equation and the accompanying maths you presented are rather elementary and straightforward. The question I rise is what happens next with that energy? How was that potential actually released in case of WTC collapse? The answer I offered is - as kinetic energy in different forms such as motion of swirling/ colliding dust particles, and sound and seismic waves. I gave these three examples for I thought they were fairly obvious to anyone who watched it all on TV and listened to various reports at the time. They were ment to illustrate my notion that (any) structural collapse is better understood in terms of distribution and dissipation of energy potential "locked" in a structure, than in terms of focusing and "trapping" of it. That's where we apparently disagree - in your view "the amount released outside of the pile would have been small compared to the amount generated within the pile" - and that's fair enough. I don't think that further discussion on exact nuts and bolts of it would help, certainly not now that you have broaden the argument as to include Tom and Gerry, stiletto heels, and not the least, some intriguing insights into backyard organic biochemistry - that particular argument, the relevance of a decomposition of organic matter when it comes to understanding the WTC collapse escapes me completely. I guess I'm just an ignorant garden-less city dweller...

  • 140.
  • At 11:07 AM on 28 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#133 Nikko

You say 鈥測our model really needs to take into account the mode of collapse, if it is to have any credibility.鈥 I disagree; the exact mode of collapse is a contentious point that neither of us can prove one way of the other. My potential energy (PE) calculation simply quantifies the huge amount of energy that would have been dissipated during the collapse. The mode of collapse is irrelevant; in fact the PE calculation applies even if you assume that the building was demolished with explosives. You can argue about what proportion of this potential energy was dissipated in the pile, and how much was dissipated to the atmosphere and the ground. My assumption is that a fairly large proportion of the energy would have been dissipated in the pile, that鈥檚 all.

You also say 鈥測our suggestion that the high temperatures found at the bottom of the rubble were as a result of steel members falling vertically and being subjected to high pressures borders on fantasy.鈥

I didn鈥檛 assume anything about steel members falling vertically; I simply used this along with my analogy of someone in high heels to demonstrate how forces can be concentrated to produce very high pressures. The pile was tangled mass of steel and masonry. In these circumstances it is clear that the forced would not have been distributed evenly while the pile settled. This provides a mechanism for the extremely high pressures needed to create plastic flow in some of the steel joists and thus generate very high local temperatures. The highest pressures would have been at the bottom of the pile so this is where melting was most likely to take place.

This is one credible mechanism to explain the high temperatures in the pile that melted steel, and that is all it is. How you can describe this scenario as 鈥渇antasy鈥 while imagining the deliberate demolition of the WTC is beyond me.

  • 141.
  • At 02:43 PM on 28 Aug 2006,
  • Rick B wrote:

Matt, your two old veterans are exacty right. We are being softened up for the next war. Through a combination of black ops and psyops, far-right memes are entering the mainstream, sowing division and hate. Blair is now using the exact same tactics that Bush has been using for years to pit Americans against each other (to the point that RW pundits accuse liberals of at least being terrorist sympathisers and at worst as bad as the "terrorists").

I pray that Gordon Brown will push Blair aside ASAP and turn out to be a much more prinicipled man. My fear is that Blair will cling onto power in the belief that his God-given (or Bush-given) mandate requires him to rule against the wishes of the British people.

  • 142.
  • At 10:09 PM on 28 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

thanks Rick, i'll pass this on, they have both stated that the current climate is as frightening and unsettling as times were in the mid thirties, and are afraid that we're in the main as apathetic as we were then, they'll no doubt be pleased that we have some modern day Churchill-esque visionaries amongst us, if newsnight isn't part of the problem, it'll have something to say about this

my elder pals wish to retain their anonymity however

the modern day struggle is more of an inversion on the thirties though, this time around the risk is low key, gestapo style 'removals' of subversives to camps, torture and worse, with state war on peoples to follow, this will be done with a hybrid police-army, who will be willing and capable of raining death on any individual or region deemed to be a region of 'dissent'

i have not reached this point of view looking at too many conspiracy films, it was these two with their clearer sight though experience, that actually opened my eyes to what i was previously happy to consider under the mental file "too scary to contemplate, too unpleasant to believe"

  • 143.
  • At 06:23 AM on 29 Aug 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

For the 911 CT believers, who have a habit of quoting the pseudo research of Prof Steven E. Jones [1] behind WTC collapse, what else does the man get up to in his spare/professional time:

- pseudo research to support Creationism.
- pseudo research of 'archaeological evidence' to support the visit of Jesus Christ in North America.
- pseudo research to support dubious inventive CT behind 911

Please read on 鈥︹︹︹︹︹︹...

Brigham Young University, employers of Prof Steven Jones say (a Mormon educational facility run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints [2]) :

"Professor Jones鈥檚 department and college administrators are not convinced that his analyses and hypotheses have been submitted to relevant scientific venues that would ensure rigorous technical peer review. The structural engineering faculty in the Fulton College of Engineering and Technology do not support the hypotheses of Professor Jones.鈥 [3]

If believers in 911 CT are going to cite the 'research' of Prof Steven E. Jones then they are advised to look at the credibility of Jones other work, which perhaps gives some bearing on his motivations & sincerity:

"Jones has written a paper entitled "Behold My Hands: Evidence for Christ's Visit in Ancient America" in which he used archeological evidence to support the claims of Joseph Smith Jr. (founder of the Latter Day Saint movement) that Jesus had visited the Native Americans after his Resurrection, an event chronicled in the Book of Mormon." [4]

鈥. yeah :)

Prof Jones other noted works as an Elder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints鈥. "In this essay, Elder Jones shows how death before Adam makes sense from a scriptural sense. He is not necessarily saying that evolution of man is true or untrue" [4] 鈥. "The details of the physical creation are not given in scripture. Indeed, why should they be? The Lord gave us the testimony of the rocks and bids us read" [5]

So in essence, Prof Steven E. Jones an alleged academic/scientist, a Mormon, who spends their time & resources to carry out:

- pseudo research to support Creationism.
- pseudo research of 'archaeological evidence' to support the visit of Jesus Christ in North America.
- pseudo research to support dubious inventive CT behind 911

With 'research' credentials like that & such a demonstrated flexibility in the belief of interpretive 'truth' Prof Steven E. Jones should convert to Scientology :)




  • 144.
  • At 02:51 PM on 29 Aug 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

Some posters to this blog have complained that my first attempt (#111)to quantify the heat generated by the WTC collapse, and explain the presence of molten steel found, did not adequately account for the mode of collapse. Here is a second attempt to do this.
This is based on the difference in speed of the actual collapse in comparison to the theoretical speed of a freefall collapse. For this example I will use 10 seconds as the time for the actual collapse and 8 seconds for the free fall collapse. These numbers have popped up in a couple of reports I鈥檝e read and they are sufficiently conservative to suffice for this example.

The distance travelled for a freefall collapse (S) is given by:
S = 0.5 * 9.81 * 8 * 8
For the actual collapse the distance is given by:
S = 0.5 * X * 10 * 10 where X is the actual downward acceleration of the structure, reduced by friction

Since S is the same in both expressions we can calculate X as 6.28 m/s2 acceleration.

Now we can do the Potential Energy calculation:

Approx weight of WTC 500,000t = 500,000,000 kg
Height = 411m above ground plus 21 m below ground = 432m from base.

Approx Residual Potential Energy (RPE) of whole building accounting for reduction due to friction during fall (assume all weight at half the height, the centre of gravity, for simplicity) is given by:

RPE = M * rg * H where M is the mass in kg , rg = reduced acceleration force accounting for loss during collapse, and H = height in meters, therefore

RPE = 500,000,000 * 6.28 * 216 = 678,240,000,000 Joules (678 MJ)

This energy calculation represents the potential energy of the collapse just prior to the debris coming to rest. The reduced acceleration rate (6.81) discounts the potential energy of the collapse that was converted to heat and sound etc. during the fall. Some of this energy would have heated the debris as it fell so some of the energy would have ended up as heat in the pile but for simplicity we assume that only 678 MJ is still available to be released as heat as the pile comes to rest.

678 MJ is enough heat to raise the 991,578 kg of steel from 20 C to 1540 C (melting point) assuming a specific heat capacity of steel of 450 J/(kg . C).

e.g. 678,240,000,000/(450 * 1520) = 991,578

So the residual potential energy of the collapse, after subtracting the energy released during the fall (so we don鈥檛 have to be concerned with the failure mode) is enough to melt almost 1000 tons of steel. Each building had about 150,000 tons of steel. I have already described how forces could have been focused in hot spots to generate enough sheer force and friction to melt the steel. Most of the heat would have been more distributed but there is clearly enough energy to create pools of molten steel at the bottom of the pile where the pressures would have been greatest.

  • 145.
  • At 03:45 PM on 29 Aug 2006,
  • matt wrote:

vinkingar, as i said in response to your very similar post in "which side are you on ?"...yeah yeah, i hear what you're saying :)

but the reasons you give to mistrust jones, are no more compelling than anyones reasons to mistrust bush, he goes further than jones and claims dialogue with god, after all

i would never intend to convert you or anyone else, just wanted to know if you'd at least seen the likes of that semina, or indeed, loose change

even though you may consider all these films/documentaries etc flawed and mostly ridiculous, there may be in any one of them, one single reason to question the whole OV

i do not subscribe to any CT any more than any OV, i am simply aware of the power of the various media to tell any truth deemed to be the appropriate one, and would rather see what may be nonsense in the hope that it enables me to filter what is and is not true more effectively, i suggest to you, that i am better equiped than some to see potential future situations, than someone who resolutely decides to become a subscriber to A or B

for example, despite all the fear, doubt being and public vigilance infused into society, the massive defence budgets and so on, i will not be in the least surprised if and when 911/2 kills many, probably by dirty or nuclear bomb, it'll be blamed on guess which country, and then that country will be attacked, meanwhile at home, civil liberties will become an overt joke rather than a quiet one

id cards will become compulsary, but guess what ?...they won't stop the real terrorists, as they'll be able to make fakes more convincing than the state issues

of course, i do have the ability to descriminate between 'probashite' and probably true, but these are maleable concepts, sometimes the truth isn't what it used to be, i hope that the various conspiracy theories turn out to be utter tosh, but i feel it relevant to keep them under the mental file "not actually disproven yet", in the subfolder "one eye on the 'enemy', one eye on the state"

disbelief [of CT] may a weapon used against us to bring all the CT nightmares to us

of course, we all hope that these forums are well read by a diversity of people, and i hope that it is clear that to ask questions, and be willing to doubt, do not a terrorist make, but they do encourage debate, the world was, after all, once flat, and you could die for the hereticism of thinking it

  • 146.
  • At 11:08 PM on 29 Aug 2006,
  • Nikko wrote:

Alan (140)

Alan, you have calculated the potential energy available from the collapse but a simple calculation such as this does not prove that the energy actually ended up melting steel in a few locations. Your example of cold forging (high velocity impact) as the energy concentrating mechanism is inappropriate, as the velocities involved in the collapse of the buildings were very low in comparison. Besides, steel bends and breaks under stress and the distribution of energy within the pile was likely to have been quite uniform. Afterall, all three WTC buildings fell down perfectly vertically.

How do you account for the fact that almost all concrete was pulverised before the buildings hit the ground (Lower Manhattan covered in dust to a depth of several inches)and that no support columns remained standing?

  • 147.
  • At 11:56 AM on 30 Aug 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

thanks vikingar for the extra SE Jones info. It seems the whole Scholars for 911 Truth organisation is strange

  • 148.
  • At 07:00 PM on 30 Aug 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #143

A couple of questions if I may.

With ref to your #143 comments in respect to the SE Jones background info I provided in my #139

Please clarify why in #61 you earlier responded to Alan #58 post thus ...

"Are the maths and science skills of Prof. Steven E. Jones, Physicist and Archaeometrist, high enough for you (with your secondary school metal work experience) to engage in debate of the facts without using personal attacks?"

Q.1 do you believe the 911 CT theories of SE Jones are credible?

Q.2 do you believe the background (academic/scientist) of SE Jones is credible to make raise such 911 CT theory?

Q.3 do you believe, given his other work (#139) that SE Jones is in anyway credible source, when he offers another alternative theory to an event?


  • 149.
  • At 09:49 AM on 31 Aug 2006,
  • wrote:

Breaking news. Or time for prayer, depending on one's worldview.

Yesterday NIST responded to the scholarly critique of Professor Jones, in a page succinctly titled "National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster - Answers to Frequently Asked Questions"

An extremely significant milestone in the 911 story, deserving an immediate report on Newsnight.

* The first time NIST, FEMA or the 911 Commission has managed to articulate, without mockery, the question 'Why did [we] not consider a 鈥渃ontrolled demolition鈥 hypothesis [for WTC 1 & 2] ...' (Q2)

* The first time any such agency has said that they WILL consider such a hypothesis for WTC 7. (Q14 - read the last paragraph real carefully.)

There is much that Jones and others will relish getting their teeth into. The way, for example, NIST admits that it completely ignored the crucial evidence of molten metal in the ruins of all three buildings (Q13) is profoundly unscientific.

Evidently, another high-rise building is on the way down: the OV for 911. Such an unstable structure was only held together through ridicule of all alternative ideas, simply by labelling them conspiracy theories. That trick won't be so easy to pull off next time.

But it is time to pray. The collapse of the official theory is bound to coincide with deep questions about the legitimacy of government in the West. May, as David Ray Griffin writes, we be deeply humbled. But not entirely crushed, O Lord.

  • 150.
  • At 08:45 PM on 31 Aug 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Richard Drake #147 ......

Ref Prof Steve E Jones (given his past papers #141)

Are you in anyway surprised that NIST does not indulge the wilder aspects of 911 CT rhetoric of Jones, given his record?

BTW - if you read the NIST report, Jones name never mentioned, yet you post like it was a personal response for him alone?

Newsnight may be justified in doing an investigation 鈥.. an expose the lack of credibility & motives, behind those who so actively tout CT imaginative theories.


After all 'Elder' Jones previous work includes, such fiction as (#141):

- pseudo research to support Creationism.
- pseudo research of 'archaeological evidence' to support the visit of Jesus Christ in North America.

I wonder how much Jones Mormon beliefs influence his 'academic/scientific' musings :)

I wonder how many followers of this sect feel obliged to tout Jones 'pseudo research' on any & all occasions, esp online (do BYU students get academic credit for posting on Newsnights blog?)


When you quote 'David Ray Griffin' why is it another US home grown religious sect believer in Creationism gets in on the act ref 911 & CT [1a] [1b]


So on Newsnight, believers in 911 CT are so far relying on the same proponents of Intelligent Design / Scientific Creation / Creationism etc (Prof E Jones & David Ray Griffin) [2]

鈥︹. Ever wonder why such posters, such alleged 'experts' & such theories are not taken seriously, but I am surprised neither Jones/Griffin suggest a 'hand of god' in 911 (I awaited their next faction report).

Looks like ref 911 & what has resulted since politically in US, plenty want to get in on the act: liberal left (often/mostly atheist); US home grown fundamentalist followers; Muslim groups; misc

as they say鈥.. ONLY IN AMERICA 鈥. separated by belief, united by CT.




  • 151.
  • At 11:41 PM on 31 Aug 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Vikingar - 150

Why are you attacking the man and not the arguments? I suspect many proponents of both sides of the discussion have some very bizarre beliefs, but what we are all trying to do is get to the truth, and picking holes in someone's private background does not further the debate. It simply backs up Richard's point:
"Such an unstable structure was only held together through ridicule of all alternative ideas, simply by labelling them conspiracy theories."
This has primarily been done by character assassination of those involved - check out the Charlie Sheen saga.

  • 152.
  • At 03:28 AM on 01 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Jayhawk (#150)

"Why are you attacking the man and not the arguments?"

Pardon what argument? its just more inventive sect based speculation.

- when Prof Steven E Jones decides to use his title & position (at a religious sect's academic institution) on all his research, he does that to lend credibility to what he says.
- Nor is its picking holes in his background, its driving through them :)

Ans below with ref to my #143 & #150.

Prof Steven E Jones is a rather self serving mild mannered religious 'academic' (have you watched his webcasts) who has a proven track record of highly questionable 'research' (his choice of topics & method of research)... its more than reasonable to question his competency, track record & motivation, esp on other topics.

That is not attacking the man, its holding them to account by the same right & methods with which they speculate, but one important difference, we can evaluate facts i.e. their past chosen topics of 'research'.

Q. what do the two proponents of 911 CT (Prof Steven E Jones & David Ray Griffin) have in common, prior to their latest project (911 CT speculation) :

- membership of home-grown US religious sects.

- creationism (which about says it all from a scientific 'research' standpoint).

- in addition, Jones has dubious 'archaeological research' that Jesus Christ sailed/paddled over to North America (see #143)

When put into context, the religious based nature of their previous inventive work, its no wonder that Jones & Griffin's 911 CT has no credibility outside of certain minority circles.

You have to wonder why they keep putting fwd such inventive religious based theories , why certain type of person (esp in their sects believe in them) choose to endorse/believe them鈥.. what are their hidden agendas 鈥. conspiracy perchance :)

A proven track record in religious sect inspired speculation & invention does not dobe such people well, nor those who 'support' them :(


  • 153.
  • At 09:12 AM on 01 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

This doesnt wash at all. There are a million serious "wackjobs" (I think that is the accepted term) in the US who support the OV. Enough reason to doubt it then? No, the reason I believe Jones's line on 9/11 and not theirs is because it is the most reasonable and logical explanation, not because I agree that Jesus sailed to America, which I don't.

  • 154.
  • At 03:56 PM on 01 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Jayhawk #153

"No, the reason I believe Jones's line on 9/11 and not theirs is because it is the most reasonable and logical explanation, not because I agree that Jesus sailed to America, which I don't"

.... and what about Creationism - are you are a believer also?


- real world believers in OV make up the vast majority (99%).

- real world CT believers are the distinct minority, but a majority online, if obsessed forum activity is anything to go by *

* but repetitive volume & spin does not make for a credible argument.


  • 155.
  • At 04:01 PM on 01 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

vikingar, i have to agree with Jayhawks post (153 +/-)

i would go further however, as (i have held back on this comment until now, but feel obliged to state) i do not believe in any god, assuming he is a just deity - should he exist, and i be wrong, he'll judge me like all the rest, based the morals of my mortal existence, not whether i was a club member

[for me, religion is the same as politics, capitalism, communism, aligning oneself with leftism/rightism, ghosts, astrology, football, ufology, big brother or anything else of a similar nature, it is about consolidation of control and power, about giving us 'sides' against which to 'fight' for no real change, the false choice, the wasted allegiance - there is more power and liberation, more importance placed on morals and justice, by believing in nothing and considering everything, than by being manipulated into one school or another - not a view i tend to express of course, and not directed at anyone here]

personally, i find that i am from the Jeremy Paxman school of religion i.e. anyine should be able to maintain their own beliefs, without fear of harm, ridicule or descrimination, just as long as their beliefs allow the same for others

i find it plausible that jesus was a real man, and that he did try to affect change in a world unprepared to listen, so without overdoing the metaphor, we could say that we have some second, third, fourth or more comings of jesus today

i notice that you state in "which side are you on" you refer to yourself as a christian, but it is clear that you do not allie yourself with everything the likes of Steven Jones allegedly believe

therefore, you are a claasic example of the ability to believe one apsect of a larger idea, whilst being able to distance yourself from another

this neatly sums up my position with regard to Steven Jones theories regarding 911

when i saw his seminar, his arguments relating to the possible crimes commited against america by its own state, were utterly compelling, where he goes off into religion, from my position, i got the sense of a good man, with whom i do not agree entirely, but a good man nonetheless

the same is NOT true of bush

george bush, by some accounts, is a follower of the order of thule, worships an ancient pagan deity called moloch, and has sworn to continute the aims of the nazi regime, indeed, his family wealth comes from the nazi war effort alex jones may be a wildcard, he may tend to yell at the camera, but just watch the film martial law, and try to convince yourself the he's got it even 60% wrong, then fear for the future

  • 156.
  • At 05:29 PM on 01 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Only just read this for the first time since yesterday morning, with only a few moments to comment.

Thanks to jayhawk and matt for making the key point about the essential difference between the day job and the wackjob.

Take Isaac Newton. Not a bad mathematical physicist, by all accounts, given where he found the subject (at least as we now conceive it) and where he left it. Perhaps the greatest of all time in fact. But the poor retard wrote far more on alchemy and various unorthodox theological speculations, which writings he sadly thought were far more important than his jottings on 'natural philosophy'. The credulous wacko obviously isn't to be trusted on the laws of motion or calculus, right?

Or take Mackenzie King, the Prime Minister of Canada during World War Two. He was regularly up late reading the Book of Revelation and having terrible nightmares of how the current situation with the great beast called Hitler fitted it all so perfactly. But, when Winston Churchill desperately needed a friend to influence Roosevelt to start to give very practical help to the UK, in our direst need for hundreds of years, King came up with the goods. At least, according to the account by the 麻豆官网首页入口-anointed historians who produced the great series called "Finest Hour".

And who knows, even some 麻豆官网首页入口 journalists may sometimes harbour the odd unconventional notion. David Icke anyone? (Not my conspiracist mentor these days, I hasten to add. But when exactly did his shape shift, from earnest and trustworthy sports reporter to the ultimate Terry Wogan irony-defying wackjob? At what point should we have KNOWN?)

I've chosen a politician/theologian and a physicist/theologian as my primary examples because that has a lot to do with what we're dealing with here. And Professor Steven Jones strikes me as a trustworthy witness in his widely acknowledged field of expertise.

The reason I took the NIST FAQ as being a direct respose to Prof Jones was ... well, it was simplification. It is really the group of scholars, especially those from science and engineering, that Jones has gathered round him that is having a major impact, I believe. And much of NIST's thrashing about in the FAQ concerns key questions that I first saw raised in a careful, scientific way by Jones. For example

(Q11) "Why do some photographs show a yellow stream of molten metal pouring down the side of WTC2 that NIST claims was aluminum from the crashed plane although aluminum burns with a white glow?"

This is raised by Jones, on the basis of careful experimental results. Note that NIST's 'answer' speculates much but refers to no such experimental evidence.

I go with the experimental approach. It's called the scientific method, folks.

I thought even wackjobs understood that.

  • 157.
  • At 06:49 PM on 01 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:


please back your assertion that 99% believe the 911 OV

i don't believe that for a moment

  • 158.
  • At 10:04 PM on 01 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Vikingar,

ref: your post (148)

Q.1 do you believe the 911 CT theories of SE Jones are credible?

I'm currently on holiday using a very slow internet cafe, so not in a good position to answer your questions in any depth. btw: I see we've been taken 'off air' from the Newnight website, although at least this URL still works. I suggest anyone who wants to keep in touch - we could all contact Bridget via her website, and ask her to forward on email addresses. There are several people on this forum who I'd be interested in keeping in touch with. I'll send my email address to Bridget when I'm back from holiday (assuming she's ok with it). Anyway, to answer your question, I haven't read Jones' papers, so I'm in no position to comment on his work. My position on 911 CTs is that there are many facts that don't fit the OV easily, and the 'controlled demolition' theory of WTC1 and WTC2 is neither here nor there, for me. I'm far more interested in whether the wargames were used as cover. Also the collapse of WTC7 poses much harder question, imho. What gets me about 911 are all the anomalous details, that we haven't discussed much on this forum - for example, why did Atta risk not pulling off his attack (especially as ringleader) by leaving such a short amount of connection time to catch his Boston flight? lots of bizarre stuff like that.

Q.2 do you believe the background (academic/scientist) of SE Jones is credible to make raise such 911 CT theory?

in short, no, although I wouldn't want to prejudge anyone from my own personal prejudices - imho, we need top academics involved in the debate - but unfortunately they think (quite rightly, no doubt) they'll ruin their careers by getting involved.

Q.3 do you believe, given his other work (#139) that SE Jones is in anyway credible source, when he offers another alternative theory to an event?

no. just as a point of principle, I try not to 'believe' in anything - only do my best to ascribe probabilities.

anyway, it's been fun, if anyone is still reading this - rather than the far more serious issues at stake for Newsnight, like whether someone is carrying a tray of teacups on their head or not. sigh - we're doomed!

  • 159.
  • At 10:28 PM on 01 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:


anytime one of us posts in this thread, it is linked on the right hand side of the main newsnight page, so it's not entirely dead !

are you curious w2hther we've been read twice or three times too ?

wonder if they can show the number of hits on thee threads soon ?

the tray thing was impressive :D

  • 160.
  • At 03:15 AM on 02 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref newsnight blog contributors.

Anyone believe in BOTH A & B:

A - Intelligent Design / Scientific Creation / Creationism

B - 911 CT


  • 161.
  • At 04:05 AM on 02 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Richard Drake #156

Two selected quotes from your #156

1) .... "I go with the experimental approach. It's called the scientific method, folks"

There is nothing scientifically credible about Prof Steven E Jones work & by default those who cling to such questionable topic & dubious research to support 911 CT in lieu of anything more credible/tangible to support fantasy ideas.

If someone fills in their own blanks to a fixed question, that is not a scientific approach (see Nazi Scientists methods & approach to eugenics.

2) .... "And Professor Steven Jones strikes me as a trustworthy witness in his widely acknowledged field of expertise"

Trustworthy .... Widely acknowledged 鈥.expertise??????

Do you in anyway believe that such a religious inspired academic / 'scientist' with a self damming proven track record carries out pseudo research to support [1] 'Creationism' & [2] 'Jesus Christ visit to North America', can be relied on to produce credible research to support fantasy claims ref 911 CT

..... are you claiming a 3rd time lucky approach that Jones struck a cord with a certain type of person, who hitherto has ignored Jones work?

- what the wider motives of Prof Steven E Jones? * & other 911 CT theories who have come out of the woodwork such as David Ray Griffin?

- membership of US home grown religious sects
- religious inspired 'research'
- creationism

- 'pseudo science' touted & fixed to support BOTH Creationism & 911 CT is pretty damming.
- religious affiliations seems to weigh heavily in the choice of research topics & methods of questionable research to support such topics.

- if 911 CT believers tout such work to support 911 CT they are also endorsing Creationism by default, perhaps the true motive of such religious academics all along :(

鈥. Only in America 鈥 & Tehran & Afghanistan & Africa.... & other areas where religion is misused.

One religious sect (Islamic Terrorists) used religion to justify & carry out a terrorist atrocity i.e. 911 whilst members of other religious sects (Mormon academics/'scientist) look to prove the opposite.

Meantime, the largely atheist liberal left, jump from horse to horse, endorsing/excusing the motives & actions of both religious sects 鈥. surely a miracle :)


  • 162.
  • At 04:26 AM on 02 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

you mean the OT-CT ? which is a CT itself, what with its convenient findings of a passport as 'proof' ?

  • 163.
  • At 02:49 PM on 02 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

vikingar, i think it's time to 'pull' out the old dusty internet 'CT' phrase, and ask you which branch of the u.s. government you actually work for ? ;D

watch in plane sight and ask yourself why you are in the camp described as 'descrediting the messenger, rather than listening to the message' ?

Dave vonKleist describes perfectly what is wrong with the title 'conspiracy THEORY' as opposed to 'conspiracy POSSIBILTY'

...or even, simply, CONSPIRACY

  • 164.
  • At 09:38 PM on 02 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Matt - 159

Faith in faith schools (38)
On internet conspiracy theories (163)
A hybrid world (25)
Weaning the States off cars (17)
When Am I Going To Get a Mobile That Does Everything (20)
Cash-for-kidneys? (10)

Who's top of the pops then??!!

  • 165.
  • At 11:01 PM on 02 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

i have noooooooooooo idea ! :D

am i supposed to ?

  • 166.
  • At 01:31 AM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

We're an hour into Sunday, some people have been known to call me a Christian, yet I'm going to do something one might not expect from one so meek and mild: I'm going to draw a couple of lines in the sand, I'm going to say a couple of things that may even appear a little rude.

To vikingar: I feel that you have been extremely, perhaps deliberately, stupid in your last ten or so posts. If you explain to me, to my own satisfaction, what I was trying to get at when I mentioned salient details of the stories of Isaac Newton and Mackenzie King, I may consider entering into 'debate' with you. Otherwise, it would be a total waste of time.

To Andrew: I wouldn't dream of being associated with Bridget's blog, if she is the same Bridget Dunne who treated Rachel North, a survivor of 7-7, so appallingly on the nineeleven.co.uk bulletin board for so many months of the last twelve. (She wasn't the worst, but that is saying very little. I was ashamed this week even to be browsing such reckless, heartless interchanges, brightened only by the obvious courage of the one in the middle, who was being so ridiculously maligned. I wouldn't go near most of the protagonists with a barge pole.)

To Andrew, Adam, indeed Anyone: My assumption in adding to this exciting if sometimes exasperating stream of shared consciousness is that bbc.co.uk will keep the end result safe and sound to be accessed by future generations, as with so much other garb... I mean, of course, in the 麻豆官网首页入口's case, highly distinguished reportage and discussion.

I may be quite wrong about that. If these stray bytes are sent forthwith to that great disk farm in the sky I won't lose much sleep about it. It has been a valuable opportunity to try some ideas out on a few other, for a while seemingly intelligent people. Who knows, I might even have fooled a few on that account myself.

I do feel now though that we need to up our game a bit, or the law of diminishing returns will have its inexorable way with us all.

  • 167.
  • At 03:21 AM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

wake up england

watch this film

it's important that you at least arm yourselves with the knowledge offered to you by these guys

  • 168.
  • At 05:17 AM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

some names who dissent from the manufactured line of 'truth', and who are trying to tell you something that in your hearts and minds you may already know (that something very disturbing is going on in our 'free democracies', and that a distinct lack of accountability [as there is currently] either shows that democracy is a falsehood, or that it has died)...

Michael Meacher
Dr Paul Roberts
Dr Morgan Reynolds
Professor Steven Jones
Andreas Von Buelow
David Shaylor
Ray McGovern

if we are so free, why is now illegal to stand outside parliament and complain that our current state activities are wrong ?

if we're free, why can't we protest, surely our freedom is manifest in our right to moan ?

in the film i linked above, the Orwellian processes used to have us too befuddled to actively do something are well explained, i suggest you watch the film, and ask yourself are you in the game, or of the game ?

  • 169.
  • At 11:51 AM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Re #167 & 168, matt, some questions for you.

Do any of the people you recommend differ about any aspect of what's been going on?

Have any of them, including Alex Jones, changed their minds on anything since 9-11?

If the answer to either question is yes, if England is to 'wake up', how do we work out who to believe? And even when to believe them?

(A warning. I have an example of somebody close to Jones changing his mind three times about something I thought was pretty important, a few years back. And never, as far as I can tell, admitting it.)

What J Last wrote back in #55 was way too simple.

"If the conspiracy theories surrounding the events of 9/11 turn out to be true ... I would have to take my hat off to President Bush for his acting capabillities."

The problem is that the CTs about 9-11 differ widely, so much so that it would be logically impossible for them all to turn out to be true at the same time.

I assume, for example, that you and I agree that the cumulative physical and engineering evidence, and the most professional analysis thereof, currently suggests that WTC 1, 2 & 7 collapsed as a result of the planned use of explosives, not just damage from commercial planes and fire. I also suspect that, from there on in, we might have very different hunches about who did what, and why.

It's unlikely that we would both be right. Nor all the people you cite. At the same time.

Who then should we follow?

  • 170.
  • At 02:42 PM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

yes, certainly looks far too "clean" a destruction wrought upon those intricately constructed towers to be random, chaotic, catastrophic failures, and yes, wtc7, just stinks of coming down by more than mere gravity pulling on a weak zone, created in a randomly selected area of damage or fire (remember the building whose front was blown clean away in america around ten years back ? howcome [most of] that still stood, and yet wtc7 all came down ? there is an inconsistency here...unless of course, one is thinking in terms of accusations of false flag attacks and rapidly changing/disappearing 'news')

and furthermore, as Jones states, entropy [especially north and south towers] - where was the increasing entropy ?

call it hindsight, but watching the buildings collapse on the day, something was simply 'not right', cannot put it any better than that, but these weren't wattle and daub and timber structures, and indeed, they weren't riddled with woodworm and dryrot, so why, how, did they just fall, almost as fast as if there was nothing beneath the destructing framework

as to 'who', anybodies guess, but mine, and it's just a guess remember, is factions working for bush, or working for the group who 'run' bush...in any event, closer to bush and money, than bin laden and holy war

as for the named dissenters...
they're not people to follow necessarily, but they are people whose arguments/theories/questions should be heard by as many people as possible

without having any examples to mind as to whether any of those i cite have changed their mind or disagree with one another, i cannot honestly claim or admit that they have, nor would it be dishonest to say that i don't think so [disagreements/changes of mind]

to my knowledge all of the aforementioned have broad concerns in some regards e.g. pentagon - was it hit by a 757, and specific ones in others e.g. demolition of the wtc complex

to the best of my knowledge, they have a definate convergence of opinion with either suspicion of, or outright accusation of, government false flag operations

who should we believe ? whoever has the most cogent, scientifically solid theory/evidence, and whomever achieves this without obfuscation

none of the above believe in holographic non-existent jumbo jets, nor do they posit that aliens did it, there is as i say a convergence on the area of the sand marked 'false flag'/'self inflicted wound'

better surely, to know not to follow any leader, than follow a leader out of the need to be led by anyone interested in the role

i still think waking up is preferable to sleep, even if i don't know what to do now i'm up, better than double-thinking sleep-walking

now i'm in this particular land of not being allied to 'this' newspaper (never read them to be honest) or indeed, 'that' VERSION or THEORY, but being willing to question, and hear the most plausibly or evidentially supported version/theory which is around, it is far more difficult for me to be subsequently caught in some new web, thus far not on radar

call me a cynic, but to me, the modern world does appear to be governed by the criminally greedy rather than the criminally stupid...and to me, it almost looks as though someone in control is laughing at us, for our sheer blindess and stupidity in letting these things go unchallenged, each atrocity, slightly less convincing than the last, just to see how blind we've really become

here's something else to laugh at or be concerned about, depending upon world view (yep, i'm concerned about it) (hey, this is the whackjob thread, right ?:D)

  • 171.
  • At 06:04 PM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

With reference to my earlier post #144 and response from Nikko #146 I want to keep to the theme showing that the molten metal found in the WTC piles could indeed have been created by natural process. I note that some later posts indicate that the molten steel is still seen a proof of the use of explosives in a demolition. I have already shown that there was enough energy in the collapsing structure to melt about 1000t of steel. The actual mechanism that can generate these high temperatures is Adiabatic shear localisation. This is described as follows:

ADIABATIC shear localization (shear band) is an
important damage/failure mode of materials during high strain-
rate deformation. This failure mode is characterized
as an unstable behavior of deformation to form a band-like
localized deformation region in a nearly adiabatic process.[
1,2] Although thermal softening in a shear band can
finally lead to a rapid failure and makes the material lose
its local load-bearing capacity, unlike cracking, the material
inside a shear band may still maintain a weak continuity.
Once a shear band forms, thermal softening dominates the
subsequent development of shear bands. Severe plastic
deformation within a shear band at high strain rates leads
to a drastic rise of temperature, even up to the melting point
of the material.

This can be found at:

Now would some of your CT enthusiasts please admit shear localization is at least as credible an explanation as thermite charges deliberately placed to destroy the tower?

  • 172.
  • At 06:39 PM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

hi Alan

forgive a non-techie, but shear forces such as you describe, make me envision a twisting, distorting, but most fundamentally, a SIDEWAYS descending pile of to-be molten tower

i [in my relative technical ignorance, but intuitive 'wisdom'] cannot see how this failure mode results in perfect vertical descent

the actual time taken for the towers to collapse vertically somehow manages to omit the 'unhelpfulnes' of the structure underlying the failure zone, i submit to you, that the water flows sideways before it digs downward, if you get my 'drift'

  • 173.
  • At 07:49 PM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

'Richard Drake' & 'matt' - ref your entertaining numerous fantasy Newnights posts attempting to dress up 'credible alternatives' to 911 based on 'science'.

.... so what are your true motives - which religious sect's you hail from? (though matt let slip on other thread that he is a Mormon) which political pressure group do your align yourself too?

BTW matt鈥 encouraging people to peruse your various fantasy CT films is rather pointless, given they can prejudge the dubious bias of your recommendations, based on the dubious 'science' you choose to support your imaginative speculation.

The reliance on non credible science of religious academics such as Prof E Stevens (Mormon BYU faculty) & David Gray Griffin, have fatally undermined & exposed 911 CT for what it is - wishful fantasy.

Furthermore, the pseudo science of Prof E Stevens 911 behind his CT theories, have been honed on his previous two major works (#143 #150):

- Fantasy [1] - Intelligent Design / Scientific Creation / Creationism

- Fantasy [2] - Jesus Christ's sailed/paddled over to North America.

Now we have Jones latest instalment & third effort:

- Fantasy [3] - 911 CT.

- as clearly demonstrated, the inter-reliance of 'Prof' E Stevens 'research' equally condemns the pseudo science behind each work but moreover clearly demonstrates the inclinations of a fanatics choice in topic.

- what are the motives of those individuals & minority groups who promote & tout such plain & non credible falsehoods?

- if your desperate to believe an alternative bogeyman & attribute alternative motives you cannot be too choosey about alternative theories to fill the inconvenient blanks.

Either way, dubious pseudo science has all been done before -


  • 174.
  • At 07:59 PM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#172 Matt

You said 鈥渋 [in my relative technical ignorance, but intuitive 'wisdom'] cannot see how this failure mode results in perfect vertical descent鈥.
This isn鈥檛 a failure mode. We are talking about the situation that arose when the pile came to rest at the bottom of the decent. The kinetic energy (energy due to motion) must be transformed ultimately into heat energy. This has nothing to do with the 鈥渘ear perfect vertical decent鈥. The verticality of the decent is down to gravity. When the structure collapsed there where no sideways forces, 鈥榲ertically down鈥 was the only option.
You said 鈥, i submit to you, that the water flows sideways before it digs downward, if you get my 'drift'鈥
You are drifting on a river called 鈥渕isconception鈥 without a paddle (heh heh). The shear forces referred to here are forces that arise WITHIN the steel. Even if you compress steel with a perfectly vertical force the internal structure will be subjected to shear forces which, if memory serves, will be at 45 degrees to the applied force (don鈥檛 quote me on that one). The forces in the WTC collapse would have been so huge that that adiabatic shear zones are likely to have been generated in large portions is the pile.
Won鈥檛 you even concede that this natural process is at least as likely as your thermite theory鈥.

  • 175.
  • At 10:55 PM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Alan (171), from the time you first mentioned the possibility of 'adiabatic shear localization' causing molten metals to be reported under all three collapses I've thought "Hmm, possible, just like it's possible that all the molecules of oxygen in the room in which I'm typing this could go into a cube only an inch square in one corner, leaving me rather out of breath. Quite physically possible, but the kind of thing that is unlikely ever to have happened in the history of the universe so far.

Adiabatic shear localization meets the second law of thermodynamics (as it always has to) - all that kind of pedantry.

Now that was my immediate intuition when I read your stuff. But, happily, as Professor Steven Jones has been reminding us, in physics we don't have to rely on intuition.

So, as someone who is proposing such stunning cause and effect occurred three times on 9-11, what experiment by NIST would you propose to show not just that the potential energy in the towers was enough to cause a certain amount of metal to melt, if it was all miraculously applied to that mass and nowhere else - a fact that I'm sure we all accept - but that such pools of molten metal were a LIKELY outcome of three such highly chaotic collapses?

  • 176.
  • At 11:04 PM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • Springgrove wrote:

I have struggled with the reasons as to how the towers collapsed and found in the below 'Discovery Channel' production an answer which suits me. These towers, it seems, were hastily built to regeneate a poor part of town and, at the same, to demonstrate the might of the USA with their size and audacity. They were unique and had a limited lifetime expectancy.



  • 177.
  • At 11:29 PM on 03 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:


erm, no, but only because i do not understand/agree how this mechanism is supposed to work

my failing i'm sure

your last post reads as though the melting of the metal occurs only at the base upon collapse ? this leaves little room for the energy in the structure to be put to its purpose of melting that steel

any comment i have made is based on 'selecting the most likely explanation' (likely meaning logical, explanable, potentially provable - and ignoring the 'you must not dissent' camp), so, if your explanation is logical, explanable and potentially provable, i'll be glad to multiple post in your honour

because i have questions, not pre-existing answers, i would appreciate assistance in undersanding this theory

my personal suspicions are there because of history, and personal experience of the human skill of betrayal, they do not however, pollute my desire to hear whatever the truth may be, dull and old as possible, if the truth it be, i just (like many others) don't seem to have been supplied with much reasonable explanation thus far from any and all official sources

and now for something NOT to Alan !...

to any who want to libel, obfuscate, spread religious hatred or bias...

to ask questions, and be attacked for that, well, that's like finding i've woken up in some horrendous, state controlled misinformation prison camp

anyone who resorts to obfuscation has the real hidden agenda, and that agenda, is against you, every reader, it is against your freedom to think

again, i suggest everyone watches as much alex jones, steven jones, and other non-govt-straw-man material as they are able, as my mentioning him really seems to have ruffled some feathers

why is this stuff so dangerous ? and to whom ?

  • 178.
  • At 12:13 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#175 Richard Drake

Your comment about 鈥溾ll that kind of pedantry鈥︹ say鈥檚 it all. What you mean is. 鈥淒on鈥檛 try to change my world view with your common sense, facts and logic鈥︹ 鈥楢diabatic shear localization鈥 is a technical term for what happens to steel when is subject to enormous forces. If you don鈥檛 like big words, I am sorry, I have tried to use analogies in previous entries, but these have been rejected as too simplistic, so I got technical. 鈥楽evere plastic deformation鈥 refers the steel being crushed by forces that are so large that it flows as if it were a thick fluid. 鈥楬igh strain rates鈥 refers to this deformation happening in a very short time period. This is what happens when very large steel structures collapse under the force of gravity.

You say 鈥淏ut, happily, as Professor Steven Jones has been reminding us, in physics we don't have to rely on intuition.鈥

Well, yes, but I am not relying on intuition am I? Well, am I???? Huh???? I have done some basic calculations to show that there was enough energy in the collapse to melt 1000t of steel, haven鈥檛 I? I have also described the process in which some of the forces are concentrated in such a collapse (using the analogy of the high heel on a wood floor). I then mentioned a technical term for a known process that can raise steel to melting point as a result of these concentrated forces (adiabatic shear localization). This process is not theoretical, it happens.

You say 鈥渨hat experiment by NIST would you propose to show not just that the potential energy in the towers was enough to cause a certain amount of metal to melt, ?..鈥 No experiment is required. I have showed that there was enough energy to melt 1000t of steel. You could refine this, no doubt, but there is no question that the energy was available. The only question is, could some of this energy be concentrated and absorbed by the steel in such a way as to raise its temperature to melting point? This could be demonstrated with finite element analysis software, I imagine.

You say 鈥渋f it was all miraculously applied to that mass and nowhere else..鈥 No miracle is required. I am not suggesting that a whole 1000t of steel was melted. The amount of melt was not measured and will remain unknown. It may have only been a few hundred kilograms. It may have been 50 kilograms. I have seen no estimate for the amount of molten steel produced. If more that 1000t of molten steel was found THEN my argument would fail.

You say 鈥溾ut that such pools of molten metal were a LIKELY outcome of three such highly chaotic collapses?鈥 These collapses are unprecedented. There was no experience prior to 9/11 of collapses on this scale. I predict that such collapses (involving massive steel structures of a similar size and proportion) are highly likely to result in some molten steel being produced from adiabatic shear of the steel joists.

Now I ask you, what is the logic behind Jones鈥 argument that the melt was a result of demolition by thermite?

  • 179.
  • At 12:16 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:


having to remember what i wrote here as my post was refused

oh yes, that's right, you've libelled me

i am not a mormon, i don't even believe in god

to summarise my own post, you cannot and have not tackled the issues i have raised on their own merit, you simply obfuscate until you turn to offensively misquoting

where is your data to support your assertion that 99% are OV believers

why are you so scared of the truth ?

what is driving you so hard ?

why do questions and dissent frighten you so ?

why do you appear to demonstrate an agenda that is against freedom of speech, and against seeking the truth ?

i challenge Newsnight to have a poll (not that they will) posing the question (without possibility of repeat voting) in these words...

"the events of 911 were as reported in the mainstream media in the days after, and are not in doubt, neither are there any significant areas that deserve examination or re-examination"

- agree/disagree

  • 180.
  • At 12:44 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

and another thing

if the 'two camps' were towers...

one whose storeys were comprised of the names of those whose instinctive thought (and instinct is not something to be ignored, it can be a useful tool) was that there are issues with the OV, and this towers frame were constructed of sound, scientific argument to support the questions

and the other tower comprised of the names of those whose conscious thought was that the OV was acceptable, and that towers frame were constructed of sound, scientific argument to support the OV

...then i suggest that the 'tower of questioners' would be significantly taller than the 'tower of accepters'

not only this, but the tower of accepters would have many holes in its frame, and would be losing storeys at random on all levels

might explain why the internet terrorism is flying into the taller, more majestic structure

  • 181.
  • At 01:11 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Alan, I take it from your long answer that you cannot conceive of a single experiment to support the proposition that pools of molten metal were to be expected under all three buildings on 9-11, just from the energy released by the collapse itself.

Your theory is not falsifiable, even in principle.

But it remains more scientifically valid that the plain and repeatable observation that thermite and thermate produce molten metal when used to cut through steel?

  • 182.
  • At 01:39 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

so vikingar, where are we ? that's right, you've to date, on this forum, misrepresented me, made anti freedom anti religious comments and used other personal attacks

i'm offended and i'm not even religious

keep going

but perhaps try something a little fresher than this oh so dull 'left-right' 'tory-labour', 'commie-cappie', god-no god' stuff, there are more and more 'weirdos' out here who won't get sucked in to that any more, no sir

it all comes down to two opposing ALL EMBRACING theologies...freedom [within universal moral boundaries] and oppression [in all areas of life, whether mental, spiritual, economical or other)

how about openly trying to argue FOR totalitarian oppression, or against freedom, when to remove freedom is to simply create oppression in its vacuum

  • 183.
  • At 02:22 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Matt & Richard Drake.

Don't blame the messenger 鈥. its the mainstream majority who do not take your fantasy seriously :)

Your litany of above posts condemn 鈥.. if you give people enough rope etc.

You propose questionable CT about 911 then insist on propping it up with pseudo science.

The pseudo science of Prof E Stevens 911 behind his CT theories, have been honed on his previous two major works (#143 #150):

- Fantasy [1] - Intelligent Design / Scientific Creation / Creationism

- Fantasy [2] - Jesus Christ's sailed/paddled over to North America.

Now we endure Jones latest instalment & third effort:

- Fantasy [3] - 911 CT.

Any position based on such theory is doomed / worthless / nada / useless :)

'Carry On Conspiracy' 鈥. oohh err matron !


  • 184.
  • At 02:36 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

okay, if this has turned into a 'lets repeat post-a-thon, libel this...

again, i suggest everyone watches as much alex jones, steven jones, and other non-govt-straw-man material as they are able, as my mentioning him really seems to have ruffled some feathers

why is this stuff so dangerous ? and to whom ?

  • 185.
  • At 02:56 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

vikingar the libeller, misquoter and follower of agenda rather than genuine debate on pertinent issue

you think your campaign against Steven Jones will help your oppression agenda, but did you not notice all the other contributors to my links ?

why can you not even bear to ackowledge Alex Jones

his name is Alex Jones

are you willing to berate the brave and skilled firefighters ? (discussion in firehouse)

if desiring the truth is a "sect" in your mind, makes me wonder what kind of sect you're spinning for

i'm independant and spreading the question, you're attempting to cloud the issue and dumb down the debate

keep soldiering on with the debunkathon, you're adding site hits to Steven Jones material


from matt, freethinker, non sect member, not tied to a religion, not fronting any organisation, and no, not a mormon

in fact, entirely bumper sticker free...are you ?

  • 186.
  • At 03:19 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

vkingar...MY posts condemn ? you really are all over the place

readers, i hope, based upon trust in your intellegence, that you are willing to entertain the notion that vikingar is employing double thinking to confuse you

and i trust in you to read and investigate for yourselves, don't be fooled by this psychological warfare

step over this guy


you cannot and have not tackled the issues i have raised on their own merit, you simply obfuscate and misquote

where is your data to support your assertion that 99% are OV believers

why do questions and dissent frighten you so ?

Let's keep things civil, chaps. You'll scare the horses...

  • 188.
  • At 09:01 AM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#181 Richard

You say 鈥淎lan, I take it from your long answer that you cannot conceive of a single experiment to support the proposition that pools of molten metal were to be expected under all three buildings on 9-11鈥

I said 鈥淭his could be demonstrated with finite element analysis software鈥. I also show that the energy was available, and the melting process I described is not merely a theory, it is well understood behavior of metals. So it is beyond me why you would then assert that my proposition can鈥檛 be supported.
Your assertion that 鈥溾t remains more scientifically valid that the plain and repeatable observation that thermite and thermate produce molten metal when used to cut through steel鈥︹ is just utter nonsense. Electricity is used to melt steel in industrial plant and there would have been a great deal of electricity floating around in the WTC. I haven鈥檛 heard your so called 鈥減rofessor鈥 suggesting this as a possibility.

  • 189.
  • At 01:39 PM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

i agree adamliv, perhaps you could comment on the 麻豆官网首页入口s point of view regarding misquoting and libel ?

any possibility please, of a Newsnight piece on 'is the world falling into line, or thinking for itself ?'

and that poll ?...

"the events of 911 were as reported in the mainstream media in the days after, and are not in doubt, neither are there any significant areas that deserve examination or re-examination"

- agree/disagree

also, can you please tell us, just out of curiosity, how many horses there are ?

or modify the blogs to show how many hits there have been (reader hits that is, not poster asassination attempts) :D

  • 190.
  • At 02:11 PM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

"electricity floating around in the wtc" ?

hmm, interesting :)

  • 191.
  • At 04:59 PM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Alan, I never said that your proposition can't be supported. I was treating you with the respect I would accord to any real scientist. I was asking you to support your proposition, through experiment.

Or at least to indicate what kind of experiment might lend support to it. In this context constant repetitions of the potential energy available are as relevant as a 12 year old metalworker's physics workbook. As I've said already, we all accept that there was enough energy to do it, indeed there was also no doubt the energy to make a million omelettes. Strangely, the omelettes were not reported. The molten metal was. Was it really likely that such a chaotic collapse, without explosives of any sort, would produce such a dramatic and uneven distribution of energy in the debris of all three towers, as is required by your current thinking?

The only way to prove that such an outcome was likely is by experiment.

I did read the words "finite element analysis software" but they fell short for me of a satisfactory description of an experiment, or series of experiments, that could shed real light on the scene.

But then I'm a software engineer, have been for 26 years. Having graduated in mathematics at Cambridge. What's your academic and professional background, while we're at it?

  • 192.
  • At 07:35 PM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

more questions that won't go away, or be answered by personal attacks or libel...

  • 193.
  • At 08:54 PM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • nikko wrote:

Alan, you have calculated the theoretaical potential energy available but have consistently failed to account for or explain
1) final velocities much smaller than theoretical due to the resistance of the structure and conservation of momentum in pancaking floors
2) what caused virtually all the concrete to turn to dust before the towers even hit the ground
3) what concentrating mechanism was in play that day to channel the energy of collapse into melting steel. Steel bends and distorts under pressure and forces would have been generated pretty much uniformly within the pile, precluding the possibility of some energy concentrating effect. Afterall, the towers fell perfectly vertically confirming that whatever resistance to the collapse was present, it was uniformly distributed.
4) Pancaking due to shear failure of the floor supports should have resulted in the support columns remaining standing. How come they all collapsed (there were about 50 in each tower)

Until you answer these points your simple calculations prove nothing

  • 194.
  • At 10:45 PM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Richard Drake #191

"Alan 鈥︹ but then I'm a software engineer, have been for 26 years. Having graduated in mathematics at Cambridge. What's your academic and professional background, while we're at it?"

鈥 and still signs up to pseudo science of religious sect academic Prof E Jones (#143 #150)

Akin to the rather harmless tradition of encouraging children to believe in Father Christmas, but then holding a serious expectation of actually receiving a present from Santa Claus yourself :)


  • 195.
  • At 11:05 PM on 04 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

i don't know if this is already a conspiracy theory, but...

scary, three letters have been circulating parliament demanding blair to resign - and you know what that means ? john reid, that's what that means, he'll be used like bush to be the scary, unpopular patsy to bring in nasty new laws

as i said on the 31st august...

john reid...
tick...johg reid...
tock...johge reid...
tick...jeohge reid...
tock...jeorge reid...
tick...jeorge ruid...
tock...jeorge buid...
tick...jeorge buih...
tock...jeorge bush...
tick...george bush

know what i'm saying ?

the steady 'lets go u.s.' machine rotates round on its continuing cycles towards a very scary future


john reid becomes pm

john reid presides over the war on iran to come

millions protest another war in good time to stop it

they are not heard

the police attacking, beating and incapacitating them with sound weapons look more and more like waffen SS

then, maybe then, enough people, too many people for our despotic leaders to be able to stop, decide they've had enough

snippet of a recent conversation...

"[anon]- Why isn't Golden Brown going to be PM?

[me]- lol, 'cos he failed bilderberg vetting

[anon]- No, but why the hell should Reid be up next?

[me]- reid demonstrated the will to go with the plan, the plan involves terror on a wider scale, just don't believe it's alcy cider, it's all about the laws and the wars"

  • 196.
  • At 12:18 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#191 Richard

I got an A in metal work, sophomore year, San Carlos High, California.

More strangely, there was enough energy in those collapses to power a generation of irrational conspiracy theorists.

The only way that an experiment could be done to model the effects of a collapse on such a scale would be a computer simulation, I think. As you are probably well aware, finite element analysis is a standard mathematical tool used in simulations. You would probably know better than me if software tools are available to model adiabatic shear under such conditions. Such a model would first be run to see what pressures and strain rates were required to generate shear forces on a typical joist high enough to reach melting point. Simulations could then model various collapse scenarios to see if these pressures and strain rates could have been achieved in practice.

Of course, no one will bother to run such simulations because the organisations with the level of resources and expertise needed just wouldn鈥檛 see the point.

A program aired this evening about the firemen who were trapped near the bottom of stairway B in the North tower. They experienced the whole collapse from within the building. They described hearing and feeling each floor collapse above them, and how the rate of collapse increased, just as you would expect with a domino effect. No mention of hearing or feeling explosions.

I will post again if I find any more solid experimental data on adiabatic shear. Bet you can鈥檛 wait鈥

  • 197.
  • At 12:27 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Dear old vikingar

#143, #148, #150, #152, #154, #160, #161, #173, #183, #194 ... hey, that's an average of the very same point made every 5-6 posts. Surely you are now in line to get the Jeremy Paxman/Michael Howard award for persistence in the face of adversity - or indeed perversity.

And in all this there is cleverly no evidence that you ever bothered to read my response in #156. While you're looking that up, as I'm sure you now will, why not try #107, where I owned up to my own peculiar brand of evangelical Christian faith. (Jayhawk, who sounds as if he's a 911 CTist who, like many, does not - yet - subscribe to any recognizable Christian worldview, had of course just blown my cover.)

Given these constant interjections, though, would it be helpful to you if you could get off your chest exactly which of the following you think disqualifies anyone from being a good scientist:

1. belief in a deity

2. belief in a deity who created the space-time universe out of nothing

3. belief in a deity who confirmed the message of a man called Jesus Christ by empowering him to do miracles, including his physical resurrection from the dead

4. belief that Jesus made his way across to America after his resurrection. (The means of travel being a fairly lightweight issue after the miracle of rising from death itself, if you think logically about it, if indeed you think it is possible to think logically about such matters.)

I hold to options 1-3, like billions in human history. Professor Jones, as a good Mormon, also believes 4.

Now do you really want a list of the outstanding scientists that would join Jones and myself on points 1-3, such as the formulator of the Maxwell equations, the inventor of the Big Bang, the discoveror of penicillin and the geologist who did a vast amount of groundwork changing our picture to a very ancient earth, leading up to the theories of Charles Darwin. That last was Adam Sedgwick, a keen evangelical from Cambridge University. So I'm bound to feel a special affinity for him.

Sedgwick was a creationist alright, just not the stupid kind that has only recently emerged, from around 1960, trying to put the clock back 150-200 years and deny the cumulative scientific evidence for a very ancient earth. As I'm sure you know, since the dramatic, accidental discovery of background radiation by Penzias and Wilson in 1965, the ancient earth now arises from the Standard Model of cosmology, one of the great scientific achievements of our time, with the Big Bang estimated to have occurred around 15 billion years ago.

And this is the really crazy thing to me. From the one quote you've given of Professor Jones in the 'creationist' area, he's one of the sensible ones, believing in the best possible integration of the insights of scripture and modern science.

"In this essay, Elder Jones shows how death before Adam makes sense from a scriptural sense. He is not necessarily saying that evolution of man is true or untrue ... 'The details of the physical creation are not given in scripture. Indeed, why should they be? The Lord gave us the testimony of the rocks and bids us read'"

Just like 19th century Reverend Adam Sedgwick, just like 20th century Roman Catholic priest, George LeMaitre, inventor of the Big Bang, just like little old 21st century lay person, Richard Drake.

Now if you're going to try to smear any one of us, I suggest that you do your homework a little bit better than that.

  • 198.
  • At 12:53 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref matt #195


The latest addition

Oh not, it鈥檚 a full house of CT for matt :)

- 911
- Creationism
- Jesus Christ visited America
- Bilderberg [1a] [1b] [1c]

Q. what next Sciencetology? (but as a Mormon are you allowed to?)

Thanks for full house CT self outing 鈥︹. needed a laugh this evening - BTW - is this you [2]

So given the addition of bilderberg to your self declared list, what other major CT is left 鈥

- zionism
- aliens
- Elvis
- lock ness monster

But your 'alien CT' file is as extensive & large as your 'zionism CT' file.




  • 199.
  • At 01:08 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Richard Drake ref #197

You now willing acknowledge that you sign up to the pseudo science behind:

- 911 CT & Creationism

That's pretty telling, but thanks it's saved a lot of time ... self smear :)

Least we have a clear indication about where you are coming from.

Current religious sect academics such as 'Prof' Steven E Jones, David Gray Griffin etc clearly have other motives, as do those who sign up to their imaginative approach (#143, #150) the topics & methods of their CT 'research'.

Personally, I am a British Christian & Humanitarian, who reserves the right to question the efforts of those who set out to manipulate others through a intentional twisting religion for self/group gain.

There is no real science behind 911 CT & Creationism - only a mix of furtive imagination & hidden agendas.

I refuse to get drawn into a open discussion to in any way legitimatise such topics, rather than concentrate my fire on the underhand tactics & motives of those who 'create the CT evidence', those who tout CT & those na茂ve/dishonest fools who only too willingly embrace CT to fill a void in their lives (or lack of one should I add) *

* for them CT = when the world does not make sense & a person has little/no personal reasonability and/or influence over events, fill in the blanks/void with your own specualtive & imaganiative theories.


  • 200.
  • At 01:12 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

Alan, at or around #196

surely, people such a yourself are the 'theorist' here, your desperate effort to come up with explanations which avoid the evidence, are nothing more than supposition backed by attempts to use babblescience as a smokescreen

  • 201.
  • At 02:44 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

to anyone with an open mind, or a mind they desire to open, i urge you to go back up the page and visit any of the links i posted or words i typed, and see for yourself how much i mention being or believing any of the things vikingar falsly accuses me of, i wish there were draconian laws against false accusers today

once again, vikingar, i have to remind everyone that you are plainly libelling me, it is perfectly clear to anyone how innacurate your campaign is

i'll answer each of your 'claims'/libels in turn...

YOU said "'bilderberg'"

...i say

YOU said "Oh not, it鈥檚 a full house of CT for matt :)"

...i say, no it isn't a full house, or even a small shed, i do not subscribe to any CT, i ask questions about why the selected CTs I PERSONALLY have raised are not widely, openly debunked in mainstream media, if they're just bunkum, where's the harm

VIKINGAR, STOP DOING YOUR (I ASSUME U.S. GOVT) JOB, AND LEAVE US TO DEBATE IN THE NAME OF TRUTH HERE IN ENGLAND - as you americans love letigious action so much, maybe i should sue you for libel ?

we're trying to debate what may be mass murder done in order to control the world with fear, you should be ashamed of your lies

YOU said "- 911"

...i say, yeah, THAT'S right

your team of writers aren't doing very well are they ?

YOU said "- Creationism"

...i say, where have i said ANYTHING to even remotely support your sustained lies where you continually assert that i in any way subscribe to religion, you complete fool, utter fool, you're clearly desperate as well as a liar

YOU said "- Jesus Christ visited America"

...i say, nowhere, not once, have i made any claim, any claim WHATSOEVER that i believe jesus visited america, i did simply state that he may once have been alive [and a real human being], your flabberghasting mormon hatred means nothing to me, especially considering i am not a mormon, clearly, i am close to the real truth, or you would not be so desperate to construct these laughable lies over and over again

YOU said "- Bilderberg [1a] [1b] [1c]"

...i say, yeah, that's right, those same people you self evidently are employed by

YOU said "Q. what next Sciencetology? (but as a Mormon are you allowed to?)"

...i say - you see, this is what i'm talking about, i must be near the truth, you utter fool, I AM NOT A MORMON, and as far as i know, scientology is as convincing and plausible as you yourself

YOU said "Thanks for full house CT self outing 鈥︹. needed a laugh this evening - BTW - is this you [2]"

...i say, tell me your address so i can sue you for your continuing, baffling lies

YOU said "So given the addition of bilderberg to your self declared list, what other major CT is left 鈥

- zionism"

...i say, i have no idea where you think you're going with this, what an idiot

YOU said "- aliens"

where have i made any comment about aliens ? i doubt highly that we've ever been visited by aliens that's just one of the many ways in which you people confuse other people, but not i

YOU said "- Elvis"

...i say, i think you'll find he's dead ?

YOU said "- lock ness monster"

i say, aren't you depressed having to do this, and making such a fool of yourself ?

YOU said "But your 'alien CT' file is as extensive & large as your 'zionism CT' file"

...i say, where ARE you getting this crap from ?

vikingar, you will not stop me with your lame obfuscations, i won't ever back down from seeking the truth, no matter how long you continue to LIE ABOUT ME AND MISPREPRESENT MY VIEWS, if i knew who you were, i would sue you for libel

i thought i made it perfectly clear to you, that i will not be obfuscated by lame attempts to peg me to one of your 'groups'

i desire the truth, nothing more, you will not get me to play your pathetic game any further, next time you lie about me, i'll get your post removed, that's a promise

  • 202.
  • At 06:40 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:


You really do all the running here don't you.

Could not have more ably undermined your own 'cause' if you tried.

Talk about 'outing' yourself in the credibility stakes - got to laugh :)


Matt wrote:
i agree adamliv, perhaps you could comment on the 麻豆官网首页入口s point of view regarding misquoting and libel ?

Well as a rule I try to avoid it 8-)

  • 204.
  • At 08:43 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

jolly good, any chance of us wierdies getting an on air rant about the NWO ?


  • 205.
  • At 08:50 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#200 matt

I refer you to my first post #58. Since you seem to have failed to follow a fairly straightforward argument, you will be first in line for forced labour at one of my science/math camps.

  • 206.
  • At 08:54 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Richard - 197
"Jayhawk, who sounds as if he's a 911 CTist who, like many, does not - yet - subscribe to any recognizable Christian worldview, had of course just blown my cover"

Sorry Richard, but - and this is beginning to make christians look a bit enamoured of the old CT - I've subscribed to a very similar worldview to yours for about 30 years. It was the reference to East Sussex and Greg Boyd that nailed it....

  • 207.
  • At 09:03 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:


do i get to bring my calculator ?


Matt wrote:
any chance of us wierdies getting an on air rant about the NWO

I'll have to run it by my Bilderberg masters. Let me get back to you.

  • 209.
  • At 09:10 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:


who is Greg Boyd, and what happened in East Sussex ?

is a Christian worldview compatible with an 'atheist, free thinker, equality, truth, justice and peace worldview'...i'm assuming it is ?

  • 210.
  • At 09:14 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Ok viks, we think we've got it, you are a UK Christian but, unlike Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, his twelve chosen apostles and billions of Christians since (to say nothing of devout Jews and Muslims), you do not believe in a deity who created the world.

Fair enough, that is your unconventional choice of terminology and, like Voltaire, an atheist who was at least more honest about the implications of his beliefs, I would die for your right to say it, even as you er, claim to die laughing at my right to say anything at all.

As for outstanding scientists who have also believed in a God who created all things, like Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Boyle, Mendel, Kelvin, Maxwell, Einstein, Planck, DeMaistre (inventor of the Big Bang), Fisher (central to the neo-Darwinian synthesis) and Collins (leader of the Genome project today), they are also I assume to be written off as 'creationists', from whom you have gained, and could gain, nothing?

But that's not all. From your fourteen posts so far, none of which has even tried to grapple with the evidence, what you seem to be saying is this. All believers are creationists and all conspiracy theorists are believers. Not only that, the 911 conspiracy theory (there is only one, in your view) is itself a giant conspiracy of dumb, yet also fiendishly clever, creationists, like Steven Jones, David Ray Griffin and Richard Drake. Anyone who questions the official version of 911 in the smallest detail, even if they swear blind that they don't believe in God, are only dissembling or deceiving themselves. Even though they don't know it, they are in fact creationists working to 'manipulate others through a intentional twisting religion for self/group gain' with a 'mix of furtive imagination and hidden agendas' to deceive the whole world.

That is your own, very novel CT, as best I can ascertain it. You have a perfect right to hold it. And the 麻豆官网首页入口 seems to have given you the right to endlessly regurgitate it. Even if it is clear to everyone that it fails to advance the argument one iota, switching some off posting and making others, like matt, more hot-headed perhaps than 911 sceptics like Nikko, Zoran, Andrew and myself, understandably furious.

Elsewhere on the Net we know it's called flame-bait, from someone who has no interest in the subject and simply wants to disrupt proceedings, to have the joy of seeing others lose their cool. Good game, good game, as they might have said on the 麻豆官网首页入口 in times past. But isn't it time for either you or the moderators to grow up just a little on this subject, at this time?

  • 211.
  • At 10:45 AM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Richard Drake #195

Several 911 CT posters are doing their dammedest to give their fantasy an airing on a Newsnight blog.

Although right now its suffering from over exposure & they are doing their imaginative speculation quite a bit of harm.

Their main central 'scientific' pillar are the dubious works of religious sect academics Jones et al, who has a proven track record in religious 'research' (how inconvenient) & inventing pseudo science to support their religiously inspired theories:

- creationism
- Jesus Christ paddled/sailed over to North America to say hello to the Native Americans.

Motivation of 911 CT 'evidence' providers: trying to legitimate their sects ideas perchance, a recruiting drive etc.

Pretty simple, questionable motivation & bad science/research on previous works, strong likelihood next bunch of theories are equally as pants.

Therefore, ref such 911 CT 'evidence' we need go no further, point made, case closed :)


  • 212.
  • At 12:16 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

adamliv wrote "I'll have to run it by my Bilderberg masters. Let me get back to you"

nice ;D

can i suggest Radiohead 2+2=5 for the back-track ?

  • 213.
  • At 12:47 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

ooh, that reminds me, Alan, what will the lessons in this camp involve, i presume it will span 2+2=5, all the way through to advanced maths (also 2+2=5) ? only, i already know that


  • 214.
  • At 12:49 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#207 matt

You have a calculator!! :o

  • 215.
  • At 01:05 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

matt wrote: "Jayhawk, who is Greg Boyd, and what happened in East Sussex ?"

Ok, Jayhawk, here's the plan. You keep him talking, I'll get the guitars and the short trousers. We'll have 'im singing "Kumbiyah, my Lord" round the camp fire, out of tune, like the all others, by nightfall. He'll be ruined forever ... no real-ale drinking freethinker will ever share that juicy bit of Voltaire or Dawkins with him again.

He he he ... (exits stage right, laughing, into Doctor Vikingar's tender Bora Bora hospice-cave for the monotheistically insane)

  • 216.
  • At 01:13 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ Adamliv

Your rather arbitrary moderation on blog comments is hard for us 'censored' ones to understand.

I posted a reply to Richard Drake @ 166 which I feel is necessary, given the bold statement he made about me personally.

Any explanation forthcoming on why my reply didn't make it through?

Bridget wrote
Your rather arbitrary moderation on blog comments is hard for us 'censored' ones to understand.

Sorry Bridget but I have nothing whatsoever to do with the moderation of this forum so I have no idea what you're referring to.

  • 218.
  • At 02:12 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Matt - 209

See 107.

In East Sussex? Something very fishy was going on....


  • 219.
  • At 02:21 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Adamliv @ 217

Apologies. Then who does moderate the comments and by what criteria?

  • 220.
  • At 03:05 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Could you please post this comment:

I've tried to catch up on this debate, and have to excuse myself from the 9/11 science aspect, but would just like to agree with matt on Atta's passport and the fireman's statement.

Richard Drake @ 166 Claims that I treated Rachel North 'appallingly' on the 9/11 boards. You wouldn't mind posting a quote that supports this assertion would you? Rachel North is certainly no stranger to making statements that are about 'shooting the messenger' and has conducted a very personal crusade against people she views as 'conspiraloons'.

See her blog:

and her replies to me in the comments section of this post:

perhaps people can make up their own minds?

Rachel's recent post re: a reply from John Reid (note that these are not 'public announcements' and we wouldn't know of them unless a survivor blogs about them), makes this pertinent point about the lack of CCTV images from 7th July.

Rachel: "Many self-styled ''July 7th Truth campaigners'' have a particular question that they raise again and again, and it is a reasonable question to ask, though extrapolating from it that nothing we have been told about July 7th is true is about a thousands steps too far into a murky world that I find barely recognisable and hope never to inhabit. The question is: why has more CCTV footage of the 7/7 bombers not been shown? The media often play the tape of them going through tube ticket barriers but that is not from July 7th, it is from the ''practice run'' three of them did earlier. The only picture that has been released of them on the day is the famous shot of them wearing their rucksacks at Luton station."

John Reid: ''CCTV footage
A number of people questioned why there was a very limited amount of footage of the bombers released to the media. The Metropolitan Police have told us that the primary reason for this is that the footage forms part of the police evidence. Their practice is to limit the release of footage to that which is pertinent to progressing their investigation. In deciding what to release, the police need to take into account that any footage could potentially [ underlined] prejudice any prosecutions that result from the on-going police investigation.''

As the July 7th Truth Campaign's petition to 'Release the Evidence' is calling for the evidence that is already mentioned in the 'narrative' whch was published on 11/05/06, can we assume that the narrative itself would prejudice any prosecutions? Would the 麻豆官网首页入口's 'Crimewatch' programme be allowed under these MPS guidelines? What about the need for witnesses for whom an image from, say, Kings Cross may help to identify themselves as being present?

Is John Reid and the MPS 'excuse' for not releasing the evidence acceptable?

  • 221.
  • At 03:26 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

hare krisna you say ?

hmm, clearly terrorists, i mean, they're wearing orange, right ?

so obviously allied to alcy-cider

i think east sussexstan may be in danger

where's that dossier on hare krisna enriching uranium ? i know it's around here somewhere, oh wait, this is the unedited version, it still says "enriching spirituality"

that can be fixed

  • 222.
  • At 03:30 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • Jack Mcmanaman wrote:

I think you guys should visit the above site and see for yourself what the truth is.

  • 223.
  • At 03:55 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

is john reid acceptable ? hell NO !

he'd be our geargde dubyaa, i can just see it in his eyes every time he's on camera

and you know what that means

  • 224.
  • At 04:02 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • Alan wrote:

#213 matt

It depends what you mean by "+". "+" is an oppressive capitalist construct. It is used by the Establishment to subvert the masses. It implies accumulation and engenders avarice. It pits the working classes against themselves and gives free reign to the capitalist oppressors. We must not genuflect before the great 鈥+鈥 and instead must embrace the all encompassing 鈥=鈥. Therefore I reject your "2+2=5" construct entirely.

/CT mode off

  • 225.
  • At 07:00 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

more melting irony Adam ?

  • 226.
  • At 09:19 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Well, it's day nineteen of this intense interaction and one has to say that the humour has improved markedly.

Top marks must go, at least from this maths BA (Cantab), to Alan's diatribe against the oppressive "+". But the whole progression, from Adam calling up his Bilderberg controllers, to matt's suggested back-track and link to Alan's punishment camp ... you know, being a free agent, even in a world of suspected CTs, can be more fun than I realised.

I even laughed at my own, latest contribution. Well, somebody had to. It was MEANT to sound like a bad Richard Curtis movie, folks; I hate to break this to you all but my revelation of the creationist conspiracy wasn't for real.

And now I give fair warning that I intend to answer matt's original questions in earnest. Because I think they are good ones and that there are some surprising connections with 9-11 and 7-7. (And the jokes about hare krishna were also excellent, matt, it's just that isn't quite the neck of the woods we were exploring in the Sussex countryside.)

Last preliminary. I will respond to Bridget Dunne's question about my comments about her and Rachel North in #220. In due course. I want to think carefully about that.

Now, skip the rest if you're feeling theology-repellent. Though I say you shouldn't be. It's the greatest subject of all.

matt wrote: "Jayhawk, who is Greg Boyd, and what happened in East Sussex ? Is a Christian worldview compatible with an 'atheist, free thinker, equality, truth, justice and peace worldview' ?"

Greg Boyd is an American evangelical Christian leader who was recently featured in a front-page article in the New York Times because he was boldly challenging the religious right's cherished belief that the USA is a Christian country.

Last month Greg was speaking at a camp in Sussex at the invitation of Roger Forster, another Christian leader of much the same persuasion, based in south east London. Roger and his wife Faith founded the church I go to, called Ichthus, in Forest Hill, in 1974. That's why I was there.

The version of Christianity that Roger and Greg stand for

* allows every person to think for themselves and choose for themselves

* recognizes no distinction between "Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus"

That last being a quote from the apostle Paul, that Roger and Greg take very seriously, in working for equality, justice and peace for all. Ichthus is well-known in the UK church for promoting women leaders just as eagerly as men, without limits. Basic Christianity and equality to us; but not sadly to some other churches.

Various strains of Christianity over the years have not been so good at giving people freedom to choose for themselves. Famous church leaders like Augustine and Calvin have taught that God forces men to believe, so that we are entitled to do the same.

Greg and Roger represent a new stream of scholars and pastors, with profound roots in the radical reformers of the past, called open theism. Open theism totally repudiates that shameful, coercive part of Christian history as completely opposite to what Jesus Christ intended.

That is extremely relevant in thinking about Islamic radicalism, which never stops harking on about the iniquities of the crusades and the inquisition, while adopting exactly the same methods of violence today to bring humanity around to THEIR way of thinking.

It is also interesting, in passing, that David Ray Griffin is the next step on from an open theist; he's a process theist. The traditionalists would have even more problems with him. But he certainly would agree with us about every person having the freedom to choose, without pressure.

So, matt, we say that you are completely free to make up your mind as to what kind of theism you prefer, or none. For that is the way God - as we see him, because of our experience of the love of Jesus - intended you to be.

Keep us to it.

Matt - no irony intended.

Bridget - try /blogs/newsnight/2006/02/talk_about_newsnight_comment_guidelines.html


but please let's not have a debate about moderation rules here. Life's too short.

  • 228.
  • At 11:38 PM on 05 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

sorry Adam, i had maent to type ALAN in that last post, but the moderator is obviously a busy person and understandably did not edit my post for me (i have asked for many of my typos to be corrected !)

apologies for the confusion

  • 229.
  • At 05:49 AM on 06 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

hi Richard, "Doctor Vikingar's tender Bora Bora hospice-cave for the monotheistically insane" :D sounds like fun, are there group booking, and extended stay discounts available ? :)

this post rambles on and on, short version for now is john reid ? = say NO !

alright then, seeing as how heads are poking up above the parapet...

whilst i don't believe in god...i have to say that the theology you describe is admirable, truly admirable...i have no quarrel or disrespect for others who do have faiths of a religious nature (other issues of hatred and vendetta, are not exclusive to religion - everyone whose vision is not clouded or distorted knows that, so i assume we can take the religious provisos as read and known)

personally, i get most 'spiritual enrichment' in the physical world, on starlit nights, the transition of seasons, a good thunderstorm...like Tolkien, i have a love of trees

BUT I AM NOT A BOHEMIAN [nwo/ill-loony-nutter] ! weaving spiders are fine with me ;) (incidentally, my favourites are the little jumping wolf spiders, the ones with the urban camo stripes of grey and black, not web weavers themselves to the best of my knowledge, but amusingly spring loaded, they seem to move by teleporting a few centimetres at a time)

hoverflies and dragonflies are particular favourites of mine, ever had a hoverfly do an airborne dance with your hand ? ever had a hoverfly tread air in front of your face, and seem to be looking and pondering right back at you ? marvelous things

so i suppose i could be characterised as loving my home, and being in pleasant awe of the universe, the incredible rarity [correct on 6th sept 2006] and precious nature of our spinning-omni-top home

...of course, i wouldn't be posting the kind of stuff i do here, without knowing that the wolf spider is the microhum-vee cctv and ground assault platform, the hoverfly is the gardenhawk surveilance uav, the dragonfly the micro-b2 (with covert electrogravitic drive propulsion, naturally), and the weather is courtesy of black-op seeding aircraft, and haarp induced atmospheric disturbance ;)

the beckoning plastic bag in American Beauty is one thing, playing landing pad for a hoverfly, is on a whole other level

there you go, my spiritual hand well and truly shown, and no apology from me will be forthcoming for it, but i think you'll find no evidence of sect membership, scientology, or worst crime of them all, psy-op obfuscation tactics

i am perfectly comfortable with the notion that many many believers, of a myriad diverse faiths, might see some commonality with myself, and i hope that we all, all who have the conscience so hated by the likes of the bohemian club, are ready to make peaceful protest, should a certain moral cause against a certain inevitable 'dodgy war' make itself apparent, i think you know what i'm talking about

basically, i'm an obstinant fellow, determined and much experienced in the area of being told to my face that i'm a multi storey carpark, when i'm quite sure i'm not, when you're me, you need your facts rock solid, and your doubts in no doubt

but now, back to the raving, salivating tirade...

there are some elements within the power systems, who are gravitating towards an 'end game' scenario, make no mistake, that atheist or believer, a time to stand in peaceful but visible judgement may be approaching

the 'elected' leaders of the world need to know that there are 100s of millions of people who have a pretty good idea what's really happening 'beyond the kaleidescope', to coin the mixed metaphor, and that number is on the increase

research the bilderberg, and bohemian grove, ask yourself why the elite cremate an effigy of care, meaning an effigy of conscience, meaning they regard conscience as inherently evil in their mindset

the axis of evil might possibly be hinged here in the west, study the faces of bush and blair as they preach to the camera about the actions of the terrorists, observe the look in their eyes, the split second moments of self doubt over their 'performance'

demand the addition of a "none of the above - there are no voting options that deal sufficently with my concerns" ballot choice for electoral votes, as this will force a public media [valid] recognition of our dissatisfaction - if any exists

don't get drawn into tensions with migrant workers and asylum seekers, this has been predicted and planned by our government, it's all about increasing tension and terrorism

don't let your kids get indoctrinatd into the cashless society and thumb scans for school lunches, it has a dark underbelly, that 'convenience'

don't be fooled by id cards, they are about easy control and intimidation, not security, terrorists can make copies of the same quality as the state issues

id cards will be part of the cashless society, the cashless society will not make anything better or safer, but it will tighten yet further, the grip being exerted upon us all

demand an inquiry into the july 05 bombings, a thorough independant one

do protest the war to come against iran, the 'cause' will almost certainly be a self inflicted wound, as the 911 attack appears to have been, this war must not proceed

and if you do protest, don't forget to film as much as possible, and demand in bulk groups, that footage of the masses are broadcast before ships sail and aircraft leave the ground (well the official ones at least ;) )

blogging on an internet conspiracy forum, is very much like making love to a beautiful woman...buy it fine wine, belgian chocolates, then you whip your piece out, lay it out on the page, and drive it home

of course, it's all about blogs you see, whose blog is the biggest, mine is the biggest, it's mine :D

  • 230.
  • At 08:42 AM on 06 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

226 Richard:

I concur with most of what you say about christianity- I have appreciated Roger Forster's ideas for many years, being an inhabitant of East Sussex, although attending an anglican church. The thing about 9/11 truth is how it seems to have chimed in, for me anyway, with what Jesus said about truth setting us free. This was of course primarily referring to himself, but I find it outrageous that such a massive lie has been and is still being perpetrated upon the world, and that it must somehow be exposed. This all ties in with the dispensationalist theology which is the favourite of many of the US "christian" right, which actually seems to be saying that "hey we're all heading for Armageddon anyway so bring it on" and actually if you go further, logically that the present ruling forces (US, UK, take your pick) represent, or are, the Antichrist. Now if you believe that there is a grain of truth in the book of Revelation as I do, then you are left asking yourself, is there actually anything anyone can do, or is it all on a set course? The tension between this and wanting truth, and even more keenly, justice, is becoming pronounced. Anyway, "conspiracy theory" doesnt come remotely close to describing what this is all about, and the discussion is not helped by such as Vikingar, who as I think has been pointed out has succeeded in derailing a useful thread by little more than hurling insults. Don't take the bait.

  • 231.
  • At 03:25 PM on 06 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Matt, the mind boggles. I would say "keep taking the tablets". But even that could be dangerous, given your final analogy. You conspiracist on viagra, you.

But, although I consider some of your ideas crazy and much of your presentation counterproductive, thank you for some kind words. Actually, if I'm honest I think what I'm talking about is the only safe place from which to begin to deal with radical evil (as was clearly on show on 9-11, one way or another), without going mad. That gets us into the cross of Jesus, the God so passionate in love that he was willing even to die for us. And indeed the conspiracy that put him there. That is the only safe place to be, with Him, the only one who truly understands. IMHO.

Jayhawk, thank you also. Roger has always given out to the wider church, while retaining the challenging, radical theology and praxis I've tried very inadequately to describe. I'm very glad to hear that he's been a help in your Christian walk.

The questions about end-time thinking and interpretation of apocalyptic books like Revelation are very pertinent, both to the Christian scene in the States and to our state of mind here. Muslim eschataology is far from irrelevant either.

Much to learn, for all of us. No more attempts at answers from me. Well, for now.

  • 232.
  • At 04:21 PM on 06 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

pardon me, Richard, i thought the 'swiss tony' analogy was just bit of a chuckle...surely you've seen the fast show ?

similarly, did you not see the 'wink' after my accusations of flying insects being 'garden*hawk surveilance uavs' ?

*as in globalhawk

...more ;)

or was it the serious stuff that was crazy ?


  • 233.
  • At 06:32 PM on 06 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

pardon me, Richard, i thought the 'swiss tony' analogy was just bit of a chuckle...surely you've seen the fast show ?

similarly, did you not see the 'wink' after my accusations of flying insects being 'garden*hawk surveilance uavs' ?

*as in globalhawk

...more ;)

or was it the serious stuff that was crazy ?

apologies for the double post, but look a the time of this post, and the other, should it ever see fit to appear

  • 234.
  • At 08:23 PM on 06 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

pardon me, Richard, i thought the 'swiss tony' analogy was just bit of a chuckle...surely you've seen the fast show ?

similarly, did you not see the 'wink' after my accusations of flying insects being 'garden*hawk surveilance uavs' ?

*as in globalhawk

...more ;)

or was it the serious stuff that was crazy ?

apologies for the triple post, but look a the time of this post, and the others, should they ever see fit to appear

  • 235.
  • At 11:29 PM on 06 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Gordon Brown orchestrating a coup? Come on Newsnight, less of the conspiracy theorizing....

  • 236.
  • At 11:57 PM on 06 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:


I suppose what I find the most crazy is this. You seem so much surer than me that you know exactly what's going on. But, although you sound much more certain about everything we touch on, I'm sorry but I don't have a strong feeling that you're much more experienced in the worlds of intelligence, or the media, or politics, or the military, or history, or science, or indeed, bluntly, that you're a lot smarter than me.

In fact, I think you're the kind of person who would have made me run a mile if they'd been the first that I'd come across going on at vast length not just about the scientific anomalies on 9-11 (I'm very grateful for early exposure to the punchy but wholly scientific J McMichael there) but also loudly trumpeting that you understand exactly who was to blame and why.

Sorry to be blunt.

And if you are by any chance putting others off even looking, by the way in which you present your immensely strong beliefs in a mega-conspiracy that controls pretty much everything, when the specific subject under discussion - the truth about 9-11 - is so sensitive and so vitally important for us all, then (taking a totally dispassionate view, rather than trying to protect your feelings) that is absolutely crazy.

At least I would hope that it's crazy. That is clearly the better of two very unattractive options.

  • 237.
  • At 12:22 AM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ Richard Drake

Sorry to break up the party but can I refer you back to my comment @ 220.

I await your reasons for making such a bold statement.

  • 238.
  • At 01:41 AM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ Richard Drake

Sorry to break up the party but can I refer you back to my comment @ 220.

I await your reasons for making such a bold statement.

  • 239.
  • At 01:59 AM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

steady Richard, i have no belief in intellectual superiority over you, indeed, i assume you're smarter than i am

but i do need to correct you on one thing - this thread is not entitled '911 - was it an inside conspiracy ?', and i suggest you think in terms of 911 rather as a big fish in a much bigger pool, than the pool itself

and even if this thread were titled '911 - was it an inside conspiracy ?', i'd still be annoying you by typing this stuff, and taking some of the 'vikingar's pointless bullets for you too

what i have written may appear to be 'certainties', but they are far from it, it is all merely extrapolation based on the explanations, or lack thereof, of various events and situations, based in the main on my own instincts and personal experiences

yes, i might appear to be describing 'actual facts', but at the expense of betraying my arrogance, all signs point to them being so

i cannot respond to these possibilities in the 'very softly, i don't actually think this stuff is true, but here's the theory' tense...these things require real assertion

i have no drive or desire for bad goings on to be real, or to seek evidence to support 'my theories'...it is more that the evidence (yes, in the main speculative, but some visual/self evident), which i had noted and ignored for as long as i could remain unmoved, has led me to these concerns (not certainties)

in various posts here and there, i have repeatedly stated words to the effect of "i hope all these CTs turn out to be nonsense" - i don't know how to be more open, transparent and 'safe' than that ?

the vast majority of the things i suggest are often valid moral reactions to realities such as school thumbscanners regardless of whether there is some master plan behind it all

much of what i write is based on first and second hand witnessing of things i won't go into

however, you may find some 'vague' things i let slip, such as - have you ever asked the mod why they use OUR troops, and secret services to front and protect arms 'shows', where despotic third world leaders can buy genital electric torture devices ?

how about who makes torture equipment sold in these events ?...motorola for one, don't see many smiling, happy, life enriched torture victims in their advertising do you ?

what an awful irony - here, mobile phone makers "set us free", whereas elsewhere, they are the boot in the face

my first hand witnesing of events are mostly 'trivial', in the main, corporate behavior related, and the few more eyebrow raising things i have observed first hand, i will not expand on here

one silly little thing i will expand upon, which is a thing which proves nothing, but is suggestive of 'conspiracy', is the corporate 'preferred supplier list', now, i can tell you that business and government are interlinked, few could argue with that, so anything i have personally witnessed in business, is by association, not necessarily alien to government, in other words, government, being partly financed by business, and big business at that, will have to by default not interfere with business practice...preferred supplier lists, are constructs that tightly control the flow of money (in administration/site services etc) in corporations, these 'psl's prevent and actively keep down new businesses and projects, unless of course, those businesses or projects are 'approved' beforehand

surely, in a free democratic world, business should be free for all unless a direct rival ? - this isn't business where some are the enemy, this is business whare all but a very few are the enemy

i have, in efforts to join in the commercial world and make a living for myself, sought TO BUY components for products, products whose only danger or risk, would be presented toward established businesses, and large multinational corporations at that, strangely, i have been UNABLE TO PURCHASE these components from any supplier, and have hit upon several layers of 'corporate bilderberg'dome, in other words, if what i wanted to manufacture was made, it would be detrimental to the establishment, because of this, i have been repeatedly denied, lied to and generally fobbed off by the suppliers of said (but not specified) components

i'm being vague here, but ask yourself why a small component, that cannot be put to any illegal, immoral or violent or destructive use, should not be available for any and all to buy ?

and it's not once, i've experienced this myself on three disparate occasions

i suggest, that everyone makes their own 'preferred supplier list', and i furthermore suggest that list is comprised of the very smallest business able to supply whatever the service is, always aim to spend your money 'downwards' [small trader], as the big business we all deal with, but not in EVERY case out of obligation, only trade their money 'upwards' [corporate royalty]

i'm not convinced that i am putting people off looking into this stuff, the issues i raise are mostly self evident by being film sources (e.g. alex jones film 'dark secrets inside bohemian grove) or self evident as in ...there ARE thumb scanners being introduced into english schools, and that is about indoctrinating our younger citizens into a world they are less ably equipped to be concerned about and fear and fight

politics IS excused blame for the lack of voting, by not having a 'none of the above' voter option

they DO want to make you disillusioned about politics, and leave them to get on with it

the west IS embarking on building massive military complexes to the left and to the right of the map of iran

less concerned about you thinking me crazy, than i am concerned about the idea that in a thread entitled 'on internet conspiracies', you expect not to be told that tony blair, bush, clinton, reagan, thatcher, major, and many many other leaders have been vetted BEFORE they were 'allowed' to take power, by an organisation that meets basically in any country in the world, and which also is involved with all the major corporations, because anything big business/bank, is owned by an even bigger organisation until you get to the royalty

oh, and if you don't go along with the bilderberg, you don't get to succeed in politics, it IS that way round

this isn't coincidence, it is all interelated, all our current 'enemies' WERE bankrolled by the cia, i've barely scratched the surface, and these diverse things are linked

anyone who is going to look into this stuff for themselves, will do so regardless of length of post, i break my posts up into paragraphs, it's very easy to skip any or all it if the reader wishes to

  • 240.
  • At 03:03 AM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

thinking about it, Richard, i want to know which you're implying, that i'm crazy in putting people off, as you assert i am, or that i am working out of a psy-op dept somewhere ?

also, you seem to be personalisinig this, as if i have in some way attacked your validity, frankly, i find this hard to understand

being blunt, i think you're crazy if you think there aren't groups determined to control everything, have us think we control our own political destiny, whilst setting us to whatever task that suits them

look at the world today, do you really think the political and commercial powers, are vicariously doing OUR bidding as we're led to believe ?

  • 241.
  • At 03:24 AM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Yet again more pointless spin than a broken washing machine to pollute the airways.

So far:

- 911
- Creationism
- Jesus Christ visited America
- Bilderberg
- Death of Diana

CT speculation is the virtual equivalent of real world carbon emission (well its hot air at least).

The fundamental flaw of 911 CT is to base their arguments in the imaginative pseudo science of discredited agenda driven religious sect 'academics' such as Jones & Griffin & others (#153 #150)

Whose previous works into Creationism & Jesus Christ's visit to North America to have tea with the Indians, completely undermines their scant credibility, then & now.

Still the CT believers have to work with the material they have, no matter how flawed the science & fresh the ink.

True to form, if they cannot find the 'evidence' they are only too willing to make it up as they go along.

So many sad/na茂ve fools & dishonest fabricators with hidden agendas.

But that's CT for you - COMPLETE TRASH


  • 242.
  • At 03:24 AM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Yet again more pointless spin than a broken washing machine to pollute the airways.

So far:

- 911
- Creationism
- Jesus Christ visited America
- Bilderberg
- Death of Diana

CT speculation is the virtual equivalent of real world carbon emission (well its hot air at least).

The fundamental flaw of 911 CT is to base their arguments in the imaginative pseudo science of discredited agenda driven religious sect 'academics' such as Jones & Griffin & others (#153 #150)

Whose previous works into Creationism & Jesus Christ's visit to North America to have tea with the Indians, completely undermines their scant credibility, then & now.

Still the CT believers have to work with the material they have, no matter how flawed the science & fresh the ink.

True to form, if they cannot find the 'evidence' they are only too willing to make it up as they go along.

So many sad/na茂ve fools & dishonest fabricators with hidden agendas.

But that's CT for you - COMPLETE TRASH


  • 243.
  • At 09:32 AM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Vikingar is actually an A.I. program generating random comments based around several repeating phrases. Just thought you'd all like to know. I'm working on automated response software to combat this; I'll get back to you....

  • 244.
  • At 11:02 AM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ vikingar

Much as I would prefer not to engage with someone like yourself who has such a 'closed mind' and is obviously scared of the nexessary paradigm shift that occurs when questioning the Official CT, I would just like to comment on this point that you made:

"if they cannot find the 'evidence' they are only too willing to make it up as they go along."

Well, I don't know about 'making it up as they go along' but was suprised to learn that over a year after the events in London on 7/7/05, Dr John Reid should say in a letter:

"My officials have made enquiries of the Metropolitan Police. The police have confirmed that the wording of the Official Account accurately reflects their initial conclusions following statements they took from witnesses and their early examination of the scene. This shows that the bomb probably exploded near to the first set of doors. But where exactly [ underlined] the bomb exploded has yet to be established. The police are currently awaiting the final report from the Forensic Explosives Laboratory. This will be vital in determining the precise location of the bomb at the time of its detonation."

The police are still awaiting the forensics report?

Precisely what evidence has been used to determine the guilt of the 4 young British working-class men that are accused of these crimes?

  • 245.
  • At 12:40 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ vikingar

Are you scared of the nexessary paradigm shift that occurs when questioning the Official CT? I would just like to comment on this point that you made:

"if they cannot find the 'evidence' they are only too willing to make it up as they go along."

Well, I don't know about 'making it up as they go along' but was suprised to learn that over a year after the events in London on 7/7/05, Dr John Reid should say in a letter:

"My officials have made enquiries of the Metropolitan Police. The police have confirmed that the wording of the Official Account accurately reflects their initial conclusions following statements they took from witnesses and their early examination of the scene. This shows that the bomb probably exploded near to the first set of doors. But where exactly [ underlined] the bomb exploded has yet to be established. The police are currently awaiting the final report from the Forensic Explosives Laboratory. This will be vital in determining the precise location of the bomb at the time of its detonation."

The police are still awaiting the forensics report?

Precisely what evidence has been used to determine the guilt of the 4 young British working-class men that are accused of these crimes?

  • 246.
  • At 01:02 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

I was just wondering what some of you might make of this statement from 'Strategy on winning the War on (OF) Terror' posted on the White House website.

"The terrorism we confront today springs from:

Subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation. Terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda."

So there you have it, CT's are responsible for terrorism!

Or, everything becomes its opposite in a minefield of twisted logic.

  • 247.
  • At 02:25 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #244

Do not wish to engage in such fantasay CT - but this once.

" ... precisely what evidence has been used to determine the guilt of the 4 young British working-class men that are accused of these crimes?"

... you mean besides their own 'I did it videos' :)

If 911 CT holds some is regrettable CT fascination for some, London's two bombings in July 2006 are rather self evident.

What are the real agendas of those indulging in such creative CT.

- false flag extremists
- pressure/fringe groups
- windup merchants
- those making personal gain from CT (profile/money) e.g. evidence fabricators & writers "there is a book in all of us" mantra (tshirts, CD, videos, lectures etc)


  • 248.
  • At 03:00 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

I was just wondering what some of you might make of this statement from 'Strategy on winning the War on (OF) Terror' posted on the White House website.

"The terrorism we confront today springs from:

Subcultures of conspiracy and misinformation. Terrorists recruit more effectively from populations whose information about the world is contaminated by falsehoods and corrupted by conspiracy theories. The distortions keep alive grievances and filter out facts that would challenge popular prejudices and self-serving propaganda."

So there you have it, CT's are responsible for terrorism!

Or, everything becomes its opposite.

  • 249.
  • At 03:01 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ vikingar

Are you scared of the nexessary paradigm shift that occurs when questioning the Official CT? I would just like to comment on this point that you made:

"if they cannot find the 'evidence' they are only too willing to make it up as they go along."

Well, I don't know about 'making it up as they go along' but was suprised to learn that over a year after the events in London on 7/7/05, Dr John Reid should say in a letter:

"My officials have made enquiries of the Metropolitan Police. The police have confirmed that the wording of the Official Account accurately reflects their initial conclusions following statements they took from witnesses and their early examination of the scene. This shows that the bomb probably exploded near to the first set of doors. But where exactly [ underlined] the bomb exploded has yet to be established. The police are currently awaiting the final report from the Forensic Explosives Laboratory. This will be vital in determining the precise location of the bomb at the time of its detonation."

The police are still awaiting the forensics report?

Precisely what evidence has been used to determine the guilt of the 4 young British working-class men that are accused of these crimes?

  • 250.
  • At 05:18 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Apologies for the multi-posting of my comments. They appear then disappear then appear again. Wonderous.

@ Vikingar

I don't think two so-called matyrdom videos which fail to actually mention these events could count as proof positive of guilt for the four accused. I doubt that they would be allowed as conclusive evidence in a court of law.

Interesting how you avoid answering my question re: John Reid's letter and the lack of a final forensics report.

What actual evidence have any of us seen, apart from one grainy image outside Luton station?

  • 251.
  • At 05:20 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

you only need to read through vikingars nonsense to see how many times HE's mentioned jesus/diana/creationism/aliens (and remember it is he. and only he, who has raised these), these are his moronic efforts to subvert the debate (the real spinner here. and not very good at it either), he thinks you, dear reader, cannot tell the difference between what others have actually said, and what he has misquoted

i don't think you're so dullminded as he assumes

every time vikingar misquotes/libels/defames, he ADDS validity to the ACTUAL CLAIMS being made here

  • 252.
  • At 06:20 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #248

"Precisely what evidence has been used to determine the guilt of the 4 young British working-class men that are accused of these crimes?"

... you mean besides their own 'I did it videos' :)


For those foreign readers of Newsnight not familiar with the notion of evidence [1/2/3]

CLASS WAR? - 'working class' is a bit generous more like our home grown foreign inspired British Islamic Terrorists were mostly middle class, unemployed/student/employed)

The only CT around both July Bombings (7th & 21st) is fantasy speculation of certain people who think they are on roll, enabled by the internet, if they think it, it therefore must be true etc.

Anyway you dice it, find it, access it - eventually you have to read & evaluate content: CT = Complete Trash

That's it Bridget Dunne done my bit - your 7th July Bombing CT doomed never to fly - why - BECAUSE THOSE DOMESTIC BRITISH ISLAMIC TERRORISTS DID IT - case closed.

Q. but what do CT believers say about 21st July attempted bombing?

Now an investigation as to competency & resources available to security forces & police (lessons learn etc) since two 7th July terrorist known to them, is merited - but behind closed doors, not arming the enemy with info or propaganda - we are at war after all - from what we know the police need both extended resources & powers to tackle the rising tide of British Islamic Terrorist threat.

What threat? I hear the deniers/apologists/appeasers/supporters of Islamic Extremism & public disorder & the serial CT believers - FYI several investigations known to the British Public:

- 2006 Alleged 21st July Bombers case (Old Bailey) - trail pending [4]
- 2007 Alleged Nightclub & other targets cae (Old Bailey) - underway [5]
- 2007 Alleged Plane Bombings (charges made) - trial pending [6]




Bridget wrote:
I don't think two so-called matyrdom videos which fail to actually mention these events could count as proof positive of guilt for the four accused. I doubt that they would be allowed as conclusive evidence in a court of law.

Reality check. Someone posts a suicide video on arabic TV and bits of his body are found in the rubble. If I were on that jury I wouldn't have a problem.

  • 254.
  • At 08:32 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

admliv @ 253

How would you then explain the absence of 'martydom' videos for Lindsay and Hussain?

In fact, Hasib Hussain's own father told the 麻豆官网首页入口 he had not been shown any evidence of his son's involvement.

And why have the cctv images from Kings Cross not been shown? The 麻豆官网首页入口 disingenuously use the footage of the so-called rehearsal from the 28/6 over any news regarding the 7/7.

Don't you think it incredulous that the MPS can claim they have not had the final forensic report of where exactly the explosions occurred?

Vikingar makes the point about the 21/7 'no-bombs' bombers. Have you ever wondered how no-bombs and no-one injured or killed leads to 43 arrests and 17 on trial compared to 7/7 where 52 are killed and yet no-one else is arrested or charged?

Where are the investigative journalists and why are they not asking these questions.

  • 255.
  • At 10:42 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

admliv @ 253

How would you then explain the absence of 'martydom' videos for Lindsay and Hussain?

In fact, Hasib Hussain's own father told the 麻豆官网首页入口 he had not been shown any evidence of his son's involvement.

And why have the cctv images from Kings Cross not been shown? The 麻豆官网首页入口 disingenuously use the footage of the so-called rehearsal from the 28/6 over any news regarding the 7/7.

Don't you think it incredulous that the MPS can claim they have not had the final forensic report of where exactly the explosions occurred?

Vikingar makes the point about the 21/7 'no-bombs' bombers. Have you ever wondered how no-bombs and no-one injured or killed leads to 43 arrests and 17 on trial compared to 7/7 where 52 are killed and yet no-one else is arrested or charged?

Where are the investigative journalists and why are they not asking these questions.

  • 256.
  • At 11:26 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget Dunne wrote: "Richard Drake @ 166 claims that I treated Rachel North 'appallingly' on the 9/11 boards. You wouldn't mind posting a quote that supports this assertion would you?"

The simple answer is no, I don't intend to re-read any of those 25 pages at

I did click through every one of them leading up to 24th August, in order to assess how "7-7 truth" in the UK compares with the 9-11 Truth Movement in the US. It was one of the most unpleasant experiences I have ever had on the Net. And I've had some.

It's hard to assess how much each person is to blame in such distasteful and insensitive group behaviour, of course. But just the toxic words of 'Ally' were, for me, easily enough for anyone else present with any decency to

1. ask for him to banned

2. failing that, leave the thread, or indeed the whole site.

Instead, I had the strong impression that others, including yourself, agreed with, perhaps even rejoiced in the way Rachel was being denigrated and hounded. That strong impression was the foundation for my comments in #166.

Even before finishing the reading, I emailed Ms North, expressing my admiration, pledging her my support against such grossly insensitive and intrusive attack and letting her know, as a courtesy, that I was putting her forward for my suggested panel on Newsnight on 7-7 CTs (#118) - however hypothetical my suggestions were bound to be

Rachel replied, within an hour or two, at considerable length. She comes across as a truly formidable person, but retaining a grip on reality and compassion for her fellow victims. I believe her about the death threats that she has received since entering into this dispute with various people associated with nineeleven.co.uk and I take that as extremely serious.

It's strange to put it like this but one bright spot for me was to learn for the first time, through her inspiring Sunday Times article

about the terrible rape ordeal Rachel was just getting over when she became a victim on 7-7.

I think she's an awesome spokesperson for the 7-7 victims, Bridget, and, however good your research, thinking and campaigning may be in other ways, I consider the way you in the nineeleven newsgroup treated her to be a colossal PR own goal.

Individually, you may have some expertise on 7-7 that I need to learn from. It's just that you are starting, with me, with a profound negative impression to overcome.

  • 257.
  • At 11:27 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

255 Bridget you are so right. There is no real investigative journalism about any of these things. It's well known that the Guardian lost large amounts of advertising revenue after printing a 9/11 truth article, and the reality is that nobody can afford to take the risk. Why has the inquest into Jean Paul de Menezes' death suddenly been delayed until "probably 2008"? Any article that covers these things always sticks to the OV ultimately. We no longer live in a free country with a free press, it's crept up while we were looking the other way.

Vikingar - your software needs debugging.

  • 258.
  • At 11:32 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

in regard to the july '05 bombings

watching the 'martyrdom video', and taking stock of what we've been told and not [mainstream]

here's a theory...

the chap who appeared in the video, was displeased by recent events, he appeared in that video to prove a point, to say things not only muslims might agree with

he and his cohorts, decided upon a plan to risk getting themselves shot, to be martyrs, but not by blowing themselves up, instead, by going to london with fake bombs and bulky rucksacks

instead of this, they (as may be theorized) were patsies, whose plans were known by groups who had the means to set devices in the transport the four were going to travel in, and the motive of re-igniting patriotism and a submissive electorate

this would account for the phrasing used in the video, it would also explain the bodyparts

remember folks, this is a conspiracy theory thread, so you're going to hear theories, i put it to you, that as disturbing and unlikely as this theory may be, it is surely in the realms of plausibility, given some of the shenanigans embarked upon by the state in recent decades

it is also noteworthy, that in both the case of 911, and 77, there were exact duplicates of the 'real' terrorist events being acted out by security and/or military and/or consultancy organisations

that's exercises of the real event, on the same day, and in advance of the tragedies, in both cases

i would remind vikingar that this is a thread titled 'on internet conspiracy theories', not 'internet pointless insults'

if he has any interest in finding out what really happens whether conspiracy, negligence or unavoidable tragedy, he will avoid repeating the usual religion/mermaids line, and put his objections in a clean, factual and reference based manner, otherwise the only conclusion to draw, is that he is employed to obfuscate, in the hope that these questions will be diluted and dissolved

which would be a desperate and ultimately doomed enterprise

  • 259.
  • At 11:37 PM on 07 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #254, #255

You really are entertainment value.


"Vikingar makes the point about the 21/7 'no-bombs' bombers. Have you ever wondered how no-bombs and no-one injured or killed leads to 43 arrests and 17 on trial compared to 7/7 where 52 are killed and yet no-one else is arrested or charged?

Where are the investigative journalists and why are they not asking these questions"


'Dunne' over or what :)


  • 260.
  • At 12:08 AM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Vikingar said:

But then again he would say that. But he's getting nearer the mark wouldnt you say?

  • 261.
  • At 12:31 AM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

pseudo science vikingar ?

pseudo science this

and this

or this

  • 262.
  • At 12:37 AM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Richard Drake @ 256 Firstly, any forum or blog, such as this for instance, does not infer 'group status' by posting on it. I am no more responsible for what you or anyone else writes than I am for those who post on 9/11, only for what I write. Rachel stayed and posted on those threads herself. Of course I deplore any threats or harassment she may have received, I myself have received threats which isn't a pleasant experience. So despite your feelings, I reiterate here that I have never treated Rachel North 'appallingly', and you have posted no evidence to support your unwarranted remarks.

Vikingar @ 259: Your point is lost on me, but at least you're entertained.

As for 'martyrdom' videos, I know I've watched Gene Kelly break dancing to singing in the rain. That Adam Gadahn is the Al Qa'ida video maestro, a white American 'convert' whose grandfather was on the board of the ADL is something worth investigating. As is Martin 'Abdullah' McDaid, the ex-SBS anti-terrorist operative, another white 'convert', who turns up running the Iqra bookshop in Beeston, Leeds.

What a strange world we inhabit.

  • 263.
  • At 09:48 AM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget (262), I note what you do not say. You do not say that the comments of 'Ally', and others like him in that thread, were despicable and should not have been allowed to stand. Nor did you at the time.

Group behaviour can be complex to unpick but your responsibility stands. Every page of the twenty-five reads as if Rachel is facing something like a lynch mob, a collective (whether formed spontaneously, or through past association, or both) of whom you were a key member, by no means the least critical. That's certainly the way she portrays it herself. I think that's completely fair.

Rachel did not for a moment want to face any one of you on live TV, a visceral emotional reaction that I fully understand - and indeed was not and would never have proposed.

She only took part in this warped online world because she didn't want the campaign for an inquiry into 7-7 to be subverted by what she still calls the 'conspiraloons'. And why take such offence at that word, as if the injury caused to you poor, timid souls is equivalent to those caused to Rachel and her survivor-colleagues, by horrific, real-world explosions? She doesn't accept your findings. She has a lot of access to first-hand evidence that you do not. Grow up.

I came to this without any strong feelings either way on 7-7. I sure don't assume that, because WTC collapses are very hard to explain, every aspect of the offical narrative of 7-7 is also automatically demonically deceptive. As I've made clear above, I don't find claimed anomalies on 7-7 on a par with the collapses on 9-11, the first two of which were also a public trauma, viewed by the whole world on live television (in a way that the explosions in London, and even in Madrid and Bali, were not).

Most of all, I, like the vast majority of British people, feel compassion for those who went through that hellish experience, underground in the darkness in our capital city, that claustrophobic, choking sharing of the agonies of the dying.

Your treatment of one of the bravest and most articulate of such survivors was at best spine-chillingly insensitive.

I stand by my judgment of that.

  • 264.
  • At 10:18 AM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

three and a half hours for the following harmless (unless you're working for thr nwo) post not to appear ?...now that's a conspiracy...

it doesn't cost anything to watch these films

the truth will set you free

  • 265.
  • At 12:43 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:


With the 5th Anniversary of 911 how inconvenient for the CT believers whose 'mantra motivations' coupled with their worship at the pseudo science altar of Elder Jones aka. Prof Steven E Jones.

Sorry 鈥︹ Jayhawk, Bridget Dunne, matt et al & Richard Drake (though after something resembling lucid thought #231 #236, risks being kicked out of the CT Conspiratorial Club).

1. 麻豆官网首页入口1 7/9/06 retold the terrorist atrocity o f11th September 2006 (9/11: The Twin Towers) in an excellent drama documentary (based on recorded first hand experiences/testimony of building engineers real time observations of the gradual 'meting' of WTC & degrading from the cause of fire) & much more besides [1]

2. then old Osama Bin Laden releases a video (a format matt will surely enjoy) of OBL glad handing the Islamic terrorist cowards, who murdered all those people (taken pre 911) also couple of 'martyr video' releases from two of the hijackers [2]

Meantime, new 麻豆官网首页入口 conspiracy blog for those who cannot get enough (CT believers happy to shadow & counter paste your spin) [3]



[1] /bbcone/listings/programme.shtml?day=yesterday&service_id=4223&filename=20060907/20060907_2235_4223_57514_45
[3] /blogs/theeditors/2006/05/conspiracy_theories.html

  • 266.
  • At 02:32 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

To the moderator:

Please publish the comment I made in response to Richard Drake as I've attempted twice to get it published and now I've lost my copy of it.

There was nothing contentious in it or anything that broke the moderation rules.


  • 267.
  • At 02:43 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

like newsnight, you know there's some truth in the fact that 911 is full of holes, but although newsnight is forced to be complicit by fear of mortgages, you just love the idea of what might come if people aren't informed, and yes, allowed to make their own judgement

keep at it, for every reader you manage to turn off, you get ten more to question the voracious, fearful nature of your attacks, they'll dig, and it's all thanks to you

the essence of the forum rules are something you just don't think apply to you, and far from being some bastion of high standards, newsnight has allowed you to persue a shameful and offensive obfuscation and libel campaign, the likes of which would cause uproar if transmitted on television

all you are vikingar, is a happy face painted on the boot in the face, and newsnight, you're just metallic paint on a cruise missile

mildly distracting

but that's it

  • 268.
  • At 02:47 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

The mysterious 'British Christian' (199) calling themselves vikingar has praised me for 'something resembling lucid thought' (265).

Should I be happy?

He/she starts on this thread with a quick joke about others perhaps thinking that the moderation here is a conspiracy (72). No problem.

The next post I found genuinely interesting (127). It is also the only occasion vikingar has promoted a CT of their own. A limited CT that the Lebanese staged certain photos of atrocities, especially a faked missile attack on a Red Cross vehicle, for the western media. That was a substantive contribution to the debate here. Pity it didn't lead to some discussion.

More recently (roughly from 247 until now), although I don't agree with vikingar (or the OV and thus some 麻豆官网首页入口 programmes) on the collapse of the WTC buildings being explicable solely due to aircraft damage and fire, the posts attributed to this moniker have started to make some sense.

None of that explains the incredibly dumb patch (143, 148, 150, 152, 154, 160, 161, 173, 183, 194, 198, 199, 211, 241, 242) with no remotely credible answers to my reasoned critiques thereof (197, 210).

How to explain? The most annoying and time-consuming form of flame-bait (as I called it in 210) has transformed itself into detailed and to me truly sensible critique of some of Bridget Dunne's theories of 7-7 (eg 252).

This goes beyond the normal in terms of deliberate sowing of confusion. The solution, though, is simple. Something Newsnight knows all about, would insist on for all its on-air discussions: use of real names, with the consequent ability to check out the person's consistency and track-record in holding any opinions professed.

So here, just for the moment, is to both Adam Livingstone and Bridget Dunne (whom I assume is a real person living in north London and who certainly has a fairly long-standing blog named after her). And to Richard Drake, come to that.

  • 269.
  • At 03:37 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • matt (is my name) wrote:

vikingar - like newsnight, you know there's some truth in the fact that 911 is full of holes, but although newsnight is forced to be complicit by fear for mortgages, you just love the idea of what might come if people aren't informed, and yes, allowed to make their own judgement

keep at it, for every reader you manage to turn off, you get ten more to question the voracious, fearful nature of your attacks, they'll dig, and it's all thanks to you

the essence of the forum rules are something you just don't think apply to you, and far from being some bastion of high standards, newsnight has allowed you to persue a shameful and offensive obfuscation and libel campaign, the likes of which would cause uproar if transmitted on television

all you are vikingar, is a happy face painted on the boot in the face, and newsnight, you're just metallic paint on a cruise missile

mildly distracting

but that's it

and what IS going on with this forum ? my last post needed six submissions over five hours to make it show, and the above was hardly quick to appear either, being originally submitted some hours ago, so assuming it doesn't ever appear, here it is /\

  • 270.
  • At 03:53 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • matt (is my name) wrote:

vikingar - like newsnight, you know there's some truth in the fact that 911 is full of holes, but although newsnight is forced to be complicit by fear for mortgages, you just love the idea of what might come if people aren't informed, and yes, allowed to make their own judgement

keep at it, for every reader you manage to turn off, you get ten more to question the voracious, fearful nature of your attacks, they'll dig, and it's all thanks to you

the essence of the forum rules are something you just don't think apply to you, and far from being some bastion of high standards, newsnight has allowed you to persue a shameful and offensive obfuscation and libel campaign, the likes of which would cause uproar if transmitted on television

all you are vikingar, is a happy face painted on the boot in the face, and newsnight, you're just metallic paint on a cruise missile

mildly distracting

but that's it

and what IS going on with this forum ? my last post needed six submissions over five hours to make it show, and the above was hardly quick to appear either, being originally submitted some hours ago, so assuming it doesn't ever appear, here it is /\

  • 271.
  • At 05:45 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

matt (239), you have posted much here, more than anyone else in fact. Here's one example of a small section of one post that I found 'crazy'.


when i saw [Professor Steven Jones'] seminar, his arguments relating to the possible crimes commited against america by its own state, were utterly compelling, where he goes off into religion, from my position, i got the sense of a good man, with whom i do not agree entirely, but a good man nonetheless

the same is NOT true of bush

george bush, by some accounts, is a follower of the order of thule, worships an ancient pagan deity called moloch, and has sworn to continute the aims of the nazi regime, indeed, his family wealth comes from the nazi war effort


What you wrote about Professor Jones struck me, as someone who has both watched Jones and read his papers on 9-11, as fairly reasonable. Not everyone would agree of course - and your use of 'crimes' committed by 'the state' would predispose many against - but they can at least check one of Jones' papers or videos and make up their own minds.

What you say about George Bush, on the other hand, is crazy.

Where do I start? Have you read Professor Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke on the Thule Society, started in Munich from around 1916, which gave rise to the Nazi party? I have. Did you track the process whereby Professor Norman Cohn, who had earlier written what most scholars consider the definitive academic account of the terrible anti-semitic forgery called "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", was the initial supervisor of Goodrick-Clarke's PhD at Oxford in this key but neglected area of the occult roots of Nazism?

To say that George W Bush is a member of Thule, worshipping Moloch, right after making relatively reasonable comments about Jones ... well, firstly, that is so insensitive to your audience. Assuming that it is not only those who already agree with you. (In which case, what is the point?) The practical effect of such juxtaposition is to make ordinary punters not yet committed to any CT assume that you are crazy. And that, therefore, the much more careful Professor Jones is too, without bothering to look. That is what I call crazy, if you want to bring real good into such dark areas.

The reference to worshipping Moloch has I assume to do with the Bushes attending Bohemian Grove, with its annual Cremation of Care ceremony, which was penetrated by Alex Jones and Jon Ronson, with a hidden camera, in 2000. Although I don't go a bundle on this kind of occult pantomime, it is not remotely good enough as evidence for real worship of the Owl, aka Moloch, even by the most regular attendees. The reference to Thule has I assume to do with the family's involvement with Skull and Bones at Yale for three generations. Thule and Bones are it is true both secret societies with a German language base. But no scholar that I know of has shown that Sebonttendorff, the founder of Thule in Munich, or Pohl, founder of the wider, originating secret society, the Germanenorden, had any contact with the boys from Yale.

You don't just assert things like this, wild extrapolations only dimly related to the available evidence. You do the hard work of decent scholarship, to show that it is so. Or you pipe down a little.

And, I suggest, you pray. If you want to make a difference against radical evil, which Thule definitely turned out to be, leading as it did directly to the Nazi extermination camps.

Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker's involvement in the Union Banking Corporation, through Brown Brothers Harriman, and the links between the Nazis and UBC, were, I agree, more or less completely covered up until the Internet came along. That is something that I have been praying that the Bush family will finally come clean about. Such dark alliances, even if entered into from initial naivety, matter greatly and ought to be dealt with honestly.

Wild prayers of mine, you could call that. But based on the work of reliable scholars and researchers, such as Anthony Sutton, John Loftus and Mark Aarons.

Not wild, unprovable words, from someone who I don't think has done the necessary groundwork.

Make any sense?

  • 272.
  • At 07:11 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ Richard Drake

Does your scholarship stretch to the Reichstag Fire? Was this carried out by the Dutch left-wing radical Marinus van der Lubbe who was arrested at the scene of the crime, apparently as the sole culprit. Or was it a classic false-flag operation, as detailed by Hans Bernd Gisevius, who had worked as a junior lawyer for the political police from August to December 1933, and who made the following testimony at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial in 1946: 鈥淚t was Goebbels who first came up with the idea of setting fire to the Reichstag. Goebbels discussed this with the leader of the Berlin SA brigade, Karl Ernst, and made detailed suggestions on how to go about carrying out the arson."

Of course, this event led to the Enabling Act, the accusations against 'communists' of an impending uprising and their subsequent arrest and imprisonment and, crucially, to Hitler and the Nazi's grip on power. Without the Reichstag fire would history now be different?

What would we have done then? Said nothing? Claimed we didn't know what was happening until it was too late? More than our job's worth, we have mortgages to pay?

History as tragedy repeated as farce. Except it isn't funny. Jean Charles de Menezes, Forest Gate, the harrassment and demonising of Muslims, the almost total erosion of civil liberties?

No I won't be praying, I will be campaigning and questioning and doing all I can to alert people to the dangers of the present situation.

  • 273.
  • At 07:20 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

matt (as in door mat)

#267 #269 #230

.... 3rd time paste just for luck?

Yes? we have watched in awe the legions of CONVERTS to your 911 CT, flood to a Newsnight blog to support you.

Ref Newsnight, I have to presume we are somewhat amoeba under the microscope, a NCA social networking exercise of sorts & too damm right, its a great idea.

As your such a creator of fiction & a supporter of fabricated flawed pseudo science for 911 CT 鈥. matt its rather amusing to see you getting so prissy over the rights/wrongs of others treatment & reaction to your fantasy meanderings.

Laugh 鈥.. I nearly clicked on one of his home made video links :)


  • 274.
  • At 07:42 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref matt (is my name) #267 #269 #230

As a dedicated 911 CT believer matt .... surely not this 'matt911' [1]




  • 275.
  • At 09:33 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:


yes, makes sense, but so does the following...

"wild, unprovable words" is apt, very apt indeed, as a description of the 'official' version' of events of say, 911

yes, of course i get what you're saying

but although i may not personally be equipped with proof for these comments, they are 'widely believed facts' (another ironic josh, ref Futurama)

we could say that bush IS AT an 'associate' of moloch

i am not particularly concerned if people regard me as crazy, the whole world is crazy, i am arguably slightly less mad, as a know to ask myself if i am so

oh no, i have always presented Steven Jones in a manner that would make it perfectly clear that he is not 'crazy', quite the opposite, you're thinking of vikingar there

you say that i was reasonable about Jones, but not about Bush, this was simply to my mind a necessary reversal of the third reich-esque propaganda, of the seething "you're with us, or a terrorist" mantra of the overthrown democracy

your quote, is to my recollection, my response to an attack on Steven Jones credibility, rather than random good guy bad guy rhetoric without reason

i doubt i will ever be classed as a 'decent scholar', but i have a good instinct, hardly demonstrable to you, but it is often said by others to me - "god, you had that exactly right, how did you know ?", or "you know too much", and these are not ironic observations

i greatly respect the scholar, truly i do, but it is an approach, that has rarely served my particular (i'm sure very limited) skills, indeed, i find that for me personally, too much info clouds the visual/abstract/analytical parts of my mind

i thought this was about internet conspiracies, about raising relevant issues, if i had known it was my responsibilty to publish all the underlying data, i would have done so

surely, newsnight DOES have the access and researching tools to find the evidence, in detail for these various, yet potentially connected activities ?

i got involved with this thread to ask my own questions, and newsnight has answered one of those questions for me

you say i've posted possibly more than anyone else - well, how can i apologise for that when much of the posting has been in response to personal attacks from our friend, if my ramblings are so inneffective at getting to the issues, why his campaign ?

clearly you do not know me, this is after all, a strange form of communication, but actually, YES I DO just assert things, once i am satisfied that is the way things are, you may dislike it, but it clearly frightens vikingar in some way, judging by the manner of his amusing attacks

my assertions have caused me much trouble in my life, but as much as it has been to my cost on many occasions, i can feel vindicated that this and that were as i thought, you may be thinking arrogance, but it's saved my life more than once, i embrace being wrong, no problem with it at all, i am simply observing that my instinctive response has served me well (by instinctive, i mean letting the mind do the hard work in the background, rather than feverishly chin stroking in the hope of conscious revelation)

bad science/theory is openly debunked on occasion on newsnight, but when it comes to corporate and state royalty, where the biggest debates lie (at least on the internet), there is a deafening silence occasionally punctuated by small revelations, but a distinct lack of real engagement, this is the answer to one of my questions, i am sure you can figure out what that question might be ?

all the films i have linked to are perfectly self explanatory

they merit further investigation, that they are left in the cold wastes of the internet has less to do with validity, than hereticism, in the broadly accepted scientific sense (earth is a sphere, sun is the centre, evolution, four billion year old earth, nwo/occult control system - no precedent for that is there ? unless one includes roman, chilu, mayan, inca, pharoahic just to name a few)

all of the three readers of this thread will take in what they choose, and filter it through their knowledge of history, to whatever degree they possess such information

as i'm sure you'll agree, there are some interesting, and not immediately apparent skulls and bones in many closets of the powerful, i could not and would not ever apologise for bringing a few of these to the attention to the one of the three readers who was not aware of them, as i say, it is both easy and accessible to get the basic gist of these things by viewing the back catalogue of the films/seminars of Alex Jones, and to the more learned types such as yourself, for whom solid paper is preferable, there is the excitement of rooting these out for oneself (who doesn't have a latent Indiana Jones lurking within ?)

i make no apology for a small, and insignificant part in informing the one of the three readers who may now be digging this stuff out for themself, "one person at a time", as a certain man once said

the films of Alex Jones, may, just may, have played a part in slowing the onslaught of the very things he is rightly indignant and alarmed about, so it is a matter of honour for me to assist 'spreading the word'

i noticed a distinct lack of mention of him, so, seeing as how he is an important proponent of issues of concern/[state] conspiracy, i thought we should have him discussed here

here's a real issue of concern, why does it take five to six hours, and five or so submissions, for a harmless, and brief post to be displayed, when subversive, insulting posts duly arrive in moments ?

it is this FIVE hour wait, coupled with many attacks, which left unanswered give some form of credibility, that can be apportioned much of the blame for the implied 'thread hogging'

i appreciate the recommendation of prayer, but my way is to use my big fat mouth here

if you must raise the issue of prayer, i personally always found action or words achieve more

as an example, you, apparently well read in the area of thule, order of death etc, are FINALLY engaging in adding your knowledge to the debate

thanks to my big fat mouth


and apologies for the post/length, i guess you wanted a reply

  • 276.
  • At 10:47 PM on 08 Sep 2006,
  • matt wrote:

well newsnight, i was misled, i thought you had 'something' to do with this website

with my posts disapearing at random and the inexplicable "moderation"

and the continuing 'acceptability' of 'the idiot' being left to continue, i'm out of here, what a shame, newsnight, i thought better of you

i leave the field open to vikingar, victorious over justice, long may his type reign over us all

  • 277.
  • At 03:29 AM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Posts #270 & #275 essential reading for a classic demonstration in 'scaring the horses' :)

Ref matt #275 - "鈥.. but i have a good instinct, hardly demonstrable to you, but it is often said by others to me - "god, you had that exactly right, how did you know ?", or "you know too much", and these are not ironic observations"

鈥 presumably, this took place in front of a mirror, in a room of one?


鈥 surely any day since 11th September 2001 will do?

Ref matt #275 - "鈥.. i leave the field open to vikingar, victorious over justice, long may his type reign over us all"

Well that鈥檚 very kind of you, but hardly merited, you defeat yourself & undermine your 'cause' with a laughable combo of delusion, denial, pseudo science, paranoia, inventive myopia & a self imposed creative detachment from reality, whilst alienating those around via an abuse of the norms & behaviours of relationship (virtual kind between strangers) ...... consequence? not so much a rallying cry to your cause but a nuremberg-esque rally of one.

鈥. have you considered a career in screen writing :)


  • 278.
  • At 11:20 AM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget (272), your questions about the Reichstag Fire are very good ones. The simple answer to what we should have done, if we'd been in Germany at that time, is a great deal. And been prepared to die for doing it. Whether we would have passed the test then, well, only time will tell. Which is to agree with you that it seems likely that we will face such defining moral choices in our own day.

You may, from what you write, think that we already face such a test. I will come back to that, by Monday at the latest. And to the historical question of whether the Reichstag Fire was a false flag operation by the Nazis. (Note though that my answer above stands, either way.)

Now I have other things that I want to do today, including getting to hear David Ray Griffin at Red Lion Square.

Are you going?

  • 279.
  • At 02:47 PM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • WHAT A JERK wrote:


Been following your activities here.

Do you honestly expect to create a public point of view with your PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN ?

Why would people who see through you want to enter into debate with you here ?

You do not represent the millions of people for whom, you are simply a time waster with nothing to say, and no influence.

HA HA HA, How desperate :D

  • 280.
  • At 04:08 PM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref WHAT A JERK #279

"Why would people who see through you want to enter into debate with you here ?"

Ahh ... herm

Not here to enter into a debate with zealots, rather to counter their disingenuous efforts at CT (various motivations & hidden agendas) esp aimed at the vunerable.

I'll happily engage with those in the middle ground not polarised to the extremist borders.

Its the simplest & most honest of methods, if CT posters aligned their CT arguments to the pseudo science of certain persons, the we are duty bound to examine the previous work & gauge the credibility of such authors of CT 'evidence & research' (Jones, Griffin et al).

Don't blame me if inventive CT is even further undermined by the 'scientific answer' that has to be doctored to the loaded CT question (but we know that already - given the original inventive premise).

"ha ha" indeed 鈥.. methinks :)


  • 281.
  • At 05:17 PM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • WHAT A JERK wrote:


I couldn't agree with you more ! :)

Bearing in mind that all those who say there is something deeply wrong with the world are wrong, it would be more balanced of you to include Bush, Chenie, Rumsfeld, Blair to your list. :)

They are also disingenuous zealots who indulge in CT - "Give us your freedom or there'll be terrorism". :)

How hilarious is that ? Almost as laughable as suggestions that there is some dark New World Order intent on total domination, seriously, what possible reason is there to suspect such as thing ? :)

Yes, absolutely valid to examine the previous work and gauge the credibility of such authors of evidence and research, but you should include yourself, as well as United States Government :)

You underestimate the reader. :)

Straw poll round the office - nine out of thirteen said of VIKINGAR - "Definately not what he pretends to be" :)

BYE BYE ! :)

  • 282.
  • At 07:02 PM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref WHAT A JERK #281

'straw poll' = conversation with self

'office' = bedroom

'13' = 1

..... presumably :)

Ref 'New World Order' ? best ask matt ref his/her use of the terms in #204, 208, 229 264, 275 鈥 his CT territory.

Ref Bush & Blair, no favourites of mine, but as a Brit I support the teams, not the captains. As for the 'neo-cons' a way over estimated group, with a finite shelf life given the nature of our societies, what influence they 'ever' had diminishes daily (but the Left & anti-war brigades require a definable bogeyman, so they must give it a name & attribute influence to it).

The current main threat to progressive democratic societies is Islamic Extremism, the domestic variety/international variety & also the disingenuous pressure/political groups, typically the of the left (anarchist, communists, socialists etc), liberal left & elements of the supposed illiberal intelligentsia.

Such are feeding off this impasse, deliberately blurring the lines of debate with a combo of mixed message, attempting fusion of parity & moral equivalence arguments between terrorist mantra & atrocity & the legitimate policy & action of progressive states (who may make mistakes, but who are accountable to the people they defend).

For many CT has become an enabler, a means to get across their own messages by hijacking what may be legitimate concerns & reservations about governement policy (more so in the US, but hardcore in the UK).

Consequence, the vulnerable in our societies & esp those in our Muslims communities can become confused & easy prey to be radicalised (not only by the terrorist variety, but by extremists period).

Governments have the right & responsibility to ensure peacetime rights/entitlements are protected, but in wartime such can be legitimately suspended/curtailed, esp given nature of the conflict. The trick is to get them back in the same/similar format as when they are given up.

As for the anti-war, anti bush, anti blair, anti west brigades 鈥 they will not have it both ways.

As the conflict undoubtedly escalates (the west v religious extremism), when the terrorism ramps up atrocities in progressive societies, the peacetime right to protest (esp by the serial protesters of multiple causes) must be voluntarily transformed into responsible criticism under wartime conditions, otherwise the state will be forced to act & some will be enjoying custodial entertainment - hay ho.


  • 283.
  • At 07:45 PM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • WHAT A JERK wrote:

I said "BYE BYE" :)

WE aren't interested in what you have to say, and WE can leave you alone, WE can ignore you, you ARE discredited !

Although a colleague may respond to you, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you :)

Laugh.....The length of your post shows you're rattled (As well as plain wrong) :)

Laugh....."Progressive" :D
Laugh....."Democratic" :D
Laugh....."Accountable" :D
Laugh....."Defend" :D
Laugh.....'Trust in Politics' :D
Laugh.....'The old Left/Liberal-Right Paradigm/Lie' :D
Laugh.....'No freedom in wartime' - this is a 100 years war, we'll all wait that long :D
Laugh.....You just threatened most of the country who do dissent :D

Laugh.....You're so out of the game :D

Laugh.....You may have the last word, but not the last Laugh :D

Laugh.....Huge laughter at you :D

This is OUR last GOODBYE ! :)


  • 284.
  • At 09:25 PM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ vikingar 282

you claim to be centre but you come across as extreme right. Perhaps that's where the centre is now.

  • 285.
  • At 11:20 PM on 09 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref WHAT A JERK #283

Rattled no, willing to counter the spin of the multi vested interests behind CT - yes, yes & yes - hence length of posts. But interesting to see you employ the collective 'WE' when criticising, supposedly the kudos in numbers argument, whilst then accrediting my lone prose, action & motivation to being part of a state agency - flattered but no). But it sounds like my criticism of the left, liberal left & anti war & Islamic Extremists/Muslims communities has somewhat touched a nerve :(

BACK TO THE THREAD TOPIC ... bit of a long post

Ref my #127 which Richard Drake was kind enough to mention in #268

Two opposites: CT & OV.

Q. but what is in-between?

How about RU (reasonable uncertainty) which would require legitimate & credible investigation to address such queries.

Q. how to make a distinction between OV - RU - CT:

- (a) what can be deduced from seeing all the footage, esp live (e.g. WTC) which becomes central & core to the OV.
- (b) a spun interpretation of a recorded event from a packaged selection of footage touted as CT (which may or not have been doctored further to support the premise of the CT).

Before the 911 CT believers wet themselves, ref WTC collapse, the world collectively experienced (a) whilst the 911 CT believers make great play of (b)


Case in point, two examples from the Israel v Hezbullah conflict in Lebanon & the efforts of Hezbullah propaganda campaign.

1. The Ambulance

Hezbullah & certain groups (home & abroad) & even parts of MSM & certain made great play of the Israeli attack on IRC ambulances.

A battered ambulance with a round hole in the roof was shown globally by Mainstream Media (MSM) as being evidence to such an attack (though where did they get the footage?) [1a]

Further investigation revealed the hole manufactured hole was where the flashing light/venting unit normally is in the same model of Lebanese ambulances, but a correction has never been widely made [1b]

Also there were queries about the part that 'paramedics' with supposed injuries played on that day, given they where bandaged up one day on a trolley & bounding around the place without mark or scars the next day.

Also questions about how the casualty in the ambulance had obtained their injuries given the lack of damage to the ambulance not attributed to a missile strike (which did not occur).

2. Choreographed Emergency Services - 'Green Helmet Guy'

This one is a very interesting example of un packaged/total footage becoming the undoing of Hezbullah OV.

German News Agency Zapp have shown footage from a 'known' person who was seen & heard directing the recovery of a dead child from damaged building into an ambulance. Then unhappy with the shot, 'the man in the green helmet' choreographed the event again, taking the dead child out of the ambulance down onto the ground then lifted onto another trolley & put back into the ambulance [2a]

The Green Helmet Guy turns out to be one 'Salam Daher' an alleged Hezbullah supporter, who has form for stage managed choreographing such events from 10 years earlier [2b].

However, at the time what was released to the MSM was a packaged selection & the Hezbullah media campaign is more slick for that part of the region, than people had thought (but MSM should have known better

AP & Reuters to name but two MSM org's criticised by bloggers [2c] [2d] & also both agencies allegedly using related photographer & journalists (twin brothers) in the region, questioning the impartially of reporting [3]


Therefore, using examples 1 & 2 鈥...

Q. what say you - CT or RU?




  • 286.
  • At 01:01 AM on 10 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Just back from hearing David Ray Griffin and David Shayler at Red Lion Square, chaired by Ian Crane of the Totnes 911 Truth group.

Over 500 made for a packed and rapt Conway Hall, making it easily the biggest UK event of its kind. And it seemed a good mixture of ages. We met some really interesting people. That lady whose father escaped from Auschwitz and had just before I met her opened a book by Webster Tarpley to find a diagram showing that dreaded place and commercial links back to famous US names (without ever having come across such things before) ... that's a personal story to tell in the not so distant future.

Both speakers are being interviewed live on "Heaven and Earth" on 麻豆官网首页入口1 at 10am tomorrow (Sunday). And there were rumours of other 麻豆官网首页入口 interviews pending.

Any chance of Adam tipping us off in advance as to when and where we might see Prof Grif in the coming week?

  • 287.
  • At 09:10 PM on 10 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #284

"you claim to be centre but you come across as extreme right. Perhaps that's where the centre is now"

Never claimed that?, happily inhabit the centre right (liberal conservative).

The vast majority of British Society are mainstream centre to centre right, whilst the minority (various left incarnations, others & extremists of all persuasion) wrestle for the remainder.

Perhaps as you are in this minority , everything else by default seems extreme to you & your belief/mantra?

I agree the centre is 'more' rightmost, but it has not had to journey far.


  • 288.
  • At 10:19 PM on 10 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Catching up on two weeks of posts has been extremely entertaining. As pointed out by Jayhawk (151, 230), Richard Drake (166), Matt (251) and others, Vikingar disrupts the forum with a deluge of ad hominem attacks against 鈥榗onspiracy theorists鈥. According to him, all non-OV CTs are fabricated, flawed, inventive, creative, questionable, wishful fantasy, hot air, based on pseudo science, disingenuous efforts, pseudo research, fantasy claims, dubious bias, non credible falsehoods, imaginative speculation, and are propagated by zealots, extremists, fanatics, believers, sad/na茂ve fools and dishonest fabricators. Phew, that鈥檚 quite a list and enough to put anyone off, who鈥檚 casually browsing the blog.

I doubt that Vikingar is a U.S. govt. employee as Matt suggests (201), or an A.I. program, as Jayhawk suggests (243) 鈥 although, regarding the latter, I have no idea what the state-of-the-art can achieve these days, especially when one considers the Pentagon鈥檚 will to engage in 鈥榠nformation operations鈥 . From the puerile way Vikingar (198) brings up 鈥榸ionism, aliens, Elvis and the lock ness monster鈥, I鈥檇 say he/she may be a 麻豆官网首页入口 employee (remember the photo chosen for this blog!)

The one CT that Vikingar has argued for is the anti-Israel staged photos (127), which Richard Drake commended (268) for its contribution to the debate; which I do too 鈥 although we musn鈥檛 forget Vikingar鈥檚 support for his 鈥榦wn, very novel CT鈥, as described by Richard Drake (210), nor his defence of the grand OV 911 CT (the fact the 911 OV is a CT has been pointed out many times, e.g. Matt (162) and Bridget (249)).

Vikingar鈥檚 鈥榗ase closed鈥 mentality seems to me at odds with his/her/(its) acknowledgement of 鈥榬easonable uncertainty鈥 and a call for 鈥榣egitimate & credible investigation (285); a legitimate, credible investigation, now wouldn鈥檛 that be a refreshing change! The tactic to tie all 911 CT (e.g. 241) to 鈥榬eligious sect academics鈥 ignores the research done by others. Even if 911 CT was exclusive to the people Vikingar attacks, Richard Drake makes the salient point (156, 197, 210) that great scientific achievements have been made by the religiously-minded, and that questioning S.E. Jones鈥 religious beliefs does not mean, a priori, his 911 CT ideas are invalid. Nor has Matt鈥檚 challenge (157) to Vikingar鈥檚 statement (154) 鈥榬eal world believers in OV make up the vast majority (99%)鈥 been addressed by Vikingar. Yet here鈥檚 a source which states the opposite of Vikingar -https://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14723997/

To use the loaded anti-CT language used on this forum, I see that Adamliv (253) 鈥榗lings鈥 to his suicide video theory to 鈥榩rop up鈥 the OV. I agree with Bridget (254) and Jayhawk (257) there鈥檚 a complete lack of investigative journalism.

With regard to the debate on what caused WTC 1, 2 & 7 to collapse; Arguing for the OV, I think Alan has done an excellent job addressing the issues, and he has won me over to the idea that the molten metal could have been due to the energy released from the collapse, although the thermite explosion theory sounds plausible to me too (e.g. as argued by Zoran, Richard Drake, etc.). Whilst I鈥檓 not qualified to judge the plausibility of these theories, I do think the debate needs to be broadened to tackle other information, such as the seismic spikes before each collapse (as recorded by Columbia Uni鈥檚 Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, NY), and eyewitness reports of 鈥榖ombs鈥 going off.

Thanks Bridget for the info on the Whitehouse statement (246), which I find extremely disturbing.

In the Kelvinesque spirit of working with numbers (ref: Alan, 110), I鈥檇 like to ask Richard Drake, with his Cambridge mathematics degree (191), whether he could work out (for the sake of future generations! Ref: 166), the probability of the 7/7 Visor Consultants training exercise choosing exactly the same tube stations as the real attacks 鈥 under a conservative scenario that, say, only Zone 1 stations (c.70 stations?) were equally likely to have been picked 鈥 and perhaps an even stricter scenario, if you can think of one. It must be thousands to one, at least.

  • 289.
  • At 11:51 PM on 10 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Besides the questionable motives of those who tout 911 CT, none can agree on a single alternative 'motive' & means/method'.

According to them there was a queue of people with different motives & different methods doing different things simultaneously 鈥. get in queue & take a ticket :)

But you cannot divorce:

1) 'Motivation'


2) 'Means & Method'.

If you rely on pseudo science (given the questionable past works & current beliefs) of Jones et al to validate your 'Means & Method' - CT has failed before the race started (as it would, given its fantasy).

Then where are CT believers left on the Motivation front?

This is where the CT believers completely looses the plot, their ideas will never fly outside the fantasist turkey coup. The mainstream is not interested, but CT may have success with the vulnerable in our society.

Whereas, a straightforward & basic understanding of the litany of recent historical events provides the unpalatable answer.

An answer rather unfortunate for the various 'motivations' promoted by those who tout & fabricate CT ideas & evidence.

The reality of recent history of the modern world, is far more simple & straightforward:

- bad decisions
- domestic distraction
- ineffectual & poor foreign policy
- failure to deliver v intransigence
- all combined with rising Islamic Extremism

......... led to 911.

What has happened post 911 is another situation entirely.

But ref 911:

1. Perhaps it was too much to expect those with an axe to grind in our own societies (political/fringe/pressure groups & the 'challenged') not too take advantage of the such events & others suffering 鈥. & construct fantasy CT to assist their aims.

2. Perhaps it was too much to expect those vulnerable in our society not to be effected by CT, given changes within our societies & the means of popular communication by which those with agenda can disproportionaly promote their mantra.

3. Perhaps it was too much to expect that those drawing up the strategy & the tactical response to rising Islamic Extremism would be as less then successful about it.

When the response of government to extremism is not wholly satisfactory & does not deliver in a timely manner (expectation of the modern world) any wonder the same CT protagonists will attempt to weave this into their opened ended CT equation as well - linking pre-911 to 911 to post-911.

But complex fantasy does not a credible argument make (in the face of recent historical events).


  • 290.
  • At 01:25 AM on 11 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:


Perhaps you might care to explain why Bush claims to have watched the first plane go into the tower whilst waiting to enter the classroom on 11/9?

Did he just forget the script or believe the myth was watertight by then?

  • 291.
  • At 01:56 AM on 11 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #290

Suggest you ask the serial simpleton directly [1]

But before that, watch his other public gaffes [2]

According to Bush he was 'trained by Alqueda' 20 sec into the video.

Really ... trust your CT built on better bushism that that :)




  • 292.
  • At 02:51 AM on 11 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

5th ANNIVERSARY - 911 - 11th September 2001

RIP - the 2,973 innocent victims of an Islamic Extremist terrorist atrocity.

911 Overview [1]

The 4 high jacks [2]

How the Towers Fell [3a] [3b]

9/11 - The Report [4]

Who did it - Alqaeda [5]

Finally, with ref to the subject of this thread, the consequences of intentional & deliberate domestic CT [6]



[3b] /science/horizon/2001/worldtradecenter.shtml

  • 293.
  • At 04:08 PM on 11 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Whatever our other views on the subject, we pray for God's comfort for the families and friends of all victims of 9-11 at this gut-wrenching time.

For me, though, it's back as promised to the Reichstag Fire (278, 272).

Here's a concise summary from Anthony Sutton:

"The firing of the Reichstag on February 27, 1933 is one of the key events of modern times. The fire was used by Adolf Hitler to claim imminent Communist revolution, suspend constitutional rights, and seize totalitarian power. From that point on there was no turning back for Germany; the world was set upon the course to World War II."

The next day, February 28, an emergency decree was passed by the right-wing coalition cabinet, which contained just three Nazis, led by Hitler as Chancellor. In the words of Ian Kershaw

"With one brief paragraph, the personal liberties enshrined in the Weimar Constitution - including freedom of speech, of association and of the press, and privacy of postal and telephone communications - were suspended indefinitely. With another ... the autonomy of the Lander was overridden ... to ensure Nazi control throughout all the German states. The hastily constructed emergency decree amounted to the charter of the Third Reich."

Later the same year, after the March elections, which strengthened the Nazi grip on power, things got even worse, as Michael Burleigh chillingly describes:

"Since the 'national community' was effectively defined by race, it was progressively exclusionary. ... Notions of equality before the law were replaced by a system of legal apartheid. Racial aliens did not belong ... In further departure from civilised norms, words became crimes. Public suspicions about the causes of the Reichstag Fire resulted in the 1933 Decree against Malicious Attacks, which criminalised hostile remarks about the leadership, Party and state."

Thus, as shown by their own legislation, suspicions that the Nazis planned and caused the fire arose from the start.

One of the earliest books proclaiming this particular CT was published the following year by Georgi Dimitrov, the feisty Bulgarian communist, himself falsely accused by the Nazis of being involved in such a conspiracy of communists in the Reichstag Fire Trial, which ended with his and almost all his colleagues' acquittal in December 1933 (showing that the courts were not yet completely subservient to Hitler).

The one man found guilty was, as Bridget mentioned, Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutchman also said to be a communist. He was executed in January 1934, days before his 25th birthday.

Those are the basic 'facts'. Two very different questions arise.

1. Did the Nazis do it, as well as use it, to gain totalitarian power?

2. Are we facing exactly the same situation with Bush, Blair and 9-11?

Let's take the second first. In making the link explicit, Bridget's final words concentrate on the UK situation:

"History as tragedy repeated as farce. Except it isn't funny. Jean Charles de Menezes, Forest Gate, the harrassment and demonising of Muslims, the almost total erosion of civil liberties? No I won't be praying, I will be campaigning and questioning and doing all I can to alert people to the dangers of the present situation."

Well, you do that. But the situation, however worrying, is not remotely the same as it was in Germany in 1933, let alone later. It is very muddled historical thinking, not to say following the ways of Goebbels himself, to proclaim otherwise.

The very fact that there is so much in print and on the Web putting forward alternative theories of 9-11 and 7-7, theories which do great damage to the reputations of the Bush and Blair governments, and that such activity is NOT criminalised, five years later in the case of 9-11, shows that we are not, thankfully, governed by people of the same level of totalitarian evil as Hitler, Goebbels and Goering. Or, even, just perhaps, that they ARE every bit as evil, but that something in our precious systems and traditions of consitutional democracy prevent them from turning our great nations to disastrous tyranny right now, let alone the day after a cataclysmic event like 9-11.

There are many reasons for not overstating the case. One of the biggest is that it can easily imbue a sense of fatalism and despair into less aggressive, more reflective readers who are not so well-versed in history. We are not in the same terrible position as the Germans in 1933. We should not be made to think so. Instead, we should be wonderfully grateful for the freedoms we do enjoy. And out of that gratitude we should certainly work to investigate and expose the truth behind epoch-making but sadly deceptive events like 9-11.

Andrew's summary of the last two weeks discussion had many strengths (288). But for me he falls into the same trap of overstatement when he writes

"Thanks Bridget for the info on the Whitehouse [sic] statement (246), which I find extremely disturbing."

Actually, the moment I saw that bullet point on that page I agreed with it. The prevalence of conspiracy theories amongst Muslims and Arabs does great harm to them as individuals and societies

But even if you and I greatly disagree with it, one erroneous government web page is not the same as detention, torture and execution for saying different. "Extremely disturbing"? What words would we have left if Bush and Blair suddenly took us seriously about this Hitler stuff? I suggest the concepts wolf and cry are worth some more study in some quarters.

Lastly, then, where Bridget started. Was the Reichstag Fire a pre-planned Nazi false flag operation, or was it the work of one maverick left-winger and used in a fit of opportunism?

For that, you'll have to see my next post. It will also give full details of the books referred to in both.

I sign off with a prayer for all of us, all over the world, considering 9-11 today. As David Shayler said on 麻豆官网首页入口1 yesterday, quoting Jesus, the truth will set you free.

  • 294.
  • At 06:19 PM on 11 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hello Richard,

ref: 293

> But even if you and I greatly disagree with it, one
> erroneous government web page is not the same as
> detention, torture and execution for saying
> different. "Extremely disturbing"?

If it's one erroneous government web page, that's fine of course. I take your point about the use of the word 'extremely', but if it's the logic of Western society to come, I find it disturbing (is that better?) that our activity in openly discussing and perhaps supporting some alternative 鈥榗onspiracy theories' equates to contaminating the public discourse with false and corrupted information which engenders a population from which terrorism can spring.

I found it especially disturbing in the light of 鈥榗onspiracy theorists鈥 already being persecuted in the US;

In July, Michael C. Ruppert of www.fromthewilderness.com left the US for good, stating, 鈥業 had humiliated the government one too many times, I understood two things. I was too old to go on fighting these increasingly ugly and dangerous battles. And there was nothing left in the United States worth fighting for. The next battle would surely mean death for me.鈥

In August, 911 investigator Chistropher Bollyn (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Bollyn) was beaten up and tazered on his front lawn by police.
鈥淚 have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused鈥攂y the cops鈥. I intend to seek asylum in Norway or Switzerland. I can read the writing on the wall.鈥

Before Vikingar beats me to it, even if you find Ruppert's 'US govt. did it' conclusions, or Bollyn's 'Zionists/Mossad did it' conclusions, distasteful, does that mean he should be beaten up by the police for expressing a view?

Three days ago, this story appeared about Greg Palast facing Homeland Security charges for filming an Exxon site for his documentary on Hurricane Katrina.

Is this just the beginning of a trend? I hope not.

btw: Dear Moderator - I would like to know what happened to my reply to Vikingar (289) that I posted this morning. It hasn't appeared on the blog, yet Richard Drake's 4.08pm post has.

  • 295.
  • At 06:19 PM on 11 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Thanks Richard for your scholarly response, and the quote that 'the truth will set you free'.

I prefer Orwell's 'In times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.'

Much like Vikengar's determined efforts to equate Bush's clear 'lie' that he watched the first plane hit the tower before he entered the classroom, with Bush's often strange and muddled sentences, you choose to miss the point I was making entirely.

My point is that on the basis of a manufactured LIE (whether the Reichsatg Fire or 9/11) all the subsequent events unfold. None of which would be possible without the lie.

I do not suggest that we are in exactly the same situation, of course we cannot possibly be, but I also doubt that the people's of Iraq or Afghanistan, Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib would share your belief that the world is quite as comfortable and cosy as you seem to indicate. Would any of these events have been possible without 9/11? Would Jean Charles de Menezes or Forest Gate have happened if not for 7/7? Is the UK a comfortable place for Muslims since these events, I very much doubt it.

As for the statement that:
"It is very muddled historical thinking, not to say following the ways of Goebbels himself, to proclaim otherwise." That is just nasty and uncalled for. You have twice chosen to smear my character and I would ask you to have some decency in your responses to me, as I do with you.

  • 296.
  • At 11:28 PM on 11 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:


"In countries where associations are free, secret societies are unknown. In America there are factions, but no conspiracies" Alexis de Tocqueville - (1805-1889) French social philosopher.


Period 1 - Pre 911
Period 2 - Events of 911
Period 3 - Post 911


1. Motivation
2. Means & Methods

ANSWER? - the CT:

CT believers interlink all three periods in a dizzying myriad of fantasy & conspiracy but are unable to agree on a single alternative 'motivation' & means/method' (surprise surprise given their fantasy premise)
- fantasist motivations
- pseudo science means & methods.

According to CT believers there was a queue of people with different motives & different methods doing different things simultaneously 鈥. get in queue & take a ticket [1]

- it was not muslims, it was Jews, it was Amercians, it was Neo Cons, it was the CIA (but it was ISLAMIC TERRORISTS in PLANES)
- it was insurance fraud, it was oil barons, it was military industrial compex (but it was ISLAMIC TERRORISTS in PLANES)
- it was missiles, they were not planes, it was bombs, it was cutting charges (but it was ISLAMIC TERRORISTS in PLANES)

ANSWER - the reality:

A straightforward & basic understanding of the litany of recent historical events (Period 1) provides the unpalatable answer & the reality of recent history of the modern world, is far more simple & straightforward which led to the events of 911 (Period 2):

- bad decisions
- domestic distraction
- ineffectual & poor foreign policy (backing the wrong group, arming, training & funding etc).
- failure to deliver v intransigence
- all combined with rising Islamic Extremism

PERIOD 3 - Post 911:

Given the changing nature of the Islamic Extremist threat - are targeted progressive democratic societies ....

- entitled & duty bound to react - YES
- entitled to make such a reaction as part of an overall strategy (roadmap etc) - YES
- entitled to secure support for an overall strategy (from all quarters) which encompass more then basic reaction to an instance of terrorist i.e. the causes & heart of such mantra - & offer an alternative - YES

Do the citizens of progressive democratic nations, reasonably expect the following:

- EXPECTATION [1] government actions bring success - YES
- EXPECTATION [2] government actions bring timely success - YES
- EXPECTATION [3] government actions bring timely success in a affordable way (fiscal & human cost) - YES

Given the current impasse, with such EXPECTATIONS not being readily met, the less than satisfactory total response of those who have authorised the 'War on Terror' is at question, their judgement & competency (a consequence of democracy, something radical Islamic extremism goes not dare entertain).

The history of world war has taught us that the initial reaction of those under attack often takes a while to get going, but setbacks were overcome & sorted out & the response was deadly & brought success:

- 20th Century - Europe: BEF withdrawal, collapse of France, German occupation then back with D-Day to Victory in Europe.
- 20th Century - Pacific: Pearl Harbour, Japanese occupation to Victory in Japan.
- 21st Century - Post 911: its ongoing :)


What is the domestic difference between the circumstances of two World Wars & our societies now. Then soceity bred/allowed constructive criticism but its socities did not give birth to such domestic intransigence amongst various groups with an axe to grind (abusing peacetime entitlements in wartime environment) as we now endure.

Many domestic protagonists demand the freedoms of society under threat, whilst making a disingenuous argument to deny the said governments of such societies the freedoms to defend such societies.

But the point to which those touting non constructive criticism gives direct succour to an enemy & promotes uncertain & untruths making the 'vulnerable' in our societies prone to the influence of extremists - are the acts of a 5th Column (the difference being individuals & groups not agreeing on final objectives, but agreeing on any means to bring down common bogeymen: the west; certain political figures; capitalism; US, Israel).

The right to question the actions of one governments is a right & entitlement for citizens of progressive democratic societies.

But there are virtually no headline CT individual/group which do not have a litany of other agenda (simple analysis of their previous/current activities reveal this e.g.):

- anti-war (serial variety)
- anti capitalism
- various left wing organisation: anarchists, socialists, communists etc.
- pressure/political fringe groups.
- religious fundamentalists (Christian variety)
- Islamic extremists themselves
- usual loon brigade.


There are other factors which have undoubtedly influenced history & society (aims & desires of governing elites & their supporters to the societal engineering policies of liberal elites).

But headline CT individuals/groups are not there doing a civic services, they are embroiled in self service (ego, aims, kudos, money).

The internet enables mass dissemination of a CT message, enabling people prone to such beliefs to be interlinked & enabled - but still it鈥檚 a very small but disproportionaly vocal minority.

Willing not only to invest time & resources promoting CT fantasy, but invest time & money fabricating CT evidence, to fill the blanks.

CT believers in essence have an axe to grind in our own societies & 911 has presented them with an opportunity far too tempting not too take advantage of the such events & others suffering.


Given this is an covert information & propaganda war as much as a overt military war, you have to wonder how many extremists (esp Islamic variety) adopt different guises & intentionally look to actively promote CT due to its corrosive undermining of consensus in progressive democratic societies.

Deny the victim (society) the right to accuse & undermine their right to defend themselves, serial abuse will follow.

CT protagonists also have aims & agendas, which 911 CT enables :(

And in the face of this tangible & damaging underhand combo of domestic intransigence & Islamic extremism (in all its forms) - I trust & dearly hope the governments of progressive democratic societies, are playing suitably dirty & the gloves are off - though we need to ensure they are put back on - at some point :)



[1] /dna/h2g2/A652277

  • 297.
  • At 06:57 AM on 12 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Dear Vikingar (289),

> Besides the questionable motives of those who tout
> 911 CT

鈥楾out鈥. You鈥檝e used it ten times so far (in 150, 161, 173, 199, 285, 289, 296), and are the only person to have used it; such a fabulous word, with connotations of dodgy trading and petty exploitation.

> none can agree on a single alternative 'motive' & means/method'.

I find it incredible that you expect the millions of people around the globe who question the 911 OV to agree on a 鈥榮ingle alternative鈥.

> According
> to them

It鈥檚 鈥榳ishful fantasy鈥 there is a single group of people to attribute your idea to!

> there was a queue of people with different motives & different
> methods doing different things simultaneously

I have yet to read 911 conspiracy theorists (apart from perhaps the multiverse crowd!) who accept a mixed bag of scenarios as all being true, even when there are multiple suspects.

> But you cannot divorce:
> 1) 'Motivation'
> from 2) 'Means & Method'.

You can treat these as separate phases of an investigation. Establish who may have had a motive, then see if they had the means and opportunity. Alternatively, analyse those with the means, and see if they had the motive and opportunity, or those with the opportunity, to check whether they had the motive and means. Suspects with all three attributes are worth serious investigation.

> If you rely on pseudo science (given the questionable past works & current
> beliefs) of Jones et al

Why are you so focused on Jones et al? They are Jonny Come Lately鈥檚 to 911 CT (nothing wrong with that, of course).

> Then where
> are CT believers left on the Motivation front?

I find it ironic that you use the word 鈥榖elievers鈥 to describe those who question the 911 OV, when you seem to me to be the 鈥榖eliever鈥 (in the OV) opposing people who have openly said they don鈥檛 have preconceived conclusions and are attempting to get to the truth.

> This is where the CT
> believers completely looses the plot

Another moment in your constructed narrative. You鈥檒l find there is no shortage of motivation that doesn鈥檛 fit the OV 鈥 well you would if you actually debated the points raised by others!

> their ideas will never fly outside
> the fantasist turkey coup.

Insult upon insult. We鈥檙e turkeys in a coup. Thank you for the inspired debate; remember this is supposed to be a high-brow forum!

> The mainstream is not interested,

How do you know what the mainstream is or is not interested in? Even Adam Livingstone admits, in the introduction to this blog, that 鈥榯he official version (OV) is no longer shifting copy like it did鈥. Perhaps by 'mainstream' you mean 'mainstream media' - that would make sense.

> but CT may
> have success with the vulnerable in our society.

First we鈥檙e turkeys in a coup, and now we鈥檙e the 鈥榲ulnerable in our society鈥. IMHO, these kind of comments tell us more about your own psychology than about the people you鈥檙e referring to.

> Whereas, a
> straightforward & basic understanding of the litany of recent historical
> events provides the unpalatable answer.

I, for one, don鈥檛 deny Islamic extremism, or the threat posed by it to the West. But there are many forms of extremism, some you seem unwilling to consider as a possibility.

> An answer rather unfortunate for
> the various 'motivations' promoted by those who tout

鈥榯out鈥 again

> & fabricate CT ideas
> & evidence.

It seems to me that you鈥檙e the one unwilling to consider evidence that doesn鈥檛 fit your preconceived notions of how the world should work.

> The reality
> of led to 911.

It may be the 鈥榮imple & straightforward鈥 version you鈥檇 like to believe, but imho there are more ingredients in 鈥榬eality鈥; bad/good, ineffective/effective, failure/success 鈥 it all depends on what one鈥檚 actual goals are, not what the public was told.

> 1. Perhaps it was too much to expect those with an axe to grind in our own
> societies (political/fringe/pressure groups & the 'challenged')

You seem to have a preset notion of who you鈥檙e addressing. I鈥檓 not a member of any political, fringe or pressure group. That leaves your category the 鈥榗hallenged鈥, whatever that may mean!

> not too
> take advantage of the such events & others suffering 鈥.

What advantage? The ones I see taking advantage of 911 are politicians and businessmen.

> & construct
> fantasy CT to assist their aims.

All your ad hominem attacks can be turned around to point in the other direction, so why bother using them? I could say that the OV has constructed a fantasy CT to assist in its aims. We鈥檙e no further forward in the debate.

> 2. Perhaps it was too much to expect
> those vulnerable in our society not to be effected
> by CT,

Slur. No debate.

> those with agenda can disproportionaly promote
> their mantra.

Disproportionately? A forgotten Newsnight webpage compared with 24/7/365 global mass media? Mantra? Tout, tout, tout, tout, tout, tout, tout, tout, tout sounds like a mantra to me.

> 鈥trategy & the tactical
> response to rising Islamic Extremism would be as less then successful
> about it.

At the high level of global strategy, the rise of Islamic Extremism may be a strategic goal to foment war.

> any wonder the same CT protagonists will attempt
> to weave

Attempt to weave? According to you, 'CT protagonists' even fail home economics class.

> complex fantasy does not a credible argument
> make (in the face of recent historical events).

Back at you - the complex fantasy needed to maintain the OV in the face of recent historical events does not a credible argument make.

RIP - the innocent victims of 911. May your families be successful in their pursuit of truth, justice and acccountability through the courts (those still able to do it, by having been able to refuse the government 鈥榙rop your case鈥 compensation).

  • 298.
  • At 07:13 AM on 12 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar, the amount you repeat yourself in 289 and 296 amazes me - perhaps Jayhawk is right afterall about the A.I.!

Your posts are slur piled upon slur, and you lash out at groups I would never identify myself with. Why are you not able to debate? If you're so confident the OV 911 CT is the truth, you should be able to win your arguments on the facts.

> Given this is an covert information & propaganda war
> as much as a overt military war, you have to wonder
> how many extremists (esp Islamic variety) adopt
> different guises & intentionally look to actively
> promote CT due to its corrosive undermining of
> consensus in progressive democratic societies.

You have just implied that I, and other people on this blog, may be extremists, probably Islamic extremists, fighting a propaganda war against democratic societies. I invite anyone reading this blog to think very carefully about where this logic would lead democratic society. Vikingar has just demonstrated the same logic as contained in the NSC strategy doc that Bridget linked to. 'Erroneous web page' Richard? How long before we can put 'extremely' before 'disturbing'?

  • 299.
  • At 09:18 AM on 12 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Over two hours, and still my 2 'within moderation rules' posts don't appear - vikingar, like yesterday, gets the last word for hours with his no-debating attack pieces. Is it the 麻豆官网首页入口 coming up with their own hurriedly-written posts to "balance" the forum in line with impartiality rules?

I'd like to invite Vikingar to be consistent and attack the 911 widows who appear in this just-released documentary as 5th Column enemy propaganda extremists. Or will he/she, not wanting to come across as an extremist, just use the PlanB 'vulnerable in our society' argument for them? I suggest listening to what they have to say.

  • 300.
  • At 03:34 PM on 12 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #298 & #299

(fyi - appreciate the time & engeries to pull #288 together)

As previously stated #280, I am not here to debate with CT believers & zealots, to indulge their creative fantasies & thereby 'validate' imaginative speculations which they seek to actively work into the normalcy of mainstream society.

The CT myth is not like other endearing ones - Father Christmas, fairies & pixies - at its worst, its an intentionally disingenuous & corrosive political exercise which undermines social cohesion at a time when such turmoil can only give succour to our societies collective enemies - Extremism, esp Islamic variety.

Its like perverting the national curriculum, whereby shcools are foreced to promote 'creationism' alongside Darwinism in science - of utterly pointless use to the mainstream & provides not value only fictional distraction - leave it to the radicals & the flat earth society to play around with.

In case anyone needed reminding, CT Fantasy & Creationism - funnily enough two topics of research interested the main pseudo science fabricator Jones et al.

Next you will be wanting the public to take seriously a discussion on the merits of USS Enterprise v the Shuttle Enterprise (one fiction, one fact) & propose we should be have a treaty with the Klinongs (just in case) & offer state sponsored language courses in Klinong, which children could take after they have finished their Creationism classes (though not sure the two could co-exist? - what do the radicals say about aliens in their version of the bible?) [1]

However, more than happy to discuss notions of 'Reasonable Uncertainty' regarding 911.

To the extent that the US caught off guard (whole host of historical reasons) with its proverbial pants down, used the opportunity of the Islamic Terrorist attack to redeemed itself & launch a strategy, which may or may have not already been theoretically formulated (given all governments engage in different war scenarios & war game exercising - just in case).

A scenario Richard Drake alluded to #293

Personally, rather disappointed if governments did not have something to pull out of a hat and/or could not respond to tragedy & potentially turn it into opportunity.

Nothing wrong with that - unless they balls it up - but that鈥檚 not Conspiracy in Theory, that鈥檚 called Incompetence in Action.

..... unless of course the CT believers have been watching too much '24' & 'X' file reruns (collector editions, the Directors Cut - all seasons etc)

CT - a generation primed to be sceptical, conditioned by the fiction of the popular media, indulged by liberals & fantasy enabled by the internet - any wonder so much time & energy is spent pursuing any number of 'rainbows'.




  • 301.
  • At 04:26 PM on 12 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

As my post 299 appeared and then disappeared, here's an obliquely worded alternative;

Considering Vikingar's PSE Note in 296, as commented upon in 298, I wonder if Vikingar would regard those interviewed in this newly-released documentary

as 'extremists' fighting a covert enemy propaganda war. I suggest to anyone who thinks questioning the OV is the province of 'extremists', to start by watching this documentary.

  • 302.
  • At 07:16 PM on 12 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

You'll like this Vikingar,
Here's a very recent 5th anniversary critical analysis of 911 CT

I came across it whilst checking the background to the old 麻豆官网首页入口 news stories that some hijackers were 'alive and well' - e.g. - (which naturally leads to thinking the FBI may have got their list wrong, and the question; so who the hell were the real hijackers then?). Part 2 goes into the subject of discrediting the 'some hijackers are alive and well' stories.

  • 303.
  • At 09:08 PM on 12 Sep 2006,
  • Rick B wrote:

Andrew - very good point about "9/11: Press for Truth". I found this documentary about mainstream political and financial questions and information surrounding 9/11 much more shocking than any "conspiracy theories" about controlled demolition or remote-controlled planes etc.

  • 304.
  • At 12:31 AM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #301 #302

With ref to my #300

As I have stated the 911 CT premise is a self prophesising fabricated cul de sac of an argument, wholly dishonest.

So total is their myopia that they embrace any & all inventive 911 CT (slightly whacky to wholly unbelievable) - beggars cannot be choosers :)

I have no desire at all to debate such disingenuous theories.

The world is witness to what happened on that day #292 - those with other agendas choose to remain in denial, hence their efforts since to fashion & invent a 'reality' that suits their purposes.

Families of those affected have earnt the right to question but CT does not offer answers - it promotes lies.

But the right to question of the bereaved has to be put into the context that the vast majority (verging on all) of people affected that day accept the realities of that day & accept the reality & the answers of their government, 9/11 commission etc.

Now for those rational posters interested in a simple argument (supported by links):

Q.1 which of the following is true based on research of same religious sect academic?

- Argument [1] Prof Steven E Jones - Creationism [1a]
- Argument [2] Prof Steven E Jones - "Behold My Hands: Evidence for Christ's Visit in Ancient America" [1b]
- Argument [3] Prof Steven E Jones - 911/CT [1c]

Q.12 which of the following is true based on research of same religious sect academic?

- Argument [1] David Ray Griffin - Creationism [2a]
- Argument [2] David Ray Griffin - 911/CT [2b]

Q.3 which of the following is produced by competent professionals with resources & remit?

- loose change - Dylan Avery 22 yr old Director from Oneonta [3a]
- Popular Mechanics - US science/technology mag 1st published 1902 [3b]
- bi partisan 9/11 Commission [3c]

And just to highlight one of many equally passionate sites out there to counter the corrosive & disingenuous 911 CT [4]

911 CT = Complete Trash




  • 305.
  • At 01:16 AM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

vikingar @ 304 etc etc etc

Desperately clinging on and so worried that people might waver and start looking and researching - what are you really so scared of?

I suspect the paradigm shift that comes with waking up and seeing what is really going on.

You never commented on the Bush LIE that he watched the first plane hit the tower before entering the classroom, I wonder why not?

Nor on WTC 7's collapse.


When two or more people plan to commit a crime, there exists by definition a 'conspiracy'.

Therefore, any theory about who did it, or how it was done, is by definition a 'conspiracy theory'.

The question is then not whether you are a conspiracy theorist, but for which conspiracy theory you find the evidence most compelling.

Vikingar, so scared that theory can become fact.

  • 306.
  • At 01:53 AM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

First up, the Popular Mechanics book 鈥楧ebunking 9/11 Myths鈥 which supposedly demolishes all the key 9/11 conspiracy theories with the aid of hard facts and science. Have a listen to the guy who fact-checked the book:

The Charles Goyette Show, Wed Aug 2

Lou Dobbs on 'Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission by Thomas H. Kean, Lee H. Hamilton'

Vikingar, it's unraveling despite all your efforts and energy in holding it together.

  • 307.
  • At 06:53 AM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:


In fact I don't expect us to agree, much less so if I get through all my own stuff. But it would be cool to have some mutual respect in some quarters by the end of my time here.

I've got to wind down the effort as I'm getting busy in other areas. But I do have some things that I want to finish, if possible:

1. Discuss with Bridget Dunne the Reichstag Fire, having summarised the views of historians on whether it was a Nazi false-flag op, coming back to the implications for the current situation.

2. Sketch the implications of various other important contemporary CT issues originally raised in my first post (90)

3. Most importantly, present three areas of concern I have with '911 Truth' as presented by David Ray Griffin.

I choose DRG because I think he's the best presenter worldwide of the evidence for the 911 CT (as defined here, though he would rightly dispute that terminology). Being able to hear him live, then on TV and radio in the UK, has been inspirational in many ways.

I choose Bridget Dunne because she's here and she's a real person, whose name has appeared in a report on 7-7 in The Guardian, for example. She also exhibits some of the characteristics of the hardline 911 Truth activist that I'm very interested in.

I feel I need to stop responding to pretty much anyone else, not least because I know much less about who they are and thus how genuine they are in their motivations.

It sure gets boring reading endless critiques of 'vikingar' as one of the dark forces of disinformation. But he/she sure is annoying in some of what they say.

Let me start my journey away from the shadows of internet pseudonymity back to the real world, then, by addressing vikingar for the last time (unless there's a big change re point 1):

1. Can you please say much more where you're coming from. You've said you're a British Christian. But that's simply not credible to me, at least on its own. The best case in my mind is that you're Jewish and a supporter of Israel (hence you second post). You fear that 911 CTs in the West will inevitably become another disastrous anti-semitic whipping post, especially in the hands of Muslims. That I see is already happening and I view it as very dangerous.

2. Pretty much the dumbest thing you've said, in trying to put casual readers off looking at the 911 Truth Movement, is calling David Ray Griffin a 'creationist'.

On the last point, you refer in 304 to

and in 150 you provide that reference and also

because that is the church DRG started his Christian journey in.

But for people who are not experts - say 99% of those reading this - 'creationism' means the dumb, fundamentalist belief in a literal, six-day creation, as described by Moses in Genesis 1-3.

I challenge anyone to read either reference, particularly the first, which deals with DRG's beliefs today, not when he was a child, and come up with anything vaguely resembling such fundamentalism. Whatever else his grievous faults, fundamentalist creationism is not one of them. It is pathetic to try to stick this on DRG. To repeat such propaganda ad nauseam vastly reduces the intelligence of this whole discourse. By now I have to assume that this is your aim.

I can't believe that any 'British Christian' can be this ignorant. You must be a fraud, in that respect, surely?

The strength of your opposition to 911 CTs may just be motivated by something good. I'm allowing for that in point 1. But without a lot more self-disclosure from you I will turn my attention back just to Bridget now.

  • 308.
  • At 12:55 PM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • Zoran wrote:

hello there,

Since this thread is still alive and going strong, let me briefly rejoin the discussion. Firstly, I'd like to share this with you:

A brand new site, much of it is still under construction - Vikingar, if you're quick enough you may have an honour of being the first to debunk these preposterous American pilots who dare question the 9/11 Commission and the flying credentials of the Tora Bora squad. Also, check this one out - Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts - I bet you like the title, hopefully it will motivate you to actually read the article:


234. At 08:23 PM on 06 Sep 2006, matt wrote:

"pardon me, Richard, i thought the 'swiss tony' analogy was just bit of a chuckle...surely you've seen the fast show ?
similarly, did you not see the 'wink' after my accusations of flying insects being 'garden*hawk surveilance uavs' ?
*as in globalhawk
...more ;)
or was it the serious stuff that was crazy ?"

Matt, I like your humor, and your gardenhawk rap is not far off the mark at all - ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the Hybrid Insect MEMS:

Now, that's the GeoDick for you Matt, our newest tool in this bloody war for dollar:

Needles to say, I take your take on "the serious stuff" just as seriously. Did you know that Halliburton sells soda water to American troops in Iraq, charging $45 for a sixpack. Would it be a surprise if another Tim McVeigh pops up seemingly out of nowhere one of these days, and blows the Halliburton headquarters up for apparently no reason..? -

For people who don't like "music" videos, here is more serious stuff, 脿 propos "2 CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Motivation", right vikingar (296)? - check The Dark Side by Michael Kirk:

And here comes one for those who like to dig the physics of the whole thing, great title this one, are you still with us Alan? Activity 12: Shake it Up Baby - Crank the Heat:


243. At 09:32 AM on 07 Sep 2006, Jayhawk wrote:

"Vikingar is actually an A.I. program generating random comments based around several repeating phrases. Just thought you'd all like to know. I'm working on automated response software to combat this; I'll get back to you...."

Agree completely. The program may be using a cutup technique developed by Brion Gysin and William Burroughs, if that can help your work on automated response software. Also, try this cutup machine:


246. At 01:02 PM on 07 Sep 2006, Bridget Dunne wrote:

"I was just wondering what some of you might make of this statement from 'Strategy on winning the War on (OF) Terror' posted on the White House website"

Very good point Bridget. One shouldn't think that the brave new world unfolds automatically from that statement, but there is a clear intent here, and Cheny/ Bush are doing their best to push such broad and vague notions of who is the enemy and what constitutes terrorism and terrorist activities broadly speaking, through the legal system. Even Francis Fukuyama now calls some of his former neo-con comrades "Leninist":

which is somewhat of an euphemism considering this rather surreal report:

Perhaps Newsnight can take a closer look at it..?

Having said that, I would still argue that this is a swan song of the 20th Century with its crude, primitive exploitation of resources augmented by rapid technological development, and its heavy reliance on military power - war as we know it, a massive, industrial scale killing, is a 20th Century "invention". This crude industrial age machinery, nuts and bolts, with all jobs it creates and deaths it causes, is epitomized in individuals such as Henry Kissinger and Paul Wolfowitz, or Mickey Mouse for example. But they are all just small potato in this game - the machinery kind of has a life of its own. However, it's maintained by mass consumption which is coming to an end now - the environment cannot sustain such a gobbler anymore. That's the truth of it in a nutshell as I see it. This is not to say that the spirit of the times will take care of everything and that there is nothing to worry about. For one thing, dinosaurs can do a lot of damage when they fall. Additionally, there may be some individuals among the dinosaurs who think if they have to go out, they want go out in style, with fireworks and all. Keep the pressure up.

  • 309.
  • At 01:35 PM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard Drake wrote (307);
> It sure gets boring reading endless
> critiques of 'vikingar'

A few facts for you Richard;

Andrew鈥檚 posts:
Of my 31 posts to this page, 4 include critiques of vikingar (288, 297, 298 and 299: 301 was a repost) who, after c.26 鈥榝lame-bait鈥 posts (not counting 72, 127, 148, 285), I finally addressed (from 288 onwards), as I felt he shouldn鈥檛 be unanswered for those 鈥榝uture generations鈥 you mentioned (166). I don鈥檛 include my post 302, as it supported Vikingar鈥檚 position, but he just railed against it anyway (304), I suppose from not actually having read it properly. Even including my 301 repost, that's c.1406 words used on directly responding to vikingar's posts (which includes a paragraph commending your own points raised in 156, 197, and 210)

Vikingar鈥檚 posts:
Vikingar, by contrast, uses c.6,483 words (not including source links) in posts 143, 150, 152, 160, 161, 183, 194, 198, 199, 211, 241, 247, 252, 265, 273, 277, 280, 282, 287, 289, 291, 296, 300, and 304, mostly on posts about 鈥楽.E. Jones et al鈥 and creationism.

Your posts:
You, yourself, use c.1443 words critiquing vikingar (166, 197, 210, 268), which is more than me, even when I include my repost. And that includes only counting the 66 words of post 166 that directly critique vikingar where you wrote 鈥榶ou have been extremely, perhaps deliberately, stupid鈥 鈥 I should really pick you up on your overstated use of 鈥榚xtremely鈥 there, considering it鈥檚 exactly the criticism you like to make of others (293))

Bridget鈥檚 posts:
Bridget (excluding 245 & 249 reposts of 244, and only 85 words in 262) uses only 688 words criticising vikingar in posts 244, 250, 262, 284, 290, 305, and 306.


You鈥檙e top of the heap, word-count-wise, on those 鈥榖oring鈥ndless critiques of 'vikingar'鈥. As you like to point out the subtleties of word usage in other people (whilst ignoring your own, e.g. 166), I think it鈥檚 time it came home to roost. You overstate your case using 鈥榚ndless鈥 鈥 a mathematician should know better.

Also, you talk of mutual respect (307) whilst calling other peoples鈥 posts 鈥榖oring鈥 鈥 yet others haven鈥檛 said anything about the 鈥榚ndless鈥 (to use your term) number of posts you and Vikingar contribute about 鈥楽.E. Jones et al鈥 and Creationism, turning a conspiracy forum into a theological college. And nor will I, as mutual respect is more than just two words.

  • 310.
  • At 03:47 PM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (307),
> But for people who are not experts - say 99%
> of those reading this

What an arrogant, presumptuous thing to write. Your propensity for pulling arbitrary figures out of the air, to describe people you know nothing about, puts you on a par with Viki-99%-ngar (154).

  • 311.
  • At 06:28 PM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew & Zoran

Nice to see you both came back to the discussion.

Thanks for all the links Zoran, duly noted how there is much unrest in the den of snakes.

I admire your ability Andrew to go back over all the comments and word count and pick up the arguments. Glad to see that I'm not the only one who notices arrogance and pomposity!

  • 312.
  • At 06:39 PM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Re #309, I included myself in the endless boring critics of vikingar - that was the whole point - and #310, I was speaking of 99% of readers who were not writers here.

I agree that, strictly speaking, the first is not endless (assuming the second law of thermodynamics to be true) and that 99% may overstate the case for dramatic effect. In neither case was I comparing others unfavorably with myself.

Can I take it that you agree with me that it's helpful to know more about everyone's background and beliefs as we try to go deeper on such very difficult matters?

  • 313.
  • At 07:31 PM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Re #311, I'm conscious that of recent posters Bridget, Andrew, Zoran, Rick B, Jayhawk and I all reject the official version of 9-11.

Of those supporting the OV, Alan and many others have gone. Hopefully Adam still reads this from time to time. Perhaps vikingar's support for the OV has helped those in the Beeb arguing to keep this little track going. Whatever. I remain grateful for the 麻豆官网首页入口 keeping the subject open.

My own unease about the assumption of many of the 911 Truth Movement that they already know who the mass-murderers were that day may also help to maintain some diversity, if we get that far.

But I understand that, for some, it's arrogance and pomposity for me to disagree with them in any way.

  • 314.
  • At 08:05 PM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@313 Richard "But I understand that, for some, it's arrogance and pomposity for me to disagree with them in any way."

Richard, I personally have no problem with disagreement, only with disagreement expressed in an arrogant and pompous way.

  • 315.
  • At 10:49 PM on 13 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Re Bridget (314).

I'll see what I can do.

  • 316.
  • At 11:13 AM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (313):
> unease about the assumption of many of the 911
> Truth Movement that they already know who the
> mass-murderers were

I share that unease. For example, whilst I think (without any evidence other than personal feeling) the public discourse has been contaminated by a laying-it-on-thick false-evidence trail that shouts very loudly 鈥榣ook, these Islamic terrorists did it鈥, it鈥檚 possible the OV still holds with a little post-attack political opportunism thrown in, to strengthen the message (although you have to admire their speed and efficiency if that were the case!)

Also, we musn鈥檛 assume who the mass-murderers WEREN鈥橳, which imho is just as bad. It seems to me the BIG taboo in Western society is, of course, thinking that it was a Mossad-assisted op (perhaps using real Islamic terrorists for authentic flavour); no doubt for fear of the 鈥榓nti-semitic whipping post, especially in the hands of Muslims鈥 you mention (307). But does that mean we have to treat these guys as saints, or keep silent, because anything critical (and I do acknowledge it must be responsible, lawful debate) we say against them will be used by Muslims to cause real harm against Jews?

It seems to me that when an Arabic terrorist gets caught, it鈥檚 major Western news (at least these days). But when a Jewish terrorist gets caught鈥ell, take the October 2001 case (just over a month after 911) of Salvador Gerson Sunke (a Mexican, immigrated to Mexico from Israel) and Saer Ben-Zvi (or Saar Noam Ben Zvi, reported by Mexican Department of Justice as a retired Colonel of the Israeli Defence Forces) who got caught in the Mexican Chamber of Deputies, in the Mexican parliament, with a high-powered gun, nine grenades, C-4 explosives and, according to the Mexican newspaper Diario de Mexico, PAKISTANI passports (Mexican government source: , general source picked from a Google search: ). Were they brought to justice? No, within days they were quietly DEPORTED, to the outrage of many Mexicans. Now, assuming this story is correct so far (a mainstream Mexican story, got reported on CNN briefly before they dropped it), and refusing to speculate beyond the facts at hand, why is it, I鈥檇 like to know, that when you search for 鈥楽unke Zvi鈥 or 鈥楪erson Zvi鈥, etc., in Google News (not Web, just News), not ONE story comes up (at least in the searches I did). And when you search the Web, it's sites like David Irving's, or al Jazeera's that carry the story, tainting it with big dose of anti-semitism/Holocaust Denial, etc., when it was a mainstream Mexican news story. Is this why journalists don't touch it? (guilt by association?)

Now, are we seriously expecting an open and honest investigation into the possibility of 鈥榝alse flag operations鈥 under these conditions? Of course not! It seems to me, the conditions for being neutral, truth-seeking, open to critical analysis of all information, etc., simply do not exist in this crazy world where you鈥檙e forced to take sides (whatever the sides are at any one time). Divide and conquer. Try to see the bigger picture and you are 鈥榓ssisting the enemy鈥, etc. Welcome to planet of the apes. Anyway, to go back to your initial point; best not to make assumptions; assumptions of who it was; assumptions of who it wasn鈥檛. My personal view is that I don鈥檛 know who did it; maybe it was Islamic terrorists, and the OV could be generally true (albeit with shadowy secrets), but it seems to me the 鈥榝alse flag鈥 or 鈥榃estern assistance鈥 scenarios (by whomever) cannot yet be ruled out, until we investigate properly 鈥 and governments seem averse to that kind of activity, although no doubt our Western governments investigate more openly than elsewhere in the world, thank goodness.

  • 317.
  • At 11:28 AM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

For me CT = Complete Trash.

Some for various reasons wholly reject the OV.

But I am I pragmatic enough reserve the notion of 'Reasonable Uncertainty' = RU

It does not take any significant effort to discredit CT, just the basic act of reading, watching or listening to their concocted web of self delusional lies & imaginative speculation.

Its like a dodgy art fake, it may look like something from distance, its nothing under closer inspection.

- Whether it be the unqualified nature of the person posting the lies.

- Whether it be the background of the person posting the lies.

- Whether it be the motivation of the person posting the lies.

- Whether it be the plethora of issues & other agendas behind the person posting the lies.

- Whether it be the wholly unsatisfactory & unconvincing nature of the lie itself.

The absolute clearest example about the above - are those who fabricate & tout issues about British Islamic Terrorists who bombed the capital - 7th & 21st July 2006.

CAVEAT - I am not here to debate the actual CT - rather than to comment on its disingenuous nature, as the CT fabricators & touts feed their creations enough 'oxygen' already.

For example - ref July Bombings in London count the number of mixed & confused causes & theories poorly touted in this recording [1]:

- anti-war
- pro CT
- anti ID
- terror police state contribution
- 'oyster card conspiracy'
- inaccuracy, as the alleged 21st bombs misfired & failed to detonate properly
- describing the 7th July bombers as' poor Muslim men will never have their day in court";
- "so many Americans working for the tube, some of them ex CIA"
- Mo Molam death
- David Kelly death
- the police won't help me, the unions won't help, the journalists won't help me - "basically its down to people on the internet".

However, I will leave it up to 'rachelofnorthlondon' able blog (a Brit caught up in one of the train carriages blown up on 7th July) to counter the numerous self serving July Bombing CT fantasy ramblings [2]

Therefore, one could choose to ignore the CT, but best of all is to consume a portion of CT fabrication - if nothing else it will make you laugh at the end of a hard working day.

If nothing else, no matter ones own reservations & dissatisfaction with government, thank God, those self serving CT fabricator & touts do not hold any real influence.

Beyond which those vulnerable to such fabrications, may have existing prejudices & insecurities re-enforced e.g. various domestic fringe elements & too many within Britain's Muslims Communities (a point alleged to by others).




  • 318.
  • At 12:02 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Heartening to see that comment and analysis is becoming increasingly more vocal in the 'your either with us or with the terrorists' USA.

A bit more of this sort of thing on Newsnight wouldn't go amiss.

Keith Olbermann blasts Bush at Ground Zero:

  • 319.
  • At 12:31 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew @ 316: Well said.

Vikingar @ 317

Invective and personal opinion do not constitute fact, can I just ask what evidence we've actually seen that supports the OV of 7th July?

Are we so foolish that one image from outside Luton with 3 indistinguishable faces is enough to convict the 4 accused?

Those of us who've researched the train times and forced Dr Reid to announce on July 11th that the narrative was untruthful on this (explanation still not forthcoming) are justified in questioning the OV.

Rachel North has always maintained that 'we know what happened that day, we just need to know why'. I maintain that we do not know what happened that day, the narrative is flawed, inconsistenet and riddled with anomalies and on that basis is insufficient to support the conclusion that 4 home-grown suicide-bombers acting alone carried out these attacks.

Whatever a person's political beliefs, no matter how extreme you consider them, we are all entitled to see that truth and justice prevail.

Only the truth stands up to rigorous investigation.

  • 320.
  • At 12:33 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Richard Drake #307

" 鈥. Can you please say much more where you're coming from. You've said you're a British Christian. But that's simply not credible to me, at least on its own. The best case in my mind is that you're Jewish and a supporter of Israel 鈥. I can't believe that any 'British Christian' can be this ignorant. You must be a fraud, in that respect, surely?"

Well, ref issue of Jewish identity - minded of Charlie Chaplains reply ...

"I'm afraid I DON'T have that honor!" - Chaplin 1992 [1]

For the record, British Humanitarian & Christian - lapsed Catholic variety :)

My support for Israel is based on respect for their historical struggle for existence & survival (though not always admiring or agreeing to their methods) esp in the face of the utter radicalisation & scope of efforts of those pitted against them.

I will always side with progressive democratic societies (warts n all) against terrorist states & organisations (of any religion/political persuasion). Palestinians deserve justice, but it is the manner in which how they conduct their struggle which does their cause the most damage.




  • 321.
  • At 01:52 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Thanks for the link Bridget (318). Heartening indeed. America lives!

  • 322.
  • At 03:33 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #319

"Only the truth stands up to rigorous investigation"

'truth' 鈥 'rigorous investigation'

As to your notions of such? was it your voice on the recording provided in #317 and if not do you still stand by the litany of CT suspicions / accusations which the interviewee touted (for ease of ref listed in #317)

I have faith in the various & different government agencies pitted against our countries enemies (great track history in case you have forgotten - that鈥檚 why we remain a democratic & progressive society).

Agencies which at the moment involving countering the biggest threat coming from Islamic Terrorism (domestic & international variety) & Extremism.

I have no faith in the various interested parties looking to feed off this threat & impasse.

Some of us who have served our nation, are very much aware of the limits & challenges of the such organisations & agencies.

But highly realistic as to what they would & would not do in pursuit of such defence (given underlying ethos, attitude, behaviour & culture).

And there are far more many fringe groups out there besides the supporters of Islamic Terrorists, who seek to benefit from the promotion of CT - a corrosive discourse:

- anti-war (serial variety)
- anti capitalism
- various left wing organisation: anarchists, socialists, communists etc.
- pressure/political fringe groups.
- religious fundamentalists (Christian variety, mainly US)
- Islamic extremists themselves
- usual loon brigade.
- others

For them CT enables - for society it disables - influencing the vulnerable via such fabrications, re-enforcing existing prejudices & insecurities re-enforced e.g. various domestic fringe elements & too many within Britain's Muslims Communities (a point alluded to by others).

For those who disagree with government policy, that does not automatically make them necessary supporters of Islamic Extremism (directly/indirectly) unless the manner of their protest enables the enemy.

But nor does it make those who disagree with government policy automatic signatories to CT (which this dishonest protagonists presume & claim - intentionally blurring the messages & definitions).

CT protagonists - presume - you are either with them or not & if you do not support the government, then your one of them - WRONG (yet again)

CT = Complete Trash :)


  • 323.
  • At 03:48 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Vikingar @ 320: "My support for Israel is based on respect for their historical struggle for existence & survival (though not always admiring or agreeing to their methods) esp in the face of the utter radicalisation & scope of efforts of those pitted against them."

Israel is an apartheid state whose own roots are in terrrorism and support for the Nazis, built on stolen Palestinian land.

I can state that with certainty and I am not anti-semetic as I am myself a Jewish woman, albeit an atheist.

See also the Stern Gang:

It's always well worth searching for the truth behind the myths. Which is probably what myself and many so-called 'conspiracy theorists' have in common.

  • 324.
  • At 04:14 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

[this is a repost, slightly modified, as first post didn't make it, possibly due to use of f word with asterisks - apologies if first one gets approved after this]

Bridget (311): thanks :)

Zoran (308): good to see you back! Thanks for the links.

Richard (312):
> Can I take it that you agree with me that it's helpful
> to know more about everyone's background and
> beliefs as we try to go deeper on such very difficult
> matters?

Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with this. The reason I don鈥檛 reveal my full identity in this forum (I am called Andrew) is that I don鈥檛 want to risk my career and income earning potential, however small the risk might be. This isn鈥檛 due to 鈥榯hey鈥檒l come after me鈥 paranoia (as I'm a nobody), but recognition of the controversial nature of this subject and the ease with which one's professional relations can be ended if ever there鈥檚 even a hint of perception that one could be, in another's eyes, an 鈥榚xtremist鈥. I admire you and Bridget immensely for not being so cowardly. Fyi: I鈥檓 a British, middle-class white (although I work on the tan, when I can!) male, born in rural England, grew up loving to climb trees, make dens and watch American films and tv; I love England, especially village life, and still think it鈥檚 a jewel of a country, despite the deterioration I see in many areas of life. I have no ties to any religious or political groups, unless you count the CoE label given to me after being christened. I鈥檓 sorry I won鈥檛 reveal my full identity in this forum, but I would be willing to engage my identity with you and others in a non-public venue, as you seem like nice, genuine people to me.

Richard (313):
> I understand that, for some, it's arrogance and
> pomposity for me to disagree with them in any way

I echo Bridget鈥檚 thoughts in 314. I welcome disagreement of any kind in a form that advances the debate. Your input into this debate is very welcome by me, and you鈥檝e made some excellent points, imho. I agree with you that, if it weren鈥檛 for the contributions of Alan and Vikingar, this debate wouldn鈥檛 have been kept going so long by the Beeb. Btw: I鈥檇 especially welcome disagreement (ie. a response of any kind) over my request (288) for the probability of picking the same three stations twice from a total of, say, 70 equally-likely stations. Anyway, it鈥檚 no fun being at odds with the OV merely by not taking it 鈥榦n faith鈥, and I wish the OV would all be explained satisfactorily. It seems we all have to strap in and enjoy the OV-ride into a permanent WoT future.

  • 325.
  • At 05:35 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (304):
> As I have stated the 911 CT premise is a self
> prophesising fabricated cul de sac of an argument

actually, that's a new one for you. a Self Prophesising Fabricated cul de sac, I love it. Wish I could buy a house there.

Vikingar (322):
> Some of us who have served our nation, are very much
> aware of the limits & challenges of such
> organisations & agencies.

Good point. From my own conversations with relatives serving in the police force, they're so understaffed and overstretched, it's frightening.

In response to your list of what kind of people are CTists;

- anti-war (serial variety)

I'm not anti-war. I'm anti 'being lied into a war'. If our government were honest and sincere about the need for a war, and put the facts before the public in a respectful manner, they would most likely have my backing. Instead we're treated as stupid animals, as they whip up fear to irrational levels (45mins until you Saddam nukes you!) until you beg the government to do whatever they want, as long as you're saved. Who cares about the no-bid multi-billion dollar contracts, just save us!

- anti capitalism

Most definitely not - although I am against harmful, extreme forms of capitalism. Not everything should be done for profit, there are other considerations in life, such as protection of the environment. e.g.

and the 'continual growth' mentality of capitalism is silly, imho - as we'll soon find out, regarding oil

- various left wing organisation: anarchists, socialists, communists etc.

No, not remotely

- pressure/political fringe groups.

don't belong to any such groups

- religious fundamentalists (Christian variety, mainly US)

No, don't practise religion

- Islamic extremists themselves


- usual loon brigade.

That can mean anything to anyone

- others

Aha, a category that contains every other single person on the planet

  • 326.
  • At 07:00 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #319

"Only the truth stands up to rigorous investigation"

'truth' 鈥 'rigorous investigation'

As to your notions of such? was it your voice on the recording provided in #317 and/or do you still stand by the litany of CT suspicions/accusations which the interviewee touted (for ease of ref listed in #317.

I have faith in the various & different government agencies pitted against our countries enemies (great track history in case you have forgotten - that鈥檚 why we remain a democratic & progressive society).

Agencies which at the moment involving countering the biggest threat coming from Islamic Terrorism (domestic & international variety) & Extremism.

I have no faith in the various interested parties looking to feed off this threat & impasse.

Some of us who have served our nation, are very much aware of the limits & challenges of the such organisations & agencies.

But highly realistic as to what they would & would not do in pursuit of such defence (given underlying ethos, attitude, behaviour & culture).

And there are far more many fringe groups out there besides the supporters of Islamic Terrorists, who seek to benefit from the promotion of CT - a corrosive discourse:

- anti-war (serial variety)
- anti capitalism
- various left wing organisation: anarchists, socialists, communists etc.
- pressure/political fringe groups.
- religious fundamentalists (Christian variety, mainly US)
- Islamic extremists themselves
- usual loon brigade.
- others

For them CT enables - for society it disables - influencing the vulnerable via such fabrications, re-enforcing existing prejudices & insecurities re-enforced e.g. various domestic fringe elements & too many within Britain's Muslims Communities (a point alluded to by others).

For those who disagree with government policy, that does not automatically make them necessary supporters of Islamic Extremism (directly/indirectly) unless the manner of their protest enables the enemy.

But nor does it make those who disagree with government policy automatic signatories to CT (which this dishonest protagonists presume & claim - intentionally blurring the messages & definitions).

For CT protagonists - they presume - you are either with them or not & if you do not support the government, then your one of them - WRONG (again)

CT = Complete Trash :)


  • 327.
  • At 08:44 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Vikingar @ 317 & 326

I have to admit I didn't realise that you'd linked to breakfornews, I often don't have the time to read all the links that are posted. Apologies.

As for the groups of people that you claim 'benefit from a corrosive discourse', in my experience groups like Respect will not consider alternatives to the OV. Try listenening to George Galloway on Talk Sport.

IMO, We're all members of the same society, whatever we think or believe, even those of us who would like to see radical change in this society. It's called freedom of thought and freedom of speech.

What I find interesting is how dangerous you think questioning the OV is, whereas I perceive the danger comes from not questioning it.

  • 328.
  • At 09:26 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

For the 3rd time of asking ....

Ref Bridget Dunne #319

"Only the truth stands up to rigorous investigation"

'truth' 鈥 'rigorous investigation'

As to your notions of such? was it your voice on the recording provided in #317 [1]

And/or do you still stand by the litany of CT suspicions/accusations which the interviewee touted - for ease of ref listed in #317.

They are either your CT words or not




  • 329.
  • At 10:14 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (317);
> count the number of mixed & confused causes &
> theories poorly touted in this recording [1]

I have just listened to the interview Bridget did (thanks for the link). She came across as perfectly normal to me - a person asking questions and being open to different ideas to make sense of known information. Her tone was measured and on points she didn't feel qualified to answer, she simply said so, showing humility and honesty, imho.

Perhaps you missed a major point she raised - it's because mainstream media are not tackling these questions and getting to the truth, that citizens feel obliged to try and do it themselves, with almost no resources. The idea you think this is motivated by personal gain at the expense of 'disabling society' I personally find sick. You talk as the defender of democratic society, but speak as if we live in a dictatorship already, and cannot ask questions or seek the truth.

Of course there's confusion, because as individuals, we don't have police powers to investigate, and Bridget has encountered huge obstacles in trying to get information from the proper authorities. With mainstream media in denial, this leaves us in an information vacuum, having to piece together what little information there is available.

  • 330.
  • At 10:34 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (328)
> [Bridget's] litany of CT suspicions/accusations

re: Suspicions - If the authorities release the various CCTV sequences from Luton train station and Kings Cross, it would go a huge way to establishing the truth (I have more good faith that footage is genuine when released by British authorities than I do in videos found in Afghanistan or on internet sites). Considering the OV says the bombers are dead, it wouldn't prejudice their case, and could be used to attract eyewitnesses to step forward, in the same way they show CCTV footage on Crimewatch.

re: Accusations - Bridget talked very carefully of co-incidences when talking of individuals, and seemed to keep to facts (although I'm not 100% sure, as I'm not fact-checking her interview!). I'm sure Peter Power doesn't need you to defend him, and if he sued Bridget for libel, it would at least be an opportunity to have the facts of that training exercise cross-examined in court!

  • 331.
  • At 10:39 PM on 14 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (328):
> 'truth' 鈥 'rigorous investigation'
> As to your notions of such? was it your voice on the
> recording provided in #317 [1]

As far as I can tell, Bridget hasn't claimed to find the truth herself, or to have conducted a rigorous investigation herself - she is saying there's a need for rigorous investigation by the authorities (or failing that, the media), and only through such would we arrive at truth - or as near as truth as we can get. By attacking Bridget on these words, you're missing the point she's making, imho.

  • 332.
  • At 12:38 AM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Vikinar @ 328

Sorry I thought when you posted the link you had already made the connection between me and the radio interview. Yes that was me being interviewed after I received a reply from the Anti-Terrorist squad at New Scotland Yard which basically stone-walled my FOI request. (You can read the exchange on my blog).

Thanks Andrew for your kind assessment of the interview (I'd never done anything like this before!) and also for the reply to vikingar @ 328 which is spot on.

Of course when I say truth and rigorous investigation I mean that if the OV is the truth it will then stand up to rigorous investigation. It has failed miserably already on the Luton train times, it also fails on the sites of all the explosions which are contradicted by the MPS website one-week anniversary recap:

There appears to be no reasonable explanation for why the MPS information should be in contradiction to the official report, or why the MPS statement is apparantly inaccurate. Perhaps vikingar has an explanation?

  • 333.
  • At 12:52 AM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #319 & #330

I am sure 'Bridget Dunne' appreciates your spirited defence :)

But looking fwd to their denial/acknowledgement of ownership.

Ref Bridget Dunne #319

"Only the truth stands up to rigorous investigation"

'truth' 鈥 'rigorous investigation'

As to your notions of such? was it your voice on the recording provided in #317 [1]

And/or do you still stand by the litany of CT suspicions/accusations which the interviewee touted - for ease of ref listed in #317.

They are either your CT words or not




  • 334.
  • At 02:28 AM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Hey, that was inspiring and helpful, getting to know more about three major posters here. Am I imagining it, or has the quality of debate improved at the same time? (#315-330)

Here, as another kind of self-disclosure, are two people I aspire to be like.

Firstly, George Clooney. Not only to attract the womenfolk! Because of what he said to the UN about Darfur today, and the way he said it:

It's not wrong to be concerned about 9-11 truth, or injustices in Israel or anywhere else. But I say Clooney's priorities are right. This is genocide. In our own time. The 'international community' must act. The MSM must help, as the 麻豆官网首页入口 did on its website today. That takes precedence over pretty much everything else.

And here's someone else I want to be like. I hope that you find the story as striking as I did when someone pointed it out to me recently. (This is influenced by the 'Nazi analogy' Bridget raised, and her desire to make a difference. There is more to learn from that desperate time. If we fight for the defenceless in Darfur we show that we have learnt something. But there are things to learn about ourselves too.)

"During the German occupation of France I was in the resistance movement and, coming down into the Ungerground, I was caught by the police. This is one of the most interesting experiences I have had. Leaving aside all the romantic trimmings as to what happened and how it happened, I will put it in more philosophical terms concerning time. What took place at that moment was this: I had a past, I had a future, and I was moving out of one and into the other by walking briskly down the steps. At a certain moment someone put a hand on my shoulder and said 'Stop, give me your papers.' At that moment several things happened. For one thing, I began to think very quickly, feel very intensely, and to be aware of the whole situation with a relief and a colourfulness which I had never before perceived on the last steps of Metro Etoile. The second thing was that I realised that I had no past, because the real past I had was the thing for which I should be shot. So, that past was not there any more. The false past which I was prepared to talk about had never existed, and so I found myself standing there like the lizard who had been caught by the tail and had run away leaving the tail somewhere behind, so that the lizard ended where the tail had been. Then I discovered another thing which was very interesting (though I did not elaborate so much on the philosophy of time at that moment) but what I perceived at once, and what I understood gradually, is that you have a future only to the extent to which you can foresee a minute before it happens, or an inch before you reach it, what will come next - i.e. nothing is coming next because you have no idea of what could come - you are like someone standing in an unknown room in the dark. You stand there and all that's there is darkness pressing on your eyes. There may be nothing ahead of you or infinity ahead of you, it is all the same thing. You end exactly where the darkness begins. So I discovered that living in the past on the one hand and in the future on the other hand was simply not possible. The lizard had no tail, and darkness was on my face. I discovered that I was pressed into the present moment, and all my past, and all my future, that is, all the things that could be, were condensed in the present moment with an intensity, a colourfulness that was extremely exhilarating and which allowed me eventually to get away!"

Now I've read that, I aspire to be like that man. As we together face the deep challenges of the truth that sets free.

  • 335.
  • At 12:22 PM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Vikingar @ 333 see my reply to you @ 332

Noe perhaps you might answer the question that I asked?

Richard Drake @ 334, I could only think of this quote in response to your post

"There is no act too small, no act too bold. The history of social change is the history of millions of actions, small and large, coming together at points in history and creating a power that governments cannot suppress."

  • 336.
  • At 12:33 PM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Dear Newsnight,

Although it seems Diebold delivered for Bush in Ohio, 2004 [1], we don't have to accept the threat to democracy from electronic voting machines.

You could do a Newsnight report on it - afterall, Princeton should pass muster with you, as a source of reliable information.

"We found that the machine [Diebold AccuVote-TS] is vulnerable to a number of extremely serious attacks that undermine the accuracy and credibility of the vote counts it produces." [2, 3]



[2] Security Analysis of the Diebold AccuVote-TS Voting Machine, 13/09/06 -


PS: Richard, Bridget, Vikingar, et al - sorry for the digression!

  • 337.
  • At 01:01 PM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • Philip wrote:

A short extract from Dr. Steven Greer:

鈥淭he 5 trillion dollar industry - energy and transportation - is currently highly centralized, metered and lucrative. It is the stuff that runs the entire industrialized world. It is the mother of all special interests. It is not about money as you and I think of it, but about geo-political power - the very centralized power on which the current order in the world runs. The world is kept in a state of roiling wars, endless poverty for most of Earth's citizens and global environmental ruin, just to prop up this evil world order.

As immense as that game is, there is a bigger one: Control through fear. As Wernher von Braun related to Dr. Carol Rosin, his spokesperson for the last 4 years of his life, a maniacal machine - the military, industrial, intelligence, laboratory complex - would go from Cold War, to Rogue Nations, to Global Terrorism (the stage we find ourselves at today), to the ultimate trump card: A hoaxed threat from space.

So here is the post-9/11 script - one that will be played out unless enough people are informed and the plan can be foiled because they will be unable to fool a sufficient number of citizens and leaders:

After a period of terrorism - a period during which the detonation of nuclear devices will be threatened and possibly actuated, thus justifying expanding the weaponization of space - an effort will ramp up to present the public with information about a threat from outer space鈥

  • 338.
  • At 04:43 PM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (304):
> And just to highlight one of many equally passionate
> sites out there to counter the corrosive & disingenuous
> 911 CT [4]

Thanks for this link, it was an interesting read. If the information on this site is correct, it shows that the mainstream media need to control this debate, and not leave the field to a 22 year old disrespectful, fame-seeking wanna-be director. Discrediting a young man, or strawman CTs, is not the same as discrediting the genuine questions about 911.

  • 339.
  • At 05:34 PM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Please watch this superb documentary entreating people to question the official version of the London bombings.

  • 340.
  • At 07:29 PM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:


Where have all the comments gone? I seem to remember the last one being 334.

  • 341.
  • At 07:50 PM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Thanks moderator they have returned but alas not with this one:

"Ludicrous Diversion

On the 7th of July 2005 London was hit by a series of explosions. You probably think you know what happened that day. But you don鈥檛.

The police have, from the onset of their investigation, chosen to withold from the public almost every bit of evidence they claim to have and have provably lied about several aspects of the London Bombings.

The mainstream news has wilfully spread false, unsubstantiated and unverifiable information, while choosing to completely ignore the numerous inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official story.

The government has finally, after a year, presented us with their official 鈥榥arrative鈥 concerning the event. Within hours it was shown to contain numerous errors, a fact since admitted by the Home Secretary John Reid. They have continuously rejected calls for a full, independent public inquiry. Tony Blair himself described such an inquiry as a 鈥榣udicrous diversion鈥. What don鈥檛 they want us to find out?"

  • 342.
  • At 09:38 PM on 15 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #332 & # 340
Ref Andrew #330 & #331


The MSM can only employ so many people & the advances in technology enable most - so the notion of people using media technology to promote a cause is no surprise.

First - CT amateur misinformation exercise - at one end of the spectrum, we have self confessed CT utterances of 'Bridget Dunne' being interviewed on CT website [1]

Second - CT produced misinformation exercise - at the other end of the CT spectrum - we have a more slick CT propaganda video [2] *

* either way, conjecture, spin & theory does not make for credible answers. The mix of message & combination of real events with fantasy & spin is most telling - its been overproduced - its oozes agenda.

1+ people with an agenda & access to s/w does not make for ALTERNATIVE MEDIA (the video in [2] even dismisses the 麻豆官网首页入口 as a credible media sources- ridiculous notion)

A small list of issues raised in [2]:

- litter
- ID cards
- terrorism
- conspiracy
- police state
- kitchen sink (hardly left anything out).

Indeed, the galvanised efforts of this particular strand of CT - demonstrates nothing more than the use of resources & a concerted efforts by the usual suspects, to create corrosive discourse & maximise impact for their own agendas:

It makes by retrospective comparison, the Iraq Dossier - even more credible. - since CT protagonists are asking people to accept this bag of loosely linked superstition & fantasy as an credible alternative?

These CT people have not suddenly just appeared on the scene - they sponsor & highjack causes - serial protesters, the serial conspiracists - THEY HAVE AGENDAS - THEY HAVE A VISION - they are not passive & reactive to events, they are opportunists & in this instance, ride on the back of terrorism to aid their own multiple agendas.

But they can only inhabit the fringe, unable to gain mainstream support - other by seeking to influence & terrorise the 'vulnerable' in our society, open to such manipulation.

This unfortunately includes elements of Britain's Muslims Communities, a faith which at the best of times, does not need any encouragement to feel victimised, unable to take any criticism or conduct reform.


Governments have policy & terrorists have mantra, but so do others 鈥..

The production of [2] is such a concerted effort, its clearly is laid at the door of:

- anti-war (serial variety)
- anti capitalism
- various left wing organisation: anarchists, socialists, communists etc.
- pressure/political fringe groups
- combo of above *

* although never discount Islamic Extremists masquerading as any of the above 鈥 its an Info War after all.


This is not about Conspiracy Theory.

This is about 'radical' propaganda.

The above two instances (AMATEUR & PRODUCED) are testimony to the concerted efforts of people who inhabit the fringes in British Society looking to make parasitical advances on the back of terrorism & the efforts being used to tackle terrorists.

It is as both as inaccurate & it is deliberately corrosive.

Presumably, they think its time to come out into the open on the back of terrorism - either way rather easy to look past the spin - they have a message & they have agenda & are only too willing to act in typically parasitical fashion.

Either way, the notion of the atheist left inhabiting the internet & siding with religious extremism & intolerance - just goes to prove you have not seen it all :)

For those who have been entertain by watching that video '鈥..why would there be鈥.' - indeed.

Dr Goebbels would have been proud of the radical spirit behind CT latest efforts ref July Bombings - which is readily as dismissed as the other associated CT it claims to support ref 911 - one cancels out the other.

Fortunately for British Society, there are few if any significant takers - except amongst the usual suspects & the vulnerable in our society.

Unfortunately for British Society, those CT protagonist who prefer fantasy to reality, burden society with desperate people looking to make something of themselves out of nothing - but on the back of other peoples suffering & vulnerability.

Wonder who has done more to radicalise the next British Muslim, an aspect of government policy or a piece of CT propaganda primed to make the vulnerable literally explode.

The array of CT links on this blog are evidence of the deliberate production of radical material for 'radical marketing' nothing more - the intent behind which is doing what it is design for - real & actual harm to British Society *

*however limited the damage & peneratrion - they are fringe afterall :)




  • 343.
  • At 01:10 AM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • CIA wrote:

#341 vikingar

Psst, Psst... It's too late for them vikingar, but you can still save yourself. Get out now, quick..this way...don't look baaaaaaa

  • 344.
  • At 11:59 AM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard, (334): re: "future only to the extent to which you can foresee...living in the past...and...future...not possible...the present moment, and all my past, and all my future...condensed in the present moment with an intensity, a colourfulness that was extremely exhilarating"

Thanks for the very interesting quote. I wonder whether Julian Barbour's ideas about 'time' might interest you -

  • 345.
  • At 12:59 PM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew, thanks (343), I'm not a follower of Barbour - rather the opposite - but I am very interested in all the current debates about time, among physicists, philosophers and historians (in their battles about the value or otherwise of counterfactual history). I thought it was really cool to have such a philosophical historical account, shedding such profound light on time as we ought to experience it. All about an incident that, told another way, could easily be a staple of the kind of heroic war films you and I were bound to be riveted by at a younger age.

Unlike some would-be do-gooders, I don't think that our fascination with the Nazi era is an aberration. There is still more to learn from that terrible period. Instinctively we all know that; that's why Bridget raised the Reichstag Fire with me, to try to get us all to think more correctly (as she see it) about the present. The general subject of historical analogies, good and bad, and especially with the Nazi era, has been churning in my mind ever since.

So here's a simple initial question for Bridget first (and anyone else second). In today's papers the Turkish politician Salih Kapusuz said of the Pope:

"He is going down in history in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini."

Was that a fair thing to say? If not, will it do any damage?

  • 346.
  • At 04:36 PM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

So basically what vikingar is alluding to, is that there is a conspiracy among conspiracy theorists to mislead the general public for political and ideological gain.

Isn't that a conspiracy theory, and a tad paranoid?

  • 347.
  • At 04:50 PM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Vikingar @ 341: "The array of CT links on this blog are evidence of the deliberate production of radical material for 'radical marketing' nothing more - the intent behind which is doing what it is design for - real & actual harm to British Society *

*however limited the damage & peneratrion - they are fringe afterall :)"

It would appear to me that the actual harm being done to British Society is being done by the British Government on the basis of an unsupported narrative that 4 young men 'suicide-bombed' the transport system.

'Terrorists' are not harming our way of life, current legislation is.

  • 348.
  • At 05:22 PM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

James (345); "Isn't that a conspiracy theory, and a tad paranoid?"

CT = Clap Trap
The usual suspects, e.g. various Edinburgh fringe groups, ticket touts, loony brigade, etc., touting self-serve corrosive liquids and prejudices re-enforced by disingenuous pre-fabrications.

A small litany of CT/insecurities;
- Queen is Reptilian alien
- Fake Moon Landings
- Charlemagne never existed
- Proof of Nazi Moon Base in M$ Excel
- kitchen sink, double bowl, in biscuit (serial variety)

CAVEAT - I am not here to answer your question.

CT = Cheryl Tweedy!

  • 349.
  • At 05:33 PM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (344); "He is going down in history in the same category as leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini."

I've been in St. Peter's Sq. and listened to Pope Benedict XVI speak to the gathered pilgrims, and it wasn't a Nuremberg Rally. I was impressed by his messages of peace and love, and the inclusive approach of speaking in over ten languages so everyone felt welcome. Maybe he had a nice cup of tea afterwards, though, like Hitler used to.

  • 350.
  • At 05:37 PM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

[second attempt to post this! apologies if it apppears twice]

Dear Vikingar (341),

You are a wonderful study in the art of repeated smear, not to mention a glimpse into the psychology of how the dominant paradigm can be maintained by outcasting information that contradicts it.

I鈥檓 sure we all agree, that with billions of people on Earth, there are going to be people in almost every category you can think of; who but a fool would deny there are pacifists (yes, there is a word for 鈥榓nti-war鈥!), anti-capitalists, radical, extreme political types, whatever. Furthermore, let鈥檚 agree there are some pathological cases who seek to attack our society, to weaken or destroy it. I welcome you to rip into such people, Vikingar. Give 鈥榚m the best you鈥檝e got. Attack, too, those making a hash-job of CT; they are doing nobody any favours.

However, you must recognise there are ordinary citizens, whose belief in democracy and the rule of law leads them to challenge suspected big lies, and the suspected big crimes they cover. Truth stands up to scrutiny. The innocent have nothing to fear from rigorous investigation.

For example, if the U.S. government 鈥榤erely鈥 engaged in opportunism after 911 by picking up 鈥榯heoretically formulated鈥 war plans for Afghanistan, as your worldview suggests (#300), that鈥檚 alright by me; as you say, you鈥檇 expect a government to make the most of it. But how do we fit this 'innocent-opportunism theory' with the following information;

鈥淥sama bin Laden and the Taliban received threats of possible American military strikes against them two months before the terrorist assaults on New York and Washington, which were allegedly masterminded by the Saudi-born fundamentalist, a Guardian investigation has established鈥 [1]

鈥淢r Naik was told that if the military action went ahead it would take place before the snows started falling in Afghanistan, by the middle of October at the latest.鈥 [2]

And so it came to pass, on schedule [3]

Are you saying, to broaden your definition of 鈥榯heoretically formulated鈥, that senior government officials routinely threaten representatives of other countries with near-term military strikes, as part of war-planning?

You wrote, 鈥榤ore than happy to discuss notions of 'Reasonable Uncertainty' regarding 911.鈥 (300).

Well, let me take you up on it; Do you agree it is reasonable to regard the US' July 2001 warning of military action against the Taliban by 鈥榯he middle of October at the latest鈥 as, at the very least, a very strange co-incidence? It is the establishing of a large number of very strange 鈥榗o-incidences鈥 that eventually led me (and many other people by the looks of it) to try and explain them 鈥 such as contemplating the idea that global events are often (not always) part of a well-planned global strategy the public can hardly catch a glimpse of (ie. a hidden agenda, from our perspective).

Lastly, your argument that 'The MSM [mainstream media] can only employ so many people' is a ridiculous excuse as to why certain hard questions ("CT") are not being investigated seriously by them. Home make-over, soap operas and 鈥榬eality鈥 TV genres don鈥檛 seem to suffer from resource problems! But then, if they keep the Gamma, Delta and Epsilon classes happy, and society stable, who am I to argue, although I would very much like to chat with the Controllers!





  • 351.
  • At 08:36 PM on 16 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

A day coming up that should I think act as an antidote to some extreme forms of CT thinking.


'September 17th PRAY-IN. September 17th will be the international day of action for Darfur. Waging Peace is joining groups around the world in marking the first anniversary since the UN adopted the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine. We are organising a multi-faith gathering, an Active Faith, at the gates of Downing Street to pray for the people of Darfur. Those not affiliated with a religious group are also welcome to join us and to share a moment's silence in honour of the victims in Darfur.

In 2001 our prime minister Tony Blair said we had a duty to act to stop another Rwanda. We know Blair is guided by his faith: it is our duty to remind him of his moral obligation not to let another Rwanda happen. If you are able to join our Active Faith on September 17th please contact Christa.Bennett@WagingPeace.info '

They say 'We know Blair is guided by his faith.' Do we? How does that fit with Blair as arch-conspirator? But aha, today's Independent does indeed suggest that he has been doing more semi-secret deals behind the scenes:

'Tony Blair has launched a behind-the-scenes initiative to bring maximum international pressure to bear upon Sudan to lift its ban on a 20,000-strong UN peacekeeping force being sent into Darfur. The government of Sudan has shown steady intransigence in the face of last week's UN Security Council resolution authorising a peacekeeping mission to the far west of Sudan. It has condemned the proposal as "neo-colonialism" and an infringement of its sovereignty. Sudan's President, Omar al-Bashir, has vowed to fight off UN troops himself, and warned that Sudan would take on international soldiers "as Hizbollah beat Israeli forces". It has also said that al-Qa'ida insurgents would enter Sudan to fight the UN.'

So there we have it. Just another fake false flag op with Al-Qa'ida, do we think? Who was it that was involving or invoking them in this case? As the ultimate threat, in order to keep out the international troops that may prevent between 2 and 10 million black Africans, many of them fellow Muslims, from being slaughtered without mercy in the coming months.

And what about the UN's key addition to international law, "Responsibility to Protect", agreed a year ago tomorrow: that preventing mass murder takes precedence over the old rights of sovereign states? Is that also to be submerged, ignored under the blanket cynicism of certain kinds of anti-Bush, anti-Blair, anti-UN CT?

Does uniting to stop the following kind of thing matter?

'Jamila Bochra Mohammed, RAPE VICTIM: "When the Janjaweed attacked our village, they came shooting and burning from all directions. I tried to run away, but they told me to stop or they would kill me. I was raped by five armed men. I saw other women raped and many people killed, including my mother and my mother-in-law. They were thrown into a fire while they were still alive, right in front of me. I was later attacked again by the Janjaweed, in a refugee camp in Chad. This time I was shot in the leg. Today, I am a failed asylum-seeker in the UK."'


Lastly, let's return to what makes a decent historical analogy. Compared to calling the Pope a new Hitler because he uses some obscure words to object to violence and religion being mixed, including in the life and teaching of the main prophet of Islam, how does this sound?

'Susan Pollack, SURVIVOR, THE HOLOCAUST IN EUROPE: "I was 13 years old when German troops came to my village of Felsogod in Hungary and took my father. I never saw him again. Then they came for me and my family and sent us to Auschwitz. My mother was gassed to death as soon as we arrived. I survived Auschwitz, slave labour, selection at the hands of Doctor Josef Mengele and a death march to Belsen before I was 15. I can still see the mountains of corpses at Auschwitz. After the Holocaust, the world said "never again". Today they are still saying it, but when genocides like Darfur go on unchecked, I'm beginning to wonder if they mean it."'


Don't get me wrong, matters like 9-11 Truth also matter. But please, this Sunday, let's consciously and vocally support the good that there still is in our systems of governance. And remember our leaders who have such a grave responsibility at this precise moment to protect the lives of millions.

  • 352.
  • At 06:36 PM on 17 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Bridget,

I've been reading up on 7/7, and have a couple of points to raise, which you might be able to help me with;

1) Although the official account cited the 7:40 Luton>London train, then the 7:48 train (which you've ascertained, quite rightly imho, the 4 suspects couldn't have taken), what's wrong with the theory they entered the station at c.7:21:54, then legged it to Platform 3 to catch the 7:25 (the 7:24 leaving 1 minute late)? I've often arrived at train stations with 3 minutes to spare, and managed to hop on a train at the last second.

2) If Mohammed Sidique Khan did sympathise with the 911 terrorist attacks, and talked of Jihad, etc. (ref: the testimony of Martin Gilbertson and Martin Abdullah McDaid - ) it certainly puts a big black mark against Khan's character, imho, and makes him a credible terrorist suspect. Do you have any thoughts on this? I'm extremely open to CT (as you know by now), but as a truth-seeker I'm open to all information, including that which supports the OV. If this character testimony about Khan is correct, and he verbally supported terrorism and Jihad against the West, then it greatly narrows down the CT options, imho (and also lends credibility to the authenticity of his anti-Western government video message). I'd then find the 'innocent patsy' scenario much less credible, as I couldn't imagine him wanting to help the authorities improve security by doing a 'dummy run'. Even if he was a Jihadist, I don't think CT would be ruled out; as a credible potential terrorist, I suppose he could still have been setup to take the blame. btw: I read somewhere about maybe all the tube bombs going off at exactly 8:50:00, as that was the time the telephone system went down, or something - but I can't find where i read it. If you have any links to read up on this, I'd appreciate them.

  • 353.
  • At 10:54 PM on 17 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #349

"... However, you must recognise there are ordinary citizens, whose belief in democracy and the rule of law leads them to challenge suspected big lies, and the suspected big crimes they cover. Truth stands up to scrutiny. The innocent have nothing to fear from rigorous investigation .... "

Well who is 'ordinary'?

I say judge the 'ordinary' methods they employ to object to something, then judge how 'ordinary' are they.

If they engage 'radical' methods to object to something, then its fair to judge them as that.

If their argument is 'radical' than more than reasonable to assume 'radical' agenda behind such.

Who says & what make something a lie? surely the minds eye of the assayer has something to do with it? (esp when agendas play their part).

On this blog there are various CT protagonists with different sincerity levels & therefore presumably different standards of what they require for something to become CT.

As we enter the 21st Century, agenda driven individuals/groups class everything as CT, nothing just 'happen' anymore, no one is allowed to make mistakes, fallibility has ended.

For such CT believers, when the radio fails to tune, the morning paper are not delivered & the loo won't flush - is it CT or just one of those things.

CT Reality Check - the establishment is not infallible (it err's it make mistakes) esp the political branches -no matter the 'virtual book repository' argument the CT protagonists are conjuring up for their corrosive discourse.

That does not make for truth & justice - that makes for agenda ridden dishonesty.

CT believers have more faith in the 'powers that be' to deliver - than the rest of us combined :)

Neither is the government beholden at the beckon call of a handful of CT protagonists & their imaginative fantasy's to launch national investigations into ongoing & inter-related threats/cases.

CT = Complete Trash (hashed or otherwise)

btw - Sunday 17.09.06 indulgent two part episode of 麻豆官网首页入口1 'spooks' must have our domestic CT crowd wetting themselves with joy ( 鈥ppssttt remember its fiction, when you turn off the telly, its back to reality)


  • 354.
  • At 08:32 AM on 18 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

[please skip this 'Vikingar critique' if you have found previous ones endless and boring]

Vikingar (352),

Again you fail to answer direct questions (ref: 349) raised in response to your ideas, even though they're backed up by mainstream sources and designed to meet your criteria of 'reasonable uncertainty'. There's no dialogue with you, even when it's attempted on your own terms. Instead you pick up on a word, in this case 'ordinary', and use it as a starting point for your usual tirade.

As a courtesy to you, even though you do not extend it to others, I'll answer your question (although I suspect you ask it rhetorically, considering your taste for monologue); 'Well who is 'ordinary'?'

By 'ordinary citizen' I mean someone who doesn't conform to the extreme, fringe stereotypes you rail against in your posts. e.g. a citizen who is integrated with mainstream society, pays taxes, is loved by, and loving of, friends and family, well-liked by colleagues, responsible for others (e.g. parents), an upstanding member of society (a phrase used by the Passport office), law-abiding, you know 'the usual suspects'. If you cannot distinguish between an ordinary citizen and an extremist, it is you who is on the fringes of society, casting aspersions upon the great British public. In fact, this corrosive idea is propagating throughout society as we speak; 'terrorist until proven guilty'.

When you make the act of asking questions equivalent to 'disabling society', as you do, you are advocating oppressive dictatorship by disingenuous argument, whilst wearing the colours of someone who supports 'democratic societies (warts n all)' (320).

As the terrorists are attacking our freedom, you have to wonder what your agenda is in attacking our freedom to debate, ask questions and hold opinions. 'You have to wonder how many extremists (esp Islamic variety) adopt different guises' (296), to fight their corrosive, covert propaganda war.

  • 355.
  • At 09:37 AM on 18 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ Andrew 351

I suggest you check out the July 7th website which has a lot of the information you are asking for:

The MSK page is in the process of being rewritten/updated but Mind the Gaps has a lot of information

As for Martin Gilberttson, early stories about Iqra state that the computer systems were being encrypted at the request of Martin Abdullah McDaid the ex-SBS anti-terrorist operative who ran the bookshop (it was never 'run' by any of the 4 accused).

You may also be interested in Peter Power's reply on the Newsnight blog (note not on this thread!)


Richard Drake @ 344 I will respond about the Hitler Youth Pope Benedict, I was just waiting to see if there were any outbreaks of "Muslim violence against Catholic' stories emerging, which may well have been the purpose of inserting it in his speech.

I btw had a pile of maggot infested raw sewage dumped in my back garden yesterday by person(s) unknown, which is very strange.

I'm just going to take some photos of it although I doubt if the police will be too interested.

  • 356.
  • At 12:03 PM on 18 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andre #353

hhmmm .....

I read what you are typing but have great difficulty in relating that to the sincerity of the arguments/case you put forward.

As stated in my #353, its rather simple to judge posters by the tone & methods of the arguments they employ to support their position.

Anyone embracing the absolute desperate CT waffle of 911 CT & July Bombings CT is a case in point - as Bridget Dunne #354 sentiments of support ably demonstrate.

.... clutching at straws is an understatement ! more like invent a bale :)

Reasonable Uncertainty (RU) about any event is rather different than Conspiracy Theory (CT).

But the loaded & biased arguments of CT protagonists (bringing so much baggage they need a trolley) undermine their claim for 'legitimate investigation'.

Motivation + Means + Method = 3M

The corrosive 3M of CT informs more about the agendas of the 'believers' than anything 'new' about the actual terrorist atrocities themselves.


  • 357.
  • At 12:54 PM on 18 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Thanks Bridget (354) for the links and the info on the McDaid/SBS connection. I鈥檓 very sorry to hear you've been the victim of such a disgusting act (the sewage dumped in your garden), and I pray it has nothing whatsoever to do with your publicising of the anomalies around 7/7.

I'm not sure I want to think too much about the shadowy connections between elements of the government, military and intelligence services, and terrorists (which crop up a lot with 911, especially in Florida). Are they all need-to-know strangers upon the 'Hegelian (Fichtean) dialectic' stage, with Powers only at the 'synthesis' end, offering up solutions? How are we ever going to know, because such an hypothesis means the killing-people would kill you before you could bring the mechanism to public notice (not that that would do any good anyway, considering the self-involved, drugged-up hedonistic stupidity of the 'Big Brother TV' generation, and the fact no-one in authority would believe you anyway). All it takes is a D Notice to shut up the media, so we don't really have a chance do we.

I think we鈥檙e caught up in Great Games, which is why we have to speculate, and be attacked unfairly for doing so; if enemies are being deliberately created for mass consumption (e.g. Muslims as the new 鈥楻ed Menace鈥), I wonder why; is it ultimately a resource war, securing Western interests in the face of rising Chinese influence? Richard (350) talks of Blair鈥檚 humanitarian efforts for the people of Darfur, but we must remember that energy-starved China is having to do oil deals with countries like Sudan and Iran, buying 50 percent of Sudan's oil exports in 2005 [1]. Chances are, the weapons used for genocide will be Made in China [2]. Are their intentions for a UN presence in Sudan purely humanitarian? Or are they positioning the pieces for maximum advantage before Peak Oil hits? [3] If so, why don't they just tell us? I'm very attached to my hot shower, dishwasher and car, and they'd have my full support!!

Maybe it鈥檚 also about having the need for a malleable, easily controlled population in the face of some pending environnmental collapse. Unlike some conspiracy theorists, I think it's likely leaders are motivated by good intentions, but I also note the road to hell is paved with them; means and ends, and all that.

Thanks Bridget also for the link to Power's post; very interesting. Power states: 鈥業 think anyone familiar with likely terrorist targets will release [sic] our exercise scenario was coincidence rather than conspiracy鈥 鈥 a statement which ignores the very low mathematical probability of choosing the exact same stations by chance, even if we make the assumption that terrorists live in the provinces, and enter the tube network only via mainline train stations! How can he be sure his company and/or client wasn鈥檛 compromised by a very small but ultra-sophisticated group who used it as cover to pull off the attacks?

Otherwise, I find myself agreeing with Power鈥檚 assessment (despite his corporate security-speak), and his conclusion about 鈥榠neffective world leaders鈥, and a need for a 鈥榩an global collective body of influential advisors, practitioners and academics鈥. Undoubtedly, major problems are now pan global, such as the threat of a sixth mass extinction of species [4] and WMD terrorism. But with creative, visionary leadership, there must be a way into the future that doesn鈥檛 have to involve resource wars and the end of individual freedom and democracy.

Power talks of the 鈥榞lobal / corporate radar screen鈥, but any 鈥榞lobal radar screen鈥 should not be based solely on corporate needs, as there is strong evidence the corporation, as currently constructed, is equivalent to a psychopathic personality [5] (without ignoring the good some of them have done, like making this computer I鈥檓 typing on!). Power calls for 鈥榓 new approach鈥 鈥 that approach should, imho, finance a multi-billion pound emergency global project to create a clean, alternative energy technology infrastructure and molecular manufacturing systems (for smart production, no longer relying on cheap foreign labour) to guarantee a peaceful, free tomorrow 鈥 not the current spiralling down into spin-and-lie hidden-agenda 'leadership', a police state and the dark future it entails.




[3] Greg Palast鈥檚 argues oil shortage is artificial, for profit motives, but overall more and more qualified people are supporting the Peak Oil paradigm 鈥 e.g.



  • 358.
  • At 05:28 PM on 18 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Richard Drake @ 350


For another perspective:

"There鈥檚 one topic that all the forces claiming concern for the people of Sudan never mention: the role of imperialism in keeping Sudan poor and underdeveloped.

Sudan has vast resources and mineral wealth. Washington鈥檚 policy toward Sudan has revolved around inflaming national and regional antagonisms in both the south and the west so U.S. corporations could take control of developing the rich oil, gold, uranium and copper deposits that could make Sudan prosperous."

Not everything is as it seems.

  • 359.
  • At 08:03 PM on 18 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Richard Drake @ 350


For another perspective:

"There鈥檚 one topic that all the forces claiming concern for the people of Sudan never mention: the role of imperialism in keeping Sudan poor and underdeveloped.

Sudan has vast resources and mineral wealth. Washington鈥檚 policy toward Sudan has revolved around inflaming national and regional antagonisms in both the south and the west so U.S. corporations could take control of developing the rich oil, gold, uranium and copper deposits that could make Sudan prosperous."

Not everything is as it seems.

  • 360.
  • At 10:05 PM on 18 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (355),
> I read what you are typing but have great difficulty in
> relating that to the sincerity of the arguments/case
> you put forward.

That's just side-stepping the question. Sincerity or no, do you agree it is reasonable to regard the US' July 2001 warning of military action against the Taliban by 鈥榯he middle of October at the latest鈥 as, at the very least, a very strange co-incidence? (ref: 349)

If we can at least establish that as common ground, we might be able to move forward with the debate.

> .... clutching at straws is an understatement ! more like
> invent a bale :)

love the bale-ful analogy

  • 361.
  • At 01:21 AM on 19 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #358

Sudan? yet another cause, another agenda against your favourite bogeymen?

How about supporting UN & international efforts to save real lives or are your 'values' & your CT propaganda gain more valuable to you than real people [1]

btw - does any of your CT inspired fantasy links #358 not end up linking back to the fringe sites? in this case a member of the radical left (see below)

"Edstrong - This is the blog to visit for radical left, contentious opinion. There\\\'s nothing mainstream about this medium! It includes: Bush & The Neocons, Capitalist Ideology, Consumer Culture, Islam Challenges The West, Western Imperialism, Class Race & We " [2]

A fine demonstration of CT as an enabling tool for the radical fringe - thank you

Funny how everyone linked to July CT (happily quoting your spin btw [3a]) alleges affiliation to 'peace' & a host of other fringe agendas 鈥. [3b]

( 鈥ppsssttt 鈥 sure your not misinformation for a government department - your not doing CT campaign any good are you)

... and they wonder why the MSM ignore them :)




  • 362.
  • At 01:52 AM on 19 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #359

Ref your #349 link - "The Taliban refused to comply but the serious nature of what they were told raises the possibility that Bin Laden, far from launching the attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York and the Pentagon out of the blue 10 days ago, was launching a pre-emptive strike in response to what he saw as US threats" [1]

Very talented OBL to have turned around a terrorist mission in a couple of weeks?

Widely acknowledge the US cocked-up its foreign policy prior to 911 - their gloves were most definitely on (if they had not been, after Iraq War I, the US would have rolled on into Baghdad).

The only common ground for me is:

- 911 was caused by Islamic Terrorism

- July Bombings caused by Islamic Terrorism

- various alleged Islamic Terrorism trials/investigations under way in UK

- Islamic Sectarian Fracticide in ME & Asia caused by Islamic Fundamentalism

- numerous cases of terrorist atrocities around the world against certain targets, part of the Islamic Terror Franchise

- CT protagonists out to cause societal disorder & targeting the vunerable - for their other agenda

...... common ground for that YES

鈥︹ common ground for opportunistic corrosive CT dialogues - NO




  • 363.
  • At 05:40 AM on 19 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget (358), I feel such a dupe. When on Sunday at my local church I publicly pointed to hearthrob left-liberal George Clooney's passionate presentation to the UN earlier in the week, after he had visited Darfur with his father and they had seen with their own eyes all that was going on, and when I led a deeply agreeing congregation of many different ethnic backgrounds, praying Desmond Tutu's fervent prayer for survival of those under threat in Darfur, I thought, we all thought, that it was totally to do with a united and very urgent attempt to save the lives of black African Muslims, acknowledged as our dear fellow human beings, the very same type that I saw (with no sign, quel surpris, of any Arab faces) on TV that evening, with their blue UN peacekeeper berets worn as symbol of hope in the demonstration at the Sudanese embassy.

But no, I now realise, I was a tool. Just like Clooney and Tutu, well-known puppets of the right, the neocons, the zionists, the fundamentalists, the oil and mineral executives. Poor fools, they had let their deep compassion and desire for the world to avoid the first genocide of the 21st century play right into the hand of ....

Oh, as Paxman would say, get a grip.

And now, hold on, little flower, so easily offended one. I am about to suggest a horrific analogy that I think might well apply to you and those whose webpages you evidently read with approval. And the great thing is this. You can easily make it clear that the analogy doesn't apply to you at all, by simple words of love and concern for those, including women and children, in mortal peril at this very moment in Darfur.

I realised with a start as I read your post and what it pointed to that there were always two kinds of holocaust denier, those that have denied that the holocaust ever happened, after the event, and those that denied that it was about to happen or even that it had begun to happen, in the period 1939-45.

Of the two kinds, though both are utterly repugnant, with the benefit of any true humanity (and with the benefit of easy hindsight compared to the confusions of WWII), the earlier was easily the most damaging. Very sadly the original documents show that there was such denial in the UK Foreign Office and in the US State Department. Such official scepticism went a long way to prevent a proper public campaign and any extended military options to stop that awful slaughter taking place (hard though that would have been to achieve, as Martin Gilbert has honestly documented).

The fact that, in those days, in opposing Hitler and seeking to expose and document his atrocities we would find ourselves 'on the same side', to a degree and for a short while, as the vicious mass-murderer Josef Stalin, with all his evil designs for the world, would have nothing whatever to do with the moral imperative to speak out for those defenceless who had no other voice.

And today it is so much easier to speak out.

It is despicable for the presence of ideological enemies in the camp - and your hatred of them - to prevent you from joining in this vital campaign. (And the political options are extremely difficult, in any case. But that means that it is all the more important to put as much moral pressure as possible on those clearly set to commit mass murder.)

A recent independent study showed that of violent deaths in Darfur, 97% were of the black Africans. There is a 'conflict', yes, but it is like the Bosnian Muslims against the Serbs, before they had any weapons with which to defend themselves, the Tutsis against the Hutus, the 'intellectuals' against Pol Pot, the Jews against the Germans. To slyly imply moral and practical equivalence is itself shockingly morally corrupt, indeed a deeply corrupting speech act.

Talking of which, I was struck at Speaker's Corner this Sunday that an Arab Muslim openly said to a black person who spoke out in disagreement, to someone who was quite possibly his fellow UK subject, 'You should be our slave.' That was even before I had raised the deeply shameful events in Sudan.

You cited George Orwell earlier in this long debate. How on earth can you not see clearly and cry out for the poor of the earth when you claim inspiration from such a great, clear-sighted, non-partisan humanitarian of the 30s and 40s?

I am ... I was really deeply shocked by this response Bridget. I would genuinely be extremely grateful for clarification that you do of course support any campaign to save the defenceless poor of Darfur, preferably from the broadest spectrum of beliefs in the West and East, to confirm that there is within you a deep fellow-feeling for the natives of West Sudan in their plight, however sceptical you may remain about the motives of some who are highlighting this issue.

  • 364.
  • At 11:34 AM on 19 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Vikingar @ 360

It is not yet a crime to hold radically different views and believe that the causes of humanities suffering poverty destitution and oppression is caused by Corporate Capitalism and Imperialst motives.

What do you think causes it? Islamic Fundemantalism?

As for Richard @ 362

I am not a supporter of Stalin, in fact it was Stalin's murder and suppression of the Left Opposition in the Soviet Union and his characterisation of them as 'social fascists worse the Hitler' that led to the disarming of the workers movement against the Nazis.

As for the charge of denying the Holocaust that is really beneath you Richard. It could never have happened without Stalin, and it required the murder of Communists and Trade Unionists to be achieveable. Think about it.

It seems to me that any incorrect analysis of the causes of events leads us to the wrong solutions.

I obviously hold very different views to both of you, but the difference is I do not jump to judgement in the way that you both do.

As for my love for the poor the wretched the oppressed and the wrongly blamed, that I have no doubt of. I identify different causes and support radical solutions, which is still thankfully legal. Although who knows for how much longer.

  • 365.
  • At 01:30 PM on 19 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget, to be clear, I wasn't saying that you were like Stalin, even by analogy; I was saying that if you ignored the current crisis in Darfur and persuaded others to do so you were like those in the West, including in the British Foreign Office, who refused to believe that the Holocaust was happening in 1942 and 1943, even when there was substantial evidence that it was. It was this kind of 1940s holocaust-denial, not the current kind, that I was referring to. And my main and urgent point stands. Holocaust denial today, though deeply hurtful to survivors or descendents of the victims, kills nobody. Holocaust denial in the 40s actually enabled the mass murder to take place unhindered. That kind of denial is what the West indulged in, largely, as Cambodia and Rwanda descended into slaughter. Those were both in my lifetime, indeed I recall 1976 particularly vividly as I knew somehow from a one sentence news report in Auckland, New Zealand, that something terrible was going on under the newly conquering Khymer Rouge. But that feeling was something I put down to 'God'; and indeed I did pray fervently for Cambodia at that time. Most people in the West had no idea until the awful 'killing fields' were revealed later.

Today, with the warnings of those on the ground, who have no ideological axe to grind, and the imminent departure of the African Union forces from Darfur at the end of the month, we have ample warning. 200-300,000 already killed may easily extend to 2 million or even far more, if the AU and UN do nothing. Every voice counts. That's why I am asking you to make explicit your support for international action to save the defenceless.

  • 366.
  • At 07:11 PM on 19 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #363

" .... It is not yet a crime to hold radically different views and believe that the causes of humanities suffering poverty destitution and oppression is caused by Corporate Capitalism and Imperialst motives"

".... I identify different causes and support radical solutions, which is still thankfully legal. Although who knows for how much longer"

But it is a crime against moral decency if not the law to incite & influence vulnerable members of society with corrosive CT mantra, which you & others have intentionally conjured up for your own benefit, in support of your own multi agendas (ably laid out in this blog).

Domestic misuse of freedom & expression for such radicalising purposes is regretable in peacetime & an offence esp in wartime (defacto 5th Column for own purposes).

I wonder how much fakery (from early Daily Mirror picture examples) too actual deliberate CT is responsible for radicalising the vulnerable in Britain Muslims Communities - just as the CT protagonists & Islamic Extremists wanted.


  • 367.
  • At 09:48 PM on 19 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:


re: (361)
> Very talented OBL to have turned around a terrorist
> mission in a couple of weeks?

Amazing. More amazing still how he timed his 'pre-emptive strike' [1] during precisely those hours when US fighters were taking part in Northern Vigilance, leaving NYC and DC less defended, miles behind them - and when confusing radar injects from the wargames [2] gave the real hijacked planes (well, three of them anyway!) the cover needed to reach their targets without being intercepted by those fighters still left within range. You won't find that in the 911 Commission Report.

re: (365),
> But it is a crime against moral decency if not the
> law to incite & influence vulnerable members of
> society with corrosive CT mantra

You're right, we need to go easier on Newsnight viewers.



[2] 'Crossing the Rubicon', Michael C. Ruppert, pps.335-347 - regarding the Northern Vigilance, Vigilant Guardian and Vigilant Warrior wargames

  • 368.
  • At 09:16 AM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • Nemos wrote:

Ref: vikingar #361.

"Very talented OBL to have turned around a terrorist mission in a couple of weeks?"

I work for the military, at a base in Kent, I heard chatter about an invasion of Afghanistan many months before September 11th and I am just a civilian technician. OBL would have had months to prep.

Now the chatter is all on Iran, I think a war is unavoidable now, US personnel have been told to ready for deployment.

  • 369.
  • At 11:34 AM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

Ref: vikingar 365

"But it is a crime against moral decency if not the law to incite & influence vulnerable members of society with corrosive CT mantra, which you & others have intentionally conjured up for your own benefit, in support of your own multi agendas (ably laid out in this blog)."

So yet again, you are implying that there is a conspiracy among 'radicals' to spread deceit for the furthering of personal asperations, yet you think it ludicrous to believe there might be a conspiracy of deceit among power elites to further their own agendas. You are funny.

"Domestic misuse of freedom & expression for such radicalising purposes is regretable in peacetime & an offence esp in wartime (defacto 5th Column for own purposes)."

Do you think it is time to criminalise CTs?

"I wonder how much fakery (from early Daily Mirror picture examples) too actual deliberate CT is responsible for radicalising the vulnerable in Britain Muslims Communities - just as the CT protagonists & Islamic Extremists wanted."

Are you suggestinga conspiracy between CT protaganists and Islamic Extremists, or merely damning CTists on the with te, 'You're either with us or against us' mantra?

Could you also explain why a young Muslim falling for what you perceive as deceit; the idea that Islamic terrorism may not be the problem it is made out to be; would then go out and be an Islamic terrorist? Why would one, outraged at such accusations made against his kine, then set out to give what he perceived as wrongful accusations, basis in fact by becoming the very thing he believed to be fiction, created by those with an agenda against his kind? What an utterly ludicrous suggestion, though one popular with the US and UK governments. Why if CTs are so baseless and valueless would governemts feel such need to attack them and define them a tool of the enemy?

Will you bother addressing any of this?

  • 370.
  • At 11:37 AM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Richard @ 364 Could the Holocaust have happened without the Reichstag fire event?

How do we end all genocide? Including the one against the Palestinians, slower but surely. Iraq has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, some of it paid for with our taxes, and if Iran is next, what cost in human suffering?

Vikingar @ 365 Radicalising the vulnerable with CT's? CT's not required, just watch the news. It is people of conscience and intelligence that are radicalised, whatever their faith.

Andrew, as always, spot on and great links.

Nemos @ 367 and everyone else, the war in Iran has begun:

  • 371.
  • At 12:40 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #366

Just to be obsolutely clear .....

- 911 was caused by Islamic Terrorism

- July Bombings caused by Islamic Terrorism

- various alleged Islamic Terrorism trials/investigations under way in UK

- Islamic Sectarian Fracticide in ME & Asia caused by Islamic Fundamentalism

- numerous cases of terrorist atrocities around the world against certain targets, part of the Islamic Terror Franchise

- CT protagonists out to cause societal disorder & targeting the vunerable - for their other agenda


  • 372.
  • At 01:06 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Nemos #367

Yep, the whole world knows Islamic Extremism in its terrorist manifestations is responsible - see #361

Unlike Iraq, the international community has had ever opportunity to act, esp given it knows what could happen if the UN fails.

If/when the UN fails, it will be a green light to those who Iran has directly threatened to 'wipe out' i.e. Israel.

Given the scale of the threat & infrastructure & stated aims - Iran 2006 is no Iraq 2001, the case is far much simpler.

Yep, most likely 'Iran' will be next by Israeli action and/or Allied Combo.

The clock is ticking 鈥︹...

Q. can UN or Iranian opposition politicians prevent need for such action?


  • 373.
  • At 01:10 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

Ref: vikingar 370

"CT protagonists out to cause societal disorder & targeting the vunerable - for their other agenda"

Do they have secret shadowy societies where they meet behind closed doors, virtual or otherwise, to discuss their next tactic in their war of deceit?

  • 374.
  • At 03:50 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref James #372

"Do they have secret shadowy societies where they meet behind closed doors, virtual or otherwise, to discuss their next tactic in their war of deceit?"

Presumably many do, as they clearly use the current wave of corrosive CT arguments to bolster their existing multi agendas - alongside the efforts of individuals.

These agendas existed prior to current conflicts & the litany of radical efforts are historical evidence.

Esp the radical left variety - since the 1960's - those street/march posters have never printed themselves :)

... same font, same stylising, same messages ... hhmmmm

Even the Islamic extremists & ex-luddites (whilst denouncing methods & technologies of the west) have caught on to the value of coordinated propaganda/marketing efforts (so they have been westernised to a degree after all) - HAY HO


  • 375.
  • At 05:42 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

vikingar @ 373

You appear to be very knowledgeable about the so-called 'left-wing' agenda and where it fits in the current climate.

Any thoughts on the right-wing agenda?
I'm talking neo-cons, PNAC, that kind of thing.

As for left-wing agendas, if you have the time, perhaps you could watch this and let me know which bits you disagree with and why:

Michael Parenti: Race, Gender and Class Stuggle:
(ignore the opening music if you can)

Do you think that Parenti is addressing the 'vulnerable'?

  • 376.
  • At 08:34 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget #369

"鈥.How do we end all genocide? Including the one against the Palestinians, slower but surely"

Palestinian establishment & parents could stop radicalising & brain washing their own children - abuse is abuse [1a] [1b] [1c]

Then stop making a hash of decision making, for ever snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

btw - 'Bridget' a new Bridget or Bridget Dunne?




  • 377.
  • At 08:48 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Bridget (135),
> have a listen here [to the Popular Mechanics
> research editor] and then consider the credibility
> of this publication:

Finally got round to listening to it. Astonishing, thanks for the link.

Vikingar (304),
> Q.3 which of the following is produced by competent
> professionals with resources & remit?
> - loose change - Dylan Avery 22 yr old Director from
> Oneonta [3a] - Popular Mechanics - US science/
> technology mag 1st published 1902

The answer is clearly NEITHER, if listening to the Popular Mechanics Research Editor is anything to go by. Have you actually listened to the Research Editor defend his 'research'? The guy's a complete joke! When asked how he verified the 'hijackers alive' story as false, he becomes totally flummoxed (unlike the Der Speigel article - see 302), and then talks about the DNA remains of the hijackers collected 'all over the place'. I had to laugh when it provoked the response, 'are you mad?' from the caller, but the host is much kinder, suspends his disbelief for the sake of argument (more than Vikingar has ever done!) and asks him about the whereabouts of the autopsy reports, or where they got the original DNA from, for the purposes of matching. The Research Editor laughs nervously, and admits he doesn't know. So there he is, asserting truth and certainty, without being able to defend it for a second. And you go on and on about S.E. Jones' lack of credibility! Pot and Kettle.

  • 378.
  • At 09:01 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

Ref: vikingar 373.

Do you realise how utterly ludicrous it looks to attack CTists for believing that there might be shadowy right-wing conspiracies while simultaneously accusing them of being part of a shadowy left-wing conspiracy?

  • 379.
  • At 11:49 PM on 20 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

A little off-topic perhaps, but I've just caught, whilst channel flicking, Abu Izzadeen on ITV news (they used a youtube video, the times they are a'changin'!), and then switched to Newsnight for the debate between Jeremy Paxman, Haras Rafiq and Anjem Choundary.

Yes, I鈥檓 truth-seeking, yes I鈥檓 willing to consider all possibilities and weigh up probabilities (a worldview partly inspired by the philosophy of science, al a quantum mechanics), but I have to say Abu Izzadeen and Anjem Choudary came across to me as madmen. To hear Izzadeen talk about 鈥榬etaliation on the community鈥 was simply astonishing, not to mention the tasteless 911 jokes. When told he鈥檇 made a 鈥榯hreat鈥, he responded, 鈥榥o, it鈥檚 a warning鈥. A warning? Who is this twerp? Put the guy in the Tower of London!

Whilst not totally discounting the idea he鈥檚 a government plant to prove their point, his words and attitude are abhorrent. Is this guy for real? If so, how big is the problem? When Vikingar talks of Islamic Extremism, I tend to think of Islamic Fundamentalists as relatively powerless (in terms of global geopolitics) and often as Western intelligence assets 鈥 afterall, the US (e.g. CIA) built up Pakistan鈥檚 ISI, and through them the Mujahideen and bin Laden鈥檚 al Qaeda.

However, when I heard these Muslim guys banging on about Sharia Law and wanting to change society, I want to tell them to get stuffed. Relative to other countries, England & Wales have a great body of law, honed by our people over a very long period of time, despite our continual dissatisfaction and improvement of it. In my many contacts with lawyers, I鈥檝e been impressed by how deeply embedded 鈥榬easonability鈥 is enshrined in English law. Choudary talked of poor housing for Muslims. Well, I know young people from white families rooted in my area of rural England for centuries, who can鈥檛 afford to get onto the housing ladder, so tough! How dare he complain about this, after this country has been open, welcoming and reasonable to immigrants.

Haras Rafiq came across to me as extremely sensible - a voice of reason. But Choudary and Izzadeen? Put it this way; if it ever went beyond the possibility of them being just an odd couple for the government spin-machine, then I would be willing to take up arms to defend England against such maniacs, before ever seeing them foist their values upon our society. What they said was so outrageous, it has to be staged, surely?

  • 380.
  • At 02:02 AM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

vikingar @ 375

Thought we were on first name terms by now.

Andrew @ 378 Staged surely? To be sure! Ever noticed how the more radical elements who are given airtime are mainly converts to Islam?

As for the Sufi Muslim Council, well they are not what they seem either:

As for Haras Rafiq, who is he? The MCB don't know:

As for his mention of 'collective responsibility' of the Muslim community! Isn't it time we all woke up to the propaganda and rejected these notions that there is somewhere a Muslim community, a homogeneous whole, who share collective responsibility and collective guilt? Isn't this precisely what was foisted upon the jews?

Newsnight is undoubtedly a tool for such propaganda and needs to question where it's responsibility lies.

  • 381.
  • At 02:53 AM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #379

Sufi Muslim Council (est 2006) [1]

".... Sufis count among the vast silent majority of Britain's two million strong Muslim community" [2]

What is Sufism [3]

Criticism of the SMC [4]

Surely time to let other Muslim groups in the UK have their say, esp if they make up the majority and/or existing Sunni / Shia groups failing to tackle extremism.

Meantime, around the world why are Sunni & Shia still killing each other - Islamic Fracticide (sectarian massacres the biggest causes of Muslims deaths) [5]

Islam, in the UK, facts and statistics - 1.6 million stated [6]

"Haras Rafiq, of the Sufi Muslim Council, called for more government help to root out extremism, but admitted that the UK's Muslim community must acknowledge there was a problem with extremism. "It's like being an alcoholic - we need to stand up and and have an open and honest debate." [7]

With rational statements like that no wonder certain vested interests amongst other Muslim groups do not like that pragmatic response or challenge, let alone appeasers/supporters of Islamic Extremism & esp the CT protagonists - hardly helpful for the latter two groups corrosive causes.




  • 382.
  • At 11:56 AM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref James #377

Rather - how ludicrous to dismiss left wing agendas.

CT has come into its own post 911 ref Islamic Extremism v the west.

On this thread up to now, all the main running is done by radicals (in various guises) & virtually exclusively of the left ( if their utterances are to be believed).

Q. why does MSM do not take CT seriously?

Q. why the great unwashed masses that is the British Public either have not heard of CT and/or reject it?

鈥 why because the CT fabricated evidences & inventive speculation is inventive & intentionally divisive perchance?

鈥 its not called fringe politics for nothing :)

Who swallows CT? *
- those who fabricate it
- those with agenda
- those vulnerable members of society targeted by it.

* not forgeting to include efforts of supporters & followers of Islamic Extremism in this infowar.

Its never just about 'CT' soon enough comes along the other AGENDAS (subtly or directly) its rather self evident (when links/videos are examined).

AGENDAS the radicals had in place pre 911 & which the current impasse provided by Islamic Extremism provides the radicals another means to promote their multi agendas.


  • 383.
  • At 01:30 PM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

@ Vikingar 381

(notice I have reverted to my full name so as not to confuse you)

You seem very keen on locating and exposing agendas

How about the main one:

The agenda that required a catastrophic event, a new Pearl Harbour (read 9/11).

This is the agenda that is being played out with the help of the British Government and the 麻豆官网首页入口 without the knowledge or consent of the British people.

For those of us for whom the curtain of imagery and fakery lifts and behind are revealed forces who are pulling the strings of the puppets, and that the show we are watching is not what it appears to be, can only come to an understanding of just what an extreme situation we are all in.

I now view everything I read and hear from the MSM as 'manufactured' as opposed to organic, just like the manufactured Sufi Muslim Council and the manufactured extremist, usually converts, Muslim voices that we are all supposed to be so terrified of.

I am terrified by what is behind the curtain, what is on the stage is just farce.

  • 384.
  • At 03:42 PM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

Ref: vikingar 380

"With rational statements like that no wonder certain vested interests amongst other Muslim groups do not like that pragmatic response or challenge, let alone appeasers/supporters of Islamic Extremism & esp the CT protagonists - hardly helpful for the latter two groups corrosive causes."

So there is also a shadowy Islamic/CTists conspiracy to discredit the SMC, and you view the MCB as corrosive. You seem to believe in more CTs than most so called CTists I have met.

What corrosive agenda is it that you hiding behind your CT rhetoric?

  • 385.
  • At 04:22 PM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridget Dunne #382

"I now view everything I read and hear from the MSM as 'manufactured' as opposed to organic, just like the manufactured Sufi Muslim Council and the manufactured extremist, usually converts, Muslim voices that we are all supposed to be so terrified of"

What? 鈥 as opposed to your CT inventive dribble on your recent 'live' interview on a CT site [1]

You even now discount the 麻豆官网首页入口?

Who would give credence to such inventive speculation, esp when compared to the experiences & opinion of someone actually endured the July Bombings by Islamic Terrorists, who specifically counters such divisive CT [2]



  • 386.
  • At 06:23 PM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref James #383

Since you ask, I view the MCB as ineffective & not wholly representative of the diverse set of British Muslims communities.

That is why another voice like SCB is welcome - someone has to make a difference.

"However, the organisation has faced criticism that a large proportion of UK Muslims do not feel the MCB represents their interests" [1]

On this blog, its interesting to note that those who promote 911 CT & July Bombing CT also look to undermine SMC :)

Even if Islamic Extremism was not churning out domestic terrorists, British Muslim communities still need to reform & integrate. The home-grown terrorism is just the most visible evidence of the failure to engage with the mainstream British society which has given these communities a home (growth of 10,000+ to 1.6 million in 30+ years).

CT in its latest manifestations, is a tactic & tool used by a variety individuals & groups, given the interlinked fantasist post 911 nature of CT - most decidedly corrosive.

The current infowar takes many forms & surely your not that na茂ve to believe that Islamic Extremisms is not engaging in this infowar, lets alone usual radical rabble?

Same war, different media, evolving methods.

My agenda? a British citizen/subject looking to support the democratic progressive societies (warts n all) which offer the best future for the world, rather than the alternative nightmares of radicals & extremists - who use CT to corrode debate & trust within the societies they hate so much.




  • 387.
  • At 06:26 PM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Bridget (382); well said.

Having been exposed to Vikingar's rhetoric for several weeks now, I'm in awe, if that's the right word, at the diabolical protection the 'puppeteers' have obtained by associating our attempted peeks behind the curtain as siding with 'the enemy'.

Many Arabs, including Ahmadinejad and bin Laden (the real bin Laden, in his statement just after the attacks), believe 911 was an inside job. Just the other night, this guy was on Iranian TV, saying the same thing...

So, when we ask our 'CT' questions, and make our 'CT' speculations, we're tarred and feathered with Vikingar's 'radical enemy propaganda' brush, even if we're ordinary citizens of the West, without any agenda to pursue (at least, speaking for myself), other than wanting to know the truth.

I thought today, in a moment of weariness, that even if Cheney headed up the 911 attacks, using CIA/Mossad/shadow-government assistance, what can be done about it anyway? Too many people are hypnotised by the psyops, and we'll be plunged into another crisis before the 911 Truth movement gets to critical mass. Sorry if that's overly cynical. We're set on a course, and the once Arab-Israeli conflicts are now Islam vs. The West. it's our war too, now. Is Huntington's Clash becoming a self-fulfilling prophesy? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clash_of_Civilizations).

As we all know, Israel, with its tiny strip of land, is geographically vulnerable without its nuclear arsenal; it's surrounded by Arab oil-rich lands hundreds of times bigger, with a total Arab population dozens of times bigger. With the desire, in some Arab quarters, to see the end of Israel, they see themselves locked in a struggle for survival; and god forbid they ever get cornered, especially enough to use the 'Samson Option', bringing the rest of us down with them ( ).

It seems to me the world is threatened by religious maniacs - or rather, religious monotheistic maniacs. Islamic fundamentalists want Islam to rule the world, whilst some Christian Zionists want Biblical borders for Israel in order to bring on Armageddon and the return of Jesus Christ. God save us from His believers! btw: Is it true that by 2050, Muslims will be the majority in the UK, based on current population growth trends? I read it on a pro-Israel/West, anti-Islam website today, and didn't know what to make of it.

btw: I read on Wikipedia that Al-Muhajiroun did proclaim the aim of establisihing a fifth column in Britain, as a community pressure group to propagate Islam, and get one step closer to the Islamic World Order. This is no doubt one of the sources Vikingar got his ideas from that we're Al-Muhajiroun spawned 5th columnists for asking what Silverstein meant when he said 'pull it'.

  • 388.
  • At 11:40 PM on 21 Sep 2006,
  • bythingjar wrote:

Corrosive discourse vikingar ?

The only corrosive thing in this here forum vikingar, is you

But for those who have woken from the dream, your repetitive bs is 'attacking' an impermeable substance

More amusingly, you are waking people up to the fact that he who argues as hard as you, with such weak material, actually provides some evidence of the fact that there is more to 911 and the like than meets the eye

Before you start, i don't believe in god, am not a member of any group or "sect", do not believe in aliens doing whatever, do not believe in pods, do not believe in holograms instead of planes, not vulnerable or a fifth columnist, not leftwing, not rightwing, that's SO last century rhetoric, not apologist, just simply an ordinary joe, well aware of what is going on, and being unable to prove it at present (or ever) changes my awareness not

Whatever acid or alkali you try to pour in my direction, i'm going to ignore you as you're clearly a waste of time :)

vikingar said:

fifth columnist
corrosive discourse
corrosive discourse
corrosive discourse
corrosive discourse
corrosive discourse
corrosive discourse
corrosive discourse
corrosive discourse
vulnerable "great unwashed"
war time incarceration etc

yawn :)

  • 389.
  • At 12:24 AM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #386

".... by associating our attempted peeks behind the curtain as siding with 'the enemy'

Peek? ... curtain? ... the CT protagonist approach is a fixed game of cluedo, talk about fabricating & planting the evidence which they then 'discover'.

Both Islamic Extremists & other radical groups engage in an infowar, since 911 they specifically use CT (is this blog is anything to go by, let alone copious sites on the net).

In additional they may not agree with each other, but the extremist & many radicals agree on methods (CT) & common enemies:

- The West
- Capitalism
- America
- Israel

Multi agendas at work (which existed pre 911) for those who tout CT, eventually they get round to mentioning it, their sources oozes agenda

Kidding no-one, except the potential to influence the vulnerable in our societies.

Its not called fringe for nothing, the mainstream is not buying corrosive CT goods - NO SALE

That鈥檚 not a conspiracy 鈥. that鈥檚 called reality & good taste :)


  • 390.
  • At 12:34 AM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref 'bythingjar' #387

"... But for those who have woken from the dream"

"... you are waking people up to the fact"

" ... that's SO last century rhetoric"

"... and being unable to prove it at present"

Yep, reads like CT language :)


  • 391.
  • At 02:13 AM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • flyingcar wrote:

vikingars helmet has the horns on the inside

  • 392.
  • At 06:20 AM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Euston .... we have a stalker *

* dissociative identity disorder


  • 393.
  • At 10:00 AM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

You don鈥檛 have to agree with everything Alex Jones says (I don鈥檛), and I think he makes a few slight factual errors, but overall his video Terrorstorm (available for free on is worth watching if you鈥檙e new to 911 CT and haven't seen it. Terrorstorm includes;

- Historically documented precedent for 鈥榝alse flag operations (Reichstag Fire, Operation Ajax (with CIA forming SAVAK afterwards), Operation Gladio. Gulf of Tonkin incident, Cubana Flight 455, Operation Northwoods (includes USS Liberty incident)
- Madrid Bombings
- London Bombings (very interesting John Loftus interview regarding Haroon Aswat, plus interview with Shayler about Bruce Lair鈥檚 testimony)
- De Menezes shooting (including ITN reporter鈥檚 arrest, govt. lies)
- Iraq 2003 War (objective to create Civil War, Downing St. Memo (including idea to lure Saddam to start war, by shooting down false-UN-plane bait)
- Illegal circumvention of the US 4th Amendment to justify warrantless searches
- Bush鈥檚 paying off of reporters to tune of over $1bn in a single year (does this kind of thing happen in the UK?)
- Shayler on MI6 funding al Qaeda operation against Gaddafi
- Former MI5 officers Annie Machon and David Shayler on govt. refusal to take their evidence of MI5/MI6 links to terrorists
- Watson brothers on Doublethink, and Alex Jones鈥 enrollment in 鈥榯errorist鈥 database for speaking near Parliament (before the no-speech zone law)
- Interviews with Cindy Sheehan and Ray McGovern (former CIA analyst; note who 鈥榯he crazies鈥 were!)
- Meacher on PNAC, the 鈥楻ebuilding America鈥檚 Defenses鈥 document, and American desire for 鈥榝ull spectrum dominance鈥.
- Bush鈥檚 non-reaction (at Booker Elementary School, with 30mins of non-action after being told America is under attack鈥 still beyond belief, even after 5 years of knowing it)
- Ahmad Umar Sheikh wiring of $100,000 to Atta before 911, at insistence of then ISI director-general Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad (who was in the US, meeting with CIA/Pentagon & State Dept. around time of 911).
- Morgan Reynolds on WTC7
- Steven Jones on WTC yellow-hot molten metaland white ash pouring out of building BEFORE the collapse (if true, would have major impact on Alan鈥檚 thesis, see above on this page). He came across very well to me (ref: Vikingar鈥檚 long-running attack on Jones鈥 credibility)
- Charlie Sheen speaking out (and being character assassinated for doing so)

There is, at the very least, grounds for serious debate on all this, and the 'see no evil' position of mainstream media is simply indefensible.

  • 394.
  • At 10:03 AM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (388),
> Peek? ... curtain? ... the CT protagonist approach
> is a fixed game of cluedo

back-stage passes are very hard to come by I'm afraid

  • 395.
  • At 12:07 PM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

Ref: vikingar 388

"Peek? ... curtain? ... the CT protagonist approach is a fixed game of cluedo, talk about fabricating & planting the evidence which they then 'discover'."

Isn't this what the CT brigade accuse the government of. Vikingar you are are the biggest conspiracy theorist of all, for instead of blaming small elites, you believe there is a global conspiracy of millions of normal folk, this of course fails one of the most important rules for assessing the possible veracity of a CT, which is just how many people have to be part of this conspiracy for it to work.

Now can I bring you back to a question I posed earlier, which you ignored, as you have with every hard question put to you, I wll be amazed if you answer it rather than just latch onto one line in my post to build your next rant on...

Could you also explain why a young Muslim falling for what you perceive as deceit; the idea that Islamic terrorism may not be the problem it is made out to be; would then go out and be an Islamic terrorist? Why would one, outraged at such accusations made against his kine, then set out to give what he perceived as wrongful accusations, basis in fact by becoming the very thing he believed to be fiction, created by those with an agenda against his kind?

The nature of debate is to, well debate, address what others have to say, break down their arguments, not just repeat your corrosive discourse, ad infinitum, and dismiss them as mere radicals.

Any member of the public coming and reading this dialogue, as I did, will just find themselves confronted by half a debate, as you simply repeat the same assertions and accustaions again and again and again, while either by accident or design missing nearly every point put to them.

See for me the issue with CTists, is the lack of agenda, their minds are too open, they flit from one theory to another, are too easily mislead by unreliable witnesses and evidence, while simultaneously dismissing others. Their groups break, fracture, reform, become scattered and disjointed, the differing politics within the groups often causes major arguments, they dismiss one another's theories....

None of this, none of it strikes me as the behaviour of a band of radicals focused on an agenda, unless of course you are suggesting that behind all this chaos there is a shadowy elite of CTists, controlling like puppets their confused minions, an illuminati of CTists if you would. Or perhaps the confused CTists, are mere pawns of the focused Jihad, directed and manipulated to bring doubt to minds purely through the confusion and doubt they create, allowing the evil armies of Islam to sneak stealthily behind this smoke screen to murder us in our thousands and leaving the state picking up the blame.

Many CTist's minds are too open, and then on the opposite side of the spectrum you have the vikingars of the world with the iron doors slammed between individual neurons.

  • 396.
  • At 04:16 PM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Let's all get one thing clear: The mainstream media are under the control of the Neo-Cons or just answer 1 question:

Why hasn't any news organization, or group of news organizations done their own investigation on 9-11 with the huge amount of evidence presented by both alternative media and so-called CTs?

Cause they CANNOT EXPOSE THE Truth!

Also, why must they be theories? The story told to us by the US Govt about 9-11 is the biggest conspiracy theory I've ever heard!

Thank God for the number of independant organizations bringing forth the truth, cause the Govt is not going to provide us the truth.

It took a court order to obtain 4 additional frames of footage from the Pentagon security cameras - and only 1 frame shows what is to be the nose of a plane and we are to believe that - and not see any other evidence whatsoever?

The shockwaves recorded by monitoring facilities show all the explosions required for 9-11's demolition of WTC 1, 2 and 7.


IF A BUNCH OF 'CRAZY BASTARDS' can produce hundreds of hours of video on the subject, what the heck could an organization like the 麻豆官网首页入口, CNN, ABC, CBC or more - do?

WHere were the street vendors on 9-11?

Why did FEMA setup an emergency facility on 9-10?

Why wasn't the NY Disaster Control Center, recently fortified through millions of construction $$ in the year prior, used by the Mayor of NYC as it's intended? Because it was used to EXECUTE THE 9-11 PLAN - then destroyed.

Learn the truth.
Do the research yourself.

And see clearly again.

  • 397.
  • At 11:46 PM on 22 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

New documentary about WTC 'controlled demolition' theory. Very nicely put together, well narrated.

Shame on you 麻豆官网首页入口, and the rest of mainstream media, for not tackling these subjects seriously.

  • 398.
  • At 08:18 AM on 23 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref James #395

I refer you to my #296 & #353

CT is not mainstream its fringe (wholly in the minority).

But based around faith, who promotes & believes in CT?

1) handful of converts etc (any/non faith).

2) handful of opportunists, money, ego, influence, reputation 鈥. (any/non faith)

3) handful of extremists 鈥. (any/non faith)

4) non Muslims (atheists) radical left etc (esp those with AGENDA)

5) non Muslims (Jones, Griffin etc, opportunistic 'Christian' fundamentalists) ... AGENDA

6) Muslims: in an infowar would be highly surprised if Islamic Extremists would not similarly engage in CT as its corrosive, to undermine the societies they are at war with ... AGENDA

7) Muslims: unfortunately (as surveys have revealed) far too many in 'mainstream' Muslim communities in UK & abroad, prefer to believe in the notion of government conspiracy than accept that anyone of their faith could be involved 鈥GENDA of DENIAL [1]

- For example of British Muslims polled by Channel 4 revealed "45% thought that 9/11 was a conspiracy between the USA and Israel" ... see other CT stats [1]

- Hardly surprising given Muslims legendary inability to acknowledge / accept the need for reform or accept any criticism of their religion - Islam.

- Hardily surprising given the views of Britain Muslim communities about how they see themselves & how they believe UK should treat them [2a] [2b] [2c] [2d]

- Hardly surprising given Muslim promotion of the 'empathy' argument 鈥. whilst plainly ignoring the reality that more Muslims are murdered by other Muslims around the world than anyone else (sectarian killings) as Iraq & Afghanistan unfortunately demonstrate [3]

- Let alone purposely ignoring the fact that Sectarian impasse between Sunni & Shia, predates the creation of USA or the British Empires (that was) or allied action in ME & Asia 鈥 its an historical evidential fact that sectarian killings have occurred since the factions first murdered each other back in the earliest days of Islam.

- Islamic Fracticide - its not the responsibility of the West & progressive democratic governments - the historical & continuing levels of Islamic Fracticide is the responsibility of MUSLIM's

btw - did people of that faith perhaps consider that the lack of 'empathy' for Muslims problems (by non Muslims around the world - the vast majority), have something to do this denial & this disingenuous position held by Muslims regarding their problems within their faith, adverse cultural practices in their faith (oppression of women) & how such communities practice their faith, esp in democratic progressive societies.


Corrosive CT serves many causes 鈥.. causes undoubtedly with many AGENDA :(


[2c] [

  • 399.
  • At 01:27 PM on 24 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget (370) asked:

"Richard @ 364 Could the Holocaust have happened without the Reichstag fire event?"

Of course it could have. With Hitler already Chancellor, the Nazis were conspiring to turn Germany into a totalitarian state and could have done so with various steps along the way. The Holocaust came out of their longterm, hateful ideology concerning the Jews, which was not affected either way by the Reichstag Fire.


"How do we end all genocide? Including the one against the Palestinians, slower but surely. Iraq has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, some of it paid for with our taxes, and if Iran is next, what cost in human suffering?"

It sounds good, and caring, but using the word genocide of the Palestinians, after George Clooney and Elie Wiesel have just used it with great moral force at the UN of the black tribes of Darfur, and I have challenged you to speak out, like them, on behalf of these uniquely defenceless ones, is in fact denial of the worst kind.

Where does such denial by distraction end? What about the Kurds in Turkey? The Tamils in Sri Lanka? And hundreds of other downtrodden groups with intractable problems and without a proper homeland?

What about more borderline cases, like the Karen and Shan tribes in Eastern Burma? The way these gentle peoples are being driven out of their villages by government forces and left to die in the jungle IS very close to genocide, according to those who have bothered to care to find out.

There is clearly a terrible spectrum of suffering of people groups. That makes it all the more vital that language to describe such things is not used loosely, just for partisan political effect. Your hero (and mine) George Orwell was the first to criticise such lying, manipulative language from both the fascist and communist mass murderers of his generation, long ago.

Elie Wiesel, since going through the Holocaust himself, has had a noble record of speaking out for those threatened by mass murder by the overwhelming force of the state, including the Bosnian Muslims, The Tutsis of Rwanda and now the Muslim tribes of Darfur.

Having prayed in a number of public meetings for Darfur this week I rejoice that the African Union peacekeeping force is being kept in place until the end of the year. But there is still much to do to prevent mass killing taking perhaps 300,000 already dead to well over a million.

The terrible murders in Iraq are another example of Muslim killing Muslim in the vacuum left after Saddam. Such terror has received massive media coverage compared to the situation in Sudan. It's not yet genocide, partly because the various people groups seem to be armed to much the same extent, partly because the democratically-elected government is not generally complicit but seeking to end the killing. But the targeting of civilians certainly means that this situation involves the same levels of cowardice on the part of the perpetrators.

Just to recap, what has all this to do with conspiracy theories?

It came up because I thought that the situation in Darfur was a very strong antidote to the extreme CTs that cause us to mistrust Western leaders in all circumstances, even when they seek to act to protect the defenceless, as they should.

The Nazis themselves were avid conspiracy theorists. They are a key example of that malignant form which robs the holder of all humanity, all compassion, in their obsession with an enemy that simply does not exist.

That kind of conspiracy theory was a key foundation for the Holocuast.

For me, the jury's out on whether most of the CTs on show here are in the same terrible category.

There again, the WTC buildings came down at near free-fall speed.

Physics, unlike most of the other fields touched on here, doesn't lie.

So I remain convinced that we need some better theories. And more compassionate hearts to go with them.

  • 400.
  • At 10:02 PM on 24 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (398); I think this is your best post yet; you've expanded your categories, and you're less rhetorical. I think you're right to think of there being multiple agendas, including acknowledging some faults within Muslim communities. I still don't find myself relating to any of your categories though; the closest might be "handful of opportunists, money, ego, influence, reputation". It's certainly not about money, nor influence & reputation; being a CTist lessens personal influence in my world. That leaves ego; well, being at odds with the national consensus is not pleasant at all - I believe it's a human trait to want to conform and be accepted by your peers, and I'm no exception. Feeling like you cannot talk to others about what you really think is awful. So, please generate some more categories!

Richard (399); you wrote, "For me, the jury's out on whether most of the CTs on show here are in the same terrible category [of being being potentially a foundation for a Holocaust]"

Very interesting post; I admire your concern for groups around the world threatened by violence and extermination. However, I don't see how thinking 911 was an inside-job, etc., would lead to Nazi-style thinking. If justice is pursued, then investigation would hone in on the perpetrators who, I guess, would be, at the core, no more than a few dozen people. How does this relate to wanting to wipe out whole classes of people?

I'm starting to wonder if we've underplayed the Enron connection to 911. Was it a last ditch effort to stop Enron going under? Is Enron's disastrous $3bn investment in the Dabhol Power Project at all related to a desire to launch war in Afghanistan? What Enron investigation files were destroyed by 911? (e.g. SEC documents in WTC7?) Very speculative, but we all know to what lengths Enron went to deceive, and how closely they were linked to the Bush administration.

The Enron-Cheney-Taliban Connection?
By Ron Callari, Albion Monitor. Posted February 28, 2002

  • 401.
  • At 12:07 AM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • mymingvase wrote:

RU for real vikingar ? :)

Agenda ? so anyone who isn't convinced has an 'agenda' ? you're so right, but none so bad as your fascist apologist agenda :(

You also continue to expose YOUR attempted corrosive fascist agenda, claiming to know what muslims think

I think you'll find the sectarian violence in Iraq has more to do with government (SAS and other ops) than race hate, as demonstrated in Ireland, it's very easy for a few vested interests to enter a country and set it ablaze, meanwhile the 'good guys' (government) move in and 'fix' it all

The truth in Iraq, ask any returning servicemen, is that the resistance is winning, "sectarian violence" is a necessary dressing for us back home

vikingar - you're in the WRONG PLACE mate :D

This thread IS about conspiracy theories, why are you here ?

You really don't have a clue what an increasing majority now think, if they're all 'agenda infected', then you'd better start worrying, mate :(

The majority may be "vulnerable" as you continuously assert, but they are beginning to get that not only are these 'terrorist' attacks convenient, but that the real puppeteers go right up to daddy Bush and all the other crooked world bankers, who incidentally, think you're a "useless eater" too, so when it turns on you, don't come to us and moan :(

  • 402.
  • At 09:59 AM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

Ref vikingar 398

"I refer you to my #296 & #353"

Neither of which answer the quesion I put to you, nor does the rest of your post, so one again...

Could you also explain why a young Muslim falling for what you perceive as deceit; the idea that Islamic terrorism may not be the problem it is made out to be; would then go out and be an Islamic terrorist? Why would one, outraged at such accusations made against his kine, then set out to give what he perceived as wrongful accusations, basis in fact by becoming the very thing he believed to be fiction, created by those with an agenda against his kind?

  • 403.
  • At 10:22 AM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref mymingvase #401

- Well its alarming to be reminded of the blinkered vitriol denial-esque comment in the style of a certain type of posters who inhabit Guardian Talk [1] - J'accuse indeed :)

"You also continue to expose YOUR attempted corrosive fascist agenda, claiming to know what muslims think"

- Nope, but claim the right to comment about how Muslims interact with non-muslins & how they interact with each other - which is plain for all to see (esp the historical tragedy of their continuing Islamic Fracticide).

"I think you'll find the sectarian violence in Iraq has more to do with government (SAS and other ops) than race hate, as demonstrated in Ireland, it's very easy for a few vested interests to enter a country and set it ablaze, meanwhile the 'good guys' (government) move in and 'fix' it all"

- Nope, you clearly no absolutely nothing of the SoP of British Forces or its dominating culture & ethos.

- Are you in denial as a Muslim ref Islamic Fracticide (sectarian murders) or a confirmed lefty whose theories about society & people have yet again failed to work? or both perhaps?

"The majority may be "vulnerable" as you continuously assert, but they are beginning to get that not only are these 'terrorist' attacks convenient 鈥. "

- Now you will enjoy the fictional film Children of Men - happy viewing (decent film despite the subtley laced to blant liberal left agenda - 'right on') [2]

- Ref what others think about the Islamic Radicals & Extremists in the UK - suggest you go & have a gander [3]

But 'mymingvase' you really should be asking, why is it far too many of the Islamic Faith would rather loose their reamining credibility by signing up to Conspiracy Theories rather than facing the reality of violence in their faith, amongst their brethren #398. Whether this manifests itself as:

- murdering people of the same faith - contunuing Islamic Fracticde.
- hostility to other faiths.
- hostility to any criticism of Islam.
- abusing people in Muslim communities (repression of women & alternative lifestyles etc)
- failure to integrate with the progressive democratic societies that have given their communities a home across Europe.

A minority of people from these communities have successfully integrated (welcomed) but the majority have not, the biggest sign of such failure manifests itself as domestic Islamic terrorism e.g. July Bombings (& other cases under investigation & in the courts at present) - NOT CT - its reality.

To remain engaged & part of our progressive peaceful European societies, this reality of endemic violence is the problem for Muslims to address in their communities (whilst they still have that option) rather than remaining denial & hiding behind CT.

Maintenance of failed status-quo in the UK & across Europe - is not an option (suggest you read up on mainstream British & European public opinion)



[2] /films/2006/09/18/children_of_men_2006_review.shtml
[3] /blogs/newsnight/2006/09/wednesday_20_september_2006.html

  • 404.
  • At 10:28 AM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref James #402

Your question does not make sense, again?


  • 405.
  • At 10:55 AM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Andrew #400

"Feeling like you cannot talk to others about what you really think is awful. So, please generate some more categories!"

... hhhmmmm - still a rather big empathic NO to your & others post 911 CT dialogue - now matter how you grease it up :)


  • 406.
  • At 11:15 AM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

James @ 402

vikingar doesn't answer questions he just reels off rhetoric/propaganda in 'loop mode'.

Or pretends he doesn't understand (@ 403), perhaps 'It does not compute'.

Answering any questions would require thoughtfulness and insight, does vikingar have these qualities I wonder?

  • 407.
  • At 02:01 PM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Bridge Dunne #406

"Answering any questions would require thoughtfulness and insight, does vikingar have these qualities I wonder?"

In ans to your #355 [1]

.... any help?




  • 408.
  • At 02:29 PM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

Ref vikingar 405

The question makes perfect sense, you are just avoiding it.

  • 409.
  • At 05:11 PM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • bikingfar wrote:

vikingarOS for dummies

10 ask vikingar a question
20 vikingar replies with innanity
30 goto 10


Fascism has always been the most powerful of opiates, so i can understand your need to keep jacking up on it

I suggest you start thinking and cease following, you may find yourself one of those who DON'T want the world to resemble hollywood, i heartily recommend rejecting any form of leadership, you may find yourself

Stop following, for your own sake

Especially i suggest that blindly continuing to be an accidental fascist will only come back on you in the end

...p.s. Newsnight, who's the new illustrious leader being touted tonight, it's not John Reid perchance ? hope not (I'm uncomfortable about giving nazi salutes !)


  • 410.
  • At 05:35 PM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Newsnight I think it's time you closed the Vikingar thread, it's not going anywhere. Maybe you could reassign him to a different area of the site

  • 411.
  • At 05:53 PM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • bikingfar wrote:

vikingarOS for dummies

10 ask vikingar a question
20 vikingar replies with innanity
30 goto 10


Fascism has always been the most powerful of opiates, so i can understand your need to keep jacking up on it

I suggest you start thinking and cease following, you may find yourself one of those who DON'T want the world to resemble hollywood, i heartily recommend rejecting any form of leadership, you may find yourself

Stop following, for your own sake

Especially i suggest that blindly continuing to be an accidental fascist will only come back on you in the end

...p.s. Newsnight, who's the new illustrious leader being touted tonight, it's not John Reid perchance ? hope not, we've been through the 'bush'es already ;)


  • 412.
  • At 07:40 PM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

CONSPIRACY "a crispy con" THEORY

Hope this helps others to find courgae to seek some professional help :)

"According to many psychologists, a person who believes in one conspiracy theory is often a believer in other conspiracy theories and conversely for a person who does not believe in one conspiracy theory there is a lower probability that he, or she, will believe in another one"

"Psychologists believe that the search for meaningfulness features largely in conspiracism and the development of conspiracy theories. That desire alone may be powerful enough to lead to the initial formulation of the idea"

"Once cognized, confirmation bias and avoidance of cognitive dissonance may reinforce the belief. In a context where a conspiracy theory has become popular within a social group, communal reinforcement may equally play a part"

For further asistance [2]




  • 413.
  • At 08:14 PM on 25 Sep 2006,
  • Jayhawk wrote:

Do it now Newsnight and put us all out of our misery...

  • 414.
  • At 11:58 AM on 26 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

CONSPIRACY "a crispy con" THEORY

Hope this helps others to find courgae to seek some professional help :)

"According to many psychologists, a person who believes in one conspiracy theory is often a believer in other conspiracy theories and conversely for a person who does not believe in one conspiracy theory there is a lower probability that he, or she, will believe in another one"

"Psychologists believe that the search for meaningfulness features largely in conspiracism and the development of conspiracy theories. That desire alone may be powerful enough to lead to the initial formulation of the idea"

"Once cognized, confirmation bias and avoidance of cognitive dissonance may reinforce the belief. In a context where a conspiracy theory has become popular within a social group, communal reinforcement may equally play a part"

For further asistance [2]




  • 415.
  • At 12:59 PM on 26 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

Vikingar, I'll try asking the question in another way...

Why would a young muslim man, that believes that 911 was an inside job, and is outraged that there is a conspiracy by government to condemn his people as terrorists, go on to become a terrorist, and in doing so become the very thing that he believes his people are being wrongly accused of being?

Why would he give legitamacy to the condemnation of his people, when he expressly believed that Islamic terrorism was being created by the governemnt to discredit his people?

It is not the question that makes no sense, it is the answers you'd have to give to answer it.

  • 416.
  • At 03:10 PM on 26 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (412);
> "Once [the OV] is cognized, confirmation bias and
> avoidance of cognitive dissonance may reinforce
> the [OV] belief. In a context where a[n OV] conspiracy
> theory has become popular within a social group,
> communal reinforcement [of the OV] may equally
> play a part"

James (415); good question

btw: On Sunday evening, RAI-3, a state-owned TV channel in Italy, aired a Special Report on 911 CTs

  • 417.
  • At 04:40 PM on 26 Sep 2006,
  • buyblingcar wrote:

To the Newsnight crew..."first your mortgages, then your lives"

Well, who say's WE'RE the loonies ?

As predicted, john reid gets the green light from 'valued' voters
(i'm sure i spotted some twitching Dr Strangelove-esque right arms)

Beggars belief it does

"we LIKE john reid, he's not old"
"we LIKE john reid, he's not shifty looking"

"we DON'T like gordon brown, he's too old"
"we DON'T like gordon brown, he's shifty looking"

whoa, am I missing something here ?

Have i just entered the TWILIGHT ZONE ?

Please, illoonynutty, please just stop, it's all been fun, but stop interfering in things, and it'll all be alright, you've overstepped the mark, those 'voter' patsies are so patently labotomised, it' just so obvious

What next ? john bush, sorry, reid has some big 'terrorist' attack here in london ?

you think you're so FUNNY, playing us all for chumps

Dr josef vikingar, happy fascist says:

"Deathcamps or medication, then deathcamps for all !"

...answer the question, Dr vikingar


  • 418.
  • At 06:02 PM on 26 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref James #369 #415

To me the question (both versions) does still not make sense, esp since its loaded.

Nether the less 鈥...

I have never prescribed to the notion that a reasonable British Muslim will be made into a terrorist by nothing more than false accusation (that is a laughable notion).

I have never prescribed to the notion that a reasonable British Muslim will be made into a terrorist by temporary necessary robust security measures (suitable in wartime) designed to tackle terrorism, even if they are directly affected (that is a laughable notion).

I have never prescribed to the notion that a reasonable British Muslim will be made into a terrorist even if they object to government policy

In respect of these above, I have far more faith in my fellow British citizens, regardless of faith, than the terrorists have & those with CT agenda have.

However, the vulnerable in our society (by age, by circumstance, by maturity issues, by psychological issues etc) are susceptible to the above scenarios & also to mixed messages (the result of AGENDA).

If a vulnerable British Muslims faith in notion of British Society (fairplay & justice - wart n all) is undermined (by the deliberate promotion of CT, 911 and/or July Bombings variety & false arguments about who is killing Muslims abroad etc) they become far more liable to fall under the Islamic Extremists spell, even if the is CT is promoted by non Muslims (but radicals all the same).

How many domestic non Muslim pressure groups (anti war/capitalism/america/israel) in order to make domestic political gain, intentionally promote inflammatory messages & attempt moral fusing between terrorist atrocity & mantra & legitimate government policy & action, have also resulted in radicalising the vulnerable (perhaps not to the extent such groups intended)

The cumulative effective of such mixed message promotions & deliberate corrosive post 911 CT (directly/indirectly) is something I have waxed lyrical 'ad nauseum' why I believe individuals & groups with AGENDAS use it to their own ends which includes the deliberate aim to radicalise & confuse the vulnerable #150 #161 #398 etc

For this reason, in the infowar, there will also be Islamic Extremists out their promoting Post 911 CT, to undermine faith in those societies & the reputations of those societies, to help create & influence the disaffected & vulnerable.

The recent poll of British Muslims revealed 36% believe in the causes behind 7th July bombings (given the communities population in the UK of 1.6 million) 576,000 British Muslims are potential/active supporters in Islamic Extremism - whatever its manifestation [1]

This is the scale of the threat to national security & societal peace in The United Kingdom - this unfortunately is an ANSWER that makes loads of SENSE (even to the enemy).

This is also why such groups (Islamic extremists, CT protagonists etc) are kidding themselves if they think 98% of the mainstream British population will not respond to such real & tangible threats & empower their government to do so (esp in lieu of public reaction & desires to do something).

CT = Corrosive Tripe




  • 419.
  • At 11:55 PM on 26 Sep 2006,
  • zippedydoodar wrote:

vikingar = CT = Complete Twit

Your "statistics" are probably as unbiased and 'ph neutral' as you yourself are

I suggest, vikingar, that you try to understand that every vote not cast in this country, is not apathy related, it is related to the realisation that in the current situation, a vote for any party, is a vote for more of the same, that things, under politics, cannot ever get better

It is YOUR corrosive fascist agenda, the agenda which you are so representative of, that has got us where we are, where we (and you) are thought of as servants of the government, rather than the government being our servant

The government, unlike you, are not stupid however, they know that the more they show how unrepresentative democracy is, the more they can make the collapse of society a self fulfiling prophecy, enabling (you really like that word, eh ?) any old tripe to be touted (another vikingar fave) as 'mainstream opinion'

And, as the majority apparently suspect, the government is not above blowing things up in order to enable yet more unpleasant laws, and yet more war, dragging not only themselves, but us down

I doubt any of those who voted labour in would have done so with hindsight (no 'stats' required), and the attitudes you espouse are anathema to all the typical people, that in your twisted mind, you assume you speak for

Tory = labour = war = increased poverty gap = more corporate control = death of the myth of democracy = CT = Complete Travesty


  • 420.
  • At 02:36 AM on 27 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref zippedydoodar #418 or whichever of your word play guises above

1. Good example of the fringe at play with their many agenda ...

"Tory = labour = war = increased poverty gap = more corporate control = death of the myth of democracy = CT = Complete Travesty"

2. Obviously not without a bit of CT thrown in ....

"And, as the majority apparently suspect, the government is not above blowing things up in order to enable yet more unpleasant laws, and yet more war, dragging not only themselves, but us down"

'majority'? ... of those amongst CT protagnists sure :)

3. Cannot go without mentioning the word fascist (i.e. anyone who does not agree with their spun creed) ...

"It is YOUR corrosive fascist agenda"

4. Don't like stats? in #417?

"Your "statistics" are probably as unbiased and 'ph neutral' as you yourself are"

So here is the same org commissioned by Channel 4 on same topic [1] also some more polls & stats from:
- The Daily Telegraph [2a]
- The Times [2b]
- The 麻豆官网首页入口 [2c]

Also reassuring to a hear from a British Muslim who has made the effort & speaks rather more sense than the radical fringe [3]


That's the problem with the radical fringe, the mainstream for some reason? never sides with them?

They are an alternative ... to sanity

So they have to use what's available hence their promotion of Post 911 CT to enable their agenda.

Sad, predictable & rather fringe. But no wonder as they do not have any electoral base, they reject the society that rejects them & their loony politics.

It's a real sign of desperation & illustrates the spiralling fall .... from the cause of the Miners in 1980's (real) to promotion of Post 911 CT in 21st Century (fantasy) - rather sad :(

... 'right on' comrade, which way to the commune?



[2c] [

  • 421.
  • At 09:51 AM on 27 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew (400),

The issue is the difference between a CT of hate and one of compassion. With hate comes blindness. You don't feel compassion for those who are desperately deserving but, strangely, you find a fake version for those much less so. The Nazi analogy starkly underlines this.

The Nazis felt - or at least said they felt - great compassion for 'suffering people groups' of their day, for example the 'oppressed' Sudetan German minority in Czechoslovakia. Of course, they cared nothing for the millions of Jews, Gypsies and Slavs soon dying of starvation and extermination under their own hand. Or for those like the Armenians who had gone through the same kind of genocide a few decades before. (Cf Hitler's cynical comment: 'Who remembers the Armenians now?' - cynicism that was a key driver towards the Holocaust.)

That's the worst example in history of such blindness and double standards. But I am not convinced that all 911 CTists are operating from true compassion, to put it mildly. The very real threat of genocide with millions of defenceless victims right now in Darfur is downplayed. And yet such mass murder is the very heart of what the most evil conspiracies on earth are up to. Such lack of concern simply doesn't compute. Perish the thought, but is it because the saintly bin Laden was directly involved in setting the current Sudanese regime on its course from 1989?

Instead, the suffering of poor Muslims in places like the UK is highlighted. I'm not saying that, like the Sudetan Germans, such people don't have the odd inconvenience. And, if you listen carefully, not a few explain their trials through highly anti-semitic CTs, based on the same notorious forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, that the Nazis used long ago. Then the other week I hear a radical Muslim say to a black man at Speaker's Corner, "You should be our slave." Hmm, that's how the slavs got their name, after all. The parallels are sobering indeed, if we are not blinded by our own version of hate.

Of course, you and I agree that a pure love of the truth is cause enough for anyone to question the OV of 911. That's great, if that's all there is.

But let's talk more about blindness. Even moderate 911 truthers like David Ray Griffin finger the 'Neocons' as a group. This is based of course on one phrase in the notorious PNAC paper of 2000, 鈥淩ebuilding America鈥檚 Defenses". Note though that such disclosure would be unprecedented in the history of such conspiracies as told by such writers, from the Reichstag Fire to Operation Northwoods. In this highly anomalous case we are asked to believe that the intention of those at the heart of the evil cabal was expressed publically on the World Wide Web just a year before the event itself. Such wacky reasoning leads those less sophisticated than David to say that these men clearly were the mass-murderers of 911. And thus (it seems to me) to hate and remain blind.

This comes out very strongly in the piece Bridget pointed to, rather than speak a word in support of the black peoples of Darfur, when I first raised that issue:

'The international campaign to pressure Sudan has among its sponsors the very political forces who were the strongest supporters of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. ... Some of the groups expressing great concern for refugees in Darfur were silent or were active supporters of the Israeli bombing of Lebanon that created over 1 million refugees. ... Although the Save Darfur Campaign lists many religious and civil rights endorsers, the campaign is an initiative of the most right-wing evangelical Christians and major Zionist organizations. The Jerusalem Post of April 27, in an article entitled 鈥淯.S. Jews Leading Darfur Rally Planning,鈥 described the role of prominent Zionist organizations in a similar 鈥淪ave Darfur鈥 rally in Washington, D.C., on April 30. The National Association of Evangelicals, the World Evangelical Alliance and other religious groups that strongly support Bush are the other major force in the coalition for Darfur.'

I hold no brief to defend 'right-wing evangelical Christians' or anyone else mentioned. But who cares who was involved, working alongside many concerned left-liberals like George Clooney and Desmond Tutu? The need is so great. If any of the above were touched by compassion - or even if some have mixed motives - no problem. It's the suffering poor in Darfur that count. And stopping those conspiring to murder them.

The 'Neocons' are deeply distrusted by 911 Truthers. But was John Bolton really a mass-murderer speaking from the dark heart of cynicism when he introduced George Clooney and Elie Wiesel to the UN the other day?

Listen to it yourself. The real conspirators rejoice in all genocide, all that creates more human suffering, hatred and conflict for them to manipulate and control. At least that's the way I've seen it since 1976, when I first knew that the Cambodian genocide was happening and first investigated such dark matters. In this case Bolton meets Clooney at a dinner just after he and his father get back from Darfur, hears about their deep concern to get the word out and finds a way to give them a global platform to plead for the defenceless. Not the kind of plotting that I'm in the habit of praying against.

But you'll miss all that and not take part in one of the most important moral struggles of our generation if you're blinded by wrong theories of 911. And that really matters.

  • 422.
  • At 12:32 PM on 27 Sep 2006,
  • pipingchar wrote:

Laugh Out Loud vikingar...WHO believes what the mainstream media has to say thesedays ?

vikingar, you cannot fool all the people all the time, unlike you, I have confidence in peoples ability to read and realise, think for themselves who and what they really are, rather than be 'coerced' into siding with fascism...you REALLY think you're living in Starship Troopers don't you ? :D...The irony is, that in many ways, our glorious leaders wish we were that far down the road to a global unified fascist planet

Richard Drake...That's a lot of nice words, covering up the fact that you're deliberately misunderstanding Bridget Dunne, not so very Christian as you pretend...I took her point to be that the application of "peacekeeping" forces are A) Applied more where there are assets for the G8 etc to 'protect', or political gains to be made, and B) Usually, once it's all gone off the mainstream news radar, these 'peacekeepers' mutate into 'protection' for 'reconstruction' in the affected place, these are fronts for what is actually the takeover of the soveriegn nation

To clarify, just incase vikingar tries to paint me as fringe (wrong again, vikingar, not a muslim either - is that your biggest talking point? calling everyone religious names, or threatening ?)...

...I believe in the idea of democracy, but this thing we have is a fake...I do not believe in any overpowering deity, nor do i feel the need for anyone to have superiority over me...I support our fighting forces, but not what they've been set about doing...I think, it's all too clear, that all our modern myths (freedom, sophistication in society) are blown clear out of the water, this has become a feudal lordocracy, 'Pharmaceuticorpworld', the land of the power in the hands of the few, home of the coward [vikingar], land of do as we tell you, or be called a terrorist

This IS nOT the way it should be


  • 423.
  • At 02:01 PM on 27 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (420);

> You don't feel compassion for those who are
> desperately deserving but, strangely, you find a fake
> version for those much less so.

You have taken an absence of words in this conspiracy theory forum, regarding the people of Darfur, as equal to my not feeling compassion for them. I suggest you examine your logic, the title of this blog, and an apology wouldn't be amiss either for this, and implying I think like a Nazi.

You also got on your high horse with Bridget (363, 365), implying she's into Holocaust Denial, because she didn't respond to your request for clarification. You seem to have a predilection for libel, imho. Assuming The Guardian article about Bridget is correct, I do wonder what you have achieved in life, in order to have the moral upper-hand on a foster care worker. In case you are operating on the assumption that people must respond to your requests, I suggest you analyse your own behaviour with regard to my request in 288 and 324.

Also, your logic that 911 CTs are solely driven by hate is, imho, faulty - do you make the claim that all crime investigators are driven by hate? Woe betide the justice system if you reformed it.

  • 424.
  • At 04:03 PM on 27 Sep 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar is singing from the same hymn sheet as a recently declassified Key Judgement from a US National Intelligence Estimate;

"Anti-US and anti-globalization sentiment is on the rise and fueling other radical ideologies. This could prompt some leftist, nationalist, or separatist groups to adopt terrorist methods to attack US interests. The radicalization process is occurring more quickly, more widely, and more anonymously in the Internet age, raising the likelihood of surprise attacks by unknown groups whose members and supporters may be difficult to pinpoint." [1]

With regard to [1], Valtin commented yesterday:
"This sinister amalgam is to equate leftist, nationalists, anti-globalization activists, etc., with fundamentalist Islamic terrorism. It assumes such terrorism will occur, and, as such, is a set-up for a crackdown on such groups.

If the suspension of habeas corpus, the spread of state terror through the use of torture, and the labelling of U.S. citizens as "combatants" isn't enough, this quote should remind us of how the government is thinking of handling those who won't follow the Decider's dictates. This is ominous." [2]

One good thing about Vikingar (I like to see the good in people!) is that at least he represents the official US view, if such thing there be.


[1] "Declassified Key Judgments of the National Intelligence Estimate "Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States" dated April 2006 -


  • 425.
  • At 07:01 PM on 27 Sep 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew (422)

>You have taken an absence of words in this conspiracy theory forum,
>regarding the people of Darfur ...

as absence of real interest, or at least lack of passion on the subject, I fully admit. And if Bridget takes the trouble, in response, to post a link to a page which only criticises current campaigners, like Clooney, Tutu and Wiesel, and seems to offer complete moral support to the murderous Sudanese government - a page that I was very shocked that anyone outside of Islamism could have even written - then I take that as a very strong public statement that either she does not care about the genocide or (I can only surmise) that she thinks that it is an illusion created by the pernicious mainstream media.

For me, at least, conspiracy to commit mass murder, or to gain power or make money from such atrocities, is more important than, for example, whether the moon landings were faked. Of conspiracies involving mass murder, 300,000 already dead (Darfur) is more important than 3,000 (9-11). Although the latter was awful and all its disturbing anomalies should be thoroughly investigated.

I did read the title of the blog and I've been speaking to it. Where did anyone say that this page was solely about 9-11 and 7-7? Who's trying to broaden the theme into the most pressing areas of humanitarian concern and who's trying to shut that effort down, because the issues raised are far too challenging?

I note that you do not pick up on the challenge just of John Bolton's recent actions, let alone of others styled by their enemies as neoconservatives.

>Also, your logic that 911 CTs are solely driven by hate is ...

neither what I said nor what I believe. I don't think, for example, that any of Jim Hoffman, David Ray Griffin or Steven Jones are driven by hate. But I have some real concerns about some of the many others that I've read or met.

I take it from your post that you accept my point that any conspiracy to commit genocide is worse than that to rob a bank and that, on reflection, you are grateful for that basic observation.

What was perhaps not clear in my earlier post was that the 'you' in the first paragraph was generic. The challange applies to all of us, if we let it. It takes a real moral effort to avoid this trap of hatred, of becoming much too like the conspirators we seek to expose.

  • 426.
  • At 11:09 PM on 27 Sep 2006,
  • the cure wrote:


THERE IS A CURE for 'global warming', which is a hilarious 'psy-op' joke on you all, designed to make you feel guilty and 'right-on' when you pay ever more money for dirty fuels for you cars and heating

when on the 11th september 2001, the wtc was attaked, the u.s. ran its long mooted excercise designed to determine the real world effects of high altitude air pollution, all 'useless eater' flights were cancelled, and guess what ? america got hotter

make the fuel cleaner in jet aircraft

and then, IF things start hotting up, we got your solution right here pal...

"got global warming ?...send up the jets"


P.S. birdflu is another psy-op, it's a fake

  • 427.
  • At 05:15 PM on 28 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:


The massacres in Darfur (at the behest & hand of Islamic Extremists) in pursuit of religious political zeal, continue & the threat loams large of real full blown genocide (not just acts of such).

In respect of this blog, Darfur provides a regrettable but useful real world example to gauge many Post 911 CT believers general attitudes, let alone other AGENDA.

They should hang their heads in same, again.

Impossible we known, propped up as it is by the rigamortis of intransient beliefs & agenda.

Again, others real world suffering, providing another tactical prop to misuse & misrepresent in their in pursuance of their aims & agenda.


  • 428.
  • At 09:33 PM on 28 Sep 2006,
  • mimingparp wrote:

yet again vikingar stands up as proud PR man to the CIA backed "islamic" terrorism used all the world over, this has nothing to do with islam

the global coup rolls on

islam is the current CIA nom de guerre

and also, it seems, is 'vikingar'


  • 429.
  • At 02:32 AM on 29 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

When all this clap trap (CT) gets pushed & touted by those with agenda (which this blog gloriously demonstrates) we should be reminded about REAL issues & REAL responsibility/culpability (all round, not just the favourite bogeymen).

ISLAMIC EXTREMISM - the 'enemy within' progressive democratic societies

For example, why was it the left & many of the liberal left, pursued beliefs & policies which enabled Islamic Extremism to take root pre 911 within progressive democratic societies.

Post 911 they have been equally absent from the debate, refusing to take sides against such terrorism (& at times acting as PR Commissars & apologists for such, given their moral equivalency & mixed message arguments).

Pointedly, the Left & the Liberal Left have failed to side with the very progressive democratic societies that enables the rights they take for granted (& in many cases have helped to establish). Rather its all been about anti-war & the other bolt on issues & agendas [0] intentionally ignoring the continuing significant societal threat in our midst - why?

- unable to admit they got it wrong (again) on society, people & politics e.g. multiculturalism [1]
- egos before pragmatism?
- other 'right on' agenda?

Rather they look to legitimise & promote the 'we started it' argument which they argue inflames terrorism, instead of asking why is it non indigenous sections of our society are so vulnerable & combustible (culturally speaking - 'tinder box dry') & how did that come about since these communities are relatively so new in these shores.

A welcomed revised British view [2a] [2b]

A welcomed revised American view [2c]

THE LIBERAL LEFT & THE LEFT v ISLAM (voices of dissent)

Ayaan Hirsi Ali a good example about when liberal left does decide to take a view on Islamic Issues, as commented on by The Daily Telegraph in 2002 [3].

The Guardian (often great but when not its really bad) as usual was trying to have it any & all ways in 2002 [4a] then in 2005 [4b] then changed gear in 2006 [4c] before issuing its 'coup de grace' 2006 [4d]

The world has suffered Islamic Terrorism [5] the litany of actual atrocity & thwarted attacks (in court & under investigation from the US, UK, EU, Australia etc) 鈥 so does the Liberal Left now have an opinion?

Yes, even the Liberal Left on occasion does have a view on radical Islam & that view is 鈥︹ [6a] 鈥ven The Guardian promotes one [6b]


Much better to spend time & effort examining these REAL issues which have REAL bearing on our societies, than indulging fantasy CT of too many sad people with internet connection 鈥. & above all AGENDA.




  • 430.
  • At 09:23 AM on 29 Sep 2006,
  • shiningspar wrote:

Well, dear reader

Yet again, vikingar has a hell of a lot of info for a concerned citizen, doesn't he now ?

He's just doing his job, 'cos he's stupid and thinks that by working for the Fascist, he'll get a microchip that doesn't tell him what to do, unlike (he thinks), the rest of you

Yes, the plan has got that insane, yes, they do want to turn you into overt slaves. FOREVER.

Don't be fooled by vikingars swathes of 'information' and 'opinion'

The guys whose bidding he is doing, believe in the devil, and basically ARE the devil

If this is a free society, there won't ever be a growing superstate, and if i'm wrong, then you'll all know that the world is going how you think it should

It self evidently is not going how it should

The established powers only intervene in Genocide once they've managed to get it going, and only if it suits them to do so, that's reality, it is vikingars facts that are the fantasy

No matter what vikingar replies with, he's trying to combat your freedom of thought, he thinks he's getting somewhere by vomiting out his rubbish over and over, if he's just a concerned citizen as he would like you to believe, he won't engage directly with me as i'm clearly mad

If he tries to argue, call me names or responds with another ton of 'useful opinion', then you have your final proof that all the stuff about 911 being part of the plan to create a new world order, that all these "wars on terror" are part of the global new world order plan, and that a new world order will be the end of civilisation as we know it (dressed up as the finest civilisation in all history), they think they're going to succeed, they want to turn you and your children into overt slaves. FOREVER.

You're already in a slave society, get yourself informed, and save yourself and the world can be saved too

Stop believing that the problem has not been covertly created by the government, like vikingar, they are working for someone more powerful, in the hope of having some gain themselves

Stop believing that the enenmy of the day is real, it is assembled by groups like the CIA, to have the appearance of being real, then the overwhelmingly controlled 'news' disseminates the lie

Stop believing that the savior is your 'leaders' they don't work for you, they work for someone else

The war on terror is intended to go on FOREVER and EVER, and is based on lies, it might move location, but it will NEVER END

Start looking beyond the walls the likes of vikingar think you're confined within

Our 'leaders' don't listen to us because that would interfere with their AGENDA, a centralised global fascist government, don't wait until they've succeeded to realise it's happening

This isn't about supporting the BNP or Labour, or Conservatives, or UKIP or Sharia Law, or terrorism, these and more stem from the same centralised control structure

vikingar is HERE to help prevent you from breaking out of the virtual prison, before they can make the prison real by YOUR OWN HAND

Social decay is a deliberate, intentional byproduct, of the 'governments' "best efforts", they want you to run to them to save you from an enemy within, and an enemy without, but you'd be running to the murderer to get justice for the murder

By the way, don't consume products with aspartame, it's a killer and they know it

The world has gone mad, and vikingar is a symptom, and he wants to keep your infection critical and paralysing

Me, i stopped believing in diseases like vikingar a long time ago

vikingar has a helmet
but the horns are part of his head
he thinks you won't notice
but his humanity's already dead
if he does what they say
he thinks his life it will save
never mind that they'll take his family
on another day
and so he battles on
witless to his ruin
the only thing he's guaranteed
is his doom a little less soon

What tac next time vikingar ? happy fascist with smilies, or linksville armageddon , or both ?


  • 431.
  • At 09:49 AM on 29 Sep 2006,
  • hypinguar wrote:

Read the guardian much do you vikingar ?

Or do you work in marketing FOR the guardian ?

Oh, by the way, wikipedia also has about as much integrity as fudge in the sun


  • 432.
  • At 09:49 AM on 29 Sep 2006,
  • James wrote:

In Al Gore's film, An Incovenient Truth, he asserts that there is a conspiracy among the powers that be, to hide the truth about global warming. This conspiracy includes the active supression and persecution of scientists and the administration forcing scientists to change conclusions or add material they did not write. He believes there is a conspiracy to commit active science fraud. It is also touted by the US government that there is a junk science conspiracy to promote the, at least in their publically stated opinion, flawed theories of global warming.

Both of these stances are conspiracy theories, are they considered to be so nuts when they come from such figures, well outside the 'fringe'?

Al Gore is effectively asserting that the US government is putting the lives of billions at stake, knowingly, to serve short-term business and political interests. Is he wrong?

Is it such a leap to extrapolate that the US government may be willing, through inactivity, to risk thousands of New York residents lives, in order to serve business and political interests?

  • 433.
  • At 01:42 PM on 29 Sep 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref shiningspar #430 (& the others multiple IDs above)

"If he tries to argue, call me names or responds with another ton of 'useful opinion', then you have your final proof that all the stuff about 911 being part of the plan to create a new world order, that all these "wars on terror" are part of the global new world order plan, and that a new world order will be the end of civilisation as we know it (dressed up as the finest civilisation in all history), they think they're going to succeed, they want to turn you and your children into overt slaves. FOREVER"


Well someone has a high opinion of themselves :)

Believe you would be far happier venting on www.guardian.co.uk/talk believe the Newsnight audience a tag bit non radical fringe for this type of creative fantasy speculation.

鈥.pssst 鈥 you have to make a coherent point, even if people don't agree with what you say, you at least have to make sense

CT = clap trap


  • 434.
  • At 02:44 AM on 01 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

(Cross posted from Newsnight Review blog.)

Thanks to Johann Hari for one priceless anecdote last night: of US police recently demanding, politely, that he move out of the way so that some "Stop the Police State Coalition" could exercise their freedom by marching through shouting 'Pigs!' at them all.

James Billington has written of the global obsession with Illuminism in the early 19th century (with Shelley obsessing more than most in the UK). He wryly points out that where such proto-revolutionary occult groups had the least presence, the USA, there was the most concern from the paranoid right about their secret influence.

What a delicious example of a nearly perfect mirror-image of the problem in the early 21st century from the paranoid left.

  • 435.
  • At 06:05 AM on 01 Oct 2006,
  • hypinguar wrote:

vikingar...only one smilie and only one, incomplete link ?...you're not exactly trying are you ?

Laugh Out Loud, I didn't write all the above synonym comments, i think you're facing more than one adversary here

Easily confused, huh vikingar ?

I think the above made perfect sense, you're a shill, you're so determined to keep arguing over a harmless conspiraloon, you provide proof that you're doing this for a reason beyond simple concern, you threaten myself and others with incarceration for being dangerous, and also suggest myself and others should seek medical assistance for being less than capable

In your earliest postings, you remained polite, then as you got less and less respectful, losing your 'OV' credibility on the way, you made the thread into one where apparently anything can be said, as rude as you like (as long as it's 'on message' with Newsnights "truthseeker" mission)

so now you're partially locked into this by wanting the final insult, and that makes you a loser, and your (try not to get aroused by your favourite word here) AGENDA becomes a self killing prophecy...tell the reader that anyone who isn't naive enough to believe this al-quada tosh is an idiot and they'll get back into line ? amusing notion, and i'm sure you're right ;)

You fire link after link at these discerning readers who you claim already have it all worked out - and therefore don't need your GCSE level critique :D

You love that Guardian, eh, vikinguard ?

Or do you work in marketing FOR the guardian ?

Oh, by the way, wikipedia also has about as much integrity as fudge in the sun

vikingar said..."believe the Newsnight audience a tag bit non radical fringe for this type of creative fantasy speculation.

鈥.pssst 鈥 you have to make a coherent point, even if people don't agree with what you say, you at least have to make sense"

...yep, i think you did an admirable job of proving your own point there, nice one

vikingar said "Well someone has a high opinion of themselves :)"

err, you're the one with the pompous pseudo-intimidatory nomenclature, you have such a high opinion of yourself that just because it's YOU choosing a team, it's alright to choose fascism, i'd rather choose no team, and be willing to ask questions, you keep going with the CT = whatever bit, along your "case closed" line of argument, but you know by now, that no matter how often you try to put the lid back on the box with your 'judgement', it is out of desperation rather than the power you covet or fantasize you possess

here's one for you vikingar...CT = Continually Trying (as in getting nowhere)

What is fantastic and makes you powerless is that no-one needs to openly report to you that they've started to see through this media manufactured 'reality', they don't need to get your approval, they can just look, read and watch, to whatever extent they want, and you don't need to know, it is precisely that which allows your delusions of grandeur and delusions of being on the same page as the majority, a majority most of which are in the groups you threaten, but they are simply peaceloving, righteous and well adjusted people, and you just cannot stand that, can you ?

I think that the Newsnight viewer is quite discerning too, vikingar, that's why they aren't rushing to agree with you, they also know that Newsnight is 'on message', thanks to their discerning minds

I'd go further actually, vikingar, and say that those same discerning viewers mainly watch Newsnight because they prefer their propaganda a little less 'Kaplinsky', but they still see it, and you for what it and you are

Richard Drake, the point is that the police are people just the same as anyone else - same as a soldier, but they can both be put to serious misuse...i bet you would never expect the treatment described if you stood outside a police station yelling "pigs"

the police, like the army, are nice when it suits them, when it doesn't suit them (and often without just cause) they can be total thugs, it's all a matter of orders


  • 436.
  • At 10:01 AM on 01 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Dearest vikingar soundalike

I wish that you wouldn't do that soundalike stuff. Like the numberless others that you claim are doing the same. When we address you, which person do we mean? It makes me sound stupid even trying. (Me, of all people!) Well, I suppose that you're not numberless in the end. It's just that no continuity can be assumed. Let's start again.

Dearest number 435

The point is not that police anywhere in the world, in any age, sometimes misuse their powers or are used by others to that end. It is that Johann Hari had an experience in real life that showed how little those who believe that the USA is already a police state (in the same sense that Nazi Germany was, say) are living in the real world. And that such people (as I assume you to be, number 435) don't seem to get either the humour or the gravity of being that out ot touch with reality.

This was nowhere better expressed than on an pioneering wiki that I once moderated:

"Richard K: You can't expect people raised in a police state to respect non-violence, egalitarianism and human freedom. Even Americans who profess peace and non-violence easily become rabid and vicious, threatening people who disagree with them with physical violence.

Tom K: Yes, a police state, that's what the USA is! Why, I remember when I wanted to move across the country, I had to get permission from the local -- oh, no I didn't, I just moved. But I do remember when the government told me which university I was going to attend and what my major -- wait, no, wrong country. It must have been right before I was drafted... except, that's right, the USA doesn't have a draft. But how could I forget that midnight knock on the door after I voted against the party in power -- except it wasn't jackbooted thugs come to toss me in prison incommunicado for a month, it was my roommate who had left his keys on the kitchen table. No, no, I have it now! I once ran a red light, and I got a ticket in the mail, because they had a camera on the intersection, the Filthy Fascists!

So tell me, Richard, how many years have you spent festering in detention under the American Police State?"


I'm proud to have made just that one interaction possible in January 2002. And that Mr Kreitzberg, of Washington, a Dominican lay preacher, is someone I still think of as a friend.

It's best to get real. Learning to laugh at the ridiculousness of one's own prejudices and foibles is as a good a way as any.

  • 437.
  • At 12:59 PM on 01 Oct 2006,
  • hypinguar wrote:

in reference to the last line you wrote, Richard..."quite"

and that is precisely what I have been saying to vikingar and HIS rhetoric of be afraid, and trust in your leaders

The murder of Jean Charles DeMenezez, was symbolic of the way we, and the police and special forces, can be whipped into a frenzy in which terrorism, rather ironically, can be released instead of prevented

Let's look at the Corpseboard
'terrorists' allegedly 5,000 - 'good guys' conservatively - 150,000...who's the real terrorists then ?

The police and military forces are increasingly fulfilling a near identical role, that of out of control lawmen, the army is supposed to exist to fight wars, then the u.n. started reformulating the military as 'peacekeepers', now they are apparently, nothng more than 'camoflaged police'

Forgive me, but i don't and will not ever find the shooting gallery that still is Iraq funny

We're also losing in Afganistan

If the police state is so funny, why aren't you laughing at the government ordered and ongoing Operation Iraqi Deathsquad ?

These are 'police', keeping false evidence in their humvees, and killing, at will, innocent men, women and childen

Torture has become "acceptable" in our sick and twisted society, and all you appear to suggest in remedy is disbelief and prayer

Guantanamo Bay is a deliberate (and intentionally publicised worldwide - especially in the east) attempt by america to wind people up into making the terrorism real

Smiling policemen at your end, rape, pain, murder and explosive rounds, and depleted uranium shells at the other, you still have 'friendlies' in the main, because of who and where you are, as a christian, you should regard your Iraqi and Afgani cousin higher than yourself...and even if your Christianity is of the 'prayer, no action, let the day of judgement come' variety, you're in a minority if so, the greatest part of the peoples of the world, KNOW what's happening, and will not let it pass unchallenged

The rigorous control and manufacture of the worlds media leaves you in a position to doubt...the masses in Madrid converged after the Madrid bombs because they knew the government did it, far from being in support of the government, they were trying to send the pseudodemocracy a clear message, one you were blocked from receiving, either from within or without

As a matter of preservation, even if you have no care for children blown apart in the name of a lie, you should be outraged and actively trying to bring Blair to prosecution for HIS warcrimes

As a sentient being you should be outraged by the fascism of Blair

Instead you seem to be the acceptable face of Christian dissent, one of the groups i notice vikingar won't seriously respond to either, IT IS ONLY THOSE WHO WILL NOT ENTER ONE OF THE SHEEP-PENS, THAT VIKINGAR ATTACKS with most persistence, he's the bad sheepdog and you're the good sheepdog, the real good news, is that FEWER AND FEWER PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO ENTER THESE SHEEP-PENS, AND ARE INCREASINGLY FORMULATING THEIR OWN, OPEN EYED IMAGE OF THE WORLD, and that makes them 'dangerous' to the NWO, and i, and many others say "good" to that...whether 'FEAR FEAR FEAR', or 'Come into the house of the Lord', all those control paradigms are dying a death, they are failing, and given the fact that fearmongering and religion have never brought about any real change, this can only be a good thing

While you laugh at the very intelligent souls who know how sick the political corporate death machine is, and apologetically give it the 'Let It Happen On Purpose' line, you're in effect saying that YOU know what is going on, same as anyone else, but that the removal of bush would be a cure all

Not until one considers the insideous nature of things, and their depth, will one be adequately concerned, and appropriately reacting

Bush senior runs america. through little bush, Clinton was a puppet president, and so will Hilary Clinton be, when Bush is 'Thatcherised', and Clinton is 'Blairised'...the hole in the voting percentages, will be the indication of voter enlightenment to this (made a little smaller however, by the computer generated fraudulent ghost votes)

Religion is in real trouble when "those with eyes" do not see the truth, and instead mock the knowing rather than facing the danger

  • 438.
  • At 08:32 PM on 01 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref #437 authored by MPD / DID *

* with ref to numerous other multiple poster IDs as above - presumably to reflect some disorder and/or lack of sincerity & belief in their own pseudonym /virtual handle [1]

" 鈥︹ ...the masses in Madrid converged after the Madrid bombs because they knew the government did it 鈥."

鈥h 鈥. Tapas Post 911 CT [2]

Q. does that also come with choice of wine from our socialist hosts?

Meantime [3]




  • 439.
  • At 02:57 PM on 02 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Re 427

>As a sentient being you should be outraged by the fascism of Blair

Ah yes, outraged by his fascism. Including presumably

1. Putting you, no 427, in jail, then torturing and killing you if you don't recant from attacking him publically

2. Suspending elections and taking all other steps, including killing his political opponents, so that he no longer loses power next year and ultimately becomes head of state

3. Beginning genocide against all Blacks, or Muslims, or any other such minority, in the UK.

In talking of a police state I made clear that I meant similarity to Nazi Germany. In launching such a randomly confused and morally twisted attack on that more light-hearted post you switched to the word fascist. But I have to take it that you agree on Hitler as the model. You believe all the above about Blair. It's going to happen. If it doesn't, your political judgment is shown to be totally wrong. Correct?

Whereas I don't believe that any of the above is going to happen. I don't call Blair a fascist. I believe that to be a far more accurate description of the current rulers of Sudan. They gained power through violence in 1989, since when they have planned and have increasingly been carrying out a ruthless genocide against those that they consider racially inferior.

Why does it matter? You may be right, I may be right. He may be fascist, they may be fascist. That's what Internet discussion, especially of conspiracy theories, is all about, surely?

No, only one problem. The cries of the defenceless, completely real men, women and children of Darfur. Their only hope is what you and I can do on their behalf. In my judgment - and I'm far from alone - there is no equivalent political evil and consequent humanitarian disaster in the world right now.

Don't say that Christians like myself are not active in combatting such evils. Come with me to the orphanages of Romania and Thailand, to the ravaged villages of Eastern Burma, to remote earthquake-devastated Muslim communities in North West Pakistan, to the worldwide hospice movement pioneered in the UK, to refugee camps all over the world where Christians are in the forefront of caring practically for the victims of all kinds of natural disaster and political violence.

The difference is that we seek to discriminate, between hateful fantasy and urgent need. In doing so we show that we care. Just as we do about any evil. We simply reject the fatuous option of blaming all such evil, worldwide, on a handful of soon-to-retire elected leaders of highly affluent countries whose precious freedoms were won through the sacrifices of much better men and women than either of us.

  • 440.
  • At 06:35 PM on 02 Oct 2006,
  • bribingblah wrote:

You're deteriorating steadily, vikingar

Still living in the past ?

Thinking you can brand people with an independant mind as socialist, eh ?

The only ist here, dear, dear, poor deluded vikingar, is you...FASCist

Every one of your pens flies the Swastica flag

Richard, they don't need to act like that here, but they do some of the violent stuff you describe abroad

And they all work for the same organisation, so Blair IS complicit

  • 441.
  • At 06:37 PM on 02 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Richard Drake #439

(think you meant #437 non #427)

But in general ref your #439 .... hear hear

(esp last paragraph)


  • 442.
  • At 07:30 PM on 02 Oct 2006,
  • bribingblah wrote:

You're deteriorating steadily, vikingar

Still living in the past ?

Thinking you can brand people with an independant mind as socialist, eh ?

The only ist here, dear, dear, poor deluded vikingar, is you...FASCist

Every one of your pens flies the Swastica flag

Richard, they don't need to act like that here, but they do some of the violent stuff you describe abroad

And they all work for the same organisation, so Blair IS complicit

  • 443.
  • At 08:01 PM on 02 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

To quote Gerard Holmgren:


Astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will usually be at least one, often several wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it. 'The CIA killed Hendrix', 'The Pope had John Lennon murdered', 'Hitler was half Werewolf', 'Space aliens replaced Nixon with a clone' etc, etc. The bigger the event, the more ridiculous and more numerous are the fanciful rantings which circulate in relation to it.

So its hardly surprising that the events of September 11th, 2001 have spawned their fair share of these ludicrous fairy tales. And as always, there is -- sadly -- a small but gullible percentage of the population eager to lap up these tall tales, regardless of facts or rational analysis.

One of the wilder stories circulating about September 11th -- and one that has attracted something of a cult following amongst conspiracy buffs -- is that it was carried out by nineteen fanatical Arab hijackers, masterminded by an evil genius named Osama bin Laden, with no apparent motivation other than that they 'hate our freedoms.'

Never a group of people to be bothered by facts, the perpetrators of this cartoon fantasy have constructed an elaborately woven web of delusions and unsubstantiated hearsay in order to promote this garbage across the internet and the media to the extent that a number of otherwise rational people have actually fallen under its spell.

Normally I don't even bother debunking this kind of junk, but the effect that this paranoid myth is beginning to have requires a little rational analysis, in order to consign it to the same rubbish bin as all such silly conspiracy theories.

These crackpots even contend that the extremist Bush regime was caught unawares by the attacks, had no hand in organizing them, and actually would have stopped them if it had been able. Blindly ignoring the stand down of the U.S. Air Force, the insider trading on airline stocks -- linked to the CIA -- the complicit behavior of Bush on the morning of the attacks, the controlled demolition of the WTC, the firing of a missile into the Pentagon and a host of other documented proofs that the Bush regime was behind the attacks, the conspiracy theorists stick doggedly to a silly story about nineteen Arab hijackers somehow managing to commandeer four planes simultaneously and fly them around U.S. airspace for nearly two hours, crashing them into important buildings, without the U.S. intelligence services having any idea that it was coming, and without the Air Force knowing what to do.

The huge difficulties with such a stupid story force them to invent even more preposterous stories to distract from its core silliness, and thus the tale has escalated into a mythic fantasy of truly gargantuan proportions.

It's difficult to apply rational analysis to such unmitigated stupidity, but that is the task which I take on in this article. However, it should be noted that one of the curious characteristics of conspiracy theorists is that they effortlessly change their so called evidence in response to each aspect which is debunked. As soon as one delusion is unmasked, they simply invent another to replace it, and deny that the first ever existed. Eventually, when they have turned full circle through this endlessly changing fantasy fog, they then re-invent the original delusion and deny that you ever debunked it, thus beginning the circle once more. This technique is known as 'the fruit loop' and saves the conspiracy theorist from ever having to see any of their ideas through to their (il)logical conclusions.

According to the practitioners of the fruit loop, nineteen Arabs took over four planes by subduing the passengers and crew through the use of guns, knives, box cutters and gas, and then used electronic guidance systems which they had smuggled on board to fly the planes to their targets.

The suspension of disbelief required for this outrageous concoction is only for the hard core conspiracy theorist. For a start, they conveniently skip over the awkward fact that there weren't any Arabs on the planes. If there were, one must speculate that they somehow got on board without being filmed by any of the security cameras and without being registered on the passenger lists. But the curly question of how they are supposed to have got on board is all too mundane for the exciting world of the conspiracy theorist. With vague mumblings that they must have been using false ID -- but never specifying which IDs they are alleged to have used, or how these were traced to their real identities -- they quickly bypass this problem, to relate exciting and sinister tales about how some of the fictitious fiends were actually searched before boarding because they looked suspicious. However, as inevitably happens with any web of lies, this simply paints them into an even more difficult corner. How are they supposed to have got on board with all that stuff if they were searched? And if they used gas in a confined space, they would have been affected themselves unless they also had masks in their luggage.

"Excuse me sir, why do you have a box cutter, a gun, a container of gas, a gas mask and an electronic guidance unit in your luggage?"

"A present for your grandmother? Very well sir, on you get."

"Very strange", thinks the security officer, "that's the fourth Arabic man without an Arabic name who just got on board with a knife, gun or box cutter and gas mask ... and why does that security camera keep flicking off every time one these characters shows up? Must be one of those days I guess ...."

Asking any of these basic questions to a conspiracy theorist is likely to cause a sudden leap to the claim that we know that they were on board because they left a credit card trail for the tickets they had purchased and cars they had rented. So if they used credit cards that identified them, how does that reconcile with the claim that they used false IDs to get on to the plane? But by this time, the fruit loop is in full swing, as the conspiracy theorist tries to stay one jump ahead of this annoying and awkward rational analysis. They will allege that the hijackers' passports were found at the crash scenes. "So there! They exalt triumphantly, their fanatical faces lighting up with that deranged look of one who has just a revelation of questionable sanity.

Hmm? So they got on board with false IDs but took their real passports with them? However, by this time the fruit loop has been completely circumnavigated, and the conspiracy theorist exclaims impatiently, "who said anything about false IDs? We know what seats they were sitting in! Their presence is well documented! And so the whole loop starts again. "Well, why aren't they on the passenger lists?" "You numbskull! They assumed the identities of other passengers! And so on ....

Finally, out of sheer fascination with this circular method of creative delusion, the rational skeptic will allow them to get away with this loop, in order to move on to the next question, and see what further delights await us in the unraveling of this marvelously stupid story.

"Uh, how come their passports survived fiery crashes that completely incinerated the planes and all the passengers? "The answer of course is that its just one of those strange coincidences, those little quirks of fate that do happen from time to time. You know, like the same person winning the lottery four weeks in a row. The odds are astronomical, but these things do happen.

This is another favorite deductive method of the conspiracy theorist. The 'improbability drive', in which they decide upon a conclusion without any evidence whatsoever to support it, and then continually speculate a series of wildly improbable events and unbelievable co-incidences to support it, shrugging off the implausibility of each event with the vague assertion that sometimes the impossible happens -- just about all the time in their world. There is a principle called 'Occam's razor' which suggests that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, the simplest explanation is most likely to be correct. Conspiracy theorists hate Occam's razor.

Having for the sake of amusement, allowed them to get away with the silly story of the nineteen invisible Arabs, we move on to the question of how they are supposed to have taken over the planes.

Hijacking a plane is not an easy thing to do. Hijacking it without the pilot being able to alert ground control is near impossible. The pilot has only to punch in a four digit code to alert ground control to a hijacking. Unconcerned with the awkward question of plausibility, the conspiracy buffs maintain that on that September 11th, the invisible hijackers took over the plane by the rather crude method of threatening people with box cutters and knives, and spraying gas -- after they had attached their masks, obviously -- but somehow took control of the plane without the crew first getting a chance to punch in the hijacking code. Not just on one plane, but on all four. At this point in the tale, the conspiracy theorist is again forced to call upon the services of the improbability drive.

So now that our incredibly lucky hijackers have taken control of the planes, all four pilots fly them with breath taking skill and certainty to their fiery end, all four pilots unflinching in their steely resolve for a swift meeting with Allah. Apart from their psychotic hatred of 'our freedoms', it was their fanatical devotion to Islam which enabled them to summon up the iron will to do this. Which is strange, because according to another piece of hearsay peddled by the conspiracy buffs, these guys actually went out drinking and womanizing the night before their great martyrdom, even leaving their Korans in the bar -- really impeccable Islamic behavior -- and then got up at 5 o'clock the next morning to pull off the greatest covert operation in history. This also requires us to believe that they were even clear headed enough to learn how to fly the huge planes by reading flight manuals in Arabic in the car on the way to the airport. We know this because they supposedly left the flight manuals there for us to find.

It gets better. Their practical training had allegedly been limited to Cessnas and flight simulators, but this was no barrier to the unflinching certainty with which they took over the planes and skillfully guided them to their doom. If they are supposed to have done their flight training with these tools, which would be available just about anywhere in the world, its not clear why they would have decided to risk blowing their cover to U.S. intelligence services by doing the training in Florida, rather than somewhere in the Middle East, but such reasoning is foreign to the foggy world of the conspiracy theorist, too trapped in the constant rotation of the mental fruit loop to make their unsubstantiated fabrications seem even semi-believable.

Having triumphantly established a circular delusion in support of the mythical Arabs, the conspiracy theorist now confronts the difficult question of why there's nothing left of the planes. Anybody who has seen the endlessly replayed footage of the second plane going into the WTC will realize that the plane was packed with explosives. Planes do not and cannot blow up into nothing in that manner when they crash.

Did the mythical Arabs also haul a huge heap of explosives on board, and mange to deploy them in such a manner that they went off in the exact instant of the crash, completely vaporizing the plane? This is a little difficult even for the conspiracy theorist, who at this point decides that its easier to invent new laws of physics in order to keep the delusion rolling along.

There weren't any explosives. It wasn't an inside job. The plane blew up into nothing from its exploding fuel load! Remarkable, quite remarkable. Sluggishly combustible jet fuel which is basically Kerosene, and which burns at a maximum temperature of around 800 degrees Celsius has suddenly taken on the qualities of a ferociously explosive demolition agent, vaporizing sixty-five tons of aircraft into a puff of smoke. Never mind that a plane of that size contains around fifteen tons of steel and titanium, of which even the melting points are about double that of the maximum combustion temperature of Kerosene -- let alone the boiling point -- which is what would be required to vaporize a plane. And then there's about fifty tons of aluminum to be accounted for. In excess of 15 lbs of metal for each gallon of Kerosene.

For the conspiracy theorist, such inconvenient facts are vaguely dismissed as 'mumbo jumbo'. This convenient little phrase is their answer to just about anything factual or logical. Like a conjurer pulling a rabbit out of a hat, they suddenly become fanatically insistent about the devastating explosive qualities of Kerosene, something hitherto completely unknown to science, but just discovered by them, this very minute. Blissfully ignoring the fact that never before or since in aviation history has a plane vaporized into nothing from an exploding fuel load, the conspiracy theorist relies upon Hollywood images, where the effects are always larger than life, and certainly larger than the intellects of these cretins.

"Its a well known fact that planes blow up into nothing on impact", they state with pompous certainty, "watch any Bruce Willis movie."

"Care to provide any documented examples? If it's a well known fact, then presumably this well known fact springs from some kind of documentation -- other than Bruce Willis movies?"

At this point the mad but cunning eyes of the conspiracy theorist will narrow as they sense the corner that they have backed themselves into, and plan their escape by means of another stunning back flip.

"Ah, but planes have never crashed into buildings before, so there's no way of telling, " they counter with a sly grin. Well, actually planes have crashed into buildings before and since, and not vaporized into nothing. "But not big planes, with that much fuel", they shriek in hysterical denial. Or that much metal to vaporize.

"Yes but not hijacked planes! "Are you suggesting that whether the crash is deliberate or accidental affects the combustion qualities of the fuel?" "Now you're just being silly."

Although collisions with buildings are rare, planes frequently crash into mountains, streets, other aircraft, nosedive into the ground, or have bombs planted aboard them, and don't vaporize into nothing. What's so special about a tower that's mostly glass? But by now, the conspiracy theorist has once again sailed happily around the fruit loop. "It's a well documented fact that planes explode into nothing on impact."

Effortlessly weaving back and forth between the position that its a "well known fact" and that "its never happened before, so we have nothing to compare it to", the conspiracy theorist has now convinced themselves -- if not too many other people -- that the WTC plane was not loaded with explosives, and that the instant vaporization of the plane in a massive fireball was the same as any other plane crash you might care to mention. Round and round the fruit loop.

But the hurdles which confront the conspiracy theorist are many, and they are now forced to implement even more creative uses for the newly discovered shockingly destructive qualities of Kerosene. They have to explain how the Arabs also engineered the elegant vertical collapse of both the WTC towers, and for this awkward fact the easiest counter is to simply deny that it was a controlled demolition, and claim that the buildings collapsed from fire caused by the burning Kerosene.

For this, its necessary to sweep aside the second law of thermodynamics and propose Kerosene which is not only impossibly destructive, but also recycles itself for a second burning in violation of the law of degradation of energy. You see, it not only consumed itself in a sudden catastrophic fireball , vaporizing a sixty-five ton plane into nothing, but then came back for a second go, burning at 2000 degrees centigrade for another hour at the impact point, melting the skyscraper's steel like butter. And while it was doing all this it also poured down the elevator shafts, starting fires all through the building. When I was at school there was a little thing called the entropy law which suggests that a given portion of fuel can only burn once, something which is readily observable in the real world, even for those who didn't make it to junior high school science. But this is no problem for the conspiracy theorist. Gleefully, they claim that a few thousand gallons of Kerosene is enough to:

- Completely vaporize a sixty-five ton aircraft

- Have enough left over to burn ferociously enough for over an hour at the impact point to melt steel -- melting point about double the maximum combustion temperature of the fuel

- Still have enough left over to pour down the elevator shafts and start similarly destructive fires all through the building

This Kerosene really is remarkable stuff! How chilling to realize that those Kerosene heaters we had in the house when I was a kid were deadly bombs, just waiting to go off. One false move and the entire street might have been vaporized. And never again will I take Kerosene lamps out camping. One moment you're there innocently holding the lamp -- the next -- kapow! vaporized into nothing along with the rest of the camp site, and still leaving enough of the deadly stuff to start a massive forest fire.

These whackos are actually claiming that the raging inferno allegedly created by the miraculously recycling, and impossibly hot burning Kerosene melted or at least softened the steel supports of the skyscraper. Oblivious to the fact that the black smoke coming from the WTC indicates an oxygen starved fire -- therefore not particularly hot -- they trumpet an alleged temperature in the building of 2000 degrees centigrade, without a shred of evidence to support this curious suspension of the laws of physics.

Not content with this ludicrous garbage, they then contend that as the steel frames softened, they came straight down instead of buckling and twisting and falling sideways.

Since they're already re-engineered the combustion qualities of jet fuel, violated the second law of thermodynamics, and redefined the structural properties of steel, why let a little thing like the laws of gravity get in the way?

The tower fell in a time almost identical to that of a free falling object, dropped from that height, meaning that its physically impossible for it to have collapsed by the method of the top floors smashing through the lower floors. But according to the conspiracy theorists, the laws of gravity were temporarily suspended on the morning of September 11th. It appears that the evil psychic power of those dreadful Arabs knew no bounds. Even after they were dead, they were able, by the power of their evil spirits, to force down the tower at a speed physically impossible under the laws of gravity, had it been meeting any resistance from fireproofed steel structures originally designed to resist many tons of hurricane force wind as well as the impact of a Boeing passenger jet straying off course.

Clearly, these conspiracy nuts never did their science homework at school, but did become extremely adept at inventing tall tales for why. "Muslim terrorists stole my notes, Sir." "No Miss, the Kerosene heater blew up and vaporized everything in the street, except for my passport." "You see, Sir, the school bus was hijacked by Arabs who destroyed my homework because they hate our freedoms."

Or perhaps they misunderstood the term 'creative science' and mistakenly thought that coming up with such rubbish was in fact, their science homework.

The ferocious heat generated by this ghastly Kerosene was, according to the conspiracy theorists, the reason why so many of the WTC victims can't be identified. DNA is destroyed by heat -- although 2000 degrees centigrade isn't really required, 100 degrees centigrade will generally do the job. This is quite remarkable, because according to the conspiracy theorist, the nature of DNA suddenly changes if you go to a different city.

That's right, if you are killed by an Arab terrorist in New York, your DNA will be destroyed by such temperatures. But if you are killed by an Arab terrorist in Washington, your DNA will be so robust that it can survive temperatures which completely vaporize a sixty-five ton aircraft.

You see, these loonies have somehow concocted the idea that the missile which hit the pentagon was not a missile at all, but one of the hijacked planes. And to prove this unlikely premise, they point to a propaganda statement from the Bush regime, which rather stupidly claims that all but one of the people aboard the plane were identified from the site by DNA testing, even though nothing remains of the plane. The plane was vaporized by the fuel tank explosion, maintain these space loonies, but the people inside it were all but one identified by DNA testing.

So there we have it. The qualities of DNA are different, depending upon which city you're in, or perhaps depending upon which fairy story you're trying to sell at any particular time.

This concoction about one of the hijacked planes hitting the Pentagon really is a howler. For those not familiar with the layout of the Pentagon, it consists of 5 rings of building, each with a space in between. Each ring of building is about 30-35 feet deep, with a similar amount of open space between it and the next ring. The object which penetrated the Pentagon went in at about a 45 degree angle, punching a neat circular hole of about a 12 foot diameter through three rings -- six walls. A little later a section of wall about 65-feet wide collapsed in the outer ring. Since the plane which the conspiracy theorists claim to be responsible for the impact had a wing span of 125 feet and a length of 155 feet, and there was no wreckage of the plane, either inside or outside the building, and the lawns outside were still smooth and green enough to play golf on, this crazy delusion is clearly physically impossible.

But hey, we've already disregarded the combustion qualities of jet fuel, the normal properties of common building materials, the properties of DNA, the laws of gravity and the second law of thermodynamics, so what the hell -- why not throw in a little spatial impossibility as well? I would have thought that the observation that a solid object cannot pass through another solid object without leaving a hole at least as big as itself is reasonably sound science. But to the conspiracy theorist, this is 'mumbo jumbo'. It conflicts with the delusion that they're hooked on, so it 'must be wrong' although trying to get them to explain exactly how it could be wrong is a futile endeavor.

Conspiracy theorists fly into a curious panic whenever the Pentagon missile is mentioned. They nervously maintain that the plane was vaporized by its exploding fuel load, and point to the WTC crash as evidence of this behavior. That's a wonderful fruit loop. Like an insect which has just been sprayed, running back and forth in its last mad death throes, they first argue that the reason the hole is so small is that the plane never entered the wall, having blown up outside, and then suddenly back flip to explain the 250 foot deep missile hole by saying that the plane disappeared all the way into the building, and then blew up inside the building -- even though the building shows no sign of such damage. As for what happened to the wings -- here's where they get really creative. The wings snapped off and folded into the fuselage which then carried them into the building, which then closed up behind the plane like a piece of meat.

When it suits them, they'll also claim that the plane slid in on its belly -- ignoring the undamaged lawn -- while at the same time citing alleged witnesses to the plane diving steeply into the building from an 'irrecoverable angle.' How they reconcile these two scenarios as being compatible is truly a study in stupidity.

Once they get desperate enough, you can be sure that the UFO conspiracy stuff will make an appearance. The Arabs are in league with the Martians. Space aliens snatched the remains of the Pentagon plane and fixed most of the hole in the wall, just to confuse people. They gave the Arabs invisibility pills to help get them onto the planes. Little green men were seen talking to Bin Laden a few weeks prior to the attacks.

As America gears up to impeach the traitor Bush, and stop his perpetual oil war, it's not helpful to have these idiots distracting from the process by spreading silly conspiracy theories about mythical Arabs, stories which do nothing but play into the hands of the extremist Bush regime.

At a less serious time, we might tolerate such crackpots with amused detachment, but they need to understand that the treachery that was perpetrated on September 11th, and the subsequent war crimes committed in 'retaliation' are far too serious for us to allow such frivolous self indulgence to go unchallenged.

Those who are truly addicted to conspiracy delusions should find a more appropriate outlet for their paranoia.

Its time to stop loony conspiracy theories about September 11th."

I'd say that just about covers it

  • 444.
  • At 03:26 AM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref #442 authored by MPD (#438)

"Still living in the past ? .... Thinking you can brand people with an independant mind as socialist, eh ?"

err ... no you turkey, The Spanish Government is Socialist - PSOE 43% of vote [1]

Well appreciate inhabiting your own CT world in parallel too reality that the rest of us live, may eschew you view but .... come on purveyors of Post 911 CT, at least know you basics, otherwise your AGENDA will get bypassed :)

The latest Post 911 CT from MPD (#437 & #442) ref Madrid bombings:

- the new socialist Spanish government PSOE did it
- the previous Spanish administration PP did it

Come on make up your mind !!!!!

The REALITY that the Madrid bombings the responsibility of alleged Islamic Extremists on trial & the Islamic Extremists who blew themselves up [1] - not convenient to Post 911 CT protagonists.

Turkey flavoured Tapas CT indeed




  • 445.
  • At 06:04 AM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • tryinhard wrote:

yep, you're definately coming apart, vikingar, and no error


  • 446.
  • At 06:36 AM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • niketarp wrote:

You see, vikingar, you're STILL going on about politics and elections like they mean anything, because you're trying to keep this thread within the bounds of unreality, but you sorely underestimate the depth of your situation, people are waking up to the fact that socialism was backed by the same money nazis as all the other 'political persuasions'

You know, like how the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers caused the great depression, and financed Lenin, all that stuff

Whoever was voted for, the actual leadership of [insert any nation] are the same people who finance, arrange, and allow the [insert method of terrorism], and basically everyone knows it

No matter how long you try, you're trying to backfill a bottomless pit

Sigh, just one more CT for you, mentally defunct propaganda tool...CT = Conspiracy Truth

  • 447.
  • At 10:09 AM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • James wrote:

Vikingar could you address this...

In Al Gore's film, An Incovenient Truth, he asserts that there is a conspiracy among the powers that be, to hide the truth about global warming. This conspiracy includes the active supression and persecution of scientists and the administration forcing scientists to change conclusions or add material they did not write. He believes there is a conspiracy to commit active science fraud. It is also touted by the US government that there is a junk science conspiracy to promote the, at least in their publically stated opinion, flawed theories of global warming.

Both of these stances are conspiracy theories, are they considered to be so nuts when they come from such figures, well outside the 'fringe'?

Al Gore is effectively asserting that the US government is putting the lives of billions at stake, knowingly, to serve short-term business and political interests. Is he wrong?

Is it such a leap to extrapolate that the US government may be willing, through inactivity, to risk thousands of New York residents lives, in order to serve business and political interests?

  • 448.
  • At 12:17 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Although I've come to admire some of the style as well as the substance of vikingar, his snappy and witty moniker for the soundalikes, MPD, also refers for me to real people who have suffered grievously at the hands of others.

I believe, you see, that Valerie Sinason, Jewish poetess and brilliant child psychotherapist and adult psychoanalyst originally at the Tavistock Institute, has been dealing for the last decade and more with something very real and very evil.

Not through her choice or any Christian fundamentalist prejudices - she doesn't have any of those. A very disturbing syndrome - what is now called DID - presented and she was intellectually honest, caring and courageous enough to face up to its terrible causes, however alien the territory that took her into.

An extremely relevant theme for this page, except that it also demands the greatest sensitivity. That's the whole problem with this area. If there is anything at all to any of these CTs, even one part of one of them, lurid approaches to the subject matter, or mockery, or overstatement, or carelessness with the words used, or with the evidence presented, are simply disastrous. And, as normal, we've had the lot. More of that in a moment.

Yet I have to agree with vikingar that there is also something funny about some of this stuff. Hopefully I brought that out in my account of my first meeting with Jon Ronson, in 2001

Certainly the line "I'm a Christian fundamentalist and I'm here to learn" got a roar of approval and laughter from a mixed audience that day. I hope that I still live up to it.

But I now need something of the kind vikingar has for the soundalikes. From here on in VSO stands for the latest Vikingar Soundalike and (where appropriate) Other previous ones. Just like in Plan 9 from Outer Space, continuity can be difficult but it should be possible to keep track of the basic story this way.

VSO (422) wrote

"Richard, they don't need to act like that here, but they do some of the violent stuff you describe abroad. And they all work for the same organisation, so Blair IS complicit."

That just won't do VSO. You've just admitted that Blair isn't a fascist at all. If he isn't one at home he isn't one. He might still be a warmonger. Some of his friends might be war profiteers - an old category that surely needs to be revived in our day. But a fascist he ain't and you should admit that.

Meanwhile, the single organisation they all work for is called WHAT? Who exactly, to the last man or woman, are THEY? How do you know exactly who? How do you come by such certain knowledge when I am so unsure about so much? Only if you were working for THEM yourself could you know. And so the ridiculous paranoid-circularities go on.

Vikingar has done a very good thing (like it or not, those who consider it certain that he works, like Blair, directly for THEM) in pointing to TWO current CTs in relation to the Madrid mass murders of March 2004. Maybe I should come clean and let him and you know my instinctive attitude on that.

With most of these terrorist incidents, I do assume that Muslim extremists are involved. Note that even David Shayler freely admitted when I questioned him in person at Brixton on 10th September, the day that he'd appeared live on 麻豆官网首页入口 TV telling of the glaring anomalies in the OV of 9-11, that the 9-11 attacks were planned by the nineteen Islamists who are blamed in the OV. It's just that, in his view, they had no chance of success without a helping hand from certain parts of the US secret services and others.

Although I am probably less certain than David is on who helped and in what way, I am with him on the fact that 19 Al-Qaeda guys planned the attacks and (solely because of the physical impossibility of the collapse of the buildings through damage and fire) that the terrible result was an "inside job" of some sort.


So, as Madrid happened, I was open to the possibility that this too was a joint effort between Muslim extremists and more powerful (and quite likely more evil) people in the shadows.

I don't have cast-iron evidence like the 9-11 building collapses that these 'controllers' who are not Muslims were involved in Madrid, I hasten to add. But one thing was quite clear to me right away. If such people were involved, the attack was in large part revenge for Jose Maria Aznar's support for Bush and Blair in the invasion of Iraq. It had the desired effect. He was removed from office.

Although the phrase 'cui bono' is grossly overused by CTists, because of the pervasiveness of the law of unintended consequences, the timing in this case, and its effect, seemed stupid to ignore in any theory developed, however tentative.

The socialists benefited but, in either of my two schemes

1. Islamist extremists alone

2. Islamist extremists paid for and helped by the shadowy others who helped with 9-11

they were not the perpetrators.

Speculation but the kind of thing that goes through one's mind in the circumstances.

  • 449.
  • At 12:25 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref MPD #446

Nope, with that latest effort, you are trying too hard:

1. windup merchant
2. other :)



  • 450.
  • At 01:05 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref James #447

Have not yet seen Al Gore's film, An Incovenient Truth, so too date can only by the reviews etc, so reserve right to alter my opinion [1]

But based on what I have learnt around the subject & issue too date 鈥︹...


Having worked for global US firms, perfectly willing to believe they are willing to indulge in certain types of activity (lobbying, bending the rules, manipulating the agenda e.g. its what political administrations & groups with vested interests do).

For example, the litany of evidence from Smoking debate in the US is evidence enough:
- commercial position (lobbying)
- pseudo science (to deny link with cancer)
- intransigence (legal defences etc)

Ref GW I sign up to the idea that rises since industrial age can be linked to man's activity.

As too the efforts of those engaged in industries responsible for GW (besides the products & services which we as consumers buy which is equally contributing) its logical that this will happen, they will spend money & engage in efforts to preserve their position & mitigate risks.

To the extent that industries, US government & agencies sign up to this defence of GW denial?:

- GW industries YES
- parts of the administration YES
- agencies 鈥 hhhmmmm

However, pseudo science/fraud in the US has roots (used by all types of fringe: religious/political) :
- Intelligent Design / Scientific Creation / Creationism [2]
- Post 911 CT [3]


Some wish it all & any way:

- pseudo science for Creationism & pseudo science for Global Warming denial (same camp)

- pseudo science for Creationism & pseudo science for Global Warming support & pseudo science for Post 911 CT

The issue & problem revolves around those willing to use science, then too tout & fabricate pseudo science to support a position/cause - is damming of the state of overall 'science' in the US.

For the inverse argument (those Post 911 CT believers) if the US admin does GW denial can it do 911 - the too are not logical or self fulfilling.

The former YES, the latter NO.



[3] litany of links & verbiage on this blog

  • 451.
  • At 01:11 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Hi James

I can address that for you

Global Warming (as we understand it to be) is a fake, and the 'forced' changes of evidence are good ol' double bluff

Big Oil is funding both sides of the confusion, because they think you cannot work it out

Global Warming is necessary to make us pay more for poisonous fuels and not complain about it

Global Warming is necessary to keep us feeling scared and under pressure

Global Warming is needed to pressurise you into accepting Global Government, which I can assure you is a very bad thing

Unlike the War on Terror, unlike the wars on drugs and wars on poverty before, the WAR ON GLOBAL WARMING is going to be 'won', but only because it is not a real problem

Solar activity is understood to be the main controling factor when it comes to Global Warming

Al Gore is in on the joke...but a joke, is what it is

Global Warming is another psy-op, and must be ignored, it's the poisonous food we eat (all gluten/casein/msg/soya - all powerful glues, 'morphines', antidotes and stomach destroyers)) and toxic chemicals which should be concentrated on, but don't expect real action from the wholly NWO controlled Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth etc

It's all and always about the NWO

Don't buy the Global Warming psy-op

  • 452.
  • At 02:03 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref 'Mork Anthony' #449 a.k.a MPD #446

1. windup merchant
2. other :)



  • 453.
  • At 02:35 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • slidingdar wrote:

Hey loverboys, the multiple names are a reflection of vikingars totally unwitty, pompous, assinine name of pseudo-import

How else are opinions to evade the fools personal attacks and pro-neurotic idiocy ?

As much as he may dislike it, vikingar cannot single us out as one entity, therefore he grabs at various acronyms desperately trying to reassert his 'dominion' over this thread, as he is given to see himself as deserving

In fact, you two think you can divide this whole 'discourse' between the two of you, a bit like a two headed monster arguing with itself, in this case, dreading that anyone dares to think outside of your two tone box

Ahh, so now the veil lifts, and Richard Drake, Christian, and vikingar, Fascist, link arms and wander off into a brave new future, in self assured smugness that they will survive, because they put their heads in the lions mouth willingly

How long have you two yearned to drop the facade of being 'enemies', must be a relief to finally admit that fascist leanings and christianity are in the modern world, truly mutually inclusive

'They' are those who choose to rule all, and be known by none, call them Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, call them Masons, call them Illuminati, call them Bilderbergers, because they are real, and any weak dross you can conjure to suggest that there is nothing to see, in the area of secret government and masonic power clubs, changes the fact not, and no, they're not reptilians or aliens, they're human parasites, who mock the host, and the people are more aware than ever in history, and that makes 'them' scared

My congratulations to you both on your coming out ;)

  • 454.
  • At 03:49 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Here's something supportive for Mork Anthony on global warming (452):

"The doomsters' favourite subject is climate change. This has a number of attractions for them. First, the science is extremely obscure so they cannot easily be proved wrong. Second, we all have ideas about the weather: traditionally the English on first acquaintance talk of little else. Third, since clearly no plan to alter climate could be considered on anything but a global scale, it provides a marvellous excuse for worldwide, supra-national fascism.

All this suggests a degree of calculation ..."

In fact from that point on the author backs down, quite rightly in my view, from an overblown CT of how the global warming 'consensus' has arisen. But then she would. She's been there and knows how it goes, at all the international conferences and behind the scenes power broking. And (I believe) she stood resolutely against worldwide, supra-national fascism in all of them.

Except, of course, in the original she said "worldwide, supra-national socialism". It makes no difference to me which it was. I was just trying to be culturally sensitive here.

And at a time the Tories and their little tree are going so green, the dangers Thatcher sees in this part of the global environmental agenda are surely for real. Thus I find that I have much sympathy with Mork's big point:

"Global Warming is needed to pressurise you into accepting Global Government, which I can assure you is a very bad thing"

The post may have been a tad more simplistic than Thatcher's carefully considered section entitled 'HOT AIR AND GLOBAL WARMING' (p449-58, Statecraft, Harper Collins, 2002).

But that central point about Global Government was well made. I'm with you on that.

  • 455.
  • At 03:58 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref a.k.a MPD #453

1. windup merchant
2. other *

* mumblings of 'matt' - methinks :)

Typical of the fringe unable to influence REAL debate & REAL issues - to adopt default fall back position for those with armed AGENDA but without influence :(

... inventive imaginative CT supported by fabricated pseudo science & blends of fact & fiction - then tout mixed messages

Irrespective or which road the 'reader' takes e.g. Post 911 CT, WO CT etc, eventually the other AGENDA will be touted.

As sad as it is predictable - Hay Ho


  • 456.
  • At 04:15 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Vikingar, you really are an ill-informed prat, and , upon reading the most recent of your drivel, that you're letting your guard down as to your (north american) location, nice one, as you say over there, 'jerk'

Global Warming is the wind-up here, it's just designed to give us more pressure on our already pressurised existence, but like you, vikingar, it is a puff of smoke, and nothing more than that

vikingar, you're seriously paranoid aren't you? Thinking I am other people here too? You REALLY ARE LOSING THE PLOT

Keep up the dour work my pitiable friend

  • 457.
  • At 04:45 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

To the VSO in 453: I assume like vikingar that you are 'matt'. If so, I have this word of advice for you.

You have been blinded by your hatred. Whatever his faults, including lack of wit and disagreeing with you, perhaps in that order, it seems highly unlikely to me that vikingar is the epitome of evil in this world.

I realise that my saying anything positive about him was a shock to you, given where your self-centred paranoia had already taken you. But that's what happens when you let hatred focus on one person, as it always does in the end. It blinds you. Even if vikingar is CIA, Illuminati or worse, he's not the heart of it all, I feel sure of that, despite the obvious importance of the Newsnight website in the global scheme of things. (Sorry guys.)

As for me, I know very little. But I do know that if we met I would think of you a friend. Don't lose that possibility. Hatred blinds. Always does. That puerile trap wastes so many peoples' lives.

That's irrespective of whatever CT we hold to - or none. It's a more basic lesson of hard experience, of simply being human.

  • 458.
  • At 04:55 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Absolutely, Richard, I believe it to be vital to consider the possibility of GW being a wind-up (pun intended) in the mind-melting-pot

Vikingar finds himself dissolving in his own wild conspiracy theory - how predictable!

  • 459.
  • At 05:27 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • slidingdar wrote:


I (being slidingdar, like vikingar is vikingar) cannot speak for 'matt', but absolutely do not hate you, i pity you, but you'd never get that would you ?

Hate is a tool of the government, not of mine

However, that'll be outside of your mindset, your scope of understanding, it would conflict with yo' script

And I find myself curious as to what aside from financial gain could drive you so

What i object to is your so very obvious attempts to skew this into some sort of reaffirmation of the Official Version of the events, which is utter garbage, and has plenty of mediatime as it is, if you're just doing this of your own back, why bother ?

The sheer fact that you are bothering speaks volumes, that you are a footsoldier in the infowar

hiding behind bizarre names, is not your sole right

Case Closed, as you like to say


  • 460.
  • At 06:58 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref MPD #459

"What i object to is your so very obvious attempts to skew this into some sort of reaffirmation of the Official Version of the events, which is utter garbage"

obvious you turkey ... they have been open attempts & obvious from the beginning

- me 鈥. supports OV
- you/whatever guise 鈥.. tout CT

Unlike you & others of the CT crowd, I have not found the need to attack others behind multiple ID's and/or support own prose behind multiple ID's.

As clearly demonstrated on this blog, the use of multiple ID's is as fraudulent from a debate context, as the type of CT touted (own goal methinks).

Post 911 CT - toy of the fringe - used to deadly purpose - to influence the vulnerable in our society, in order to support their AGENDA (which predates 911).


  • 461.
  • At 07:26 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • flyingcar wrote:

I have to agree with with Slidingdar, hate is not what any of these "AGENDI" are about, they are about asking the questions despite the implications of the answers "let the truth be known though the heavens may fall"...if anything, far from hating, I'd like to give George Bush a big hug and tell him he's made some serious mistakes, but that I understand his predicament.

He IS NOT the leader of his country, merely a frontman.

He was born into a family much the same as the Windsors, with powerful archies and generational aims, and he has done the best he can, no doubt this existance his driven him slightly mad, but as much as he may squirm at the thought of it, he still has humanity within him, somewhere.

The real hate, is in organisations such as the UN, who under the guidance of the likes of Kissenger, are planning a fundamental restructuring, depopulation and iron fisted conrol over us all...This is where the real hate is to be found, dressed up as some patriarchal and god like love.

There are many documented accounts of the UNs plans for us, they ain't pretty I tells ya.

It is this many named NWO plan, that you cannot side with, it is this parasitical 'protectorate' that generates an unnecessary hatred, and anyone playing hateful, snidey, smarmy games in their honour, is a soul with which one must first sympathise, and in some way love, rather than hate, to hate is to seal ones doom, maybe not this day, but some day.

I apologise for my own transgressions into vikingar type behavoir, but more of the same from him cannot be guaranteed to go unresponded to by myself.

  • 462.
  • At 07:51 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • flyingcar wrote:

I have to agree with with Slidingdar, hate is not what any of these "AGENDI" are about, they are about asking the questions despite the implications of the answers "let the truth be known though the heavens may fall"...if anything, far from hating, I'd like to give George Bush a big hug and tell him he's made some serious mistakes, but that I understand his predicament.

He IS NOT the leader of his country, merely a frontman.

He was born into a family much the same as the Windsors, with powerful archies and generational aims, and he has done the best he can, no doubt this existance his driven him slightly mad, but as much as he may squirm at the thought of it, he still has humanity within him, somewhere.

The real hate, is in organisations such as the UN, who under the guidance of the likes of Kissenger, are planning a fundamental restructuring, depopulation and iron fisted conrol over us all...This is where the real hate is to be found, dressed up as some patriarchal and god like love.

There are many documented accounts of the UNs plans for us, they ain't pretty I tells ya.

It is this many named NWO plan, that you cannot side with, it is this parasitical 'protectorate' that generates an unnecessary hatred, and anyone playing hateful, snidey, smarmy games in their honour, is a soul with which one must first sympathise, and in some way love, rather than hate, to hate is to seal ones doom, maybe not this day, but some day.

I apologise for my own transgressions into vikingar type behavoir, but more of the same from him cannot be guaranteed to go unresponded to by myself.

Vikingar, if you have a problem with truth and honour, then that's all that we need to know about you, is it not?

  • 463.
  • At 07:59 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ah ..... blog spoiler

waste of time & space :(

best to ignore :)


  • 464.
  • At 08:12 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • ridinghard wrote:


One must assume that you now find yourself living in your own Complete Trash conspiracy dreamworld, surrounded by one multiple personality disordered lunatic?

So NOW veering from the Official Version of this thread is something you rail against?

Charming, and excruciatingly amusing, what a super twisty turny fellow YOU ARE!

The deathly silence of Newsnight in regard to tackling issues such as Bilderberg meetings, is all the proof we need, I'm only here as long as chappies like you try to grow the lies.

I (And I assume my many siblings), are only employed by the secret citizen for freedom government, to balance lies dressed as linked news and 'facts' such as yours. It is you, who are enemy of the free democratic world, not I.

How IS the weather there on your 'turkeyworld', a world where there are no conspiracies, and all is well?

Here on Earth, the valid question is "what is NOT a conspiracy", perhaps it is this reality, which now self substitutes your own flawed reality?

  • 465.
  • At 09:12 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • likingyah wrote:

"blog spoiler" ?...Good of you to write a confession vikingar

Taking a while to cook up some linked up factoid response, huh ?

Or more petty insults from 'the man' ?

In your own time old chum
Looking forward to it

  • 466.
  • At 10:00 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (425),
So many interesting words have been swapped since 425, I feel my eventual response will be a throwback. I look forward to responding in full, but until then (as currently otherwise engaged), one small comment;

> Of conspiracies involving mass murder, 300,000
> already dead (Darfur) is more important than 3,000
> (9-11)

The 'War Without End' could make 300,000, or even 2 million, seem like a local spat; especially if we're in a resource war, in a fight to keep Western civilisation going. What happens after attacking Iran? Does it unravel, and bring in China and Russia? In such a context, it's not just about the c.3000 on 911.

  • 467.
  • At 11:46 PM on 03 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew, the 'War Without End' is a theory, so is 'the resource war'. The US administration will change soon and the opinion of the voters will not be an irrelevance at that point. Islamist extremism will also evolve, perhaps gaining nuclear weapons. All of that is for the future though. In any case, war, though hell, is to be distinguished from genocide. Even though many more died in WWII than the Jewish and Gypsy victims of the Holocaust, the civilized world has rightly judged that those deaths were uniquely horrible. What one who lived through that time, Elie Wiesel, said to the UN is right. To die alone and unable to defend yourself, your family or your people, thinking that the whole world has forgotten you or that it knows very well but doesn't even care ... that is the very worst. 300,000 have already gone through that perdition, as we in the West have been busy with other things. A million more, maybe far more than that, are still in the balance.

The 100:1 ratio of concern strikes me as the right one. But the ratio in the mainstream media has been more like 1:100 since 9-11. And that's not down to conspiracy as much as the apathy of affluence, of all of us. IMHO.

Having said that, the wars already being waged elsewhere and the rumblings regarding Iran are, I agree, of deep concern. I look forward to interacting more with you on them. Feel free to take the time you need.

  • 468.
  • At 01:43 AM on 04 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Darfur, does it merit a Rwanda comparison - the only difference being is a slower kill rate.

The international community is usually quick to respond (in some form) to death via disease & starvation & natural disaster.

The international community is usually slow (if not too late/ineffective) to respond to death by war (e.g. Balkans, Congo, Rwanda)

Q.1 is Darfur the final make/break point for battered UN credibility (ideals & words v actions)?

Q.2 is the UN dreamt up in 20th Century only suited to non war time situations and/or war time situations of a particular size in the 21st Century?

Reason I ask is if UN unable to address a blatant threat to humanity like Darfur (from a 'banana' republic/regime) why should we expect it to have any influence on rogue nations like Iran.

Why should nations under threat from Iran rely on the UN, surely they justified to go it alone because they see nothing but UN & international community intransigence & ineffectiveness - unable to tackle clear cut situations of Darfur-esque proportions.


  • 469.
  • At 11:01 AM on 04 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Hi vikingar, big questions about the UN, Darfur and Iran. The supra-national talking shop sure didn't do much for the defenceless Tutsis (and moderate Hutus) in 1994. But in Darfur the world has shown that it has perhaps learnt some lessons: the African Union force, despite its grave limitations, has by all accounts saved lives so far, has reduced the rate of killing.

What's also changed is Responsibility to Protect - - coming into International Law just over a year ago. This means that national sovereignty is no longer considered inviolate if such crimes as genocide are going on. I'm by no means an expert but even the layman can see the importance of showing Sudan that these were not just words.

The individual initiative of John Bolton in arranging for George Clooney and Elie Wiesel to speak to a specially convened meeting of the Security Council and others in New York last month was also truly heartening.

Hence my questions for the thoughtful CTist earlier: if Bolton works for Bush and is called by his enemies a Neocon, is it even possible that this action is to be commended?

I have no problem in answering that. It is greatly to be commended. The passionate words of three very different men will ring as an indictment if that august group does nothing. This was more than anyone bothered to do for Rwanda at HQ, before it was far too late. It now needs to be backed up by thoughtful but decisive action.

Let's come back to unilateralism and Iran. What's interesting to me as base level data is whether believing the current, de facto standard 9-11 CT prevents the holder seeing any good in what Bolton did - and then perhaps any good in those thousands like myself from all points on the political spectrum (except I suppose hardcore 911 Trotskyite-Truth) that took part in vigils and prayers in 40 countries the following weekend.

If they cannot say anything good about that, if they even regurgitate Sudanese government propaganda, then I understand why you reject '911 Truth' in its entirety. Sadly, there is some stubborn physics that compels me to take a different, more solitary tack.

  • 470.
  • At 04:32 PM on 04 Oct 2006,
  • slidingdar wrote:

What a friendly talking shop you're operating now. And I would leave you to it but you exposed yet again who and what you are, you couldn't let it lie without playing the 'name the group' game...

Richard..."Trotskyite"? You insult the readers intelligence with that jibe. Communism of whatever variety, is the exact same control group as your useful prayer and vigil, just so much useless masturbation to the porn of total global dictatorship.

Anyone willing to veer away from your slick lassooing of the reader back to the OV, has to be branded with some artificial moniker, anyone who veers off your (accidental or not) script needs a tag, a brand, an ID? perhaps even a chip?

Let me turn that around..."No-one should listen to Richard because he is compromised by seeking change through prayer"

"No-one should listen to vikingar because he is a self confessed 'supporter' of the Offcial Fiction of the recent history of the world"

One drip at a time, Richard, you have made many microcomments of a seemingly honourable nature, but with each drip you have exposed yourself as a Fake, even if unwitting, you're a time wasting talking shop Fake.

Richard "take your time"...Fake, talking shop time waster FAKE.

vikingar "UN must save Darfur or...[maybe NATO]?"...FAKE.

Neither you Richard, nor your new chum vikingar wish to affect real change, and you'll still be talking about change long after the NWO has decimated Darfur, like it's decimating Iraq, hollow is your humanity.

"Get the people talking, thinking of a revolution, get them praying"...or..."Give them bread and circuses"

Talking shop Fakes is all you are, a self reducing spin cycle and labelling machine, hellbent on letting destruction be wrought, while you nametag people with your defunct logos such as Trotskyite, if you were willing to spread your fascinating knowledge in the name of real honour and truth, you'd bother to mention that the COMMUNIST movement was BACKED by the likes of the ROTHSCHILDS.

All this penned in chat, like all the penned in 'revolutionaries', are so much fiddling while the NWO (UN/Nato/U.S./Yerp/Russia etc etc) cook up false and flawed Global Warming data, like the flawed reasoning "ozone hole damage", and cook up bogeymen terrorists...all to make the world run to big (corporate owned) government to rescue it.

Darfur will just become another shooting gallery land grab like Afganistan and Iraq, while your leaders order in the terror, they give you the problem, already knowing what you'll want in solution.

I'm calling BS on your 'action', and BS on you.

Vikingar, who has the worst neck strain on your shared body? you, or your other head, Richard.

The solution is elusive, and it is supposed to be, but prayer?...I think YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT.

Unless you're FAKE.

  • 471.
  • At 08:18 PM on 04 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

To VSO (470).

I didn't follow that.

'Trotskyite' was an honest attempt at an accurate description of the beliefs of the one member of '911 Truth' that I have most interacted with here, Bridget Dunne. It was based on her comments about Stalin a while back. I'll let you find the reference. I'm perfectly prepared to be corrected on it, if Bridget wants to do that.

If it doesn't apply to you, I suggest that it is possible to make that clear and keep you hair on at the same time.

My main point was Bridget's inability to say anything positive in support of the black tribes of Darfur undergoing genocide right now. I also noted that virtually nobody who doubts the OV of 911 has been willing to say anything constructive about this issue.

My great concern is that obsession and hate seem to blind such people to real, urgent human need. And that is mighty serious.

You seem to be claiming to be different on that. If so, in what way?

Or are you saying that it is hopeless, that those poor people of Darfur are bound all to be killed anyway? That any effort I - or Elie Wiesel or anyone - make is in fact morally wrong, because we do not first acknowledge that your view of human history is correct and that our's is fatally flawed?

You obviously care strongly about something in this area. I am just wondering what. Do other people matter to you, apart from putting them right where they do not accept your view of history and geopolitics?

I am quite genuine is asking where you're coming from. See for example vikingar's helpful self-description in #320 in response to a similar query. I accept him at face value by the way. He doesn't agree with you on some things, he doesn't agree with me on others. But why resort to ridiculous fantasy in attacking him?

I admit that I'm surprised that the 麻豆官网首页入口 has allowed such intemperate attacks on someone you know only a very small amount about, from the safe place of anonymity. I say that openly because I'd prefer you to make your points in a politer way. If the 麻豆官网首页入口 moderation allows you or others to use this style of attack at length I will without doubt stop editing here.

Let's see.

  • 472.
  • At 10:45 PM on 04 Oct 2006,
  • slidingdar wrote:

Hi Richard, was just throwing in a grenade to see what flew out the window...

Gracious has been your response, and I thank you for it.

Yes, absolutely, the moderation here is a shambles, take for example the Endtimer comment I had to complain about before it was removed (paraphrasing) "thank god Israel has been attacked, now the massacre may begin" - I would analyize that bizarre statement as coming from a pro Israel, pro Rapture, place of hatred, morbid aggression and real insanity.

The latter two, the world has recently seemed to embody, it is this itself, this supranational psychosis, that shares half of my concerns.

If there was some way I could stop (what I unnavoidably consider to be) False flag terrorism, and assassination, I would do that thing, as I said, the solution is elusive, prescisely as it is intended to be.

If there was something I could do to make Darfur safe for all its people, I would do it, I deeply care for all creeds and kinds of people, without exception.

Like it or not, Darfur, as Iraq, is being used as a pawn and a sacrifice, this is deeply upsetting to me, as it is to you, and basically the whole world, the only people seemingly unnaffected by this, are the sickening powermen, who hide behind puppet leaders like Bush, as has been said before here, I feel some sympathy for Bush, as a human being, but ZERO sympathy for his actions, shameful as they have been.

You and I do not see eye to eye on the larger global power struggle and situation, and that is fine, but for me, I find it disturbing to think, that an aggressor imposed Stockholm Syndrome is bullying us all into accepting this global coup as it rolls across the world, the victims in Darfur, are hostages to this.

I think that any peacekeeping would be welcome in the areas of tension/violence/genocide, but why the hypocrisy of care, why not Palestine ? why not Lebanon ? why not China ?...I ask these more in rhetoric than in expectation of an answer!

I say save the people of Darfur, but I say read the fine print...who gets the restructuring and construction contracts after the fact, who profits from the war, and who really gains from these so called 'ideological struggles'.

I know it is not for me to speak for Bridget, so please, no need to correct me on that, however, I would hazard a guess that she does care deeply, that should be self evident in her striving for truth in the first place, truth and selective care for fellow human beings are mutually exclusive if genuine, and all I have read from Bridget here, does seem heartfelt.

I wish I had solutions, perhaps one step to a solution is to write to elected officials, it could be more effective than voting, after all, how 'left wing' does this 'left wing' government feel?...lends some credence to my hyper cynical opinion that left, right, up or down, it's all the same, wearing a different shirt, which then begs the question "If not the elected government, WHO calls the shots?"

It is this question, that is the other half of my main concern with the world.

Some food for thought, not intended as proof of anything, merely of potential broad interest...

The key thing when considering especially this last one, is to not be afraid (of course it all might be total crap), but to bear it in mind as a possibility, then, some things look slightly different when viewed through eyes willing to factor in the NWO as possibly real, and potentially a bad thing.

  • 473.
  • At 09:07 AM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

VSO (472) started like this:

"Hi Richard, was just throwing in a grenade to see what flew out the window..."

So, as one of the severed limbs of my reputation drips blood in the tree above your head, you the anonymous one, standing without a speck on your good name in the real world, with many soundalikes in reserve, are eager for more. Nice analogy.

"Gracious has been your response, and I thank you for it."

In fact, I am not the perfect parent you never had (or any of us had). I am this particularly difficult guy you just met and defamed outrageously on the Internet. As you are about to find out.

"Yes, absolutely, the moderation here is a shambles ..."

Hold it right there. How slimy, how typical of the responsibility-shifting manipulation of the hard left of old, now the speciality of so many who laughably march under the banner of 911 'Truth'.

Don't co-opt me in your self-deception. I never said that the moderation here is a shambles. I think it's a difficult job and someone's probably doing it pretty well for the first time in this fraught area. I was explicitly allowing for such views as yours to be expressed with their natural belligerence - for a while - before I quit the scene. For it does reveal so many problems at the heart of '911 Truth', particularly as expressed, with zero responsibility, on the Internet.

And it is such a typical move. You do the evil, then you blame the one in (mild) authority in this small corner of our permissive society, which guarantees you the only freedom you have ever known, for allowing it to happen. The very move Bridget Dunne made in her only serious posting about Sudan. Sure, they are committing genocide, but who can blame them, they were once traumatised by being a colony and evil people now want their oil. The poor things can't help it if they wipe out a million or two of their precious citizens, who are looking to them for protection, solely because they are from an inferior race.

Some of your other stuff looked more interesting. But I'd like a real name, an apology and then perhaps we can talk, iron sharpening iron, as it says in a book you may not have dipped into of late.

  • 474.
  • At 12:34 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (421, 425, 467)

I鈥檓 not convinced by your statement (421) that the Darfurian genocide is one of the most important moral struggles of our generation. I鈥檓 not sure what generation you鈥檙e of, but I hope to live at least another 40 years and, sadly, I don鈥檛 expect the murder of c.2 million people to feature in even the top ten moral struggles (other than as part of a broader struggle, such as the elimination of all democide, as defined in [1] here).

My view is based on the track record of the previous century, in which hundreds of millions were killed by democide, combined with a pessimism about our lack of preparedness (in fact, outright denial in some quarters) for the end of plentiful oil. I鈥檓 also not convinced by your statement (467) the terrible deaths of Nazi Holocaust victims were 鈥榰niquely鈥 horrible, as the political scientist R. J. Rummel stated recently, 鈥業'm now convinced that Stalin exceeded Hitler in monstrous evil, and Mao beat out Stalin.鈥 [2]

That said, I do agree with you (421) the threat of Darfurian genocide is downplayed [3], and a swift military deployment to prevent it would be, by far, one of the most effective ways (in terms of cost/benefit) of preventing the greatest number of deaths in the next few years. Prevention would be largely guaranteed with a big enough military force whereas, for example, putting the same resources into AIDS/HIV prevention and research, which caused an estimated 2.8 million deaths in 2005 alone [4], would probably result in fewer prevented deaths, imho, due to the widely dispersed and complex nature of the disease. With c.25 million AIDS deaths since 1981 [5], with many more millions predicted as it becomes a pandemic, your own argument (as in 425) could be used to say you have an absence of real interest in preventing the greatest number of deaths 鈥 which of course, I don鈥檛 believe for a second, as I don鈥檛 take your absence of words as evidence for anything.

My own position is that there are only so many 鈥榗auses鈥 a person can effectively adopt in life, and I don鈥檛 regard others鈥 non-adoption of my particular interests as evidence of them supporting the opposite position. For example, I am alarmed by the possibility of biosphere degradation and mass extinction that could be taking place in our generation 鈥 we should, imho, be erring on the side of caution before all the facts are in, as we only have one decent planet. I sympathise with the 鈥榞lobal warming鈥 views of James (432) and some of Vikingar (450), and I鈥檓 appalled by the simplistic 鈥榠t鈥檚 a psyop鈥 argument (451), when it involves the results of so many different groups of scientists around the world. To me, this is a far bigger issue than the Darfurian genocide, but I accept other people have different priorities.

I鈥檒l tackle your 鈥楯ohn Bolton to be commended鈥 and 鈥榬esource war is theory鈥 (467) points next time, although I doubt very much Bolton would have been 鈥榠n鈥 on any 911 covert op.

[2] - incidentally, Rummel鈥檚 Wed 4th Oct blog entry is about the mass murder of muslims by muslims 鈥 the same topic of 鈥業slamic Sectarian Fracticide鈥 that Vikingar has often raised
[3] e.g. See reference to Nicholas Kristof鈥檚 column at

  • 475.
  • At 02:33 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • slidingdar wrote:

Now you really have flown out the window. It had nothing to do with shredding reputations whatsoever, you've fundamentally misunderstood.

But it did have to do with clarifying something.

You, Richard, are the good cop on the surface, but less so when your attempt to bring everyone together in an innactive group hug is exposed as not a purposeful solution.

Vikingar is the bad cop on the surface, intended to frighten everyone into not jumping in with their moderate, ordinary opinions, but underneath oh so understanding, throwing you a little bone now and again.

You two, dear fellows are exemplary paradigms of the phoney leftist rightist political game we're supposed to be still playing, superficially differing and diametrically opposed (but only on a few 'safe issues'), but in the end, it's all just the great game, a cruel circus inside a sewn up tent, well, some of us, more and more as time passes, are unstitching the seams.

"Don't co-opt me into your self decepton"...

Quite right, DON'T, I'm not 'Left'

And I'm not '911 Truth'

I have questions, same as you, right?

In summary, no, I'm not sorry, calling you fake was my opinion. Same as your incorrect and sustained opinion that am 'left' and that I fit in one of your easy boxes. IF I were 'left' I have no doubt I would be proud of that, as that would be my conviction, but I AM NOT, therefore IT IS NOT.

I'd say you've defamed Bridget in your last post, but only because you failed to understand her.

It's your error coming here waving your real name around, hoping no-one will disagree with you, not mine, you should have thought of that in the first place, besides, I think you've debated in a strong and intelligent manner, truthfully I do.

But I feel compelled to assert to you MY OPINION that your meritous and heartfelt concerns are universal, however, your solution, whilst welcome in the corridors of power as it maintains the current useless political paradigm, might not go so unscathed here, in a similar fashion to how the politicians might get a few choice home truths told to them, if there were ever a REAL forum for the people to vent their anger at the utter lies of the politicians.

That's why Cameron can fool around on his bike still, he's not in power, once in power, and the sellouts and blood flow in his name, he'd not last five minutes on his bike without a crowd surrounding him and asking him some questions, that outside of the fake media machine, he'd be unable to scoff some blustering lie/response to.

These fori are what they are, and we all get burned in them sometimes, I have some scalding here myself from your good self, so it's all equal in the end.

If you falsly call me '911 truth' innacurately, if you call me 'left' innacurately, and with the intent to attack the validity of my views, then that is no more or less defamatory than my calling you fake.

I do the evil?...So being outside of your many 'brands', makes me evil? how 15th century!


I DO THE EVIL? Naa, I've heard better.

  • 476.
  • At 03:31 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Hi again James

yes, I may have been a touch glib, and come on a little strong with that previous comment to which you refer, but coincidentally to the main thrust of this forum, on the 11th September 2001, when all the flights were stopped, America got warmer, Global Cooling (by way of high altitude light diffusion) is not the wicked thing it might initially seem to be, with clean aerofuels, it could be achieved and fine tuned easily enough, shocking though the concept may appear, it is already occurring thanks to all the jetsetters up there

As an aside, the so called Ozone Layer destruction, was a fallacy, there is 50 times the ultraviolet radiation at the equator than there is at the poles, even taking the magnetosphere 'wave guidance' of radiation into account, the Ozone layer is a variable mass high up, something like clothes in a spin dryer, it is 'thrown' outward, resulting in the naked patch above and/or below...i.e. in the centre of the 'drum'

CFCs are heavy, so heavy they gravitate down and around cities such as L.A. they do not float up into the high atmosphere, this is therefore a precedent for global worry lies, we're being led to nuclear power by the fear for the Earth and ourselves, there are other ways, such as biofuels, solar, and to a lesser extent water and wind power

The science in support of Global Warming ignores some basic facts, such as the main greenhouse gas is WATER!, I hope we aren't going to try to reduce that, it would fail

The science is also based on flawed models and insufficient duration of data collection

Lastly, it ignores the fact that London used to be savanna

For London to be savanna, Africa would surely have to cook, so no, I am not saying 'let it be', but I am saying that many thousands of years ago, things were so much hotter and not caused by us

We, rather scarily, have the technology here and now, to keep the globe from cooking, by way of high atmospheric vapour dispersal, it is these things combined, that lead me (very very reluctantly, and still with some reservation of certainty) to see this current scare as another layer of pressure upon us taxpayers, in part to prevent us complaining as the screw tightens yet further at the pump

The biosphere, rainforests and rare species et al are things I would never ever consider as dispensible, but I doubt that there is anything implicit in the CO2 reduction schemes, that would safeguard those, if one rejects GW for the above reasons, one is more able to concentrate on the beauty, rarity and maintenance of our wonderful planet

  • 477.
  • At 05:42 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

VSO (475): Bridget can speak for herself. My conditions on any further interaction with you remain.

  • 478.
  • At 06:12 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew (474): you make some good points, you misunderstand me in parts and in others I would want to question your judgment. In due time.

I'd like to clear up just one misunderstanding now, because doing so should give insight into one of my key motivations.

You took it that in describing the deaths of Jews and Gypsies in the Holocaust as 'uniquely horrible' I was comparing them to all other twentieth century deaths.

But that was not my meaning. If you look back, you'll see I'd just mentioned that there were many more deaths in WWII than these 6-7 million. The 'uniquely horrible' was compared to most of those other deaths, even in that particular hell of war. (Though dying as a prisoner of the Japanese, especially as a result of some of their own horrific medical experiments, is a troubling addition to one's nightmarish thoughts about that period.)

Dying in the Gulag during that period was also hardly a soft option. But, broadly, I stick with my original statement and the motivation it gives for the international community to do something now (as best we can) about Darfur. That was for me a major part of the power of the testimony and polemic of Elie Wiesel at the UN. Because he'd been through the Holocaust and most of his family had been killed, he knew much more what he was talking about than we could.

But when I said 'uniquely horrible' I was not trying to compare Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. I take your point that Mao was the biggest mass murderer of them all. The whole twentieth century, from the genocide of the Herero in Namibia in 1904 (note that it started in Africa, but with the Germans colonialists, a crime only just acknowledged) to the terrors of the Tutsis ninety years later, was the most blood-stained humanity has ever inflicted on itself.

And I believe that we HAVE learnt something from that time. The collapse of Naziism and of most of communism by the end of the century gives some hope. Dealing with the current genocides in Darfur and Eastern Burma is a crucial test, important not just for the sake of the victims themselves but to show that this time, this century, we intend to be different.

There's much more to be said along these lines but thank you for a thought-provoking critique.

  • 479.
  • At 07:24 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Andrew, excuse mon faux pas!

I mistakenly addressed you as James :blush:

Apologies, Mork

  • 480.
  • At 07:30 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Mork Anthony (476),

Unfortunately, I don't have time at the moment to respond fully. However, with regard to your point;

> on the 11th September 2001, when all the
> flights were stopped, America got warmer,
> Global Cooling (by way of high altitude light
> diffusion) is not the wicked thing it might
> initially seem to be

Presumably, this is in reference to the 2002 paper by David J. Travis, Andrew M. Carleton and Ryan G. Lauritsen, 'Regional Variations in U.S. Diurnal Temperature Range for the 11鈥14 September 2001 Aircraft Groundings: Evidence of Jet Contrail Influence on Climate' [1]

In 2002, Travis is quoted as saying, 'Contrails are much more prevalent during the daytime...They would potentially block more sunlight and that suggests they could cause a cooling in the daytime...But contrails affect both ends of the spectrum...We don't know which time of day the contrail effect dominates.' [2]

According to further research published in 2006 by Nicola Stuber, Piers Forster, Gaby R盲del, and Keith Shine, it is the night-time effect of contrails which dominates and produces overall warming;

'Contrails affect the climate by reflecting some of the sun鈥檚 energy back to space, which cools the earth. At the same time they enhance the natural greenhouse effect by trapping energy emitted from the Earth鈥檚 surface and atmosphere, leading to a warming. On average the greenhouse effect prevails and the climate warms. The contribution that night-time flying makes to climate warming is so high because the cooling effect only happens when the sun is up, whereas the warming effect occurs both day and night.' [3]




  • 481.
  • At 08:41 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Andrew, thanks for the info, hmm, if correct then I am wrong, however, this updated information is counterintuitive, as the ground temp in America did rise during that period, for it to rise, this later theory must be flawed in some way, perhaps (assuming that GW is a scare tactic) it has had to be cooked up to debunk the self evident warming of the period in september '01

Perhaps flying could be confined to the daytime? if the data IS correct

If GW is real, you can bet I would want to act to stop it, even if it is a natural cycle, it would still afect our heavily populated regions earthwide

I have to say though, that i find the original data the more compelling, and the later update, seems to have the mark of bad/reverse science to it

Either way...

Turning it all on its head, IF night time flying causes GW, then surely it has to be stopped right NOW!

Thank you for taking the time to reply

Then there is also the solar cycles, which are by far the greatest variable influence on our earth temperatures and ice/temperate ages


  • 482.
  • At 08:42 PM on 05 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Mork (479),

> Andrew, excuse mon faux pas!
> I mistakenly addressed you as James :blush:

no problem. I thought you must have meant me :) anyway, small correction to my post 480; 'it is the night-time effect of contrails which dominates' should read, 'it is the greenhouse effect which dominates', but I guess you'll realise that from reading the quotes. btw: I'm open to your general thesis that environmental disaster can be used as another rationale to control the population with ever more draconian restrictions, rather than come up with smart solutions that preserve freedoms.

  • 483.
  • At 02:20 PM on 06 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Andrew, thanks for the info, hmm, if correct then I am wrong, however, this updated information is counterintuitive, as the ground temp in America did rise during that period, for it to rise, this later theory must be flawed in some way, perhaps (assuming that GW is a scare tactic) it has had to be cooked up to debunk the self evident warming of the period in september '01

Perhaps flying could be confined to the daytime? if the data IS correct

If GW is real, you can bet I would want to act to stop it, even if it is a natural cycle, it would still afect our heavily populated regions earthwide

I have to say though, that i find the original data the more compelling, and the later update, seems to have the mark of bad/reverse science to it

Either way...

Turning it all on its head, IF night time flying causes GW, then surely it has to be stopped right NOW!

Thank you for taking the time to reply

Then there is also the solar cycles, which are by far the greatest variable influence on our earth temperatures and ice/temperate ages


(I originally attempted to post this the best part of a day ago, and it probably needs retooling since your edit, but in the name of honesty, this is it as I originally wrote it)

  • 484.
  • At 11:09 PM on 06 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:


I am most interested in understanding this stuff, and so...

If reflection of solar energy by the atmosphere of the Earth by day, is say 'X'...and Earth energy retention within the atmosphere of same by night is 'Y'...according to the data, X is a smaller value than Y?...

Or in terms I'M more able to grapple with!...What bounces back out to space by day, is less significant than what is KEPT within the atmosphere by night...according to the data

If this were true, would the Earth already be in a runaway greenhouse effect? and probably a seeringly hot world, whose atmosphere and seas were wholly above the dew point/condensing temperature of water, and whose water content would be perpetually venting out into the solar sytem, giving rise to a tail and vapour stream drifting off away from the sun, hence, not a habitable world, and possibly with an entirely 'boiled off' atmosphere (as the temperature escalated, the 'top' of the atmosphere would lower in altitude until the remaining 'stumpy' atmosphere was finally boiled dry)

I base this on my (limited) grasp of the data, and it is not in any way an attack upon yourself, just in the spirit of debate

If I was correct there, then global temperatures should be maintainable

So I am still pondering the potential for temperature maintenance by our own hand, and possibly by restructuring the times of day and altitude at which our flights occur

As for climate scientists, they seldom seem to make mention of temperature influences such as solar activity, or more specifically, the fact that this planet has been far hotter than even the wildest speculation for global warming, if temperature maintenance is the goal, then acceptance of earth history and the once tropical poles are necessary 'admissions', I am left with the impression that only half the story is being told, this casts doubt on the motive, is it truth or following an accepted dogma?

You said "btw: I'm open to your general thesis that environmental disaster can be used as another rationale to control the population with ever more draconian restrictions, rather than come up with smart solutions that preserve freedoms."...

It seems convenient that we're pressurised from below with this (somewhat bizarre) War on Terror and GW from above (and if anyone remembers the wars on poverty and on drugs, the omens are not good! wars against an illusive and infinitely variable foe - in the case of terror and drugs, can be maintained in perpetuity)

Like a tube of toothpaste being squeezed, we're forced out in the direction towards Global Government, now I don't know about you, but I find lack of accountability at present bad enough, let alone how this might worsen if all decisions for the whole globe were taken say 5,000 miles away

Call me cynical, but all the miriad sources I've encountered inform me that somewhere in orbit above the Official Story of history, are bankrolled bogeymen, from Stalin to Hitler to Mao Tse Tung, to Saddam and many many more...to Bush?...justy another bogeyman, another nail in the coffin of nations having reasons for pride in themselves, so hey, let's just globalise!

I might be taking this all too far with the last three paragraphs, but I feel that all the nations of the world COULD exist, could be at peace, and could be friends, call me a hippy, but we COULD be this way, instead we have all the despots and terrors

Anyway, the whole NWO thing is somewhat of a 'hot cream donut' :)...so never mind all that!...I would be very interested in your thoughts regarding GW, when you have time or inclination to get back


  • 485.
  • At 03:12 PM on 07 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Mork (484),

Apologies for the brevity of this reply. I should have more time late next week, as I鈥檓 also very interested in discussing this. I鈥檓 not a climate scientist, but I think you鈥檙e right to think that IF solar energy retention is greater than solar energy reflection, and absolutely no other factors were involved in the model, then the Earth鈥檚 seas would eventually boil, even if took millions or billions of years. I'm sure someone could work it out, using insolation ~342 W/m虏 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_radiation) However, we know that there are many other factors to take into account (not least, that contrails make up only a small part of the atmosphere receiving solar radiation), and that the contribution of contrails to 鈥榞lobal warming鈥 (according to Stuber) is relatively small.

I admit, the fact of the post-911 day-time temperature rise remains. If Stuber is correct, then we should expect a night-time absence of contrails to have resulted in a dropping of temperature greater than the day-time rise, as the heat energy isn鈥檛 trapped so much. Was such research done, I wonder? Also, do you think the chemtrail phenomenon is a secret attempt to manipulate the climate? From your psyop perspective, 'they' could be causing global warming with it. Alternatively, 'they' could be trying to slow global warming and avert disaster (although they may be failing if Stuber is correct about the overall warming effect of contrails!)

> As for climate scientists, they seldom seem to make
> mention of temperature influences such as solar
> activity

, a global-warming-is-not-manmade site, just ran (Oct 7th) a piece on some 'ignored' Danish research relating exploding stars to climate effects on Earth. I admit that the science behind climate change is extremely difficult. As I said in 474, I鈥檓 alarmed by biosphere degradation and mass extinction, which also results from less easily denied factors, like over-fishing, destruction of habitats, etc.

> It seems convenient that we're pressurised from
> below with this (somewhat bizarre) War on Terror
> and GW from above (and if anyone remembers the
> wars on poverty and on drugs, the omens are not
> good!

Yeh, some days I feel like building a spaceship and getting the hell out of here. Unfortunately I鈥檓 not as rich as Mr Branson!

If you haven鈥檛 read it, I suggest reading Tim Flannery鈥檚 鈥楾he Weather Makers鈥 for a very readable 鈥榞lobal warming is manmade鈥 perspective.

  • 486.
  • At 04:30 PM on 07 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

I wasn't sure that this thread was still active, and dropped by to ask if anyone here is aware that rocket launchers along with the 'largest haul of chemical explosives found in this country' have been uncovered in police raids. No? Hasn't Newsnight covered this? No front-page stories? Why not? Forest Gate found no chemicals, did it? Yet an innocent man was shot, wasn't he? And we all watched blanket news coverage of it, no?

Conspiracy? Yes, of silence it seems.

The BNP aren't as newsworthy it seems as 'Islamic fundamentalists'.

The only successful anti-terror police raid and the story is only covered by a couple of regional papers. Conspiracy? Surely not!

  • 487.
  • At 07:11 PM on 07 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Andrew, I'll try to just cover answers and avoid firing new questions

"using insolation ~342 W/m虏"

...Now you're SCARING me :D

"the post-911 day-time temperature rise remains. If Stuber is correct, then we should expect a night-time absence of contrails to have resulted in a dropping of temperature greater than the day-time rise, as the heat energy isn鈥檛 trapped so much. Was such research done, I wonder?"

...Yep, it did get hotter, as for research at the time, I think we could take that bet, but if the data was 'off message', then it would be hidden in the secret hangar next to the EARTH DERIVED flying saucers!...I am reasonably sure that thanks to the workings of Henrie Coanda (who apart from being an aerodynamacist genius, made something much like a jet engine in 1910), the German secret projects teams of the thirties and forties (such as described by Nick Cook in his fascinating book 'The Hunt For Zero Point' - in which it is also suggested that the B2 spirit has electrogravitic drives in addition to its jets), and the secret projects of John Frost (not the comedy avrocar, the silverbug 2,000mph six jet disk of the fifties)...that some 'ufo' sightings are just ordinary people spotting the 'never to be disclosed' tech...the blackbird used to 'not exist', and now aurora (which you can also bet is real) has only slipped into partial acknowledgement because there's something ELSE that in some way supersedes its 5,000mph capability, in fact, if I was being asked what I thought, the likes of the space shuttle are 'penny farthings' for public consumption, whilst in secret, there are already ducati 999s - in the metaphorical sense

In fact, the NWO is probably only really showing its hand more overtly thesedays, because they have the scalar weapons to blow us away, and the air/spacecraft hybrids in which should the need arise, they could make their getaway!


Right, trying to remain on topic...

"do you think the chemtrail phenomenon is a secret attempt to manipulate the climate? From your psyop perspective, 'they' could be causing global warming with it. Alternatively, 'they' could be trying to slow global warming and avert disaster (although they may be failing if Stuber is correct about the overall warming effect of contrails!)"

...Could be exactly why Stuber exists? To muddy the debate?

Chemtrails have always seemed a bit overtly 'tinfoil' to me, some say it's all about poison from above, but you could do that far more effectively in the water supply than via the atmosphere, incidentally, fluoride is being put into the water supply, but the water company will deny it unless you ask the question with the keywords "can I have that IN WRITING please?", and even then they'll begrudgingly admit that it is 'natural', and a by-product of THEIR SUPPLIERS purification process, in other words, water poisoning is already happening, so no need for bug spraying

But, your hypothesis that they are doing experimental tests, trying to cook us up some real GW, or indeed trying to lay some GCooling on us instead, is an interesting one

Who would argue GW is real when it's happening, the ultimate Goldfinger or Dr Evil, just might be blackmailing us from washington and london rather than from some 'evil island'

"I鈥檓 alarmed by biosphere degradation and mass extinction, which also results from less easily denied factors, like over-fishing, destruction of habitats, etc."

(I'll look into that website, thanks)

...That's basically my perspective too, I think that Stuber may be wrong/disinfo agent (big accusation, but just floating a theory)...IF he's one of those, then we can with almost no hardship fix GW, and get on with the important stuff to which you refer

"Yeh, some days I feel like building a spaceship and getting the hell out of here. Unfortunately I鈥檓 not as rich as Mr Branson!

If you haven鈥檛 read it, I suggest reading Tim Flannery鈥檚 鈥楾he Weather Makers鈥 for a very readable 鈥榞lobal warming is manmade鈥 perspective."

...You'd only bump into the secret nazi world government up there if you did ;)

The Rutan launcher system is loosly based upon german piggyback aircraft designs of the thirties and forties (in fact, the aerial platform is almost an exact copy of something - literally almost identical), the principle can be scaled up almost infinately, and the 'orbiter' can be scaled up to carry sufficient fuel to make proper altitude to be truly in space, so what nasa has been doing all this time I really don't know - you just don't NEED to burn all that rocket fuel from the ground, no need at all...a bit like us all having steam powered porsches, something is 'UP' with that

I'll have a read of that book, thanks...any chance of a very short synopsis of that?...Is he inferring that manmade means 'man reversible'?

  • 488.
  • At 08:47 PM on 07 Oct 2006,
  • April wrote:


Either that or hire Bridget Dunne (486) to do it for you, where were you when this genuine terrorism was happening?

BNP terrorism is STILL TERRORISM and therefore NEWS

...Or is reporting BNP terrorism unfair in some way?

  • 489.
  • At 08:51 PM on 07 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

On my last two post submissions I got a message saying I'm not allowed to post a message. Therefore, I doubt this message will get through. I have no idea why I have been blocked, as I have worked hard to maintain a respectful, well-sourced contribution to this blog. It was nice knowing you all.

  • 490.
  • At 09:10 PM on 07 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Andrew - You're back baby!...maybe we know too much?

  • 491.
  • At 09:49 AM on 08 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget (486),

Thank you for posting the information about the Pendle 'explosive haul' - that is, a large find of chemicals from which explosives can be made (and other items) at the homes of two BNP members, which is now subject to a prosecution in Burnley. For the record, it was the first I'd heard of such a thing.

This is a worthwhile example I'd say of how news at the national level is filtered. But not necessarily of either conspiracy or bias against Muslims.

For you, it confirms conspiracy and bias that you already believe is there. For me, it doesn't do that, because I don't start with that as a frame of reference. Though I'm not uncritical of the national media in other, related areas.

But it's a good example. It will be interesting to hear about the verdict of the court and how that is reported, if at all, in the national media.

You mention 'Muslim fundamentalists'. Although not your fault, this common term isn't a helpful one, for me, because fundamentalism has to do with a literalist approach to sacred writings. All devout Muslims are fundamentalist in that sense. That's not meant to be perjorative, just a statement about their attitude to the Koran.

I'd prefer the term 'Muslim radical' or Islamist. Sayyid Qutb is the most influential original thinker in this area, Osama bin Laden and 'The Base' (al-Qaeda) are the best known examples these days, although the naming of various networks is much more complicated than that.

I'd like to ask you what, given the conspiracy you believe exists to exaggerate or fabricate the evils of Islamism, what you DO believe about this strain of Islam. Specifically, do you believe that Osama and his allies helped and were helped by the current Sudanese regime?

This was stated as fact recently in the second letter in

and has been the subject of various articles in the 'blogosphere' since 2001, although it hasn't received much attention in the MSM, just like the Pendle story.

More broadly, what do you think of Islamism as I've briefly defined it? Has it done any evil at all in the world? I gather that you don't think that all evils ascribed to it have been true or fair. But is there any substance to the concerns ordinary people in the West and in Muslim countries have about this strain of Islam, in your view?

  • 492.
  • At 06:34 PM on 08 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Bridget (486); great post! I wonder if the conspiracy of silence is more than just a cultural bias - did the police stumble across an operation in its pre-patsy stage? rocket-launchers for god's sake - that's one hell of a neighbour dispute! :) where did he get his rocket launchers from? (note to self: re-watch Mark Thomas)

Mork (490)
> maybe we know too much?

Speaking for my own state of knowledge; If that's the case, god help us!

Richard (491)
> For you [Bridget], it confirms conspiracy and bias
> that you already believe is there. For me, it doesn't > do that, because I don't start with that as a frame
> of reference

Richard, are you seriously suggesting that if rocket launchers, bomb-making chemicals, and a nuclear or biological suit were found in the home of young male muslim/s, it wouldn't be headline news for weeks on end? Can you imagine Supt Smith saying, "He鈥檚 not a terrorist and it鈥檚 not a bomb factory" so quickly, with regard to a muslim guy? They'd think Supt Smith worked for al Qaeda.

ps: the 'You are not allowed to post a message' message appeared when trying to post about the Military Commissions Act (aka Detainees Bill). If this gets through, then it obviously wasn't a keyphrase block on those :)

  • 493.
  • At 08:52 PM on 08 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:


I didn't say Muslim fundamentalism I said 'Islamic fundamentalists' in quotes and in context. Why doesn't it surprise me that you either don't read what I write or misinterpret me. Your own agenda becomes very clear when you constantly attempt to move the debate to issues that you wish to discuss, such as Darfur. Can I remind you that this thread is to discuss 'conspiracy theories'. (I would like to thank those who have defended me against Richard's unwarranted smears & attacks btw).

As for downplaying the chemicals found, isn't it disingenuous of the media after Forest Gate? Rocket launchers and chemical suits were also found. Hardly unworthy of national media coverage in the light of recent mass arrests of young British men for ridiculous 'liquid explosive' plots.

Can I also remind you that before 7th July the last terrorist attack in the UK was the Soho nail bomb, where 3 people were killed by a right-wing extremist. (Devices similar to the still unidentified explosives, according to the narrative, that were found in the car at Luton and for which there is no explanation).

That the Bologna train station massacre, blamed on the Red Brigade, was also carried out by neo-Nazis linked to operation Gladio.

That fascists and neo-Nazis are the only people IMO to benefit from events such as 7th July and the constant demonising of Muslims, be it John Reid telling Muslim parents to spy on their children or Jack Straw's offensive views on the Nijab. Under the disguise of 'free speech', this evil rhetoric from elected representatives of the whole community, is serving the purpose of creating an enemy in the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag Fire and the Enabling Act. This is why we haven't heard about the BNP arrests, they don't fit the prevaling agenda. Newsnight should be ashamed, but then the 麻豆官网首页入口 has very openly become an arm of state propaganda. I wonder if this would be the case if Greg Dyke was still controller?

As for what I think of various influences & currents within Islam or any religions for that matter, I believe it is for the peoples of their own countires to make their own choices, Such as, what do the people of Darfur, rather than George Clooney & John Bolton, want for Sudan? Where are their voices and what are they calling for?

It is this constant belief that the West can sit in judgement & profess to have the solutions based on Imperialist actions & notions past and present telling other countries what to do about problems that Western Capitalism since WWII has created then shedding crocodile tears at the results of these actions. Have you ever heard of self-determination? What do the people want? What would be their solution?

Fortunately, we are beginning to see a growing confidence from the peoples of Latin American countries, who after decades of US financed tyranny, are standing up to the great Imperialist bully and tyrant. This same confidence is also expressed by the Iranian president and the insurgency in Iraq.

July 7th was crucial in creating the prevailing mindset of dangerous Muslims with evil intent, an event that we have seen no evidence for that would conclusively prove the OV. Until we have seen this evidence and can make up our own minds about who was behind these attacks, I suggest we question everything, because nothing is was it appears to be. Three towers appear to have been brought down by planes on 9/11, they weren't, but that's what it appears happened. Appearance is everything isn't it? It's enough to manipulate us as long as we only believe our eyes and not use our brains. When you then realise that the very people who claim to protect you are the very people who are attacking you, the world is a very different place, but within that comes liberation from manipulation and freedom to think for oneself.

Just ask yourself this, why do you choose to believe & trust known liars who have unashamedly lied about WMD and participated in such death & destruction in Iraq and a state that has previously & knowingly blamed and incarcerated innocent people such as the Birmingham 6 & Guildford 4? Why do you choose to downplay the BNP weapons find and its lack of media attention?

@ Andrew - cheers mate.

  • 494.
  • At 12:23 AM on 09 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget (493)

I don't have long now so I'll leave some things unsaid or unanswered.

I'm coming to believe that Sudan and Darfur are more crucial to the Osama bin Laden story than I previously realised. Someone I know well in my church in London, whose father was once the Tanzanian Ambassaddor to Sudan, is also very concerned about Darfur, as a black African and a devout Christian. He was telling me just this evening of the origins of the very important 'Mahdi' movement and how that first attracted bin Laden to Sudan.

OBL's own story is a key aspect of contemporary CTs, for or against. So is the dreadful conspiracy of the Sudan regime (with his initial help) to destroy the black peoples of Darfur, which went virtually unreported for so long. It's all totally on topic here, a point I've made before.

But that's not all. I think that the very common idea that Bush and Blair lied in a big way about WMDs is one of the silliest notions in the public space. While you're getting your brain cells around that heretical notion, I said in my first post here (90) that I believe that Canon Andrew White is telling the truth about what his Iraqi friends tell him on this subject and that they too are reporting honestly. We should I think devote some time to that crucial area. It's all very CT-ish, just not anything like the direction you normally think.

Included in that is whether David Kelly was murdered and, if so, why. That's another CT mentioned in my first post that's been totally ignored until now.

The problem as I see it is that you (and those lining up with you) wish to dictate very narrowly was CT should mean - interpretation all set in stone. I don't think it's anything like as easy as that. You have never addressed these related anomalies which undoubtedly lead us into CT territory.

You and I do differ at a deep level. (Even though I've said from the word go that I am not sure how things will fall when more is revealed about the building collapses on 911.) What's interesting is whether we can both take part in this blog in a way that sheds light for other readers on the different standpoints that are possible.

Lastly, and most importantly, on self-determination and Darfur. What's so bleakly ironic about that is that if the inaction of those who are not willing to condemn the Sudanese government for mass murder is followed (and you have given no indication of being willing to say anything even mildly critical) then there are going to be no black people left there to determine anything.

It's like proclaiming the need for self-determination of Polish Jews or of the Romany peoples of Germany in 1943. Amazing denial and inability to listen to the peoples themselves (who made very clear their views on the crying need for a large UN force last month), even by your standards.

I repeat, this is all totally on topic in a discussion of contemporary CTs. And mass murder increasing from hundreds of thousands to millions of the defenceless happens to be far more important than non-reporting of a alleged, unsuccessful BNP bomb-factory in Pendle. And let's first see if the court convicts the two men of any offence. And then if the national media picks up the story.

But, as I said, a good example. That was meant to be positive. But take it how you like. The lives of many are in the balance. That matters more.

  • 495.
  • At 06:58 PM on 09 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:


I wish I had your belief that you are powerful enough to influence the future of the peoples of Darfur.

I have been attempting to understand the situation in Darfur, a complex tale emerges.

'Understanding the Conflict in Darfur' by M.A. Mohamed Salih, Professor of Politics of Development, The Hague. States:

"In this paper, I argue that explaining the Darfur conflict in terms of Arabs versus Africans or ethnic cleansing devoid of historical conflicts is grossly misleading and may also lead to erroneous prescriptions of how to resolve the current crisis. "

I was one of over 2 million who took to the streets to demand this government didn't attack Iraq. Made precious little difference to the outcome, which we now know was already a foregone conclusion in their minds. We can only hope that similar plans to attack Iran, perhaps with nuclear missiles, can be thwarted. The killing machine that has been unleashed on the world since 9/11 must be stopped somehow. All these deaths based on a massive LIE.

Mario Savio inspires me:

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

I don't think that we will agree on the causes and solutions of the mass crimes against humanity, the loss of just one life makes my heart break. It is out of compassion and love for people, not power, profits & private property, that compels me to do what I do. We all need to find where we can make a difference, mine is the July 7th Truth Campaign. I do this In the belief that everything is connected, and only the truth will set us free.

  • 496.
  • At 07:20 PM on 09 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:


I wish I had your belief that you are powerful enough to influence the future of the peoples of Darfur.

I have been attempting to understand the situation in Darfur, a complex tale emerges.

'Understanding the Conflict in Darfur' by M.A. Mohamed Salih, Professor of Politics of Development, The Hague. States:

"In this paper, I argue that explaining the Darfur conflict in terms of Arabs versus Africans or ethnic cleansing devoid of historical conflicts is grossly misleading and may also lead to erroneous prescriptions of how to resolve the current crisis. "

I was one of over 2 million who took to the streets to demand this government didn't attack Iraq. Made precious little difference to the outcome, which we now know was already a foregone conclusion in their minds. We can only hope that similar plans to attack Iran, perhaps with nuclear missiles, can be thwarted. The killing machine that has been unleashed on the world since 9/11 must be stopped somehow. All these deaths based on a massive LIE.

Mario Savio inspires me:

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part; you can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"

I don't think that we will agree on the causes and solutions of the mass crimes against humanity, the loss of just one life makes my heart break. It is out of compassion and love for people, not power, profits & private property, that compels me to do what I do. We all need to find where we can make a difference, mine is the July 7th Truth Campaign. I do this In the belief that everything is connected, and only the truth will set us free.

  • 497.
  • At 09:33 PM on 09 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Attack on Iran already underway?

"Monday, October 9, 2006
BREAKING NEWS: Eisenhower Carrier Group Sails for Iran Theater

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Eisenhower and its accompanying strike force of cruiser, destroyer and attack submarine slipped their moorings and headed off for the Persian Gulf region on Oct. 2, as I had predicted in a piece in The Nation magazine a few weeks back.

The Eisenhower strike force, according to my sources, is scheduled to arrive in the vicinity of Iran around October 21, at the same time as a second flotilla of minesweepers and other ships.

This build-up of naval power around the coast of Iran, according to some military sources, is in preparation for an air attack on Iran that would target not just Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities, but its entire military command and control system."

  • 498.
  • At 09:43 PM on 09 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Richard (494),

> dictate very narrowly was CT
> should mean

Good point. To hell with Newsnight-esque constraint! I wasted months investigating the history of technology, especially of transistors and semiconductors, only to find out that Col. Philip J. Corso鈥檚 claims of alien technology in 鈥楾he Day After Roswell鈥 are false and absurd. What a fool for entertaining the idea in the first place! I thought about writing the book, 鈥榃hy Corso鈥檚 Claims Are False鈥, but I couldn鈥檛 live with the idea of it only selling 1 copy! Although Al Martin鈥檚 literary style is repetitive, I recommend 鈥楾he Conspirators鈥, for a potential insider鈥檚 view of Bush-gang scams to make money. Read 鈥楾he assassination of Robert Maxwell鈥 by Gordon Thomas and Martin Dillon, about his role as a spy, and info on PROMIS software. 鈥楾he Hidden History of the Human Race: Forbidden Archeology鈥 by Cremo and Thompson should test the boundaries of what you can accept about our place as modern humans. Perhaps time for some antidote academic books like 鈥楢 Culture of Conspiracy鈥 by Barkun, or 鈥楶aranoia Within Reason鈥 by Marcus, that intellectualises it all away, ho ho. Suitably refreshed, let鈥檚 read 鈥楨verything You Know is Wrong鈥 by Lloyd Pye on the reality of Bigfoot, or William Lyne on 鈥極ccult Ether Physics: Tesla鈥檚 Hidden Space Propulsion System and the conspiracy to conceal it鈥. A bit too conservative? How about Jacques Vallee鈥檚 鈥楧imensions鈥 or Icke鈥檚 reptilian aliens (you have to admire the subtlety of continual balding in the Blair shapeshifter ;). No no, wooah, best to stick with Nigel West, or better still Hinsley鈥檚 6 volume set on British Intelligence in the Second World War. Phew, I can feel reality returning. I have a collection of many hundreds of CT and science books and my conclusion is that 鈥榬eality鈥 is largely consensual. Let鈥檚 stick Fortean phenomena in the 鈥榦ther鈥 category. It鈥檚 a Newsnight blog, so political analysis it is! :)

  • 499.
  • At 10:17 PM on 09 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Whilst not strictly CT (unless Al Gore is to be believed!), here's a moral struggle I'm having at the moment; how do we deal with global overpopulation? there were c.1 billion people at the beginning of the 20thC, and c.6 billion by the end; the growth is now faster than ever. Even if it eventually plateaus at 9 billion, as some think, the front page of today's Independent carries the story, 'Earth's ecological debt crisis'; quote, 'Scientific evidence is mounting that rapid population growth and rising living standards among the Earth's six billion inhabitants are putting an intolerable strain on nature.' How do we deal with a deluge of articles like this;

Marine Scientists Report Massive "Dead Zones"

There are so many noble thinkers, some attempts at doing, but no-one, imho, with the power to do anything fundamental, on a planetary scale. As far as I can see, without a green global dictatorship and violent suppression of all peoples, nobody can stop the human race from wrecking Earth and killing off most other species. What's the solution to this? Ignore or redefine the problem? Deny the evidence? (as it's too big for any one mind?) Escape the planet and take a DNA bank with us, to resow life on Earth once the human race has brought itself crashing down? I have no idea, but I do have a family to protect, and a growing desire to use my energy and resources to increase the chances of a livable tomorrow.

  • 500.
  • At 03:36 PM on 10 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

The following is not by any means an exhaustive response to you, Andrew, but it scratches the surface at least

What I think many leading politicians must be thinking, is rather than upsetting their corporate paymasters, by far the best solution of global overpopulation and environmental damage would be...

1 Get everyone running around like headless chickens with regard to GW

2 Divert their attention with "terrorism"

1.2 / 2.2 Use these two tools as 'perpetrators' for all to follow

3 Keep Africa, Middle East and Asia down as much as possible, and introduce there the medically bankrupt western pharmacorp "health" industries...nothing like treating the symptom rather than the cause to kill people (did you know american healthcare kills 750,000 per annum?)

4 Utilitize 'the earth fights back' and terror, with doses of ethnic cleansing and religious hatred thrown in, to keep the world fighting and the meat grinder in operation ad infinitum

5 Never free government policy from corruption

6 Keep 'civilised' populations oppressed with unconstitutional activities such as biometric id cards and civil liberty erosion, such that they give up hope of affecting change, and leaving government to do what its masters want

7 If the above should fail (unfortunately, the failure of the above is unlikely unless we make it our mission to break free of TV lies and spread the truth), if all the above are challenged and defeated, then they can always pull the 'aliens are real and they are trying to wipe us out' psy-op, not too likely this one as they can quite likely pull off 'operation total environmental doom' think of both of these as reserve 'top trumps'...they have the weapons, technology and disinfo machinery to make this quite convincing, but it'll simply be a last ditch effort at more lie based murder and destruction, profitable - though, of course, they could, if they were what they constantly pretended to be, deal with the causes of the worlds ills, which are...

A Excessive greed and the increasing poverty gap

B 'Civilisd' countries financing, training and CONTROLLING "terrorists", religions and policies, to keep the world in turmoil

C Pharmaceutical companies having no intention of being ethical in their practice, no profit in cure, but there is profit in engineered, fabricated and exaggerated disease

D The profit inherent in warfare, Iraq is a multi billion dollar enterprise

E Government links to corporations, 'lobbyists', vested interests and corporate fear machines...example, someone's going to make FIVE BILLION from id cards

F Giving the 'electorate', who self evidently no longer have any reason to believe that one party is any different to another, more (and genuine) power over decision making

But, as much as it saddens me, the global coup is too advanced for this to ever happen, absent some 'deep impact' event which sends meteriorite fragments onto the precise locations of some 1,000,000 or so 'key' inhabitants of the planet

Stay tuned to your TV for more info on...the pointlessness of voting, the same govenment/corporation agendi regardless...more "terror", more dodgy science global 'ultimate storm' "news"...and more efforts to consolidate the 'yerpean' "constitution" (read corporate constitution)...attempts to 'split' nations into "more representative" entities such as Wales and Scotland, but paradoxically with less autonomy from the global government...nuclear power as a 'saviour' from GW, never mind the very plausible but debunked fusion technology (just what ARE they saving that up for I wonder?)

The net result/plan?...to make us all accept global government (dictatorship) as unstoppable, and to turn us to such a state of apathy that we'll willingly accept whatever catastrophe/CULL kills off 80% of the worlds population (never mind that the release of all these artificial govt/corp control and deception structures would leave a healthier LESS RAPIDLY REPRODUCING global population)...it is war, terror and disease that cause overpopulation, in my humble opinion...and deep down, we all know instinctively what the causes of war, terror and disease are

Personaly, I think it is the business-government syndicate

"Free market capitalism", is closed monopoly fundamentalism, which you could also call corporate-communism'...meaning that both cap/com structures have NOTHING whatsover to do with YOUR empowerment, they are about your eventual total insignificance

I leave you with one example of the power of people to get it right, and government/big industry to get it wrong: Stonehenge is a weather calculator, it computes the lunar cycles, and there are similar structures as far as new zealand, they allow the observer to understand the 19 and 38 year cycles of the lunar orbit, and predict with 80% accuracy, the weather...is the new scientific met office any more effective than this?

Government, like industry and large corporations, takes more from you than it offers in return

Some element of the solution, Andrew, is I firmly believe, in examining the above concepts, through the effect, one finds the cause, in order to locate the cure

  • 501.
  • At 10:08 PM on 10 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

What's so dangerous about post 500 that it cannot be seen for hours and hours after approval?

Too mad to make visible, or too close to reality?

Alright, the 'deep impact' joke was a little unfunny, but no less funny than Kissengers many genocide plans, eh?

  • 502.
  • At 10:35 PM on 10 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Mork Anthony #500 & #501

Great examples of delusion & Corrosive Tripe (CT)

Your are pushing so many agendas surprised there is room on your bandwagon :)


  • 503.
  • At 10:47 PM on 10 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

On a similar topic to post 500, 'This World', tonight bb2 at 9.50pm repeatedly showed actual interviews with Israeli people, who over and over again alleged that President Arminihjad (spelling?) "wants to wipe Israel off the map", I have yet to hear this alleged rhetoric from the man himself, as far as I know, he said "Israels creation was at the expense of the original residents of that territory, and therefore should not have been PUT ON THE MAP", this is similar to his saying "where did the holocaust happen?" (as in Europe, not the Middle East), and that was reported as "the holocaust did not happen", so there's some evidence of the bbc consorting with propagandists and indulging in dangerous misquoting

"Terrorism is the act of using [fear and] terror to achieve political aims" - therefore, the bbc is a terrorist organisation, same as the British government

The British government is a terrorist organisation, it has made use of terror, and the fear of terror, to achieve political aims, in Iraq, in Afganistan, and here in Britain

Take ID cards, they'll never stop terrorism, which will continue to occur AS LONG AS IT SUITS OUR OWN GOVERNMENT, because, they are terrorists "using terror to achieve political aims"

  • 504.
  • At 11:01 PM on 10 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

We've missed you vikingar, no really we have



  • 505.
  • At 11:33 PM on 10 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

NO, vikingar, these aren't agendi, they're real problems and people are dying and will die because of them

I know why you came back, by the way, how amusing you are!

You've no accusations left but that of 'agenda', but that is only because you hail from a point of agenda, and I KNOW exactly what that is, give it your best shot vikingar, and I'll show you how you're wrong for all to read

Ooh, the bad man Mork has an agenda of justice and peace and equality and accountability, what a bad bad man he MUST be, let's put him in prison right now!

Yes folks, if you're not vikingar, then you've done something wrong if you have hope in peace, hope in justice, hope in equality - you SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR CRAZY AGENDI

Justice is bad

Peace is bad

Accountability is bad

so says vikingar, who is apparently some sort of totalitarian talking head, whether he's communist or capitalist, either way, he's just a nutjob

There is a name for people with views such as yours, vikingar, and you've been called that here before

  • 506.
  • At 11:54 PM on 10 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

@ Mark Anthony 503

Re: Tonight's 'This World'.

I agree.

I watched this with the sickest feeling of despair at how far the 麻豆官网首页入口 have swung in support of Zionism and Israeli aggression against its neighbours.

It was a sickeningly racist, distorted, biased and truly evil programme.

Ahmadinejad's letter to George Bush contained the following about Israel & the War (OF) Terror:

"Mr President,

I am sure you know how 鈥 and at what cost 鈥 Israel was established:
- Many thousands were killed in the process.
- Millions of indigenous people were made refugees.
- Hundred of thousands of hectares of farmland, olive plantations, towns and villages were destroyed.

This tragedy is not exclusive to the time of establishment; unfortunately it has been ongoing for sixty years now.

A regime has been established which does not show mercy even to kids, destroys houses while the occupants are still in them, announces beforehand its list and plans to assassinate Palestinian figures and keeps thousands of Palestinians in prison. Such a phenomenon is unique 鈥 or at the very least extremely rare 鈥 in recent memory.

Another big question asked by people is why is this regime being supported?
Is support for this regime in line with the teachings of Jesus Christ (PBUH) or Moses (PBUH) or liberal values?

Or are we to understand that allowing the original inhabitants of these lands 鈥 inside and outside Palestine 鈥 whether they are Christian, Muslim or Jew, to determine their fate, runs contrary to principles of democracy, human rights and the teachings of prophets? If not, why is there so much opposition to a referendum?

The newly elected Palestinian administration recently took office. All independent observes have confirmed that this government represents the electorate. Unbelievingly, they have put the elected government under pressure and have advised it to recognise the Israeli regime, abandon the struggle and follow the programs of the previous government.
If the current Palestinian government had run on the above platform, would the Palestinian people have voted for it? Again, can such position taken in opposition to the Palestinian government be reconciled with the values outlined earlier? The people are also saying 鈥渨hy are all UNSC resolutions in condemnation of Israel vetoed?鈥

Mr President,

As you are well aware, I live amongst the people and am in constant contact with them -- many people from around the Middle East manage to contact me as well. They dot not have faith in these dubious policies either. There is evidence that the people of the region are becoming increasingly angry with such policies.

It is not my intention to pose to many questions, but I need to refer to other points as well. Why is it that any technological and scientific achievement reached in the Middle East regions is translated into and portrayed as a threat to the Zionist regime? Is not scientific R&D one of the basic rights of nations.

You are familiar with history. Aside from the Middle Ages, in what other point in history has scientific and technical progress been a crime? Can the possibility of scientific achievements being utilised for military purposes be reason enough to oppose science and technology
altogether? If such a supposition is true, then all scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, engineering, etc. must be opposed.

Lies were told in the Iraqi matter. What was the result? I have no doubt that telling lies is reprehensible in any culture, and you do not like to be lied to.

All governments have a duty to provide security and peace of mind for their citizens. For some years now, the people of your country and neighbours of world trouble spots do not have peace of mind. After 9.11, instead of healing and tending to the emotional wounds of the survivors and the American people 鈥 who had been immensely traumatised by the attacks 鈥 some Western media only intensified the climates of fear and insecurity 鈥 some constantly talked about the possibility of new terror attacks and kept the people in fear. Is that service to the American people? Is it possible to calculate the damages incurred from fear and panic?
American citizen lived in constant fear of fresh attacks that could come at any moment and in any place. They felt insecure in the streets, in their place of work and at home. Who would be happy with this situation? Why was the media, instead of conveying a feeling of security and
providing peace of mind, giving rise to a feeling of insecurity?"

The whole letter is fascinating and it's inconceivable that Bush would be able to respond in a similar manner.

Instead the White House had a one word response, 'rambling'.

  • 507.
  • At 12:06 AM on 11 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

The world according to the Neocons:

  • 508.
  • At 01:25 AM on 11 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

For the Post 911 Corrosive Tripe (CT) believers with multi agendas.

Esp those of the left, anarchist ,social, communist faith etc

The capitalist reality -youtube [1]

Where would the fringe & radicals be without them :)

Sure the new owners of YOUTUBE appreciate the content & revenue potential :)




  • 509.
  • At 02:51 AM on 11 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:


Vikingar, you are SO [censored] transparent

you boring dull moronic painfully risible futile semi brained broken record idiocy jukebox of twerpish almost intelligable but obsolete old school outmoded irrelevant pointless self exposing third year f-grade witless accidentally ironic poor effect foaming mouthed blockheaded ingrown frontal lobed silly little thirdwit

So (laughing) ANYONE who (more laughter) who wishes peace, accountability of politicians and equality is one of your scary fringe groups now, vikingar? so you're telling (more laughter) EVERY READER that they are in some way weird if they are not a fascist (if I laugh at you much more voidingar, i'm really going to pee myself)

"Derr, MI nam3 is vIKINgaR and I fiNk vat U R awl crasie 'cOS you w0nt B Thashists liyck me, whY wonT U awl B my fwend and be fashists, we can awl be happY 2 gever, if U wont B fashiSTs wiv me ven I H8 U al you donut under stand me U c0mmies R al responsibull 4 my prublims iye H8 U al"

So vikingar, your dice must have got hot last turn (landed on corrosive, tripe, fringe, radical, communist, and links to 'reputed' sources), your spinner must have pointed to 'roll dice and spin again' several times, whoopdie doo

you silly little man

I pity you

you must really hate yourself

I want you to know, that despite the fact that you're a nazi sympathiser, I believe you can recover, but you must get some help from the link you kindly suppied earlier on around the time you were threatening non fascists with prison

silly little man

oh god, i've wet 'em

  • 510.
  • At 04:18 PM on 11 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Andrew, you rightly said you want to employ whatever choices and actions you are able to secure a better future for your family...

If I may make a suggestion to you: if you are able, install solar water heating and solar electric cells on your roof, and consider rainwater 'harvesting' (for toilet flushing and garden watering) in order to reduce your reliance on amenity suppliers, this will make some small dent in the power of giant businesses, for whom profit is the bottom line

Unfortunately there is an element of mutual exclusivity between being a 'good consumer' and a 'good earth inhabitant', so remaining positive and being willing to audit every action, whilst retaking your power of choice as much as possible, are excellent ways to do good, and force change in the systems for whom, change is unwelcome, but possible under the influence of withdrawal of profit

  • 511.
  • At 11:17 PM on 11 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Hmm, it's definately a tragedy for the deceased and their relatives and friends, but the plane hitting the building today had three things about it that make it 'odd'

10/11/6 is 9/11/01 flipped over (not my coup, someone else spotted it first)

They found a 'miracle passport' (again)

And today is surely a very convenient day for an 'almost 911' to remind people why half a million odd dead is somehow 'worth it'

  • 512.
  • At 02:05 PM on 12 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

The equivilant of ten years of Global Warming heat has vented off from the ocean into space...

"New data shows ocean cooling

The world's oceans cooled suddenly between 2003 and 2005, losing more than 20 percent of the global-warming heat they'd absorbed over the previous 50 years. That's a vast amount of heat, since the oceans hold 1,000 times as heat as the atmosphere. The ocean-cooling researchers say the heat was likely vented into space, since it hasn't been found stored anywhere on Earth.

John Lyman, of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, says the startling news of ocean cooling comes courtesy of the new ARGO ocean temperature floats being distributed worldwide. ARGOs are filling in former blank spots on the world's ocean monitoring system 鈥 and vastly narrowing our past uncertainty about sparsely measured ocean temperatures.

Lyman says the discovery of the sudden ocean coolings undercuts faith in global-warming forecasts because coolings randomly interrupt the trends laid out by the global circulation models. As Lyman puts it, "The cooling reflects interannual variability that is not well represented by a linear trend."

The new ocean cooling also recalls several NASA studies in the past five years that found a huge natural heat vent over the Pacific ocean's so-called warm pool, a band of water thousands of miles wide, roughly astride the equator. Studies coordinated by Bruce Weilicki, of NASA's Langley Research Center, found that when sea surface temperatures rise above 28 degrees C, Pacific rainfall becomes more efficient. More of the cloud droplets form raindrops, so fewer are left to form high, icy, cirrus clouds that seal in heat. As a result, the area of cirrus clouds is reduced, and far more heat passes out into space. This cools the surface of the warm pool, the world's warmest ocean water.

Weilicki's research teams say that the huge natural heat vent emitted about as much heat during the 1980s and 90s as would be expected from a redoubling of the carbon dioxide content in the air. They used satellites to measure cloud cover and long-range aircraft to monitor sea temperatures.

Layman says the sudden ocean coolings particularly complicate the problem of separating natural temperature changes from man-made impacts on the Earth's temperature. The impact of human-emitted CO2 has been assumed to accumulate in a straight-line trend over many decades.

Meanwhile, since the 1980s, the Earth's ice cores, seabed sediments and cave stalagmites have been revealing a moderate, natural 1,500-year climate cycle linked to solar irradiance. Temperatures jump suddenly and erratically 1 to 2 degrees C above the mean at the latitude of Washington, D.C., and New York City for centuries at a time, and more than that at the Earth's poles.

Temperatures vary hardly at all at the equator during the 1,500-year cycle, and Bruce Weilicki's NASA heat-vent findings seem to indicate why. The warm pool of the Pacific acts like a cooking pot, with its "lid" popping open to emit steam when the water gets too hot.

The more we look, the more we learn about the Earth's complex climate forces 鈥 though not much of the new knowledge comes from the huge, unverified global circulation models favored by the man-made warming activists."

...Not reported, perhaps because it was off message ?

  • 513.
  • At 02:54 PM on 12 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

What inventive / interpretive imagination :)




  • 514.
  • At 03:54 PM on 12 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Phew, what a fanatical fascist and busy litle bee you are, vikingar


If vikingar is the only 'fascism supporter' 'tree' in the forest, does anyone hear him snap ?

And are you in the home or away strip at the moment dear vikingar ?

  • 515.
  • At 04:31 PM on 12 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ah 鈥

Truth Peace & Justice [1]

Or is it

Truth Justice Peace [2]

So many fringe groups
So many agendas
So many similar titles

Copyright conflicts surely :)

No wonder former finds Post 911 CT useful

Look forward to latters return Bus Trip to Baghdad [3] *

* the 麻豆官网首页入口 series was entertainment value. Some genuine peace protesters, but too many loopy left liberal anarchist types arguing away with each other - thus proving why they will never attain real influence, by conventional methods, understandable really why they are so frustrated & enage radical methods :(

But neither group has popular mainstream majority following, hence why they are condemed to the radical fringe.



  • 516.
  • At 05:41 PM on 12 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

DeRR vikin9aR

You actually believe you can brand the very definitions of civilisation into insignificance don't you ?

Not indulging in ILLEGAL warfare is a 'fringe' activity ? Might I suggest you turn your broken record over, vikingar, you never know, you might find one of hitlers lost speeches

Peace Truth Honesty Justice Equality

Justice Peace Equality Honesty Truth

Truth Honesty Equality Justice Peace

Justice Truth Peace Equality Honesty

Honesty Equality Peace Justice Truth

Truth Justice Honesty Equality Peace

See how it works, vikingar, they're words with meaning no matter how you order them, important meaning, meaning you despise as amply demonstrated by your neverending reassertion, that only those who don't question the government are 'good citizens', anyone else is weird, yeah, it's SO weird to question those at the highest level of power abusing that power isn't it vikingar ?

You cannot misappropriate words away, no matter how hard you try

What your ingrown frontal lobe is not telling you vikingar, is that I am simply not willing to go along with either you or fascism

So it's a choice, Fundamentalist aggression, Facism, Neo Nazism, War profiteering and Slaughter

or Justice, Equality, Truth, Integrity and Peace

I don't need any help from you, Reichpropaganda minister vikingar, to choose

You call it left wing (whatever you think that's supposed to mean - only birds have wings, vikingar, politics died a long time ago, you keep playing pocket billiards with yourself and your outdated name calling if you like), I call it still being vaguely a human being

I choose being human over being a bloodthirsty chicken any day all day every day without exception

  • 517.
  • At 08:26 PM on 12 Oct 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Tags and chips a step closer

Do YOU really want this ?

Do you REALLY think the 'terrorists' won't find ways round it ?

So what then, chips in PEOPLE ?

This is insane and must be stopped

  • 518.
  • At 09:04 PM on 13 Oct 2006,
  • April wrote:

Cracking the South Park code


With reference to South Park 1009 -

The U.S. government is doing a 'poop' job, so the 'poop' in the urinal is the government, but the government (the 'poop') is in the opposite location to where it belongs, so, if the 'poop' belongs in the crapper, rather than the urinal, that means you need to reverse the government's supposed role at the end of this south park - so they DID do it

Well, it's as good an article of evidence that the Government did pull 911, than any saying it didn't!

  • 519.
  • At 11:50 AM on 15 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

With 53% saying the Bush administration is 'hiding something', and 28% saying it's 'mostly lying', it's time for Vikingar to retract his statements that label those who doubt the 911 OV as a tiny minority (e.g. as 'fringe') - if he has any honesty and integrity.

  • 520.
  • At 02:04 PM on 15 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Bridget (507); thanks for links, interesting documentary

Mork (510); thanks for suggestions; already implementing solar water heating, and will look into your 'rainwater harvesting' suggestion.

Newsweek (Oct 16th 2006) just ran a cover story called 'Global Warming's First Victim', with an 8 page feature inside, covering various extinction threats. They don't tackle whether global warming is human-made or not, though. Thanks for the article on 'ocean cooling' (512).

  • 521.
  • At 10:29 PM on 16 Oct 2006,
  • Bongo Brian wrote:

Conspiracy Theories you say?

Well, give me one solid piece of evidence that 19 Arab Hijackers carried out the events of 9/11?

The point was made that no jounalist ever got fired for towing the 'party' line... this just proves how the corporation/government/media circus of control works in practice.

  • 522.
  • At 12:32 PM on 17 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:


... the biggest Yawn humanly possible


  • 523.
  • At 07:37 AM on 19 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

I start with my Cambridge Maths hat on.

This blog-forum, having started on 18th August, has just gone over the two month mark. Not just the quality and variety of viewpoints but the number of posts has varied greatly in the nine weeks so far:

Week to - Posts

24 Aug -- 118
31 Aug -- 33
07 Sep -- 108
14 Sep -- 72
21 Sep -- 57
28 Sep -- 40
05 Oct -- 54
12 Oct -- 35
19 Oct -- 6 so far

The 6 is only right if this one is accepted. If it isn't, nobody but the moderator will see the figure that they are making false. That's worth meditation, a little microcosm of the paradoxical difficulties in trying to prove that even one respected part of the mainstream media is dastardly complicit with secret powers - on their own, apparently open web forum.

If this is accepted I have two more substantial posts to do today, both going back to comments and questions from Bridget Dunne:

On Darfur, but with much wider implications
(496, 9 Oct)
I wish I had your belief that you are powerful enough to influence the future of the peoples of Darfur.

On the Reichstag Fire of Feb 1933, but with much wider implications
(272, 8 Sep)
Was it a classic false-flag operation?
Without it would history now be different?
What would we have done then? Said nothing? Claimed we didn't know what was happening until it was too late? More than our job's worth, we have mortgages to pay?
(370, 20 Sep)
Could the Holocaust have happened without the Reichstag fire event?

Those are the two areas that I find that I've thought much about as a result of the interaction here. So thank you to Bridget for that.

It's worth noting just how wide the discussion has been. But there again, how narrow it sometimes feels. That is one of the problems in debating CTs. They cover so much of human endeavour. In fact, make that all. But, as GK Chesterton said almost exactly a hundred years ago, they cover something so large, so thinly. (See the first chapter of 'Orthodoxy', recently republished, for one of the greatest attacks on all forms of 'lunacy' as only GKC could both seriously and joyfully depict.)

So, one has to specialise, whether pro or con. I'd like to think that my next two posts will be beautifully balanced between those two poles. (And haven't we learnt how appropriate 'con' is for anything that questions the CT 'pros'?)

  • 524.
  • At 11:17 PM on 19 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

On 9 Oct, Bridget said (496)

"I wish I had your belief that you are powerful enough to influence the future of the peoples of Darfur."

I've thought a lot about that. One part of me immediately said "Yes I am that powerful." Another, "Of course I'm not."

So, I went back to a source of belief and truth, a famous passage from the prophet Isaiah (8.11 - 9.7). It's famous partly because the second part is one of the lessons read every year in Carol services all over the country, including Carols from Kings College.

But here I'm thinking of Bridget and others, who don't think there's anything special about such services or the old book they use. Even so, I think it might just have some lessons of a more practical kind for us. Four of them.

The context in chapter 8 is one of darkness over all the people - a feeling I strongly pick up that Bridget has, that people all around us (including perhaps Livingstone, vikingar and Drake) are very deceived. So this famous statement

"The people walking in darkness have seen a great light"

is very dramatic. What it says to me is that I can't affect a dark situation like Darfur on my own, no way. But it IS possible for such breakthroughs to happen, if enough people come together and are willing to face the truth. That's point number one. Collective responsibility, collective action. Things the old labour movement used to pick up from its old Methodist roots, surely?

Even more dramatically, the cause of the great light is a defenceless individual. "To us a child is born". Somebody had to stop the rot. As a Christian I look to Jesus, the first century Jew, for that. But, for now, let's just take in that the light has to start somewhere. Point 2.

Now just two aspects of the darkness in chapter 8. Towards the end it says

"when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse their king and their God."

Here's something to avoid: the rage that leads to cursing of all authority, without discrimination. We won't get through the darkness unless we somehow break that. Point 3.

But what about the terrible conspiracies that people in power are involved in? Verse 12 has this vital advice:

"Do not call conspiracy everything that these people calls conspiracy."

We're back to people agreeing together. But there is a balance to be struck. Clearly it's implied that some conspiracies are real. But also that not all CTs are to be taken seriously.

How we can get it exactly right? I don't think we ever will. But, if we are humble enough to take seriously the lessons here, we'll find that the light dawns, that even a situation as evil and intractable as Darfur will change for the better, before our eyes.

  • 525.
  • At 07:44 AM on 20 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Back to Bridget's excellent questions to me of 8th and 20th September (272, 370), on the Reichstag Fire of 27th February 1933:

1. Was it a classic false-flag operation?

2. Without it would history now be different? Could the Holocaust have happened without this event?

3. What would we have done then? Said nothing? Claimed we didn't know what was happening until it was too late? More than our job's worth, we have mortgages to pay?

4. (Implicit throughout) Are there parallels with 9-11?

My first response (278) dealt with the key questions in 3. Each of us should have resisted the slide to totalitarianism that followed Hitler becoming Chancellor on 30th January and the Reichstag Fire a month later. We didn't need to know that the latter was a false-flag operation - carried out by the Nazis themselves - for that to be a moral imperative.

Of course it wasn't easy to resist. Here's the amazing example of Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin, having been horribly tortured, then, in a typical screaming harangue from Berlin's 'hanging judge', Roland Freisler, publically accused of treason and conspiracy against Hitler in 1944:

"[Kleist-Schmenzin] stopped Freisler in his tracks when he said 'Yes, I have pursued high treason since 30 January 1933, always and with every means. I have made no secret of my struggle as a commandment from God. God alone will be my judge.' At that point proceedings were halted by air raid sirens. American bombs flattened the courthouse walls, and Freisler was killed by falling masonry. Kleist's trial was resumed in February 1945; he was executed in early April."

-- Michael Burleigh, The Third Reich - A New History, p715. (See also
which asks among other things whether this story shows that, just once, American bombs could prove useful, even to a God of peace.)

My second, longer response, on September 11th, provided a lot more detail about the Reichstag Fire, and its aftermath, and questioned some of the parallels with 9-11 (293). My third (399), almost a month ago, had to do with the relationship to the Holocaust:

"Of course it could have [happened without the Reichstag Fire]. With Hitler already Chancellor, the Nazis were conspiring to turn Germany into a totalitarian state and could have done so with various steps along the way. The Holocaust came out of their longterm, hateful ideology concerning the Jews, which was not affected either way by the Reichstag Fire."

I've been thinking much about this. My next post aims to give some further background, which I believe can shed light on a number of contemporary conspiracy issues.

  • 526.
  • At 10:03 AM on 20 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

What led to the historical disaster of Hitler and the Nazi Party gaining - almost being handed on a plate - totalitarian power in Germany in 1933? We can simplify various complex causes by speaking of four conspiracies:

1. An inept conspiracy

2. An ignored conspiracy

3. An imaginary conspiracy

4. An infamous conspiracy

The last refers to the Reichstag Fire of 27 February and the clear attempts by the Nazi Party to falsely blame it on a coup attempt by the communists. Even if the Nazis didn't start the fire - and I'm inclined to believe, like Dunne, Gisevius, Shirer and many others, that they did, though I realise that many of the best historians of the era don't feel that the evidence is sufficient to prove the point - there was certainly a conspiracy after the fact, to use this traumatic event (but one, note, not involving any loss of life) to take Germany into totalitarian Nazi rule.

This wasn't the first or the last conspiracy or conspiracy theory to be going the rounds in Germany from 1930 onwards. The place was slowly descending into darkness during that period, the kind Isaiah describes so well in chapter 8 of his writings, where real conspiracies of many kinds are mixed up with the wildest of theories and a deep, widespread distrust of all governmental authority.

This was the result of an ongoing emergency from 1930, when Germany's aging president, Paul von Hindenburg, suspended normal parliamentary oversight of the executive, leaving the presidentially-appointed Chancellor of the day and his cronies to make things up as they went along. Thus it was left to a small elite to conspire continually as to which of them would hold power.

The man commonly thought to be the primary king-maker was a snobbish, reactionary army officer by the name of Kurt von Schleicher. He made sure that he stayed close to the President and his increasingly influential son, Oskar. By the time 1933 came around Schleicher had taken over the Chancellorship from his erstwhile, long-time friend and fellow aristocrat, Franz von Papen.

Despite as his name suggests (it translates as 'creeper') being a congenital conspirator himself, Schleicher made three elementary mistakes that led to a much more cunning and murderous conspiratorial type, Adolf Hitler, being handed the Chancellorship, to everyone's astonishment, by Hindenburg on 30th January.

1. The inept conspirator

Many times in the previous few years Schleicher had had the chance to destroy Hitler and the Nazi party, not least because President Hindenburg, a distinguished general and war hero, detested these undisciplined street-fighters and their rabble-rousing leader.

But Schleicher believed that he could use Hitler to achieve power for himself and his right-wing cronies. So he kept them in play. And, in doing so, Schleicher was deeply influenced by a false analogy that he drew with the evolution of Germany's left-wing Social Democratic party.

In the 1880s Germany's most famous chancellor, Bismark, had sought to supress the Social Democrats, who were at that time seen as dangerous socialist revolutionaries. Such measures hadn't prevented but only exacerbated social uprest. But after a relatively painless revolution in 1918, the Social Democrats started to play a role in government and turned out to be much more moderate and manipulable than everyone expected.

Thus Schleicher saw history encouraging him to take the same view of the Nazis. They would moderate; he would be able to control them. But the analogy and the conspiracy that went with it turned out to be disastrously inept.

2. The ignored conspirators

In mid-December 1932, at Berlin's upper-crust gentleman's club, the Herrenklub, the ex-Chancellor, Franz von Papen, gave a speech that indicated his bitterness at his recent removal from power by Schleicher, and his frustration at not being allowed to bring the Nazi party into his cabinet, as he had wanted.

Someone listening carefully to every nuance was Cologne banker Kurt von Schroeder, from the still famous banking family in London and New York. (It had just, for example, linked up on Wall Street with a famous American name to create Schroder Rockefeller, one of the firms that was heavily involved in the refinancing of Germany leading up to the Hitler era.)

On 4th January, Schroeder arranged for Papen to meet Hitler in person, at his own delightful Cologne home, to work out how the two men could share power. Although intended to be top secret, news of the meeting was leaked and sparked a thousand, no doubt partly fanciful CTs in the newspapers the next day.

But Schleicher made the fateful mistake of underestimating the threesome involved. Papen now hated him and was willing to plot against him, something he never imagined, with his innate sense of superiority, could be true until it was far too late. The extent of Hitler's rat-like cunning was still unknown to most of Germany's elite. Though not perhaps to Schoeder, a man whose role as provoker, financer and money-maker for the Nazis, right through to his membership of Himmler's notorious 'Circle of Friends', which received first-hand reports of the Holocaust from SS bigwigs and was shown round concentration camps as early stage business opportunities, whose membership of the Nazi inner circle continued right through to 1945 and was rewarded with a massive three months prison sentence after the disastrous mass murder and destruction of WWII that he had done so much to promulgate was over.

That's what I feel are my genuine conspiracist concerns coming out, even sixty years later. In 1933, Schleicher completely underestimated a very powerful domestic conspiracy, for which he had increasing evidence, groowing right under his nose. It was a mistake that was to have disastrous consequences.

3. The imaginary conspiracy

What changed Hindenburg's lifelong opinion of Hitler and made him agree to the little Austrian misfit becoming the most powerful man in Germany? He and his son became convinced towards the end of January that dear old Schleicher was himself conspiring against the President, to overthrow him and the Weimar constitution in a military coup.

There was no truth in these rumours. Schleicher had nothing up his sleeve at all. More's the pity, given the alternative as we now read about it in our history books.

Thus conspiracy, real and imagined, inept and effective, was at the heart of the darkness that led up to the disaster of totalitarian National Socialism taking over Germany.

There are sombre lessons for today all over this story. Not least the great danger of being convinced of the rightness and importance of our views by a completely false historical analogy.

I'll leave the reader to think through where the parallels on that might lie.

  • 527.
  • At 03:53 PM on 21 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (421, 425, 469),

Not everyone thinks Bolton is a neocon [1]. I鈥檓 distrustful of group labels, especially ones originating from the left-right dimension of politics. Let鈥檚 say Bolton is innocent of 911 crimes (which I personally imagine he is). Let鈥檚 also say that, as a PNAC member, he regarded 鈥榓 new Pearl Harbor鈥 as denoting an attack on the US by a foreign nation (or entity, to include the concept of international terrorist organisations). He could fully support PNAC鈥檚 assessments, such as;

鈥榠t will be difficult, if not impossible, to sustain the role of global guarantor without a substantial overseas presence鈥


鈥樷he United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein.鈥 [2]

鈥ithout once supporting a conspiracy to bring about a 鈥榗atastrophic and catalyzing event鈥. If the 911 perpetrators are PNAC supporters (and they may not be), they would be, imho, a few hardcore fanatics, unwilling to let chance decide the timetable of the strategic roll-out. Public figures would be kept ignorant of the dirty work as much as possible. Remember how PNAC鈥檚 strategy was to maintain 'American peace' (meaning global predominance) 鈥 if 911 were a false-flag or assist-the-true-flag op, it could have been motivated by a sense of 鈥榯he greater good鈥 鈥 sacrificing c.3000 lives now, in order to save millions later on - in preventing WMD proliferation amongst rogue states and terrorist groups.

However, this is all speculation, and I鈥檓 fed up with speculation on 911, when it鈥檚 INVESTIGATION that鈥檚 needed. There鈥檚 some very interesting investigation done by Daniel Hopsicker, which explores the Florida connection to Mohammed Atta, which I believe would get us closer to the leading perpetrators, if followed up [3]. Also, I haven鈥檛 seen a decent critique of Michael Ruppert鈥檚 case against Dick Cheney [4]. Will 911 ever be properly investigated? I very much doubt it, when the authorities actively block investigation (read about Hopsicker鈥檚 experiences), and it鈥檚 increasingly 鈥榓ncient history鈥 as the world lurches into new crises that call for our attention.

[1] e.g.

[2] III 鈥 Repositioning Today鈥檚 Force, from Rebuilding America鈥檚 Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century , p.14 (Sept, 2000)



  • 528.
  • At 07:11 PM on 21 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew wrote: "I鈥檓 distrustful of group labels"

Me too. I found this a helpful summary, thank you.

I've not read Hopsicker and Ruppert for a few weeks and months respectively. So I'll stay agnostic on the significance of their findings for now.

Where I most agree is in calling for a truly effective investigation of 9-11. I also accept that further traumatic events would make such an exercise much less likely.

The big point at issue may be this. I firmly believe that God has protected us - the West, that is - from various specific attempts at much more traumatic attack since 9-11. Even 7-7, I judge, caused far fewer deaths than intended. That was due both to humble prayer and to commendable actions of good people within our government and security forces.

You don't hear that kind of thing so much in these parts, huh? But then, I'm nothing if not an iconoclast. (And I do like the irony of that.)

Such protection opens the way - albeit only a narrow way, most likely - to '9-11 Truth' coming to mean something truly transforming for the West.

If you were a praying man I'd say that creates one of the most urgent areas of need for those that have even partial understanding to call on all the powers of heaven.

But, as indicated in my brief meditation on Isaiah 8-9 in 524, even if we don't all believe in prayer, a degree of agreement on such vital matters - expressed publically - does have real power to change things.

You may well take a more pessimistic view than me. Even that's no certain barrier to the kind of agreement I'm talking about.

I'd like to come back to the subject of unhelpful left-right labels and other matters you've raised. But thank you for setting out what seems a more intelligent CT stall on central issues that many have expressed concern about in the past two months but few to my mind have made progress with.

  • 529.
  • At 08:55 AM on 22 Oct 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Video: 'What we saw - Bob and Bri' (26 mins 25 sec)

911 - video - unique view - couple in a flat 36 floors up 500 yards opposite the twin towers, also looking direct down onto emergency services at foot of towers [1]

- 1st tower already hit when film starts.

- 11:45 mins 2nd tower hit, see explosion behind 1st tower.

- 14 mins 1st tower collaspes.

- 19:40 mins 2nd tower collaspes

CT - kiss my proverbial




  • 530.
  • At 10:38 AM on 22 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (529),

...and your point is?

You've posted a link to the 'What we saw - Bob and Bri' video, which reminds us of the trauma and enormity of the WTC attacks. So, perhaps you'd be so kind as to reveal your chain of reasoning which leads from this video to your statement 'CT - kiss my proverbial'.

One point I'd like to highlight; compare the emotional, empathic reaction of Bob and Bri (which is a natural human reaction most of us shared), with President Bush's 'reaction' at Booker Elementary School when told his country is under attack (see uncut video at youtube, for example). I find it extremely curious why neither Bush nor his Secret Service considered him a potential target, considering his location was publicly known in advance, and they were close to an international airport.

  • 531.
  • At 06:12 PM on 22 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

The makers of this very moving video, Bob and Bri, which I came across a few hours after its release on Sep 11 this year, explicitly said:

"Releasing this tape was a difficult decision for us because of its emotional and personal nature, and the potential for misuse. We feel, howerver [sic], that our unique perspective has an important historical value, and shows the horror of the day without soundtracks or hype often seen in other accounts. Please be respectful of the contents of this account and be aware some may find the scenes on this video very disturbing." --

You know, I'm not sure that we've done such a great job in complying with their wishes. Let's see if I can do any better.

What struck me most about this tape, unlike any others, was that it was taken from within the comfort and intimacy of an ordinary home, with a baby or small child evidently present. Yet the view of the WTC site is amazing, the camerawork good for amateurs, and, more than anywhere else I think, we share in the genuine trauma of ordinary people witnessing this terrible event, this awful mass murder.

Though of course on seeing the first collapse Bri hopes and prays that nobody has got to work that day. Not too logical but the kind of emotional defence mechanism I'm sure we'd all employ. Indeed, it summarises how horrible some kinds of logical nitpicking must seem to many in the context of this event. Nevertheless, we do need to think clearly, more clearly than about most other events in our lifetimes, given the context.

So, Andrew, although I appreciate your words about this film, I think the comparison with George Bush is deeply unfair. He's not in his home, he's in front of cameras himself, in front of primary age children, and he's not watching the events first hand. It's a totally different context. The secret services there to protect him may have made some mistakes in their immediate responses. There are anomalies like this every day - indeed you and I make mistakes every day. Of course, not exactly like the mistakes you highlight, for it isn't our job to protect the President of the USA. But I think too much has been read into the missteps in Florida, at least by some. It certainly doesn't strike me as a smart or a sensitive thing to mention in the context of the raw emotion and humanity of this eye-witness video.

But as for vikingar's invitation to kiss his proverbial ... now which proverb is that? Out of the mouth of babes? The devil finds work for idle hands? This is a truly abject response to something very personal and very traumatic, my friend.

What's struck me most each time I've watched this, apart from the human terror, and indeed significantly adding to that, was the pyroclastic flow of the dust cloud, seen in a limited way on the collapse of the South Tower, because the North is shielding the film-makers, but in a very dramatic way when the North Tower itself falls.

I say pyroclastic flow although I know that's a disputed term for a relatively cool fluid like the dust cloud in this case, a point made rather caustically at the end of

But it is exactly the term used of the 9-11 WTC dust clouds by an applied mathematician and expert in fluid mechanics who's not, in this scientific piece, taking any position at all against the OV of 9-11:

So although pyro means fire, and the term was originally coined in the context of volcanos, the fluid concerned doesn't need to be scaldingly hot in this extended technical usage.

Thus I do take seriously those that make the point that pyroclastic flow has only ever been seen to occur in volcanic activity and in controlled demolition of large buildings.

Whatever it is called, this is the physical phenomenon that hit me the most, on top of the human horror.

It is well-known that we see what we see through the lens of our beliefs and convictions. I saw a truly terrifying pyroclastic flow coming towards this little home. I guess that vikingar did not.

But the physical improbability of ALL the effects seen on 9-11 happening just through plane impact, fire and gravity is, for me, extremely great. This is one small part of that. For a good summary of the issues, from 2004, see Jerry Russell on WTC 1 & 2 in

(and note that the pyroclastic flow from WTC7, which is not covered here, is in some ways even more striking)

Russell is correcting himself and Jim Hoffman in some details they've published here - something that I've noticed that the really good 911 truthers are doing all the time. For that reason I'm inclined to trust his summary:

"When all is said and done, I believe that the analysis by Jim Hoffman is substantially correct -- the energy required to heat this huge mass sufficiently to reduce it to powder is very difficult to account for by any reasonable combination of gravitational and combustion effects, without the input of additional energy from explosives. On the other hand, I do not see any conclusive evidence of extremely high energy inputs from advanced technologies."

The last bit means he's ruling out the use of mini-nuclear devices, as some have speculated.

People like Hoffman and Russell seem to be struggling in a truly scientific way with the very complex real-world data and in a sensitive way with the massive human tragedy. In brief, my friend vikingar is not.

  • 532.
  • At 10:45 PM on 22 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (531)

I didn't know about Bob and Bri's expressed wishes when making my post, thanks for pointing it out. I just clicked Vikingar's link. How does one comply with wishes with which one is totally unaware? Bob and Bri should have embedded their wishes as text at the beginning of the video, or licensed the video in such a manner as it cannot be viewed without reading their wishes first. It's unfair of you to judge me, based on information I didn't have to hand. Also, I'm not sure I have been disrespectful to the content of their video. I wasn't making a left vs. right political statement about Bush.

I don't feel the comparison is unfair to Bush, as he is the POTUS, entrusted to look after the souls of c.300 MILLION Americans, and was told by Andrew Card that 'America is under attack'. A flicker of concern, of surprise, of wanting confirmation he'd heard correctly, of...of anything.

  • 533.
  • At 10:58 PM on 22 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard, I see it says be 'respectful of the contents' at the beginning of the video, so I retract my comment about them needing to add it in! This is what comes of making rushed posts late at night before going to bed!

  • 534.
  • At 11:19 PM on 22 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

"It's unfair of you to judge me"

And I say that it's much more unfair of you to judge George W Bush merely on his immediate facial reactions, in front of both cameras and schoolchildren, given that he's being televised at the precise moment he's told the terrible news.

I'm sure that he didn't want to disturb the children and he didn't want to appear out of control to the American public. Something unprecedented had just been told him, something of a kind no US President had ever been told. And he was the one we could gawp at on camera later, dissecting his visible reactions at that precise moment, not any of them.

All of which has made me wonder just a little whether the timing of 9-11 wasn't designed to coincide with this scheduled, relatively long period in the President's diary, in front of the cameras, in front of an elementary school class. Hardly any other setting would have been this difficult to deal with.

But that would all line up with the idea that 9-11 was part of a conspiracy not of, but to subvert, the democratically elected leaders of free nations like the USA and the UK.

Thank you for reminding me of that point.

  • 535.
  • At 11:21 PM on 22 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew (533), I appreciate the retraction but as hopefully you can see you did spark some interesting opposing thoughts in any case. No bad personal feelings my side, just some mighty important issues to get right. Nite nite!

  • 536.
  • At 06:20 AM on 23 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Not 'Only in America'

'Only in the whole World'

  • 537.
  • At 07:59 AM on 23 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Re 536:

'Only on the Internet'

... would such a strange social interaction as that be possible.

We don't know your real name or where you are from. You don't explain the relevance to the 535 posts here so far or to the people that made them on a forum hosted by the 麻豆官网首页入口 in London, where the Federal Reserve Bank is not generally regarded as normative in deciding such small matters as the price of money, meaning in this area pounds sterling.

I did look at the first minute or so of the video, you see. Thank you that you let me know about a final cut of a production I'd never heard of before by someone I'd never heard of before, only three days after he's reported to have made it.

I got to 1913 and that famous old picture of JP Morgan, surely the same one that I first saw in 'None Dare Call It Conspiracy' back in 1976.

I do recall Gary Allen and Larry Abraham's version of the Jekyll Island plot to produce the Fed. Well, some of it anyway.

So, given that you now that about me, was I wrong not to have taken in the whole 1 hour 50 minutes in one sitting on this bright London Monday morning, with work to be done?

  • 538.
  • At 03:57 PM on 23 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Richard (534),
re: the timing of 911; it seems to me the major cause for its timing were the wargames (see 367), used as operational cover. In order to sync the attacks with both the wargames and 'a difficult public venue for the President' would obviously require control over the President's diary and/or the wargames (something that might strengthen Mike Ruppert's case!)

If awareness of the precise timing of 911 ever reaches the masses, I wonder whether 'Al Qaeda penetrated US govt and military' will be a fallback line. Incidentally, Al Qaeda penetration of US authorities could justify the FBI clamp-down on evidence conspiracy of silence and lack of 911 indepdendent investigation, whilst they hunt for moles.

It's certainly an interesting point you raise, imho, about Bush's public venue - surely if he were 'in' on any covert op, it'd be much easier to be completely out of public view, on his beloved ranch. That said, the video was privately made by a parent (I believe) and only made public later.

It would certainly be a very comforting thought to me if Bush and Blair, despite their faults, were not conspirators. I still believe in 'the system' anyway, as it's all we have to keep us from barbarism. As for whether we have 'democratically elected leaders', I doubt it less and less; not just due to the machinations of elite power groups like Skull & Bones and Bilderberg doing deals behind the scenes, but in the corrosion of the democratic process. I see Newsnight (as far as I can tell) has been utterly silent on Princeton's findings on a certain electronic voting machine (see 336).

As for a conspiracy to undermine Western leaders - and the West generally; no doubt there are many, but is 911 one of them? It was certainly a match that lit a fire!

What I do feel is that something big is afoot that we're not being told about. The Military Commissions Act ("MCA") enables the US govt. to legally and arbitrarily round up and intern, indefinitely, US citizens as 'enemy combatants'. Alex Jones gives the line that it's part of the imposition of dictatorship in the ongoing march towards the NWO. However, I've always found NWO protagonists a little two-dimensional as characters ('What's my motivation again, darling?). An alternative explanation (that would preserve some good faith) is that they're preparing to keep order in the face of a known threat (otherwise, how did it pass the Senate, etc., without complaint?). Interesting that destruction of property, illegal occupation of property, theft and any violent activity is regarded as terrorism, with punishment, including death penalty, decided arbitrarily by military tribunal. I pray these incredible powers really are for legitimate use against suspected bona fide terrorists, but the definition of 'terrorism' has been made so broad, it makes you wonder why.

  • 539.
  • At 08:03 PM on 23 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

I humbly suggest you watch the whole thing before writing about its irrelevance to you

It will apply to us all

  • 540.
  • At 08:23 PM on 23 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

I had no idea that this blog was still going so I will need to catch up with it. In the meantime, a question for Richard Drake @ 531 who said:
"So, Andrew, although I appreciate your words about this film, I think the comparison with George Bush is deeply unfair. He's not in his home, he's in front of cameras himself, in front of primary age children, and he's not watching the events first hand. It's a totally different context."

I posted this at around 290:

Perhaps you might care to explain why Bush claims to have watched the first plane go into the tower whilst waiting to enter the classroom on 11/9?

Did he just forget the script or believe the myth was watertight by then?

  • 541.
  • At 02:00 AM on 24 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Bridget, you asked "Did he just forget the script or believe the myth was watertight by then?" Then you helpfully pointed to a video called "Bush Caught Lying About September 11th."

So I knew the right answer even before I looked at the tape. This is what I find with a lot of so-called '9-11 Truth' material. I have to agree with vikingar about the propaganda aspect, at least at some points.

May I suggest, then, as some kind of tit-for-tat, that you now explain to me every other discrepancy or inconsistency of witness account in the second page of Paul Thompson's brilliant timeline

You may I think be a while. Real-life evidence and real-life witnesses, especially if the event is particularly traumatic, are like that. Why not ask a friendly policeman to confirm that fact? (That's if Bridget Dunne still believes in the concept of the friendly policeman.)

If you read the whole page you'll find the official explanation of Bush's mistaken recollection, namely that it's a mistaken recollection. Simple as that. It all depends, it seems, on what you call it. If it's a lie, it's a lie. If it's a mistaken recollection, it's one of those. One repeats one's assumptions as conclusions. But in this case mistake is obviously the right category. Because why on earth would Bush lie about this detail, what motive on earth could he have, would you suggest?

Two things in his account clearly are corroborated by others: that he knew of the first crash before entering the first classroom and that, as a pilot, he commented on how terrible the pilot of the plane in question must have been.

He thought the whole thing was an accident, in other words, until Card came in and told him about the second crash, into the South Tower.

As for his reaction then, captured by cameras, he later says:

鈥淚 am very aware of the cameras. I鈥檓 trying to absorb that knowledge. I have nobody to talk to. I鈥檓 sitting in the midst of a classroom with little kids, listening to a children鈥檚 story and I realize I鈥檓 the commander in chief and the country has just come under attack.鈥

I know I may be in a minority of one on this but I really feel for the guy as I read that. It makes perfect sense to me - fallible human being that I am, who doesn't always work out exactly what to do in the much smaller crises in my own life. It's certainly not the slick kind of explanation someone would come up with if they were really in the know and had time to prepare. Indeed, as Andrew says above, if he'd known in advance, he'd have made sure he was nowhere near cameras, certainly not anywhere near school children.

I do detect blind hatred for Dubya in much 9-11 analysis - not necessarily from you - and indeed all across the world, Muslim and other, civilised and whinging neo-colon... oh, let's not go there.

It's not my job as a Christian to hate George Bush, but to pray for him. At worst, to pray that God removes him, if he's really that bad.

But although the historian Niall Ferguson has recently said that he thinks Bush will rank as one of the worst US presidents ever, I'm not prepared to sign up to that yet.

The 9-11 issue has to be the fulcrum of our evaluation. It must have been an inside job of some sort, because of the physics of the three WTC collapses.

Where does that leave the President?

Big question indeed. My mind is genuinely open on that.

But this 'incorrect recollection' is in no way conclusive in determining the answer for me.

  • 542.
  • At 07:50 AM on 24 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Bridget (540), nice to see you back. thanks for the video link, as I'd only ever read the transcript before. I've pondered these words many times; "I was sitting outside the classroom, waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower, you know the TV was obviously on...". I find it very difficult to believe Bush was a master conspirator, enjoying a private live broadcast of the WTC attacks on the TV in the back of his limo [1] (and even less so on a TV outside his limo!). Why run the risk of a technician or patriotic secret service agent (obviously been Hollywood brainwased by watching Absolute Power!) making a recording which is leaked to the public? I find it more probable that Bushism Bush had dropped a word, and meant to say "I saw an airplane had hit the tower" - ie. he saw the smoking tower live on a TV, accompanied by the information, whether onscreen text/voice or from someone near him, that a plane had crashed into it. To me, the missing word "had" explains it all away more simply than Bush's own official explanation of a 'mistaken recollection' [2]. I'd suggest it was a correct recollection, badly expressed as usual [3]. But I acknowledge I may be wrong, that Bush was blowing the plot, or mistakenly recollecting something that didn't happen. In this strange world we in habit, it all seems possible to me!



[3] The Complete Bushisms -

  • 543.
  • At 10:46 AM on 24 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew, the clever explanation you give fits the one piece of evidence we have in front of us (the quote given of Bush three months later) but not the broader fact that, as Paul Thompson's timeline says, he "repeated the story on other occasions. [US President, 1/14/2002; CBS News, 9/11/2002]"

That is no doubt what made the White House spokesman call it a incorrect recollection rather than a verbal mistake.

Given how badly people recall traumatic events this is much too flimsy a foundation on which to rest the whole case against Dubya for being party to (much less the organiser of) the mass murder of three thousand of his own people, just nine months after they had elected him (just) to be responsible for protecting them.

But isn't that effectively what the poster of the video Bridget just pointed us to is implying, with millions of others:

"A Blatant lie, caught on tape. Why is this not addressed?"

If it was a lie it is one of the most inept ever told. How come they let a guy this stupid anywhere near such an otherwise fiendishly conceived and brilliantly executed plot as 9-11 has to have been, if indeed you, Bridget and I are right to think that the three WTC buildings were brought down by controlled demolition?

That's one for Bridget to answer, if in raising this she was claiming that Bush really is giving the game away here. What exactly is your hypothesis of what happened, Ms Dunne? Or were you just raising the question then sitting tight, smug in the knowledge that there's a hundred other little anomalies where that came from? (There always are, with a massive event with literally millions of witnesses like this one, that's my earlier point.)

It makes no sense that Bush is giving the game away in this colossally stupid way three months later, especailly in what is clearly an informal, relaxed setting. In fact, perversely, it's a strong indicator for me that he was completely unaware of what was going to happen on 9-11 (as is the fact that he's anywhere near a school classroom in front of 16 children and about 135 adults, with at least one camera that he knew was there - as he typically would - at the precise moment he hears for sure that he's dealing with the worst terrorist attack in America's history).

His great difficulty in that moment, caught on camera, makes him look, on the surface, to the very amateur political analysts and sleuths of the YouTube generation, either extremely dumb or (to the much more dumb or unthinkingly paranoid) devilishly evil. That, I suggest, was the purpose of the whole exercise.

(Though did the people who organised the destruction of the WTC and the financial dealings that sought to make massive money from it foresee YouTube and that sale for $1.6 bn this month? That I don't quite believe, happily. The general issue of the limits of competence, raised in the very first post on this thread, is the number one argument against all CTs of this kind and what makes it so difficult to come to truly sensible conclusions.)

  • 544.
  • At 12:19 PM on 24 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Dear Ollie N. America (sounds better to me than addressing you as 鈥淥nly in America?鈥!) (536, 539),

Thanks for posting the link, I鈥檝e been meaning to watch Aaron Russo鈥檚 documentary for some time, but didn鈥檛 get round to it.

Commenting on only the first 30mins (all I鈥檝e watched so far, due to time constraints);

I think it鈥檚 excellent. It鈥檚 a quality production (and so it should be, from the producer of Trading Places!). For those who don't know, Russo explores whether the Federal Income Tax (as direct unapportioned tax) in the US is illegal, since the US Constitution only allows for direct apportioned tax (see the documentary for the distinction).

Richard (537), I can understand you putting a bright, sunny morning ahead of watching an internet video, but I think you鈥檙e wrong to write it off as little more than info already presented by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham鈥檚 1971 book 鈥楴one Dare Call It a Conspiracy鈥 [1]. Russo brings the issue up to date, using interviews with John Turner (IRS Agent), Joe Banister (IRS Criminal Investigator), Sherry Jackson (Former IRS Agent), Bob Schulz and Charlie Beall (We The People Foundation), Sheldon Cohen (Former IRS Commissioner, Author/Tax Code), and Peter Gibbon (Tax Attorney) 鈥 interspersed with quotes and light-hearted animation and movie clips. There are clips of David Cay Johnston (New York Times) asking Dale Hart (IRS Asst. Commissioner) whether the people are required to pay taxes (no response 鈥 although video cut short so difficult to tell what the full response was); Mark Everson (IRS Commissioner) defending the need for taxes, but not addressing the question of whether they鈥檙e legal (although we cut to him before any question is asked, so we rely on the caption afterwards to know the question was asked;
Roscoe Bartlett (R-MD) announcing a forthcoming public symposium, to discuss the legality of federal income tax that was subsequently scuttled when the IRS and DOJ later said to Bartlett they wouldn鈥檛 attend, with Bartlett himself withdrawing later; Joseph Banister on CNBC news.

I admit, I started watching this thinking only nutters could argue for not paying income taxes; afterall, how does a government build schools, roads, hospitals and fund the army, etc?. However, Russo quickly addressed the issues I had thought of; the 鈥楾ax Honesty鈥 movement is only arguing against allegedly unlawful 鈥榙irect unapportioned tax鈥 on people鈥檚 income, not against Corporation Tax (for example), which they can find the law for. All the interviewees came across to me as highly educated and literate, and Gibbons reads from the Grace Commission report (instigated by Reagan) that found 鈥100% of what is collected [in Federal Income Tax] is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt鈥 (therefore the tax isn鈥檛 paying for any schools, hospitals, etc., anyway). Gibbons makes the excellent point that if Federal Income Tax were needed to fund government (a common argument), how comes the US government existed from 1776-1913?

Although I don鈥檛 pay taxes in America, I find this documentary extremely interesting and can鈥檛 wait to watch the rest. I鈥檝e long been aware the Federal Reserve is a group of private banks, and I am sympathetic to the view that the whole financial system is rigged as a method of social control. What with this, and the Wanta Plan scandal, is a very powerful group waging economic warfare on the US? I can see that the 鈥楾ax Honesty鈥 movement, in taking the position they do, are on a collision course with the US government 鈥 especially future 鈥榞reen laws鈥 [2] that will undoubtedly attempt to control individuals as much as possible (e.g. through carbon tax), at the expense of personal freedom.

I鈥檇 like to finish this post with a quote from the documentary that I find ominous; 鈥淥n Aug 31st 2005, Federal Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled the government does not have to answer the American people鈥檚 questions, even though it is guaranteed in the First Amendment.鈥 (17:45). So much for 'servant government', as Charlie Beall described it!

[1] Ironically, Abraham now thinks the NWO is dead!

[2] in response to alleged pending environmental catastrophe. Here鈥檚 today鈥檚 news article of doom;

  • 545.
  • At 02:23 PM on 24 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

like the name Andrew, I'm now using it as you can see!

Richard: Bushes 'ineptitude' has you fooled I'm afraid to say, he's not so dumb as he pretends, he deserves to be had up on warcrimes, and crimes against humanity and peace, but "who would seriously countenance such a thing when 'ole georgie boy just ain't that smart, bless him!"

Don't be fooled, every stuttered halfwit comment is in a detailed script in a screenplay called 'Plausible deniability and fooling the world, hoodwinking the religious american voter, and frightening the knowing'

Andrew: Thank you for taking the time to look at this film, as it nears its end, it just gets more and more relevant to every person on Earth

Your last link shows clearly why 'ECOLOGICAL' footprint is the real issue, and 'Carbon' footprint is a con, a ripoff, like curing cancer by shaving the hair from your head

  • 546.
  • At 02:48 PM on 24 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Thank you profusely Mr Andrew for finding that piece by Larry Abraham. So he says the NWO is finished. At least he did last year, based on the results of the French and Dutch referenda. That is truly worth knowing, something to put in the diary indeed, thank you. No wonder he says:

"(Because of the importance and timeliness of this piece I am lifting the copyright and encourage all of you to send it to your friends and other interested parties. It will appear on the Insiderreport.net web site in the very near future) LA."

I didn't by the way assume that there was nothing in the Russo film to add to the thesis about the Jekyll Island conspiracy to form the Fed first picked up from Allen and Abraham when I was 18. Far from it.

My point was more "I've lived thirty years since then and I and those around me have been amazingly untroubled by these dire underpinnings of the Western economy. What gives?'

That's why I mentioned the price of money or interest rates. In Call In Conspiracy Abraham claimed that he and Allen had kicked off the habit of watching interest rates by the oridinary American voter in a big way through their critique of the Fed. This made a great difference in what the bad guys could get away with, so he claimed in 1983.

I take him seriously on that. At least five million copies of NDCC were distributed after 1971, despite not a single review in the mainstream press (all in the days before Tim Berners-Lee gave us the World Wide Web). It had a great underground influence. Some of that influence may have been unhealthy - though the authors' lack of racism was a key protection on that - but this claim about positive influence on the economy is I think justified. Professors Milton Friedman, Nobel prize-winner of the Chicago school, and Murray Rothbard, historian of the Fed, should also get an honorable mention in dispatches, to say the least.

This is interesting for me as an example of how a 'simplistic' CT can do good if it, in the process, works with respected but hard to understand academics in bringing to light up to that point secret (or at least media-neglected) dealings that have been operating against the public interest.

Meanwhile I had already watched about the same amount of the Russo film as you, learnt of his track record and admired his skill as a film-maker, though not yet as important a conveyor of CTs as Allen and Abraham.

What's interesting throughout is how much 'social contract' (such as widespread, tacit agreement to pay income tax or watch the Fed's interest rate decisions) trumps precise legality.

I don't know the answer to that. But I pray about such things. It's the only way I know how to deal with matters that are so way beyond my understanding, but that clearly affect the lives and well-being of billions.

Thanks again for the link.

  • 547.
  • At 03:05 PM on 25 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Ollie N. America (made me laugh to see you use the name, 545);

I've viewed the whole documentary now, and enjoyed it all, although it raises many questions for me. Focusing solely on 'the Fed' for now; the film suggests not one nickel of income tax goes into anything other than interest payments to the Fed, which is a group of privately owned banks, with anonymous shareholders. Congressman Ron Paul makes the point that no-one knows who the shareholders are, there's no way to know, and he can't even get an audit done to find out how much gold, if any, they have in reserve. It left me with the impression that anonymous Fed bank shareholders are getting extremely rich by pocketing all the income tax paid by Americans - a truly astounding scenario, if true. They would be true hidden Masters in global power, hence my comment(544) about social control.

However, in digging deeper into this, I find from the Fed's own website (gotta be impartial afterall!) that "owning Reserve Bank stock is quite different from owning stock in a private company. The Reserve Banks are not operated for profit, and ownership of a certain amount of stock is, by law, a condition of membership in the System. The stock may not be sold, traded, or pledged as security for a loan; dividends are, by law, 6 percent per year." [1]

Nor for profit?? OK, I suppose one can deduct a hell of a lot in expenses as an officer or employee, but the point was made about anonymous shareholders, not officers and employees (who are named). And the shareholders, whoever they are, are stuck with the shares, as they cannot sell, trade or pledge them as security - although I suppose dividends on 6pc ain't bad.

Worse still - "After paying its expenses, the Federal Reserve turns the rest of its earnings over to the U.S. Treasury." [2] Did I just read that correctly? Doesn't this mean that, even if all Federal Income Tax income goes towards paying interest to the Fed, it all (minus expenses) comes back to the Treasury anyway, which is a part of the US government and therefore DOES finance things for the public good (however indirectly and inefficiently)?

Also, the same FAQs page says, "The Board of Governors, the Federal Reserve Banks, and the Federal Reserve System as a whole are all subject to several levels of audit and review." So despite the Federal Banking Agency Audit Act, Congressman Ron Paul is saying no-one can get the amount of gold audited? I feel this would need looking at in greater depth.

The impression I'm now left with (focusing solely on the Fed issue within the film 'Freedom to Fascism') is that any anonymous shareholding Fed conspirators have to operate within fairly narrow margins; max. 6pc dividends (which itself begs the question, 6pc of what, if it's a non-profit entity?), cannot sell shares. The fact all revenue after expenses is handed to the Treasury fatally undermines the 'bankers are pocketing your income tax' idea. There's still the 'income tax as social, not legal, contract' issue that Richard mentioned (546). The 'Tax Honesty' movement still has an argument on purely legal grounds, it seems to me - although one where the main conspiracy would then be the conspiracy to keep Americans ignorant of the shaky foundations of the income tax system. I would be very interested in any responses you have to this further information.

[1] Who owns the Federal Reserve? -

[2] How is the Federal Reserve funded? Ibid.

  • 548.
  • At 05:55 PM on 25 Oct 2006,
  • Ollie (First name terms now I hope!) wrote:

I must confess to you, Andrew, that I have not looked into this in the same degree of detail as you, I am impresed by your efforts.

I wish I could answer your questions, all I can really add, is that I'd be most pleased to have shares in something that large, that I could never sell (bizarre, and surely at the root of money empire families?), and which paid out at six percent per annum - where do i sign?!

I posted the link to the film here, mainly because of the issues that follow the federal reserve issues, but I do personally think that taxation should soley be sourced from employeRS rather than employees, any business that generates profit should be taxed, taxed fairly of course, which would require a range of business 'income tax' much like currently used for employees, the larger and more powerful your financial organisation, the greater the tax burden should be. In my humble opinion.

  • 549.
  • At 12:48 AM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • Ollie (First name terms now I hope!) wrote:

Hey Mr Moderator or M0dB0t, What gives? :)

...I must confess to you, Andrew, that I have not looked into this in the same degree of detail as you, I am impresed by your efforts.

I wish I could answer your questions, all I can really add, is that I'd be most pleased to have shares in something that large, that I could never sell (bizarre, and surely at the root of money empire families?), and which paid out at six percent per annum - where do i sign?!

I posted the link to the film here, mainly because of the issues that follow the federal reserve issues, but I do personally think that taxation should soley be sourced from employeRS rather than employees, any business that generates profit should be taxed, taxed fairly of course, which would require a range of business 'income tax' much like currently used for employees, the larger and more powerful your financial organisation, the greater the tax burden should be. In my humble opinion.

  • 550.
  • At 09:05 AM on 26 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi 鈥極llie鈥 :) (549),

Me too! 鈥 I鈥檇 be very pleased with 6pc/annum on c.$219bn (let鈥檚 allow the Fed a generous $1bn in expenses for the sake of argument) [1]. That鈥檇 still be a cool $13bn/annum in dividends. You could give up the day job!

Also, I appreciate your post was about the general theme of the march towards dictatorship in the West, if not the world. Tagging everything on earth with RFID makes Orwell鈥檚 telescreens look quaint. God forbid creation of a society where we can be cut off from society (including the means to buy food and drink) at the flick of a switch.

Back on the Fed theme; I鈥檓 surprised Aaron Russo didn鈥檛 mention the Kennedy connection, even though he鈥檚 advocating (1:42:57) everyone to 鈥楩orce Congress to use their legal authority to shut down the Federal Reserve鈥 and 鈥楪overnment has the authority to issue money, without paying interest to the bankers鈥.

鈥淥n June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed [by JFK] with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest鈥t appears obvious that President Kennedy knew the Federal Reserve Notes being used as the purported legal currency were contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America鈥resident Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 and the United States Notes [coined by Congress, silver-backed, interest-free, debt-free] he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation.鈥 [x]

What interests me is that Executive Order 11110 was never repealed, amended or superceded (according to the article). So, Americans already have the legal basis to get on with the job JFK started (and, as a word of warning, was probably assassinated for having started!).

> the larger and more powerful your financial
> organisation the greater the tax burden should be鈥

Yeh, it鈥檚 certainly a topsy turvy world! [3]

[1] Annual interest on the national debt shot up nearly 20 percent in 2006 to $220 billion, more than 12 times NASA's budget.


[3] Murdoch 'pays no UK tax'

  • 551.
  • At 07:26 AM on 28 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Andrew, a little slapdash I fear in the exciting afterglow of the Russo film in Google's Flash player and the virile claims made for it by Mr O.

Bad quality CT begets even worse quality speculation?

It has been known.

(It's that sense of lack of quality, or judgment, or both, that made me ignore the rest of the film and the solemn instructions by the mysterious Mr O to repent of my attitude to it.)

Firstly, although it's true that the 16th amendment, initiating federal income tax in 1913, wasn't ratified properly, what I assume the film doesn't tell you is that the same was true for the 14th in 1866. Such anomalies have been known about for ages and never bothered anyone but the anoraks of the conspiracist and constitutionalist worlds. For example, it clearly wasn't bothering veteran CTist Gary North in his Afterword for Larry Abraham's Call It Conspiracy in the mid 80s:

"As an aside, Red Beckman and former Illinois revenue agent Bill Benson have discovered that it was never ratified properly in 1913. Technically it's an illegal amendment. Is this really significant, except as a curiosity of history? The 14th amendment wasn't ratified legally, either, since certain states were not allowed to vote. The point is, the public in 1913 was willing to ratify it, even though certain technicalities were missing. There was no hue and cry of outrage when the amendment was announced as being passed." (p243)

That's surely an historically mature and sensible attitude for a US citizen to take, rather than refuse to pay tax and launch into an anti-fascist diatribe when they come to arrest you?

Making a mountain out of the wrong molehill is what comes from being a less than discriminating about which theorist one listens to. Not that Gary North is everyone's idea of sanity. But he leaves the vast mass of today's young ranters in the shallows. He even knows some history. And economics. It helps.

The passage is repeated in North's interesting and witty introduction to CTs for Christians, now available free on the Web:

Though I don't follow North as a 'Reconstructionist', as an automatic disbeliever in Darwin, or as a graphics designer (just look at that cover page!) he does score some lasting bullseyes, especially in his robust affirmation of the victory of Jesus, beloved of the Father. Thus he refuses to bow down or despair in the face of the latest immature plots of mortal men, whoever they may be.

Secondly, your estimates of the loot taken from the scene of the crime each year by the shareholders in today's Federal Reserve are way off beam. See p125 of the 2005 Annual Report, available at

The total income is far less than you assumed, because only a fraction of US government debt is held by the Fed as bonds. Even then, the total dividend of $781m - rather less than your $13bn - is I assume calculated as a percentage of capital, not profit. And the investors are by now myriad:

"The System has three organization levels: member banks, Federal Reserve Banks, and the Board of Governors. ... Member banks are at the bottom of the organization chart. These are commercial banks and S&Ls who have joined the Federal Reserve System (FRS). By law, all nationally chartered banks must join, and any state chartered bank has the option to join ... By joining the FRS a member bank is becoming a shareholder -- an owner -- in its regional Federal Reserve Bank."

That's taken from a ten-part rebuttal of common Federal Reserve 'myths' by Edward Flaherty of the Department of Economics, College of Charleston, written around 2000, in

Surprise, surprise, Flaherty also has a very different take on Kennedy's Executive Order 11,110:

By pointing to this I'm not saying that I know the full story on what happened with JFK, the Fed and that fateful day in Dallas. (I've always found it less than reassuring that the Warren Commission included Allen Dulles, whom Kennedy had removed as head of the CIA. Dulles was surely one of the most monstrous suits of the century, making wads of cash from 1914 onwards, as mass murder became the fad from the Armenian genocide through to Mao and the US establishment went into secret society mode to take maximum advantage. Dulles and his brother John Foster being founder members of the CFR in 1920, then key legal brains in constructing and protecting some of the dodgiest alliances between 'free world' corporations and those directly responsible for such atrocities.)

Likewise, I'm not arguing that the Jekyll Island conspirators who hatched the Fed, many of whom soon joined the Dulles brothers in forming the CFR, were motivated only by love of their fellow man, or indeed that fractional reserve banking is the greatest, most moral system ever devised by man.

I am saying that getting one's facts wrong, and one's judgment wrong even when some facts are right, is exactly what people expect of 'conspiracy theorists'.

I prefer where possible to buck the trend.

  • 552.
  • At 11:48 AM on 28 Oct 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Richard (551),

Thanks for digging deeper on this. It was certainly slapdash of me to calculate a $13bn dividend when the true one is less than $1bn (split between many stock owners), but at least my accurate research from the Fed鈥檚 own website had reduced the international conspiracy banker鈥檚 swag from an implied 100% of the interest payment to a relatively miserable 6%, leaving you to find what the 6% was actually worth. I also took the Kennedy info on good faith without checking out other sources first (at least I kept it as a sourced quote) 鈥 mostly due to the fact I鈥檝e not examined these subjects properly before, so I'm not an expert with an overview of the reliable sources.

I understand CTists can get a bad name from getting the facts wrong, or speculating beyond the facts (just like governments ;) - which is why I believe we need a collaborative technology that allows for easy corrections, retractions, adjustments, etc., as we slowly work our way towards a consensus truth.

I agree with you that Russo's film leaped into the highly speculative after the first segment about taxes and the Fed (covering too many issues, too superficially), and that the 'Tax Honesty' movement's arguments may not be as simple and rock solid as he made them appear. On the latter point, I came across this article yesterday which may give a more rounded description of the 'Tax Honesty' movement, pointing to issues not covered in Russo鈥檚 film;

"It鈥檚 So Simple, It鈥檚 Ridiculous"
Taxing times for 16th Amendment rebels
by Brian Doherty

Although the original article on reason.com worked yesterday it doesn't today, but you can still read the cached page after a Google search on the article title and author name. Thanks for an interesting post and links. btw; I'd love to post on Abraham's 'Third Great Jihad' concept at some point, as I hadn't come across it before and it offers a diametrically opposed pov to the usual 911 CT.

  • 553.
  • At 05:52 PM on 28 Oct 2006,
  • Ollie wrote:

Mysterious Mr Richard: Surely a cut in that paltry sum would still represent something of a pay increase, even for yourself, even if you were to spread the wealth among 10 of your favourite relatives?

More importantly you seem to ignore the entirely rational fear of the digitalization of physical citizenship, IMHO not even The Real ID and its counterparts abroad should be tolerated, let alone the next stage (Implanted chips, probably first among convicts to 'fix' the burgeoning prison population), which would become an eventual certainty if we were to accept RFID-ID.

Andrew: Well, I am still keen on having a cut!
The JFK Ex-Ord issue is we could argue, the single most plausible reason for his assassination.

Good points again there, Sir!

  • 554.
  • At 06:26 PM on 28 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:

Re 553: Others may be willing to interact with you. I'm focused on other things right now. Thanks anyway.

Re 552: I don't see 'consensus truth' as a feasible outcome in these areas, whatever the technology. I have some thoughts on the matter dating back to my first experience of the original wiki in early 1999 and my visit to Ward Cunningham later that year. But I don't think this is the right forum for that discussion.

  • 555.
  • At 06:55 PM on 28 Oct 2006,
  • wrote:


Two links I intended to give in #551 showed up in the preview but disappeared in the final version.

Gary North's booklet "Conspiracy: a Biblical View":

The Federal Reserve System 2005 Annual Report:


As I did my little bit of research on US income tax and central banking yesterday I came across four stories I found of significant interest, all of which have some conspiracy element.

1. The Fed ends its enforcement action (bureacratic discipline one might call it) on JP Morgan Chase related to its misdeeds in the Enron affair, begun in July 2003

This is interesting given the history of the last century, even the OV of that (whatever that now is). Although the $135M the firm was fined by the SEC for its behavior was probably derisory, the internet, greater freedom of information and less secrecy has surely done much good in such areas?

(I'm playing the Larry Abrahams happy tune for the moment at least.)

Here is a set of related links that give the 'full story', as told by the three exciting regulatory organizations involved:

The rest of the stories were from the Beeb itself.

2. An extremely helpful paper debate on the fate of Darfur, between a US academic and a senior Egyptian journalist

The 麻豆官网首页入口 at its best there. Not that I think that the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The compassion of the US guy is urgently required to be turned into action, with the vapid, nonsensical oil CTs slain for good (apart from those sensible ones on the self-interest of China), so that millions will not perish. But the debate is needed to build as much consensus as possible to that end. Very well done to the Beeb on that.

3. The 麻豆官网首页入口 changes a caption on one of the pages most used by 911 conspiracists:


I've never taken a look at the issue of the 19 highjackers' identities but I know that others swear blind that the 麻豆官网首页入口 gave the game away on 23rd Sep 2001:

Worth checking out whether you think history should ever be changed like this. I have sympathy for the Beeb but I think it has to be the wrong decision even so.

4. Newsnight's own interview with the Taliban broadcast on Wednesday, discussed with fire and fury on Thursday:


Easily the most convincing critique for me was this from 'Jenny':

"The Taliban piece seemed so similar to John Simpson's derring-do pieces from the advancing Taliban front as they took over the country initially. They allowed him to film too. Their "principles" have always been flexible when it suits them. Years on we again have a male 麻豆官网首页入口 reporter allowing them to dictate that no woman appears in the piece - couldn't he have got some balancing material elsewhere? And he apparently allowed his interviewee to get away with asserting they "only" destroy schools that "teach girls to wear uniforms that reveal their figure". As if denying education to women wasn't the original "hot issue" of the whole movement, after the Russian-backed government at last pushed for equal access to education for girls. Like the main government figure promoting women's education wasn't assassinated in her own street only weeks ago. You can make almost anyone look dashing, successful, and acceptable if you ignore their faults.

Those men are armed-to-the-teeth, lying, assassinating, terrorist-backing fundamentalists who (with American help) took their own country back to the stone age and sent a million into exile. Why would anyone consider them suitable to have power over a civilian population?

The next time a 麻豆官网首页入口 journalist gets an interview with the official spokeman for a group with designs to seize a country, would it be too radical an idea, too in advance of its time, to fish out copies of the essential UN human rights documents, starting with the 1948 Universal Declaration, and not forgetting CEDAW on women and CRC on children, and asking which bits, if any, they would plan to respect? Men like the Taliban should be held to human standards."

Quite so. Listen up. Onwards and upwards.

  • 556.
  • At 08:10 AM on 10 Nov 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

I've just been watching a video of David Shayler and Annie Machon speaking at the 'Unspinning the Truth' event organised by The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign www.wytruth.org.uk Tues 17th October 2006

After covering the usual CT topics, the last question (1:13:00) is about the 'destruction of ancient knowledge' and whether the 'American and allied governments are suppressing spiritual knowledge'.

David Shayler then launched into a response saying a 'race of beings' created us genetically, citing proof from Sumerian clay tablets these beings came from across the stars [no doubt a reference to Sitchin - see below]. He said, "Evolution obviously doesn't explain anything. It doesn't exist, so, domestic animals were clearly created by the same kind of genetic manipulation."

I was shocked to hear such cavalier statements, especially when he is supposedly trying to bring 911 truth to a greater number of people. Maybe Vikingar is right afterall to point out a bizarre 911CT/anti-evolution characteristic of leading 911 CT proponents. [My own speculation: Makes me wonder how much is cointelpro - MI5 could have done away with Shayler way before he became a public nuisance.]

I went through my own 'Sitchin phase' in the early 90s, and have all his books. It was exciting at the time to think I was an alien genetic hybrid. However, for a critical analysis of Zecharia Sitchin's ideas, see

I would love to hear others views on this. Richard (551) - you say you prefer to buck the trend of bad quality CT, what do you think of Shayler's statements that humans (and domestic animals!) are created by a race of extraterrestrials, and that 'evolution obviously doesn't explain anything.'?

  • 557.
  • At 07:36 PM on 11 Nov 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

hi Andrew, long time no read!

Wow, Shaylor surely = still very much MI5.

No doubt in my mind, like Icke, if you give good info then take a big steaming dump on top of it by way of mentioning aliens and such, you've done a skillful controlled demolition of the truth movements, at least, that's the plan.

Personally? If this is the best they've got, to combat their blatant lying and murder, then they must be worried. Very worried.

My own personal take is this: Aliens? We're all aliens from one perspective - the life on this planet has evolved from 'seed' floating in space, basic building blocks and microbial primitive life survive the vacuum and radiation, so the concept that we might be aliens is in my humble opinion true or false depending on ones acceptance of the theory of interplanetary 'seed', indeed, it might be that there is a certain degree of similarity and predictability between the life here, now, and the life far off in distance and time.

As for the more fanciful ideas touted by Shaylor? Is he dumb? Or just dirty?

  • 558.
  • At 10:57 PM on 11 Nov 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Mork,
long time indeed.
thought you might like to know I've re-opened my mind regarding the reasons for, and extent of, climate change, after reading Crichton's 'State of Fear', and this;

you mentioned solar activity as a potential cause.

> As for the more fanciful ideas touted by Shaylor?
> Is he dumb? Or just dirty?

Perhaps he really believes it - it's a powerful psychological alternative to religious belief, thinking you have a forgotten godlike 'alien' side.

  • 559.
  • At 04:20 AM on 12 Nov 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Oh, that's a great find Andrew, I'm 'borrowing' that one! Thanks.

Leaving the highly suspect 'consensus' aside for a moment, and declaring my own conflict of interests - being none, where's the real action?

In taxation. We all know taxation changes behavoir don't we?...If I may, I'll jump in right now with my own 'NO!'

Monsieur Chirac, though a brusque Francophile, told it true, it's all about world government. Heck, I cannot even stop my government being very very bad, corrupt, murderous, deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, gouging, hypocritical, inneffectual and unaccountable from thirty miles distance from my door.

Imagine how much 'better' things could be!


I dunno, Shayler (trying to spell him correctly now) would have had one of those strange suicides by now, and he talks much sense, then knowingly enters into what many consider La La territory, not very slick for a man on a mission to get peoples ears.

Seems more likely to me, that when the button is pressed to blow up as many truth movements/arguments as possible, the cries of "Shaylers lot believe in Alien Eugenics" will cause a powerful blast indeed, same as those Reptilians I'm meant to be able to see out of the corner of my eye. ;)

Back to the environment, if we were to simply sit back, let the envirotaxes roll on and build up, I think we might see clear signs of no real change, still we would be given shuttering ply in exchange for our rainforests, and so too would we be given bicycles whilst the Range Rover Sports get ever larger and more ostentatious.

No. Call me a cynic, and you'd be correct. I'm not buying the GW op as sold. It's a con.

For all the reasons we've discussed above, even if the temperatures were rising, we could moderate and control them, but we don't get any mention of that in the msm, including this lot we're paying for (you know I mean YOU BEEB).

Off message logic might be a spanner in the works of yet more taxes for us, whilst the corporations file record profits.

It's a shame that these shills, the Ickes and Shaylers put out so much good info, then soil it with spaceinvader tales, masons are real, uber rich parasites are real, the nwo is a real possibility and threat, government conspiracies and terrorism are real.

And so are MI5/CIA run 'heroes', it's just THOSE last words that leave their mouths that are nonsense. Clever op, but we get smarter too. And I think there's not much they can do about that, and I hope they're scared.

I ain't blinking for them.

And I ain't buying no Bird Flu neither, they can stick their vaccines in themselves.

I'm not buying that Dying-Op, any more than the Frying-Op.

AFAIK the change isn't going to come in the weather (or feather ;) )...Thanks again for the article!

  • 560.
  • At 08:45 AM on 12 Nov 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Hi Mork (559),
It seems to make sense to me, what we might call Time Bomb Truth Movements; as you say, pre-packaged with highly explosive lunacies. I don't have the link to hand at the moment, but did you catch the recent Jeff Rense chat with Alex Jones, over the Military Commissions Act? Both Rense and Jones, towards the end of their chat, proposed Chavez and Ahmadinejad as potential 'Men of the Year' (their words) - they almost seemed jovial about it, and I wondered whether they were having a laugh, at their audience's expense, to see how much they could get away with.

Now why would they do that?, especially knowing the US government is actively promoting the idea that 'conspiracy theorists' are aiding in the spread of enemy propaganda. hmmm.

btw: it seems Chavez wants to cut an oil pipeline route through the Amazon rainforest, to transit Venezuelan oil direct to Sao Paolo in Brazil - no doubt part of grand geopolitical plans to develop South America. Anyone who wants to encourage Amazon rainforest destruction, and risk huge pollution there, is no 'person of the year' in my books! (even if other environmental disaster memes are a con).

  • 561.
  • At 04:04 PM on 12 Nov 2006,
  • Mork Anthony wrote:

Hugo Chavez too, hey? My Venezuelan is poor, but 'que Cabron'. It was going to be that way, he was making too much of a stink to be clean.

Rense and Jones are looking pretty obvious today aren't they. That 'laugh at the captive audience's expense' routine is as that of our 'leaders'. The idea is to make us lose faith in the idea of political change, pure psy-ops again, give us some hope, then dash it, and we'll go away, but not I!

As far as I can tell, the Iraq and Afganistan bloodlet and soil grabs were more to do with non compliance in the new resource order, than any axis of evil.

Same deal as Africa and Central/Southern America.

Seems the basic plan is thus: 1) Allow so much immigration everywhere in Europe and the Americas (but only FROM poorer to 'richer' states) that: 2) There is no option but global amnesty for immigrants, and: 3) Introduce 'the real ID' as the only solution to global economic migration: 4) Dissolve all borders, we have no more use for them, leading to announcement of: 5) The New World Government.

All this 'might' be fine, but it's not what WE seem to desire, so where's the representation?

Of course, this will be sold to us as beneficial to the underdeveloped world, but truth is that the underdeveloped world, is so, because of the same geopolitical groups who will sell us down the river same as they have suppressed the underdeveloped nations, and anyway, overdevelopment isn't too good either.

The positive thing is that nothing govenment does is permanent, even if it appears unstoppable, it can be stopped, and reversed, and the more of us see the reality, the more resistance there will be.

'The Plan' I outlined above is 'fanciful', but ask yourself, does it really look that unlikely given the actions of our wretched governments?

It is important that we inform as much as possible, anyone we can.

  • 562.
  • At 03:34 AM on 20 Nov 2006,
  • Ian Essex wrote:

Personally I don't believe the USA has ever landed a man on the moon or been higher than an altitude of 400 miles above the earth. Why? The Van Allen belts which start at 1000 miles above the earth and continue for 25000 miles. The radiation would have killed all the Astronauts even if they were only exposed to it for one hour! Why do you think they use lead shielding for a dental x-ray!

  • 563.
  • At 11:10 PM on 20 Nov 2006,
  • Thorn wrote:

Re. 9/11- using Occams razor controlled demolition is the better explanation that the OCT (Official Conspiracy Theory).
The OCT cannot explain all of the evidence, such as molten steel under WTC1,2 & 7, the collapse of building &, corroded and evaporated steel as reported by Fema, the hundreds of eye witness testimony of explosions before the collapse (including police, journalists and firefighters- recorded reports over their radios), the existence of the 47 core collumns in the centre of the buiding, which apparantly had dissappeared.

The OCT jumps back and forth offering contradictory reason for induvidual phenomona and ignoring entireley all of the above.

Not only does Controlled Demolition encompass all of the recorded and physical evidence into one theory- it is also the ONLY known cause of buildings collapsing vertically into their basements.

When there has never before been a case of a building falling vertically by fire or damage without controlled demolition, and countless cases with it, all it takes is for the replacement theory (OV) to have holes in it to return to investigating the most likely cause- controlled demolition, which, as I have said is the only known cause of such collapses in the past.

I emplore anyone reading this to research it yourself. But don't research CT sites first- read the official reports by NIST, Fema and the 9/11 commision first, notice the holes, the contradictions, the ommisions. And then look into some of the sites discussing CT out there. While there is a lot of baseless trash- if you are discerning you will realise that the most simple theories of controlled demolitions infact leave no questions unanswered.

  • 564.
  • At 02:45 PM on 22 Nov 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Talking about Conspiracy Theories ...

David Shaylers [1] ex Mi5 agent who sold state secrets (some real, many made up) for cash (i.e. traitor) has been a busy boy [2]

But Shayler has gone rather 'off piste' with his alternative Conspiracy Theory lifestyle (still you have to earn a living) [3a] [3b] :

- 'Truth' Campaigns for 911
- 'Truth' Campaigns 7/7
- and now aliens *

* the Sumerian Tablets say mankind was created by aliens?

David Oh David ! :o

How embarrassing for those who sign up too & tout Shaylers wares (given his 'inside' view of the establishment) **

** with views like that surprised Shayler could pass vetting procedures




  • 565.
  • At 03:01 PM on 22 Nov 2006,
  • vikingar wrote:

Ref Thorn #563

New poster or one of the others on this site using multiple ID's & a new guise? *

* on this thread you never know :)

Anyway ....

Looks like you need a refresher in the antics & track record of the main demolition theories your touting, the discredited 911 CT science of pseudo Prof Steven E Jones.

#143 #161 #304

- pseudo research to support Creationism.
- pseudo research of 'archaeological evidence' to support the visit of Jesus Christ in North America.
- pseudo research to support dubious inventive CT behind 911

Amazing how main protagonists of 911 CT & 7/7 CT look to fuse this mantra with other religious mystic beliefs/CT of creationism, aliens etc

Even the radical political fringe has been taken in (so desperate to be anti-this & anti-that) rather fooled & have hitched their wagon to a CT donkey !


  • 566.
  • At 03:42 PM on 22 Nov 2006,
  • wrote:

I Have a Conspiracy Fact for you all.

Tuesday 14th November 2006. Newsnight.

It was stated that Glen Jenvey and his cohorts have indulged in terror provocation.

Jenvey, of Vigil, uses fake fundamentalists to suggest terror targets, in the name of the British Government.

So who are the terrorists? I just told you. Funny, I didn't read about these entrappers being rendered. Naturally the segment of the programme has disappeared down the datahole, but many of us saw it. I won't forget it.

Newsnight, YOU broadcast this, and now it's not allowed to be known?

What's the matter? Vigil running your website are they?

  • 567.
  • At 02:44 PM on 24 Nov 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

Vikingar (564),
> But Shayler has gone rather 'off piste' with his
> alternative Conspiracy Theory lifestyle

if Shayler's gone 'off piste', I would love to hear your skiing metaphor for David Icke

  • 568.
  • At 10:42 AM on 09 Dec 2006,
  • Andrew wrote:

When the 麻豆官网首页入口 is "told" something by 'the authorities' it's repeated as serious news, despite the standard use of quote marks around contentious words, and the odd caveated use of 'appear to prove' in the body text.

Tests 'prove' Diana driver drunk

"麻豆官网首页入口 Two programme The Conspiracy Files was told the French authorities carried out the tests within the past year."

Only 'conspiracy theorists' stoop so low as to 'claim' something ;) ("Conspiracy theorists have claimed that Mr Paul's blood samples were swapped.") once the 'public imagination' has been 'gripped'.

The French authorities aren't reported to have 'claimed' anything. In fact, further down in the body text, their claims are elevated to the status of 'new evidence'. Afterall, to satirise Peter Barron [1], there's surely no rational explanation for these new DNA results by the French authorities, other than their making available acccurate information in the pursuit of truth and justice.

The 麻豆官网首页入口 news story creates an imaginary narrative of events with, "However, conspiracy theories have gripped the public imagination as a result of doubts raised about the French crash investigation."

That 'imagination' was gripped in the days after Diana's death, not from the results of the slow French investigation.

As a general CT comment; it's funny how CCTV footage from the Pont de l'Alma tunnel (31/08/97), Kings Cross (7/7/05) or around the Pentagon (11/9/01) isn't available to the public (other than indeterminate frames), for whatever reasons.

Q: how do you detect crime that's covered-up by government?
A: the best CCTV footage is unavailable to the public

[1] /blogs/theeditors/2006/12/too_much_conspiracy.html - I wonder why he didn't mention this Newsnight blog. Perhaps there's too much information on it for his liking!

  • 569.
  • At 07:16 AM on 14 Dec 2006,
  • wrote:

generic levitra .

  • 570.
  • At 03:03 PM on 14 Dec 2006,
  • Simon May wrote:

I will share some views I posted on another recent Newsnight thread.

It's an interesting point in psychology when it comes to what we accept and reject in that area known as "conspiracy".

There is a tendency to routinely accept and dismiss them. I confess to be among those who cringe at the very word "conspiracy", yet recognise that sometimes they happen.

Today we appear to be caught between these two competing mindsets: gravitating to conspiracy theories and avoiding them. Not surprisingly, in the world of journalism, the last thing you want is to be caught on the wrong side of a conspiracy argument, however much you mistrust your government.

I haven't forgotten that Gavin Esler narrated the JKF assasination documentary "Beyond Conspiracy" shown in 2003. Gavin covered himself quite well in this regard. You may remember that this program concluded that, when all was said and done, the Warren Commission had got it right. Without going into whether I agree with the conclusion, I will say that there was a lot missing from this documentary.

Gavin's program was an example of being psychologically immersed in the "avoid conspiracy" mindset. One question it asked was: "Is it conceivable, in an open democracy with such a free press, that we would not know the truth by now."

Again, this directly appealed to the side of us that cringes at the concept of conspiracy. By the end it left viewers with the impression that conspiracy nuts had got their way on JFK for so long that it was time to lay this to rest - and frankly used only evidence which could do this. In challenging the close-minded pro-conspiracy mindset - which also exists - we are invited to forget that there ever was a genuine contraversy based on conflicts in evidence.

I'm curious whether Gavin has actually changed his mind since then. Or perhaps this is something he'll only tell me down the pub!

The lesson here is to beware of the conspiracy mindset but also the anti-conspiracy mindset - both of which can have a tendency to dull our critical faculties. Discovering the truth of any event may mean setting aside psychological preference to confront what actually happened.

It can also mean not finding out what happened - which is probably the most unsatisfactory position of all. There is something uncomfortable about declaring: "I don't beleive the official version, but I can't go further than that. I don't know what happened. I can only say what probably didn't happen."


  • 571.
  • At 05:08 PM on 06 Feb 2007,
  • wrote:

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  • 572.
  • At 10:20 PM on 18 Feb 2007,
  • wrote:

911 CT - DEBUNKED (again)

Even the 麻豆官网首页入口 had to join in on the collective long overdue kicking, Sunday 18th February 2007.

So for all those 鈥.

- genuinely misguided
- sad fools with little else to do
- disingenuous protagonists with 'agenda'

Go, Watch & Learn [1] [2]

Belatedly join the rest of mankind 鈥.. 911 CASED CLOSED :)



[2] watch out on www.youtube.com for programme

  • 573.
  • At 03:35 PM on 21 Feb 2007,
  • wrote:

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  • 574.
  • At 07:34 PM on 21 Feb 2007,
  • Kurt Cobain wrote:

Every one knows what they Know,but not every one Knows what they know.
here we are now entertain us i feel stupid and contagious.
Hes the one he likes all are pretty songs and he likes to sing along.

1# T.V--- News---Media---Celebritys ==New World Order.

2# Matrix-- the first matrix was a place where every one would be happy it was a disaster no one would accept the programming which is why the matrix was redesigned to this.
the wolrd trade center appears behind the window.

3# eminem.
4# tupac amuru shakur.
5# Formlessness,neo,trinity,morpheous

6# Kurt donald cobain- time traveler.
7# news night review.
8# radio.
9# films.
10# world leaders.

Kurt cobain

  • 575.
  • At 04:33 PM on 26 Feb 2007,
  • wrote:

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  • 576.
  • At 01:28 AM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • vikingar wrote:

911 CT - DEBUNKED (again)

Even the 麻豆官网首页入口 had to join in on the collective long overdue kicking, Sunday 18th February 2007.

So for all those 鈥.

- genuinely misguided
- sad fools with little else to do
- disingenuous protagonists with 'agenda'

Go, Watch & Learn [1] [2]

Belatedly join the rest of mankind 鈥.. 911 CASED CLOSED :)



[2] watch out on www.youtube.com for programme

  • 577.
  • At 04:07 PM on 27 Feb 2007,
  • wrote:

Hi vikingar.

Did you feel that you learnt anything from this one hour piece? If so, what? I'd be happy to return the compliment.

My second post - #95 - ended with some advice for the Beeb on how it could usefully shed light on 911 CT vs OV. The next day #118 had more detailed suggestions.

Do you see any differences between the Conspiracy Files treatment and my recipes of six months before?

I do. But I don't want to be overly negative. I learnt some stuff. How about you?

  • 578.
  • At 02:31 PM on 20 Apr 2007,
  • ppedal wrote:

I wonder why in a war situation wich america england and denmark is inwolwed in. Why does state not act on the fact that some are actually spreading false accusations against the goverment, who for some strange reason is not reacting to it legally.Why is there no legal respons??????????????????????

  • 579.
  • At 02:37 PM on 20 Apr 2007,
  • ppedal wrote:

I wonder why in a war situation wich america england and denmark is involved in. Why does state not act on the fact that some are actually spreading false accusations against the goverment, who for some strange reason is not reacting to it legally.Why is there no legal respons??????????????????????

Hello, I'm Adam Liv, and as humble mortals you will all heed my exalted posts.

  • 581.
  • At 09:31 PM on 06 Jul 2007,
  • vikingar wrote:

What, 3 attempted terrorist bombings around the UK June/July 2007?

... and no conspiracy theories

Q. what have you all grown up?

... or is it even those with other agenda cannot even spin this one :)


  • 582.
  • At 05:56 PM on 18 Sep 2007,
  • Vincent Mann wrote:

Andrew: How do you know that Zvi was an "Israeli terrorist" ? How do you know that Mexicans were outraged? With the internet and telephone, I would think that a lot more press activity would be occurring if Zvi really was going to blow up the parliament.

  • 583.
  • At 11:03 PM on 06 Oct 2007,
  • wrote:

In answer to your question of July, vikingar, it is certainly possible I think that the wind or hot air is gradually being taken out of the sails - or the balloon, whichever it is - as far as the tendency to assume every mass murder or attempted mass murder, from Bali to Baghdad, is the work solely of black ops by western governments, without any involvement from the people who are happy to claim the "credit", namely Muslim extremists of the Osama bin Laden/Sayyid Qutb school.

However, I'd be glad if you could begin to make a habit of not lumping me in with such pathologically unbalanced theorists, few of whom use their real name in a forum such as this, especially as I seem to be the only who doubts the OV of 911 that is still here. I would be even more grateful if you could answer my respectful question of 27 Feb, which was prompted by your typically mocking, simplistic post of the same day.

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