

Talk about Newsnight

Big Fat Politics Blog

Surely they haven't all got small children?

  • David Grossman
  • 6 Nov 07, 04:42 PM

Just two hours after MPs got back to work after the State opening of Parliament, the Labour side of the commons is all but deserted. I can only count three hon members in their places. I know the Government is promising a bill to bring in more flexible working...

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  • 1.
  • At 06:22 PM on 06 Nov 2007,
  • E Briggs wrote:

I am absolutely fed up with members of Parliament. They have so many holidays, even half term and then take a whole week off prior to the Queen's Speech (which we have already heard) why? They are only just back from conference season (all that wining&dining must be exhausting) and then another week off. I do wastch Parliament and note that it is only ever full when it is PMQ and then they all disappear immediately. Their childish and boorish behavious during PMQ is disgraceful - we would never allow our children to behave in that way. They have excellent working conditons, very generous pensions and redundancy payments- plus huge expenses which they do not have to account for. Are they worth all it costs us? NO.

  • 2.
  • At 02:55 AM on 07 Nov 2007,
  • June Gibson wrote:

I agree. What extremely poor value for money they give us, we the ordinary people. We only pay their wages, generous pensions, high expenses, extrsa-ordinary long hols. I do despair of anything being done about the work-shy blighters! If anyone in office tries to question the status quo or hold back fresh demands, he or she is drummed out by the trough-feeding majority.

My own (Labour) MP is hardly ever there. He has "important" monthly meetings in Europe, and has just been on a fact-finding tour somewhere exotic..

Just where and when is all this much-touted debate by MPs on the EU Treaty going to happen? In the House's "tea" room during one of the many Christmas parties at the Commons?

I find that there is no register of attendance by MPs at the House of Commons. They come and go as they please, if they come at all.

  • 3.
  • At 11:33 AM on 07 Nov 2007,
  • Jack wrote:

Let's face it we have lost all confidence in our politicians. They do as they please.
We have lost democracy and are now in the benign dictatorship of new labour. Witness how quiet old labour is - they all enjoy power too much.
The question is - will Mr Cameron be any different?

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