

Talk about Newsnight

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Prospects for Thursday, 29 May, 2008

  • Newsnight
  • 29 May 08, 10:14 AM

Today's output editor is Jasmin Buttar - here's her morning e-mail to the production team:

Lots of opportunity for you to get your ideas on the show tonight.

What to lead on?
- OECD report says world food prices will continue to rise and one of the underlying reasons is the size of the world's population. Are there simply too many people for the world's resources to sustain?

- IVF story - see cover of Sun - amazing story but is there something in it for us?

- knife crime - ad campaign starts today and Blair speaks on it - can we find a fresh enough angle?

Elsewhere we have a gripping film from Olenka Frenkiel and Ian O'Reilly on the North Koreans fleeing to China and South Korea to escape poverty and famine.

Please come fizzing with thoughts.

Until 10.30,


  • Comment number 1.

    Hello Jasmin,
    Yes of course there is a new angle on knife
    crime, as well as on gun- and gang- crime-they're predominantly carried out by immigrant communites, both on each other as well as on the rest of us.
    There's also the angle that the media with-holds this fact from the public, while peddling the convention that the eg.the black community mustn't feel discriminated against by being stopped by the police, whereas everyone,especially the black community, would be much safer if every black youth refrained from carrying a gun or a knife because he expected to be searched.
    If this is too radical for the programme, which I understand may be the case, could the viewer be told what constraints are placed on programme-makers, and how you all feel about this situation?

  • Comment number 2.

    Instead of moaning today can I say I thought Paul Masons piece last night on Special Branch "misguided" surveillance was excellent. I think this is still a huge problem and that we possibly sliding towards a McCarthyite state. Please do more.

    Also I think the OECD report above is HUGELY important. You don't wake up one morning and decide I'll cut the global population and maintain it at a given level. It would take years of debate about viable and reasonable carrots and sticks; ethics regarding possibly not giving treatment to some patients; religious freedoms etc etc. There would probably have to be global agreements. It would probably take fifteen years to work out the plan. Then twenty years to take effect. So if you don't have thirty five years lead time .....

    If you handle the lack of preparations for a potential Scottish separation I will be overjoyed.

    Hoo raa!

    Viva MI5

  • Comment number 3.

    when food prices are rising why is there subsidy to millionaire land owners to not grow anything.?

    if there really was a food problem then it would be our duty to grow it and then rather we need a tax on any land left idle?

  • Comment number 4.

    #2 Forgot to say one angle that could be massive is if one day you have to have a "maintained sustainable population level" what happens to the economy?

    Does a free market require, as an underlying principle, growth in terms of population. If the population is static is there -> impact on risk takers rewards -> stagnation and decline? One for Stephanie Flanders or Paul Mason ?

    Just a thought.

  • Comment number 5.

    Ooh we've got to keep it fresh!... tell that to the next family who's loved one is murdered.
    Grumpyjohn has saved me the bother but i can guarantee you that his sentiments are shared by many, but still ignored by the 麻豆官网首页入口... your like the emperor.. butt naked.
    The 麻豆官网首页入口 news dept are heading for a Ceausescu ending if you continue to treat its audience like cretins.

  • Comment number 6.

    The Head of Amnesty International was on WHYS yesterday-

    and kept slipping vague comments linking "international law" and human rights.

    Perhaps we should start facing the fact that international law does not really exist and cannot until some measure of sovereignty is yielded to a UN-type body.


    There are university people in California who have already determined that the Earth has three times too many people to sustain our energy consumption.


    Why not sound out Iran on what sort of talks they would like to have with the West?

    (Of course, there can be no "preconditions"- they are not criminals and we are not law enforcers).

  • Comment number 7.

    PPS Please can we change the Newsnight theme tune to any Doors song?

    Also on knife crime I can't remember who ran the report or the channel, but aren't a lot of the "gangland territory" killings (black and white) inspired by internet communications with other gangs like the Cripps and Yardies. They basically provide a manual of do's and don'ts.

    Would intervention at that (internet) level actually have a big impact as it must be illegal along the lines of conspiracy? That would be something that you could throw money at if its technically viable. As for Blair who listens to him now?

  • Comment number 8.

    The OECD report is just stating what some people have been saying for years , but I think it needs mentioning by the 麻豆官网首页入口 to be believed by the other people.

  • Comment number 9.

    At 12:04 pm on 29 May 2008, bookhimdano wrote:
    when food prices are rising why is there subsidy to millionaire land owners to not grow anything.?

    Crop rotation. Its best for the health of the soil if for 1 year in 4 land lies unused (ideally covered with clover to get some nitrogen back in the soil). Trying to get farmers to cut their output by 25% isn't easy so in the interests of half the country not turning into desert and blowing away we have to subsidise this fallow land.

    It goes to 'millionaire land holders' (which describes anyone with a 3 bed semi in greater London) because many farmers rent from larger land holders or trusts rather than own their own land.

    The alternative is to bomb the land with tons of manmade fertiliser which probably costs more than the subsidy would and certainly doesn't do the quality of our rivers any favours.

  • Comment number 10.

    Poor Kirsty the Daily Wail has been a bit unkind over her little black dress -It's easy when in Cannes to forget "one is working "and I'm sure that's all that happened !

  • Comment number 11.

    Re-Post 5.
    Much appreciated cookieducker. Surely there's an interesting item right there when you say that many others would agree with us. The technology's there to guage opinion among the programme's viewership. Sadly for us all, and for 'our 'democracy, we get endless suppression, and then 'The Great
    Immigration Debate'. !!!!???? Yeah debate where no one opposed to immigration gets on. Strange, when non-media pros like you and I, and many other posters on this page, could front anyone up in a debate, without briefings or advisers, at a moment's notice, these politicians need everything stacked in their favour, and they're still terrified of a decent barny. Best from grumpy-jon.

  • Comment number 12.

    Re-Post 10.
    Think I'm beginning to get an understanding of your area of interest and expertise buddy; plus how you got your name.RESPECT.

  • Comment number 13.

    Re: post #11

    This reads like the sort of drivel that goes on the Have Your Say boards.

    Every other post there is about immigration or race, even when the original topic is totally unrelated.

    When something particularly offensive and racist is pulled, they start bleating about 'censorship' and 'suppression'.

    Please, try and keep it constructive.

    Thanks, MM

  • Comment number 14.

    Re-Post 13.
    Sounds like you're out of step with posters on this and other sites that you view doesn't it.
    Not my fault if you don't recognise sensorship and suppression when you see it; nor that you seem unaware that immigration is by far the No1 political issue in his country, and that the media fails to represent a range of views on this subject. Until that is corrected, you'll find that dissenters will have 'Have Their Say' here and all over the net. Sorry if this doesn't meet with your approval

  • Comment number 15.


    "Please come fizzing with thoughts" ?

    Do me a ruddy favour...it's the 麻豆官网首页入口's flagship news programme ....what weeks 麻豆官网首页入口 residential course are you just back from ?

    What's next..."foaming" ?

  • Comment number 16.

    #13 I agree with your sentiments broadly.

    I post on here and I am certainly not against immigration, and I am very happy with a multi-cultural Britain. I am against uncontrolled immigration and thats not based on colour. Allowing in 1 million plus white Poles (very nice decent people) is not a great idea if you have not planned for it or popped it onto a manifesto so people can give their views.

    I think there are however unacceptable impositions on what you can ask on these sites. If I mention a recent scandal involving a Formula 1 figure and a well known intelligence organisation this won't get posted. Given the intelligence organisation has said the actions of one of its employees was nothing to do with them I cannot understand or support the restrictions. Its absurd.

    Vroom vroom vroom MI5.

  • Comment number 17.

    OECD story seems best, if the Chinese become as gluttonous with food as they have with every other worldly commodity, its Soylent Green time!

  • Comment number 18.

    - Where is the OECD's role last time? The price of all kind foods have risen for many months such as: corn, beet, rice...but we haven't seen any " strong" action to stop the tendency. It's time to reconsider the subsidy for agriculture and farmer. Is it excessive to say that the subsidy such the situation is " charity for the rich" ?
    Some blame this at the comsumption of some kind of foods for bio-disel or methanol fuel, but why haven't we seen any prediction of this.
    - North Korean fleeing to S. Korea and China: We should aid more food and medicine to the guiltless to help them in difficulty and also simultaneously help U.S and Japan to repel the " north malicious".

  • Comment number 19.

    The population issue is been dealt with by some countries. China is a well known example with its 'one child' policy and yet they are called inhumane because of it. If something is to be done about over population it won't be something everyone will like.

    Maybe there should be more encouragement for people with gardens to grow their own vegetables. Also councils and housing estate planners should put in more allotments.

    Millionaire landowners should have to pay a tax in food to a central organisation that distributes the food world wide to places most needing of it.


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