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Wednesday 9 March 2011

Len Freeman | 11:11 UK time, Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Here is what is coming up tonight with Jeremy Paxman

The big hitters in government have appeared before the Defence Select Committee today at a time when it is being asked whether defence cuts have left the military without the resources to be effective in Libya and in future crises.

We will have some expert analysis from General Sir Richard Dannatt and a full report on what the Defence Secretary Liam Fox and Foreign Secretary William Hague told MPs.

We'll also be asking whether growing backbench anger could lead to the defence review being reopened.

We also have a report from DR Congo on the child sex trade. Reporter Sam Farmer joins members of the children's parliament in DR Congo as they try to help fellow children who are working in the sex trade. The film centres on the efforts of a 15-year-old boy in the children's parliament who is trying to advocate more rights for these youngsters.

Closer to home the government has announced that displaying cigarettes is to be banned in England. But will it stop smoking? We'll look at the evidence and examine how the promotion of cigarettes has changed over the years.

And Jeremy will be talking to Jim Davidson live about humour and bigotry. The comedian has written a play about an old racist comedian who is challenged by a young black performer.

Do join Jeremy at 10.30 on 麻豆官网首页入口 Two.


  • Comment number 1.

    Breaking news Cheney brothers arrested in London re Iceland banks fraud

    See, a poet and air hostess can run a country better than the usual suspects in the pocket of banksters.


    "Should we just ban smoking? " well yes

    But the sight of Kirsty waring black with black nail varnish makes smoke come out of my ears

    I may end up as a charcoal drawing one morning.

  • Comment number 2.

    Correction - Tchenguiz brothers


  • Comment number 3.

    This is a better link re Tchenguiz brothers :-

  • Comment number 4.

    Jesus! Jim Davidson has written a play..has he got himself divorced again and needs to raise some money.
    Has he mellowed his beliefs and attitudes? Is he holding a mirror to himself and asking for forgiveness for his bigoted material that he's given to audiences over the years?..I hope not. He's one of only a few prominent performers who sticks two fingers right up to the Politically correct mob. That well meaning but misguided mob who think they can regulate millions of years of evolved behavior with legislation that today, and now, certain kinds of thought is almost a crime, they're just waiting on the science to catch up and give them the necessary gadgets to seek out and re-educate us. "us" been all of us because we are all bigoted in one form or another. Those from the right hate others different to themselves whilst the hate-filled left (the very nasty Socialists) hates not just the right..but themselves, there lies the difference...and as my mother once said, keep away from people who hate themselves. And I reckon my mother was right on that one...just take a look at Harriet Harman.

  • Comment number 5.

    They sound a delightful pair flicks

    "Kedorie" to "Tchenguiz" - Persian for 'Genghis'. They eventually emigrated to Britain in 1979 when the Shah was deposed.

  • Comment number 6.

    Interesting read:-

    "if only it was so simple; but a higher interest rate environment will break the banks, which are full of dodgy loans dating from credit-crunch days."

  • Comment number 7.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 8.

    "And yet some/most people persist in blaming the whole credit crunch catastrophe on US/UK Anglo-Saxon inspired capitalist ideology!

    Who'd have thunk it? "

    It's a fact that Blythe Masters - British Cambridge economics graduate of JP Morgan along with her team invented Credit Default Swaps which were very much involved in the vast fraud. Although not intended"

    "J.P. Morgan, to protect itself in turn from an eventual default by Exxon, came up with a novel financial instrument called the credit default swap. Now a $30 trillion international marketplace, credit default swaps were also at the core of the global financial market's biggest blowout in decades".

  • Comment number 9.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 10.

    Might also point out that Blythe is head of commodities at JP Morgan and therefore directing the alleged silver manipulation although this has likely gone on for many years to control the value of the $ so she would have just picked up the baton . HSBC and JP Morgan are facing multiple legal challenges on this front. They are likely massively naked short selling silver out of London being as it is illegal in the US and the rumor is that they are offering 80% premium for NOT taking physical delivery. In other words they cant get their hands on the physical . Just for the record, my view is that Blythe is one hell of an attractive women.

    Think you will find that what I'm saying in #8 is correct

  • Comment number 11.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 12.

    Apparently Jim Davidson's new play scored a 3/5 from The Daily Telegraph's Dominic Cavendish.

  • Comment number 13.

    NN tonight: "Have defence cuts left the military without the resources to be effective in Libya and future crises?" Whose military?

    Arab Countries May Back No-Fly Zone for Libya Within Days

    鈥淭he Arab League feels a 鈥渟ense of urgency鈥 over violence in Libya and may call this week for a no-fly zone to shield civilians and rebels from further attacks by Muammar Qaddafi鈥檚 forces鈥 the Arab League鈥檚 ambassador in Washington said.

    Good point

    鈥淚f the Arab League鈥檚 22 member countries endorse a no-fly zone over Libya at a crisis meeting in Cairo on March 12, Hassouna said he believes that the United Nations Security Council and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will respect the sentiment of the region鈥檚 leaders and could follow suit.鈥

    Another Good Point

    鈥淚 think by next week the United Nations will probably also take a position on that, and then we鈥檒l see what the NATO countries will do,鈥 he said. !

    Why don鈥檛 the Arab League 鈥榯ake a position鈥- or better still ACT - on bringing out the thousands of their refugees, and then 鈥榮ee what the Arab League will do鈥 about staging a no-fly zone and other options?

    Hilary Clinton said 鈥淲e think it鈥檚 important that the United Nations make this decision, not the United States. And so far, the United Nations has not done that,鈥 Hassouna warned that Arab countries 鈥渁re not in favor of foreign military intervention, and in the longer term if Libyan rebels gain credibility as a legitimate national movement, some countries may help supply weapons.鈥

    Does that mean some Arab countries, or is the Arab League, like the African Union, unable to settle their own conflicts because they will not deal with rogue member states, and/or they are also guilty of oppressing their peoples?

  • Comment number 14.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 15.

    ...and there could be food riots in the UK!

  • Comment number 16.

    My comment at #14 was a clip of an interview with Jim Davidson from a 麻豆官网首页入口 Live 5 show with Richard Bacon!

  • Comment number 17.

    ...Why news of UK special forces intercepting Iranian arms for Taliban out now? Happened Feb 5....[from twitter]

    back to the real FO agenda? the one they are emotionally obsessed with? the war they really want?

  • Comment number 18.

    Food Riots No .. Fuel Riots Maybe

    Can I Run My Motoring Bike On Pure Alchol

    May Still Be Time To Make A Still

  • Comment number 19.

    Since the age of about 15 it has completely freaked me out to view great and intense art.

    Today I viewed a Rembrandt and I'm still in some kind of heightened place trying to relive and visualise his marks in my mind - just totally incredible.

    He could probably have made a work of art that few who ever lived could match with a rag and fingers and may have done looking at that super human intensity of emotion that reaches over hundreds of years .

  • Comment number 20.

    ALAS alastair cambell channel four Jamie's Dogs Dinner on politics

    Just about the Last humenoid hemeroid I would get to teach my Children on Politics/Vomit

  • Comment number 21.

    麻豆官网首页入口 Four .. A Time To Remember .. Should Be Called A Time WE have Forgot

    Can someone Explain it to The USELESS *&^% who burned A Few Poppies

    YOU MORONS Pay Tax for That .. Moronic isnt The Word

  • Comment number 22.

    All this user's posts have been removed.Why?

  • Comment number 23.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 24.

    Am I the only one who thinks someone should intervene in Libya to stop the killing and genocide by Col Gaddafi? Shouldn't UN take the lead and do something? As my friends would say (in response to my reluctance to driving to somewhere new in fear of getting lost and not able to read maps) 鈥済rab your balls, this is bullsh*t!鈥 Gaddafi has his own die-hard loyalists fighting intensely for his survival, sending in a few men just to fight with the amateur rebels isn't going to achieve much. I am glad they have sent the boys back.

  • Comment number 25.

    ART there's a Song there Somewhere

    Something 2 Do with The Price of A Hospital Wing

    ART Not 2B Confused with in part Fart

    Where there's Wind there's Wind

    I've been to place's on Earth where they think Its The Devil Exploding Out Out

    VegitAirians be carefull where you fart

  • Comment number 26.

    Twenty Four We Have Been There Befour

    Does Torbruk Ring A Bell have a Look

  • Comment number 27.


    No flies on the tobacco industry - so a no-fly zone won't do any good.

    Should Britain be subject to tobacco sanctions? Will UN soldiers be sent to EU tobacco fields, to destroy the crop?

    Is self torture through addiction to government-sponsored tobacco, resulting in a range of debilitating diseases OK? Then why is state-sponsored torture and death by tyrants so heinous?

    Has Billy the Spud ever had such thoughts?

  • Comment number 28.

  • Comment number 29.

    Just heard Nick Harvey the Armed Forces Minister answer questions. He said that the reduction in the surface fleet from the SDSR would have no impact on our capability as ships like the Cumberland are being replaced or remaining ships will be "worked harder". This is competely untrue - the total number of Frigates and Destroyers is reducing and the Type 26 programme will not deliver new ships for years. Whilst ships can be at sea for more days each ship can still only be in one place at one time and the previous Government and this Government have not reduced any of the commitments we have around the world or in NATO. In addition the number of ships actually available at appropriate readiness levels is also decreasing. Lets have some honesty!

  • Comment number 30.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 31.


    Watching the two advertising types, discussing the finer marketing points of profitable sickness and death, with such detachment (one with an enthusiasm to rival General 'Buck' Turgidson) might have made me feel physically sick. Sadly, I have grown too accustomed to the total dereliction of culture in this country to feel anything.

    Nick can't fix it.

  • Comment number 32.

    How sad that we humans are so fickle and easily manipulated. The ad men already having worked out exactly how to use modern technology and communication networks to beat the system and keep enough people on the hook, and hooking more new customers.

    Yet there must be a 'type' who apply the rule that something becomes more attractive if it is labelled bad, or made illicit. And correspondingly a type who take on board the facts, weigh up the factors and make other decisions. Some who recognise that they are not being particularly 'different' or 'individual' by following a peer group or a fashion. Some who don't think that saying no makes them some sort of social pariah, the goody goodie.

    If we could once and for all determine what causes these differences, we may not need debates about interfering in foreign affairs. Or perhaps not.

    Was it Dannatt who actually used the phrase 'if it is in our intersts' rather tellingly on that one?

    btw, previous post contained accredited lyrics to the Del Amitri track 'Nothing ever happens' as alluded to in #25 from #22. Worth a youtube. Plus ca change indeed!

  • Comment number 33.

    I gave up fags a few years ago .. the thought of giving money to nulabour made me more sick than any tailor made .. I only smoke roll up baccy from abroad, Pass The CapStain Full Strengh, Glad my children dont like smokers/smoking

    somethings got to Kill You

  • Comment number 34.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 35.

    General Lord Dannatt (Former Army Head and 40 years in service) was the only one who spoke sense about Libya - do not get involved. Remember how the Balkan War started with the "no-fly zone" and how even the US isn't going to lead anything into Libya. Lessons have been learnt and we are all the more bankrupt for it. Lord Dannatt also explained WHY we should not have a no-fly zone over Libya too.

    Loved Matt's report on cigarettes which included the famous "Yes Prime Minister" sketch on why cigarettes should not be banned :p Even I had to gasp at the old cigarette commercial for the doctor's favourite cigarette! If people want to smoke, they still will, and it's true, smoking is so "rebellious."

  • Comment number 36.


    But Westminster is not peopled by altruists and individuals of integrity, intent on bettering our lot. They are juvenile, wannabes seeking power without responsibility; turkeys who will never vote for Christmas.

    I have been pointing out the REARGUARD ACTION fought by Westminster for Tobacco, for a long time. Were they wanting to see off smoking, they would pay the price to top advertisers and, this time, BRIEF THEM TO SUCCEED!


  • Comment number 37.


    "...somethings got to Kill You..."

    No doubt about that RolDeed. Not sure I'd make lung cancer my first choice (or 2nd, 3rd...... 97th....) Ever had to watch or nurse someone close you undergo that one?

    Happy to provide some graphic details as written over 30 years ago as aversion therapy if anyone is in need.

  • Comment number 38.

    Once again the Smokefinder generals are out to burn a few more smokers at the stake. Interesting to note in a TV newspiece how a shopkeeper had removed the cigarettes from his shelves, for the purposes of filming, while on the next row of shelving were layers of booze bottles.

    Of course displays of wine and spirits wouldn't encourage young people to drink, but displays of cigarettes would encourage them to smoke. How long must this hypocritical madness prevail?

    Let's remove fatty foods from display, cakes, chocolates, sweets, biscuits to protect our children from the perils of obesity.

    Let's layer our pavements with cotton wool to save ourselves from injury lest we slip. Let's stay indoors in case we walk in front of a bus on the way to work or the shops.

    Life is a risk. I think we've lost touch with that reality in this state-controlled, mollycoddled country.

  • Comment number 39.



    On the first day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the second day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Old crinkly skin
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the third day of smoking my packet said to me:
    O-old crinkly skin
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the fourth day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O-old crinkly skin;
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the fifth day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O-old crinkly skin;
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the sixth day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Causes fatal cancer
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O-old crinkly skin;
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the seventh day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Heart and lung diseases
    Causes fatal cancer
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O-old crinkly skin;
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy

    On the eighth day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Clogs up your art鈥檙ies
    Heart and lung diseases
    Causes fatal cancer
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O-old crinkly skin;
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the ninth day of smoking my packet said to me:
    At-tacks your children
    Clogs up your art鈥檙ies
    Heart and lung diseases
    Causes fatal cancer
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O鈥檕ld crinkly skin:
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the tenth day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Smo-kers die younger
    At-tacks your children
    Clogs up your art鈥檙ies
    Heart and lung diseases
    Causes fatal cancer
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O-old crinkly skin;
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the eleventh day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Cocktail of poisons
    Smo-kers die younger
    At-tacks your children
    Clogs up your art鈥檙ies
    Heart and lung diseases
    Causes fatal cancer
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O-old crinkly skin
    And does harm to your pre-egnancy.

    On the twelfth day of smoking my packet said to me:
    Highly addictive
    Cocktail of poisons
    Smo-kers die younger
    At-tacks your children
    Clogs up your art鈥檙ies
    Heart and lung diseases
    Causes fatal cancer
    Damaged sper-erm count
    O-old crinkly skin
    And does harm to your pre-eg-nan-cy.

  • Comment number 40.


    Remember Dave is heir to Blair. Tony had powers that passethed all understanding - courtesy of God. I think you will find that Dave has equivalent delusion, and will end up in a similar state . . . Nick Harvey is in thrall to Dave, it is the cipher way, so he carries the same baseless conviction. 鈥楴otorious German鈥 had it too. Gadaffi. They are all the same, regardless of ethnicity, culture, creed, colour of socks. Put their heads in a scanner - you will not be able to tell them apart.


  • Comment number 41.

    LOL Some Great Comments about The Evil Smoking, I do know the Risks

    I am also Glad that my Children Dislike The Nasty Weed

    I have been smoking since 10 ish and I do try 2 put The Young Off Smoking

    However We are living longer and there's not enough money in the Pension Pot, Is The Goverment still useing the Dirty brown rule .. Stealing 10 Billion a year out the pension pot.

    So Far So Good Touch Wood I have beaten up Prostate Cancer and The Demon Drink

    I have 2 Many Dead Pals that Didnt Smoke or Drink some of them died in a Very Nasty way

    3 Score Years and Ten will do for me .. A minute passed quickly followed by another minute sudenly a minute passed and then a minute passed ....etc .. don't waste the time you have, there will allways be a No 13 bus lurking

  • Comment number 42.

    No need for British DMS Boots on Libyan Soil Thats been done before .. See Postcard from A Desert Rat

    I do hope we Dont use Malta VC or Cyprus as A Aircraft Carrier .. We are Skint We Cant Afford It, Ask Excremental nulabour where the money went

  • Comment number 43.

    Its amazing to me that Newsnight just go along with all this war talk. You just seem to assume that those who are fighting Gadaffi want our 'help'. Could it be that they well know 1/ it could compromise them and make them beholden to the British. 2/ their oil is the UK interest ? I mean how is it you dont see/get the situation from their point of view ? Could it be related to the same problem you have challenging the galactic banking fraud - what part of fraud-closure have you covered ? Why is it you dont shed a light on liars loans ? Why is it you dont explain to the public why credit default swaps and other financial derivatives are so invidious and harmful to society - this is on going happening right now. They are totally meaningful to everyone's life to a scale that makes the Islamic terrorist threat pretty much meaningless to the vast majority especially if you objectively study the way three trade towers fell to the ground on 9/11 and the reasons/methods of how that can happen.

    Why is it you dont explain to the public that having a bank account means allowing someone else to create havoc, starvation and death to people in poor countries by speculation ? No instead your all about war talk and us being 'relevant on the international stage' .

    Let me tell you something if you want us to be 'relevant' on the 'international stage' deal with the financial criminals and inform the public how they can address this in a peaceful and meaningful way. If you dont do that why wont you ?

    Please consider this post when you consider my other posts that you have sent for consideration.

  • Comment number 44.

    BRAVO - HERE HERE! (#43)

    Spoken from the heart, Flicks3 (with even a touch of bowel). But this is the Age of Perversity; those who live 'within the lie' are either unaware (fool) or comfortable therein (knave). As I watch NewsyNighty 'set pieces', wonderfully crafted (costly) 'Turner Prize' art, in which the information-thread is buried too deep to define, I wonder where to turn for gravitas.

    The TV is a cannula, fixed at birth into every mind. Attach the right serums and untold good might accrue. But high strength Elixir of Carp is ubiquitous.

    I don't think 'they' are considering much at all, except perhaps edginess, fun, and ratings - going forward in the Media Space.

  • Comment number 45.


    I see the 麻豆官网首页入口 are leading in the ousting of the 'Greengrocer's Apostrophe'.



    The program on very premature babies was titled: #23 Week Babies.

    In passing: I heard: "麻豆官网首页入口 Films. Making British films happen". How poor is that? "Making British films happen IN THE MOVIE-SPACE' surely?

  • Comment number 46.

    i thought most people got their fags and booze from blokes with white vans?

  • Comment number 47.

    enjoyed the Davidson interview last night with Jeremy....and I've never said that before maybe because Jeremy gave him an easy ride...either way he came over as human....

  • Comment number 48.

    #43 flicks

    Answer: The meja's been captured. The Hutton Inquiry put the final nail into any true investigative anti-establishment journalism. How could it be that the 麻豆官网首页入口 had to adhere to far higher standards of minute-taking and verification of information source standards than the Executive Office of our country? Says it all really.

    The Beeb is just playing its part in the Sell Freedom, Buy Control takeover:

    "We have been suckered in to a con trick known as 'bait and switch'. The bait was being sold an opportunistic expansionary future, meanwhile those with the real foresight and power base are conscious of a harsher and constrained future, and so have bought our compliance through a sedative mass culture and financial debt peonage; a masterful sleight of hand."

  • Comment number 49.

    the bbc has never apologised from its 1970s programming. they still sell it.

    ..In September 2004, two of the industry鈥檚 most successful video publishers, 麻豆官网首页入口 Video and VCI, merged to form the most exciting new company the UK industry has seen for years. We鈥檝e called it 2 entertain and our mission is to champion the best and broadest range of UK produced entertainment around the world....

    titles on offer include

  • Comment number 50.

    #48 Hi Hawkeye

    Ah yes Lord Hutton, of course he was just plane John Hutton when he along with Alan Johnson and Economic genius Mr Brown announced this masterpiece of financial directorship of the UK:-

    鈥淭oday Alan Johnson, John Hutton and I are announcing details of a risk based approach to regulation to break down barriers holding enterprise back.

    I love to post this link its just so perfect to show up the hypocritical lot:

    "A risk based approach helps move us a million miles away from the old assumption - the assumption since the first legislation of Victorian times - that business, unregulated, will invariably act irresponsibly. The better view is that businesses want to act responsibly. Reputation with customers and investors is more important to behaviour than regulation, and transparency - backed up by the light touch - can be more effective than the heavy hand. "

    Now isn't that just beautiful.

    Dave thinks Lord Hutton was a suitably qualified person to produce his 'landmark report'

    Shall we apply a risk based approach to pensions ? now then 'the better view' is that pensioners want to live a decent life and require 'light touch' interference from govt into their pensions. This of course can be 'more effective' than the 'heavy hand'

    How about that Lord 'eyes caught in the headlights' Hutton

    You wouldn't want to hold back 'enterprising' pensioners who want to 'act responsibly' now would you ?

  • Comment number 51.

    #35Mistress76uk wrote:
    'General Lord Dannatt (Former Army Head and 40 years in service) was the only one who spoke sense about Libya - do not get involved'
    (I expect he read my #13 above!)

    I thought it ended on general agreement that it is not UK's war, although the reasons were concerned more with capability than responsibility.

    The Arab League has finally expressed a 'sense of urgency' (although not meeting until 12th)and then expecting outside action without occupation. That expectation is fueled by Dave and Spud still trying to strut their stuff on the world stage instead of accepting that United Kingdom is no longer united nor has sovereign status - just an (over)spent force.

    Of course the medya keeps it going for obvious reasons, but throws us a few sprats (smoking and racy comedians) to keep us distracted from thoughts of rebellion at home. But the forthcoming revisions to pensions, retirement and other cuts may cause us to turn our entire attention (and anger) to domestic issues?

  • Comment number 52.

    #50 Priceless announcement

    "We will look to apply on a wider basis the principle of risk based regulation to financial services legislation and the work of the FSA. The FSA, which we set up in 1997 as a world leading example of how to regulate financial services"

    I only wish Charles Ferguson had interviewed Brown for "Inside Job". The skewer is getting sharper by the day.

  • Comment number 53.

    #50 flicks
    'you lot will have to contibute more and work longer for your smaller pensions' it's a bit provocative seen alongside-

    "More than 200 people joined the billionaires list as their numbers rose to a new record of 1,210" innit?

  • Comment number 54.


    Across the Web, there are fairly convincing narratives of 'them' running us ragged for 'their' nefarious ends.

    David Icke 'solved' the problem with shape-shifter lizards - smart ones presumably - and we have on offer Illuminati, Neocons, Bilderberg and other groups of bald, overweight Super-Masons. I am unconvinced.

    If this planet has produced some Smersh or Spectre THAT ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS EFFECTIVELY, then there is hope for the education system yet (which, as currently configured, I doubt).

    As things stand, WORLD DOMINATION computes no better (in my mind) than the TWO STATE SOLUTION. No fag-packet outline - no reality.

    My (imaginary) money is on world ineptitude and associated chaos - with all manner of delusional, needy boys, believing they are close to success.

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