About Nick Robinson
27/11/20: This page has been amended to correct the date Nick started as Political Correspondent. This took place on 3 October 1995, not in 1996 as previously stated.
Nick Robinson has been our political editor since the end of August 2005. He returned to the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú - where he had begun his career - from ITV News, where he was political editor for three years.
His last post at the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú was as News 24's chief political correspondent (from October 1999 to October 2002). During that time he also presented Westminster Live on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Two.
In the run-up to the 2001 general election, he started keeping a daily diary of the campaign, called The Campaign Today, which was published on this website. In time this became Newslog, which ran until his departure to ITV.
Work history
Nick is a rare example of someone who has switched from working behind the camera to working in front of it.
He was born in Macclesfield, Cheshire in 1963, and attended Cheadle Hulme School, followed by University College, Oxford where he studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
He was inspired to go into broadcasting by the legendary Today programme presenter Brian Redhead, a family friend. His first broadcasting job was as an unpaid gofer on Piccadilly Radio in Manchester working for a man who's now a Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú colleague - Jim Hancock of Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú North West.
Nick joined the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú as a production trainee in 1986 and worked on Brass Tacks, This Week, Next Week, Newsround, Pamela Armstrong Show and Crimewatch UK. He joined On the Record as an assistant producer and worked his way up to become Deputy Editor.
He then moved to Panorama where he was deputy editor for three years. On 3 October 1995 he moved in front of the camera to become a political correspondent, covering his first General Election for Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Radio in 1997.
He discussed his return to the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú on Radio Five Live with Simon Mayo, a transcript of which can be
About the man
Nick's married with three children and lives in North London ("horribly close" to the Arsenal stadium for a lifelong Manchester United fan). Having just learnt to sail a dinghy he dreams of sailing yachts around azure waters in sunny climes.
Outside work he enjoys the theatre and talking about what exercise he'll do when - if - he ever gets around to it.
Nick, i didn'think anybody could suceed Andrew Marr, but you've done it - Well done, really enjoy your bulletins - Ken
Being French, and not into French politics that much, let alone English politics, I was surprised to find myself watching you on the news right to the end of your talk, when i arrived in the uk. It's maybe the way you explain what's going on that doesn't make it boring, or that the British politics are more lively and entertaining than the French, or those specs, probably a combination of all three, but thanks! Can't say I love politics, but i have certainly taken an interest!
First off - congrats on entering the blogosphere. You are a brave man!
Re DC and his impact on the Party. Youth gives way to experience? Can we expect him to provide a Blair style gloss or will it turn sour once the 'Party Politics' start to undermine his position?
From where I sit, he will need a strong will and perhaps an iron fist to assert his authority from the outset. Has he got this and has he the team around him to support him at every turn? I personally don't think so.
Nice blog Nick! Looking forward to seeing some of your sensible political comments here mate. Funny to hear you are very close to Highbury, I am a mad gooner living near Old Trafford! Fancy a house swop lol!
Hi nick, woud like to say agree with other comments as to making politics interesting im a student and take social policy modules, to which watching your bulletins makes my understanding and ability to be analyitical a lot more constructive, ps love the specs!
Hi Nick,
I would just like to say what a good job you are doing on the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú since Andrew Marr left. You make watching the news a whole lot more interesting - keep up the good work!
I am a politics student myself, and I think it's vitally important that more young people become involved and interested in politics. Although Gordon Brown's ideas on lowering the voting age are a bit late for me now (if only they had come in at the last election!) I'm hoping that this will go some way to helping young people get involved. Watching you on TV helps me to understand what is going on in the world of British politics so much easier and I find it far more engaging. Hopefully this is the same for other young people too!
Thanks for all your hard work!
Nick, I have to admit that I loathed you at ITV. Admittedly, I didn't see too much of you because I'm not an ITV lover (this might, in part, account for a degree of prejudice). I thought you were nothing more than an attention seeking stirrer, judging from some of your press conference questions - they always seemed controversial & intent on causing maximum discomfort. Then, surprise surprise you turn up as Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú political editor - I was not altogether pleased at first. However, I was very quickly won round. Your political analysis is very astute & sharp, & yields much to the untrained eye. As with Andrew before you I now always listen intently because I know I'll be well informed; I also enjoy your casual & entertaining delivery. Thanks (please don't become complacent & smug with your success as certain Labour politicians have - who shall remain unnamed, of course).
Hi Nick
This political blogging is quite good isn't it! I've taken a leaf out of your book and started to log a political journey of my own at
I am so confused about what's what in politics, I've decided to try to use my blog to search for answers and share my thoughts. Your comments would be welcome!
To Nick Robinson.....
I saw your slot on Thursday's Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú1 9.00pm news regarding how green the parties are.
I've spent 18 months working at the DH's Commercial Directorate. There is no recycling in the building and the Commercial Directorate alone produces about 6 tonnes of glass and 20 tonnes of paper waste each year.
I've written to facilities people, to the government's environmental team. All with no response.
A bit of "do as I say not as I do"....
Nick, I would like to say THANKYOU for making Politics interesting and truly accessible. You seem like a lovely guy and have made an immense impact on me and my friends. I feel proud in saying that as a student I understand the political world and its strange goings on! You're definitely very cool!
Ps, The fact that you are not as smarmy as Paxman is definitely a positive trait, regardless of what his Lordship may think! You don't separate the viewer from politics, but bring it home and make it very real, without being condescending!!
A hearty congratulations. Your blog is superb: informative, accessible and witty - makes for great reading. High quality journalism is so important is so important in a world where party spin threatens to mask fiction as fact - you embody that quality so well.
Long may it continue!
Thanks for your honest and illuminating reports Nick, a pleasure to read.
V.Impresses with your reporting and interviews to date. Glad to see you are not taking the the excuses the ministers put forward at face value but seriously challenge them at every turn. They don't seem to like it too well.
Thanks again for sticking by your guns and attempting to get answers which ordinary uk residents would ask if they had the chance. Keep up the good work.
Just wanted to say that i love your blog, its very informative. I sometimes don't get round to watching the news much, so viewing your blog makes things great
Keep it up
Cheryl x
Dear Nick, Big fan of your work. I enjoyed your political broadcasts on ITV and was delighted to hear you switch back to (arguably the better news source in the UK) Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú News. I find your Blog very informative and interesting and thank you for the oppurtunity to read such an insight into such an exciting career as yours. Best of luck for the future.
Hey Nick - I remember when you were on Radio 5 that my old politics / welsh teacher Richard Kelly would make occasional contributions comparing the murky worlds of football and politics - this would have been a great week to have wheeled him onscreen!
Keep it up - when you were appointed I thought you were the only person who could possibly have followed AM.
The best political editor around. Ever clear, concise, witty, but more importantly, HONEST!
Hi Nick
I have to give it to you, you bring some warmth to your reporting on the beeb which is a nice change. Along with that your blog is a pleasure to read and filled with charming wit.
Some of your most recent postings regarding the powercut made me laugh even at this time in the morning.
Keep up the good work.
J McGough, Sunderland
Hi nick, Thanks,for your blog it has helped me to understand politics a little better.I find it very informative,long may it continue,David.
Did you notice how neither the Liberals or the Conservatives hardly mentioned anything about controlling immigration,which is why the BNP have made some progress?
Are they scared to tackle this problem,in case the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú give them a hard time,like they gave Mr Howard,who made immigration one of the features of his manifesto?
They insinuated he was some kind of rascist,although he was only attempting to address the fears of some of his constituents.
Green issues may be important,but the way immigration is having an effect in large parts of the UK is a more relevant issue to many.
Sooner or later,the UK will have to attempt to stem the flow,as the first choice of half the worlds migrants seems to be Britain,and we are just not big enough to take everyone,without fundamentally changing the fabric of British society.
Hey Nick. I've just stumbled upon your blog, very informative. Keep up the good work!
Nick, run for office. Please! :D
Mr. Robinson,
It's always a pleasure reading your blog. I saw you when you were analysing PM Blair's visit to Australia when Alexander Downer said: " I do not want to seem to agree with everything that he (Blair) has said".
The analysis was interesting and too sweet.
I wish you well.
Thank you for taking the time to do this blog. It makes a big difference.
You're doing a damn good job.
Hey Nick,
I'm an avid watcher of the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú news and didn't have very high hopes of anyone following with anything like the style of reporting of Andrew Marr.
However I was pleasantly surprised, you do a fabulous job and my love and interest of politics continues to grow.
Glad you returned to the world of blogging, i'll be a keen reader.
Keep up the good work,
Victoria x
Just wanted to say your blog is pretty good for keeping up to date on the world of politics that i even made you one of my links on my blog spot if you ever fancy dropping on in and having a read and comment at some point, not that you'll have time to i'm sure
Have you heard of this planned law?
'The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill'? Does it exist?
Is it starting a stealthy progress into full law, a recent debate held beginning March 2006?
Is a further single day planned for report stage debate and final reading?
I don’t know / understand the full thing.
But, am I right in feeling that if passed this bill would grant any minister the ability to alter or repeal ANY existing laws, and without Parliament necessarily being able to fully examine the proposed alterations or repeals?
And right in feeling that if passed this bill would allow a Minister to delegate others to do the altering and repealing?
And right in feeling that if passed this bill would be self modifying?
Nick, how about replying to people's comments ? You could do so after, say, 50 comments, or earlier if the comments had stopped coming in. It would be good to know you'd read what we'd written ! Seriously, though, it would be interesting to know whether you had been influenced by our comments.
Nick i always use to watch ITV News but when i had discovered you had moved back to the BBc i was converted, i think your reports define good accurate but oppinionated journalism, i hope one day to follow in your footsteps to the top of political journalism as you have inspired me.
Hi Nick.........It's wonderful to have your blog to read as our family has been living in the U.S. for years......We are 6 hours behind you so having the opportunity to catch up with all things political is truly brilliant, especially during the recent local elections.......Keep up the good work!!!
Pauline Bourqui.
Just something that's occured to me. If a Weblog is a "blog", does that make your Newslog a slog?
Keep up the good work!
Not one adverse comment! I am not surprised. You only print the comments sent in by sycophants. This only proves that you are biased. I keep hoping that you will present the political news impartially but what a hope?
Just been reading your recent entries about the 'Leader in waiting'. Thank you for your careful translation of political intentions behind the headlines. There will be plenty more to write about soon I can assure you. Keep up the good work.
What a suprise that Nick went to Oxford. The British class system is as strong as ever. Only Oxbridge people can suceed in the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú or any other major institution. I am not having a go at Nick but seriously ever major political journalist has done PPE at Oxford, it's ridiculous.
I was interested to read your first move in front of camera was on radio.
"In 1996 he moved in front of the camera to become a political correspondent, covering his first General Election for Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Radio in 1997."
Your entries are very interesting, however I am disappointed that it is all people rather than policies. Yes the TBGBs are entertaining - but surely issues like Trident and the political ramifications are far more important.
Your recent blog "What Gordon Really Said" brought out some very important issues regarding Trident showing the interest in that subject and some of the pro/anti arguments which could have been developed.
I also note a very interesting question from Helen, above, regarding the Legislatory and Regulatory Bill - is there any chance of following up some of these issues?
Basically can we please have more meat on top of the Westminster tittle-tattle?
I don't hold a brief for the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú, but what does Lawrence John (30 June 2006) make of the fact that neither Andrew Marr nor Jeremy Paxman attended Oxford University, and both read English rather than PPE? Surely he would accept that both are "major political journalists"?
Nick- I was deeply distressed when I head Marr was leaving the position. Then you came along- what can I say- we love you! That’s my family and all, keep up the great work.
Admire you Nick -especially the way you turned up during the last campaign and attacked Gordo and Blair -well done.
BUT -This government (who I voted for in 1997) stinks to high heaven. The latest Prescott thing is not being covered by the main media (including sadly yourself) as it should be, and you give the impression that you have lost your independence. It is indeed the case that the bloggers are really breaking the real stories just as they did in the USA.
Maybe you are all too close to the government. Take away Treasury and Foreign Office (with Straw) -and the rest of the government is truly incompetent as well as sleazy in extremis . You should be exposing this !
Why are you not doing so ?
Hi Nick, was so glad to see your return to the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú,your reports and knowledge are so enjoyable,but for some reason you lost your 'bite' whilst with ITV.But it is good to see you back on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú.
Hi Nick
Keep up the good work - I like your style
Choppy waters for Mr Blair, eh, Nick?
A bit more policy and a bit less personality, please.
My daily fix of your blog is required. You haven't updated for a whole week and I'm desperate to know what you make of the mic incident between Blair and Bush yesterday! What does it say about the tone of their relationship? What was the PM's reaction to their chat being overheard?
Come on Nick, we need your thoughts...!
Up until a few months ago I used to work for an MP, which made my appetite for political gossip rather unheathly. I am addicted to your blog and Guido Fawkes'. it is interesting to see how far you push the boundaries whilst working for one of our most famous institutions. You manage this well in my opinion.
Marr is a total legend but I must say as a young man (with political aspirations of my own) I look forward to following your coverage for years to come, not just on the TV, but your brave move into the world of blogging!
I am enjoying your blog, so have included a link from my site to yours. Write more when the inspiration is offered by the current news. "Its good to blog!"
We speak of Blair being Bush's poodle (and its clearly the case after the G8 meeting) but what troubles me is that I do not see any inquisitive or probing reporting by you of Mr Blair.
It feels like you just tow the party line.
Can we have some tougher journalist who put the corrupt and weak politicians to task rather than glorify them and provide them with excuses (and we complain about the Middle Eastern media being state controlled).
Having seen your coverage on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú news, I now know why our local Tory website has links to your blogg. Bring back Andrew Marr.
...for God's sake get them to work on a better piccy at the top of this page
Have you ever really looked like that?
Even after an overnight on Blair Force One?
Nick, met you at the party conferences last year. Nice chap, keep up the good work.
You would make a good editor of the "Daily Telegraph", which I hope you will accept as a compliment.
Your political analyses on the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú are so refreshing after Andrew Marr's non-commital "we must see both sides" approach.
I look forward to your further reports on the demise of Blair.
Hi Nick, I just wanted to say thank you for writing such a really interesting informative blog. I am one of those rare individuals who doesn't own tv but the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú website & Radio 4 is where I gain my news info from. Being on a very slow dialup connection only reading the webpages is of use to me, so never see get to see video reports. However being able to add the RSS feed to my own journal/blog allows me to read and catch up, & when issues really bug me, join in with my own views here. Many thanks, I look forward to continuing to read your blog for a long time yet :-)
Nick is one of the few reporters I trust at the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú.
When the oil depor blew at Hemel Hempstead I listened in vain to hear whether it was terrorist or not. Apparently a decision had been taken not to mention the word. Such pre-judging (or prejudice) moved me across to Sky News.
Nick Robinson is the exception.
Nick is one of the few reporters I trust at the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú.
When the oil depor blew at Hemel Hempstead I listened in vain to hear whether it was terrorist or not. Apparently a decision had been taken not to mention the word. Such pre-judging (or prejudice) moved me across to Sky News.
Nick Robinson is the exception.
Dear Nick,
You are clearly very clever and very able, however I would prefer it if you could tone down your reporting to a less hysterical level, try looking at videos of Andrew Marr on how to report items correcty.
Thank you.
Sorry,Nick, here's a negative comment. I believe your roots are showing,and I'm really disapointed with the totally biased slant on your reports.
If I didn't know you were a political reporter, I'd easily believe you were an 'over the top' Tory M.P. No opposition needed when you're on the job.
Sorry again, Terry Bolton, Margate, Kent.
Dear Nick,
I find it incredible but fascinating that party politics is in such disarray at the moment. The mainstream parties have all had or are facing leadership challenges in a very compact space of time.
I fear that the numerous 'personalised' reportings of these events are beginning to alter the ethos of British politics. Perhaps it is inevitable and the press cannot be blamed for it (as politicians do dice with death), but are we beginning to elect our leaders purely on personality and reputations?
I am under no illusions that Cameron's party will pip Labour to the post come the next General Election as the public, out of spite, must surely condemn the asassinesque Brown irregardless of Blair's lowly poll rating. Brown's actions are annoying as I was hoping for a hung parliament, plus Cameron does not need to come up with any policies now.
Either way, the now external wranglings of the Labour party are incredibly entertaining.
Keep up the good work chap!
Paddy Murray
Dear Nick,
We always enjoy your comments etc about the self- seeking people in Westminster otherwise known as MPs together with their hangers- on.
Keep up the good work.
Stuck half way across the world in New Zealand for the better part of two decades, I miss the dryness and wit of British political commentators.
I have recently found myself becoming increasingly addicted to Nick's blog. His honesty and humour, his insightful comments on the major players, help make his blogs both refreshing and powerful. He is rapidly becoming a national treasure.
Thanks for the blog, Nick. Keep up the good work. You are the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú at its very best!
I am finding Nick Robinson's reporting style increasingly disturbing. If there is spin to be had, then Nick Robinson is the spinner. His increasingly sarcastic personal attacks on politicians is only creating a distrust of the reporter as opposed to the reported.
The quicker Nick Robinson is removed from the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú the better in my view.
See Andrew Marr is interviewing Gordon Brown in the morning :) Eat your heart out Robinson! ;) Not soft enough, serves ya rite
Didn't realise you were from Macclesfield, this town definately doesn't have an accent. Good job filling in Andrew Marr's bizzarely-proportioned boots so far, quite impressed.
Good to see you back on the Beeb Nick. I know it's a bit late but i didnt even realise it was "official",thought maybe you were still at ITV but were "handbagging" your way into Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú bulletins.
Looks like i was right about the "Andy" Marr - Brown love in fiasco [interview], Gordon really needed the old elastic band around the testicles interview, not a handy Andy massage message.
Andy Marr is a staging post for New Labour po0liciews/day to day running.
Get in there Nick,give em what for.
And was the football anecdote in the description real or contrived? I thought only politicians threw in football anecdotes.
A previous commentor was obviously right. Just a few critical comments to take away from the overall bias of "how wonderful you are Nick, Old Chap" entries.
I'm sorry to say I have been disappointed with Nick Robinson. I feel his balance and judgement is less sound than Andrew Marr's. I believe he has been sucked far too far into the Westminster village gossip machine. His dire warnings of catastrophic political events are almost always over-hyped and unfulfilled. Tony Benn's assessment of him is right in my view.
I can't help thinking that Nick Robinson has taken political reporting to the level of a Soap Opera : all pat set pieces endlessly going nowhere. The result of studying PPE and not serious history. Nick, life is not just a caberet, old chum.
I am sure you are a nice chap, but I don't think it is right for the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú to employ people to comment on the news. The Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú should stay out of politics and Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú News should report events and instead of trying to be part of them.
This is anti-democratic as well. When will it be my chance to pass comments, masquerading as news? And what about the other 60 million in the UK, let alone elected MPs who rarely get a platform.
I wonder, did he start this weblog to listen to people idolizing him or did he start it for discussion?
Keep up the good work, Nick, especially at the expense of dinosaurs like Tony Benn. How good it is to see a Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú reporter not tainted by left-wing bias, and if my memory serves me correctly, a reporter who succesfully uncovered false Labour accusations about Tory spending plans in the 2005 election. In this current political climate, I can think of no better witness than Nick Robinson. And as for Marr's Sunday show, well I'm almost wishing they brought back the fake bookshelves for Breakfast With Frost.
Nick, Alasdair Campbell being interviewed on Channel 4 just referred to you as "that ridiculous guy who does politics for the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú".
It's always nice to see journalists rattling the Powers that Be (and their former Directors of Communications and Strategy); keep up the good work!!
Nick your a breath of fresh air to political reporting. To me you brighten up the six o'clock news. I can't wait until the news reader asks you to describe a certain comment made or the reaction of a politician, your wit shines through, garnished with an easy efficient manner which makes listening to and watching you, pleasurable and informative. You seem to me to be the friendly face of an academic subject. Oh yes, good luck with the sailing!
Hi Nick
I wondered where you got your specs from, they're very cool.
Hi Nick,
My husband and I see you on the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú news every evening, and I can never help myself but smile - as my husband and you are complete look-alikes!
He's never going to live it down, I'm afraid... everyone we meet says "don't I know you from somewhere?".
Jo Lewis.
Listened to Nick's comments on the Labour Party conference this morning and, as ever, it left me knowing no more than I could have guessed from watching the news reports. WHERE is the substance we got from Andrew Marr? Just make a comparison with Evan Davies for style..... This isn't just me talking, it's my wife, friends...We need a political correspondent with some depth of analysis.
Well it seems the "thought police" have been round your way too Nick - I thought someone of your standing could see the wrong in what was done, but so be it - so can I now classify yourself as one of those who sold out - or am I wrong?
Good blog and usually good coverage on TV and radio. But not too many rhetorical questions please!
"And why am I writing this? Well it's like this...if Nick happens to read this..."
I echo some of the sentiments of the bloggers below. However, I noticed during the party conferences that your bulletins were turning into a Pantomine of inference and story telling. Can you please just stick to the facts and not interpret them quite so wildly. I've noticed most of the political reporting on ITV also succombing to this. And whenever the politians try and turn the story around to get proper policies reported as opposed to personality based stuff - try doing it occasionally.
Its not politics that needs brightening up - its the politicians!! But to me, you deliver politics in a positive healthy manner (and my partner is a closet fan):D
Here is to you Mr Robinson,number 10 holds a place for you,"IN THE POURING RAIN HEY! HEY! HEY!" now listen in Mr Robinson its the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú that pay's your wage and not the bloging race "HEY! HEY! HEY!"winter is on its way Mr Robinson a chilly time is sure to come your way "IN THE FREEZING RAIN HEY! HEY! HEY!" so keep us up too date Mr Robinson a winter of discontent will only drive us all away "HEY! HEY! HEY! / HEY! HEY! HEY!
I agree with Ken. Nick is even better than Andrew. Has the beeb finally recovered its metal after the scaredycat period following the "sexed-up" scandal? possibly with Nick but evidence of political free thinking elsewhere on the beeb is shrinking.
I'm reluctant to add yet more to what is already a series containing such praise. But, there is no doubt in my mind that Nick is better than Andrew Marr precisely because he is willing to stick his neck out and give a view rather than always just saying what the two sides have to say. Nick, don't change a bit and, more importantly, don't let this blog go to your head. We're relying on you to hold these so-and-sos to account. Oh and being belittled by Alistair Campbell (per the blog item)just added yet further to your stock in my eyes.
Nick, you are doing a sterling job. I'm a northerner too...what is so bad about living so close to the Emirates Stadium?!?!
I believe that your comments are favourable to the Tory party and not not objective. Could be that somewhere you have an affiliation to them.
They haven't changed have they. I remember the days when the Maggie Crew ripped our country to pieces and pitted the rich against the poor, depriving the vulnerable and starving the NHS, schools, education ... they are still there hiding. Now they are revealed. My plea is to the wider population to heed the warnings.
Looks to me Nick that you are only selecting the ones that show you in a good light.
Another reason I find you difficult to believe.
Hi Nick
Might you consider bringing out your very own 2007 Calendar which cleverly doubles as a dartboard - thereby appealing to both your admirers and doubters alike. I'm sure it would prove a better seller than The Today Programme's eggcups!
Best wishes and keep doing what you're doing - political news is the better for having you around.
I have never liked your political commentaries.
You clearly know what you're talking about and are presumably a very intelligent person, so why do you always present yourself as the personifaction of all that is wrong with 'tabloid' television?
Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú News in general is progressively less thorough, less informative, more sensational and more simplistic. Your appointment has done nothing to raise standards.
I love how about one in every four posts is a claim that you are clearly biased towards the labour/conservative party. Atleast there seems to be about a fifty-fifty split between the two views :)
Nick The way you get across your questions is great, no messing just straight question straight to the point and in a way we all understand in plain northern english. Keep it
Dear Nick, I am certainly one of your avid supporters and hope that you will be encouraged by so many others who seem to share this viewpoint. I particularly like the way you can analyse both the subject matter and the politicians involved without bias. That takes real skill and impartiality not often shown by other lesser political comentators. You would make the ideal replacement for David Dimbleby on Question Time if he ever decides to "hang up his clipboard"?
Hi Nick,I really enjoy watching your reports on the news and the Daily Politics. I am aiming to be in the sort of job you do when I get older but I will have to wait and see. Keep up the good work. Your biggest fan Robert Wooller.
Nick. You are worthy successor to Andrew Marr, one of our best political commentators- but please could you get some new specs!The "Buddy Holly" look alikes don't do you many favours!
I am sorry, but I disagree with every one who wrote positive comment about Nick. To tell the truth, I do not find Nick suitable to be on the TV. He always criticising people negatively even when they are on the right track. I feel that he desperately needs to amend his voice when reporting, otherwise he is just OK. I am sure as a country which practises freedom of expression; my comment should be on display
Dear Nick, I'm a huge fan of your appearances on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú news. I must say I completely disagree with Mark McNally though, your glasses are great! I've been looking out for a similar pair for ages myself! Keep up the good work, Colin.
Dear Nick,
From your report concerning the Tony Blair interview one clearly gets the picture that you are anti-Blair.
For you to expound the point so heartily that Mr Blair is the first serving prime minster to be interviewed by the police is, in itself, extremely misleadling because he is the first only because of the litigious society we live in today. One only has to look at the absurd allegations made aginst Prince Phillip and the subsequent enquiry by Lord Stevens to realise that. If Winston Churhill was the prime minister of the day, and not Mr Blair, it would be likely that he would be interviewed by the police almost every week!
Michael Brookes
Nick, your behavior at President Bush's press conference a few weeks ago was a disgrace to yourself, Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú, and Britain. An American Pesident's press conference is not a debate, an opportunity to voice your own opinion in opposition to the president's actions and policies, or to insult his access to information, intelligence, or judgement. It is a previlege granted to a relative handful of journalists to politely ask the President a question or two, including some very difficult ones for him to answer. It's a prevelege which can be revoked at any time. You acted like a boor and displayed a manner more akin to a soccer hooligan than to a journalist for one of the most respected news organizations in the world. If you want a platform where you can hurl abuse at a head of state, I suggest you run for membership in the House of Commons. If you win, you can stand up and bray like so may other MPs every week at Prime Minister's Question Time. This too is how Britain portrays itself to the outside world.
Having read your last two contributors I felt compelled to say what a lot of bunkum they have expressed. Michael Brookes complains you are anti Blair . Mark says that you are privileged to be included in the chosen few to be able to ask President Bush a question at his Press Conference - so you politely ( tamely) phrase your question accordingly.Really ?? No Nick - you are not a disgrace to the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú or to Britain. To the contrary you are a breath of fresh air compared to so many of your peers who have surrendered their integrity and have been sucked into the spin of Downing Street.
To me you have at last brought some respect back into political journalism in this country. Judging from the comments made by so many of your other readers in recent months I believe there are many out there who would share this view.
One of my own measures of a good political journalist is that when reporting or in the course of interviewing a politician you could never be quite sure about that persons own political leanings. Here I think of my past favourites like John Cole, Robin Day, Brian Waldren and Elinor Goodman. Of the current television bunch only yourself , Jeremy Paxman , and John Pinnor seem to fit the bill. The others should take time out to reflect on their own application of impartiality !
I look forward to the year ahead in the knowledge you will continue to freely express your views on all things political- and will not flinch under pressure of criticism whatever their source. Many of us will be depending on it !
Nick: excellent blog and outstanding politcal analysis.
On a political note, does Tony Blair think he is a celebrity?
Excellent blogs, quick question have you wrote any books? As i am looking to study politics at university. Keep up the good work, and i throughly look forward to the next blog!
Best Wishes
Adam Bowers
Just thought I'd add my support re your confrontation with the President, which I felt you judged perfectly.
Reporters are an important element in any democracy and President Bush is not well served by those who show him excessive deference. Part of the reason why he seems so deluded and out of touch is that the US system contains so little public challenge for its president, but he finally got it from you. You asked the 'emperor has no clothes' question and you went as far with it as you could without getting to the stage of being rude. We can ask no more of you than that. Well done indeed!
I listened with incredulity to one part of your contribution to the piece on this morning's Today Programme about Gordon Brown's call to defend the United Kingdom.
You acknowledged that recent polls showed increasing support for an English Parliament, but said that this fell away when "the consequences for the rest of the United Kingdom" were pointed out.
In the context it was clear that by "consequences" you meant a break up of the UK. Where is your evidence for this assertion?
There have been two recent polls by ICM, one for the Daily Telegraph and one for the Daily Mail. Neither put a question which could have produced the result you suggest and I don't believe that any respectable polling organisation would do so .
A break up of the UK is not an inevitable consequence of the establishment of an English Parliament, any more than it was an inevitable consequence of the establishment of the Scottish Parliament. It would be biased polling (and it is biased reporting) to suggest that it is.
My first thought was to make a formal complaint, but perhaps tou do have some evidence. I look forward to seeing or hearing it.
Nick, my admiration for you grew when you put President Bush on the spot at the White House briefing recently, no American or indeed other media representative seemed to have the guts to do so. Well done you. However, you now need to go one step further and 'rough up', 'President' Tony Blair, who has undeniably in my view, caused this country of ours huge pain consequent upon his taking us to war and for what reason? So as to ensure his place in history. Oh he'll have secured that alright, but not in the way he wants it. He's a dreadful leader of our country and apart from the ballot box, it is only news correspondents of your seniority and guts that can put him on the spot and shake his arrogance. Keep up the good work!
Nick is affectionally known by my kids as "the man with the glasses" and they frequently ask when he'll be on in the news programmes.
Don't go for contact lenses or you might lose your identity !
I enjoy your broadcasts Nick it's like watching a re-incarnation of Robin Day and Eric Morecambe.
In your post about the Catholic adoption row you say that the villification Catholics have received as a result must feel like discrimination. You are implying, I suppose that some ironic 'intolerance will not be tolerated' hypocrisy is at play. But there is a world of difference between being discriminated against (receiving different treatment - being refused adoption services, for instance) and being vehemently criticised. The two are hardly comparable, and it is a poor argument which tries to make them seem so.
I am also surprised by your blithe acceptance that this is a 'serious argument about competing rights'. No one has a right to be above or outside the law. The merest thought that they might be is not remotely serious - it's daft and should be treated as such. If we are to have exemptions on religious grounds, where would it end? Human sacrifice? Child marriage? And if it is just another issue of conscience - as the Catholics themselves say it is - why should they be treated any differently to any other non-religious person who objects to gay adoption? And what else will 'conscience' then be able to exempt us from?
Nick, you are correct that the Gay adoption row is 'a serious argument about competing rights'. Christians who have a set of bedrock values and beliefs find themselves in conflict with post modernist laws. This is not the first time in history that Christians have disagreed with the law of the land. William Wilberforce fought against the prevailing wisdom and had to struggle to change the law. Oliver Cromwell executed a King to break a Government he believed to be wrong. These were men of 'conscience'. Conscience need to be respected. The guiding force for those Germans who opposed Hitler was conscience not a respect for law.
its nothing to do with your blog but I dont seem to have seen you on TV News for a long tine.....or have I just missed you !!
Hello Nick, or should it be "Nic"!
Just seen you on News 24's broadcast of ABC's World News Tonight with Charles (Charley) Gibson.
You have to give it to them, they really called your name right: "Nic Robertson"!
Nick, either my ears are deceiving me or Fiona Bruce really just said on the 10 O'clock news, "and now let's speak to our political editor, Nick Robinhood...son
Is there something we should be told?!
Nick. u're the best political analyst i've ever listen..
This is not a blog............this all about the Nick preservation society.
What a waste of space.
It was sad seeing Andrew Marr leaving as Political Editor - I am in no doubt that you are the perfect replacement. Your analysis of events is superb. Love your philosophical edge on events. Boy O Boy! You are a talent
Nick, I really enjoy your blog both in terms of content and style. I am about to contribute to a business/ IT blog. Any tips?
I saw your work for the coverage of the handover between Blair and Brown. It was superb. It was absolutely superb. Thank you.
Nick, what was Andy Warhol doing sitting on the Tory front bench during today's PMQ, wearing a green tie? Isn't he already dead? Or is that happens to you in the afterlife if you've been naughty?
It helps when a knowledgeable chap comments on political life. Many of us find some political activities really puzzling. If matters are not
TRANSLUCENT then it is even more confusing. It does seem that the electorate 'in confusion' is fully
appreciated by political animals.
They really seem to like it!
Don't know you...but you are a fool. The conference today with Bush and Brown was WARM and INTELLIGENT. It is people like you that create hate between peoples and you make the GREAT people of Great Britain look SMALL.
You will do well at Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú, which is no longer admired througout the world. You fit very nicely among others in a news source who only prints one side of everything. Therefore there is no truth.
What you said you saw..was not there. I know the British well and I am often in England. So, I know the mannerisums of your culture. BUT...being a far left Liberal, you did not have the intelligence to see or HEAR what was said that did not benefit your agenda.
Are you smiling? Do you enjoy controvery? Don't bother, no controversy, you show only ignorance.
In the meantime, you hurt your people greatly by not seeing what is going on in the world and the threat to all. Perhaps you could have them (Radical Islam) for tea and scones and all will be fine.
Yes..it shows great intelligence. There were problems in England brewing long before the Iraq war. I know..I was there and I SAW it. You (as a country)ignored them, just as Hitler was ignored till it was to late.
Great Britain is a wonderful country with a very ignorant and poor news service. At one time..the best.
You will now also add to the decline.
You are a disgrace to your people.
Colleen Benedict
Colleen....you are the fool as you don't see that you are outnumbered and that no one would agree with you either about Nick or about Britain. How can you express disdain about the greatest nation on the planet? Are you real? Take a worldly poll why don't you? It is not that Nick is out of order, but that he still has the guts that many don't to tell the emperor about his imaginary suit of clothes. I doubt that you know the mannerisms (spell check?) of the UK as they are too diverse according to locale. We are proud of them. What do you have to be proud of then? You and yours may have spoken for America six years ago but you do not anymore thank heaven. Being lumped in with USA and its tendency to be biased, 'whatever' to cruelty and bullying to ones neighbors has directed formally contented Muslims to action, however wrongly. They have been alerted to it by actions in Abu Ghraib and Gitmo and the Left Bank. There is nothing wrong with Homeland Policies in the UK to lose sleep over compared to here in the USA. Wake up please?
Nick you are the best, I am now actually interested in politics, before you they were so BORING... thanks for keeping me well informed, yes the specs suit you and you are quite handsome in a subtle sort of way! Keep up the great work. Don't forget the Scots!
hi nick,a bit off subject,i know,but as a new fan of these here "blogs" i coul`nt help noticing the scots,welsh and irish commenting on their own politics and business,whereas ENGLAND rarly gets a mention it`s aways the UK,so why not pick up the flag of ST GEORGE and make use of that wonderful word ENGLAND in your commentaries when the chance arises after all you must have some clout if no hair cause you know the U S president personally.
Dear Nick.
I am writing this message to you on behalf of the views of my family and friends, in fact anyone who I have had a conversation with on this subject.
Of course it's the subject of CLIMATE CHANGE.
Like most, I have been listening to the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú and other broadcasters on the growing concern throughout the year on how we are damaging the environment with what we do in our everyday lives.
For the first time in my life I'm feeling suffocated by all the so called GREEN TAXES which are being proposed for the British People. It almost feels like we are being persecuted and that we are no longer free to make our own choices.
I could ramble on for pages on how I feel about all this but I just wanted to make one very important point.
We do not believe that sufficient evidence has been shown by the wider scientific community around the world that Global Warming is down to us and us alone.
We know that the Earth cools and warms all the time due to Solar activity so how do we know for sure whether this particular warming has been caused by us?
I've heard stories of cows submitting more c02 than us, isn't this then down to people demanding too many McDonald's Hamburgers? I don't know, maybe this in untrue. Where are the facts?
Why are we being made an example of when the rest of the world carry on poluting!
We've listened to all the reports and all the Politicians and we still need more convincing.
Like most people I've spoken to, I would like to see a proper investigation and debate into Climate Change and Global Warming. I want to see hard facts that Co2 is increasing the temperature of our planet. I want to see the Government taking a leading role in changing the type of fuel that we use and I want to see the car manufacturers providing us with an Engine which runs on Green Fuel. I want to see Airlines changing to Green Fuel. Why should we pay extra for all the choices that we make in trying to get on with our normal 21st Century lives?
Don't get me wrong Nick, I'm all for sustaining the planet, we are currently having a ground heat system put in to run the underfloor heating and hot water, I recycle everything, I always walk around the house turning lights off, I conserve water, I maintain an old wood within our garden which is home to many wild birds and animals. I try and buy Organic food and products, what else do they want me to do?
Another question which comes to mind is where does the Green Tax money go?
I have watched programmes such as This Week when I heard Michael Portillo requesting a full debate on this subject, I also watched Question Time one evening when Nigel Farage MEP said that we need more evidence. Many other important people are questioning whether we know everything on why our planet is warming up and whether we are the cause of it!
Why is no-one debating it!!! Is this just another excuse to Tax us again and again and again....where will it end?
Please Please Please Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú, start asking questions on this subject, for some reason the whole thing feels like a stitch up!
We live in hope!
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Birley.
Well done Nick! We need more witty journalists with a bald sense of humour. Any idea where we can find some?! (Only kidding). Good job!
Nick,I admire your polished performances in front of the camera, and it warms me to know that you share a common heritage as myself. I live in and you come from the land of chips and gravy (Macclesfield no less),and we turnips are proud that you are one of us.
The impression I've got is that humanities fingerprint is on global warming. This is the considered consensus of scientists around the world, and is as close to fact as you can get. I think, most people are persuaded of that. Clearly, something needs to be done but issues of how and fairness are still developing. On the issue of tax, the overwhelming response suggests most people see it as regressive and no substitute for developing better alternatives.
Is your blog pro Labour? The few pages I have read give me the impression that you are less critical of Team Brown than Team Cameron!
Andrew Marr is indeed a hard act to follow, and yet one that you have surpassed.
I think people enjoy your exceptionally keen insight, coupled with a humility and an untpretentious style of presenting.
My favourite political correspondent - ever!
Hi Nick
I really enjoy your political commentary. You deftly avoid the left-wing ideological bias prevalent at the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú, and give near-perfectly balanced reports. Thank you, for providing one of the few trusted Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú sources that I feel doesn't have an agenda. Rather, you just tell it like it is.
hi Nick,
am been in this country for just over 6 years now and i was always interested in politics from back home. initially i thought andrew was unbeatable cos he was so explicit, detailed and simple to follow as if 'politics made simple'but seeing you nowadays wud definitely give inspirations to all those interested and young ones. by the way i switched to Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú news cos of you. i just wish i were you ....well done
The standard of the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú's political analysis is suffice too say poor in every department, Nick Robinson and company are just devoid of any imaginative thinking on the political topics of the day, seeming to rely on handouts from their political sources or 'old school chums' to give some 'beef' to their uninspiring reports. It does really make you wonder how these people get their jobs, although I am sure having attended an Oxbridge college would most certainly help in that regard.
AG Morrison
Nick, I like you style of reporting very conspiratorial as if you are sharing the secrets of westminister with us not unlike your predecessor!! Shame you are a Man Utd fan though. I suggest you visit the Emirates if it is that close.
Go for the leadership....even if you hate their politics you would be great!
Dear Nick,
Iam one of your fans.I rarely miss your comments. They are simply superb.
I like the punch line in it. You are remarkably articulate and your incisive analysis of news and the tinge of humour and sarcasm at the can rarely be missed.
Keep it up.Regards. Ram.S
Thanks for being so engaging. I think I saw you on the green behind Westminster today. I was wearing a black coat and gave you a little wave. Thanks for being inspiring,
Mr Robinson, I am inclined to agree with Jack (Comment 109). You are seemingly an affable bloke but you already have more than enough exposure to put your point across during TV appearances. The plethora of blogs from established high profile journalists is stifling the medium. Please confirm that you and all the other Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú TV reporters are not being paid while blogging. This is an amateur sport and domination by the celebrity classes should be discouraged. I shall read your blog again only to see if this comment is posted and enjoy a moment of fame your ilk permanently crave.
There is much said at present about how good the PM is at getting rid of plastic carrier bags. I think this is another piece of spin. If he was really serious he would do much better than this by immediately ordering all councils to reject any rubbish put out in plastic bin liners as these are far more of a problem than the carrier bags. He could also order all government departments to stop using them. Rubbish put into land fill sites must be more affected in breaking down by Plastic Bin liners than by plastic carrier bags.
As a former Civil Servant I was glad to retire because I was finding that I could not take Government -- of either party -- seriously any more. It was getting more and more silly. I was pleased, therefore, to note that neither could Andrew Marr or you. I love watching your reports and I even lashed out and bought a copy of Andrew Marr's latest book. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for saying exactly what I've been thinking in your blog today about politics being undermined.
I always enjoy listening to your analysis. Thanks!