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Nick Robinson | 15:12 UK time, Wednesday, 2 July 2008

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You can watch me on show with Andrew Neil and Anita Anand. We're discussing Prime Minister's Questions with Hazel Blears and Chris Grayling.


  • Comment number 1.

    That was a very interesting point that you raised at the end there, Nick. It's very interesting that Gordon Brown felt the need to be so defensive about the issue as to whether deals were done and the manner in which he conducted himself would seem to suggest that he has something to hide. If he truly believed in the legislation, he should have come out and said "I did whatever it took to pass this legislation that is right for the country". Instead, he has reinforced the perception that his government is just trying to cling on to power and to appear tough on terrorism for political purposes and because the opinion polls suggest it is popular with the public.

    This is a Prime Minister who is so obsessed with opinion polls that he bottled a general election and as a result has almost certainly ensured that the next government will be a Conservative one. "Conviction politician"? I don't think so!

  • Comment number 2.

    Spot on chrisblore. Just as well he won't be around much longer!

  • Comment number 3.

    I am ashamed to admit that although I intended to warch this programme, I found it completely impossible. I try not to judge a book by its cover, but alas, concerning Ms Hazel Blears, the contents are just as vulgar and vapid as the vehicle.

  • Comment number 4.

    Imagine being on the deck of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg... for two years!

    Brown needs to be put out of his misery.

  • Comment number 5.

    Watch carefully… Jack Straws horrified face says it all.

  • Comment number 6.

    Lord Vas of Vaseline?

  • Comment number 7.

    You watch Hazel Blears and you cringe and laugh. And then someone reminds you she's in the British government and you suddenly feel shame.
    Is she the single stupidest member of a British goverment ever? You'd have to think awfully hard for a rival.

  • Comment number 8.

    #1 chrisblore: Thanks for repeating what Nick said on the show - I suppose not everyone saw it.

    But there is an alternative theory. As you (and Nick) have said, there was a perfectly straightforward explanation to be given IF a deal had indeed been done. Instead, Brown states categorically that there was no deal. Now just think for a minute - why should the PM risk almost certain political suicide by saying something that if untrue would be bound to come to light, and which would compel him to resign? After all a number of people would have to have known about it, including 9 (?) DUP members who are hardly political chums of the government.

    Brown may not be as good as Blair (who is or has been?) but he's not daft.

    (With apologies for repeating what I said on this topic on the previous blog).

  • Comment number 9.

    #5 RussellHolmstoel - but what was he looking shocked about, Russell? Do you know, or are you making an assumption based on your predisposed and not entirely objective opinion?

  • Comment number 10.

    Since we are all being rather horrible, I'll put in another few pence of spitefulness. It is this - I can see life for Blears once Brown departs the poltical stage. She will find a role in "Eastenders" as a visiting relative of the Slaters.

  • Comment number 11.


    Don't hear from you very often after PMQs.

    You are not trying to dilute what David Cameron caught the 'mighty one' out at, are you? Why did Brown say that resounding 'NO' in answer to a question on whether deals had been done to secure his victory in the 42-day bill, when the Hoon/Vaz letter was in the arena?

    Do you go along with Brown's version, or are you tempted to agree with David Cameron's curiosity as to what was meant by 'reward' in Hoon's letter?

    Will you let us in on what you really think?

  • Comment number 12.

    9. jimbrant
    Just my guess but hes thinking one of 2 things:

    1 You absolute plonker, fancy inferring a promise in writing.


    2 Can you believe the cheek of that Cameron chap, he thinks you’ve made Vaz a promise.

    Any other interpretations of that horrified look greatfuly received.

  • Comment number 13.

    #12 CarrotsneedaQUANGO2

    Jack Straws expression said your first choice - you absolute plonker Hoon. What is more buff's expression and gestures confirmed it.
    Nuff said.
    Pity poor Keith Vaz, for whatever he was promised he won't be getting now!

  • Comment number 14.

    #12 CarrotsneedaQUANGO2: "Any other interpretations of that horrified look greatfuly received"

    Well how about: " Crikey! That's a personal note to Vaz! There won't have been any copies, because it's handwritten. So it must have been either in Vaz's office, or in his waste bin! That would mean that somebody has been burgling an MP's office and stealing his personal property! AND then passing the info on to the press! NO - probably selling it! Cameron can't know the provenance of the thing. How can he be so crass as to behave so as to (for all he knows) receive and use stolen goods - or something equivalent! And in any case he must know that such allegations of impropriety shouldn't be made like that across the floor - Ah! the Speaker has spotted that as well and told Gordon to sit down before it gets out of hand. Cameron really does show his inexperience at times! Shocking!"

    Of course neither I nor you know - but my version seems a bit more likely IMO.

  • Comment number 15.

    14. jimbrant

    No Jim sorry that thought process would have generated a look of surprise, indigantion and a little sympathy not a harsh frown.

    IMO It was more "You Buff-Hoon" amazement.

    But of course youre right we dont know for sure,

    Very amusing though.

    Given the levels of impropriety on both sides, the more they get aired on the floor the better.

    Brings a little sunshine on the matter me feels

  • Comment number 16.

    The thing about PMQs these days is that Cameron is obviously pulling his punches. He's playing with Brown, but doesn't want to push too far, since it suits him to have Brown around.
    Brown is hopeless at PMQs. He just can't cope with ridicule. It gets under his skin and you can see the rage. Blair could laugh at himself and let ridicule slide, but Brown can't.
    But, sorry, Gordon the Golem, you're a joke and if it wasn't for the parlous state you've got the country into, everyone would be laughing at you.

  • Comment number 17.


    Over the last two months or so I have watched both the Westminster PMQs and the Holyrood FMQs. The difference between the two is stark!

    At the former we have a PM who stumbles, stutters, repeats and at times cannot even get his head around certain words. And as other posters have frequently observed he answers questions by asking the opposition questions. On a number of occasions he does not answer the question at all. All this from a PM one year into the job.

    At the latter we have FM that answers all questions with clarity, the answers are also relevant to the question asked and it is done in a precise fashion and always with supportive data or evidence. All this from a FM one year into the job.

    Nick can I suggest that you switch places with your Scottish counterpart, Brian Taylor, for a number of weeks. At least then you will have a benchmark against which you can test the Westminster charades!

    Another suggestion please take our PM with you, he may learn something. If that’s at all possible!

  • Comment number 18.

    #17 subedeithemomgol: "The thing about PMQs these days is that Cameron is obviously pulling his punches. He's playing with Brown, but doesn't want to push too far, since it suits him to have Brown around."

    That made me smile. I used to say much the same about my beloved Yorkshire the year they were relegated. Lulling the opposition into a false sense of security and all that.

    It was wishful thinking then, and I suspect it is now on your part. Actually Brown has gradually got better at PMQs, and has even got the better of Cameron for the past three weeks I think. I never thought I'd be saying that, because he does have many of the handicaps you point to; but he has the great advantage of being up against someone who is (or seems to be) essentially shallow.

  • Comment number 19.

    Brown failed to spot something was coming and thought he was being smart saying just yes, a blind monkey could see the way Cameron put that question it was designed bait that kind of response.

    It was obvious that Cameron had something up his sleeve and brown walked right into it.

    You can always see when browns on top he’s upright and don’t stutter.

    When he’s been trounced he bends over the table hitting the papers so hard I am surprised he don’t put his finger through the table.

    when he really cornered he stutters badly it reminds me or Arkwright from open all hours

    The speaker was right to stop brown before he fully lost it, and before saying you have a charge to make.

    this letter

    Whoever handed it to the reporter thought it was something worth handing them be it for money or just to pull labour up it dont matter it suggest something fishy went on.

    Cameron was right to bring it up, And brown would have done the same thing in Camerons place.

    For the sake of truth an independent investigation into what went on before that vote is now warranted to clear the air once and for all.

  • Comment number 20.

    18. jimbrant

    Gosh Jim, Yorkshire and Brown, Your a masochist.

    How much disappointment can a man take?

    Be fair, he rarely answers the questions and if he does the answer usually involves the catch phrase - I am conducting a review

    He lacks confidence, and that is not good in a leader. Hes finding his feet a little, but come on, its all too little too late.

    To lead you need to inspire, not administrate.

    You need to have good people skills, delegate well, and be able to select tallent.

    He does none of this any where near well enough.

    If he went now, Labour might just fend off a landslide. Which would be no bad thing.

  • Comment number 21.

    Jimbrant post 18, I imagine that your endorsement of Brown and his public performances was meant in jest?.

    Gordon Brown has been the worst Prime Minister of the UK I have ever seen.

    As a German who spends half the year in England and has done so for over thirty years, I would suggest that Mr Brown cannot be trusted.

    PM Brown is a 'career' politician/technocrat, this is seen in his horrendously transparent contempt for the British public.

    I apologise if my English is unclear.

  • Comment number 22.

    Re 17. Good point. However anyone with Westminster training would shine against the B team of over promoted local councillors who call themselves MSPs.

  • Comment number 23.


    Remember this is the Government of all the talents! and with long term vision!

    Obviously someone still believes in spin, but hasn't yet recognised that a lot of others no longer believe.

    It will be a long 2 years.

  • Comment number 24.

    To be fair to Nick, this piece of paper isn't that damning - it could easily be seen as off hand, clearly Vaz has done a favour, nothing else is particularly implied - it was indeed more interesting to see Brown's reaction, he's no good at defending himself, save for the now-usual labour defence of sticking fingers in ears and yelling loudly

  • Comment number 25.

    Of course you would know all about that as you are a prime example of the same thing you accuse Hazel Blears of being.

    It takes one to recognise one. And you know what they say about those that observe they see all, and there is nothing to choose between th two of you

    With the exception she is getting paid for being like it, that is the difference.

    What better education can one get than straight from the horses mouth.

    That being your mouth mightymouth,

  • Comment number 26.

    #21 Rustigjonens

    Must agree with your comment. Jimbrant is looking through red-tinted spectacles if he thinks Brown is doing well at PMQs.

    It is about time the speaker rebuked the PM when he always seems to come back to Cameron with....".......................but he hasn't answered my question" in many of his replies.

    This is PMQs, not 'Leader of the Opposition's Questions'. Why should Cameron answer any of Brown's questions during the only 1/2hr period abvailable to question the PM?

    Even Clegg hit home yesterday with his comment on 'lists not answers'.

    I don't think Brown has given any straight answers, apart from when he utters 'terminalogical inexactitudes'.

  • Comment number 27.

    #3 mightyangela

    I can empathise with your views about Hazel Blears. But believe me she comes across far worse in real life.

    The first occasion I saw her was prior to the 1997 election at a NuLabour CLP MP selection meeting were she was one of a number of prospective candidates putting their case across on why we should selected them as our constituency MP.

    She failed miserably but has history shows those saps in Salford took the hit!

    A number of people from that meeting, afterwards, dubbed her Dreary Blears.

  • Comment number 28.

    #25 Trudy=Victoria

    Many thanks for that early morning baptism of fire. Now I feel a real paid up member of a club. Those berated by T-V. Tell us, do you sit all night mumbling over your keyboard, or does the muse arrive with the dawm. Good morning, sweet lady!

  • Comment number 29.

    #25 Trudy-Victoria

    You label Mighty Angela as Big Mouth Angela, yet your mouth appears so big you have finally put your foot into it. You accuse this lady of the heinous crime of being like Blears. If this is so,you must support Mighty Angela's views too!
    I have found you out, you are not a little old woman, you are a little old ex-shop steward who still likes to bully people.

  • Comment number 30.

    And we wonder why the yooff have no respect the for the elderly.

    Is anyone here to talk politics.

    And to anyone tempted to shout … She started it, please refer to a parenting manual.

  • Comment number 31.

    #28 mightyangela
    #25 Trudy=Victoria

    Many thanks for that early morning baptism of fire. Now I feel a real paid up member of a club. Those berated by T-V. Tell us, do you sit all night mumbling over your keyboard, or does the muse arrive with the dawn. Good morning, sweet lady!

    Looks like I have joined the club as well!

    Well said and welcome to the club!

  • Comment number 32.

    I thought personally that the actions of the speaker over the third question to Gordon Brown were indicative of how awful parliament has become.

    I distinctly wanted to hear what Gordon Brown was going to say about Camerons 'allegations'. Let me say that Gordon was going to bring in the old red herring about proof. Where is your evidence!

    Cash for honours, where is the evidence?

    Loans to the labour party, where is sufficient evidence to bring a case?

    Tony Blair, and the Eccelstone affair, I'm a straight sort of guy!

    Robert Maxwell, ah his involvement in bringing the courts into play when any allegations were made.

    The labour party and its financial problems!

    The FSA and its acknowledged failures over Northern Rock!

    Weapons of Mass Destruction!

    The problems over extra-ordinary rendition, torture, the appalling loss of life, the oil for medicine project, the failure to act over Dafur, Burmah, Zimbabwe, Ahh...

    We are seeing the end game, it is nearly all over, the world is ungovernable, parliament is beyond redemption, the Queen has ruled over a country in terminal decline, during her time on the throne we have lost an Empire and have got embroiled in a war we cannot win, Afghanistan and a war where there is blood on the hands of all of us, Iraq.

    Please do not forget we are subjects of the Queen, soldiers sign an Oath of Allegiance, they defend Queen and Country. Where are they when we need them, Iraq and Afghanistan. It is time to bring the troops home to do what they are paid to do, defend the UK!

    Could we say that Enoch Powell was right in one respect, the streets of London are now running with blood, the blood of our young people.

  • Comment number 33.

    #21 Rustigjongens : "Jimbrant post 18, I imagine that your endorsement of Brown and his public performances was meant in jest?.

    Gordon Brown has been the worst Prime Minister of the UK I have ever seen."

    Well I have seen a lot more than you I suspect! If you had ever seen Alec Douglas Home in action you wouldn't be able to say that - and I can think of others (Eden and Heath come immediately to mind).

    If you read what I actually said you will see that I recognise that Brown is not a PMQs 'natural'. If he was up against Thatcher or Blair he would lose hands down, and indeed it has taken time for him even to get the measure of Cameron. But my opinion is that he has, and has come out on top fo the last three weeks. But this is a matter of opinion and judgement - others are sure to disagree.

  • Comment number 34.



    Did you not know that under Labour government legislation anything thrown in the bin becomes fair game.

    You dont even need to be in the authorities for this to be true.

    The sooner this sorry bunch of incompetants exit stage left the better.

    Blears has a very short memory.BuffHoon was stupid to write it Vaz was stupid not to shred it. Brown was deluded to deny it, even if he personally didnt do the deal he must have known that his minions were dealing after all thats what the whips office is for.

  • Comment number 35.

    #34 Pot_Kettle: "Did you not know that under Labour government legislation anything thrown in the bin becomes fair game."

    No I didn't. What are you referring to?

    As for the rest, I suggest lightheartedly that you need a humour transplant!

  • Comment number 36.

    That was lovely Nick, thank you. I could sit and listen to you talk all day.

  • Comment number 37.

    #5 RussellHolmstoel

    Oh my, that's hilarious! Jack straws face, man that says it all. LOL.

  • Comment number 38.


    ah so Jim
    Because i find incompetance unpalletable i should get a humour transplant.
    I'm not really sure which part of my writing would suggest I have no sense of humour. Do you suggest albeit lightheartedly that we the people should accept senior members of the incumbant government treating us with contempt by blatently lieing about deals being done.

    We all know deals are done, its how parliamentary business is facilitated. Its the flat denials of this process occuring that stick in the throat.

    As for the legilation you should perhaps look at the terrorism bills that have allowed local councils to snoop on bins.
    It seems that putting a biodegradable bag into the compost bin is an act of terrorism in hertfordshire.

  • Comment number 39.

    #7, Caroline Flint? Tony McNulty? No, actually you're right, no-one makes me shout at the telly more than Hazel Blears.

  • Comment number 40.

    5 russellholmstead, a case of tunnel vision Russ take a look at Hoon and Vaz, Hoon was laughing his head off and Vaz had a big smile on his face, hardly the faces of those caught redhanded.

  • Comment number 41.

    6 sceptic max,
    " Lord vaz of vaseline"
    What a disturbingly childish mind you have. Another touch of brilliance from someone who purports to be intelligent.
    even so it's only marginally worse than practically all the tory posts on this thread.

  • Comment number 42.

    16 subedeithemorngol. So I guess what your saying is that you admit that GB is getting the better of Cameron these days. According to you when Gordon gets the better of Cameron, Cameron is only playing with GB, but if Cameron gets the better of Gordon Brown then Cameron is brilliant.
    You know I do try to give some of you Tories a little credit for intelligence but you do make it difficult some times.

  • Comment number 43.

    #38 Pot_Kettle: "As for the legilation you should perhaps look at the terrorism bills that have allowed local councils to snoop on bins."

    Ah, now I understand your reference. Thanks.

    The part of your post I was referring to was your suggestion that it was somehow unacceptable for Hoon to write a personal note to Vaz that showed a bit of humour, and then that Vaz should find such a thing so horrendous that he should have shredded the 'evidence'. I myself find it reassuring hat politicians, even apparently dull sticks like Hoon, can behave to each other like normal human beings.

  • Comment number 44.

    40. grandantidote

    That’s the problem with all of them, no matter what they are accused of they always laugh. Mainly because they know there is not much that can touch them and they will still get to vote on their own salaries and expenses regardless of what we think.

    Vaz and Hoon may have been laughing, but Im sorry Jacks face definitely said YOU BERK.

    I still have the smug image of Ed Balls after the SO WHAT comment etched in my mind and its not pretty.

    They all do smug laughter too well. But I have a feeling that a lot of smugness will be eradicated in 2010.

  • Comment number 45.

    Gordan Brown looked rather angry and very defensive when Cameron was asking him about the letter.

    He kept saying Hoon was simply "thanking" him. But refused to answer why the extra bit about an "award" was in the letter

    Is anyone really surprised though? of course there were deals done. The place is so corupt it is unbelieveable.

    I wonder what the DUP agreed with Mr Brown though. Maybe an agreement with him to help them out with some money when things get tough for them soon, as it obviously will when they continue to anger the unionist people in Ulster as Trimbles UUP did.

  • Comment number 46.

    21 rustigjongems, Your English is very clear,
    I first of all want you to know that I am not in the slightest bit racist. in fact I would say that I am a great believer in the European Union but I must admit that finding someone from a country that has a deplorable record of choosing leaders coming onto this thread and criticising our leader is a little hard to swallow, you have the right to say anything you want in this country and thats fair enough but I think it would show a little more respect for the people of this country, if you were not to comment on our politics, and this is not about party politics it would'nt matter what party were in power. Just to finish what some unimaginative person will almost certainly refer to the moderater, I if living in Germany would never criticise Angela Merkal she is there by the will of the German people and that is their affair not mine.

  • Comment number 47.

    44 carrotsneedquangos, So because they laugh their guilty if they dont laugh their guilty, it doesent matter what their reaction is, the look of astonishment on Jack straws face is the incriminating factor, that is a really good example of Tory understanding, if it can fit what I want to perceive as the truth , then it is the truth, straight from the Tory Handbook

  • Comment number 48.


    Jim :-)

    It is quite amusing i will concede that.

    but it does give us Conservative sympathysers great amuntition to get under Labour sympathysers skins ;-)

    It is good to see human traits in the politicians but they have to concede that if found out we will paint the picture as if it was meant seriously.

    I have similar issues at work when caught out calling my esteemed French colleagues cheese eating surrender monkeys, apparently they dont appreciate that it is meant as a term of endearment

  • Comment number 49.


    Oh come on Grandantidote by coming on here the fella has opened himself up for you to call Merkel Eva Braun in trousers.

    That is too good an opportunity to miss

  • Comment number 50.

    The speaker has been accused by some of helping GB get off the hook re the Vaz letter. A careful watching of the PMQ broadcast reveals that that was not what happened. The speaker rose in the middle of Brown's answer and called for order (presumably because of the large volume of background noise.) He then clearly said. "The Prime Minister." Brown sat firmly in his place, quite deliberately not rising to continue his answer. The Labour member with the next question then rose and asked his question. The Speaker did not intervene to get Brown off the hook. Brown chickened out of continuing his answer.

  • Comment number 51.


    I think he has every right to comment on our politics, his view is as valid as everyone else's on here. Granted he cant vote in this country. But outside critisism should always be welcome as outsiders arnt bogged down in day to day issues like the rest of us.

    I think alot of peoples problems on here is they insult the arguer instead of provide alternatives to the argument. I think labour and conservative supporters on here are guilty of this, and both groups have valid points yet they are lost in the noise. Just because someone has a different view doesnt make them wrong, and you should criticise them for thinking differently.

    I actually disagree with alot of what people on here say on both sides of the abyss, however all have valid points.

  • Comment number 52.

    47. grandantidote

    Sir. Im pleased you read my posts, but I never said that Jack Straws face implied guilt. I think youre just branding everyone who disagrees as a raving Tory and makes all the same set of standard assumptions.

    His face IMO said YOU BERK..

    It was amusing and very much worth a mention.

    Thought I would let everyone else come to their own conclusions about the guilt bit.

    As I said the fact that they laugh whatever, makes it impossible to detect guilt from a look. Though very occasionally you get an unguarded expression and Jacks was most definitely one of those.

  • Comment number 53.

    50. cybernewsmaniac

    you are quite right. The Speaker clearly shouted "Prime Minister" but Brown sat glued to the seat to avoid answering in the full the question.

    Brown never gives straight answers to straight questions though so no doubt we would have only got another load of waffle has he continued

  • Comment number 54.

    21. Rustigjongens

    After German TV showed that footage of MEPs signing for the day and then heading off for the weekend at 7.00 am on a Friday morning. You can comment all you like.

    Not only is Brown the worst Prime Minister of the UK you have ever seen.

    All Polls here show him to be the most unpopular that we have ever had.

    This dour dithering Scott does not represent a modern Britain.

  • Comment number 55.

    #52 CarrotsneedaQUANGO2: "His face IMO said YOU BERK.."

    I agree it could have meant that. But his expression was referring to Cameron. Perhaps. IMO.

  • Comment number 56.

    7 jimbrant

    "Brown may not be as good as Blair (who is or has been?) but he's not daft. "

    I think you will find quite a few of us who disagree about daft.

    There is plenty of political damage to this, and Brown in his "wisdom?" will do anything not to get caught up in it. Straw will obviously get the blame in private. It is something that will run because of the DUP.

    And every watcher will be keeping an eye on Northern Ireland to see where funding goes.

    It will unravel and hurt Brown even more than it has now.

    "Rabbit caught in headlights" comes to mind.

  • Comment number 57.

    46 grandantidote.

    "It isn't what you say, its what you think", said the Though Police.

    I would have thought that anyone from any country had the right to say what they want about our leader. I think its called freedom of speech - or has made illegal by our erstwhile leader.

  • Comment number 58.

    39 chrisbowie

    I think you are being really nasty about the midget. It will upset grandantidote and jimbrant and you know what that means!!!

  • Comment number 59.

    50 cybernewsmaniac what actualyhappened was that the speaker called for order several times then he said prime minister as GB started to rise to his feet the speaker called on someone else, the prime minister looked as surprised as anyone else, if anything it was the speaker that made a mistake.
    For goodness sake dont you tories ever get tired of trying to make political points out of every move thats made it's not only boring but its bordering on paranoia

  • Comment number 60.


    Very thin Jim very thin

    He was looking at Hoon

    Come on see the funny side.

    Any how he was a berk to write such a thing.

    Look how much embarrassment its caused.

  • Comment number 61.

    No 42, do please try and not be silly.
    Brown is just inept at PMQs, but with the way things are going it's unnecessary for the leader of the opposition to stick the boot in. It's just enough to keep chipping away, every so often make the lumbering oaf look stupid, open his up to a little ridicule and watch with satisfaction as the hand shakes, the finger jabs and the steam appears from the ears.
    He knows that Gordon the Golem isn't going to answer a single question.
    And the public know that all Gordon the Golem will do say there's a review (yes, a way of avoiding making a decision yourself, if ever there was one) and accuse the Tories of shifting their policy.
    But what about his record. He accused the Tories of shifting their policy over Northern Rock. Does he think the public are as stupid as he is? His government shifted policy on Northern Rock every other day, or so it seemed.
    The truly worrying thing is that, unlike Ken Clarke in the dying embers of the Major years, this charletan won't do what's right for the British people and the economy, he'll squander the nation's wealth in a desperate bid to hold on to power.

  • Comment number 62.

    59 grandantidote

    Browns surprised look certainly seemed to be somewhat delayed. Lets be realistic here, he heard the speaker call him but decided to ignore it and just sat there instead. Then the speaker bailed him out by shouting for another MP.

  • Comment number 63.

    In the interest of fairness my interpretation would be:
    Brown did rise but the Speaker had called another question.
    Brown's worst performance for a month though.
    As for Cameron "pulling his punches" this is just ridiculous.
    Watched Blears on the Daily Politics edit and she is lightweight.

  • Comment number 64.

    I wonder what our erstwhile "It was only a joke, you idiots" contingent would be saying had the comment been sexist or racist? Why do I suspect that "just a joke" would then be no defence, however little it was meant in any offensive context. (For evidence, see recent treatment of Boris Johnson and his people.)

    If so, it speaks volumes for their nature that political correctness is of more concern than bribery and corruption of our Members of Parliament in matters of fundamental civil liberties in that the latter is somehow an acceptable joking matter but the former is not...

  • Comment number 65.

    61 subedeithemornol Like your handle you live in a strange and mysterious world, maybe one day they will find the cure, for your sake I hope they do, in the meanwhile try to hold things together. Your acting true to form when you lose the argument retreat to tory abuse, 10 out of 10 for that.But beware the hallucinations.

  • Comment number 66.

    57 mikepko, No one said that he did'nt have the right to say what he liked, read it again, I was merely pointing out that when a guest in someone else's country it isn't polite to run down the government or leader
    or even their religous beliefs, as I said I would not if I were a guest of the German republic be running down Angela Merkal, I might want to but I would have to much respect for my hosts to do that.
    Maybe you wouldn't extend them that courtesy but I would.

  • Comment number 67.

    56 mikepko , Come on now Mike the only people who are trying to make more out of the situation are the idiots on here.
    to be truthful Mike this is not your usual style, you can do better than this my friend.

  • Comment number 68.

    64 Rachel Blackburn, hypothetical my dear doesn't mean a thing on here.

  • Comment number 69.

    I'm always slightly amused by people who believe that claiming they've won the argument is something of a self-fulfilling prophesy. And that's all grandslaveringdolt seems to do.
    Can it be that he really believes it?
    Anyway, he ought to remember the wise words of the great Hunter S Thompson:
    "Weird heroes and mould-breaking champions exist as living proof to those who need it that the tyranny of 'the rat race' is not yet final."

  • Comment number 70.

    Myself and many others on here who disagree with a certain body have been variously described as idiots, clowns and hypocrites. Have you ever come across a better ploy for losing the main arguments. C'mon everybody let's do some serious debating!

  • Comment number 71.

    In the USA, once you get a President who's been in power for seven years, you get a lame duck President for the next year.

    Currently in the UK, we've got a prime minister who was in power for just a few months and now it looks like we'll have had to put up with a lame-duck PM for the following two and a half years!!!!!

  • Comment number 72.

    #70 Waldorf29

    I agree with you 100%. We all know who it is, and he/she is not a nice person. If we all had the same point of view there would be no point in these comment boards, and lively debate is good fun. But to be called names in such an aggressive manner, can only appeal to a masochist. I'm ashamed to write that I responded in a harsh manner, went down to that person's level, and have to further admit haven't heard from it since!

  • Comment number 73.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.


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