'We not only saved the world'
Is it a bird, is it a plane...
No, it's Supergord. Or so, he implied in this memorable moment in today's .
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PS. My analysis of the government's welfare reform proposals appears below.
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Comment number 1.
At 10th Dec 2008, obangobang wrote:The real tragedy is that most people will think this was a slip of the tongue.
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Comment number 2.
At 10th Dec 2008, blasted_heath wrote:Freudian slip?
Very revealing.
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Comment number 3.
At 10th Dec 2008, Glenholme wrote:Tomorrow he will walk on water the next turn water into wine then save the solar system and the Universe and still find time to screw up the ecomomy even more.
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Comment number 4.
At 10th Dec 2008, DisgustedOfMitcham2 wrote:Hilarious! That made my day.
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Comment number 5.
At 10th Dec 2008, Poprishchin wrote:Oh God!
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Comment number 6.
At 10th Dec 2008, Charles_E_Hardwidge wrote:The Second Coming of Gordon Brown?
THE STEVE has competition.
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Comment number 7.
At 10th Dec 2008, alexandercurzon wrote:NONE OF THE ABOVE.
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Comment number 8.
At 10th Dec 2008, greatandydudley wrote:Of course....photographs can tell many stories...
With the world in global crisis...no doubt Mandy and AC - will quickly come up with a poster showing just how funny the Tories think serious politics is!.....
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Comment number 9.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:Crash Grodon saved the world? That really made me laugh.
I cant think of a single one of his moronic economic polices that has even slightly helped to stave off the inevitable depression.
Someone tell Gordon, that simply put, debt junkies need to kick the habit.
Stop borrowing, slash public spending, cancel ID cards, simplify taxation and stop pouring money into the black hole that is our banking sector.
If only the "do nothing" party were in power, if this government had taken an 11 year holiday then this country wouldn't be the financially and morally bankrupt multi-cultural cess pit that it has become.
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Comment number 10.
At 10th Dec 2008, alexandercurzon wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 11.
At 10th Dec 2008, DisgustedOfMitcham2 wrote:Actually, the idea that they saved the banking system is about as ludicrous as the idea that they saved the world. Who exactly do they think was in charge while banks failed and had to be nationalised?
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Comment number 12.
At 10th Dec 2008, boabycat wrote:My friends, who normally don'y give a fig about politics, were rolling about laughing their heads off at the idea that Supergord "saved the world"... the general response was he could organise a knee's up in a brewery!
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Comment number 13.
At 10th Dec 2008, Lazarus wrote:Priceless!
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Comment number 14.
At 10th Dec 2008, j evans wrote:Dear Nick,
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Comment number 15.
At 10th Dec 2008, virtualsilverlady wrote:This was no Freudian slip.
The man truly believes he is the special one sent to save the world.
Perhaps it's time to resign as this country's PM so he can take up his calling then.
Just send him off on a space ship and hope he disappears into oblivion or a big black hole preferably.
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Comment number 16.
At 10th Dec 2008, Fredalo wrote:We saved the World by showing people how not to do it
Have a look at Reuters:
"Altogether, these readings made a strong case for the United Kingdom ultimately suffering the worst recession in the developed world," Commerzbank analysts said in a research note.
Nick - there is a lot of good material out there with which to test our leader (sorry - the World's leader).
You have to admire the spin machine at NuLab - but for how long can they keep the facts from the people?
For as long as they have the media in their pockets I guess.
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Comment number 17.
At 10th Dec 2008, Fredalo wrote:We saved the World
Have a look at Reuters:
"Altogether, these readings made a strong case for the United Kingdom ultimately suffering the worst recession in the developed world," Commerzbank analysts said in a research note.
Nick - there is a lot of good material out there with which to test our leader (sorry - the World's leader).
You have to admire the spin machine at NuLab - but for how long can they keep the facts from the people?
For as long as they have the media in their pockets I guess.
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Comment number 18.
At 10th Dec 2008, Fredalo wrote:A slip of the tongue and amusing - but hardly relevant to the depth of the troubles facing us.
Yes, I am going to keep referring to this until such time as the Beeb pick up on the mess we are in and start to ask the hard questions.
"Altogether, these readings made a strong case for the United Kingdom ultimately suffering the worst recession in the developed world," Commerzbank analysts said in a research note.
Nick - there is a lot of good material out there with which to test our leader (sorry - the World's leader).
You have to admire the spin machine at NuLab - but for how long can they keep the facts from the people?
For as long as they have the media in their pockets I guess.
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Comment number 19.
At 10th Dec 2008, greatandydudley wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 20.
At 10th Dec 2008, Fredalo wrote:My PC has developed an echo
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Comment number 21.
At 10th Dec 2008, Happyhomeworker wrote:The sad thing is , he really does believe it!
From the start of the crisis he was telling everyone that the rest of the world was following his lead. Yet check out the foreign press and the world was strangely silent on our Economic Saviour.
Wonder why...
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Comment number 22.
At 10th Dec 2008, tarquin wrote:hehe, let's watch him spin his way out of this one
He actually does think of himself as this grand statesman respected the world over....the man has serious issues
or we're just ungrateful?
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Comment number 23.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:@19 lmao
If only the last 11 years hadn't happened!!
You might want to remember there is no "Camerons Britain". It's Crash Gordon's (and I have no doubt he really believes that too).
I think you'll find that our "snout in the trough" ministers would trample the royals and the opposition in their charge to the bunker. As it's underground I'm sure the trolls would be there too so you'd be ok too...
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Comment number 24.
At 10th Dec 2008, Sparklet wrote:Just confirms what most of us have thought for a long time - Brown is seriously delusional (fixed false belief that is resistant to reason or confrontation with actual fact). Just like his policies.
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Comment number 25.
At 10th Dec 2008, sicilian29 wrote:He hasn't saved the world. He won't even be able to save himself if he persists with this kind of deluded nonsense!
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Comment number 26.
At 10th Dec 2008, kaybraes wrote:Even Mick the fat controller had difficulty supressing the laughter. It's not really that funny though, the man actually believes he saved the world. I suspect if he was offered for sectioning, there would be no objections. He ought to wear a tricorn hat and stick his hand inside his jacket . Vive la rebublique!
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Comment number 27.
At 10th Dec 2008, the-real-truth wrote:Thats must be very good news for you Nick
If he has saved the world, then that must mean that he have saved his favourite cheerleader - we did wonder where you had got to.
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Comment number 28.
At 10th Dec 2008, alexandercurzon wrote:The freudian SLIP??
Are you so deluded??
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Comment number 29.
At 10th Dec 2008, alexandercurzon wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 30.
At 10th Dec 2008, Strictly Pickled wrote:Who is the "we" referred to ? Surely SuperGord is not ready to admit that he is not 100% solely behind saving the planet.
The only problem with having declared yourself as the saviour of the world, it leaves you with no where else to go.
Well done Gordon, you've reached the pinnacle of your aspirations ......... now go.
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Comment number 31.
At 10th Dec 2008, D_H_Wilko wrote:I though the phoney laughter and the gibbon impressions from the opposition were funnier.
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Comment number 32.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 33.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 34.
At 10th Dec 2008, Brownhas2eyes wrote:Super-Gord?
The man couldnt run a tap correctly.
TO Nick & the 麻豆官网首页入口, your biased views for the Labour Party will not be forgotten, and you will be seen as truthful and un-biased as FOX-NEWS in America!
Try watching it!
Roll on that abolishment of the TV License fee, so we can actually make you EARN your Right to Report the facts correctly and not being biased for ANY political Party!
Your supposed to work for us, not the politicians!
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Comment number 35.
At 10th Dec 2008, JoannaJ wrote:The trouble is you haven't saved the world Gordon - it's in just as big a mess as it was, and while you were not saving the world, the UK fell apart too. So well done, good job.
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Comment number 36.
At 10th Dec 2008, labourbankruptedusall wrote:He didn't get his words wrong, he actually used the precise words that he meant to use. He only changed them when people started laughing.
He does honestly believe that he has personally saved the world, because he is a delusional idiot.
The tragic thing is that the labour backbenchers who know that he's a delusional idiot who's running a scorched-earth policy on the economy, refuse to get rid of him because it'd mean that they'd personally lose their gravy train money.
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Comment number 37.
At 10th Dec 2008, RobinJD wrote:Just goes to show what an enormous opinion the man has of himself.
Now kindly stand down having stuffed up the country's balance sheet and move over for someone or some party that is prepared to cut public spending, cut waste, cut public sector pensions, cut taxes and put us back on the road to living within our means like any sane person would do.
An end to political correctness, fairness agendas, progressive politics (whatever they think they are), excessive taxation, manufactured racial agendas, non stop imigration and the general dumbing down of the entire British culture. An end to the entitlement culture the something for nothing culture the benefits plague that is ruining the fabric of our society.
Call an election.
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Comment number 38.
At 10th Dec 2008, Pravda We Love You wrote:Gordon wouldn't be able to lie on the grand scale that he does if he weren't able to convince himself that ridiculous things are true.
You can be 99% sure that Gordon really believes his own press on these things:
1. I am the economic saviour of the world
2. I never said I'd end boom and bust
3. I have ensured the UK is best placed to weather the recession
4. I did not make any mistakes in the gold sell off.
5. We did mend the roof when the sun was shining
6. The Tories are the do nothing party
Gordon hates reality messing with the world that he has created in his head.
That is why Merkel is not welcome at the Monopoly money leaders summit over tea and cakes - her attachment to reality would ruin the fantasy play world Brown inhabits.
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Comment number 39.
At 10th Dec 2008, Charles_E_Hardwidge wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 40.
At 10th Dec 2008, Clive wrote:I think he has gone along way to saving the world, with the hindsight of history his actions may well be seen to be decisive and copied by most other countries. I imagine Churchill, in this age of pseudo democratic internet response, wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes.
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Comment number 41.
At 10th Dec 2008, Stormontspy wrote:This made my week. How incompetent Gordon Brown is. He now can't read that what the civil service have written for him.
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Comment number 42.
At 10th Dec 2008, dontneedthegrief wrote:So,Brown is now Flash Gordon,and Charles applauds his second coming..eh?
Of course,being of the same "rare personality type"...I believe you consider yourself an INTJ,Charles..perhaps you would like to comment on the following extract..
"The potential ways in which an INTJ can irritate others include:
-being single-minded or stubborn
-not taking sufficient account of current realities
-not expressing appreciation for the contributions of others, particularly where it hasn't been fully competent
-not delegating
-making errors of fact, and appearing to make decisions irrespective of the facts "
This seems to expose Browns personality traits and possibly yours...but it hardly follows your Zen philosophy,does it?
The reality with Brown is that he cannot see that despite his claims to have "led the World"..very few seem to agree with him.e.g. Germany .
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Comment number 43.
At 10th Dec 2008, the-real-truth wrote:30. U11714077
You make a good point -
Maybe 'we' is gordon and the voices in his head ?
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Comment number 44.
At 10th Dec 2008, bzy100 wrote:What an absolute prat!
That is literally what he thinks if himself - a huge disparity between this and what the country at large think of him (and his caped ideas [sic})
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Comment number 45.
At 10th Dec 2008, mbizi99 wrote:Clearly, it was a slip of the tounge but what gives real concern is how the opposition brings disrepute to the house of commons. Their laughter adds to cynicism and as their leader is using punch and judy tactics which adds to the opposition being seen as unfit for government.
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Comment number 46.
At 10th Dec 2008, Gthecelt wrote:He's not even proven he has saved the banking system here yet. We are still in massive decline as an economy. All indicators are this recession is going to be longer and deeper than anything we have seen before. The US is rapidly heading towards a depression as are we.
Internationally Brown is seen as a buffoon we all know he is. I cannot forget the body language from Bush towards him during the conference in the US a few weeks ago when Bush escorted Merkel off the stage and Brown was eagerly looking for some sort of acknowledgment from Bush. That is where the real power is today - Germany and France. Blair had the President's ear, Brown is viewed as over selling his position on the global plan in Europe and the US.
I am convinced that Paulson came up with the plan for bank recapitilisation though, and it was too much of a tough sell in the US with their free market so Brown and Darling said they would claim it as their own and launch first. That would make more sense really - a banker telling the politicians how to get out of the mess the bankers have created!
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Comment number 47.
At 10th Dec 2008, SergeantDigby wrote:I just wonder if he would have bothered to try and correct his statement if he hadn't been looking at the opposition's incredulous expressions at the time.
I guess we'll never know for sure.
Personally, I don't think he would.
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Comment number 48.
At 10th Dec 2008, Brownhas2eyes wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 49.
At 10th Dec 2008, Henry_Hedgefund wrote:Ah yes, Gordon's faith in the 'ingenuity of The City.' Now that's been exposed as a busted casino I wonder where the wealth creation is going to spring from? 'Theme Park UK' perhaps?
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Comment number 50.
At 10th Dec 2008, TomSimp wrote:This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.
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Comment number 51.
At 10th Dec 2008, Stormontspy wrote:Jonathan Cook -
How right you are to say that Gordon really believes his own press on these things:
1. I am the economic saviour of the world
2. I never said I'd end boom and bust
3. I have ensured the UK is best placed to weather the recession
4. I did not make any mistakes in the gold sell off.
5. We did mend the roof when the sun was shining
6. The Tories are the do nothing party
If only journalists like Nick Robinson asked hard questions instead of pandering to the needs of these jokers
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Comment number 52.
At 10th Dec 2008, U9461192 wrote:Looks like a slip of the tongue regrettably. Just muffed his pre-planned speech. Again.
Humourless sod could at least have laughed at himself though.
That's one of his many weaknesses. No sense of modesty or self-deprecation. Cameron should just engineer piss-takes every PMQs. Have a good laugh at him.
You know, cock his head, cup his hand to his ear and say 'I think I can hear a small child falling from a window ledge - do you need to get to a telephone booth Gordon? Or shall I continue.'
Followed by 'spontaneous' humming of the Flash Gordon theme by 200 Tory Back-benchers.
'Flash, Aaaaaaaa,
'He saved every one of us'
He'd hate it. And lose it eventually. Quite quickly probably.
What d'ya mean 'do nothing party?' We're doing acapella.
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Comment number 53.
At 10th Dec 2008, chrisleopard wrote:Woops!
Oh well, the fact that the Tories will now try to talk about this rather than the actual economic issues shows how seriously they're taking the situation.
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Comment number 54.
At 10th Dec 2008, dwwonthew wrote:Re: 38
You are right. This man's got an ego the size of Everest and can only believe those things that confirm his own self-image. As part of that he feels he has to destroy anyone who says anything making the slighest dent in that self-image - hence the repetitious venom of his attacks on Cameron and even Clegg.
The problem is that it is the rest of us who are suffering because that self-image is so divorced from reality.
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Comment number 55.
At 10th Dec 2008, Pot_Kettle wrote:@53
that is the economic issue Chris
He thinks he has saved the world. when people laugh at that he changes it to "we saved the banks"
Neither is true his delusion created the mess his delusion is making the mess worse
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Comment number 56.
At 10th Dec 2008, U9461192 wrote:#53
Oh well, the fact that the Tories will now try to talk about this rather than the actual economic issues shows how seriously they're taking the situation.
The Tories have been telling Gordon that he's off his head and he shouldn't be looking to add another 500bn quid debt to the 350bn quid he's already run up.
But 'Flash' (He saved every one of us) just goes the old kid-in-the-playground route of
'I'm not listening, ner ner ner ner, ner, you caaaaaaan't make me, ner ner ner ner ner'
'You're the 'do nothing party', ner ner ner ner ner.'
Probably been his tactic throughout his life. Maybe somebody took exception on the rugby field. Somebody from one of the posh private Edinburgh academies.
It would explain much.
Hardly surprising if the Tories have a good laugh when the odious lunatic has a good prat-fall.
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Comment number 57.
At 10th Dec 2008, MartinR wrote:Nick
You've previously remarked here (and indeed face to face with me) how little air time and space you have to report on the day's events.
Are you seriously intending to allow the PM's hilarious but clearly unintended remark to consume you're entire day's exposure?
I laughed as much as anyone but the next time a 麻豆官网首页入口 executive denies that the corporation's new output has been dumbed down those of us who can see it do no more than point to this post.
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Comment number 58.
At 10th Dec 2008, canttakeanymore wrote:#19
So that's it then Andy? No insight into Tory policy- just a lame link into a TV program that you compare to Cameron's Britain. Is that all you can offer after 11 years in power?
We really are in trouble....
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Comment number 59.
At 10th Dec 2008, DHA wrote:Well there you have it. Brown is actually auditioning for the role of key villain in the next Bond movie. Following in the great tradition of Auric Goldfinger, Hugo Drax and Ernst Stavro Blofield we now have Gordon Brown. I'm sure Daniel Craig is quaking in his boots. Get ready for 'The World is Mine' out shortly!
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Comment number 60.
At 10th Dec 2008, Brownhas2eyes wrote:Woops!
Oh well, the fact that the Tories will now try to talk about this rather than the actual economic issues shows how seriously they're taking the situation.
good point #53
But isnt that what we all know, what these politicans are all about?
Yes ill never vote conservative because they are a mirror image of this incompitent government we have in power now, i want some honesty in politics.
Super-gord has no principles,hes no understanding of the people hes supposed to be "helping" no its all nothing, its lies or soundbites "prince of darkness"
Yes he said exactly what his brain tells him to say when he speaks, & it is arrogance and ignorance of the population of our populace, are we fools? are we that dumb?
Labour have lied and manipulated our way of life and our way of freedom under this terror threat, under disguise of more terror and more legislation.
The mans a "yes"man and a totally corrupt individual to say the least.
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Comment number 61.
At 10th Dec 2008, Nothing2Lose wrote:...and now I'm starting to believe Robert is the real Dr Who.
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Comment number 62.
At 10th Dec 2008, sicilian29 wrote:I must admit when I first saw this item and before watching the clip I thought he had actually meant to say it. Just goes to show how low the man has slipped in my estimation. What he clumsily tried to change it to was 'We saved the World's banks' which isn't a great deal less boastful when you really think about it.
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Comment number 63.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:@45 rofl
The opposition brings disrepute to the house of commons?!!!!
Think you'll find that it's the labour government that have done that with their incompetent management of this country, perpetual lies and contempt for the wishes of the electorate.
Manifesto promises ring a bell? Or maybe not if your a labour voter (public servant or non-working class)
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Comment number 64.
At 10th Dec 2008, megascarything wrote:This is the first time I've willingly listened to Gordon Brown speak.
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Comment number 65.
At 10th Dec 2008, TomPride wrote:A Freudian Slip indeed from:
A DECEPTIVE (10p tax rate abolition), PROFLIGATE (projected over 拢100 billion pa borrowings), COWARDLY (got his henchmen to knife Mr Blair while he hid), PSYCHOLOGICALLY FLAWED (that was Alastair Campbell鈥檚 opinion), STUBBORN (took over a year and a Labour rebellion to admit 10p tax rate abolition was wrong), ARROGANT (just could not say sorry, I was wrong about the 10p fiasco and spent ten years undermining the Prime Minister so he could get the top job), BAD TEMPERED (plenty of stories of that including shouting matches with Mr Blair), MANIPULATIVE (Lord Mendalson rejoins the cabinet), LIAR (Mr Cameron is not proposing 鈥渄o nothing鈥 but do different / less) and BULLY (treatment of Mr Frank Fields ten years ago; arrest of an opposition MP on his watch for doing no more than he himself did).
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Comment number 66.
At 10th Dec 2008, fatgob wrote:You now have to feel sorry for Gordon, he has obvioulsy cracked under the strain 'of saving the world' and now is the time for the men in white coats to take him away.
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Comment number 67.
At 10th Dec 2008, shellingout wrote:You couldn't make it up.
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Comment number 68.
At 10th Dec 2008, Operation Overlord wrote:"Saved the world...."
I cannot be the only person in the world who recognises this freudian slip for what it is - the voice of a delusional man with a growing mental illness.
The PM must recognise that he is on Tony Blairs mandate & that before he takes the wealth of the yet unborn British taxpayers he really does need to face the electorate with his plan of action.
Even Mugabe faced the occasional election.
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Comment number 69.
At 10th Dec 2008, bluntjeremy wrote:Hilarious . . .
Nick - good for you! Got to have laugh sometimes, haven't we?!!
Choice remains:
Do Nothing Tories
Spend and Tax Labour.
Take your pick!!
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Comment number 70.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:@60
so who to vote for then?
Tories are probably the onlyones who will be able to drag Crash Gordon form No 10.
I do have a wonderful vision of him being pulled out by men in white coats, while screaming "but I've saved the world"!
I too would love honest, competent intelligent politicians who act in the best interest of the country (without snouts in teh trough), but can it ever happen?
In this day and age we should be able to have an on-line referendum on every fundamental issue and no need for government to continue in its current form.
However, I doubt things will ever improve, so I just dream of removal of Crash and crew, personally I would vote for Satan if he removed these numpty's from power.
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Comment number 71.
At 10th Dec 2008, labourbankruptedusall wrote:45 mbizi99
"Clearly, it was a slip of the tounge but what gives real concern is how the opposition brings disrepute to the house of commons. Their laughter adds to cynicism and as their leader is using punch and judy tactics which adds to the opposition being seen as unfit for government."
Perhaps you should have listened to what happened when Brown's "rescue plan" was being debated in the house. All the labour whips charged into the house like hooligans, shouting as loudly as they could to disrupt the debate, because they knew that cameron/osborne were debating the total lack of logic in Brown's "plan" so the labour whips were told to try and stop the debate from being heard whenever the tories spoke.
And that was when there was a trillion pounds of debt being debated.
In this instance Brown proclaimed himself a supreme being, and for that I think he deserves a few derisory laughs/comments from the opposition.
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Comment number 72.
At 10th Dec 2008, shellingout wrote:Harriet didn't even flinch. She must be used to it by now.
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Comment number 73.
At 10th Dec 2008, Roll_On_2010 wrote:Nick
Me I though he claimed to be Not Flash - Just Gordon.
Whats in a name anyway, Flash Gordon, Crash Gordon, Duff Gordon or SuperGordon. Actions speak louder than words.
Not long ago you once said, when the Tories were ridding high in the polls, how can they sustain this momentum up to the 2010 GE? Now the question is how long can NuLabour sustain this second honeymoon?
If people do not spend over the Xmas and New Year period, or if Crash drops another cock-up, maybe the wheels of his Tractor will fall off!
Looks like the New Year will be interesting.
May I also take this opportunity to wish everybody a very merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year. I use the word prosperous with tongue in cheek.
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Comment number 74.
At 10th Dec 2008, Charles_E_Hardwidge wrote:Read up on , and . Tokugawa created the conditions for Japan's renaiisance, and Ikyyu created the tea ceremony. They pretty much established and founded Zen as we know it.
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Comment number 75.
At 10th Dec 2008, Pot_Kettle wrote:Did anyone else noticed how ineffectual the speaker was in trying to restore calm?
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Comment number 76.
At 10th Dec 2008, telecasterdave wrote:This is not the first time just lately. When the Mumbai attack took place Gordon Brown said something along the lines of " I think I speak on behalf of the world.......".
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Comment number 77.
At 10th Dec 2008, Pot_Kettle wrote:It think Gordon was probably a victim of himself.
I can imagine him all morning rehearsing this. thinking all the while "I mustnt say I saved the world, I mustnt say I saved the world" then because of this he blurts is out.
Fantastic bit of scripting by the mole, set the trap let freud slip into it.
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Comment number 78.
At 10th Dec 2008, ohmygawdbutler wrote:That's two false statements he made. The second was that no depositor in Britain lost money - what about the UK resident and/or citizen depositors with Kaupthing IOM then wee Gordy? Your bull-in-a-china-shop actions, described as "thuggish" by former MPC member Willem Buiter, led directly to the collapse of the whole Icelandic banking system.
I read recently that 40 percent of British voters approve Gawd's handling of the economic crisis, versus 31 percent approving the Tories' proposals. For Gawd's sake wake up old England.
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Comment number 79.
At 10th Dec 2008, Hastings wrote:Oh, well. I bet he and everyone else in parliament wished it were actually possible.
Sometimes a persons mouth seems to go into automatic "wishful thinking" mode
However, I am having a nice day. So I thought I would avoid listening to Brown being out of his depth, or that spoil brat, "The Boy David" sneering at him across the aisle.
Happiness is realising that PMQs is a waste of a very pretty building.
Thank goodness.
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Comment number 80.
At 10th Dec 2008, drakesmith wrote:I bet he genuinely believes he has saved the world. I still find it fascinating that as Chancellor he failed to see the problems of the economy coming and, having decided then that there was no need to regulate the City, now it suits him, sees a need to do exactly that.
That this man continues to govern our country (without a mandate from the electorate) is appalling.
As for the Speaker, the man is clearly not a fit person for the duties of his high station.
Gordon, go and take your mate Gorbals Mick with you.
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Comment number 81.
At 10th Dec 2008, dwwonthew wrote:Re 42
You are right in linking Brown's [and CEH's!] "rare personality type" to Jung & Myers Briggs and your comments tie in with mine at 54. I personally would query the N, which stands for Intuition. My view - and I鈥檓 writing this quickly without checking my notes on Jung and Myers Briggs - is that the Introverted Thinking parts of his personality are all prevailing.
So let me give you some more quotes about the Introverted Thinker -
* He will follow his ideas 鈥︹ inwards and not outwards. Intensity is his aim, not extensity.
* In the pursuit of his ideas he is generally stubborn, headstrong, and quite unamenable to influence.
* However clear to him the inner structure of his thoughts, he is not the least clear how they link up to the world of reality.
* In his personal relations he is taciturn or else throws himself on people who cannot understand him, and for him this is one more proof of the abysmal stupidity of man.
* The counterbalancing functions of feeling, intuition and sensation are comparatively unconscious and inferior.
In most people, as they move towards maturity, those counterbalancing influences are supposed to develop. Unfortunately, that seems not to have happened with Brown. My guess is that some other influences that came from a Daddy who preached compassion in the pulpit but was probably something of an autocrat at home are still too strong.
Thus we have someone who can only believe what is in his own head and who also believes anyone who challenges that is just stupid.
Unfortunately, as I have said, it is the rest of us who are suffering.
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Comment number 82.
At 10th Dec 2008, obangobang wrote:#45
Whereas the Labour benches reaction to Nick Clegg's first question was perfectly reasonable I suppose?
Parliament's a bear pit, and there are considerably more and noisier bears on the Labour benches than anywhere else.
Clearly that makes them more suitable for government, then?
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Comment number 83.
At 10th Dec 2008, CarrotsneedaQUANGO2 wrote:Superb made my day.
If the man had just an ounce of charm he would have smiled and cracked a joke at that slip.
Hes a supercillious sniffy saphead.
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Comment number 84.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:Teach me oh great Zen master, tell me more, I am eager to soak up more interminable, non-sensical ramblings!!
Show me the wisdom of your Zen overlord..
No seriously, tell me.
Direct question for Charles_E_Gibber:
Can you give any definitive evidence of Crash's towering intellect?
I hear alot about it, but as far as I can tell he is as intelligent as your average chav with a standard sub-prime education
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Comment number 85.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:@78
Dont forget that every single depositor will lose money as a direct result of 0% interest rates, hyper inflation and a worthless pound
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Comment number 86.
At 10th Dec 2008, stanilic wrote:New moon, is it?
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Comment number 87.
At 10th Dec 2008, rahere wrote:I TOLD you it was only a matter of time before he slipped his knickers on over his tights...
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Comment number 88.
At 10th Dec 2008, Charles_E_Hardwidge wrote:I've just listened to The Daily Politics online and, to be honest, I reckon Gordon Brown will just keep polishing his act and tune out what "the internet" thinks. The Tories have a line but it's just a play on trying to box Labour in and setting the mood, talking up manufactured figures, and talking everyone down. No substance: just spin.
Caroline Flint had a good focus and sidestepped all the Tory landmines by focusing on delivery. Some of her comment on personality differences and reality are on the ball. So, yeah. I'd like to see Labour continue focusing on "continuous self improvement" rather than letting the Tory tail wag the Labour dog.
Labour "get it", and behind the facade of bluster and confidence the Tories know something has changed. They can't "manage" and "mediate" Labour because Labour has slipped off the ego hook the Tories tried to peg them on. This is fascinating stuff because Labour is seizing ground the Tories believed they owned.
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Comment number 89.
At 10th Dec 2008, alexandercurzon wrote:I see the moderators are treating certain
posters with the same contempt as Brown
treats the electorate.
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Comment number 90.
At 10th Dec 2008, 14entraygues wrote:Was it a slip of the tongue before?
He really meant "More Boom and Bust"
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Comment number 91.
At 10th Dec 2008, darkerandbluer wrote:This guy even makes Cameron look competent.
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Comment number 92.
At 10th Dec 2008, I_Despise_Labour wrote:@88
All Labour are siezing are peoples homes via nationalised banks!!
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Comment number 93.
At 10th Dec 2008, rahere wrote:Zen as YOU know it, perhaps, CEH, but that's got precious little to do with any real-world version, where he certainly doesn't rank in the list of any recognised Zen masters. Zen actually became discredited during the Tokugawa shogunate, because the destabilised economy meant there was insufficient time to achieve anything with a known master.
You've been watching too much Water Margin again.
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Comment number 94.
At 10th Dec 2008, CarrotsneedaQUANGO2 wrote:84. I_Despise_Labour
Dont feed his ego please.
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Comment number 95.
At 10th Dec 2008, Concerned Adult wrote:The man is clearly delusional. What is even more frightening is that he has the power to order a nuclear strike...
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Comment number 96.
At 10th Dec 2008, tarquin wrote:88. CEH
Labour "get it", and behind the facade of bluster and confidence the Tories know something has changed. They can't "manage" and "mediate" Labour because Labour has slipped off the ego hook the Tories tried to peg them on. This is fascinating stuff because Labour is seizing ground the Tories believed they owned.
I usually ignore you, but that is a contender
absolutely superb
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Comment number 97.
At 10th Dec 2008, SnoddersB wrote:Gordon Brown has not saved the World or its Banks. He and his completely delusiional party have actually managed to put our major banks into hock and then have nationalised them to enable Labour as a government to now take, quite legally, 58% of all the dividends. Thi8s means that while saying that he is saving the banks he is actually putting in place a stealth tax of mamoth proportiions at the expense of the small saver and share holder.
Saved the World? he couldn't even save tuppence.
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Comment number 98.
At 10th Dec 2008, alexandercurzon wrote:Its A pity that so many at the 麻豆官网首页入口 stand
in awe of the MORONS ruining the country.
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Comment number 99.
At 10th Dec 2008, Charles_E_Hardwidge wrote:Gordon Brown is developing quite well and strongly in some areas, and Labour seem to have developed more confidence and picked up a few tricks. Meanwhile, I note, you don't drag up Cameron and Clegg's personality types or analyse their outcomes. Why? It's a disaster in waiting. No, just bash Gordon Brown because it takes pressure off admitting your own problems which are much, much more massive.
Taking a cheap hit to get attention points is a good short-termwin but throwing all the focus on Gordon Brown without developing your own side has a downside: you're just lulling yourself into be jerked around like a dope on a rope, and by taking the focus of self-improvement you're going nowhere. When the light gets shined on the outcome at the next general election it will bite the opposition in the ass.
Where's the policies and sociable attitudes from the opposition? You know, these parties and personalities who wish to be king? If you've got the insight and wisdom you'd be focusing on eating your own dogfood because the current approach is the best own-goal all the money and sweet talk from Labour couldn't buy, and if (big if) the opposition parties get into power they'll rule as badly as they practice.
Zen is about self-enlightenment.
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Comment number 100.
At 10th Dec 2008, power-to-the-ppl wrote:Brown is not a full shilling.
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