Ouch weblog: individual blog entry
31 Jan 07, 12:10 PM - You think they'd learn ...
Crippled Monkey is astounded. It's only been a few days since we had the case of a marathon runner who had claimed over 拢pound;22,000 in disability benefits. But that's as nothing when compared to Kevin O'Connor, a 49-year-old karate coach (yes, you heard right - I said karate coach from Stoke-on-Trent, who for a bad back which, he claimed, left him barely to walk. What a pity, then, that he was secretly filmed demonstrating martial arts falls and throws, and undertaking a range of physical activities including running and lifting items. Don't these people ever learn?
At 09:25 PM on 31 Jan 2007, wrote:
What confuses me is how on earth they manage this - given how appallingly difficult the government makes it to claim, for those of us who are clearly disabled or long-term ill. Another example of how the government's stringent regulations and 'hoops' are more easily negotiated if you have the ability to do so (i.e. much more difficult for those of us who are ill and therefore find it difficult to fight for our rights). Hmph.
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At 08:36 AM on 01 Feb 2007, Robert wrote:
Yes but not all people who do sport and are disabled are cheats, I was asked last year to come back and coach disability football, and yes from a wheelchair, they had been looking for a coach to teach disabled children football. I of course contacted the DWP at once, they stated I must report to my disability employment adviser who said great news it will help with your CV. Sad to say I still cannot find work but the offers to work for free pour in.
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