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Eddie Mair | 14:49 UK time, Friday, 27 October 2006

we're looking at the case of a young mother who's been cleared of murdering her baby by giving him an overdose of salt.

Also: the Treasury has slapped down Patricia Hewitt for suggesting a big increase in taxes on alcopops.

There may be more trouble afoot in Paris. There may be more foot Paris in trouble. There may be trouble ahead.

We've also got our eye on foot and mouth fears, and news reached us a moment or two ago that the woman found unconscious in that Corfu hotel room where two children died, has come round.

All that plus letters and your chance to win big - on the show 3.5 million people can't resist.*

*or reach the radio to turn off. Perhaps for medical reasons.


  1. At 03:07 PM on 27 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Gosh, what a packed programme, can't wait to find out what's happening in Paris!

    We like Fridays, (us froggers that is) Oooh and Eddie, a big plug for the blog!


  2. At 03:08 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Please, please tell me that the trouble afoot in Paris, or vice-versa, is nothing to do with Paris Hilton. Pleeeeeaaase.

  3. At 03:11 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    I've just come back from Paris, and I had terrible trouble with my feet, they kept wanting to dance down Bvd. St Germain, all the rest of me wanted to stay in the Old Navy Bar.

  4. At 03:23 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Bertie Wooster wrote:

    Troublesome Aunts! A chap can't show his face anywhere in Paris anymore without bumping into them ...

  5. At 03:28 PM on 27 Oct 2006, tipple wrote:

    Might be interesting to ask Patricia Hewitt why she's singling out alcopops when they're declining in popularity faster than any other kind of drink (by c10% a year.)

    Most of the increase in alcohol consumption is down to thirtysomething people buying red wine to drink at home. But of course that would be us, and it couldn't be down to nice middle-aged, middle class people like us, could it...?

  6. At 03:29 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    There may be trouble ahead.

    That sounded ominous.

    Don't try to send a newsletter, Eddie.

  7. At 03:30 PM on 27 Oct 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Somebody's got frisky today. They've linked me to Day One (no problems with that in principle) and it links to Eddie Mair on Day One.

    Perhaps that one could stay for those of us who've become enamoured of time travel?

    BTW, the sea's lovely in August and somebody has helpfully restocked the bar.

  8. At 03:34 PM on 27 Oct 2006, RobbieDo wrote:

    Is there any connection between foot and mouth and Patricia Hewitt?

  9. At 03:34 PM on 27 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Treasury ... doesn't want more revenue ... from taxing booze marketed squarely at kids??

    That's it. I have blundered into a parallel universe. Matron, the screens....

  10. At 03:34 PM on 27 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Ah, but will there be moonlight, and music, and romance????

  11. At 03:37 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Piper wrote:

    ...congratulations Eddie! A great solution...

  12. At 04:06 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Sara feeling better wrote:

    Apropos of nothing in particular, but today in general ... I thought I would share this with you.

    Once upon a winter's day, a little bird was sitting in a tree. It was so cold that the poor little bird couldn't move. It couldn't even open its little beak to sing.

    A cow was passing in the field beneath and saw the poor little shivering bird in the tree. "Poor thing", it thought; "I must put it somewhere nice and warm so it can sing again." So the cow took the little bird and popped into a lovely new warm cowpat. The little bird snuggled down and gradually felt cosy and warm. At last it could open its little beak and whistle a happy tune.

    A fox was hanging around on the other side of the field, feeling peckish. Suddenly, it heard the beautiful birdsong. "Ah, dinner", it thought, and raced over the field towards the sound, saw the bird in the cowpat, grabbed it quickly and ate it.

    And the moral of this sad tale? Well, it's not always your enemies that drop you in the shit, and it's not always your friends who drag you out of the shit, but when you're in the shit, fot God's sake keep your mouth shut.

  13. At 04:35 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Rachel wrote:

    Did you hear the feedback thing this lunchtime? Is that why monsieur was so cross yesterday? I thought Roger the cabin boy made a pretty good fist of an apology.

  14. At 05:33 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Re: Alcopops.

    Surely the biggest problem with alcohol is that it’s so widely - almost universally - expected that you graduate to it on reaching a certain age, and carry on partaking of it thereafter. Indeed, a degree of regular alcohol consumption is clear, by their own admission, amongst contributors here. (And I don’t mean this as a criticism, guys.) Peer pressure would seem to apply, and yet I can’t see this level of acceptance if the same attitude were applied to smoking. Well, in short, I’m not sure that legislation is likely to be particularly effective in such a climate.

  15. At 05:35 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Re: Feedback

    I would say that I also felt that the sound clips in question were far from necessary.

  16. At 05:36 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Piper wrote:

    ..Sara (12) succinct and to the point. If only more people followed your advice...

  17. At 06:11 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Luc wrote:

    A dentist friend of mine, and his podiatrist partner have recently celebrated 15 years together.
    Neither are from Paris, but the podiatrist is Hungarian - I always think it's a shame he's not Polish.

  18. At 06:54 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Piper wrote:

    ...couldn't agree with you more Luc. Not to put too fine a point on things, I'd rather like to see your Hungarian friend in the Buff...

  19. At 06:54 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Piper wrote:

    ...although, having said that, i hear rumours the fellow may be a bit-of-a-heel...

  20. At 06:56 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Piper wrote:

    ...mind you Luc, in the highly un-likely event that were true, he could always be given the boot...

  21. At 08:11 PM on 27 Oct 2006, marymary wrote:

    Nothing to do with anything. I just wanted to say I got an email read out on PM! I'm still reeling from the fame!


  22. At 08:39 PM on 27 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Concerning the CE/Joe P question, I was at a supplier at 5pm today, and his radio was tuned to Radio 2. I could not tell it was any different from what I remembered of Radio 1. What on earth do they need a newsletter for - the playlist?.

    Anyway, I was in the old bus and in the car park that was the M4 this evening (both directions) to hear Eddies terrible double entendre, ("are you holding your golden joystick") so I've applied to be allowed back on the beach. If he can broadcast them...

    Any chance of that audio clip to be made available? Or perhaps we should ask his arch-rival CE to provide the clip ;-)

    Marymary, welcome, and well done. But don't be a single blog frogger, will you?

  23. At 09:33 PM on 27 Oct 2006, marymary wrote:

    I would love to keep up with this blog. Eddie is a hero of mine.

    My email was about the Golden Joystick award. I wanted Eddie to know that video games are largely played by adults and not children.

    I did enjoy his double entrendre though!


  24. At 09:35 PM on 27 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Ooh Marymary! You're famous now! After that, I'm afraid you're a part of the frog now, and you can't escape!!!

  25. At 09:52 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Mrs Trellis wrote:

    Hi all, just to let you know that I'm back on the beach and I'm feeling goooooood

  26. At 10:00 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Aptoe wrote:

    Alright I give in. What does frogger and and froggging mean?

  27. At 10:31 PM on 27 Oct 2006, John H. wrote:

    Hi Aptoe - welcome to the frog. Hm, I have to tell you that somewhere burried here there is what I consider to be a "reference answer" to your question and I cannot do it justice. I suspect somebody else will provide something similar - but the gist is that the PM blog quickly developed a style unlike most other blogs (where the blogger blogs and the readers comment) in that we, the readers, interacted with each other. This was likened to a forum/blog hybrid and some bright soul came up with the term "frog" - I trust the derivatives follow!

  28. At 10:42 PM on 27 Oct 2006, anne wrote:

    aptoe 23.

    we call it frogging and ourselves froggers because the blog developed into a cross between a normal blog and a forum. I have three claims to fame, and coming up with the term froggers is one of them.

    and btw, welcome.

  29. At 11:31 PM on 27 Oct 2006, Aptoe wrote:

    Thank you anne.

    But your answer leaves me with another question.

    What are your other two claims to fame?

  30. At 12:02 AM on 28 Oct 2006, Luc wrote:

    Piper ... do you long to see all podiatrists in the buff? (or just those from Hungary?)
    Would that mean that you're a 'foot specialist fetishist'?

    Anyway, as I mentioned, he's been loyally with his partner for 15 years now. They are - of course- head over heels for each other.

  31. At 12:11 AM on 28 Oct 2006, Luc wrote:

    Hi Ms Trellis!

    Just like you I'm back on the bitch and feeling god!

    Ooohh, the blasphemy of it!


  32. At 12:12 AM on 28 Oct 2006, wrote:

    anne : well there we are, I thought it was me who had something to do with the word "frog", maybe I just had a comment on the same thread, nearby the Great Naming Of The Frog.

    Reflected glory is close enough for me though, most of the time. (I did have a postcard and a strapline, so I'm in amongst 'em. Having a mention on PM and winning a prize are my next goals in life. I aim high, Feel The Fear etc.)

    (Hey Val, did you spot that full-stop/parenthesis thing I did there?)

    Love to all

  33. At 12:39 AM on 28 Oct 2006, Sara wrote:

    I just popped down to the beach but I think everyone's gone home.

    I'm sad cos I've got a cold. Where's Appy? I know she would sympathise. Does no-one care? Not good, getting a cold on a Friday evening!

    I had a large whisky at the beach already, but I think another is called for.

    Dr H - just thought I'd ask for some medical advice, if you're there, since you mentioned smoking (14). They can stuff the alcopops; I haven't had one cigarette since July 2 (apart from one small backslidding) - but now I've got this cold, I could really fancy some nicotine. How long before that goes away? Or alternatively, do you have some supplies I could smoke quietly behind the dunes on the beach?

    Whisky and bed time ...

  34. At 01:34 AM on 28 Oct 2006, Mr. I. Kew wrote:

    Well, stap me vitals!
    Just when the system was sussed -
    A surprise strap-line.

  35. At 06:27 AM on 28 Oct 2006, Rosalind wrote:

    So the newsletter is on the blog. Is that good enough I ask you? Well? Is it? But it was interesting and funny so I am a happy bunny.
    'Sara feeling better', excellent advice, well put. I don't have any jokes but my grandson is here so will ask him for some.
    And puppy has found a children's toy which squeaks. Oh dear.

  36. At 09:43 AM on 28 Oct 2006, wrote:

    ...I was too tired last night to place the odds for a strap line today.

    Honestly, coders!

    But what a haiku, Mr I Kew!

  37. At 11:28 AM on 28 Oct 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Sara (33),

    I am indeed sorry to hear about your cold. If you are a bit stressed or run down you will pick these things up more easily, and I understand that giving up smoking is quite stressful, so I expect it has contributed. Don't give in - if it helps in the process of resistence think of the heartless parasites who make money out of destroying your health and making you need to clean you clothes, hair, teeth and house more often and it's your money. If you can resist now you are definitely winning.

    Good luck, and take it easy - do something nice and luxurious just for yourself: You deserve it.

    A, x.

  38. At 12:11 PM on 28 Oct 2006, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    Oh No!

    Listening to Feedback referenced above, I've just found out what's happening on the Archers! I haven't had a chance to hear it for ages, but Ruth and David? Doing that? Never!

    Please please please please please Eddie. Whatever you do, don't let your scriptwriters do that kind of thing to you to spice up ratings!

    (What do you mean PM's real?)

  39. At 01:46 PM on 28 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Sara (33) - take this pamphlet, quick.

  40. At 02:26 PM on 28 Oct 2006, Chris the Pickle wrote:

    Sara - well done for kicking the weed!! :O) I gave up about 9 years ago and can't even imagine smoking now. I agree with Appy - do nice things for yourself with your hard-earned cash!

    FFred - are you on the beach telling snippets about your date? I haven't been to look, yet am bursting to know! I hope all went well, as you seem to be the sort of chap who deserves a lovely lady (assuming she is lovely of course).

    Back to the ironing - anyone fancy doing some for me? There's a Thornton's Continental in it for the first to offer.

  41. At 02:30 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Hi andylurve - ex!, but I really, really don't want to slip back into old ways....I just couldn't resist JPalook! Btw, I left a message for you somewhere the other night - I think it was in the Other Place. Re your own competition?

    Quiet today? Are we all back in August, I'd better go and see

  42. At 02:58 PM on 28 Oct 2006, Luc wrote:

    It was much busier last Saturday Val (do you mind if I call you Val?).

    The thing is that last weekend Eddie asked us all to talk, but this week we're not sure if we should.


  43. At 04:52 PM on 28 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Hi everyone...

    Sorry I've been quiet. I'm trying to get everything that needs to be done this w/e done today, so that I can relax tomorrow. So, I'll be bust for an hour or two yet (ironing and cleaning) then I can pop back to August to fill you all on on the date, promise! Plus, I'll be brining a bottle of Malt with me to the beach, but it won't get opened 'til midnight...

  44. At 05:10 PM on 28 Oct 2006, luc wrote:

    Mmmmm ... Horlicks on the beach,my favourite.

    Don't forget the bourbons Fred, or you'll have nothing to dunk!

  45. At 05:34 PM on 28 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Wrong sort of Malt, Luc! Mines' the tipe aged ten years in oak casks...

    And tomorrow, there'll be cake, as well as jelly & ice cream!!

  46. At 06:06 PM on 28 Oct 2006, Sara wrote:

    I've just been down to the beach, but no-one's there yet. Valery P was there earlier but got bored hanging around.

    It's a bit windy down there for my with my cold. Thanks so much for the kind sympathy Appy - it has made me feel much better. Also the excellent pamphlet, Dr H - the craving's now gone. The great thing about not smoking (since before the beach party even ! !) is that my baby daughter (aged nearly 27) has given up too, which has made her husband very happy and prospects for any potential grandchildren much better.

    Re the grandchildren - I live in hope!

  47. At 06:27 PM on 28 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Well, you've got my support Sara, as I gave up a little while before you (early June). It's not always easy, but it's worth it!

    I plan on being back on the beach a little later on, once the barbeque starts going....

  48. At 06:37 PM on 28 Oct 2006, luc wrote:

    Urrrgh! 10 year old Horlicks.

    that's weird!


  49. At 06:46 PM on 28 Oct 2006, luc wrote:

    Valerie .... you wouldn't by any chance be former PM presenter Valerie Singleton in real life would you?

    I hope you are, I was your biggest fan in the 70s.


  50. At 06:51 PM on 28 Oct 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Brrrr - much too cold for the beach now. FF, watch that radiomalt, you might start broadcasting. Or glowing in the dark. Unless it's aged in sherry casks, which might make it respectable. Who knows.

    And, yes, if there really is [sic] moonlight, and laughter, and love, and romance:
    Well, we know what to do! Face the music and...

  51. At 06:54 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Oh Fearless!! you love - it's your birthday tomorrow isn't it?? Did you think we had forgotten? No wonder you want to get all the housework out of the way, so the party starts at midnight on the beach does it? Will it be a chocolate cake? See you there (even if it's not chocolate cake of course). Can we bring pressies, or are we giving to charity instead?

  52. At 07:02 PM on 28 Oct 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Well, much firework activity around here at the moment. Thought Diwali was last w/end, so is this Eid?

    Pow! Wham! Smash! (and if anyone can finish this series off, you have my enduring admiration)

  53. At 07:07 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Yup, Luc, you can call me Val - most do out in the outside world. I'm quite enjoying the experience of getting my full title in the ether here, makes me feel like I'm back at school again.
    So call me anything, as long as it's not rude

  54. At 07:10 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Annasee, I've left you a special request on "Lissa" a few minutes ago. Hope you get it?

  55. At 07:37 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Well, that's very strange, Fearless, I left you a message here before the 48 one for Annasee. Just moments after yours posted at 6.27,So where is it then? Something about chocolate cake on the beach later, has it been modded?
    Oh well, we'll see you there anyway, don't be shy, I remember why!

  56. At 07:47 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    Ok , now Annasee's has vanished and my earlier ones have turned up plus all of Frances' and another of Luc's. No Luc dear, I'm not Valerie Singleton, tho I am quite good with sticky backed plastic (more on that in an earlier blog)

  57. At 07:55 PM on 28 Oct 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    Sara (46) - Is there a beach in Hope, too, or is it located inland?

    Frances (52) - I’ve heard this one. Is it VripVripVrip!?

  58. At 07:57 PM on 28 Oct 2006, luc wrote:

    Many happy returns Fearless!

    If you can stretch out August a little longer then you'll have the weather for it

    BTW ... I hope you're planning to celebrate properly with a drop or four of the hard stuff - no milky bedtime drinks on your birthday!

    have a good one!

  59. At 08:04 PM on 28 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Oh Frances Oh!! This is too wierd! To those who know their mals really well, Sherry casks would indeed give the answer:))

    Valp:-) Are you trying to make me blush?!? I just want to have a fun day with my fellow froggers, have some fun (& ice cream!) and have a nice weekend:D

  60. At 08:47 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    You don't need to blush FF, just have fun! See you l8r, gotta go collect TD from town....back soon.

  61. At 09:13 PM on 28 Oct 2006, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    Fearless: that's sneaky... timing your birthday so that it's an hour longer than most other peoples'.

    Shiny! Have a great day!

  62. At 09:45 PM on 28 Oct 2006, wrote:

    SSC: "shiny" Am I right in thinking that you're a browncoat?

  63. At 10:11 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    What's a browncoat? It doesn't sound too nice? Anything to do with sunburn?

  64. At 10:13 PM on 28 Oct 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Oh FF oh! Knowing our macs might almost align us...

    btw, is it yr birthday tomorrow? Really?

    Dr Hack: Oh, if it were so simple.

    Remember to adjust your clocks, froggers!

    ps Hello Valery

  65. At 10:16 PM on 28 Oct 2006, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    FF; Well spotted! You too?

    (For other froggers: Browncoats are fans of US TV show Firefly, possibly the best TV science fiction to come from that side of the pond. A bit like Blake's 7 merged with the aftermath of the American civil war. Very funny dialogue.)

  66. At 10:44 PM on 28 Oct 2006, marymary wrote:

    What a strange place this is!

    I have no idea what folk are going on about.

    If there is a party on a beach though can I bring a bottle of white wine? Will I be sent behind the dunes if I light up?

    Will I get wet?


  67. At 11:18 PM on 28 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    marymary, the more the merrier. Come on down to Day One, the water's lovely in August.

    Hi Frances O - still got those shoes?

  68. At 01:06 AM on 29 Oct 2006, Mr. I. Kew wrote:

    Two strap-line weekend,
    Gasp! And Shaun Ley will pronounce
    Lissa's name aright.

  69. At 01:13 AM on 29 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Happy birthday Fred,

    Been a busy day, you've all clearly had fun, sorry I didn't make it.

    Val, You must have switched locatiions ??

    I ventured down but just saw the remnants of a smiley face in the sand and an empty bottle of scotch

    and a Walnut Whip wrapper :-(

  70. At 01:20 AM on 29 Oct 2006, wrote:

    440 posts on the beach!

    That has to be a record ?

    I wonder if CE has achieved that Joe ?

  71. At 01:37 AM on 29 Oct 2006, Artie Thurdstroak wrote:

    Now, that's interestiing.

    GMT has kicked in and reshuffled the order of the postings, knocking back the 1.00 am (plus) BST timed posts and inserted them amongst the 1.00 am (plus) GMT posts.

    Well I think it's interesting.
    (Other opinions are available.)

  72. At 07:05 PM on 29 Oct 2006, wrote:

    Val : There's a Cow for you in the other place, a nice one, a smiley one ... :)

  73. At 07:07 PM on 29 Oct 2006, wrote:

    marymary [66] : don't say that, people have got into all sorts of trouble for less!

  74. At 10:08 PM on 29 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    andycMooo - I'm sure it's in the eye of the beholder?

  75. At 12:00 PM on 30 Oct 2006, valery pedant wrote:

    andycMooo - your 72 wasn't there when I wrote 74, there's a note for you there too now :o)

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