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December the 17th

Eddie Mair | 07:10 UK time, Sunday, 17 December 2006

and I thought another weekend photo from Roberto would be nice:



  1. At 10:20 AM on 17 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    A lovely photo, Roberto. Thank you.

    And an appropriate choice for the Sunday before Christmas, Eddie.

    But, dear man, why up so early again? Haven't I told you about the benefits of chamomile tea?

  2. At 10:35 AM on 17 Dec 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Just thought I'd better pop in to say thank you to Lord M for my strapline. The first I've seen. And so appropriate for the forthcoming jollity.

    A mair cantie day than today I cannot imagine!

  3. At 10:51 AM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Jonnie (9, yesterday) he claims he has it.....so either he's just teasing us or he's saving it for Christmas Dinner! I refuse to beg.....

  4. At 10:59 AM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Lovely picture!

    (Just not mine). *cries uncontrollably*

    Is the Chris Evans programme any good?


  5. At 11:19 AM on 17 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Hi guys. If you're reading this and haven't looked at the Suffolk thread, Karen has posted an update this morning which I thought rather interesting.

  6. At 12:36 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    mary, he's saving you for a special day, maybe...

    Roberto, lovely picture, where was it taken?

  7. At 12:37 PM on 17 Dec 2006, eddie mair wrote:

    Madmary (4) don't be downhearted...or drawn in my those naughty suggestions yesterday that Roberto is more valued that other froggers. You're all adored equally. Except perhaps Lissa. And Chris does a marvellous show. It's what I have on in MY headphones every night from 5....

  8. At 12:58 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Eddie is that you? We're all adored! *sigh*


  9. At 01:00 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hee Hee,

    See Roberto is so valued. Tomorrow we could be celebrating his Hat trick.

    And as for Chris E :-

    Yes he's fabulous. I would go as far as selling my house and all it's contents to help fund his salary.

    He even has a traffic lady who keeps you informed of potential jams -- as the Radio 4 listeners tend not to commute.

    But there were all those pictures of dashboards in WoYW photo's. Perhaps Eddie should have a traffic lady ? An Extra job for Lissa or Amanada -- or a Froggie Freebie Helen could may be oblige. :-)

  10. At 01:06 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Sister Mary: But it was YOU he replied to, lucky girl! And on a Sunday.

    Eddie - We love you!

  11. At 01:18 PM on 17 Dec 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Hm, Eddie. Chris E on your headphones at 5, eh? I wonder if you're on his...?

    So now you want us to admire your multitasking, - Do you do Sudoku at the same time?

  12. At 01:21 PM on 17 Dec 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Don't you just love this man?

    Tell us, Eddie Multitasker, do you do Sudoku at the same time?

    And does Chrissie exchange the compliment, I wonder?

  13. At 02:11 PM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    It's what I have on in MY headphones every night from 5.... that explains a lot

  14. At 02:16 PM on 17 Dec 2006, eddie mair wrote:

    On The Ledge (10) Sodoku defeats me. I tried it once on a long plane journey. After two anxious hours I was ready to fill in the last square with a number eight, before realising there was one already in the same line.

  15. At 02:17 PM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Anyone else bogged down with christmas cards? I'm still on 'abroad'.......... This wretched computer keep interrupting me. Should we get Roberto a Prefect's badge, do you think?

  16. At 02:31 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Big Sister, I feel very lucky today. *beams proudly!*


  17. At 02:38 PM on 17 Dec 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Oh, Eddie, do persevere! Or, on the other hand, don't. I'm 'hooked', I'm afraid - that's why I don't contribute to the Blog as much as I'd like to .....

    If it's any consolation, my mother, when she first saw a Sudoku, exclaimed, "Well, that's easy enough" and proceeded to fill in the grid with numbers from 1-9 randomly, completing it in less than a minute. Imagine her chagrin when I explained the rules to her! Mind you, the whole family now refers to a certain high street chain as TickyBoo since she first told us how to pronounce Tch .....

    Did you enjoy your lunch, by the way?

  18. At 02:41 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    So is it just girlies who Frog at weekends ? Excluding Roberto of, course!

    Interesting - no ?

    Frances O
    Helen Sparkles
    Valery P
    admin annie

  19. At 02:56 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    And as it's the run up to Christmas I thought I'd dig out a few clips to make us smile.

    This one from 麻豆官网首页入口 Radio Shropshire when a listener was convinced that a two foot owl had visited the local hospital : give it a few secs to load as it's an MP3 file.

  20. At 02:59 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Just peeped at the Chris E Blog. I see what other froggers mean about the postings under Chris, London. But I see no comments on his Blog.

    Chris 0 - Eddie 15000

    I always knew this was a quality blog!

  21. At 03:01 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Jonnie, you are NOT a girl! Nor is Eddie!

  22. At 03:03 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Ledgie, (2) didn't you see this one last time it was up? I must say, I appreciate it hugely. Wit and kultcha. Great!

    Jonnie, let's have a girlie party. Sparkling or still? Water and wine, 'course. Nibbles. Hair products, nail stuff, music. Eddie can join us (if he dares) as long as he doesn't mind being the subject of such concentrated female adoration. Perhaps we should invite Mrs Eddie, too.

    We could rattle off a few sudokus as well.

  23. At 03:17 PM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Jonnie (18) so you're calling Eric a girlie as well then? And yourself in fact....

  24. At 03:34 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Whoops! Forgot about Eddie

  25. At 03:48 PM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Big Sis (21) maybe they are Mandy & Tracey at the weekend. In which case, they can join the party.......

  26. At 03:59 PM on 17 Dec 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    Frances O: No, didn't know it had been up before. Sorry I missed it first time round, but better late than never.

    I'm rather hoping Eddie will use it as his Hogmanay strapline, given that it's from the great Rabbie. But then again perhaps he'll save it for Burns night ....

    Re the Party: I'm up for it! Make mine the real thing, though: Top Bubbles a la Edina (NOT Jose Cuervo - we'll leave that for Eddie!), maybe some freshly squeezed OJ (okay, we can mix them if we want), top tottie nibbles, forget the hair stuff (not my scene, nor Eddie's), and lots of goss.

    Do we have a height limit for heels? I'm all for 4"+ (on other people, of course!)

  27. At 04:03 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Jonnie: FORGOT ABOUT EDDIE? How could you!

  28. At 04:38 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    This is a photo of the Virgin of Charity taken during the Christmas Season at its Chapel. It was not easy to take the photo for the 麻豆官网首页入口 and for my family at 麻豆官网首页入口 PM. Photos inside this Chapel are prohibited.

    Thanks 麻豆官网首页入口 PM for publishing it.

  29. At 04:46 PM on 17 Dec 2006, admin annie wrote:

    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can't do Sudoku, although to be fair I don;t really see the point of it anyway.

    I just have about 20 cards left to do gossipmistress, and am wondering if I can still risk second class or need to spend a hefty amount of money tomorrow getting first class stamps.

    BTW did we hit that 15000th comment?

  30. At 05:00 PM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Frances & OTL as it happens I've just been to the Retail Park to hunter-gather some quality nibbles and Oudinot so do help yourselves (Other Champagne wasn't, unfortuantely available)

    And look! our guests have arrived straight from Cinderella! Welcome please, the ugly sisters
    Bubbles a la Edina and Jose Cuervo

  31. At 05:30 PM on 17 Dec 2006, OnTheLedge wrote:

    GM: Ugly sisters indeed!
    The Bubbles sound lovely, just up my street. I'll provide some of my Mum's (joke! - though she does do a good elderflower champagne, in between trying to get the hang of Sudoku, of course.) Alternatively I could hunt out some Bolly.

    A thought has occurred to me. Our Eddie may not have got his 'Diana Concert' tickets. If anyone out there has got spares, I'm sure Lord M would love an extra Christmas present!

  32. At 05:45 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Big Sister (20) Of course this is the superior blog, but there are lots of comments on Chris's blog I'm afraid. I even left one once!

    Send it all 2nd admin annie, but reward your postie with a mince pie if he has to walk faste! As for abroad gossipmistress, ecards are the only way those cards will arrive this side of Christmas! Are they ever acceptable do you think?

    What is the point of Suduko then?

  33. At 05:59 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    ecards are great Helen. Especially the ones that have snow that falls. I used to have a link to some but can't find it.


  34. At 06:01 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Sparkles: Sudoku is pretty pointless, but I try to kid myself it's a form of mental keep fit. Not so as to avoid the physical stuff, you understand!

  35. At 06:57 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Well, I scorned sudoku (being pretty much dyspraxic) till I tried it; then I was frustrated at not being able to work it out; then I worked out the secret tip no-one ever gives you and now I can complete 'easy' ones! Pretty good for one who can't remember a phone number unless I chant it over and over like some weird incantation

  36. At 07:46 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Right. No heels over 4" - is that OK? Pass your glasses and don't hog the nibbles. Pin that pic of Eric up there, next to J Depp. And let's PAAAAARTYYYYYYYY!

    Wish Annasee and Fifi were here to give us a bit of music (and anyone else I've forgotten).

  37. At 07:49 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Evening all!

    Sorry for not being around much the last few days, but december intruded in rather a rude way. Congrats to Roberto, of course! I would be jealous about the two consecutive photos, but I'm still on a high since getting the strapline on Friday :-)

    Can't stay too long, as Hogfather starts in 10 minutes, and I still hav a number of threads to catch up on, as well as a trip to the beach. Talk to you all later!


  38. At 08:05 PM on 17 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Hi FF! See you when you get back.

    I decided to be daring and put on my 3 inchers. So I'd better not drink TOO much of the lubberlyjubberly, had I?

    Okay. time to dance on the ceiling with Arnold Wesker.

  39. At 08:32 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Hi all,

    Just back from work (I know, I know, it's Sunday but for some odd reason it's double time - so we did one show but got paid for 2 goody goody.) While there I was watching the player next to me who managed to complete a "Killer" sudoku while playing the show. Not to make you feel inadequate or anything Eddie, but this is reading music, playing an instrument & watching the conductor at the same time. He said he found it really easy. I found that depressing. I did a couple of kids level ones once, & found it mildly interesting. Then couldn't do the harder ones, got depressed & decided life is too short to fret about a load of numbers. They don't fret about me, so why should I bother?

    However I'm doing a really tricky quiz someone brought into the show last week. It's cryptic, & all the answers are fish! (Already you're interested, aren't you?) We don't have the answers, so unless someone works them out, we'll never know. I've got quite a lot already, though it does make my mind wander a bit.Hard to keep dragging it back to the job underway...

    BTW- FFred, according to Jonnie, you must be a girl. So is Eddie apparently. You'd better choose a name quick. I think Mandy & Tracey have gone already.

  40. At 08:34 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    I'm a bit tall for high heels, but if you insist!

    Glad rags are on!


  41. At 09:08 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    ...hum, am I girlie for frogging on the beach this weekend? While I was in fact doing significant investigative reporting about abuse of the English language (also visit my blog, follow the link on my name, since I cannot upload the photos/evidence to the frog). Where's Lynn Truss when you need her...

    Well done, Roberto, this latest photo is especially welcome. Do you tune into the R4 "Nine lessons & carols" service on Xmas eve? By chance, at the last second ~ I had to phone my family with apologies that I would be late ~ I got a ticket for it one year, and it really is worth it.

  42. At 09:34 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    And I'm Tracy,

    Mandy Mair scans well though!

  43. At 09:42 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Deepthought, you can be a girlie here or on the beach today. I think Mandy's adoration has sent us other girls a bit giddy!


  44. At 10:32 PM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Ah! I see the party is in full swing! Did I miss much? I see Tracy & Mandy are on the dancefloor - just look at that hip action!

    Annasee - I never knew a harp could play Elvis like that. And Fifi - what a voice!

    And is that Big Sis trying to complete a sudoku on Sean Bean's chest? Mind where you put that '7' Big Sis!

    More bubbles please! Who cares about the christmas cards.....lalalalalalalalala!!!

  45. At 10:40 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Actually, please don't call Eddie "Mandy". That name is forever associated in my mind with that wonderfully raven- haired politician chappie. The one who's doing so well for us in Europe. If you read "Private Eye" then the name Mandy will always belong to him. And I don't like the image thus conjured up in my mind.

    "Edina" might be better. Or anything else.

  46. At 11:19 PM on 17 Dec 2006, valery p (Tumbleflump Holly-Hippoface) wrote:

    OOh, I've missed the party - that's because I've spent the last two days doing all the housework that I've missed out on since Eddie started this Blog in August!

    It wasn't untill i started moving things around to put up all the christmas decorations that I discovered what a sl*t I've been in the corners and so on.....Still, tis done now (well in the rooms you can see, that is), and all the decs are up minus the fairy, who is in dire need of a new frock. We opened the Cava to drink in front of the log fire, in celebration, so I'd better not tackle her frock tonight.

    Sudoku, pass I'm afraid, tried it, couldn't see the point, probably because I couldn't work out what I was supposed to be doing with it. What's your secret tip FrancesO? I really could do with some mental stimulation. Being a word person of course, I prefer crosswords etc, but I could do with a change. Suggestions?

    Aso to heels, the taller the better, since I'm only 5 ft in a good light and a following wind.

    Lovely photo Roberto, thank you.

  47. At 11:19 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    ..the last thing I am is "girlie". I feel like Charles Collingworth, in his photo for the Macey wedding in The Archers... like the only male in the sea of liberal females...(apart from Kate and Nolly, two missing females)...

    Even as my younger brother, on phoning me to announce the birth of my younger neice (and god-daughter) put it, "the family name's now up to you...."... No pressure, then...

  48. At 11:29 PM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Mary mind your head on that......oops too late! You're just so tall in THOSE shoes. Do you need an ice-pack for that? Plenty in the ice bucket around that champagne...

  49. At 11:53 PM on 17 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    don't worry Deepthought (47) (hic!) all will return to normal with the magic of the new strapline on the stroke of midnight.....and boys will be boys again

  50. At 11:53 PM on 17 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Edina Mair :-)

  51. At 12:01 AM on 18 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Ouch! Oh well, I'll just lie down here with a nightcap and fall asleep. The new beach will be up tomorrow.

    Night night froggers.


  52. At 12:06 AM on 18 Dec 2006, Big Sister wrote:

    Oh, Brian Aldridge! C'mon, Deepthought, the dance floor is calling .............

    (Blast, I just broke one of my heels! Still, barefoot's even better)

    Da dee dee da, Da dee dee da, Daaaaa,
    Da Da Da Da .........

  53. At 12:45 AM on 18 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Why am I never here when Eric pops up to say hello? (Sobs).

  54. At 01:46 AM on 18 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Re: Appy!

    No offence to Eddie or all of us but it's probably due to the fact that you have a life!

    That should make me Mr popular for at least 7 days!

    Joking aside- Everyone (including my SO) has gone down with a cold. I've dosed Brian Cant up with Lemsip and Anne Charleston has promised to buy us all a bumper pack of Echinacea in the morning. She is so -- Neighbourly.

    I have a slight sore throat but have just eaten a garlic clove along with a large glass of port.

    Should all be amusing in the morning.

  55. At 02:17 AM on 18 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Thanks Jonnie (54), but is it a life worth living without the attentions of Eric???

    I was at a party last night and people were wondering about former Neighbours cast members. I reportedly confidently that Anne Charleston was currently staying in a hotel in Brighton and was told that that was the most random piece of information I could possibly have imparted (I was nowhere near Brighton at the time). For some reason this makes me smile excessively.

    Dontcha love this frog???

  56. At 02:26 AM on 18 Dec 2006, Rhys Kay wrote:


    Deepthought revealed that Messrs Waitrose speak very highly of you. (Well, that's what I chose to have it mean.)

  57. At 05:52 AM on 18 Dec 2006, wrote:

    Well I might have missed the party last night (or at least I see it carried on after I went to bed) but now I'm raring to go which is a real pain because I should be asleep! For the last hour have been lying awake with the music from the ballet running through my poor tired brain. All those irritatingly catchy carols. Went to numb it with some whisky, only to remember we finished the bottle some days ago, & if I start the new one (remains of Oman duty-free) SO will accuse me of being an alcoholic. Which I'm not. Not even a real social drinker. But how else to switch off the sound track? And we have to get up at 8. Oh well, it'll just have to be the "Today"programme instead. That might work...

  58. At 08:43 AM on 18 Dec 2006, Chris, London. wrote:

    Hi Hi Hi...froggers...I can honestly say as I look out of my bedroom window, mornings do not get more beautiful than this. The sun is low, of course it鈥檚 winter. The light is golden. The shadows long. We know Eric loves looking out of windows don't we?. I have one window in my bedroom, oak framed, stained glass, a straw blind that鈥檚 pulled down but entirely transparent鈥

    The window is on my left. Two big oak trees are the first things to catch my attention and then a little further back, much more visible in the nakedness of December, a beautiful old church with a fine steeple, the sun playing hide and seek behind it. Now you see me, now you don鈥檛.

    There鈥檚 not a cloud in the sky, I hope it stays like this all day, (stand-by Kate O' Mara) I don鈥檛 know if it will I have no idea of the forecast. But I must catch the Today programme to find out about the weather.

    What kind of feeling do you have in your tummy today ? Have you even stopped to think ? . Maybe we do only stop to think this when we know the feeling鈥檚 going to be good.

    My tummy feels amazing today, very at peace with the world, for now at least. I hope it stays like this all day, I haven鈥檛 checked my forecast either.

    鈥淗ate evil,鈥 I heard on Sunday. It was part of a church service I was listening to, 'live' on the 麻豆官网首页入口 World Service. A good sentiment, I thought but the rest of the service was dull, dull, dull, full of expressions like, 鈥淥h king of kings,鈥 and 鈥淟ord we know we have failed you,鈥 neither helped by the voice of the minister who was said them both like he was reading the odds for the 3.30 at Sandown.

    鈥淗ate evil,鈥 uttered by a young woman as part of a reading, on the other hand was big and bold and meant something. 鈥淵eh,鈥 I thought, I鈥檓 more than happy to hate evil. I didn鈥檛 think I hated anything but when it comes to evil I鈥檓 giving it a go.

    鈥淥h king of kings,鈥 such a contradiction in terms. Is God a god or a king? Surely God cannot be a king it doesn鈥檛 make sense. It also suggests that all kings are in some way gods which we know is definitely not true and by the way where鈥檚 there a mention of queens if this is the case.

    鈥淟ord we know we have failed you!鈥 No we don鈥檛. MY mum doesn鈥檛 know she鈥檚 failed you, the thousands of nurses and policemen/women, firemen/women, soldiers鈥 they don鈥檛 know they鈥檝e failed you. You can鈥檛 just stand in a pulpit and repeat things that were once relevant but no longer make little or any sense at all.

    Hate evil鈥 YES YES YES. The rest鈥O NO NO.

    I鈥檝e said before, if the church was a television show, it would have been cancelled years ago because it鈥檚 ratings are so bad. When the script doesn鈥檛 work it鈥檚 time for a re-write, not of the message but of the words that convey such a message. I like the message. HATE EVIL, don鈥檛 miss the new church story coming to a church near you soon.

    My steeple,though now bathed in sunlight, still seems to be drowning in it鈥檚 own darkness.Where it once called us to be saved, I think it鈥檚 time perhaps, we returned the favour.


  59. At 08:57 AM on 18 Dec 2006, gossipmistress wrote:

    Jonnie (50) ha! :-)

    Jonnie (54) here's a bumper pack of mansize tissues for the cold situation - and phew! that garlic's a bit strong!

  60. At 10:45 AM on 18 Dec 2006, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    You might think:

    At 02:17 AM on 18 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote: Thanks Jonnie (54), but is it a life worth living without the attentions of Eric??? but shock, horror:-

    On Saturday I visited the bakery in Nailsworth as photographed in WOYW, and I looked at the gnome holding up the platter of meringues, and said to the young assistant something about the gnome, "As seen on PM." "PM. What's that?" she asked. I could hardly believe there exists someone who hasn't heard of PM.

  61. At 01:06 PM on 18 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Vyle (60),

    If I'd never hard of PM then I'd never have had my heart broken by Eric's aloofness (is that a word?) Ignorance is truly bliss...

  62. At 01:45 PM on 18 Dec 2006, Belinda wrote:

    If I'd never hard of PM

    I never knew that Eddie had that effect on his listeners. Must be all that talk about polytunnels.

  63. At 01:56 PM on 18 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Belinda (62),

    Here's the missing e -- "e" -- but, eh?

  64. At 03:08 PM on 18 Dec 2006, Belinda wrote:

    Aperitif (63). Sorry, I was having a bit of an incomprehensible Carry On moment there.

    Are the 麻豆官网首页入口 showing Morecamble and Wise this year?

  65. At 09:37 PM on 18 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    Oh Belinda don't be sorry - it was just, well, polytunnels???

  66. At 10:39 PM on 18 Dec 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    What are they - do parrots live there?!

  67. At 12:44 AM on 19 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    No Doc, parrots use them as escape routes - after they've hollowed them out and moved all of the extra earth using string contraptions in their trousers...

  68. At 10:00 AM on 19 Dec 2006, Dr Hackenbush wrote:

    This was obviously on one of the PM programmes I missed last week.

  69. At 11:26 PM on 19 Dec 2006, Aperitif wrote:

    There was also one about how a parrot escaped on a motorbike made from feathers -- or was that Steve McQueen? Anyway, he flew too close to the sun, or something, and was recaptured.

    Polytunnels have proven more successful on the whole.

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