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Eddie Mair | 07:22 UK time, Sunday, 4 March 2007

It鈥檚 a place to go when the stresses of your real life need relieving. Sometimes it is fairly quiet and you might feel like you鈥檙e the only one around, but you can leave your 鈥榝ootprints鈥 for others to find later on. Othertimes it is the home for a real party, with constant gossip, leg-pulling, rumour, innuendo, chit-chat and weirdness. If this were a forum (and it sort of is because we post responses to each other, not just to Eddie, hence our term for ourselves 'Froggers', a combination of forum and blogger) then the beach would be the off-topic area.

It's a tropical location, no matter the time of year it's always warm and pleasant there. Sunrises and sunsets are spectacular, the evenings balmy. It has a number of different locations; the Nick Clarke waterfront bar; the smokers corner; Fido's Run for the dog-walkers; the Naughty Step and many others.

How do you find your way around? There is no direct answer to the question. The beach is a moveable feast, literally. It will be renewed by our Lord and master Mr. Edward de Mair each Monday morning. This is because we have found in the past that when the number of posts exceeds about 600 the entire thing becomes unwieldy and unstable. A case of the beach turning to quicksand.

Froggers often leave bottles / glasses / trays of their favourite tipple on the bar for others to sample, not to mention big / small eats.

There is a herd of camels who frequent the sands, which froggers are very fond of. There are sun-loungers, so you can take it easy and catch some rays. Quite often the late-night attendees will have a barbie.
It's a fun place, with only one real rule; Be nice to each other; we are ALL chums here. New Froggers are ALWAYS welcome.

The real debate happens on the other threads. The beach is a place for banter, whimsy, relaxation and friendship, where jarring comments are not particularly welcome. There are certain very mild protocols, which you tend to pick up as you go along. So slip your shoes off, feel the sand between your toes, relax and enjoy yourself.


  1. At 09:20 AM on 04 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Eddie, darling, blue really isn't your colour. At least, the air-force blue is quite fetching, but white text against blue-grey-almost white background just doesn't work. Owey-eyes. And why didn't my post from last night arrive? I checked both beaches....
    Other than that, obviously, you're all wonderful.
    Anna x

  2. At 10:00 AM on 04 Mar 2007, wrote:

    The tide has clearly come in. Everything has been washed away in the blue sea including my last effort to post this.

    I've built a raft and saved the booze!


  3. At 10:26 AM on 04 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Sorry, my (1) should have said: Blue!

  4. At 10:37 AM on 04 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    If you can read this and want to bypass Bill Gates' offerings and still read the Blog try and download Firefox as your browser.

    I much prefer it, don't have shares in it and of course other browsers are available....

  5. At 12:45 PM on 04 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hey it's a secret blog, like vanishing ink! Pssst! 006 - it's snowing in St Petersburg and the Eagle has landed!

  6. At 12:51 PM on 04 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Anne P - Done as you suggest. It took two minutes and is working fine!

  7. At 01:11 PM on 04 Mar 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    is it just me or can you not see / read the strapline whilst on the beach? what about on the other threads?


  8. At 01:26 PM on 04 Mar 2007, wrote:

    n-n (8),

    It could be your browser. Like Anne P, I strongly recommend Firefox (link above (5)).

    Otherwise, the frog is particularly hoppy today.

  9. At 01:29 PM on 04 Mar 2007, Frances O wrote:

    I'm not allowed to post on 'Blue', and the Beach has washed away my name and email. Serves me right, I suppose, for being smug about using Firefox.

  10. At 01:33 PM on 04 Mar 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Well, I can read the frog. But the Beach has washed away my name and email addie, and 'Blue' told me several times that I wasn't allowed to post. Sigh.

    Kettle's on.

  11. At 02:06 PM on 04 Mar 2007, Frances O wrote:

    I've just opened IE and it's black on white for me, and the page has lost much of its formatting.

    But I'm using a Mac (OS X) so maybe that has something to do with it...

    Is 'Jem Stone' around????

  12. At 03:20 PM on 04 Mar 2007, wrote:

    More Lying Scotsman songs have been released from the studio and are currently lurking on a CD at my place.

    If anyone would like to hear what we sound like, you know how to contact me - either directly or via the weblink by clicking on my name.

    Wonder when we'll fix this silly colours business!

    Fifi ;o)

    PS over at the Cransley, Simon's painting in the hallway.....

  13. At 08:21 PM on 04 Mar 2007, wrote:

    ah Frances O in your mac...

    on, on your mac... sorry... ON your mac...

    mind's wandering....

    maybe just a blue comment...


    I guess for everyone else, its their PC gone mad!

    (blimey, what the dell am I on about??)

  14. At 09:35 PM on 04 Mar 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Wot, no one here?
    Annasee- what does 'I don't do bbc' mean? Not ever? or is it txt spk for something unmentionable? Or are we just terribly, terribly unfashionable?
    How can anyone not do bbc? I feel gently outraged. Pass me some soothing juice pls.

  15. At 10:10 PM on 04 Mar 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    7.22AM ??

    on a Sunday?!?

    my goodness, that's keen. Myself, I was barely back from hoeing the mustard, er, shoeing the cows, erm, milking the goats, (how'my doing so far?)...

    I bet even Paddy O'C is barely in broadcasting house by 7:22am on a sunday!

    I'm beginning to get the hang of this blue beach. if you wiggle your laptop screen like this and then bend your head like so

    doh, fell off the chair again!

    going to the NCM bar to see if anyone;s having those nibbles...


  16. At 06:41 AM on 05 Mar 2007, Belinda wrote:

    I'll ill! I need lots of sympathy. Apparently I haven't been unable to escape the lurgy which has been going around work. :o(

    I'm very pleased that the Frog is better though. I have sacrified myself so that the Frog may live.

  17. At 08:19 AM on 05 Mar 2007, gossipmistress wrote:

    Morning Belinda, sorry you're poorly. Tuck yoursels up with some hot lemon & honey - I've left it on the bar for you

    Glad to see yesterday's blue wave has subsided!
    I wonder what was up?

  18. At 09:01 AM on 05 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Morning all, just trying to see if I can post here as the main thread is blocking me repeatedly.

    Happy Monday.

  19. At 09:13 AM on 05 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Hello -
    What the blueness, the tides and all this firefoxing malarkey I'm quite glad I stayed in Mrach this weekend! (Though the nepalese meal on sat along with the lunar eclipse was a very plesant diversion).

    Have a collection of soothing herbal teas so take your pick and some lovely local honey to go on some thick homemade bread/toast (homemade toast sounded a bit odd).

    Happy monday all (Fifi - will have a listen when am near a pc with speakers....no fun at work sometimes!)

  20. At 09:41 AM on 05 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Belinda, my dad has also caught it. What on earth have you and he been getting up to??

    Sorry to hear you're poorly. I recommend regular doses of cold remedy and plenty of liquids. And a warm duvet, and radio 4 on a low volume setting.

    Hope you feel much better soon. And Dad too, of course.

    Fifi xx

  21. At 10:19 AM on 05 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Dahlia - yes, I wondered that too! How could he say that? (I'm guessing he - don't know why) Unless he was in USA or something? But even so...
    We're probably just unfashionable

    PS No use asking me about txtspeak. I don't do txting.

  22. At 11:51 AM on 05 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Distress....my post hasn't appeared and I didn't get 502'd or anything (and the missive I added to teh Furrowed Brow afterwards is there....) Have been sent to the Naughty Step in absentia??? :(

  23. At 12:17 PM on 05 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Sorry there's so much illness around. Hope everybody's soon feeling better. And I'll keep schtum about my own ailments, projectile food being involved ...

    Chin up! as the actress said to the vomiting bishop.

  24. At 12:22 PM on 05 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hope you're feleing a bit better today Belinda.

    RJD, glad you posted your 4 -- until then I thought your 1 meant "Boo! Here's a beach!" which would've been a really silly thing to say...

  25. At 01:35 PM on 05 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap - I was trying to frighten the Blog into life with my "Boo!". I would never "Boo!" without reason. And as for "Boo! Here's a whatever!" - I agree. That's just plain silly.

  26. At 01:40 PM on 05 Mar 2007, Frances O wrote:

    whisht, you promised not to tell.

  27. At 01:46 PM on 05 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Personally I think I need more boo's (although with a positive intonation)

  28. At 02:11 PM on 05 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    RJD - I answered you on t'other Beach, before I realised this one had sprung into life.

    Talking about springing into life - did I make some self-congratulatory remark a few weeks ago about all the rest of my family, and everyone on the Blog, and the rest of the known universe having the lurgy - except me? Well, it serves me right, I've got it now and that explains why I was feeling touchy on Friday I guess....Don't touch me now, or I'll cough, or wheeze, or sneeze, or collapse or something else unpleasant.

    Now where are the ingredients for that reviving Hot Toddy again?

  29. At 02:38 PM on 05 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Oh poor Valery! Here's virtual hug (no actual touching required). At least you are warm now (just saw an earlier thread -- we all know Eric never swears...)

  30. At 02:38 PM on 05 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Nikki Noodle -
    Just caught up with the previous beach, love my mandarin translation!!

    Val P -
    there were so many recipes knocking around but theres some rum and whiskey on the NC bar that may help!

  31. At 07:31 PM on 05 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Witchiwoman (27) Hahaha - here's a nice big glass of your favourite tipple! ;-)

  32. At 09:48 PM on 05 Mar 2007, Molly wrote:

    Well it frightened me-sspringing like that with a lurgy thing too.

    Into the hammock with you!

    Hope you feel better tomorrow'


  33. At 10:01 AM on 06 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    It seems oddly quiet....are we all clogged somwhere?

  34. At 10:03 AM on 06 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:


    Is anybody out there?

    I've left some oat and ginger cookies on the bar next to a large pot of English Breakfast tea. Help yourselves.

  35. At 10:22 AM on 06 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Anne P - I think we were all tumbling around in the ether for a bit; my brain certianly feels like it!

  36. At 10:49 AM on 06 Mar 2007, Belinda wrote:


  37. At 10:57 AM on 06 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    This one is for Fiona:

    Fiona, you asked me on the last Beach (which I've only just got back to) about Chichester. Yes, I do live near to that city, where I've also worked. It has a good feel to it, wide streets in the centre, and the main ones are pedestrianised, which makes it feel relaxed. The theatre is a great facility, shopping is pretty good and appears to be improving generally. There are other good centres within reasonable reach to make up for any deficiencies.

    Flooding used to be a seasonal problem, though there've been a huge number of improvements to overcome this and I don't think it's a problem now.

    Nearby you've some great places, to visit, or to consider for living. If you like to be near the sea, Bosham or Emsworth are very popular. Or, if like me you're a rural bod, there's a huge choice of villages in the vicinity which offer tranquility and beauty in variable degrees, but all with pretty good access to Chichester and other centres.

    And, of course, there's Goodwood, polo at Midhurst, sailing .... the list goes on and on.

  38. At 11:46 AM on 06 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Aperitif (31) -

    Thanks for that!! Bit delayed but I may just have a slurp now....or maybe after the gym would be better!!

    Belinda - I'm guessing by that groan that more toddy action is required?

  39. At 01:19 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Belinda, perhaps we could create a groaning symphony. If I stand up I get dizzy but if I lie down I cough. Any suggestions folks?

    P.S oh yes, and the central heating boiler's packed in again, now we need a new pump apparently. Eeeek.

  40. At 01:26 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Hello everyone, and hello Big Sis - thank you very much for your helpful reply. It's certainly nice to get a personal recommendation from someone who actually lives there. We have agreed we will give France a go (being the Plan A that we have talked about for so long), and if it doesn't work out and we decide we do want to come back to UK then that would be one of our preferred areas to look (I also like the idea of living in Devon or Cornwall) Really just want to be somewhere with nice countryside, easy access to the sea. Somewhere that feels like a nice English country village (i.e. has to have a small village post office/shop, wee school and a lovely pub with a proper olde worlde charm :) )

    Speaking of flooding - we live in a flood zone, as we once nearly flooded about 4 years ago. So we are now condemmed to be forever known as a flood zone! I had my bank insist they could beat my home insurance quote so we went through the whole rigmarole (spelling?) of the million questions that they ask you only to be told at the end that they can't quote for my area!! Grr - why could they not have told me that in the beginning instead of wasting both our times!!

    I now need to unwind with a soothing cup of cammomile tea so I am just going to grab one of these sun loungers for a few minutes.

    Hope all you sickly bods out there are feeling better. I had second hand illness to deal with all weekend - vomitting child Saturday night/through Sunday morning and then major coughing fits from the other child Sunday night/Monday morning. Had about 6 hours sleep in total. So my sympathies all round x

  41. At 01:34 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Thanks for the non-touching hug btw Appy :o), and others' assorted good wishes. All gratefully received and applied to various ailments. I'm just going to jack up the top end of this sun lounger and see if I can lie down without coughing - that would be most welcome. Perhaps I could sip something sustaining through a straw (not more cough syrup though).

  42. At 06:47 PM on 06 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Val P

    "If I stand up I get dizzy but if I lie down I cough."

    Surely I've heard that in a song lyric. Hope you are feeling better. You too, Belinda

  43. At 10:42 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    RJD - I may write the rest of the lyrics, if I ever feel halfway human again :o), how musical are you? Surely Fifi could help us out, we could sell it to the Lying Scotsman!

    Night all, btw where is everyone tonight?

  44. At 11:05 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:


    First, I'd like to say that I'm NOT ill, and I have oodles of sympathy for all you poorly froggers who ARE. I have placed a pile of buns from Bettys of Harrogate (other incredibly opulent coffee houses are available) on the bar. I've been living off them and am not ill, so I deem that to be cause-and-effect.


    6 days ago, working late, laptop on lap (where else??), just poured a glass of v nice chenin blanc. Introduced chenin to hard drive, oops, hard drive died. Dead. As in parrot. Deceased. Is no more.

    It gets worse: pc not backed up (I know, I know).
    FFS don't laugh, it's not funny.

    Cry? You bet ya.

    Cost: squillions in hard cash and about 2 weeks in productive time (only just got new pc up and running - and I'd like you all to appreciate that the first thing I did was go back to the beach).

    Yes, I've learned my lesson.
    No, I won't be back on top of the work situation for about another week.
    Yes, I;d welcome however much sympathy there is out there
    No, I don't need a lecture, had plenty already

    Enough about me... (sorry - just been ghastly-stressy). So glad to be back among friends.


    ps I made tapioca pudding the other night, not had it since I was a kid. Delish!!! But I don't know anyone else who shares my love of milky puddings from childhood. If you do, let me know & I'll make some more....

  45. At 11:53 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:


    First, I'd like to say that I'm NOT ill, and I have oodles of sympathy for all you poorly froggers who ARE. I have placed a pile of buns from Bettys of Harrogate (other incredibly opulent coffee houses are available) on the bar. I've been living off them and am not ill, so I deem that to be cause-and-effect.


    6 days ago, working late, laptop on lap (where else??), just poured a glass of v nice chenin blanc. Introduced chenin to hard drive, oops, hard drive died. Dead. As in parrot. Deceased. Is no more.

    It gets worse: pc not backed up (I know, I know).
    FFS don't laugh, it's not funny.

    Cry? You bet ya.

    Cost: squillions in hard cash and about 2 weeks in productive time (only just got new pc up and running - and I'd like you all to appreciate that the first thing I did was go back to the beach).

    Yes, I've learned my lesson.
    No, I won't be back on top of the work situation for about another week.
    Yes, I;d welcome however much sympathy there is out there
    No, I don't need a lecture, had plenty already

    Enough about me... (sorry - just been ghastly-stressy). So glad to be back among friends.


    ps I made tapioca pudding the other night, not had it since I was a kid. Delish!!! But I don't know anyone else who shares my love of milky puddings from childhood. If you do, let me know & I'll make some more....

  46. At 11:54 PM on 06 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:


    First, I'd like to say that I'm NOT ill, and I have oodles of sympathy for all you poorly froggers who ARE. I have placed a pile of buns from Bettys of Harrogate (other incredibly opulent coffee houses are available) on the bar. I've been living off them and am not ill, so I deem that to be cause-and-effect.


    6 days ago, working late, laptop on lap (where else??), just poured a glass of v nice chenin blanc. Introduced chenin to hard drive, oops, hard drive died. Dead. As in parrot. Deceased. Is no more.

    It gets worse: pc not backed up (I know, I know).
    FFS don't laugh, it's not funny.

    Cry? You bet ya.

    Cost: squillions in hard cash and about 2 weeks in productive time (only just got new pc up and running - and I'd like you all to appreciate that the first thing I did was go back to the beach).

    Yes, I've learned my lesson.
    No, I won't be back on top of the work situation for about another week.
    Yes, I;d welcome however much sympathy there is out there
    No, I don't need a lecture, had plenty already

    Enough about me... (sorry - just been ghastly-stressy). So glad to be back among friends.


    ps I made tapioca pudding the other night, not had it since I was a kid. Delish!!! But I don't know anyone else who shares my love of milky puddings from childhood. If you do, let me know & I'll make some more....

  47. At 06:15 AM on 07 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Val - As I have stated before on the blog my musical talents are beyond belief.

    Anna Rex - Glad you are restored computerwise, but if you come anywhere near me with that tapioca or any other foul milky pudding, regardless of how delicious, I'm off.

  48. At 09:04 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Anne Rex - you can make me a milk pudding anytime as long as I can have a big dollop of raspberry jam in the middle of it. Thanks.

    I do sympathise over the HD - husband had huge problems and an un-backed up PC recently. Needless to say it is finally backed up and more or less restored to health apart from strange banding that appears on the screen from time to time and defeats all attempts to cure it.

    Wonder if we'll see anyone else on the beach today - it's been awfully quiet on the blog lately. Have the 502's finally driven people away, or is everyone just very busy back in March?

    Fresh tea and croissants on the bar.

  49. At 09:25 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Message received and understood!
    You've been up a while - ready for some tea & croissants as a peace offering?

  50. At 09:43 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Anne P - appreciate the sympathy. And I've created a special corner of the beach, hermetically sealed, wherein all kinds of milky puddingy goodness (and raspberry jam, goes without saying) can be found.

    Don't seem to be having much luck posting this morning - this is third attempt (maybe all 3 will appear in 2 hours, like last night).

    RJD - message received and understood, and if the blog had allowed my earlier posts, you'd see I'd already left tea and croissants out, just for you.

    I am getting error ?549 ?569 something like that... Says the page cannot be accessed. Who knows... but perhaps that's why it's so quiet.

    Fancy building a sandcastle?

  51. At 09:47 AM on 07 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Morning all -

    Tea please!! Anyone else fancy a cup??

    Fiona -
    Having lived in Chi and now in Cornwall I can always give you a compare and contrast type thing!!

  52. At 10:08 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Sara wrote:

    Morning all. Great sympathy with Anne Rex - how dreadful to waste a whole glass of chenin blanc! Do hope you had some left in the bottle for comfort.

    Wonderful croissants - thank you - but I've made some fresh coffee for weird froggers like me who don't drink tea (except to be polite at funerals!)

    Things have been manic in March, but I see fairly quiet on the blog. I popped into the furrowed brow but there is nothing more recent than freemasonry which doesn't excite me over-much. Even poor Eddie seems to be suffering from soggy cake and a lack of news.

    Weren't we going to get a revamped blog sometime soon? When I came by at the weekend it was completely blue and I gather there are still plenty problems around.

    Would someone like to chat about something jolly to take my mind away from the tray-loads of papers on my desk? Even the camels have wandered off.

  53. At 10:37 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Anne P - appreciate the sympathy. And I've created a special corner of the beach, hermetically sealed, wherein all kinds of milky puddingy goodness (and raspberry jam, goes without saying) can be found.

    Don't seem to be having much luck posting this morning - this is third attempt (maybe all 3 will appear in 2 hours, like last night).

    RJD - message received and understood, and if the blog had allowed my earlier posts, you'd see I'd already left tea and croissants out, just for you.

    I am getting error ?549 ?569 something like that... Says the page cannot be accessed. Who knows... but perhaps that's why it's so quiet.

    Fancy building a sandcastle?

  54. At 10:40 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    How is Fred, update required pls.

  55. At 10:47 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Bacon butties on the Nick Clarke bar for all as wants one.

    Bacon lovely freerange locally reared. Extra tomato for those as wants.


  56. At 10:48 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Hi Sara
    I can't stand tea either; just seems to be everyone else's preferred morning drink. Can I have some of your coffee?

    As for the chenin, rest assured I drank what was left of the whole d*mn bottle!

    How about we swap tray-loads of paper? Could be fun... The sky is clear blue and my little south-facing corner of the beach is flooded with warm sunshine. And two (yes TWO) men gave me outrageously flirtatious, body-appreciative comments yesterday, without any fishing from me. One of them's married (eek - run away) - I thought we'd been having harmless banter but I'd better be careful. The other is someone I'd only just met, and is quite yummy. No ring, but that's not saying much.

    There you go, there's some jolly banter :-)

    Don't let the paperwork get you down
    Anna x

  57. At 10:52 AM on 07 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    AnnaR - so wrapped up in search of peace and tea forgot to offer sympathies re computer probs! (not sure on the milky puddings though do an 'interesting' milk and rice thing for brekkie sometimes)

    Sara - it has been v quiet the last few days, think its just taking a long time to adjust to March! It does seem to be a bit better than Februaury though (I hope so as going to be out in it for a whole 10 days soon...)

  58. At 10:57 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Hello Witchi (51) I seem to be following you around the blog (I'm your blog stalker LOL!!), just replied to you on another thread. A compare and contrast would be very interesting to hear. Let me pull up a sun lounger and get myself a cup of tea and you can enlighten me when you get a chance.

    Sara - quite agree, what a terrible waste of good Chenin Blanc for you Anna R. However, I have to say the mere thought of tapioca brings back horrible childhood memories. My sister and I were frequently looked after by an elderly (who probably actually wasn't really that elderly she just looked and seemed ancient to us!) friend of the family while Dad was in hospital and she insisted in making vats of the stuff which I couldn't abide but wasn't allowed to say so! So thanks, but no thanks if you don't mind :)

    I am feeling much more refreshed this morning after finally getting a decent night's sleep after dealing with sickly children. Went to bed at 8.30pm last night and was asleep by 9 - it was lovely!

  59. At 11:12 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Fiona (57) so glad you got a good night's sleep - it makes such a difference.

    I once recall a person of wisdom saying that the only way to survive with small children is to go to bed when they do!

  60. At 11:14 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Tapioca Pud is the one that looks like frog spawn! Ideal beach fare! I have yet to kill a PC with wine of any colour but proves backing up is worthwhile. My daughter once killed my Psion series 3 with a glass of milk.

  61. At 11:17 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Anna Rex wrote:

    Oh dear, I've really started something with the milk-pudding-that-shall-not-be-named. Sorry everyone.

  62. At 11:36 AM on 07 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Fiona -
    Wow, a stalker, I feel like my life is complete!!

    Both Chi and Cornwall are great for access to wildness and walks, however if you are looking to get anywhere even remotely off the beaten track by public transport then stay in Sussex. (Sometimes even the beaten track can be somewhat challenging).

    Depending where grabs you in Cornwall I would recommend visiting it in all seasons. Whilst Chichetser and environs continues much the same throughout the year, Cornwall has many different faces! Some towns close down in winter months and can be very bleak and barren, some can manage to keep going. It is a very troubled county with severe poverty problems in some areas - but I won't get on my hight horse!

    Shopping etc....well, Truro is the county town and very nice too but if you're a super shopper (I get the feeling you're not!) then Plymouth is better. Culturally there are some good things going on, again based mainly in Truro but scattered around the place; you have to keep your eyes peeled but its quite vibrant if subtle! Overall I find that is a county that rewards you massively if you put some time and effort in to discovering its treasures, it doesn't lay itself out on a plate (Sussex seemed somehow 'easier'). I am a Cornish girl born and bred and I have no desire to leave; I care about the place and am very protective of it and get quite worried about its future....anyway, there we go. Brief taster, anything else just let me know!!

  63. At 11:36 AM on 07 Mar 2007, Sara wrote:

    Aunt Dahlia - quite so. An update from Fred is definitely called for!

    Thanks for the scrummy bacon butties, Big Sis - I love them but my waistline (do I have one?) doesn't. Oh, what the hell! So you see, Anne R, I will gladly swap my trays of paperwork for your admirers. Let us know how it goes with Man 2. Photos always welcome (especially if he looks like Lee!)

    The paperwork won't be a problem - just needs a bit of effort. One fat blue basket is full of filing and another is full of job applicants. I'm sure someone else can sort them out for me while I have a snooze here in the sun!

  64. At 12:45 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Anna Rex - attractive body-parts aside, you will have my SO worshipping at your feet if you make him milk-based pudding things, he absolutely adores them. I don't do puddings, so the poor soul is kept on short rations! There's a thought, I'll go and put a baked rice pudding on to cook now and he'll be a happy bunny when he gets home, he likes a nutmeggy skin on the top.

    Fiona - glad you got a good night's sleep, it does wonders for the morale.

    Big Sis - those bacon butties are fantastic, if I sneak another I could pretend it's my lunch couldn't I?

    RJD - Ok, let's forget about making beautiful music together. Eddie's making enough on his Cake thread - how many of us remember all the words to McArthur Park without g**gling them?

  65. At 01:34 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    May I just add a PS to WW's very fulsome account of the ups and downs of life in Cornwall?

    While we live in Sussex, SO's father lives in Cornwall, and SO himself has strong roots there from childhood. I've also spent a lot of time down there, and we visit very regularly. SO works for a Cornish brewery, and there's Dad, too, as well as friends.

    We'd thought of moving down there ourselves. We decided against it, though we love it very much. Many, many reasons, and most of it covered by WW. One further point, though ,that I think may need to be borne in mind. It is wet. I'm not just referring to the rain (when it comes - and, being westerly and surrounded by sea, it comes more often than here in Sussex), but to the atmosphere. It is a humid place. If you've any ailments that don't do well in a damp atmosphere, you'd need to think very carefully before moving down there.

    This is an issue for me, unfortunately, and was a deal breaker for us.

  66. At 01:54 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Anna Rex - attractive body-parts aside, you will have my SO worshipping at your feet if you make him milk-based pudding things, he absolutely adores them. I don't do puddings, so the poor soul is kept on short rations! There's a thought, I'll go and put a baked rice pudding on to cook now and he'll be a happy bunny when he gets home, he likes a nutmeggy skin on the top.

    Fiona - glad you got a good night's sleep, it does wonders for the morale.

    Big Sis - those bacon butties are fantastic, if I sneak another I could pretend it's my lunch couldn't I?

    oh I've been 502'd, well I'll give it one more go.

    RJD - Ok, let's forget about making beautiful music together. Eddie's making enough on his Cake thread - how many of us remember all the words to McArthur Park without g**gling them?

  67. At 02:07 PM on 07 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon all. How's the surf today? I come bearing gifts of sunscreen, Bordeaux, towels, pasties (both veggie and meat options), cider, bitter, Guinn*ss, snacks, and Sauvingnon Blanc :-)

    Did I hear someone mention me earlier? Of, I see Aunt D and Sara were asking for an update. Unfortunately, there's not much to tell. There,s been no real movement from the "friend" phase, so I guess I'll have to keep looking :-S apart from that, work has reared it's ugly head in both Feb & March, which is why my visits to the beach tend to be brief at the mo. Still, I may have new photos soon of the Czech Republic (business trip becons...) So watch this flickering space! Whoops, my phone in March is ringing. must dash....

  68. At 02:32 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Miss pooh bear wrote:

    Um... who do you mean?Fearless Fred or or our Fred? btw we have some more tad poles and they are called:Ginger,Henry,Douglas and in another jar we have Jumble and... ... ...you've guessed it WILLIAM! If you think those names are... well...a bit strange,then just wait! I've still got at least 100 more book named tad poles to talk about. It's all right, I probably won't talk about them now though.I think he's lost his external gills. Ginger&Douglas seem to be siamese twins (they're joined practically!)

  69. At 02:37 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Well I've been 502'd twice now - here's hoping its third time lucky!!

    Thanks WW and Big Sis for your very helpful and honest comments on life in Cornwall versus Sussex. The rain/wet would be a deal breaker for me too - not for any particular health reasons but more from the fact that I want to live somewhere we have space and land and the chance to be outdoors more. My son is very active and loves being outside on his bike/scooter/anything really. One of the main attractions of France is a better climate. I am not a big of fan of endless rain I must admit!

    Anne P (59) they were wise words indeed. You should go to bed at the same time as them cause you sure as heck will be getting up at the same time (whatever unearthly hour that may be!). That's exactly what I did last night, me and the children snuggled up in my bed watching the football - it was lovely. SO, of course, had to watch the match from the pub. Question for you men out there - is there something written down in law which means it's mandatory for men to have to watch football matches in the pub??

  70. At 02:48 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    Witchiwoman (62)

    Do you recognise this Cornish beach? Visibility was so poor you couldn't see the land across the bay.


  71. At 03:52 PM on 07 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Big Sis - Good point!! Which brewery btw as am quite partial to a slurp of Tinners. And Doom Bar...

  72. At 06:12 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Fiona - tried to post an answer about detecting blood heat on the cake thread and got 502'd for the third time today. If it doesn't appear I'll try posting again.

    Now let's see what happens this time....

    502 again and again

  73. At 06:14 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Vyle: Your beach looked, to me, like the beach at Tywardreath, or along that way. But I'm probably wrong.

    WW: Doom Bar, and others from that stable. Things are 'sharpening' up here in the South East, too! Thanks to SO. The 'other' horse you mention has, as you know, nothing to do with him ...... Anyway, his brewery is a very good outfit, young and forward looking. And their products are picking up quite a few awards. I expect you also know their other brews.

  74. At 06:19 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Dear Miss P-B, I don't think its very nice naming all those innocent tadpoles after William and his chums- mind you I had to name one of our dogs William, but that was because they were threatening to call him Dave the Dog. How do you tell them apart? The tadpole/froglets, I mean. I think pond goofing is one of the best time wasters there is, I can spend HOURS watching our newts, and come to think of it, they are all distinguishable, spotty belly, silverback, mouse etc. Keep up the good work - had you thought of moving on to hedgepigs? They need help too...

  75. At 06:28 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Fiona - tried to post an answer about detecting blood heat on the cake thread and got 502'd for the third time today. If it doesn't appear I'll try posting again.

    Now let's see what happens this time....

    502 again and again

  76. At 07:34 PM on 07 Mar 2007, eddie mair wrote:

    Anne P (75) - how infuriating. We'll pass it on. In the meantime...drinks at the NC?

  77. At 07:39 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    At the risk of duplication here's the answer I tried to post for Fiona on the cake thread and which has still not appeared:

    Fiona (57) unless you are a cleanliness freak, the easiest way to check for blood heat is to insert a clean forefinger knuckle into the milk. If it's blood heat you won't feel it either hot or cold. A bit warm is fine. For the purposes of this recipe you just don't want it too hot or the bicarb will foam up very fast before you can get it mixed in.

    Or you could drip a few drops onto the back of your hand, but the advantage of the knuckle method is you can withdraw it pdq if you've misjudged and it's too hot!

    If this doesn't appeal then you'll have to buy a thermometer!

  78. At 09:53 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Mmm, Eddie, is that an open invitation ;o)? If so, make mine a large glass of chilled New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.

  79. At 09:56 PM on 07 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Thanks Eddie - don't mind if I do. As for the 502's and missing postings it's the unpredictability that gets on the nerves. One minute things go through easily, next you're sitting waiting for up to 8 minutes and then get a 502 - after which the posting may or may not appear (multiple times for some people).

    Ah well - moan over.

    Do join me in this nice single malt.

  80. At 09:57 AM on 08 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    As the bacon butties went down so well yesterday, I've left another batch on the bar. They'll be kept nice and warm up there, so latecomers should still enjoy them.

    And, froggers, remember that Eddie needs to cut down his coffee intake. Nine espressos yesterday morning - Tsk! Who needs cannabis with so much caffeine?

  81. At 10:20 AM on 08 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    VH (70) - At a loss! I'm tempted to say Perranporth but depends what the tide was up to. Pic made me smile anyway!!

    BS (73) - will think of you next time I imbibe one of said brewery's tipples (although tipple always make me think of spirits). Hope things things are as sunny and pretty in Chi as they are here today :)

  82. At 11:04 AM on 08 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Sis (80),

    A little toke or tincture of cannabinoids will take the edge off the caffeine.

    Moderation in all things, as my dear old garndpa used to say...


  83. At 11:12 AM on 08 Mar 2007, wrote:

    I neglected to tell y'all I left a wee stash of herbals behind the shed where the loungers are kwept. it's on top of the wallhead between the rafters - there.
    Malicious warning! Twice!
    In an effort to curb malicious comment posting by abusive users, I've enabled a feature that requires a weblog commenter to wait a short amount of time before being able to post again. Please try to post your comment again in a short while. Thanks for your patience.

  84. At 12:02 PM on 08 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Ed -
    Behind the Loungers Shed eh; like a grown up version of ciggie alley at school!!

  85. At 12:12 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Belinda wrote:

    I neglected to tell y'all I left a wee stash of herbals behind the shed where the loungers are kwept. it's on top of the wallhead between the rafters - there.

    God bless you, Ed.

  86. At 01:36 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    Miss Pooh Bear - I ended up being foster mother to a clutch of tadpoles, 5 of whom grew up into very attractive, active little frogs. While we were on holiday that summer, they hopped off and took up residence somewhere in our garden, now every time I bump into a frog when I'm gardening, I like to think it's one of mine! Good luck with yours - I think the names are great btw, Just William is one of my fave characters and my dog looks just like Jumble!

  87. At 04:05 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Cammelia, Lady Dromedary wrote:

    Statement issued 08.03.07 at 15.51h.
    We would like to reassure you that our silence is due to sheer hard work, and NOT partying. And hardly any of us were wearing tutus, well, not by the end anyway. Anyroadup we have been tirelessly campaigning for a direct train to Wadebridge, to no effect.
    So we have turned our attention to the events in the other place. The idea of being elected is anathema to us all. Who on earth would vote for a bunch of moth eaten, self opionated, hump backed egotists, or us camels for that matter. No. What we need is a caucus race. There are sufficient corridors to form a good circuit and numerous watering holes on the way.
    So what do you think, is it not the most sensible solution you've been offered so far?
    P.S any one got any comfits?
    Statement ends

  88. At 04:21 PM on 08 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Well it seems that to be allowed to post on the blog you have to follow a certain line of thinking. Not toeing the party line is forbidden.

    Having my original comment and subsequent reply removed last night was the act of a coward. You know who you are.

    One of the hallmarks of this blog has been the willingness of the correspondents to tolerate other points of view very different to their own. Free speech lived right here. That ended last night. May it rest in peace.

    I incited no hatred, advocated no crime. I merely expressed a different line in thinking to that which seems to be acceptable elsewhere on the blog. So be happy in your dictatorial bigotry. You're welcome to it.

    BigSis: I think that your Brother showed up. Go read 1984 everyone and get ready for the Daily Hate at the next person who dares to express a dissenting view.


  89. At 04:43 PM on 08 Mar 2007, silver-fox wrote:

    Thank you all.

  90. At 05:45 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Fiona wrote:

    So does anyone care to place a bet on how many times Eddie said Bastard on tonight's programme? I'll put a fiver on 34 times, any advances?? :)

  91. At 05:52 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Aunt Dahlia wrote:

    Simon, I expect you have gone home now, but Marc with C has left a message on the pmblog site which may make you feel a bit better
    ''Hi all Re Simon's pulled posts re The Gays. After being published, they ended up in the "deferred" queue with no indication that was what happened. I am still trying to establish further what went on. Yes his posts were controversial, but I don't think they overstepped the line. Marc''

  92. At 05:59 PM on 08 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Hmmm I think Eddie needs to tell us how many times he (and any others) say "bastard" tonight. I missed the first 15 mins (as usual) so I'll trust someone else to tally up those for us...

    btw (totally unrelated) I'm in a major :)) mood. I've just recieved my copies of the complete Inspector Morse DVDs at last. Wonderful! I'll bring them along so that those who enjoy them can also share...

  93. At 06:30 PM on 08 Mar 2007, jacques wrote:

    Simon @ 88

    Oh dear! It will mean that I will be silenced, as well.

    I thought that I was silenced yesterday. I received an error message, three times, to say that there was no text and that I must resubmit.

    This I did, only to find that all four were published, but (I think) in reversed order.

    Yesterday evening's blogs were 'accepted' but have not appeared on the blog - perhaps they will appear tomorrow or the week-end. Or are they floating around in space looking for a blog?

  94. At 06:40 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Simon: He's no brother of mine, believe me! And I'd disown him if he were. Assuming it was a he.

    My nom de frog is intended to be the opposite of Big Brother, and it was a deliberate choice on that basis. I could be offended - but I refuse to go there.

    I agree with Marc's posting. I had, with your postings removed, requested (through the complaints button) that my own response be removed as I didn't want to have it hanging there, out of context. It was removed, but I notice it is now back - As is your original postings. I'm content for it to remain that way now that you've re-emerged.

    Be angry, by all means, but not, please, with me.

  95. At 07:35 PM on 08 Mar 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    Fiona & FF: I lost count as I was trying to scrabble around for my mobile whilst turning up the radio, changing out of my shades as I turned right on a roundabout from the left hand lane - and I spilt my tea.

    I heard at least 50, but half were mine, and the other half probly came from drivers.

    tee hee!


    PS any others up for practicing for the caucus race with M'Lady Drom?
    Obviously not Belinda and ValP as they probly can't breath AND caucus at the same time, (although after a few toddettes it is surprising just what you can do!)
    btw, how do you start a caucus race????

  96. At 07:59 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Now that your comments have reappeared I've gone back over the discussion carefully. Wasn't around to follow the original at the time.

    While, as so often, I strongly disagree with some of what you said it does not seem to me it should have been removed - if indeed it was a deliberate act by someone rather than just a cock-up. (I'd always favour cock-up over conspiracy).

    I think that as usual you made a careful, honestly felt and reasoned comment with which a number of froggers strongly disagreed - nothing new there then :-)

    I do hope you will continue to post when you feel moved to and will accept our responses in the spirit of friendship with which they've always been made.

  97. At 09:12 PM on 08 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Cammelia, Lady Dromedary
    or Cami as you graciously permit,

    Caucus racing within the confines of Hice by Lords Temporal is somewhat frowned on I鈥檓 afraid. The Bishopric of Manchester Act 1847 whilst restricting the number of Lords Spiritual, ceded to them the absolute rights to 鈥 caucus galloping to the limits of the estate鈥

    It is my belief, though I have not verified the point, that Lords Temporal may only caucus race in the Hice by license of a Lord Spiritual and in their company.

    The restriction does however hold out the prospect of a rather bold and novel tournament. Can you imagine yourself and the Most Reverend and Right Honourable Dr Rowan Douglas Williams, the 104th Lord Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of All England teamed against a fellow ennobled Bactrian with the 97th Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, up?

    Should I prepare odds and start a book?

  98. At 09:47 PM on 08 Mar 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    RJD - I have begun a book already. This is what my first agent wrote:

    "As there is nobody else on this planet to hold a candle to even a single one of your sentence structures, (and gracing the misshapen torturous meanderings with the word "structures" is already to redefine the term), the mereest hint of a possibility of you actually begining to undertake a task involving the conception of a 'book' - the like of which i fear has never yet been allowed to see the light of day - leaves one feeling just the teensiest bit wibbledy-wobbledy, and not a little uncertain of the wisdom of continuing along this literay path, hidden as it is by dark forbidding undergrowth, bounded by quagmires, along which path, I say lurches the traumatised reader towards the inevitable, and yet so-longed-for, termination and fullfillment in that blissful punctuation, namely the full stop

    ...only to be denied by cruel fate at the last moment by some interminable continuation of the same and so on ad infinitum"

    I was at first a little unsure if it had been well recieved, until the agent went ex-directory.

    Hope this helps. Good luck with your book!


  99. At 10:13 PM on 08 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:


    That made me laugh!

    Alas my literary ambitions are in keeping with my abilities. The book I alluded to was a bookmaker's record of bets accepted and money paid out. When the Caucus Racing starts I intend to make money!

  100. At 10:15 PM on 08 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    n-n - I can caucus with the best of 'em!

  101. At 11:39 PM on 08 Mar 2007, nikki noodle wrote:


    I can see, ValP!!

    As we've (well, some of us have) been lollopping round this caucus track (on and off) since I dont know when - it must be nearly about time the Dodo said " 鈥楨verybody has won, and all must have prizes.鈥 ???!!!


    I'm puft.


  102. At 12:13 AM on 09 Mar 2007, wrote:

    RJD - I'll have ten pounds on the Archbishop of York please, each way round the chamber

    (or you can keep the tenner and make me a Duchess)

  103. At 05:34 AM on 09 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Gossipmistress - I will gladly take your 拢10 wager.

    I fear that your ennoblement lies beyond any sphere of influence I may have. I also suspect that your proffered monetary inducement is a good number of zeros short of the currently expected level of bung. I will however register your interest with the appropriate offices.

  104. At 11:07 AM on 09 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    I seem to be in last September....is it any saner here?

  105. At 11:33 AM on 09 Mar 2007, wrote:

    Now that really is bizarre. Eddie's "latest" posting is last September? I thought I was getting a strong deja- vue feeling.

    The question is, how many people will dutifully send in postcards to Room G601, having read it? Nearly fooled me, I can tell you. In fact, I'm sure I've got a lovely one of two dead mice around here somewhere...

  106. At 11:37 AM on 09 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    witchiwoman (104) - No!

  107. At 11:49 AM on 09 Mar 2007, Sara wrote:

    Good to be back on the beach, especially since I seem to have lost six months of my life somewhere! Apparently, nothing has happened since September on the main thread!

    At least the beach and the FB are still here.

    Thanks for the update Ffred. Sorry you are so busy, but don't bother to answer the phone in March yet - it's still only September.

    Or is it next September already!

  108. At 12:23 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Miss pooh bear wrote:

    Val P(86) the only way we can tell them apart is that Ginger & Douglas are ALWAYS together,with Henry on his own. AND William & Jumble have hatched!
    They're both eating the same egg.

  109. At 12:55 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    I need destressing!!!! Will read some of the beach instead of doing March stuff. The G&T sitting on the bar is currently at triple level.

  110. At 12:57 PM on 09 Mar 2007, whisky-joe wrote:

    Have you seen that box of wine on the NC bar. I think it's for Eddie.

  111. At 01:32 PM on 09 Mar 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    I feel the need for some friday after sparkly; anyone care to join me?? Am hols from 5pm tonight and, although I will be in March for a week, my heart will be on the Beach. Generally in the vicinity of the NC bar.

    Hopefully by the time I get back the Camels will be back to normal. Ish.

  112. At 02:56 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Cammelia, Lady Dromedary wrote:

    Erhem, does anyone know the penalty for knobbling a arch bishop? How was I to know.One bloke in a frock is much the same as the next bloke in a frock. Anyway I won.
    Where's my prize?
    And what odds were you offering RJD ?- with these knees, you should know better...

  113. At 03:49 PM on 09 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Cammelia, Lady Dromedary
    (I'm dispensing with Cami - it seems much too familiar)

    It was an even money bet, so apart from my small emolument, you take all stakes. Not a great amount as only gossipmistress was prepared to wager.

    Do you not think that rather than a straight stakes race, a Handicap would provide a more interesting event? I have mentioned the possibility in various circles and sponsorhip will not be a problem - Financial Services or Drinks?

    Footnote: Following the race, the 9th Lord Bishop, Richard St Edmundsbury and Ipswich has had to be put down.

  114. At 04:23 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Cammelia, Lady Dromedary wrote:

    CamelThreat To Parliament

    LONDON, March 12 (Reuters).鈥擜 silent army of invaders is infiltrating the British Houses of Parliament.

    Paliamentarians are so worried about the growing battalions of camels lurking in the long, dark corridors of the 19th-century building that the issue will be raised in the House of Commons later this week.

    Conservative party member Joseph Kinsey said today that he would ask for a squad of desert rats to be brought in for a counter-insurgency operation.

    "Camels are popping up everywhere鈥攊n the tearoom, in offices and along the corridors. It is a regular population explosion," he said.

    (Reprinted from the International Herald Tribune, Paris

  115. At 04:24 PM on 09 Mar 2007, my prize wrote:

    Lady Dromedary (112)

    I wasn't offering RJD any odds. I wasn't offering him any evens, for that matter. I think that you may have got me confused with someone else! Sorry about that.

  116. At 05:45 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Cammelia, Lady Dromedary wrote:

    RJD - in March at 113, but if we move back to September I have no idea
    Do you not think the poor dears in the Upper Hice are not handicapped enough, the accents, the robes, the eccentricities, the money, the blinkers?
    Perhaps we should try it with gagging and hobbling them. Yes, I warm to that idea.
    Then we'll start on the other place.Please direct me to the Augean stables.

  117. At 06:24 PM on 09 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Cammelia, Lady Dromedary

    A Herculean task indeed - but should you not rest first?

  118. At 07:17 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Cammelia, Lady Dromedary wrote:

    Comfit me with apples and I'll be fine, just little weary you know. A song from our b'loved Fifi would help.... voice falters and fails with fatigue

  119. At 07:43 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    But has anyone seen Fifi?

    Come back Fifi all is forgiven - if that is there was anything to forgive....

    Perhaps I can tempt her out with this nice bottle of Cabernet...


  120. At 07:51 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Humph wrote:

    If you are not reading this when I post (and if you are, then I must ask you - how?) then you will probably not believe me. Recent posts, on the right at the top, were from Appy, Appy, Appy, Appy and Appy! Is this the first time that the recent posts guide to what is going on on the Frog have all come from a single frogger? If so, then congratulations Appy!


  121. At 08:11 PM on 09 Mar 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    where has all the sand gone?!


    oh, silly me, my hat was over my face! I'll have another glass - help yourself - and if you feel peckish, do tuck in, there's enough here for a small army.


  122. At 08:15 PM on 09 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Humph - I noticed that too. I'm pretty certain though that the same feat was performed by Big Sister many months ago.

    Do you think that anything could possibly be inferred from the fact that the two people who have achieved this have both been females?

    I'll be crouching behind the shelter with my tin hat on.

  123. At 08:50 PM on 09 Mar 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    popping up all over the place!

    hang of this today,

    I can't seem to get the

    as posts keep


  124. At 10:19 PM on 09 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    n-n (122) - It took me a couple of minutes to understand your last post. It's not fair to do that on a Friday night when I'm relatively relaxed!

  125. At 11:02 PM on 09 Mar 2007, wrote:

    RJD & Humph - no I'm pretty sure that Jonnie also achieved a 'full house' of recent comments one time. So not just the girls!

    I may be wrong but I think the 'recent comments' button works differently now - it used to be comments picked out but now just appears to be literally, the most recent

    Or does anyone disagree?

  126. At 11:13 PM on 09 Mar 2007, Spokesperson for the Hice of Lords wrote:

    FRIDAY 9TH MARCH 23.19

    A Steward's enquiry has been launched into the 14.35 Westmisnter Bactrian Stakes

    Evidence will be examined from closed circuit TV in the Hice of Lords corridoors concerning an incident with a certain aristocrat with a distinctive humped curvature of the spine, and a vicious series of blows dealt to the stifles of an eminent clergyman.

    Decision to follw shortly

    In the interim, any stakes held by esteemed accountants should be held secure


  127. At 12:02 AM on 10 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Humph and RJD: I've seen it done by male froggers too, as it happens.

    Now, who'd like to share this lovely bottle of Villa Maria Sauvignon Blanc with me? I've brought along a suitable selection of canapes to nibble as we slurp. (Other bottles of wine are available ....)

  128. At 12:48 AM on 10 Mar 2007, Val P wrote:

    GM - I've never found any rhyme nor reason to the Recent Comments bit - I've seen mentions of posts of mine which haven't appeared on threads yet...quite clever, you must agree?

    RJD - relatively relaxed? Tell us more?

    Such a shame I missed all the camel betting fun this afternoon. More concrete arriving tomorrow morning, so I'd better go and sober up fast - or will it be better with a hangover I wonder. How much fun will it be in the rain?

  129. At 01:03 AM on 10 Mar 2007, wrote:

    wow! 20 mins to read through all that and not even a dip in the sea - even a visit from silver-fox.

    witchiwoman, I wish I was in Cornwall now.

    Night all, just had a midnight dip -- freezing so off to bed, a little glass of port in stow:-)

    Isn't life strange
    A turn of the page
    Can read like before
    Can we ask for more?
    Each day passes by
    How hard man will try?
    The sea will not wait

  130. At 09:19 AM on 10 Mar 2007, RJD wrote:

    Big Sis (127) & GM(125)

    I suspected that - I was pretty sure that Jonnie had done it. It's was just trying to stir trhings a bit!

  131. At 09:40 AM on 10 Mar 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    RJD: How out of character! ;o)

  132. At 10:53 AM on 10 Mar 2007, Humph wrote:

    I obviously do not pay enough attention to "Recent comments"! Thank you all for helping me in my ignorance.


  133. At 12:53 AM on 11 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Oooh! Well Humph, I missed it but I believe I have done it before -- as have others, which has been pointed out already. It bears no relation to what or when I've posted though. "Recent comments"? "Random Regulars' Monickers" would be a better heading...

  134. At 12:54 PM on 11 Mar 2007, Aperitif wrote:


  135. At 07:53 PM on 22 Mar 2007, Miss pooh bear wrote:

    I missed it... Did we ever get a glass box???
    I remember someone suggesting it...
    AND Aperitif, who are u pushing?

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