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Pip removal

Sequin | 14:17 UK time, Saturday, 21 April 2007

Have just been allowed back into the building to pick up my things and delete my files on the computer, and hand in my presenter pips before I knot my spotty handkerchief on a stick and head off into the middle distance.
It's been great knowing you. I love you all....
All I can say is I hang my head in shame for not fulfilling my Glass Box obligations. Can you ever forgive me?



  1. At 02:56 PM on 21 Apr 2007, wrote:

    You are forgiven Sequin :-) We owe you a debt of gratitude for *NOT* allowing three double decker buses and a fork lift truck in between you and BigBen.

    When you next bump in to Eddie you must let him in on the secret.

  2. At 03:24 PM on 21 Apr 2007, Humph wrote:

    But Sequin, Glass Box obligations are in Mr. Mayor's domain. They even include posting the Glass Box so early in the day that it gets lost under a large number of postings from a train so that it has to be reposted.

    I quite realise that mistakes in some obligations deserve disciplinary procedures. In some extreme circumstances these could include dismissal. However, should recent problems be deemed to deserve such action, then it should not affect you! I am sure that Mr. Mayor is gentlemanly enough to do the right thing and, although it would be a shame to see him go, he would not be missed too much. As they say, "The show must go on!"


  3. At 03:34 PM on 21 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ah, give my head peace! You know you will be back. The place would fall apart without you!

  4. At 03:45 PM on 21 Apr 2007, Izzy T'Me wrote:

    Sequin - don't gooooooooooo............

  5. At 04:33 PM on 21 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Re:- Humph - If Eddie went would he take the Blog with him do you think.

    I suspect future canditates may let it die of thirst and malnutrition.

  6. At 05:38 PM on 21 Apr 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Sequin, stand firm....Eric already knocked you off the Blog - don't let him bully you any more!
    In fact, get your own sweet revenge and hide his coffee mug - that'll show him! ;o)

  7. At 05:54 PM on 21 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Hide his coffee mug? Better to superglue the lock in the snazzy coffee shop where he gets his quadlattes! ;o)

  8. At 06:35 PM on 21 Apr 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Oh no Sequin, don't leave us. You're far better than Eddie. We wholeheartedly forgive your Glass Box oversight - after all, it is nothing compared to Mr. Mair who forgot to turn up to the programme for two days running. I think that award went to his head.

    Come back Sequin! Otherwise I'll boycott PM and just listen to the Westminster Hour...and Today...and all the other things that you do.

  9. At 07:03 PM on 21 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Some tributes I stumbled across esp for BigSister and Aperitif :-))

    Hear! Hear! for Eddie Mair. Soft and fluffy on the outside, until the kill. One exact question to the interviewee and their weaknessess are exposed for all to see. As for the set - it is soooo last February. Newsnight is the only serious news programme on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú TV, it is not Newsnight-The Musical. Shape up please.
    Wendy Byrom, Guernsey

    I wanted to comment on Eddie Mair's impeccable presenting on Monday's night show [25.07.05]. He exuded calmness, authority and an intelligent wit and it was a real pleasure to watch.
    John Johnston, London

    Thank you for letting the wonderful Eddie Mair loose on Newsnight, and maintaining the programme's impeccable Scottish ethos! Please can we have more of him?
    Alex Scott, London

    Hooray for Eddie Mair - the sharpest wit on radio comes to television. Please tell me he's going to be a regular!
    Mac, United Kingdom

    Hands up everyone who wants Eddie Mair to host Newsnight more often or on a regular basis? What a refreshing, engaging presenting style - calm, warm, incisive and funny. No sign of any aggression - more a centred way of getting to the core of a story or interview without the dramatics or hostility seen in some journalism. More please!
    Caitlin McKiernan, East London

  10. At 07:57 PM on 21 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:


    Pip removal? Appendicitis perhaps?

    Hope it isn't too painful .....

  11. At 09:14 PM on 21 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Oh thanks Jonnie (9)! See Humph (2) He can't go -- you're going to make me cry! I mean Sequin's lovely and all that -- and of course she is forgiven, I mean blimey, it's not as if one couldn't just put ones Glass Box comments elsewhere. No big deal Sequin: don't worry! -- but PM without Eric?! It'd be like Scotland without midgies -- just wrong.

  12. At 10:40 PM on 21 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:


  13. At 11:07 PM on 21 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Oh dear Miss Quinn, I knew all this overwork would end in tears. Now listen to me and calm yourself. You're just a tiny bit delusional after your hectic few weeks. I'm going to try and tell you what's real and what isn't...

    You HAVEN'T been sacked from the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú. That was just a nasty dream you had when you nodded off in the studio during one of your epic multi-presenting session days.

    You WILL be asked to present PM again at 4 hour's notice, anytime Mr Mair fancies another sick-leave day (I knew letting him hear that original report about skiving off work was a bad idea).

    You DON'T need to be responsible for the Glass Box when you're on PM. For goodness sake - delegate, girl. We have a blog Prince for that kind of menial task. Don't soil your hands.

    Now just unpack that little spotted handkerchief, & put it back on Eddie's desk where he can find it again on Monday.

    You pop home now, & have a nice lie-down before it's time to get up again at 3 am tomorrow for work.

    The rest of the evening's your own. Enjoy!

  14. At 03:53 PM on 22 Apr 2007, Humph wrote:

    Sorry Appy (11), I am not too sure that I understand you. You say that PM without Mr. Mayor would be like Scotland without midges. Are you saying that one of the things that you look forward to, when going north of the border, is a chance to meet all those midges? Or that when you tune into Radio 4 at 5pm you would be happier with the absence of Mr. May . . . [THWACK] . . . I dink I udderdand id dow. :[]_(


  15. At 09:03 PM on 22 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Humph, you're a card :-)

  16. At 10:19 PM on 22 Apr 2007, Val P wrote:

    That would be the Joker, eh Humph?

  17. At 11:56 PM on 22 Apr 2007, Frances O wrote:


    Well, as long as Sequin hasn't taken the bongs with her instead of the pips, we'll be all right at 1800.

  18. At 09:25 AM on 23 Apr 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Sequin - deep breaths, all is well, come and calm those frayed nerves at the Beach. Its partic pretty today and theres some lovely stuff on the bar.

  19. At 09:53 AM on 23 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    WW: I wouldn't worry. Sequin sounded fine last night on her own territory .....

    Partic pretty? Is that related to Partick Thistle by any chance? Strange to say, their ground featured on an episode of Taggart that I watched over the weekend.

  20. At 10:13 AM on 23 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    WW: I wouldn't worry. Sequin sounded fine last night on her own territory .....

    Partic pretty? Is that related to Partick Thistle by any chance? Strange to say, their ground featured on an episode of Taggart that I watched over the weekend.

  21. At 10:43 AM on 23 Apr 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Big Sis - I wouldn't know to be honest! Is Partick Thistle a 'real' place or just a random name?

  22. At 10:57 AM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    You know that the PM crowd couldn't manage without you.

    Eddie even noticed that Carrie, Ritala and yourself tidied up the mess on his desk while he was away, although he thought it was the cleaners wot dunnit!.


  23. At 11:09 AM on 23 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Well, I had to google to find out, WW. Partick is a place, now part of Glasgow. I think the 'Thistle' bit is just a scottishness.

    It's a very old football club (from the 1870s, it would appear). I always think of Saturday afternoons and the football results when I hear the name. One of the more distinctive and interesting club names.

  24. At 11:45 AM on 23 Apr 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    BS - thanks for that. It is oddly evocative, Queen of the South is a good one too.

  25. At 11:53 AM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    It's Irish, y'know, and probably originates in a misspelling...(too old for a typo)

  26. At 12:07 PM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Queen of the South is the Dumfries team, a mere 20 miles from here. But I'm a Rugby fan.
    Whoops! Premature exclamation again! Sorry :-(

  27. At 12:49 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    WW I like Queen of the South, too.

    Not sure it was Irish gaelic, EdI. But this helps:

    Partick - originally Perdyec, from the Gaelic aper dhu ec, meaning the place at the confluence or mouth of the dark river

  28. At 01:05 PM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:


  29. At 01:49 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    I never liked football as a child (it was very much something for the boys, and I was a girly girl), so why is hearing the football scores such a good memory?....

  30. At 02:14 PM on 23 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    I know somebody called Patrick Thorne who feels obliged to support Partick Thistle.

  31. At 02:35 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Well, Appy, I guess it reminds me of childhood and my dad. He'd be watching and checking his football pools, I'd probably be bored and waiting for something else to happen ..... but I was in the same room as my dad, something which will never happen again. Some names always held more charisma than others, and many from the Scottish League fitted that bill.

    I was probably a tomboy, but didn't play football.

  32. At 02:38 PM on 23 Apr 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Appy - I know what you mean; leaves me cold now though!

  33. At 03:34 PM on 23 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Football scores.
    You mean like Forfar four, Fife five.

    Or something?


  34. At 04:51 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Yeah Big Sis, WW, it's probably the Dad -- and for me, Grandad -- thing.

    Si, Tee hee - yes!

  35. At 06:38 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Appy: that is very, very cheeky. Get you to a Naughty Step NOW!

  36. At 07:39 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Val P wrote:

    The sing-song of the football scores was the background to my grandmother checking her "coupon". I used to wonder what on earth she was doing, and why it was always best if they scored a draw?

    Si - that would be Forfar 4 - East Fife 5.

  37. At 09:05 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Eh? How is that cheeky? I'm missing something here Sis: I was agreeing that it was probably the nostalgia of hearing the football scores when spending time with my Dad and Grandad when I was little, that makes them a fond memory now. If there's something rude in there you're going to have to explain it to me! Is your mind even worse than RJD's?... :-)

  38. At 09:42 PM on 23 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Val P - When I was small and listened to the Football Results, I always thought that there was a Scottish football team called Hearts Nil.

  39. At 11:03 PM on 23 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:


    Apologies if I misconstrued your comment. It had come across to me that you thought my dad and your grandad might be contemporaneous - RJD's always trying that one on me!

    Is the Naughty Step only for the poo-rude these days then?

  40. At 11:05 PM on 23 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap (37) - Now why do you have rude and RJD in the same sentence? I wasn't even in the conversation! And I think that you will find that Big Sis might have been questioning why you should equate, in age terms, her Dad with your Granddad. I think you should apologise to Big Sis. I’ll wait!

  41. At 12:21 AM on 24 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Oh no! I see what you mean RJD!! No, no, no Big Sis -- I just meant that in my case it also brings back fond memories of my Grandad -- I wasn't suggesting that would be at the same time as your Dad! I wouldn't presume to estimate anyone's age here on the frog -- except that I know RJD is knocking on a bit in dog years :-)

    Sorry Big Sis -- and Witchiwoman come to that!

    And as for Now why do you have rude and RJD in the same sentence? I didn't even know the Naughty Corner existed until you got me into bother! Can I come out now?

  42. At 08:09 AM on 24 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap (41) - Oh, that's clever. Ditch the ageism against Big Sis and transfer it to me.

    As for "Can I come out now?"
    What ARE you trying to say?

  43. At 08:28 AM on 24 Apr 2007, wrote:

    As A kid and right through until more recent years I've searched the dictionary in vain for a well-known cricket word 'englandbattingcollapse'.

    Must be an obscure dictionary I haven't seen. :-(


  44. At 09:36 AM on 24 Apr 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Hello everyone!

  45. At 10:11 AM on 24 Apr 2007, Val P wrote:

    RJD - uhuh, you've cracked that one before, is this a sign of (your) age? repeating yourself? Perhaps they should consider a name change though, it might change their fortunes....

    btw we're going digital from this week, I could send you the link if you're interested? Onward and upward.

  46. At 10:45 AM on 24 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Val P - I couldn't remember if I had done it before or not. Yes, to the digital link though. One of the guys in the office had a son at Uni in Edinburgh and became a bit of a Hearts nut whilst there. I'll pass it on to him as well, if he doesn't have it already.

    Belinda - Hello to you!

    Si - Yes I know that one. Funny that the Aussies have never had an equivalent word!

  47. At 12:06 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Big Sis (39) You are quite right, I shouldn't presume the Naughty Corner is only for those who are misbehaving in the RobbieDo sense. My naughty mind just thougt that was what you meant!

    Funny but your 39 wasn't there when I replied earlier to RJD's message -- which is now below it.

    "Can I come out now?" refers, of course, to re-eerting the full frog having been confined to the naughty corner. What're you trying to suggest matey?

    Oh I'm all confused on this thread! But I know a chap I can blame for that -- I like to blame him for most things around here... :-)

    Hello Belinda! In fact, hello everyone!

  48. At 12:16 PM on 24 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap - Don't worry I'm confused all the time!

    External QA audit nearing completion - I'm going to the Beach for lunch at the NC bar as soon as the auditor leaves!

  49. At 03:03 PM on 24 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Maybe I didn't write something here but I'll give it a shove anyway.

  50. At 03:41 PM on 24 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Val P - I've been back and found you and Aunt Dahlia tramping all over my "last word" thread. This has to stop! I have laid a trap!

  51. At 09:54 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Would you like to have the last word here RJD?

  52. At 10:59 PM on 24 Apr 2007, Val P wrote:

    Will do then RJD - look out in your inbox Thursday/Fridayish.

    Sorry about the Last Word ;-). How often do you get audited then?

  53. At 12:09 AM on 25 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Val P - every six months and I'll keep an eye on the inbox, thanks.

    Ap - Unfortunately I am resigned to the knowledge that I will never, ever have the last word. I am male after all!

  54. At 12:00 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    No, no, RJD, go ahead, be my guest (tee hee)...

  55. At 12:20 PM on 25 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap - Nope! - I'm not playing that game again. You all just laugh at me behind my back.

    I'm just going to the Beach and catch up with the camels - at least they don't make fun of me.

  56. At 01:14 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    There there RJD, don't get the hump.

  57. At 01:30 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    I'm happy to arbitrate!

  58. At 01:43 PM on 25 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    I bet if I had "sexy knees" I wouldn't be treated this way!

  59. At 04:58 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    You telling us you don't RJD?

    Oops there goes your last word again, tee hee :-)

  60. At 06:58 PM on 25 Apr 2007, Humph wrote:

    A few weeks ago there was a malicious posting on the Frog which pointed out that one Frogger appeared to post the first contibution to a large number of threads. I am not being malicious, here, I am just passing on something that "appears to be".

    Whilst checking through several threads last weekend, to see if I had missed any interesting comments, I noticed that a certain name kept occuring just above the Post a Comment box. Doing a count back I found that at that time 12 of 15 consecutive threads, that is 80%, ended with comments from Appy.

    I am not saying that Appy feels a need to have the last word on threads. She even offered, on the 18/3/07 Beach (comment 90), to let me have the last word on the Blast Off thread of 14th March and was true to her word. So RJD (53), if the offer is made, then I would trust that it is done in good faith.


  61. At 07:06 PM on 25 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap - Who have you been talking to?

  62. At 11:39 PM on 25 Apr 2007, RJD wrote:

    Humph (60) - Have you nothing better to do?

  63. At 06:55 AM on 26 Apr 2007, Humph wrote:

    RJD (62) - I do not think so . . . what had you in mind?


  64. At 10:16 AM on 26 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:


  65. At 01:37 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    For pity's sake?! Why has my reply to Humph been moderated then? There was absolutely nothing controversial about it!

  66. At 04:40 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Humph wrote:

    Re RJD (61) Well not to me, obviously!


  67. At 05:11 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Humph, I said something like: Gosh, is that true? I hope you will all assume it is because I don't like to be rude and stop whilst there might still be a conversation going on, rather than because I feel compelled to have the last word.

    I recognise the irony therein.

  68. At 10:26 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    POOSH again!

  69. At 11:39 PM on 26 Apr 2007, Humph wrote:

    Appy (67) Yes, it was absolutely true at the time although I acknowledge that the situation did change. As I said previously (60), it was just something that I noticed whilst quickly going from one thread to another and although the numbers were true (lies, damn lies and opinion polls), I was not trying to suggest any compulsion on your part. Also I wanted to point out to RJD that when you offer to let someone else have the last word, you are a person of your word and that he should trust you on that.


  70. At 11:21 AM on 27 Apr 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    At the risk of having the last word here, thank you Humph.

    Quick -- somebody say something! I feel very self-concious!

  71. At 12:12 PM on 27 Apr 2007, Omar wrote:

    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
    Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
    Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
    Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it

  72. At 10:42 PM on 29 Apr 2007, Val P wrote:

    I like the last word too!

  73. At 12:04 AM on 30 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Shapes of all Sorts and Sizes, great and small,
    That stood along the floor and by the wall;
    And some loquacious Vessels were; and some
    Listen'd perhaps, but never talk'd at all.

  74. At 08:34 AM on 30 Apr 2007, wrote:

    Val P (72) - Well, we know that!

    I'm fed up with that Omar using my keyboard - but he does talk sense!

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