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The Beach

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Eddie Mair | 06:31 UK time, Friday, 27 July 2007

What is the Beach?

It’s a place to go when the stresses of your real life need relieving. Sometimes it is fairly quiet and you might feel like you’re the only one around, but you can leave your ‘footprints’ for others to find later on. Othertimes it is the home for a real party, with constant gossip, leg-pulling, rumour, innuendo, chit-chat and weirdness.

If this were a forum (and it sort of is because we post responses to each other, not just to Eddie, hence our term for ourselves 'Froggers', a combination of forum and blogger) then the beach would be the off-topic area.
It's a tropical location, no matter the time of year it's always warm and pleasant there.

Sunrises and sunsets are spectacular, the evenings balmy. It has a number of different locations; the Nick Clarke waterfront bar; the smokers corner; Fido's Run for the dog-walkers; the Naughty Step and many others.
How do you find your way around? There is no direct answer to the question.

The beach is a moveable feast, literally. It will be renewed by our Lord and master Mr. Edward de Mair each Friday morning. This is because we have found in the past that when the number of posts exceeds about 600 the entire thing becomes unwieldy and unstable. A case of the beach turning to quicksand.

Froggers often leave bottles / glasses / trays of their favourite tipple on the bar for others to sample, not to mention big / small eats.

There is a herd of camels who frequent the sands, which froggers are very fond of. There are sun-loungers, so you can take it easy and catch some rays. Quite often the late-night attendees will have a barbie.

It's a fun place, with only one real rule; Be nice to each other; we are ALL chums here. New Froggers are ALWAYS welcome.

The real debate happens on the other threads. The beach is a place for banter, whimsy, relaxation and friendship, where jarring comments are not particularly welcome. There are certain very mild protocols, which you tend to pick up as you go along. So slip your shoes off, feel the sand between your toes, relax and enjoy yourself.


  1. At 07:03 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Humph wrote:

    Just a quick visit to say all the best to Jason with your interview today. Be you and you will do well.


  2. At 07:28 AM on 27 Jul 2007, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    It's Friday, it's a day off, it's cool and raining (well I like it), and my mum didn't have to go into hospital after yesterday's visit to the doctor (always a worrying possibility these days).

    Fingers crossed the rest of the day shapes up as well as the start...

    Enjoy the beach everyone!

  3. At 08:13 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Cheers, Humph, and thanks for all the good wishes in the build up, folks.

    Had a terrific sleep...between 5:45am and 8am! Gosh, there's some rubbish on the radio overnight.

    Mildly terrified despite knowing all the people on the interview panel fairly well. Dreading the consequences of both getting and not getting the job so I'm onto a loser from the start!

    Think I am in with a good chance but have thought that before now. Que sera, sera.

    Sunny Spain, anyone?

  4. At 08:32 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Lovely new beach with hardly any footprints.

    Good luck Jason.

    English breakfast, fresh Java and croissants on the bar.

  5. At 09:05 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    New toy arrives today! My fundus camera. Its 9.10 and I have an engineer to install but no kit for him to install!

    And simple things please simple minds. I have set up a PC with two monitors. Its great fun watching the mouse move off one monitor and to the second! I am so sad!

  6. At 09:05 AM on 27 Jul 2007, RJD wrote:

    Knock 'em dead, Jason!

  7. At 09:15 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Val P wrote:

    Jason - awra best frum (frog chum?) :o)

  8. At 09:55 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    I'm wishing Jason all the best, and hoping the sun's shining on you all as it is here.
    Thanks for breakfast Anne P - I hope you're all recovered from your parent's health scare in the week.

  9. At 09:56 AM on 27 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:


    new beach!

    (is that a camel?)

  10. At 10:02 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:


    ...good luck, and as The Humph says, just be yourself....


  11. At 10:02 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Stewart M and all his froggy friends - wow! That was some fancy speedo action last night! Well done ;o)
    Talking of speedos - that's reminded me to suggest you all have a look at Jonnie's flickr site. Jonnie, give us a shout when it's ready! I'll give you all a clue....there'll be some very nice buns, but not the edible sort!

  12. At 10:09 AM on 27 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:


    I've just got my first one-to-one yoga client! Wasn't planning for this at all and have to come up with a couple of session plans for next week! Eek!! Word of mouth from someone I'd been chatting to in a health food shop, quick chat on weds and now I'll be teaching him twice a week from tuesday!!

    Fizz all round! Wahey!! But argh....planning...eek eek eek!

    I think I better go for a quick run around the dunes to wind down!

  13. At 10:15 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Jason - all the best for - well - right NOW probably! They're fools if they don't snap you up.
    Tell us all afterwards, won't you?

  14. At 10:38 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Yes jason, give then your best! Good luck

  15. At 11:19 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Mornin' all, and may I add to the wishes for Jason's success.

    Sunny again (as usual) here on the Costa del Galloway....Nice high tide and a light breeze.


  16. At 11:22 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    Knock 'em dead? Isn't that reserved for the Purple People Eater?

  17. At 11:40 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    well Friday in July is really slow this morn so have popped in for a splash about in the surf...

    .....get yer costume on Gillian and i'll race yo for it.

    thanks for the new Speeedos BTW, chain mail, but won't they rust?


  18. At 11:42 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Jason - Best of luck- and as regards to overnight Radio - especially where Radio 4 is concerned well ...... try emailing Mark Damazer? He responded about the trails.

    Eddie twittered : -Being advised that to get Google Toolbar restored on my PC I have to call Siemens. ..


    Gillian :- You had a special preview .. I dare say the book has been locked up again :-(

  19. At 11:51 AM on 27 Jul 2007, Electric Dragon wrote:

    There's been some entertaining discussion on the MeejaGrauniad blog ( ) about Evan Davis' turn on Today. A bit of disparagement about Sequin, which I think totally unjustified - much prefer Sequin to la Montague - but more criticism of Humphrys in the comments and a couple of comments about Sir Eric :

    "If only they could get Eddie Mair to get out of bed in the mornings...",

    "My favourite presenter is Eddie Mair - as a friend of mine once said, 'I don't know how he gets away with it.' "

    "I would say Eddie Mair, possessing that same killer blend of respect and healthy why-is-this-lying-bastard-lying-to-me skepticism, could fill the chair, but I don't want to lose him from PM."

  20. At 11:57 AM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Well I survived the interview. As I've worked around all of them for the last three and a half years, no surprise. They invited two of the class children in to take part in the interview which was fantastic.

    Four other candidates, all female and all currently employed as teaching assistants...why do I do this to myself? Interviews scheduled to finish round about now and phone calls to be made after lunch.

    Hopeful but not confident.

    Since arriving home I've cooked a cauliflower cheese in July to keep my kids from starving and to keep me from pacing the house.

    There is a virtual one behind the bar under the glow lamp. A little "lighter" on pepper and mustard than I like but the little bloggers won't eat it if I make it how I like it...

  21. At 12:05 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Am I going mad? I'd swear there was a comment here a minute ago from the electric dragon about Evan Davies on Today.

    *and now it thinks I'm malicious*

  22. At 12:50 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Just got the call - I got the job, unanimous decision but I fell down on the cha-cha and the passe double.

    Got to go back there now to fill in disclosure forms etc...

    Thanks for the help, folks.

  23. At 01:05 PM on 27 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Jason - thats fantatsic, even more call for fizz!!

  24. At 01:28 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    jason, Mines a pint please! Congrats etc etc

  25. At 02:05 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Val P wrote:

    Oh Jason, boyo, you're the man! Way to go, etc etc.
    So do you get a nice 6 week break now before you start? ;-)
    I dunno, bl**dy teaching staff, think they're hard done by.....

    What d'you mean it's the 27th and I haven't met the deadlines? I shall be respectfully suggesting that perhaps it was injudicious of them to email me on Sunday and tell me that Sunday working was a no-no. Petards and hoisting, methinks........

    Back to it now, I may be away for some time!

  26. At 02:42 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Jason (21)........

    .....as our Dear Cliff Richard sings.......Congratulations.......well done.

    Bottle of chilled bubbly on the bar for you.....


  27. At 03:15 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Electric Dragon wrote:

    Anne, it was there, but then it was not. So I posted again. Again it appeared, again it disappeared.

    Never mind, you can find the link I was talking about on the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Editors' Blog under "Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú In the News Today".

    PS. Congratulations to Jason!

  28. At 03:18 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    !!!!!!!!! Congratulations Jason !!!!!!!!!

    ~~~Who's a clever laddie then??? ~~~

    Celebratory (( hug )) from Fifi.

    Witchi - something similar happened to me today. Went into the PO in the next village, just to pay my well overdue paper bill, and was asked if I could do some hours while the regular stand-in lady is in hospital.

    I would suggest there must be something in the water ... possibly not very tactful of me in the circs though. Hmmm.

    Our adorable bass player has just dropped off a video of the final episode of Doctor Who, which I'd made a muck-up of taping.

    Guess what we'll be watching once we get back from my regular acoustic night!

    Must remember to pull out the sofa from the wall, before I leave for the pub...

    Fifi :oD

  29. At 03:21 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Peej wrote:

    well done Jason, if they ask for references you can probably call on several thousand froggers, don't know if that would impress them or make them reconsider their decision. Have you made it clear that the job can't interfere with the frogging?

  30. At 03:31 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Val (24) (but looks younger): not quite. I now get 6 weeks (well, 5 left) of unpaid leave, start September 3rd, then get paid through next summer.

    Support staff work 39 weeks so only get paid 39/52nds of the annual pay but get that paid to us in 12 equal parts over the year so that we get a "normal" pay packet every month. Unlike teachers... ;-)

    Pensions are complicated. I will be on a 25 hour contract, working 5 hours a day across a full school day. A full timer does 1924 hours a year, I'll do 975 (50%) which, according to some amazingly complex Local Government Pension Scheme calculations, means I have to work 2 years to get 1/80th of my "grossed up final salary".

    So I would only need to work until I am 201 to get a full pension. Result!

  31. At 03:37 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Congratulations Jason! We all knew you'd do it, but it's nice to have our prejudices confirmed.

    Dragon, Thanks for that on Evan. I concur.

    Still sunny here! ;-)

  32. At 03:55 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Jason - that's wonderful.

    !!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!


  33. At 03:57 PM on 27 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Fifi - strange how things happen isn't it? I was talking about it in the gym and may have garnered another interested bod there too! Enjoy Dr Who; I missed the eps before but thought the finale was great and quite moving.

    Elec Dr and EdI - he is good isn't he.

  34. At 04:03 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Jason, that's fantastic news! Well done!!!
    Jason and Witchiwoman - here's to your new lives (not together, of course!)
    Fifi - there could be a career opportunity for you with the PO - have stamps, will travel!

  35. At 04:05 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Jason, a barrel of your favourite tipple is waiting for you behind the bar :-)


  36. At 04:05 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Jason (29) Is your new job in the school which may be able to place you on the Graduate Teaching scheme?

  37. At 04:07 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Time has stopped!!

    It's Friday afternoon in July and it has been 4 o'clock for the last 2 hours.....well it seems like it....I just want to get home.....get fed and then partake in the consumption of alcohol with like minded relatives and friends.....

    .....taking Grandchildren and Niece to the Dinosaur Park tomorrow......lots of fun and a picnic.....heaven!


  38. At 04:09 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Val P wrote:

    Jason - I can tell you've been giving a moment's thought to that last?(29) Och, but ye're nobbut a boy, ye dinnae need tae fash yersel thinking aboot yon pensions, laddie......

    Haven't time to look up the Evan Davies thing, but if they're saying he's really good, then I agree, it's just what I was thinking while I was having breakfast this morn. He's a natural. Like his giggling too.....
    If that's not what it says, then they're wrong.

  39. At 04:29 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Gillian (35)

    ....i thought he was going to be a Speedo tester...

  40. At 04:38 PM on 27 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Well dear froggers off I go in to the wide vista of the weekend...breakfast at the zoo tomorrow, which mean getting up at stupid o'clock to watch the beasties being let out and feed. Quite magical.

    Hope you all keep dry and find a small patch of fun to warm those froggy hearts. Frugs to all for the good things and the bad ((( )))

  41. At 04:47 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    DIWyman(38) he is.........he's got all the school holidays to do that!

  42. At 04:52 PM on 27 Jul 2007, RJD wrote:

    Jason - Looks as though you had a more enjoyable and productive day than me - well done!

  43. At 04:53 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Jason (29)

    201.....well that will be a cracking good knees up then..

    you never know, with evolution and medical research you might just make it...bein a youngster 'n all.

    BTW it has taken 6 hours to get from 4 o'clock to 10 to 5.....well, it seems like it....


  44. At 05:01 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    D I Wy (38): I read that as taster to start with. Eeeew.

    I do have to accompany the kiddy winks to swimming lessons once a week for the first term...but I will be remaing firmly (flabbily) poolside. My role is to ensure they don't drown each other, apparently. I'm told I need a whistle.

    Gillian (35): Yup, they certainly are. I may have come back to my senses before then, though!

  45. At 05:28 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Jason, I too saw that as 'taster' and thought 'eeeeeewwwww!'

    Mittfh sent me a very funny transcript of a conversation yesterday evening on the CransleyCam.

    If anyone would like to see it, please email me either direct or via the link attached to my name.

    A less than completely sober American gentleman was discussing the British hotel industry and, at one point, the finer points of architectural engineering ... apparently life isn't worth living without access to poultry. Wasn't that his main philosophy, Mittfh?

    I have just emailed a computer joke to PM in hopes it might appear on the blog. After all their recent IT woes it will either make them laugh or have me barred from frogging forever!

    Fifi ;oD

  46. At 05:37 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Peej (28): Sorry, missed that on the first lap of the waves. I will still be their IT bod on the side so I will have to thoroughly test the internet connection several times daily ;-)

  47. At 06:30 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:


  48. At 06:40 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Jason (45) : Oh, how clever of you!

    Devious-icious, as DIY might say...

    Fifi x

  49. At 07:42 PM on 27 Jul 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Jason (43)

    .....re swimming lessons, forget the whistle. Get a shark fin shaped 'bolt-on' for yer swimmin' hat then splash about in the pool a bit as they come in.........

    ......you may find that they would rather be somewhere else....or get a really long BIG stick...

    ......wots the point of teachin' if you can't beat them?


  50. At 10:35 PM on 27 Jul 2007, mittfh wrote:

    First things first, congrats to Jason. More on that later.

    Next, we've had 48 posts so far (this SB49) and the booze is steadily decreasing but there's not much eating yet...

    ...of course! There isn't a BBQ here!

    Be back in a bit...

    ..heave ho...

    ..there! I've dragged the (meat) BBQ and supplies from the old beach to this one (if you prefer the veggie one, drag it over yourself!). I've also given it a good scrub up, and stored all Nikki's spare fuel behind a dune. There's only a few sausages and burgers left, so if you're willing to replenish the stocks, you're welcome.

    After all that effort, I think I'll pour myself a Cabernet Sauvignion (from a glass bottle with real cork) whilst watching the sunset.

    In honour of Jason, Cheers!

  51. At 11:34 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hello everyone, sorry I am late: CONGRATULATIONS JASON!

    Peace and love to all.

    Proper frogging will be resumed soon.

    A, xxx.

  52. At 11:42 PM on 27 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Thanks mittfh....it's a bit late for food, for me, but here's some marshmallows for a midnight snack.

  53. At 11:53 PM on 27 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Mittfh, you are a marvel. Look at all the eatables!

    I'm just in from our folk night (numbers down because of holidays, atmosphere fantastic as ever), high as a kite, watching Dr Who final episode video, supping an Ozzie cab sav (couple more bottles here, do dig in!), and now we have loads of nibbles to munch.

    Thanks Mittfh! And well done AGAIN to Jason. Those kids will have such a better chance in life now you're in the frame.

    Fifi xx

  54. At 12:15 AM on 28 Jul 2007, Frances O wrote:

    Jason! Congratulations! They didn't hang about in getting back to you, which seems to mean they're keen.

    If you're still up, a better-late-than-never bottle of champers, or would you prefer a warming single malt?

    Hellp, everyone who's beached today.

    It's been a bit traumatic, but, oddly enough. I feel relieved.

    Weekend wee-hoo!

  55. At 12:22 AM on 28 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    And a "well done Jason" from me, too!!

    Just got in, so missed all the beach-wear competition (might have to re-check that later), but can confirm that there *is* a rarther largeish supply of 'potables' which i stashed behind the dunes in case of dire necessity....

    ...help yourselves!


  56. At 01:21 AM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Disaster strikes the Beach!!!!!

    A camel (a female I think, unless the flowery sun-hat and false eyelashes are a disguise) has nabbed the sausages, the burgers, the chicken wings and the veggie kebabs.

    However, s/he has left the booze this time around. I suggest we all grab as much as we can carry, and hie us off to my gazebo for a party as quickly as we can. Camels, despite their racing credentials, are rubbish at sprinting with ill-gotten-gains tucked under their armpits.

    Last one into the tent's a hairy kipper!


  57. At 02:53 AM on 28 Jul 2007, pseudonymous mac wrote:

    Hey Ed (or anyone who can underline), how do you link? I typed

    all in the Name box but it didn't work? Should I be surprised?

  58. At 03:46 AM on 28 Jul 2007, pseudonymous mac wrote:

    Now I know!!! Type in the Comment box bit you're doing ,

    where xxxxxxx is the web page you want the link to go to (eg www.bbc.co.uk/newsnight (as if, think what they did to Eddie)

    then type the bit you want to turn blue (as the secretary said to the....) and then

    so that the whole thing looks like this

    and when you put a proper address in it goes like this

    Is that right?

  59. At 08:29 AM on 28 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Mac (57), you may just have discovered a new way of doing things. I've always used html to get the effect, if I understand you right you appear to have got the comments box to do the work for you.

    Also if you want to link directly from your name then you put a url into the box labelled website.

    Fresh tea, coffee and toast on the bar. Unbelievably it's actually sunny in July - long may it last.

    Catch you all later.

  60. At 10:40 AM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    I am so late, but, hey, JASON!!! WELL DONE! and CONGRATULATIONS! Did you hear that in Furness Vale ok? That really is a fantastic result & they have made the right decision.

    Like DIY's suggestion re the swimming lessons, btw. That man has some creative teaching ideas...

    We are on our first day sans Miss pb, who is away for a week. The first time ever. Doing a music course in a school miles away. We have to send her letters each day, which meant we had to write the first one before she left in order that she gets it today. Slightly odd feeling. House is very quiet.

    Baby blackbird has appeared in garden this morning, unable to fly. Gordon headed straight for it, but was steered off course by the promise of cat food in the house. The parents have fed it a worm so far, so we know they are still around, but it is rather worrying. There are other cats around who are more single minded than Gordon!

  61. At 10:51 AM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:


    See answer elsewhere, or


  62. At 11:04 AM on 28 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hello Annasee, how is Gordon coping without Miss Pooh Bear? This is Very Important Information, you understand.

  63. At 11:05 AM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    And mac, if you're really sad, you can use to set up your function keys to do various codes....

    Check my namelink for an example ini file (renamed as .txt for web purposes)


  64. At 01:01 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Thank you Anne P., the name of my favourite Greenham person. I'll put a Rosa Luxembourg url in, in comradely spirit. (Holiday reading?)

    And Ed too, (61,62). On a 'need to know ' basis obviously its what I need to know


  65. At 01:24 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Appy - he's having a nice uninterrrupted sleep on her bed, since you ask. So no change there then. He's really not what I call an "active" cat. More of a comatose one, most ot the time. Still - what can you expect of a 13 yr old moggy, I suppose. Especially one as fat as him.

  66. At 02:06 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:


  67. At 02:37 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Thank you Anne P., the name of my favourite Greenham person. I'll put a Rosa Luxembourg url in, in comradely spirit. (Holiday reading?)

    And Ed too, (61,62). On a 'need to know ' basis obviously its what I need to know.


    Please ignore the rest of this (if there is any 'rest') I want to try something. (Building a castle on the beach all of my own)

    this should send you to Newsnight, Eddie where you also belong I'm sure>

    If the above (between this and '..all of my own)') is a piece of HTML text it worked, if its JUST a ticket to Newsnight it didn't, nor if there's just a gap.

    Right, back to the shell - like 'ere:

    Hey, Ed and Anne P. can I use Hotkey to import a spell checker for these 'sea shells for others to find' (i.e. Comments) or is there one in place already that I can't find?

  68. At 03:42 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:


  69. At 05:22 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Nothing since Ed I's big push at (68) 4.42?


    Fifi ;o)

  70. At 05:37 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hi Fifi,

    It seems the frog doesn't want me to send mac instruction in using html in comments. I've avoided putting in more than one link in a comment, but they still seem reluctant to surface....

    Oh well....

    Sunny here all day. Expecting Welsh relatives. All else is very well, except as noted on the friday glassbox thread - GRRRR!


  71. At 06:02 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    So it doesn't matter what the spell of whether is on the beech?

    Ot some, I mena.

    How Kannai cheque it?

    Pre Harry Potter spellin' I mean.

  72. At 06:35 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Hi-Mac To yo, Ta! Who's this Sue Domino?

    A wee poyum featuring and others....


  73. At 08:27 PM on 28 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Oh for pity's sake.

    . . P

    . . . . . U

    . . . . . . . . S

    . . . . . . . . . . . H

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !


  74. At 08:29 PM on 28 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    zzzzzzzz !


  75. At 08:40 PM on 28 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Well it's quiet again....a quick skinny-dip then, I think, while no-one's looking....

  76. At 10:50 PM on 28 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    (turning over in a hammock)




    PS its been a long day!

  77. At 11:12 PM on 28 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:


    Think I'll go ride a camel.

  78. At 11:16 PM on 28 Jul 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Still no update on whether the pushing so far has done any good, so I'd better add my own:

    . . P
    . . . . U
    . . . . . . S
    . . . . . . . . H
    . . . . . . . . . . !
    . . . . . . . . . . . . P
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !

    Where's Magnus Scheving's alter ego when you need him? :)

  79. At 01:29 AM on 29 Jul 2007, RJD wrote:

    Gillian - Tut tut!!!

  80. At 10:38 AM on 29 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    RJD (79) Sorry......I didn't mean to frighten everyone away ;o(
    Errr....why were you skulking behind the dunes, anyway? :oþ

  81. At 10:58 AM on 29 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    Right !

    morining all froglets - and what a beautiful day on the beach!

    All seems fairly washed out after last night, (or is that just me?)! so a fresh start seems in order.

    I'll be over in the Bar, putting beverages together whilst humming 'the trout' by shubert (shuman?) (shue-somebody..)

    da Da,
    da 'da da' dA - dA,
    Da, dadadada dA (bom, bom, bom,)


  82. At 11:01 AM on 29 Jul 2007, wrote:

    For .

    And, at my namelink....some autohotkey stuff.

    Will this work?

    Sunday July 29, 2007 at 11:01:18 GMT

  83. At 11:44 AM on 29 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    I wonder if a good old-fashioned Sunday lunch will entice froggers to the Beach?
    I am preparing Cashew nut roast, Rib of Beef, leg of lamb, roast potatoes, roast carrots, roast parsnips, fresh peas, brocolli, Yorkshire puddings, and gravy.
    Mmmmm.... can you smell it?~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  84. At 11:48 AM on 29 Jul 2007, Val P wrote:

    Good grief - the sun's shining in July. So why am I wasting time footling about in Faceb**k? Answer me that please!

  85. At 11:53 AM on 29 Jul 2007, wrote:


    The smell is TOO much! How long before it's ready? I just love parsnips and cashews, and all the rest, of course.


    I've brought a whole barrel of Liffey water for all to share, and various others for those yet to discover the superiority of Irish brewing.


  86. At 12:59 PM on 29 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    ...and I'm starving!! the smell is gorgeous!

    Pudding's now in the fridge, I know the bowl is upside down, it;s sposed to be!!!


  87. At 01:02 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Morning all (OK, afternoon then).

    Ah Gillian, that sounds fabulous! May I partake? Soft drinks only though I think for me.

    Malicious apparently. First post of the day...

  88. At 02:14 PM on 29 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Cheers Ed at 82 and repeat thanks to Anne P who told me what the website box was for.

    Am I the sort of bloke you thinks that misspellin's are important even on the beech? Sadly yesss, and June's are no place to hide amongst.

    Sorry to ask another quesy.
    So how do I call up Firefox
    In da Comment box?

    I suspect I ask this 'cos of my bad habit of not reading 'how to' documents.
    Well, doctor, it all started when we spent two weeks of English lecons on filling a fountain pen and using blotting paper. Too much information, I thought.
    They continued to teach how to answer the phone there until 3G, when the kids refused to tell the instructors how to dial.

    See ya! I'm going to bury my valuables in a hanky in hte sand and mark it with a unique pebble near my towell and go and swim forever. Here on the beach you see the three miles of sand and the parade of hotels along the front. The mountain like an Ernst rock balastrade across the river estuary.

    A mile out at sea the whole town has shrunk to the village it really is. Pyramid shaped from that far out with the church at its pinnacle. Now the mountain glowers over the estuary, the rail bridge and the town itself. At a mile and a half there is nothing but the mountain.
    I hope four other swimmers with towells like mine don't arrive meanwhile like they did last time.
    We had to dig up half the beach. That was when we found the petrified posts of the stone age village.

    In a year the whole place will be a heritage center (Firefox where are you?) and we won't be allowed to swim 'cos we won't be allowed to lie about on the beech which has become an archeological trench 50 metres wide.

    Isn't that Black Adder's scabby side kick with a bloody great shovel right over there?

  89. At 03:08 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    niikki noodle (86) What a clever chappie! Your turnover is superb, and what a surprise! ;o)
    Aperitif (87) there's enough for everyone....and just for you, here's a Summer Breeze (minus the vodka)
    Val P (84) Why do we do these things to ourselves?! You definitely need the vodka in your Summer Breeze! There you go....
    Ed I (85) I'll save the Liffey til later, thanks....I can't manage it just now after all that food! I'll have a nip of Single Malt though if I may?
    Someone give me a nudge when P. Mac comes back..........

  90. At 03:10 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Molly wrote:

    Jason- belated (as usual) congratulations! well timed and well deserved.,

    Gillian-any food left? sounds wonderful. Had a good swim, by the way?!!! Do take care.......

    Well, "busy froggers" seems to be the theme at the moment .think I'll just sit back and see exactly what you've all been up to before I even think about work.

    Val P (84)- Ifully understand and have no idea why such pastimes seem so necessary. Especially when I look around at things disintegrating around me- have I got my prorities right?- Think so!

    Oh well! TTFN :-)


  91. At 03:22 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    mac (88) Not sure if I understood the question, but Firefox is a browser in its own right - as opposed to Internet Explorer. Pop it into any search engine and you will find the Mozilla site from which it can be downloaded. I and several other froggers, much prefer it (other internet browsers are of course available).

    Gillian - lovely lunch, thank you. I too love roast parsnips.

    Now as for this pudding nicki noodle has left, I'll just peep under the upside down basin.....


  92. At 03:51 PM on 29 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Anne P. Thank you again. I obviously misunderstood Ed.

    I was wondering how to call up a spell checker when writing in this Comment box.

    If I use Firefox to get to this page will it automatically give me a spell check facility - i.e. give me the red underline facility Ed talks of for msisspellings like htis?
    If this Comment box has spell check shell of its own how do I call it up?
    Or ettiquettilly speaking should I find all this out by (not) doing (but having tried to)

  93. At 04:30 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    p.mac (92) it had not occurred to me that IE didn't spell check these comment boxes.

    Firefox does and yes you do get the red underlining if you get something wrong - but beware if you spell it 'colour' you will get an error, but not for color i.e. it's US English and I haven't found anywhere to change that.

    Another joy of Firefox is that you can choose 'skins' - different colours, icons and shapes to suit yourself, as invented by the many users out there, but the default is perfectly acceptable if you choose not to. There are other add-ons as well but someone will think I'm on commission if I go on :-)

  94. At 05:07 PM on 29 Jul 2007, wrote:


    If you use firefox to get this page, it will indeed automatically check anything you type into this (or any) box.

    However, it would be wise to install the US English dictionary, since the UK english one needs to be updated to be compatible and they ain't done that yet. So, at the moment mine doesn't work with either dictionary. My email program from the same source (Mozilla Thunderbird) still checks spelling as before.

    It's better than mrSoftie anyway, even without a working spellchecker at the moment.

    (did you get an email?)

  95. At 05:13 PM on 29 Jul 2007, mac for real wrote:

    Thanks Anne P, I'm happy as a sand man. And so much of this text with red underlining now.

    Hey, one and all, is it true that some parts of the beach are fenced off for posh people and that we have to take them ice cold drinks when they holler and then rush back to the Common awaiting their next order? If so lets give them sugary cola instead of diet and watch them blow out like whales.

    Hooray for desert Firefox. But did you know it doesn't pick up typos if they are alphanumeric?
    Seve7n is OK by the Fox (p'haps to allow sk8ters on the Beach (and disallow p'haps, p'haps))

    PS What is PUSH about, cogniscenti? (Assume my complete and utter ignorance if you kindly reply. (I know, you have to in my case! ))

  96. At 05:15 PM on 29 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Anne P (93),

    If you haven't been automatically upgraed to the all-new-all-dancing firefox, don't bother.

    To get the British English dictionary, just right-click in the comments box , and you'll see "add dictionaries".

    Or just try this:


  97. At 07:12 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Thanks Ed, adding the dictionary didn't seem to work, but right click and select 'Languages English/UK' did.

  98. At 08:10 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Thank you Gillian (89).

    Does anyone fancy telling us all a story? I've lit this lovely campfire to sit around.

  99. At 09:08 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Aperitif (98) I'd like to hear a story, too.....where's RJD when we need him? It's okay, RJD, I'm wearing my most voluminous kaftan tonight!

  100. At 09:31 PM on 29 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    when this will show, I don;t know; neither what will come before

    Dear Appy,

    Once upon a time, in a land far far away, beside the brook, beneath the falls, lived a small drinks cabinet. The PM often reshuffled his cabinet, but the home minister always washed up and put all the glasses back in the cabinet ready for the next day.

    One day the PM (for it was Lord Mair of Dundee cake) said 'Blogger this, you numpties' and posted the first Beach onto his web, so that all the letters could get through for verily was there a postal strike. But the first beach, as Big Sister has related, had it's own problems, indeed counciling was considered, yet it pulled through, and now each week, spawns a new Beach for the webbers/froggers/bloggers/ to use to play on.

    And now, nigh on a year later, it is still here, and we defo need a "one year birhtday cake celebration type thingy" -

    [we do, we do, we do, we do!!!]

    - and one day the beach will turn 21, get its own front door key, and set up home with a totally unsuitable sand dune, or possibly a shingle bay, and then Lord Mair, unable to resist, will say "...

    and do you know what he will say?

    neither do I, but I am sure it has something to do with speedos, or aubergines, or possibly corgettes...

    and they all lived happily ever after, pouring out the whiskey or wine from the cabinet beneath the falls...each dipping a lazy toe into the warming pools, basking in the summer sun, as the sunlight painted wafting rainbows in the misty spray... drifting in their minds to far away thoughts...!

  101. At 09:44 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    It was a dark and stormy night.....

    well no perhaps not

    Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess...


    OK. Once upon a time long ago there was a man who lived in British India, for in those days that is how they thought of it. He lived in a bungalow and as was the way then, had servants to care for him. He was a kind man and when his servants said to him that his bungalow was haunted he told them it was not so.

    But 'It is so', they said. 'The ghost of a limping man leaves the bungalow every evening at dusk and you will hear him as he limps down the steps, ker plunk, ker plunk, ker plunk...'.

    Being a rational man he told them it was not so and believing that someone was playing a trick he told them loudly he would lie in wait for the ghost that evening.

    All afternoon they saw him sharpening his sword, for this was long a go - did I tell you? To his surprise the servants seemed relieved rather than fearful.

    At dusk he waited, sword in hand, and as it grew dark he heard a sound on the wooden steps of the veranda ker plunk, ker plunk, ker plunk.....

    ...and he threw his sword...and the sound ceased.

    He called for lights,

    and there at the bottom of the steps lay a mongoose cut in half by his sword. For every evening at dusk the little creature had left its hiding place in the bungalow and gone down the steps with its long tail trailing one step behind...ker plunk, ker plunk, ker plunk.....

    And I know that it was so for the man was my great, great grandfather.

  102. At 09:51 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Poor little mongoose.

  103. At 10:00 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    It was a dark and stormy night - yes really - and a man was lost. He had driven his car off the main road in search of his destination and in the dark and driving rain found himself driving through a wood when suddenly he saw a light ahead, and there was a wayside inn, thatched roof, white-washed half-timbered walls and a well outside.

    He pulled up, went in and rapidly realised it must be a theme pub as the bar staff wore historical costume and the decor seemed to be in period. But there was a roaring fire, good food and real ale and they had a room for the night. So well satisfied he went to bed.

    In the morning the sun shone, he paid his bill, received his change and drove away in search of the main road. But as he reached the junction his jacket fell from the seat beside him and the change he had been given rolled onto the floor. Pausing to pick it up he realised the coin looked gold and appeared to be a real sovereign. Thinking they had accidentally given him part of the pub decor, he turned the car and drove back down the lane.

    The wood seemed thicker than he remembered, the trees closer together, the tarmac disappeared and he was driving down an unmade track.

    Suddenly he was forced to stop by a large tree growing in the middle of the lane.

    And on either side of it ran the tracks of a car's tyres....

  104. At 10:13 PM on 29 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    The mods are determined to make me look batty by publishing things out of order (or possibly not at all) !

  105. At 12:01 AM on 30 Jul 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Ok, I'm not imaginative enough to contribute stories to the campfire get-together...

    ...but, I have brought a big bag of marshmallows and harvested a good-sized bundle of sticks from a nearby wood.

    And for those too cosy by the campfire to walk to the bar, I've brought a selection of cans/bottles over.

  106. At 12:48 AM on 30 Jul 2007, not exactly mac wrote:

    Anyone fancy a middle of the night swim? It'll freshen me up, P'haps I'll even remember whether I sent this post already.

    Are you ready for the sea weed collection tomorrow? Bring scissors, and a hamper for the rocks. In two years we'll have turned this place into a meadow. Then we can fly off to somewhere really hot on the strength of the carbon we've sunk here.

    Anne P, that tree, was it Gaia reacting immediately to the car exaust?

    I support everyone flying everywhere if they plant a tree to do it. Then the whole country will be a forest and we'll become the Fakawes

  107. At 01:02 AM on 30 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hahaha Mr Noodle (100), and wow Anne P -- you have sent a shiver down my spine! Twice!! Poor mongoose :-(

    Anyone else care to hold forth? Pass the marshmallows Mittfh (and cheers for those!). I have poked you with a skewer in another place, although you may not have realised it was me...

    Mmm, do go on...

  108. At 09:31 AM on 30 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Morning all - back to earth with a bang after a very...interesting but heartening weekend! How is every body? Drinks on the bar along with a huge heap of raspberries, strawberries and melon. Have decided to give up the yoga and be a zoo keeper instead!

  109. At 09:38 AM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    I have managed to annoy Mrs G with my facebook. Ouch.

  110. At 10:35 AM on 30 Jul 2007, RJD wrote:

    I wouldn't worry Jason - I annoy Mrs RJD with my face!

  111. At 10:36 AM on 30 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Jason - is it the family photos?

  112. At 10:45 AM on 30 Jul 2007, Flyswat wrote:

    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯ catch that fly!

  113. At 11:57 AM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    hi peeps.....i trust you all have had a good time over the weekend.......looks like most of you did by the state of the baech this morning!

    i have come for a rest......we have had my sister and hubby with their 13 month old daughter and our two grandchildren over for the weekend.....it was the first under fives sleepover i have ever been to!

    ...we invaded The Dinosaur Park on Saturday....and a really fantastic time was had by all.....Sunday saw us having a big family lunch at our place..and when they all left to go home Mrs DIY and I went to a birthday party for one of her distant relations.....

    ......so lots of excercise, food and booze is now taking its toll......

    .....i will be under that towel behind the bar.....wake me for teatime please!!!


  114. At 12:06 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    witchi (111): No - how come I know all these women!

  115. At 12:59 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    *phew* Sorry for an absence over the w/e, folks. July kept me busy trying to get communications to sister & family in Oz sorted out over the web, plus training the parents in how to use an IM service. all rather time-consuming. Anyone mind if I stretch out on a sun-lounger for a bit?

  116. At 01:18 PM on 30 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Jason - would it help if you told her we were all lesbians!? :)

  117. At 02:51 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Yesterday I was Pimmsed to within an inch of my life at a very posh garden party near a river.

    Lovely food, plenty to drink, a steel band, an island off the bottom of the garden to explore (after crossing a Monet bridge!) and then back to someone's house for more drinkies after.

    Today? Back in the PO for the 2nd week. Very quiet for a Monday. And I forgot to bring lunch.


    Fifi ;o(

  118. At 02:53 PM on 30 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Wahey - fizz for all....after much wailing and gnashing of teeth (literally) the final order on parents divorce has gone through. Absolute can be applied for and brother has got through being the go-between. Wow. Can't believe it. Such a relief!

  119. At 03:01 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:



  120. At 03:12 PM on 30 Jul 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    jason, whitchi, Just had to log on to face book myself as I was sent an invite from a friend of mine, All bar three of his friends also appear to be female.

    I'm still an invisible man on facebook. Too busy to play with it just now.

  121. At 03:17 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Witchi - congratulations ... is that the word I mean? Well anyway, phew.


    Fifi xx

  122. At 03:20 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Witchi (116): A good idea except that throughout the time we've known each other - a little over 10 years - she has been frequently hit on by gay women.

    I think she knows that I am both loyal and totally resistable.

  123. At 03:42 PM on 30 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Feefs - thanks, its still sinking in!

    Jason - whatever I say its coming to seem like a back handed compliment. Or get you in to more trouble. So heres a glass of champers instead!

  124. At 04:53 PM on 30 Jul 2007, RJD wrote:

    Gosh, it is quiet here today. And no food. Strewth!

  125. At 05:13 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    ....wakes up...rubs eyes.....stretches...yawns.....lets rip an enormous.....ph**t........

    .....well that's Monday done....roll on Friday.....!

    .....RJD (124)

    doughnuts for tea.....help yourself, best leave the custard ones for Humph though...!!


  126. At 05:41 PM on 30 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    who ate all the pies?!!!!


  127. At 06:57 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Five down, three more days to go in the PO. Hurrah! :o)

    Tomorrow I will have to get on with some paying-work, in between paying bills, distributing pensions, and sending out multitudes of auction website packages.

    But before then... how about a nice Pimms for Fifi and any other passing froggers? There's a huge bowl of fruit here to turn it into a proper balanced meal?

    Fifi xx

  128. At 07:55 PM on 30 Jul 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Still puzzling over Appy's claim he's poked me elsewhere...unless there's a poke hiding somewhere elsewhere on the frog, I haven't been poked recently on FB....

    Anyway, I've dragged over a few more logs and straw bales so there's plenty of room to sit around if anyone wants to relight his camp fire from the other day.

  129. At 08:33 PM on 30 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Fifi, I'll join you in a pimms. It'll have to be a smallish one, as I've got an early start in July (overnighter to Vichy).

  130. At 09:16 PM on 30 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:


    oh it was me, sorry about that, Pimmses all round!!

    Well balanced Fifi!! It must be difficult in there with Fearless, (what a fruit!).....poor mifth, confused as am I, have another glass....

    right - e - ho, then, congrats (I think) to WW, and for DIWyman: what's the name of that one-eyed dinosaur in the park,

    (wait for it!)


    tee hee!!

    nikki noodle

  131. At 09:30 PM on 30 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Mittfh (128) He? He? You're never going to recognise me if you think I'm a bloke!

    I was sucked in to the world of FB on Saturday. I have manged to do only ten minutes today...

    Think I'll relax in this hammock... oops, sorry Fearless! Room for one more?

  132. At 11:02 PM on 30 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    As Anne P writes:

    "Poor little mongoose!"

    (tee hee....! chin up, could be worse, could be Monday...doh!)


  133. At 11:42 PM on 30 Jul 2007, Val P wrote:

    EEEK, another Monday screeches to a halt - me too.

    Sorry I missed the campfire stories last night, not to mention the campfire. I have every intention of slowing down this week, honest guv.

  134. At 12:58 AM on 31 Jul 2007, iantherednose wrote:

    'Kick your shoes off
    What me? No fear!
    Then bring that Prarie Oyster
    Over here
    I---ll be sober toni--ight'

  135. At 01:05 AM on 31 Jul 2007, iantherednose wrote:

    'Kick your shoes off
    What me? No fear!
    Then bring that Prarie Oyster
    Over here
    I---ll be sober toni--ight'

  136. At 05:19 AM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    *yawn* *stretch* Oh dear, looks like my alarm clock managed to wake a couple of the camels as well. I'll lead them away so they dpn't wake other froggers. Oops! almost woke Appy too. better just pull the beach blanket over her....

    Right. Off to July. I've left the coffee & teas on the bar for those who want them. See you all in August!

  137. At 08:57 AM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    FF....thanks for the coffee....I need it this morning.......will go well with the double chocolate muffins I have brought along...help yourselves......


  138. At 10:24 AM on 31 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Am bored of July - thankfully only one day left! Roll on August (and the big birthday - excited? Moi?!) Thanks for the muffins DiW.

    First teaching session tonight; bit nervous especially as he's now told me he's 'slightly' allergic to cats. I have been frantically vacuuming and being little Lia to stop moulting (not that she ever listens).

    Am off for a dip with the dolphins, far nicer than dealing with desk stuff.

    Fifi - hows it going? Sounded like today was going to be a liitle manic.

  139. At 01:52 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Oh boo - I've just written a missive about Cambridge and lost it to maliciousness - I forgot to use the back button :o(

    I'll come back later and fill you in, as I've got to dash now.

    Love and frugs to you all,

    Izz xx

    P.S. I think the bowl of ice cream and strawberries/raspberries will still be on the bar - if not, I'll bring it later.

  140. At 03:05 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Beautiful day, and I'm stuck in a village post office, attached to a very old stone house that never warms up.

    Wondering if there will be an afternoon collection today, because of course some bits of Royal Mail are on strike today.

    Wondering if I'll ever be allowed to see the new PM website ... ValP, RJD, SSCat and I are currently marching in a circle bearing placards and warbling:

    "Let in the PM Four!" in 4 part harmony. Or in 4 different notes, anyway.

    Ho hum. Back to practising Martha's Harbour again.....


  141. At 03:09 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    witchi (138)

    re muffins....no problem.....nothing beats a really good muffin..

    re Lia and moulting....give her a quick coat of spray varnish....should 'fix' the problem for an evening...

    .....also look out for Flipper, he has got a strop on since he found out Skippy now goes out with Sooty....


  142. At 03:31 PM on 31 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    DiW - Flippers upset?! Have you seen Sweep recently; that dogs got a mean glint in his eye. I'm sure he's going to savage a camel soon.

  143. At 03:46 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    witchi (142)

    I know......Sweep is also upset 'cos Sue has fallen for Noggin the Nog, she can't resist a bloke in uniform.

    told him to forget her (she just aint worth it) and to get it on with Lobby Loo...


  144. At 04:04 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    ValP, RJD, SSCat and Fifi,

    It's here!


  145. At 04:26 PM on 31 Jul 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    DiW - have you seen what the Mice from the Mouse Organ have been up to recently?

  146. At 04:55 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    witchi (145)

    yeah......dirty little bu**ers....there was no need for that..I did warn Bagpuss and Madeleine that since Williemouse had taken to wearing a flowery top and red trousers that they could expect trouble.

    Mind you you would have thought Eddiemouse would have kept them in check wouldn't you?


  147. At 05:14 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Our campaign has been successful.

    * I can see the website again!!! *

    Might have been something to do with the network I was connected to while at the PO I suppose....?

    Ed I, thanks for all your attempts to smuggle me in! I did have the right address, and have used it often before (including since the site was relaunched), but just couldn't get it to talk to me today.

    Am now sitting with a huge pot of tea and the laptop, under a brolly on the patio, listening to PM from the kitchen.


    Fifi :o)))

  148. At 05:20 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Fifi (147)

    tea...milk and two sugars and can I have some Chocolate fingers please?


  149. At 06:10 PM on 31 Jul 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    Good Luck for this evening, ww!!

    ooooh, fifi nice brolly, jolly good, Pimms?!!

    Slow down, Val P....!!!

    nipping out now... n-n x

  150. At 06:56 PM on 31 Jul 2007, mittfh wrote:

    As I've already mentioned to some, online nicknames can be deceiving when trying to identify someone's gender.

    On the frog alone, I've already accused Apertif of being Male, and I nearly accused n-n of being female (irl it's more common to see Nikki as a shortened form of Nicola rather than Nick/Nicholas).

    And talking of nicknames, just in case anyone hasn't heard yet of the derivation of the oddity that is mine...

    Mad IT Tech From Hell

    Fans of El Reg might be able to spot the influence there...but may not know the nickname has evolved over time. Back in 1995 when I started a Biology degree, my first online nickname was "mbfh" (Biologist). A few years later Aberystwyth were daft enough to allow me back in to do an MSc Computer Science, so mittfh was born (albeit Mad IT Trainee...) Only once I got out of Uni and into a job as a school IT Tech that the current definition appeared. My job title is now "Remote Support Engineer", but since it's still IT tech type stuff, I thought mrsefh didn't look as nice as mittfh.


    Here endeth the lecture - as a treat for listening to my drivel, the next round of drinks is on me :)

  151. At 07:03 PM on 31 Jul 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Slightly O/T for the beach, but in case anyone else is experiencing Facebook withdrawal symptoms, here's the cause of their current downtime:

  152. At 08:59 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Bah humbug! Where's Fearless gone? He was keeping me nice and cosy in this here hammock!

    Draining day in July. I'm just going to stay here thanks!

  153. At 09:02 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Selkius piscinus wrote:

    mittfh @ 150, and there was me thinking you must be the bofh's cousin.

    Whereas of course it must be the Mad Scientist you're really related to -- or his Beautiful Daughter.

    Shows how wrong one can be about netid, as you say. :-)

    In honour of the non-white unshark, I have left sitting on the bar a large container of various Belgian chocolates in shell-shapes, for people to nibble as they contemplate the waves and hallucinate white bellies to go with the pointy fins. Them 'phins is dolphins, folks. I asked 'em and they owned up to playing a practical joke on the bloke with the camera.

  154. At 09:47 PM on 31 Jul 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Following comments on CransleyCam, I've brought an economy pack of liquorice and a selection of pies across. As pies don't really cook well on grills, you can either try wrapping them in foil and baking them on the camp fire, or you could try bringing a solar-powered microwave oven down...

  155. At 09:50 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Sorry, Appy! I was dragged away to another country by work :( I''m back now for a little bit to keep you company in th hammock, if I may:)

  156. At 09:58 PM on 31 Jul 2007, wrote:

    Time for a Skinny dip. No one seems to be watching. Here I go......

  157. At 10:08 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Weird about the PM website - one minute I get an error next it's there again.

    Exhausting day so if you don't mind I'll just curl up in the stripey hammock - no need to wake me thanks zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  158. At 10:25 PM on 31 Jul 2007, RJD wrote:

    I'm off to spend a night with the camels. I think they and I need the company. I may niff a bit in the morning!

  159. At 11:28 PM on 31 Jul 2007, Molly wrote:

    mittfh 150
    Don't worry about it- everyone (well, most) here seem quite unconcerned about 'gender' as they say. We are what we seem here .
    Sometimes there is a bit of a suprise- all adds to the fun!
    Anyone disagree?


  160. At 12:36 AM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Molly (158),


    Mittfh, Thanks for the oies. They roasted nicely in the embers of our wee campfire and went down a treat. There's still Liffey in the barrel, as if by magic!

    PM website has fixed the code, it seems.

    There's a towel warming by the last of the embers for you Stewart.

    Nighty night all. Full moon plus one tonight.


  161. At 02:13 AM on 01 Aug 2007, john-the-red-knows, aka Ian MacIntyre wrote:

    Can this please be the last entry tonight.

    I'm so tired and there's still the tide to bring in, waves to say good bye to and the beach to sweep clean.


    The night watchman.

  162. At 06:51 AM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    *yawn* *strech* Oh well, hat was a nice snooze. Off to another airport. Seeya all on the beach when I get ome tonight...

  163. At 07:26 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Ffred - do they ever let you keep your feet on the ground? Go safely.

    Ah well, s'pose I'd better roll out of this hammock and sweep up the remains of last night's pies. Where did we decide to put the compost heap?

    Fresh tea and coffee on the bar.

  164. At 08:57 AM on 01 Aug 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Hmm, lovely tea, thanks Anne!

    NN - thanks for the wishes, it went surprisingly well. Not quite as intended but he's coming back for another session on thursday so can't have been too awful! And its not only good teaching practise but deepens my own personal practise. However, my quads are feeling it today!

    Right - time to catch up with the rest of the blog...am planning pancakes for elevenses - any takers?

  165. At 09:01 AM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Ah, tea! And a few choccy finger crumbs, hmmmm. ;o)

    I have a fancy for French toast this morning .. some of you may know it as Eggy Bread .. so I've brought the big cast-iron pan down to start sizzling on the barbie.

    Selection of seasonings on the side, to cater for varying tastes: salt & pepper, tom sauce, brown sauce, HP, L&P, and even sugar. Have I forgotten anything?

    First 2 slices done already. Who's first?


  166. At 09:25 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Molly wrote:

    Ed I-(160) roasted oies- mmmm- lovely!
    More please..:-)


  167. At 10:10 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Molly wrote:

    Fifi (165)- sounds wonderful! Have they all gone?
    If so I'm off where's the pan? Must have some....
    One of the perks of working at home.

    w-w -sounds as if you've made a good start- congrats! Nice way to work- could snowball!

    Camels look sublime today......


  168. At 10:20 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Witchiwoman (164) Pancakes? Yes please! Now would that be the Scotch sort, or crepes, I wonder? Either way Golden syrup and banana goes well with both!

  169. At 10:23 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Eggy bread - has to have cinnamon and brown sugar. thanks Fifi - and I'd love a pancake or two Witchi, thanks.

  170. At 10:25 AM on 01 Aug 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Gillian - the will be the flatish crepe kind. Have already dispensed with the first dodgy one and they are coming out quite perfect!

    Syrup and bananas are there, along with lemon juice, sugar, honey, berries and some of the eggy bread cinnamon (thanks Feefs)....what a way to start the day. Well, mid morning stint!

  171. At 10:33 AM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Pass your plate Molly ... there you go. Two slices, and plenty more where they came from.

    I've fetched the cinnamon, so you're OK too Anne. ;o)

    I've posted the biggest parcel I've ever seen today, through the post office! It only just made it through the door. And the lady who is sending it tells me she sometimes sends chairs!!!

    And I've sold my first postal order since they barcoded them. So much simpler than the old routine this time last year.

    Quite a bracing morning, so far!


  172. At 10:58 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Molly wrote:

    Fifi (171)
    Para 3- what a HOOT! Chairs! Whatever next!
    How does postie get them through the letter-box?
    Silly me! suppose he leaves them 'with a friend'


    Thanks, Fifi- not bieng greedy, am I?:-))


  173. At 11:12 AM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    ..right I'm up for it.....brunch that is....can I have Pancakes & Eggy bread please...and are there any of those Chocolate fingers left?

    .....'builders' tea on the bar for those that need a jolt to the system!


  174. At 11:15 AM on 01 Aug 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Before I forget to say, happy Lughnasadh everyone! A pagan/celtic festival marking the beginning of the harvest. So may I wish you success in reaping the benefits of your labours - physical, spiritual and emotional.

    Bright blessings to all xx

    PS big old Lushnasadh loaf on the bar to share, fresh local butter too!

  175. At 11:49 AM on 01 Aug 2007, Belinda wrote:

    Belated congrats to Jason The Good. Well done!

    Witchiwoman - you wouldn't fancy coming to Norfolk in the future for yoga sessions would you? There is a distinct lack of teachers around here and with you, we could do the down-ward facing frog. :)

    Any pancakes left?

  176. At 12:12 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Biggest thing I ever posted was a revenue bank of daily contact lenses back to the company who sent them. Big but it went through the door.

  177. At 12:20 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Belinda (175)

    re Norfolk lessons..

    The Humph and I both live in Narfolk.....and could probably give you yoghurt lessons at very little charge....


  178. At 01:25 PM on 01 Aug 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Belinda - downward frog! Fab...won't be able to keep a straight face doing that tomorrow! If I'm ever in the area I'll let you know :) I'd quite like to see what DiW's yoghurt lessons are liek too....

  179. At 01:49 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Somewhere in the West Country there were once complaints that the letter box slot on the post box was too small. The Post Office (as were) did a sampling of the mail and found that 95% of the items posted fitted through the slot.

    One wonders how the other 5% got there.

  180. At 02:43 PM on 01 Aug 2007, john-the-red-nose wrote:

    Those letter boxes with a snap on them like a rotweiller! Gloves a necessity! And those at foot level! Get your back strained here!

  181. At 03:42 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Kevin. wrote:

    For Fifi

    A woman went to the Post Office to buy stamps for her Christmas Cards. "What denomination?" asked the clerk.

    "Oh, good heavens! Have we come to this?" said the woman. "Well, give me 30 Catholic, 10 Baptist ones, 20 Lutheran, and 40 Presbyterian."

  182. At 03:48 PM on 01 Aug 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    Kevin (181)

    thanks! he he !!! I laughed indiscretely!!!


  183. At 04:25 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Don't worry Fearless (162), I'll keep the hammock warm :-)

    Witchi (178), I wonder too...

    Me -- DO SOME WORK!!!

  184. At 06:34 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Thanks, Appy! (183). I'm now stuck in St Exupery airport (Lyon) waiting for my delayed flight. I hope someone'll have a glass of vino to spare for me tonught when I get to the beach :-)

  185. At 08:06 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Re Eddie's Twittery thing.....If there's anything to tell, please spit it out! I'm off on my hols in the early hours of Friday morning and I can't deal with the suspense while I'm away! I'm going with two teenagers....isn't that enough stress?! And the packing isn't done yet....I might have to buy another suitcase...why does my daughter need to take 3 changes of clothes a day with her.....?
    Ffred....never mind a glass of vino - I've already opened a barrel. See you later!

  186. At 11:10 PM on 01 Aug 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Here you go Fearless (184), I've had too much already!

    Gillianian (185), Happy hols! (Just in case I don't get a chance to post tomorrow).

  187. At 11:36 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Just a very quick visit (will give gen on Cambridge later).

    Gillian - there, there let them pack their own. You'll have a fab time.

    JASON - for goodness sake - well done you!!

    Witchi - happy L'thingy to you too, also, can we see piccis of the downward frog? Sounds really interesting!

    FF and Apy - have a good hammock, even if you are in different countries!

    Speak soon, love,

    Izz xx

    P.S. Vyle (if you ever get down here), they really were there - I have witnessess to my moaning!

  188. At 11:46 PM on 01 Aug 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Today's food and drink requests:

    Single speyside malt - bottle's behind the bar, and I've poured a shot for FFred.

    If Jonnie can persuade Simon to turn up, then I've hidden a box of rye bread, a jar of marmite and a bottle of D&B behind a dune...somewhere.

    I'm bringing an LBV port for myself and some replacement wine glasses.

    Then there's a large brandy for Caz - the Camstreams woman of mystery *wink*, who will retain her air of mystery by picking it up when no-one's looking.

  189. At 11:58 PM on 01 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Thanks, Appy :)

  190. At 12:05 AM on 02 Aug 2007, mac wrote:

    The night time's the right for just (mispellin'(?)) reminiscin'

  191. At 09:00 AM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Right, now I'm back on the beach, I'm setting up the drinks area for morning libations. The coffee is brewing, the various teas are in the pots lined along the bartop, and the fruit juices are chilling in the fridge. I'll go to the patisserie in a little bit, so place your orders here :)

  192. At 09:23 AM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    FF (191)

    good man.....thanks for the coffee......doughnuts would go down well........just the bog standard ones for me, but get some custard ones for Humph!


  193. At 09:29 AM on 02 Aug 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Mac - that is truly bizarre, just dipped in to the beach and there is a line from the song I've been humming to myself all morning!

  194. At 09:35 AM on 02 Aug 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    FF - am I too late for an order? Something with raisins and cinnamon please....or a lovely warm roll that I can slather with honey

  195. At 09:35 AM on 02 Aug 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    FFred, mine's an almond Danish please and I'll have some of that nice fresh brewed Ceylon - thanks.

  196. At 09:59 AM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I think there is a bloggage somewhere....my posting for doughnuts has gone somewhere else?


  197. At 11:45 AM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Kevin - made me laugh out loud, thanks!

    Very quiet in the post office today. Not sure whether to expect a lunchtime collection or not ... even yesterday's postie didn't have a clue.

    So far it's been bill payers, pension getters, a couple of modest sized parcels (one of them so light it must contain an inflated balloon!) and a postal order for £1.

    Oh, and someone wanting to know the gossip from the nightmare committee of which I am a member.

    People are generally aware it's my last day, and are saying how nice it's been to see me here this past 2 weeks. Isn't that sweet? Wonder if there'll be PO here this time next year...


  198. At 12:03 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Fifi (197)

    I'm sure you will be sadly missed as the "Postie that did the 'posting' whilst handing the post"

    ......right I am going to have to have a lie down now, thinking that one through as made my head hurt....


  199. At 12:37 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    I think a


    is in order....

  200. At 12:41 PM on 02 Aug 2007, RJD wrote:

    With Fifi leaving her temporary cover job in the Post Office, the interviews for her replacement took place last week.

    One guy went to be interviewed for the job. After some searching questions the interviewer asks him, "Are you ex-services?"
    The guy says, "Why yes, in fact, I served three tours in Afghanistan & Iraq."
    "Good," says the interviewer, "That counts in your favour. Do you have any service-related disabilities?"
    The guy says, "In fact I am 100% disabled. During a battle, an explosion removed my private parts so they declared me disabled, it doesn't affect my ability to work, though."
    "Sorry to hear about the damage, but I have some good news for you, I can hire you right now! Our working hours are 9 to 5. Come on in about 11, and we'll get you started."
    The guy says, "If working hours are from 9 to 5, why do you want me to come at 11?"
    "Well, here at the Post Office, we don't do anything but sit around and scratch our balls for the first two hours. Don't need you here for that!"

  201. At 01:07 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    FF (199)

    crikey Fred......have you been weight training?

    if that lot gets through we will hear the noise from here!


  202. At 02:04 PM on 02 Aug 2007, RJD wrote:

    Fifi - I did post the joke but I think the sphericals doomed it!

  203. At 02:11 PM on 02 Aug 2007, mac wrote:


    Its a great bathroom song. It needs just that bit of echo for the bom, bom, b - bom bom, b - bom bom, b - bom bom bits and the bits that need a real Billie Holiday whine.

  204. At 02:26 PM on 02 Aug 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Mac - I'll try that out!

  205. At 02:36 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Enjoying a home made chocolate eclair kindly brought in by the post office's next door neighbour, with a cuppa.

    Sorry there's not enough to share, but luckily I have a whole box of bought ones with me; will that do?

    RJD, you really must learn to EDIT! (ahem!):

    A guy goes to the Post Office to be interviewed for a job.

    The interviewer asks him, "Are you ex-services?"

    The guy says, "Why yes, in fact, I served three tours in Afghanistan & Iraq."

    "Good," says the interviewer, "That counts in your favour. Do you have any service-related disabilities?"

    The guy says, "In fact I am 100% disabled. During a battle, an explosion removed my private parts so they declared me disabled. It doesn't affect my ability to work, though."

    "Sorry to hear about the damage, but I have some good news for you, I can hire you right now! Our working hours are 9 to 5. Come on in about 11, and we'll get you started."

    The guy says, "If working hours are from 9 to 5, why do you want me to come at 11?"

    "Well, here at the Post Office, we don't do anything but sit around and scratch our wotsits for the first two hours. Don't need you here for that!"

    ... see? Filth made easy!

    Fifi xx

  206. At 02:54 PM on 02 Aug 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ah Fifi - that's cheating! You left out the bits about the rubber duck and the sausages.

  207. At 04:19 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    A curious game of Musical Cars chez Fifi.

    Finishing off at the post office, loaded up The Feefmobile with today's mail, uncollected because of the strike. Took it along to the nearest PO, which unlike mine is open on Fridays, so things will at least start their onward journey before Monday.

    Home again, jiggity jig, to hot-seat with SO who needs to borrow The F'mobile to get to a site meeting. (His being out of MoT, oops!)

    My Post Office name badge is back in the cupboard for another year, and possibly forever.


    Fifi ;o)

  208. At 04:42 PM on 02 Aug 2007, sac wrote:

    What does the well dressed Dad wear to meet his son after 16 years? His mother says 'A worried look'.

  209. At 05:21 PM on 02 Aug 2007, terry wogan wrote:

    Its 17.23, Thurs. Thought I'd get on to the beach to get away from some dreadful flock wallpaper talk show that's on the old steam radio.

    I wouldn't mind so much but the fella's got the sort of Celtic accent you can't kip to.

  210. At 06:00 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:


    Did you hear that Glaswegian girl who was on from the school that's been closed down?

    I couldn't understand a word she said!

  211. At 09:03 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Selkius Piscinus wrote:

    witchiwoman, thank you for planting the idea of pancakes in my head.

    My son is off to Oman this evening and won't be back until September, and my younger daughter leaves in the morning for a month in Peru, so a special supper this evening seemed called for, and when I uttered the word "Pancakes" the family with one accord said "Oooh! Yes please!" You're a genius: I didn't think there was anything they all liked.

    The other daughter added that when *she* goes off to Dubai in September she expects cavier at least for *her* last meal at home. I said we won't be *that* delighted to see the back of her...

    (Yes, she really does talk with some words in *bold* for emphasis, and it's catching. Now you know where I get it from.)

  212. At 09:26 PM on 02 Aug 2007, mac wrote:

    Stop at the crossing
    Look out for the lights
    Cos if I love ya
    Then I need ya
    If I need ya
    Then I want you around

    - tomorrow's song for Witchiwoman.

    (Other verses gratefully appreciated. Can't find it on the www,)

    A stray thought - as if I have any other sort - should we ask for Complaint out-takes, or at least basic stats on who complains most. (60 percent from Chris is my guess. Lets open a book, something really irritating people used to do on the beach).

  213. At 10:28 PM on 02 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Has anyone noticed the plugs on Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú 1 for radio 4 programs recently. Perhaps the frog has been listened to cos I do remember the comment on here recently that plugs for radio were not often seen on TV.

    Is there any of that port left? If not I'll open another.

  214. At 11:42 PM on 02 Aug 2007, mittfh wrote:

    For the benefit of non-FB'ers, I've replenished the bar's stock of Pimms (I've given out several on FB), and brought a large sack of charcoal, ready to transport to tomorrow's Beach BBQ.

    I've put Radio 3 on near the camels, to encourage them to get plenty of sleep before the trek to tomorrow's new beach...

  215. At 11:48 PM on 02 Aug 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hello everyone. Nothing to report here.

    Worked until 8pm, and nothing to report. Do you think perhaps I'm wasting my time???

    Oh, OK. I did skive off to play tennis with my mother this morning.

    Where's my Fearless-filled hammock...

  216. At 12:21 AM on 03 Aug 2007, wrote:

    Mittfh has left me a bottle of Pimms (on Facebook)

    I can't drink it - or any of it - as I'm on a crash course diet -

    It's on the right hand side - underneath the little flame burner thingy - of the NCMB

    Help youreslves - though I've no idea whether any lemonade is left!.

    Do Cyber drinkers have livers?

  217. At 02:24 AM on 03 Aug 2007, mac wrote:


  218. At 01:30 AM on 04 Aug 2007, mittfh wrote:

    As this Beach has nearly expired, it's a perfect opportunity to do a bit of trumpet blowing.

    I now have access to edit the Froggers' Cam Homepage. I'm leaving the camera stuff well alone - that's Jonnie's domain - but I can and will edit the blurb introducing the site and giving a list of regulars (to the right of the video window), and the "main" homepage itself, which sits immediately below the chat window.

    This can be as long as it needs to be, but I've started off with mugshots of the three main presenters, and spaces below them which I intend to fill with witty captions.

    However, I'm not the linguistics expert around here, so this is where I need your help :)

    Witty captions are needed for photos of Eddie, Carolyn and Carrie. Keep them clean, and either post them somewhere on the blog, or preferably email them to someone...like bnorwoodatfastmaildotfm

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