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The Beach

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Eddie Mair | 07:32 UK time, Friday, 7 September 2007



  1. At 07:34 AM on 07 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    aahh..new day new Beach and what a glorious morn it is in September....

    ..Java and Columbian coffees with dunkin doughnuts on the bar....I am off for a swim.


  2. At 07:59 AM on 07 Sep 2007, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    Golly. That might be my first strapline, but then I can't really remember last week so it might not be.

    Thanks to Aperitif for pointing it out on the Glass Box or I might not have noticed.

    Well, my first week of at-home-summer-holiday has resulted in a much needed tidy-up around the house, an attack on the wilderness outside so that you can at least tell it's meant to be a garden, much shopping, and a railway viaduct built. (Out of a card kit, for my model railway. 2 hours: one to put the kit together, one to scrape all the excess "ONO" glue off fingers, tables, the cat...)

    Today, I await the blind man.

    (Scoops up a bucket of sand from the beach in the hope that it will loosen up the clay soil in the garden.)

  3. At 07:59 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Ah, lovely fresh Beach, and it remembers my froggy details again!

    I'll just leave the makings for the usual Friday butties here by the barbie, and creep off to that vacant hammock for another couple of hours....

    Fifi ;o)

  4. At 08:07 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    You are so great!
    I love your postings.

    How about a jig- !-2-3-4................


  5. At 08:17 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Gossipmistress wrote:

    Hey DIY! You appear to have forgotten your trunks......

  6. At 08:50 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Val P wrote:

    Good morning Campers!

    A beautiful day in September and a beautiful day on the beach - no contest.

    Sadly I have to take the inferior option and stick with September as it's Aberdeen Road Trip day. I'm leaving a jar of home made cookies on the NC Bar, please help yourselves for elevenses - don't worry, I didn't make them so your quite safe ;o}

    When I return I can regale you with exciting tales of promotion to Web Programmer. Now those of you who know me will be guffawing right about now - IT I hear you squeak, as your jaw bounces off the ground. Well I'll have you know that my first attempt to make a little message process across the screen was entirely successful. Sadly that's not what I'll be required to do, but I think our IT bod was just trying to attract me in and show me the fun bits.......

    More to follow, but all I'll say now is, thanks to those amongst you who introduced me to italics all those many moons ago. Now it all begins to make sense.

  7. At 08:51 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Oh bliss! The Beach - and a Blog which appears to be working normally.
    Oh no, I spoke too soon! First posting for over twelve hours, and I've been malicious ......


    Attempt rate is now at four - Will it go through this time? Will I come up in a multiple entry? [Hides head in hands]

  8. At 09:07 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Ah, a nice fresh beach AND someone's already made some coffee. Lovely :)

  9. At 09:14 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Peej wrote:

    nevermind GM (4), no need to make a fuss over a lttle thing like that.

  10. At 09:16 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    SSc Do you mean visually impaired man or man that fits blinds?

    Do you think eric will be posting train journey piccies this afternoon?

    I'm off camping this afternoon for the weekend.

    Seven families!! It'll be fun!

  11. At 09:16 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Gladys Friday wrote:

    Why is my cat always on the wrong side of the door?

  12. At 09:26 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Stewart M wrote:


    DIY looks loke he is wearing flesh coloured speedos

    Oh! Perhaps not

  13. At 09:31 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:

    SSC(2) Well done you....and DIWyman for yesterday's strapline. It's good to see some new ones at last. ;o)
    Mmmmm...coffee, butties and doughnuts! Thanks, folks.
    Gossipmistress, I hope you averted your eyes when DIWyman got out of the water!

  14. At 09:36 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    GMX (5)

    re trunks

    since Gillian declared that 'Speedos' were so 'out' now I have decided that skinny dipping is 'in'.....besides this is the naturists section of the beach!


  15. At 09:41 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Heyyyyy n-n! Throw the frisbee over here.....



    Oh, SORRY, Fifi - that was a rude awakening!
    (Runs to fetch coffee and sarnies for Fifi)

    I lost sight of the frisbee against the sun.

    N-n, let's play frisbee in the sea this time......

  16. At 09:57 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:


    Are you sure it's the cat who's wrong?

    Mornin all!. Fresh field mushrooms on the bar, and for the adventurous (or simply those in the know) some shaggy parasols from beside the dungheap.

    I'm off to the woods to look for chanterelles and boletes.


  17. At 10:15 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Guess who's going to Any Questions tonight after all......?


    Suggested clever questions to try and get me into the front row are welcome!



  18. At 10:37 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Morning Froggy ones!

    Only a quick visit to the Beach today, I've got a busy morning in store back in September.

    n-n - just seen your posting on the old Beach. Not much I can say except "All the best to you" and "Fancy a conga later?" ;o)

    I'll just grab a cup of coffee on my way out...

    ;o) []

  19. At 10:42 AM on 07 Sep 2007, The Stainless Steel Cat wrote:

    Stewart M (10):

    I didn't want to presume, but now he's been I can confirm that he was a fully sighted window-measurer.

  20. At 10:50 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Fifi (17)

    lucky you, well done....have fun!

    Gillian.....sorry about last eve at that Hotel.....my Router just decided to cut me off from the outside world..seems OK this morning 'cos I got down the beach nice and early. can you point me at captainblighty again?

    can i play frisbee as well please?


  21. At 10:55 AM on 07 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Feefs - v jealous, will try and get questioning head on and think of something sensible. At the moment I am verging on what Appy would call 'yearning'. You'd think that kind of thing would stop at a certain age.

    Anyhoo...thanks for the coffee, will partake after a swim, sea has been particularly pleasant this week.

  22. At 11:13 AM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Ed (16)

    re...I'm off to the woods....

    ....beware of Teddy Bear Picinics!

  23. At 11:40 AM on 07 Sep 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    fifi, Questions. You are probably too late. But it either has to be a fantastic topical serious one about perhaps gun crime and abduction. OR completely silly for the end i.e. do the panel believe the Blog is the future and Radio is an old hat way of communicating with their target audience (i.e. voters)

  24. At 11:59 AM on 07 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    witchiwoman (21) - If you're going to talk about 'yearning' then I think it is only fair that I am allowed to mention that I have a long felt want.

  25. At 12:02 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Selkius Piscinus wrote:

    n-n, good on yer! If you need an expert on saying 'why don't you ask the person who knows?', I'll cheerfully do it for you. I got really good at that when my ma-in-law was in her chair and people seemed to think it meant she was suddenly rendered deaf and dumb...

    Fifi, I just knew you'd make it. Hope it's fun, I'll be listening out for your dulcet tones. :-)

    Hello again Appers. Have a gorilla?

  26. At 12:13 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    fifi , googling a name this morning I stumbled by across what is essentially homophibic content on the BNP web site. Perhaps you could come up with a question related to internet and what should be censored (or not)

  27. At 12:41 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    its lunch time......sardines, a big bowl of salad and a basket of really crusty white bread on the bar....sorry forgot to get the butter out of the fridge so it is as hard as a brick!


  28. At 12:52 PM on 07 Sep 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    Thanks people!! I knew I could count on you guys !!! You're all GREAT !!

    AND, Where else could I do the tango, get hit on the head with a (*thunk*) frisbee, dance a jig and look forwards to the conga!!!!!


    zippedy doo da, zippedy day
    my oh my what a wonderful day!


  29. At 12:56 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    re question..perhaps you could ask 'that the US Military and Govt refuse to testify at the 'friendly' fire inquest that the special relationship we enjoy with our US alies is being damaged?


  30. At 01:20 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Well done, Feef! I like DIWy's question.....

    Hey, DIWyman....catch this!


    Oh, heck..... I didn't realise you were still speedo-less under the pinny you were wearing while you were getting lunch ready ;o(

    Captainblighty? Four seasons through a window!

  31. At 01:27 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    I will be working in Brighton and Kemptown, Saturday through to Wednesday..so if there is anything we need for our beach let me know!

    my 'Gillian' frog will be coming with me for a seaside break and he is taking his camera as well so look out for flicking pics!

  32. At 01:34 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:


    sorry had to catch frisbee in my mouth while i hold my pinny down!!

    Will go and put some shorts on and ...here..Gillian back to you....@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@....

  33. At 01:39 PM on 07 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    RJD - please go ahead, want and feel all you like

  34. At 01:42 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Humph wrote:

    Well done, Fifi (17), that is excellant news. My question suggestion:

    "Excellant programme, Eddie, do you have time for a drink?"

    or did you mean something that you could ask the panel? If you forget to take your camera, remember that your phone can be used to take pictures too :o). Enjoy the evening.


  35. At 02:05 PM on 07 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    NN - I'll join in with the general 'waheyness' ! x

  36. At 02:10 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Peej wrote:

    have a great night Feefs and give Eric our regards. What will you be wearing so that we can spot you?

  37. At 02:29 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    look everybody.....does a twirl......new shorts.

    Gillian ran them up out of an old pair of curtains..thanks Gillian for making an old man respectable again...

  38. At 02:43 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Vyle Hernia wrote:

    Humph - that's a good idea. We must expect photos from Fifi showing Stamford's school stage.

    Fifi - If you do get to ask a question (probably too late), don't announce yourself as Fifi, will you?

  39. At 03:48 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Fifi - don't try mentioning "the Sony Gold-award-winning PM blog" in your question. Flattery doesn't get you anywhere. I tried. The producer is alert to all that nonsense. But a humorous question might get you in. You can do humorous! I think you can submit more than one question too - they usually have extra forms at the door if inspiration strikes.

    Good luck with your mission!

  40. At 04:07 PM on 07 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    DI Wyman - Like the new shorts! Clever of Gillian to incorporate the tie-backs that way.

  41. At 04:44 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    hi RJD....yes she is a magic seamstress....they for part of the truss, dont understand why there is a zip at the back though....

  42. At 04:52 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Wish I'd been back here earlier, to adopt all your lovely question suggestions! Here's what we came up with on our own:

    1. Government denies plans for DNA database... so how long before it's announced as part of the next incarnation of the national ID card?

    2. If Jean-Charles de Menezes had been a white Brit, instead of a slightly-dark foreigner, would his shooting by our Police have merited a Public Inquiry?

    Peej - I will be very tasteful in black, I think, with a very loud shirt over the top so you can see it on the radio.

    Vyle - I have put my real name on both questions, followed by "Fifi" in brackets. In any case, Eric might know the name and address from the postcard business.

    Various - it says on the tickets that photography is not allowed. There may be pix of 'arriving', 'swooning in the car park' etc but the wonderful stage will not be in there alas. Anything we manage to take will be on FaceBook though.

    Please be aware though ... I am NOT the sort of person who could go up to the chairman and say hello. I'm not star struck, exactly, but I just think it would be rude. Especially as he's such a quiet soul in real life (so we're told).

    Of course, if he ASKS.... ;o)

    Watch this space!

    Now - must start birthday kedgeree for SO, so we are all fed, washed and changed in time to leave here just after 6.

    I'll take all your good wishes with me, and pass them along if the chance occurs.

    Fifi xxx

  43. At 05:28 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Excellent, now time for my Mango Shake and Coffee.

  44. At 06:45 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Roberto (43)

    re Mango Shake...

    .....I could die for one of those, if any left over can you leave it by my towel. Its the one with a picture of Kryten on it.



  45. At 06:59 PM on 07 Sep 2007, mittfh wrote:

    Now, place your bets now - which photo will be uploaded first:

    Ed's photo of Fifi
    Fifi's photo of Ed

    ? :)

    As for questions to ask, you could use Pavarotti's death as an excuse to drag up the old chestnut about funding for music in schools...

    Q1) Name a popular British opera singer.

    Q2) Now name one that can sing and act their way through an entire opera.

    Alternatively, you could suggest the final question, perhaps something along the lines of "Who would you most like to duet with?"

    Which reminds me of the bumper sticker...
    Musicians duet together.

    Far more effective than the rural equivalent:
    Farmers do it in wellies.

  46. At 07:06 PM on 07 Sep 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    (37) DIY - but "net" curtains? Really, I know it *is* warm here, but ....

    ...at least they suit you....

    tee hee


  47. At 07:11 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:

    RJD(40) Thanks...now I've seen them on DIWy, I wish I'd removed the tassels from the tie-backs ;o)

    Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could do with these swags and tails?

  48. At 07:37 PM on 07 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Gillian - You obviously haven't seen DI Wyman for a few hours - he's detached the tassels and placed them "somewhere else". For heaven's sake don't let him have the swags and tails!

  49. At 08:50 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Feefs.....I take it that the loud 'BOOM' heard near the start of AQ this eve was your jaw hitting the floor at the site of 'drop dead gorgeous Eddie'?



  50. At 08:51 PM on 07 Sep 2007, orange pekoe wrote:

    Even though I've only been dipping into this blog for a short time, and only as and when I can, still felt really excited for Fifi as Any Qs started, imagining her there with hands clasped in adoration - well, probably looking too cool for school actually, but hope you had a blast Fifi!

    Mr Mair didn't disappoint either - top intros and interjections!

  51. At 09:04 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Humph wrote:

    mittfh (45) I will put ten pounds on Fifi's pic of Eddie. After all, does Eddie know what Fifi looks li . . . [thwack] . . . ouch. :o(


  52. At 09:09 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    all....my 'Gillian' shorts are causing something of a stir....you are just suffering from envy 'cos I carry them off so well!

    wots wrong wid tassles...they are only baby sporens?

    and I think the swags and tails look rather fetching underneath these nets....anyone got a pair of pinking scissors I can borrow...?

    oh......and....... RJD....I have padlocked the zip at the back, so you will have to find somewhere else to park your bicycle matey.

  53. At 09:22 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Well folks I'm back. What a night!

    (In case you're reading this Eddie, Ii was the absolute stunner over on your left in the 3rd row, looking daggers at anti-Scot Kelvin Mackenzie in between laughing at him.)

    Actually, my daggers were as nothing compared to the glare Eddie shot towards the source of that crash!

    More details later, once we have the first g&t inside me. Suffice to say, I was not disappointed ... other than a load of lightweight questions (not mine) for a decidedly lightweight panel.

    The Applause Masterclass during the warm-up was particularly thrilling.

    Fifi xxx

  54. At 10:36 PM on 07 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    Kne w you'd make it if I KEPT EVERYTHING CROSSED!

    (sorry about the caps- no emphasis intended...)

    What a good show! Were there gremlins in GD's mike at one point? Maybe it was my old radio.
    Lucky you- I'm soooooo jealous.......

    DIY (37)
    curtains?? hmmmmm!!!
    cor!! you must be a big chap.......;-)


  55. At 11:21 PM on 07 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Molly : GD kept turning away from the mic, which wasn't in quite the right place ( I thought )


  56. At 12:51 AM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Well, I've left a little comment on the Glassbox as Carolyn did an excellent PM tonight.

    As for Fifi!

    I missed AQ - how Ironic, and waiting for Fifi to have a few more G&T's and give us all the facts.

    Rugby shirt? etc....

    Why we didn't have a train blog?

    Here's hopin that the crash is still on the repeat :-)

    Knowing the 'it's what we do' code .. there may be a chance :-)

  57. At 07:06 AM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    well as i don my curtain shorts, ensuring all tassles, swags, tails and nets are neat an tidy, i bid you farewell as I depart for Brighton and Kemptown!

    coffee and dunkin doughnuts on the bar...


  58. At 08:41 AM on 08 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    jonnie (56)r
    What's a 'train blog'' ?


    I hope Burglar Bill doesn't steal your Swags- he'd have a 'Swag of Swags'!!!


    ('coat' Fifi?......)


  59. At 09:41 AM on 08 Sep 2007, David McNickle wrote:

    Q1 - Bryn Terfel
    Q2 - Not Bryn Terfel

  60. At 09:47 AM on 08 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    jonnie (56)r
    What's a 'train blog'' ?


    I hope Burglar Bill doesn't steal your Swags- he'd have a 'Swag of Swags'!!!


    ('coat' Fifi?......)


  61. At 09:55 AM on 08 Sep 2007, Jason Good wrote:

    Fifi (42): Please be aware though ... I am NOT the sort of person who could go up to the chairman and say hello. I'm not star struck, exactly, but I just think it would be rude. Especially as he's such a quiet soul in real life (so we're told).

    I'm with you on most of that. On the very rare occasions that I have ever seen anyone famous I have, at most, discretely smiled at them* and tried to look away.

    I have twice felt compelled to speak to famous personages and on one of those occasions I uncontrollably thrust out a hand for a handshake which startled both of us.

    If I were to meet "our Eddie" I'd probably end up with a huge and very silly grin on my face - and I have no idea why.

    The only slight disagreement I have with your words, Feef, are that I am not so sure he is such a quiet soul in real life. For sure he is a private person (much to be applauded in our current celeb culture) but I think he is probabaly a little bit of a hell raiser in his own way. On the quiet, you understand. The comments following that visit to the cinema were the give away for me.

    Somewhere in my head there is a list of people that I could not bare to spend a moment with. (Many of them have appeared on Big Brother.)

    There is another list of people that I'd love to briefly encounter but I know that I couldn't last long in their company (Jonathon Ross, Nigella Lawson). And so on.

    There is a final list of people who I'd love to live next door to. Eddie is one of those. Arabella Weir is another. I'm sure Kirsty Young and I would find them terrific neighbours.

    * There ought to be a Computer Science joke I could throw in here about the difference between discrete and continuous maths but I expect no one would see the point.

  62. At 10:01 AM on 08 Sep 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Hey folks - first of all thanks for the welcome back comments... I sent a couple of snaps by
    e-mail of one of my favourite places that we visited, not sure if they will appear on the blog though.

    And Fifi - well done you, am very jealous! I have to admit I didn't hear it but will listen again and look forward to hearing more about it.

    Right must dash - back later hopefully x

    Oh and Stewart M - no we didn't make it to EuroD - thought it would be too busy so we are going in November for a weekend.

  63. At 10:26 AM on 08 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    Please remove Molly's duplicate posting.

    It's not that funny the first time.......!

    Now, coat......

  64. At 10:59 AM on 08 Sep 2007, Fiona wrote:

    Hey folks - first of all thanks for the welcome back comments... I sent a couple of snaps by
    e-mail of one of my favourite places that we visited, not sure if they will appear on the blog though.

    And Fifi - well done you, am very jealous! I have to admit I didn't hear it but will listen again and look forward to hearing more about it.

    Right must dash - back later hopefully x

    Oh and Stewart M - no we didn't make it to EuroD - thought it would be too busy so we are going in November for a weekend.

  65. At 12:57 PM on 08 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Jason (61) - Do you REALLY live with Kirsty Young?

  66. At 01:12 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Jason (61)

    Presumably "discretely smiled at them* and tried to look away" means that you did one, then you did the other, as opposed to some kind of amorphous combination of the two ...


  67. At 01:47 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    I'm just back from Jam Tart practice and am ready to answer any Any Questions questions you may have.

    And n-n ... what are you doing at the top of that palm tree? You do know that all the coconuts fell out of it yesterday?

    Fifi :o)

  68. At 02:16 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Let's start with some unanswered Any Questions questions from last night...

    Attire: grey suit, pink shirt, no tie, jacket removed between practice-question and start of broadcast.

    Appearance: perfectly proportioned, nicely tanned, struggling to keep face straight at times.

    Tariq Ali: looked at the start as if he'd rather be anywhere else than Stamford School for Boys Hall. But after 2 questions he was engaged and spoke very penetratingly (I thought).

    Kelvin Mackenzie: great value as a panellist, witty, a lovely turn of phrase, and some extremely offensive opinions especially about Scottish persons.

    Rachel Johnson: (or 'who??' as SO and I both remarked, reading her biog beforehand) well-educated airhead, magnificent diction, looked terrified before the broadcast and rather overawed throughout it.

    Greg Dyke: took a while to get into his stride but made some intelligent points and in the end was my all-round favourite of the panel.

    What have I missed?


  69. At 03:53 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Photos on PhaseBuick if anyone's interested.


  70. At 04:00 PM on 08 Sep 2007, mac wrote:


    The Beach for the panel:

    What did they have to eat and drink at the pre - programme nosh up?
    What did they drink afterwards? Where?
    Who showed out to who?

  71. At 04:44 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Come on then Eddie ... spill the beans!

    Did anyone spill their beans at the pre-panel dinner?

    Were there drinkies afterwards or did you all just hurry home?

    Was I wrong (as Humph informs me) not to storm the stage and cling to your exquisitely-turned ankles before we left?

    I think we should be told!


  72. At 05:03 PM on 08 Sep 2007, Jason Good wrote:

    RJD (65): Do you REALLY live with Kirsty Young?

    Alas, no. But she is very high up another list I didn't mention.

  73. At 05:45 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Feefs (71)

    Calm down.......its only a programme!

    molly......these shorts are made for walkin' and i'm gona walk all over to u.......if i knew the way!

    Its nice in Brighton..(i got here at 3) ...nothing like you would imagine, looks just like a cross between Leeds and Glasgow but with a hint of Borth and a tinge of Central Park NY.....lots of people in Gardener Street having meals in the middle of the street!


  74. At 07:03 PM on 08 Sep 2007, Jason Good wrote:

    RJD (65): I tried to answer before but sadly got moderated or suffered a bloggage. You will now just have to wonder!

  75. At 07:22 PM on 08 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    Not in 'Borth' anyway.

    Where is it? Do you mean Ba(r)th?


  76. At 07:42 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    I'm jealous, DIY (72) ... I love Brighton.

    More evidence of musical malpractice posted on PhaseBuick for the masochists among you.

    Who's for bangers on the barbie?


  77. At 08:04 PM on 08 Sep 2007, Jason Good wrote:

    Fifi (75): Is that Ken's new nickname?

  78. At 10:17 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Jason (26): That's too clever for me matey.

    Is what the new nickname?

    I've got fajitas sizzling on the barbie, by the way, everyone. Do have a nibble!

    Fifi x

  79. At 11:24 PM on 08 Sep 2007, Jason Good wrote:

    Fifi (77): Is "Bangers" Barbie's boyfriend Ken's new nickname?

    ...c'mon Barbie, let's go party...

  80. At 11:49 PM on 08 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Molly -- A train blog -- the train blog!

    It's when Eddie does Any Questions and literally blogs with pics from the train. -- en route.

    Now and again - he's only done it twice, I think, If he has time to kill it's very amusing - and clever. If you hunt back - it's all on the blog. Bearded men, blurry pictures and agressive American women.

    Like most of the blog - all pointless but in it's own way great fun and worthwhile- especilally at the time.

    Next time Eddie is doing AQ - and I haven't checked, keep a look out on Friday afternoon.

    Fifi - Thanks for the descriptions. Please alert me if it's happening on the South Coast anytime soon :-)

  81. At 01:39 AM on 09 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Having seen and heard her on Last Night at the Proms, I have spent most of this evening listening to Anna Netrebko on YouTube and other places. Really magic!

  82. At 11:57 AM on 09 Sep 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hello All,

    Jason Good (various) You are very silly and that is why I adore you.

    RJD (various) ditto.

    Mr Fish (posh version @ 25) Have a gorilla? Um, are you offering or inquiring? If the latter I can safely say, no, I have never had a gorilla...

    Witchi (21), Yearning for what? Are you OK? Ignore RJD -- he's always showing off about that long want made from felt. And really -- have you seen it? It's a bit second-hand now, if you ask me...

  83. At 12:20 PM on 09 Sep 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    eh up!!

    crumbs, what a lot of left overs!!! I love cold barbies in the morning!!

    phew, think I must just have a quick zzzz in the hammock!!! Give me a nudge to wake me up in an hour or two!!

    [...(67) just looking....!!]!

  84. At 01:42 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Karen wrote:

    To everyone who advised that I did my OU assignment (TMA) early. Thank you. I did.

    I went to tweak it this morning and print it ready to hand in to my tutor on the field trip today. The document is unrecoverable. So is the backup.

    I have the following observations:

    1. Why is it only the important things that this happens to?
    2. Why can't you buy a first class stamp ANYWHERE in Ipswich in an emergency?
    3. Why, when you're trying to find somewhere to buy an emergency first class stamp in Ipswich, does everyone else drive at 7 mph?
    4. Why is it that when you sit down and think "Phew! The mail doesn't leave the sorting office until 14:15. Got there just in time" do you find a copy of the essential diagram on the floor at home.
    5. Is there such a thing as PTMAT? If not can I propose that such a thing is instigated? I've never needed chocolate more in my life than 7.30am this morning!

    Fortunately I'd bulk purchased First Class Stamps from the one place I found that actually had them so managed to essential diagram sent off!

    I'm now going to sit down and drink all those bottles of red wine I've been saving for this day. Please join in. You'll need to be quick

    Next year I'm going to print off everything as I go AND save umpteen copies. Please don't remind me of this on the Sunday before cutoff when I'm frantically trying to buy a first class stamp though!

    I managed to revive 2/3rd from memory. The irony of the entire situation is that most of the assignment was about global warming. I dread to think what my carbon footprint has been today.

  85. At 01:58 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    hi peeps, Brighton didn't work out, customer cancelled the job last night AFTER I had seen her and explained what I would be doing for the next four days......now back in glorious Horstead!


    molly (74).....

    ....Borth is in North Wales, a lovely coastal town with a nice beach.......(but not as good as this one).......on Cardigan Bay especially the one at Ynyslas. As children we had lots of holidays there....and me and Mrs DIY had part of our honeymoon there.......happy days!

    Gillian......these shorts keep trying to 'pull themselves together' when it get dark.....any solution?


  86. At 01:58 PM on 09 Sep 2007, eddie mair wrote:

    Well since you ask there is always a pre-programme dinner. In Stamford it was at - I think - The George - where the food was enjoyed by everyone. Nice place. The pre-show nosh up is a great tradition of the programme. I found it odd at first. I like my first (only?) encounter with guests to be on air. But it's very good for the programme for the guests to get a feel for each other, and from that perspective it's invaluable. The venue is chosen by the producer...I would guess from asking our local hosts where they would recommend.

    It's never quite so much fun for the presenter and production team as we have to make our excuses and leave at around 19.00 - but we leave the guests to eat drink and chat and they join us at the venue later.

    Afterwards our hosts often organise some drinks and nibbles.Depending on everyone's commitments some or all of the panellists will stay.

    Jason (61), I never talk to, or look at famous people in the street (after the initial moment of recognition). Dunno if that's "right" but I always think I should leave them alone. We were also always told never to ask for autographs from people we might interview. It's probably good advice. I've done it only once.

    Jonnie there will be no snaps again this week as I'm flying to my destination. But I'll find a way of bothering the blog somehow!

  87. At 02:04 PM on 09 Sep 2007, eddie mair wrote:

    Oh and have you seen our new link on the right of the page (1b)?

    Anyhoo. Anyone for a tipple at the NC?

  88. At 02:05 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Karen (83) : Nightmare in Ipswich! You'd have been quicker driving over to Stamford and borrowing stamps off me. Bear that in mind next time... not that there'll BE a next time of course. Sheesh!

    Sir Tedward (84) : How interesting. When I worked for a Peterborough-based publishing company, we once hosted some Belgian visitors at the George. The next morning I asked one of them what he thought of the hotel. Maxime thought for a moment, glanced around Reception, and declared:

    "Eet eeze a moo zee oom!"

    He was not wrong!


  89. At 02:09 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    pssst peeps...have just seen his most holines Eddie of Mair jogging along the beach towards the bar......I didn't make eye contact....so I think I may have got away with it.




    DIY (general serf)

  90. At 02:41 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Karen wrote:

    Eddie (85)

    The very first hospital pharmacy I worked in had the odd celeb pop in. The advice was always to treat them as a Joe Bloggs and not acknowledge that you'd recognised them as anything other than a customer.

    One Thursday we had a celeb pop in to, what we euphemistically call, the "Special" clinic. These patients are all anonymised so we can easily pretend that we don't know them. He brought his prescription to us for dispensing. He was charming, chatty and very personable. Full of questions. Lovely man.

    About a week later I was first aiding at some bash and the aforementioned celeb was there. It's one of those heart sink moments. He smiled across, I smiled back. He wandered over with his little entourage for a chat. We chatted amiably for 5 minutes.

    Then he said, "I'm sorry. I'm going to be ever so rude and admit that I've forgotten who you are. And I know I know you really well. I'm so sorry. Remind me who you are and where I know you from."

    I reminded him that we'd met the other Thursday and that we'd chatted about my work but "Hey you must meet so many people in the course of your work I'm not offended at all."

    He suddenly had a really urgent phone call to make.

    I'm rubbish with names so don't even THINK about asking for a clue as to who he was!

  91. At 02:50 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Pass us that jug of ice cold lager will you mate?

    * startled *

    Oh! It's you!!

    Nice Speedos by the way. Did you knit them yourself?

    Fifi ;o)

  92. At 03:12 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Psssst....Feefs...Speedos are so 'out'...ask Gillian, that' why I have to wear these shorts!

    DIY (serfing)

  93. At 03:38 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    DIY (92) : (whispers back) I know! But it would have been rude not to mention such an unusual pair, clearly acquired specially for his visit to the NC bar.

    So, what DO you say to a man wearing cling film Speedos....??


  94. At 03:46 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Have a Liffey on my account, Eddie, and stop awhile. Lazy Sunday.

    Slainte ed

  95. At 04:01 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Feefs (93)

    Fall about laughing..

    re...So, what DO you say to a man wearing cling film Speedos....??

    ...my 25m DOES go a long way?

    DIY (serf to the rich)

  96. At 04:11 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Karen wrote:

    I'm trying to think of the name of the cocktail I was drinking on Boot Camp. Bourbon, Ginger Ale and Lime. Any suggestions?

  97. At 04:32 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Karen wrote:


    I had some thought but took them to the Naughty Step with my Rubber Chicken

  98. At 04:34 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    DIY (95) and anyone who might have wondered what was on the allegedly 'smutty' birthday card I sent in for the Anniversary...

    Q - What do you say to a man wearing cling film Speedos?

    A - "I can clearly see you're nuts!"

    I'll get me coat...

    Fifi :oD

  99. At 04:44 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Karen (96)...

    ...Boot Camp Cocktail?


  100. At 04:57 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Blimey....naughty step is crowded.....any one for a G & T?

    ....and can we get that rubber chicken to stop laying eggs, the last one bounced and nearly had me eye out...


  101. At 05:16 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Karen wrote:

    OU Summer School aka Boot Camp.

    Your time is your own before 7.15am and after 9.30pm... Exhausting but rewarding. Usually a fair bit of alcohol involved at some point. In this case cocktails. Sex on the Beach followed by this bourbon one that I'm told is a Rubber Chicken but that's not what we called it at summer school.

    Last year was worse. Someone suggested that, on the last night, we drank a rainbow. I remember something green, something yellow (Chartreuse?) and something which supposedly had bits of gold in it. Indigo and violet were trickier than we'd anticipated.

    I cannot condone this sort of behaviour at all and I'm deeply, deeply ashamed that I allowed myself to be lead astray so easily. ;o)

    I can, however, say that an OU degree is far harder than a traditional degree but much more fun!

    See I'm all chilled now and completely over my PTMAT...

  102. At 05:36 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    D'ya know, DIY (100), I was just thinking the same thing about a g&t!

    We are out this evening, seeing another band in Stamford ... but someone else is doing the driving, hurrah! A wee snifter now isn't going to do any harm, is it?

    And to go with that, how about some of this pork liver & garlic pâté on matso crackers, and some full fat cream cheese for those not inclined towards meat?


  103. At 06:10 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:


    Sorry to shout but ou've been snoozing far too long. Fancy a cocktail before supper?
    Wonko usually 'does us proud of a Sunday'- had you noticed.......?

    DIY (80 somehing)
    Thanks for that- just had a look on the map- looks just the spot for half a honeymoon..........!!!??? :-)

    Pity about the job in Brighton- do you think the swags looked silly in puce, perhaps?


  104. At 07:11 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Jason Good wrote:

    Karen (101): I can, however, say that an OU degree is far harder than a traditional degree but much more fun!

    I think it is the circumstances of the student that makes the difference.

    I think OU students have to work harder because they have to be much more self-sustaining and self-supporting. But I don't think the work itself is harder - it is just harder to do it fitting a "normal" rather than student lifestyle around it.

    I started an OU degree in the late 1980s whilst working (and had to do level 2 courses as the level 1s were all full in the South East) and it was hard work. When I went to a Uni to do one full time it was *still* very hard work. Like all things I guess it depends on you and the course you are doing.

    Anyone who manages to complete an OU course has my respect. I am still thinking of doing a Masters with them one day....

  105. At 07:28 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Anybody lost a pair of shorts? Looks like they're made of ... well, to be honest, it looks like they're made out of curtain material or something ...


  106. At 07:57 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    The blog is ignoring me today so this probably won't get through but.....

    On the 'meeting the celebrity' thing - A few years ago when we were on tour with a choir & orchestra in Germany, a friend (yes really) who is an intelligent, sensible Head-of-Dept teacher in her 30's, stepped into a lift in the hotel with one of the concert soloists, Willard White. As I say, this was a few years ago, and I think to have fully appreciated the appeal of Willard White you have to have sat in the choir behind him while he is singing and when he was at his peak, when his buttock clenching was quite remarkable. Add to this a purring voice so deep that it makes the floor vibrate and . . well . . the sopranos all went weak at the knees.

    So, she walked into the lift and the dorrs closed. As it went up, they stood there in silence as she thought desperately of something astoundingly witty and off-the-cuff to impress him with - the sort of comment he would carry with him and make hime smile. The lift grumbled on, the more she thought, the more her mind went completely blank, and before she knew it they were on the 4th Floor (not a euphemism).

    The lift doors opened with a *ting* and as she went to walk out, she heard a strange high squeaky voice emanating from her lips saying 'I think you're lovely' . A huge deep voice answered Thank You!, the doors closed with a *ting* and he was gone, while she walked off down the corridoor beating herself about the head!

  107. At 08:23 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    By the way, am I being extremely dense? How do you access the end of the links on the top right - eg it says there are 44 Beaches, but there are only 20 or so displayed. Is there some way of getting onto the next page?

  108. At 08:38 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Feefs......I have stashed two bootles of Gord*ns, two of Schhhhh T*nic, lemons and ice behind the naughty step........

    Molly..it was a shame about Brighton, Eric was looking forwards to a break....and no.....puce is fine

    Sid......I hung those out to dry after a small accident....be a mate and chuck 'em over here......tah......yes i know i have no shreds on but i cant hold onto the towel and catch at the same time can i?......yes it is chilly out this eve isn't it!!

  109. At 08:40 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Karen (101) I have found that particular cocktail named as a Rubber Chicken, a Grumpy Old Man, Marie Gilroy, and Imagination.

    Now re-arrange those names to form a well-known phrase or saying.....!

  110. At 09:14 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Karen wrote:

    Jason (104) One of the big bugbears is that to get a first with the OU you need to score 85% in both the exam and the coursework component. To get a first at traditional uni it's 70%.

    I worked and did OU before I went to traditional Uni and then studied and worked part time whilst at Uni. The first two years felt like a holiday! I was tempted to do a masters but then thought I'd finish off my BSc in "stuff" first. I may yet do a masters but not until 2012.

    Gillian (109) We didn't call it any of those. I don't like the thought of asking for a Grumpy Old Man at the bar!

    I'll stay sat here on the naughty step....

  111. At 09:23 PM on 09 Sep 2007, Karen wrote:

    GM (106)

    What is it about us girls that means when we're overwhelmed with meeting our heroes only dogs and dolphins can hear us?

    Anyone for a Rubber Chicken?

  112. At 10:58 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Karen (111) yes I only have to feel even vaguely overwhelmed to talk absolute gibberish. (As if I talk sense the rest of the time!)

    Nightcap, anyone?

  113. At 11:03 PM on 09 Sep 2007, wrote:

    DIY (108) : If it's chilly out then I suggest you tuck it in.


  114. At 11:56 PM on 09 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap (82) - You should be so lucky!. You've only ever seen my short felt want. The long felt want is only produced on High Days and Holidays and even then can only be viewed with written permission.

  115. At 02:17 AM on 10 Sep 2007, mac wrote:


    And envy is supposed to be dead.

  116. At 02:20 AM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    RJD : your long felt want is, if I'm not mistaken, in imperial measures. How do you market it in the EU?

    Fifi ;o)

  117. At 08:36 AM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hmmmm I see the beach has been busy since I was last here on Friday. Shame I got caught up on stuff in RL, really!

    Eddie, the AQ was excellent, I thought. Loved the intros! I've left a bottle of your favourite tipple behind the bar for you....

    So, we had the frisbee lest week... What games do we want this week?

    P.S. I've set up the breakfast corner for those who want coffees, teas, etc. Just off to replenish the pastries...

  118. At 09:38 AM on 10 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Morning all - FF thanks for breakfast loveliness.

    Appy - yearning has been downgraded slightly to a wistful desire, which is much better and far easier to deal with!

  119. At 10:10 AM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    mornin' peeps, seeing as RL job in Brighton turned into a real c*ck up over the weekend I can have today and tomorrow off for my troubles.......and who said life isn't fair!

    anyhoo......FF thanks for the coffee and can we muster enough for beach Croquet, but this time can we NOT use the hedgehogs? Armadillos, yes, hedgehogs no.....

    DIY (bring yer own mallet)

  120. At 10:48 AM on 10 Sep 2007, mac wrote:


    Where do us winners collect?

  121. At 10:50 AM on 10 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    sorry, can't stop long, seems that DI Wyman (is)on FiFi....

  122. At 01:42 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Hi all, quick visit to the Beach today, lots on in September.

    Leaving a barrel of Badger "Blandford Fly" at the bar on my way out...

    ;o) []

  123. At 04:52 PM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Returning from my trip, I put my feet on the sand again.

    The road I traveled was surrounded of yellow and purple flowers of a tree we call here "ipe".

    It's spring coming.


  124. At 05:26 PM on 10 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    Guima (123)

    welcome back to THE beach, have a coffee, have a chat..nice flowers BTW!


  125. At 06:21 PM on 10 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    peeps.....when I suggest Croquet, i mean the lawn game where one knocks ones balls through hoops with a mallet.......

    ......not a fish on a stick.......thats a mullet!

  126. At 06:45 PM on 10 Sep 2007, mac wrote:

    Whats this? Has Eddie taught Fifi how to keep quiet? Surely not. She hasn't posted for hours (and that feels like days).


    Where's my winnings?

  127. At 09:07 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Eddie (86), Come on then -- who was the one person that you asked?

    Mistress (106), I met Ben Bradshaw in a lift once (very handsome government minister for those thinking "Who?"). I didn't know I found him so attractive until my voice came out three registers higher and all I could say was something about how bright his shirt was the previous time I'd seen him. He is, of course, gay and out and proud. But my voice didn't seem to take this into account at all...

    Gillian (109), I'll have a go! "Marie Gilroy used her Imagination with a Rubber Chicken and a Grumpy Old Man" :-)

    Karen (110) To get a first at traditional uni it's 70%. Yes, and in hard science subjects the full range of marks -- 0-100% -- tends to be used whereas in the more subjective marking of arts, humanities and social sciences it is very unusual to get a mark of much more then 70% for even the very best of essays/exams, thus it is very hard to keep a 70+ average and gain a first. Sorry, bit of a tangent there, I know, but it came into my head so had to come out of my fingers... :-)

    RJD (114) Is that so? I suspect you of Talking Up Your Long Felt Want* Just how long is it then? And how thick is the felt?

    DIY (125) What time does croquet start this eveing?

    (*A bit like talking out of your -- whatever -- but at an angle...)

  128. At 09:30 PM on 10 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:



  129. At 09:39 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    DIY (128) Look out -- here comes another! Thwack! ...oops, bit hard that...

  130. At 10:41 PM on 10 Sep 2007, Deepthought (John W) wrote:

    Hum, What is my favourate ginger-flavoured beer doing here... subject to a recall as well (so hope it's BB date is not Aug 08)

    Aperitif (127) Croquet? On the Beach? how can you curve the ball around your opponents'? Beach Croquet...like minature golf I suppose.... Hey, perhaps a Beach tournament, Beach Croquet! That'll surprise the daughters of clergymen in 19c Rectories!

    (As one who has played Croquet on the hallowed grounds of a well-known college, and made a complete pig's ear of it...)

  131. At 10:58 PM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    My colleague spent 90 minutes stitching up a hen last night (its' little hen companion had taken a dislike to it and attacked it). When she got to work this morning, not only was it still alive, but it had laid an egg for her, which she had for lunch!! Now you can't get more grateful than that!! :-)

  132. At 11:09 PM on 10 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Deepthought (130):

    I remember my daughter writing at school about playing croquet in The Close at Norwich (where her grandpa was a canon) ... her classmates were not v. impressed. (We lived in Grays, Essex at the time.)


  133. At 07:17 AM on 11 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:


    whoops, perhaps one shouldn't use ones mallet as a 9 iron....

    ....coffee and dunkin' doughnuts on the bar whilst i fetch a dustpan and brush......

  134. At 07:48 AM on 11 Sep 2007, Anne P. wrote:

    Morning all, just dashing past on my way to catch up with so-called real life after huge family party and a week or more away. Lovely times were had by all, more has been discovered about the witchy great great grandmother, only sad thing was having to bail out from a frog meet at a concert where Annasee was playing.

    Not sure when I will be able to catch up properly. Has anything dramatic happened while I've been away?

    Anyway, here's a large selection of freshly brewed teas and some home made biscuits to keep you going till I get back.

  135. At 08:36 AM on 11 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    sid....canons in the cathedral close, i know the bish is a bit of a stickler for all things good and great, but to have them loaded with grape shot to repel the hordes doesn't worth thinking about...tut tut


  136. At 08:55 AM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Morning all - anyone for a quick shoulder and neck massage with their coffee/tea/breakfast tipple of choice. Am feeling quite healing today :) xx

  137. At 08:57 AM on 11 Sep 2007, Belinda wrote:


  138. At 09:07 AM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    NN - love the strapline!

  139. At 09:26 AM on 11 Sep 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    I've been trying to post up a few personal memories of Anita Roddick, but they aren't making it through. Our lives intertwined briefly in the early days of the Body Shop, of which I was a customer when it first opened in Kensington Gardens, Brighton.

    It may be that the mods are a little worried about some of the content - time will tell. But I have sent Eddie a photo of two bottles, handwritten by Anita, which I still have, containing essential oils of Carnation and Rose. I hope the anecdotes make it through eventually, or if not, I'll try to post a slightly censored version later.

  140. At 09:53 AM on 11 Sep 2007, wrote:

    GM- 131 - that is the most wonderful & touching story! Now, if only your colleague hadn't eaten the egg this morning, you could have sent in a picture for the blog! Or would that be breaching medical confidentiality, & could the hen sue?

    Watched "City Slickers" last night. The most adorable little calf called Norman featured in it. I was crying my eyes out by the end. It's enough to turn one into a vegetarian. Great film. Especially the wry & oh -so-true comments about growing older... (I tried to write aging there, but couldn't decide if it needed an "e" or not. Still not sure...)

    Anne P - yes sorry to miss you at Darley Park. Mind you, it rained during most of the concert, so don't feel too sad. It was very muddy getting out afterwards, so at least you were spared that Glastonbury experience. I'll be at the Assembly Rooms on October 23rd, if you're around?

  141. At 10:10 AM on 11 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    witchi..can i have an 11 o'clock slot please?

    have been hedge trimming & general pruning and am not used too it!

    just got pop up to the 'tip' to dump all the bits for recycling and i will be back.


  142. At 10:11 AM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Big Sis - I would love to read them. She is a truly inspiring woman and I am wearing White Musk in her honour (other scents are available but just won't do it today).

  143. At 10:41 AM on 11 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Witchiwoman: Click on my name.

  144. At 10:48 AM on 11 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    witchi....I am here for my 11 o'clock.....wow you smell nice.....i'll just make my self comfortable and you can begin when you like.

  145. At 11:00 AM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    DiW - already to go. Oils - some nice relaxing lavendar? Or plain sweet almond?

  146. At 11:11 AM on 11 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:


  147. At 11:19 AM on 11 Sep 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Feeble hellos.

    I'm feeling rather broken and sore and tired and generally not my usual self today. I suffer with a bad back, which intermittently gives me trouble, and last night and today are one of those days! Didn't get much sleep as a result. I may just crawl into that corner and try to recouperate if that's ok with everyone? I'd love a cup of tea if anyone's making some...


  148. At 11:32 AM on 11 Sep 2007, wrote:

    I'm back after a hectic yesterday in September, obtaining passport photos, checking PO box and various other errands in town. Then an evening meeting with the district council.

    Fun, fun, fun.

    So sad about Anita Roddick. She was a lovely woman, and generous of heart.

    Fifi :o(

  149. At 11:45 AM on 11 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    witchi.....THAT is SOOOOO gooooood....thanks.

    I think you had better go and 'see' to wonko now!


  150. At 11:47 AM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    DiW - glad that did the trick!

    Wonko - I'm sure I can help out there if you'd like to (gingerly) leap on the couch...I will be ever so gentle.

    BigSis - wow! And thanks for that, made me smile. I didn't realise she was still in Sussex. Have 'fond' memories of traipsing past St Richards (short cut to the college) and a few A&E visits. Strange how things have an odd way of popping back up.

    Anyway, lets have a look at that back eh?

  151. At 11:51 AM on 11 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Wonky Wonko (147) : Sounds as if you're as much in need of Witchi's talents as poor old Pruning DIY!

    SO says my new passport photo won't be deemed acceptable by the Passport Office.

    Looks a bit like me, he says.

    Fifi ;o)

  152. At 12:00 PM on 11 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Wonko - Here you go!

    And why not bunk the queue and see if witchiwoman can work some magic with a massage?

  153. At 01:17 PM on 11 Sep 2007, Gossipmistress wrote:

    Annasee - I was going to take a photo but it went home before I had the chance, and it seemed a bit silly to just take a picture of the egg!! But yes, I'd have had to get permission from the owner to air the piture on the blog!

    Belinda! How are you?

  154. At 01:18 PM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    ok, just giving my fingers a rest! Have rustled up a bit of lunch - wraps, hummus, salad and olives on the bar with some nice goats cheese too.

    Massage will resume shortly.

    (anyone else feeling very chipper today?)

  155. At 01:26 PM on 11 Sep 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Thank you chaps (and chapesses)!

    Sorry not to have responded sooner, I fell asleep. What's this? Oooh, a lovely mug of hot tea, magic. Thanks for that, whoever left it next to my slumbering form.

    Witchi - promise you'll be gentle with me! ;o) I'm crawling onto the bench now...

    ;o) []

  156. At 01:27 PM on 11 Sep 2007, Stewart M wrote:

    Thats me caught up at last. Taken most of lunch. I'll turf that area infront of the dunes so we can croquet over there.

    As for famous folk. Last time I was in London I walked past Bill Oddie on Oxford Street. I suppose goodies have to shop too!

    We once saw Ian Bleasdale (Josh off casualty) in Salts Diner In Saltaire. He was with his wife, who happens to be headmistress of daughters school. So of course we went to say hello to Headmistress and ignored actor completely. Not sure if he has much of an ego but to talk to wife not actor should keep it controlled ;-)

  157. At 01:51 PM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Ok Wonko, tell me if this is too much!

    Just there? A bit lower perhaps?

  158. At 02:43 PM on 11 Sep 2007, Wonko wrote:

    And a little to the left....



    You had to be there...

    ;o) []

  159. At 03:02 PM on 11 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Come back Fifi, please.

    Here's a special hamper of Body Shop products specially for you.

    It's to gild the lily in my view but still...

    Where is the world's best songstress and delightful person, the beautiful and adorable Fifi????

    I shall walk lonely beaches and gaze at far away sunsets on distant sky lines until she returns, singing both parts of the duet from the Pearl Fishers.

  160. At 03:03 PM on 11 Sep 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    mac, you're sounding, well, odd.

  161. At 03:14 PM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    My work here is done.

    I'm off for a frolic with the dolphins.

  162. At 03:18 PM on 11 Sep 2007, Selkinus Piscius wrote:

    WW, when you have a spare moment and if you still feel healingish, I woulnd'arf be glad of some help! My case isnt as serious as DIY and Wonko, but my back got messed up in hospital and still gives me trouble at night and if I reach for things: my deltoid and trapezius muscles *hated* lying still on my back for several days when I was attached to tubes and drips, and they won't forgive me.

    And a fish with a sore back is in a parlous state indeed!

  163. At 03:44 PM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    SP - of course my fishy friend. Extra special geranium for you to soothe and uplift.

    Apart from the back how things doing?

    (of course, you can answer afterwards; just relax and enjoy)

  164. At 03:51 PM on 11 Sep 2007, The Hotline wrote:

    Hello, and thank you for calling the hotline

    If you are obsessive-compulsive, press 1 repeatedly.

    If you are codependent, please ask someone to press 2 for you.

    If you have multiple personalities, press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

    If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want. Stay on the line so we can trace your call.

    If you are delusional, press 7 and your call will be transferred to the mother ship.

    If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a small voice will tell you which number to press.

    If you are a manic-depressive, it doesn't matter which number you press, no one will answer.

    If you are dyslexic, press 9696969696969696.

    If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the hash key until a representative comes on the line.

    If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, social security number, and your mother's maiden name.

    If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, s-l-o-w-l-y & c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y press 0 0 0.

    If you have bi-polar disorder, please leave a message after the beep or before the beep or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.
    If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

    If you have low self-esteem, please hang up. All operators are too busy to talk to you.

  165. At 03:53 PM on 11 Sep 2007, DI Wyman wrote:

    mac (159)


    ...can you hear a strange 'creeping' sound?

    SP (161)

    hi.....i happen to have any oily rag, can give yer dorsals a quick rub down if witchi is double booked!

  166. At 04:27 PM on 11 Sep 2007, wrote:

    (160) Does that mean you're trying to get even?

  167. At 04:30 PM on 11 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Bit of a bloggage?

    I will bid adieu, hands will be back tomorrow. If anyone is desperate I have left the card of a certain Italian on the bar. Emergency call outs only!

    Frugs xx

  168. At 06:06 PM on 11 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Crikey. Just finished my Latin homework. Amazing how much one forgets with the passge of time ...

    Any way - someone pour me a glass of that stuff - you know, made from grapes, red, alcoholic, made in Australia ... Fifi'll know what I mean.


  169. At 08:43 PM on 11 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Is that Chris Tarrant looking for PM The Beach 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' contestents?

    'Bring him in
    And fill him up
    And set him on the floor'

    'Cos this is how to become RICH.

    Then I could offer you all real champagne instead of all this Beaujolis Nouveau I got cheap.

  170. At 10:05 PM on 11 Sep 2007, Selkinus Piscius wrote:




    Geraniums (red) and delphiniums (blue).

    Just what I needeed -- thanks WW!

    and in answer to your question: I'm doing fine apart from them wanting even *more* blood-tests because as well as my kidneys they now think there might be something wrong with my liver as well, which there wasn't before I went in to the hospital and which didn't show up in any of the tests they did in the first four days.

    And they want me to go in for these tests on Friday. Which is my birthday.

    Oh, and they want me to get my blood-pressure down a bit.

    I'm not sure how I do the last, given the other two, but I 'spect that not having a hurting back is going to be more help with that than anything anyone else could have done for me, so thank you again, and I think I'll just lie here fora bit longer and go 'oooooooooooooooo.....'

  171. At 10:48 PM on 11 Sep 2007, stewart m wrote:

    seliknus, above. What have they got you on? ACE inhibitors and statins?

    Must go now. Low battery and I'm on PDA. Not sure where adapter is.

  172. At 12:05 AM on 12 Sep 2007, mittfh wrote:

    In response to 164, I've got a copy of "Red Hot Sheds". It's a perfectly harmless set of shed-help lines, but dressed up to sound like they need a (18) rating...

    Hot shed talk now brought to you by Shed-U-Like. Just try some of our hot shed lines and chat to like-minded connoisseurs. Just dial 0898-HOT-SHED and at the tone press the correct digit. Then get down to some straight shed talk!!

    Call now!!! All calls charged at £400 per second peak times, £3,000 at weekends and during gardener's question time.

    Want to know more?
    Email: bnorwoodatfastmaildotfm
    Facebook: I'm the Ben Norwood standing next to a trig point (probably at the bottom of page 1)...

  173. At 09:02 AM on 12 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Morning all -

    SP - good luck with all of that! I may be biased but, if you can, look for a BWY yoga teacher in the area and try a few sessions. They should be able to tailor the content to suit you; should help back (it did mine) and blood pressure.

    Just been for my 3 monthly bloods, great fun this time round as phlebotomist is pregnant and is suffering from morning sickness. Very eventful. (BTW if anyone with any medical knowledge should be able to hazard a guess as to why an MCV count should be rising please tell my GP, he is bemused by it!)

    Pancakes anyone?

  174. At 10:31 AM on 12 Sep 2007, Wonko wrote:

    Morning Froggers,

    I'm tired (still), so I'll climb into that hammo...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


  175. At 10:33 AM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Grrrrrrr! Car Insurance Companies - a bunch of bloomin' thieves!!! Grrrr! I might have to do some major throwing out & tidying up down here on the beach to calm down!!!

  176. At 10:37 AM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Panic over, I'm fine Mac. Just suffering from real life getting in the way of frogging this week.


  177. At 10:48 AM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    GMX....I am tempted to say 'Calm down, its only an advert dear'.....but will refrain..!

    OK.....I'll just pop the elevenses on the bar and leave..


  178. At 11:01 AM on 12 Sep 2007, Belinda wrote:


    Perhaps too little folic acid?

  179. At 11:05 AM on 12 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Right, I'm making bacon and/or sausage and/or egg sodas for anyone who turns up in the next 30 minutes. If anyone asks what a sausage soda is, they're not getting one - just have faith and relax your arteries!

  180. At 11:30 AM on 12 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Belinda - that may have been mentioned before but I wasn't really paying attention as was more concerned with thyroid at the time. I will investigate, thanks!

    RJD - am intrigued and seeing as I won't be partaking can I ask that question?

  181. At 11:42 AM on 12 Sep 2007, Peej wrote:

    RJD - you're my sort of chef !! The great thing about the beach is that one's real life ailments don't exist here, so when it comes to diet I can ignore diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Hang on, I do that in real life too. Anyway, pass the brown sauce to go with this sausage soda. I brought some toasted barnbrack for afters.

  182. At 11:47 AM on 12 Sep 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Yesterday, Chez Jonnie, I danced with a bunch of swans. As I'm still feeling pretty sprightly, I'll do a few pirouettes and levees for you all, then, RJD, if I may, I'll take you up on a bacon soda.


  183. At 11:50 AM on 12 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    witchiwoman - It's a split and grilled/fried Irish soda farl, filled with your choice of bacon, sausage etc. A bit like a fastfood version of a full Irish breakfast.

    The reason that I posted it, was that in RL, I've just had one - I missed my breakfast this morning! By way of atonement, I will be skipping lunch.

  184. At 11:55 AM on 12 Sep 2007, Belinda wrote:

    RJD - Can you do soya sausage sodas? If you can say it five times quickly, then you get one free?

  185. At 12:02 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Big Sis - not wanting to boast or anything, but at my ballet class last week (it's for grown ups) we really did pirouettes. It's been about 30 years since I last did them! I was very pleased to be able to do them, without falling over, & to the admiration of my classmates. Unfortunately, I got so carried away that I upset my bunion (which I didn't have 30 years ago) & have been suffering ever since. Truly, pride goeth before a fall...I might have to stick to virtual pirouettes in future!


  186. At 12:04 PM on 12 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Belinda - Everything is possible and permitted on the Beach. I just have to use a different pan and grill. . . . . - there you go!

  187. At 12:16 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:


    Will I still be doing the splits when this is posted, I wonder?

  188. At 12:20 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Big Sister wrote:

    Oh Annasee, how lovely! We can pirouette together here on the Beach!

    And I can still pirouette in real life, too, though not as well as I used to. The levees, however, are now a no-no.

    Should we put our skates on, d'you think? Then we could really have fun .....


  189. At 12:20 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:

    RJD, please tell me I'm not too late.......I'm starving, and your sodas sound lovely!

  190. At 12:43 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Belinda wrote:

    RJD, that was magnificent. Thank you.

  191. At 12:50 PM on 12 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Gillian - Just in time for the last one - and I can recommend Peej's toasted barnbrack!

  192. At 12:52 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    .hi.......just time do dash in, lob frisbee over to Gillian.......@@@@@@@@@@.......pop lunch on the bar (sardines, salad and bread rolls)......do a spot of ballet practice....


    ......and the splits..


    ...take next crocket shot...


    ....and dash back to RL in Sept...


  193. At 12:52 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Wonko wrote:

    fna? Whaa? Gnnrrr? Must have dropped off getting into this hammock, what an interesting angle I've been sleeping at.

    I smell bacon, maple cured back bacon frying until it's just going crisp! Yes please! As the saying goes, when was the last time you were woken up by the smell of museli?

    I'll make the tea...


  194. At 12:58 PM on 12 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Wonko - I knew you'd be hungry after your sleep - I kept you a soda!

  195. At 01:00 PM on 12 Sep 2007, witchiwoman wrote:

    Any barnbrack left? Hang on, this is the Beach, of course there is! Thanks Peej x

  196. At 01:16 PM on 12 Sep 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    Gosh, what a lot has happened already!!

    If I'm not mistaken, (and to be honest, that is my usual occupation!) there's a man over there painting a new sign over Nick's bar, yes, it says: "iNCM bar" !!!

    Does that make this the iBeach? Oh dear, I shall have to take myself over to the ihammocks, and have a qucik forty iwinks.

    iI don't know: if this icarries on, iI'll be blurting irubbish all over the ishop!!!

    iEye-Eye!! And that reminds me of an old song, recently updated:

    "Old MacDonald had an iFarm: iE iI iE iI iO....."

    back shortly, just off for an iswim....


  197. At 01:23 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iBig Sister wrote:

    NN: Wonderful!

    Now, should we set about organising a frog party on the London Eye, d'you think?

  198. At 01:40 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iRJD wrote:

    I hope this isn't icatching!

  199. At 01:46 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Wonko wrote:

    RJD - you are a star! Many thanks... mmmnnnnffff, yeah...

    ;o0 []

  200. At 01:51 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iBig Sister wrote:

    It will be, iRJD, it will be ;o)

  201. At 01:53 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iBig Sister wrote:

    Or should that have read:

    It will be, uRJD, it will be ;o)

    We could invent a whole new syntax at this rate ....

  202. At 01:55 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Sara wrote:

    So, I find my way back to this frog after months in the wilderness, and I pop into the Glass Box and the Furrowed Wotsit, and lo! they are now cluttered with such long entries that my brow is well and truly furrowed... Who has time to write all this stuff?!

    I've brought a big crate down to the NC Bar so help yourselves quickly before I consume it all.

    Hello, btw.

  203. At 01:58 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iwitchiwoman wrote:

    who put that there?

  204. At 02:02 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    so, shall I now be iDiY

    pronounced... i dee i Y..I think not.


  205. At 02:14 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iPeej wrote:

    I think I'm getting i-strain already.

  206. At 02:20 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    Thank gooodness for a bit of sanity and bacon and people doing the splits-

    ----steady on there you lot!!!!.....

    where was i? Oh yes! It's not very .....um- anyway, it's nice on the beach :-)
    I shan't go THERE again.....in a hurry!

    Pleeeease can I have some bacon- I'm absolutely famished!

    ipis catching what, n-n?

  207. At 02:30 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iWonko wrote:


    iWelcome back iSara!

    io) []

  208. At 02:32 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iBig Sister wrote:

    uWonko - uWhat?

  209. At 02:42 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Are we all ifrogs now then?

  210. At 02:45 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Selkius Piscinus wrote:



    Was that bacon cooking that I just got very slightly woken up by?

    Yes please! Just bacon, about four slices all on its own, a bit crispy, none of the healthy green stuff. Ta.

    Stewart, I'm on 75mg of aspirin in the mornings (standard stuff for anyone over 40, apparently), and for the next 20 days 40mg of Simvastatin at night (ie 'lipid-lowering') until I finish the course. My GP says he'd rather I'd had 20mg of the latter but he's left it as the hospital did for the time being to see what happens. Since my cholesterol levels aren't outside the normal range, I doubt that will continue. Apart from that, nothing. You see why I don't think they're too worried about me. :-)

    I think I'll just have a short nap now. Shoulders not hurting is such bliss!

  211. At 02:59 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    My Father wrote in my autograph book when I was tiny

    2 iis u r
    2 iis u b
    i c u r
    2 iis 4 me!

    sad, isn't it- remembering that.
    your ifault, in-n......


  212. At 03:04 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Sid (168) : You're not still waiting for that glass of the red stuff you requested hours ago? There was a half price shiraz at Tesburyson's today, so how about we split a bottle between us?

    Excuse me, I must just occupy this hammock while I read some case papers for tomorrow morning. (I'm the flying panellist!)


  213. At 03:05 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    iOh iI isay iit's icatching!

    Ha! icatching! *unintentional feeble joke...*

  214. At 03:13 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Sid (168) : You're not still waiting for that glass of the red stuff you requested hours ago? There was a half price shiraz at Tesburyson's today, so how about we split a bottle between us?

    Excuse me, I must just occupy this hammock while I read some case papers for tomorrow morning. (I'm the flying panellist!)


  215. At 03:18 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iWonko wrote:

    iBig Sis - isorry, igot carried away!

    io) []

  216. At 03:25 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Humphi wrote:

    I am not sure that I have got the right idea with this "i" name thing yet. :o(

  217. At 03:42 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iwitchiwoman wrote:

    Oh humph, you seem to have picked up the hybrid strain!

  218. At 03:45 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iMolly wrote:


    iit iis a funny iway to ispend your iday,innit....

    ilke it !


  219. At 03:50 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Came late here and yet don't figure my name with that i. Would be 2 is on it...

    At work now and the coleagues are sending hugs to all.

    Dreaming with the beach cause it's too hot like summer.

    Waiting for chinese food we orderedfor lunch.



  220. At 03:51 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iBig Sister wrote:


    My grandmother wrote:

    A pair in a couple attempted to kiss
    When all of a sudden they tumbled
    Like this

    (You have to imagine the Like this upside down)

    And another autograph book favourite:

    When God made Adam
    He made him out of string
    He had a bit left over so
    He left a little thing.

    When God made Eve
    He made her out of lace
    He didn't have enough and so
    He left a little space.

    Any other autograph book memories out there?

  221. At 04:16 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Selkius piscinus wrote:

    Molly @ 211, my Ma wrote

    AB,CD goldfish!
    L,MNO goldfish.
    OSAR goldfish:

    bet you thought you had problems. :-)

    (Coo, I haven't been malicious for *ages*)

  222. At 04:33 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Ok....when in Rome...go with the flow....

    has any one innoculated Humphi?


  223. At 04:35 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hey, iBig Sis,

    Yeah. A cartoon. A man and his son in identical looking dark suits and toppers both chaps with monocles, striding along pace fpr pace.

    The legend:
    'Take long strides m'boy. It saves on the shoe leather!.'

    Yeah, and relax iRJD, it is me.

  224. At 04:47 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Frances i wrote:

    Chris, was that goldfish a relative? Or are you more of a shark, or a haddock?

    Hello, all, first time here after two and a half week's hols in N Wales. If I can work out how to get my photos onto the puter, I'll try and get some on that flickering thing. Never tried it at home. Probably thanks to all those warnings they used to have during children's programmes.

    Hmmm, this beach looks a bit different from the ones I've been seeing recently.

    Mind you, it looks a bit different from the beach I know and love, too.

    Oh! There's an icamel muttering something about Matthew 19:24.

  225. At 05:23 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hey, Belinda, is this the isplits?


    Or is it like this? n n

    P'haps thats the nosesplits.

  226. At 05:37 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hectic day in Fifiland. I'm very impressed by all you fitties doing the splits. We fatties must make do with doing the splats.

    No frogging tomorrow, unless maybe a quick croak in the afternoon. I am standing in for someone at some difficult meetings in Northampton in the morning, and at a more enjoyable meeting nearer home in the evening.

    I've decided it's to be a chippie run tonight. Orders please, remembering to tell me your preferences re salt and vinegar...

    iFifi ;o)

  227. At 05:44 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    iDIY (177) I've sent them a very *firm* letter. I've calmed down now......

    Hello iFrances & iSara!

    Humph you appear to have a vowel movement....

  228. At 06:25 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iPeej wrote:

    iRJD you're a bad person. All that bacon soda talk this morning. I've been thinking about it all day and had to come home and have one in Real Life. And some potato bread..... and a pancake.... and a sausage.... a fried egg, some tomato. I'm just easily led, that's my trouble......

  229. At 06:28 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Frances i wrote:

    ifeefs (226), or salt n sauce, of course! Or even mayo.

    I'll have salt and just a little vinegar, so they don't get all soggy, please.

    I'll be at the iNCMB sipping an i scream soda.

  230. At 06:40 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Frances i wrote:

    ifeefs (226), or salt n sauce, of course! Or even mayo.

    I'll have salt and just a little vinegar, so they don't get all soggy, please.

    I'll be at the iNCMB sipping an i scream soda. Or maybe an i stea

  231. At 06:46 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iWonko wrote:

    Battered jumbo sausage and chips for me please iFeefs! Lots and lots of vinegar but no salt, thanks.

    And a can of iTzer (other soft drinks are available and also cause loud belching).

    And as many of those sachets of tomato sauce as you can comfortably carry.

    And a chip fork, please.


    io) []

  232. At 07:01 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Well, thanks iFiFi but nosesplits, in reply to to isplits, would have gone better if it had arrived as it was sent:

    |____/\____( )_____/\____|

  233. At 07:25 PM on 12 Sep 2007, inikki noodle wrote:

    Cheers ififi, you must have read my mind - I just fancied a pickled onion and a spring roll!!!

    phew, it's a good job we've all got the beach, here isn't it?!! What with splits and splats, and pirouetting, where else could we workout!!! mac, you can stand back up now....if you can, that is!

    Welcome back Frances iO - just in time i think!!

    and ? feefs - 'flying panellist' - I had that once, too. It's cleared up now, fortunately, though the guy-ropes were itchy for *ages*...Best wishes for tomorrow!


    (211 sorry Molly) !

  234. At 07:29 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Selkius Piscinus wrote:

    ififififif ooops @ 226 anyway

    I could do terrible, punishing things to a single portion of chips scattered liberally with salt, if you'd be kind enough to get them for me. (What? Me? Lazy?!?) There seems to be some H*llm*ns mayo in Nick's, so I'll make a dip out of that and some garlic, if anyone else would like some?

    Frances @ 224, I couldn't possibly comment, because the dictionary says that I am either a Phoxinus phoxinus or 'any other small cyprinid'. :-) There's glory for you! I have some cousins from South American rivers who are little roundish innocent-looking fellows with Great Big Teeth when they open their mouths, though.

  235. At 07:49 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:

    iFifififi - please may I have cod, chips, and mushy peas with vinegar? I'll brew up a big pot of builders tea and butter the crusty bread.

    iDiY (192) See what happens when you stick your neck out?! You'd think I'd have learned by now....

  236. At 07:59 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    (225) + (232)
    So help me, the face, ~~

    is supposed to be nose to the lips of the Oval Orifice.

    (Bring on a grown - up instead of the boy blog master).

    But with the wind getting up like this the whole position looks as vulnerable as the Sphinx's posterior entrance.

    PS What does 'i' mean anyway? Truly, I'm interneted in knowing.

  237. At 08:34 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Here I am, holding up a HUGE bundle of chippy orders in both arms. Big portions they do around here!

    I took the liberty of ordering a few extra portions of chips which I'm tipping into this platter which will keep hot on the barbie while you all help yourselves.

    S & V, mayo, tomato ketchup, HP, Pee & Lerrins, salad creammmm, mustard (English, Dijon, American, whole grain, whisky), brown sauce, gravy, mushy peas, onion rings, pickled onions gherkins eggs cornichons, pork scratchings, grated cheese ... on the side.

    Along with warmed plates, newspaper, and cutlery for those who like those.

    Have I forgotten anything? ;o)


  238. At 09:12 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Selkius Piscinus wrote:

    Has iFifi forgotten anything? Maybe...


    is what has been forgotten.

    Careful ones so we don't get chips all over the Beach, obviously.

    Thanks! yer a star! have a gorilla?



  239. At 09:45 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Aperitif wrote:


    All this chippy talk has made me very hungry. Mind if I have a handful? Or if RJD's whipping up breakfast again how about some fadge?

    Witchi, are you still feeling healing? I've had a bummer of a day and could do with your gentle touch if you're still about?

    Folks, I've finally found a house I might want to buy but it's falling apart and would be a HUGE project. Oh I just don't know what to do! Anyone doen up a complete wreck before (like, structural problems; no kitchen or bathroom; rewiring and central heating needed), what was finished first -- the house or your relationship with sanity??

  240. At 10:24 PM on 12 Sep 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    hmmm sanity isnt everything, appy!!!

    Money might be, though, and pouring money into a sinking ship (mixing metaphor alert!!) might be just daft as a brush.

    You can live with many things, and do wiring kitchens and stuff as you go along. If you want a place to sleep at nights, and in the meanwhile, do up around you, that's one thing.

    But if the foundations are subsiding, or there is a load of water outside, or the roof needs to come off and go back on again, or walls need building, then thats another matter entirely.

    Here's another piece for the fire, I know its warm but the flames look good!! besides which, after all those chips, I;m too lazy to move very far!!

    gosh, really?! well, I brought six bottles over, and there were, how many here already? so that makes, uh, erm, and here's half a glass....oh well, I'd better get some more!!! back in a mo'

  241. At 10:30 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iMolly wrote:

    iSelki iPi
    Put down those chips a iminit!

    That was a lovely poem - I had to read it out loud itwice, though- strange looks from Mr imoll....

    iBig Sister
    whatevr happened to autographs?
    must look for my ibook.
    IMAGINE what the little darlings would write today......;-(


  242. At 10:36 PM on 12 Sep 2007, wrote:

    iFifi (212 & 214)

    Shiraz - yes, that's the stuff. Why don't we split two bottles between us?

    Oh yes - and I owe a drink to Frances O who said I was clever.

    And to DI Wyman who thought up the name for a new ishow. And had an iStrapline today.

    Oh all right - drinks for everybody ...


  243. At 10:55 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    Well- that's strange- i've just been reading my diary dated14/5/06- on holiday in Italy-there, mid-page 2 line insert-

    ''Eddie Maer- a gentleman is someone who can play the bagpipes, but doesn't!''

    what is that all about.......!


  244. At 11:00 PM on 12 Sep 2007, imittfh wrote:

    I once found a bit of a wreck (abandoned half way through redevelopment), but turned out as it was a "Waites Style", made of "PRC", it was virtually impossible to get a mortgage on. I found another house made of poured-on-site concrete (i.e. a more conventional form of conrete), but after the solicitors sat on it for a week, they decided they'd had a higher offer.

    I'm now looking at a flat where the freeholder's been absent for 30 years, so will need to get an indemnity policy if I put in an offer so if he returns, he can't claim 30 years worth of ground rent back payments.

    Fun fun fun - NOT!

  245. At 11:03 PM on 12 Sep 2007, iDeepthought (iJohn W) wrote:


    Firstly, is there wet or dry rot?

    If not, are there earth movements (old mines? edge of cliff movements?).

    Is there planning permission, or time for you to apply for planning permission (you can apply for planning permission on the Palace of Westminster if you want, chances are zero) for an extenion for kitchen/bathroom? This is definately important if you intend to extend the property - don't buy first and ask afterwards!

    If non of the above, a roof is quite expensive, (don't I know), but with scaffolding up, can get other things at the same time. Scaffolding is a major cost. And now more or less obligatory for any building work above the first floor.

    There are some specialist companies. There is one here I'm hiring for external decoration (they need the money for reasons I know and accept as good, they don't usually do such superificial jobs). One quote was good; with regard to his purchase of a farmhouse for his own use ... "for the first time in my life I'm trying to be sensitive..."

    Too far south based for you, but there must be others...but I regret not taking on a "structural problems" place when I was trying to find my first place, without trying to find out what those structual problems were. Things like central heating - I grew up without it, and given the my current fiasco of flat owning, may have this winter without it...

    Well, these are my thoughts...


  246. At 11:12 PM on 12 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap (239) - As it happens I have some fadge secreted in the back of the fridge - but only enough to eke out a couple of Irish breakfasts. If you're here early enough in the morning I'll share it with you.

  247. At 11:56 PM on 12 Sep 2007, Selkius Piscinus wrote:

    Molly @ 241

    Now look what you've done! I am about to tidy my entire house just to try find my grandfather's autograph book that I *know* I inherited when my father died...

    Give me more chips! Quick! And the dip with garlic in it! I am becoming seriously deranged rather than just the usual ordinary derangement.

    Speaking of houses, Appers @ 239, this house was theoretically in perfectly good condition when we moved in.

    25 years later we have replaced the roof (it fell off on Christmas Eve in small sections), the kitchen (it fell down, but only because of the damp-course, ho ho), the side wall (only half of it fell off), the wiring (say no more, but it didn't fall *off* exactly), the damp-course (there wasn't one), the back wall (it fell off in sections), the entire bay window section at the front (would you believe it didn't fall off, it just claimed it was going to soon?), all the windows (they didn't keep the outside out), and one of the bathrooms (the floor wasn't sound). Then the four rooms at the back of the house turned out to have dry-rot in their floors and walls. Oh, and did I mention the seven courses of bricks that went up the dining-room wall with no bonding of any kind? or the drains (ho, as they say, ho...)

    The surveyor for the mortgage said it was fine. And he was right about the stairs -- well, they move when you walk on them, but they haven't fallen off yet. Yet. And the cupboard under the stairs seems sound.

    It's all a toss-up whatever you do, and if anyone here knows anyone who has successfully sued a surveyor for being COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY WRONG about a house, let me know! I once heard a rumour that the Church Commissioners got some money back from a surveyor on account of a house with dry-rot in every single bit of its timber, passed as A-OK, but nobody is prepared to confirm this rumour so I go on being sceptical.

    On the plus side it's been a lot of fun, I have never lost touch with what I have (packing and unpacking boxes tends to make one throw away the stuff one doesn't really care about), and I know a *lot* about how jerry-built late Victorian semies are constructed. And it cost about half what it should havefor a house this size where it is, under forty thousand, and is now worth about half a million quid.

    My advice would be *go for it*!

    Have a chip?

  248. At 12:42 AM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    My SO is an architect. He's run into this sort of thing (Appy and Chris Ghoti).

    He's not 'qualified' to value properties but has extensive experience of what makes buildings fail or not.

    Feel free to contact me for some free advice from him .. he doesn't want you making a terrible mistake!


  249. At 06:59 AM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    25 mins to get up, washed, dressed, drink tea, eat vitamins and get outta here for morning in Northampton.


    Good thing these chips are still hot ... ! Yummy garlic mayo .....


  250. At 09:29 AM on 13 Sep 2007, Frances i wrote:

    i love the i-dea of ififi zooming in as a flying buttress all smart and efficient and whiffing slightly of garlic. How'd it go, babes?

    It's a lovely morning here in September and I have a shiatsu session booked for later so it could well be a good day.

    Fresh coffee, Earl Grey, croissants and a few slightly sandy but warmed up bacon sodas on the bar. Oh, and some freshly-squeezed orange juice.

    That icamel is trying to thread itself.

  251. At 09:46 AM on 13 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    RJD (246)

    Would I like it?


  252. At 10:00 AM on 13 Sep 2007, iRJD wrote:

    Frances i - "that icamel is trying to thread itself." - cor! you're sharp this morning.

  253. At 10:32 AM on 13 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    iiis today, n-n?

    i ? Mollyxx

  254. At 10:51 AM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    iElevenses on the iBar for those that want...iTea and a really big tin of iBiscuits...

  255. At 11:14 AM on 13 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Molly - Try some fadge and see!

  256. At 11:28 AM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Just time enough on the beach to grab a mug of that lovely coffee (thanks, Frances i/o!).

    Anyone mind if I reserve a hammock for later on? I think I'll need a relax after a conference call I've got to sit in on....

  257. At 12:09 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Help, Beach - full people please!

    At a certain store I bought two duvets and 4 duvet covers all King Size.

    No actual sizes (measurement thingies) on the boxes or packaging.

    I asked.

    'King size is one size, sir - King sized'.

    'But..' I said (remember I am iBeach - and iFiFi - and iMair - trained 'Doesn't the size of that one size that is depend on how big the king is?'

    'Very droll, I'm sure, sir' (Turns out he was iMair trained too. Since Radio 5 Live days and still takes occassional post experience classes from the master from ifive to isix some evenings)

    Well, fine, everything turn out to be able to cope with Elvis at his most enormous. But taking one thing with another, they are NOT THE SAME D*MNED SIZE.

    In fact its worst case scene - the duvets are a lot bigger than the covers.

    And I'm in Wales with them for a fortnight in a 'bring your own linen' cottage.

    Should I cut a foot off all round each duvet? There's a (working) old treddle sowing machine in the corner.

    Anyway after a week of uncomfortable nights I'm really frightened I shall look under the weather for my next appearance on the Barmouth Web Cam which is scheduled for today week.

    'Help me if you can
    With the duck down
    I do appreciate sleeping sound
    I'd be as well off back down on the ground

    Won't you please help.'

    No, not 'sleeping 'around''.

  258. At 12:41 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Stewart iM wrote:

    iMac. I'd just fold the extra bits in the cover. It'll be chuncky but warmer!

    Selikinus I see what you mean. You are on a normal, older person medication. Aspirin and a stating. They give them out like smarties (other candy coated chocolates available)

    And Wonko, My SO likes a battered sausage. But said like that implies naught corner (or is it just me)

    Anyhoo Tablet anyone. and I also fancy some iIron iBrew.

  259. At 12:41 PM on 13 Sep 2007, iWonko wrote:

    What ho iFroggers!

    Quick visit to the Beach today. Mrs Wonko and I are off on holiday for a week on Saturday, so I will be busy doing "stuff" today and tomorrow in September. So, have a good one, and see you all in a week and a halfs time.

    ;o) []

    PS Thanks iFeefs for the chippy run last night, delicious!

  260. At 01:30 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Have a nice trip, Wonko.

    Where are you going?


  261. At 01:57 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Molly wrote:

    Thank you! I do like it and like it' new (for me)
    name. Fadge!

    I popped a Tupperware -small size-containing some fudge, as a thank you,at the back of your fridge.

    Do keep the ''small size, green''- we have lots here....

    ps don't want to make trouble but surely that's my Tupperware in Appy's pocket over there.....?

  262. At 02:00 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Have a nice time iWonko

    iFifi - you must be hsttered today -- hope it all goes / went well.

  263. At 02:11 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Appy - never mind is this house going to be suitable for you to live in. Will it be suitable for an elderly, slightly grumpy cat who likes his home comforts, central heating, soft bed etc? (No objection to mice though- in fact they are an added attraction.) That should clarify your decision for you!

  264. At 02:13 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Gossipmistress wrote:

    Appy - once the big building stuff's done you could always get a big bunch of Froggers to come for the weekend armed with paintbrushes?!

  265. At 02:30 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    I think I meant shattered iFifi.

    - - - - - - - -
    Now I wouldn't normally publicise another wireless station - however I discovered a clip on youtube featuring Bill Buckley. - Remember the one who used to be with Esther on 'that's life'!

    Anyway - struck me as to how long a radio presenter can discuss a Bagel - in the middle of the night!

    I think that Ben - who posted it has done a little editing.

  266. At 03:02 PM on 13 Sep 2007, iBigSis wrote:

    Good heavens, ujonnie, for a moment I got confused with Barry Bucknell, who you're far too young to remember!

    That made me think of this:

    Bumbly, Bumbly what do you say?
    Let's sing a Bumbly tune.
    Bumbly, Bumbly flying away
    And shooting over the moon.
    I'm Bumbly number one.
    I'm Bumbly two, that's me.
    I'm the one that's not very bright -
    I'm Bumbly number three.

    Ah, good old Professor Bentine!

    Perhaps I'll join them up on the ceiling tonight .....

  267. At 03:11 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Cammelia, Lady Dromedary wrote:

    iI go orf for a bit of racing and you lot get ichy
    Now, Fadge - is that vanilla or coffee flavoured, or am I muddling it with Umbrage?
    Bom dias Guima.

  268. At 03:20 PM on 13 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Big Sis - It's OK, perfectly OK. Just relax now, just relax. Nurse. . . Nurse. . . .NURSE!

  269. At 03:30 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    iBiggy Isis,

    I could have sworn they were called the Jumblies.

    Am I confused with Jubblies which were orange drinks and orange ice at the same time?

    As for Barry Bucknell, poor chap got the David Frost treatment didn't he.

    Frost qua impressionist had him making a box that looked as if it belonged in a Braque.

    Though on balance it might have been better had Bcuknell built Frost a snuggly fitting pine box there and then, for real.

  270. At 03:42 PM on 13 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ah Lady Cammelia, I fear that the only fadge I am familiar with is potato-flavoured, but then I don't move in the same circles of society as your Ladyship evidently does.

    I don’t think that fadge should ever be muddled with Umbrage – fadge is essentially an Irish recipe. I think Umbrage is in Borsetshire.

  271. At 04:19 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Hello Frog Friends, thanks for all the thoughts. Oh, what to do???

    The house doesn't need any extending -- it is rather large (don't worry Annasee, I'm sure Gordon would love it) -- much bigger than I need on my own, but oh it could be so LOVELY -- it has rooms that officially are a bathroom and a kitchen -- just nothing (salvagable) in them. I could stay where I am whilst the chimney is pulled down and rebuilt (I know, monstrously large job) and the trees are removed and the damage they've caused sorted (gaaahhh!) and the rewiring is done, and the damp patch (caused by a drain pipe leak, not anything more sinister) is fixed and... oh, goodness knows what else. I'm pretty handy with the finishing touches so would move in in time to do the painting and putting a few shelves up and so on (FABULOUS idea Gossipmistress (264)!!) It's in a lovely spot and, not that I'd be wanting to sell it on, but if I get it at the advertised price I could add value, jugging by the ceiling price in the street so far...

    It's just, oh, I know it will take forever and I might lose my sanity before it's finished. And, given what's been said about surveyors (Oh dear Mr Fish! Sounds traumatic!) -- well, what if there are things I haven't noticed and a surveyor doesn't spot them either???...

    I am taking essential oils to help with decision making. Actually, when I say "essentail oils" it appears to be mostly brandy... I'll let you know what I decide to do.

    RJD (255), I realise that I'm a little late for breakfast but you appear to have eaten my fadge!

  272. At 04:32 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Cammelia, Ladi etc wrote:

    Not sure, I had an exceptional one in Cumbria, not too long ago. Could almost have qualified as an encumbriance.
    Can I have butter on mine?

  273. At 04:34 PM on 13 Sep 2007, iBelinda wrote:

    I'm feeling a little iblue today. Any ijokes on hand?

  274. At 04:41 PM on 13 Sep 2007, iBigSis wrote:


    No, I'm definitely not coming down! It's lovely up here. I can fully understand why the Bumblies chose to live on the ceiling - you get a better view by far. Oh, and you can drop coconuts on the heads of unsuspecting ifroggers ........
    ..............ooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!

  275. At 04:43 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Aunti Dahli wrote:

    Dear Aps, been there, done that. Very rewarding, we started 23 years ago and should finish any day now. Three points-
    1. It will cost twice as much as you calculate - even with big contingency budget
    2. It will take twice as long, and longer than your worst possible scenario
    3. You need Wayne - or someone similar - multi talented, funny, patient and reliable - and rather good looking. erhem could give you his number - at a price!

  276. At 05:23 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Gillian wrote:

    Appy (271) You have answered my question, which I don't now need to ask!
    You say you can stay where you are while the ''big'' work is being done. That would have been my proviso when I urged you to go ahead with the project - that, and add at least an extra twenty percent to any quotation you are given for the work.
    We had a farm steading converted into a house and did all the labouring ourselves....it took 15 months but we lived off-site until it was habitable.
    We also had a cottage extended, then ''camped out'' in the extension (with 3 children and a cat) while the rest of the house was gutted.
    We poured blood, sweat and tears into those projects, but the end results were well worth it, and I'm not talking financially!
    The house we are in now is brand new and modern, but I don't feel it's ''mine'' in the same sense as the other two houses were.
    Go for it, because you can express yourself in a unique way and end up with something only you can dream of. BUT have your kitchen, bathroom and bedroom done first if you want to be able to hang on to your sanity. The rest of the house can be done as you go along, at your own pace, but you will still be able to enjoy some basic comforts in your home. Good luck, whatever you decide to do.

  277. At 05:34 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Frances (250) & Jonnie (262) : I hate Northampton, and usually turn down Panels that mean going into the town. But they were desperate. Journey should take an hour, but I allowed double because of rush hour.

    Found the road I wanted ... closed. Diversion. Couldn't find way back to other end of the road I wanted, running late, so instead of using free County Hall car park I paid to use an NCP one and sprinted up Guildhall Street to be only not quite as early as I, being chairman, like to be. Not late.

    Meetings all went brilliantly, despite never having met my fellow panellists before and being blessed with a local authority official with a certain reputation. Managed to make all 4 decisions AND grab a bite of buffet lunch before dashing back to car before ticket ran out at 1pm.

    I'll get expenses for the trip quite soon, which is always nice.

    Journey home did not, as anticipated, take me past a large Tesburyson's - darn 1-way system! - so once home I had to dash out again to the local one. Just as the mummies were going there too, having collected tired and grumpy offspring from school/nursery.

    Got back, and a neighbour kindly handed me a huge bag of surplus apples! (I like my neighbour very much.)

    Now just about to grab a proper meal of some kind, before plodding down to village hall for Parish Council meeting. Oh - better get the paperwork and copy of Local Plan ready to take along first, and a new pen coz 2 have run out this week.

    Maybe see you all later at the froggers' webcam? Frances, you would love it there!

    Fifi.....ew! ;o)

  278. At 05:55 PM on 13 Sep 2007, iBigSis wrote:

    imac: No the Jumblies were from a different planet (see here: while the Bumblies lived on the ceiling in Professor Bentine's house (see here:

    iAppy: It sounds like you've fallen in love. Get a builder to look around it with you - or a surveyor (but remember they always look for worst case scenarios). If, after looking at it all with expert eyes you still want it, go for it, or you'll always be thinking "what if?"

  279. At 06:12 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Selkius Piscunus wrote:

    Please can everyone remind me not to quote John Donne on The Furrowed Brow? :-)

    Appers, don't take my tale of woe as meaning I think you shouldn't do it. If this is a house you feel you would be happy in, then you should buy it. Just try not to give them the asking price!

    One word of advice though. If there are *small* things that irritate you, like doorhandles in the wrong place or light-switches ditto, or cupboards whose doors open the wrong way for what you like, make a note of them Very First Thing, and make sure that you get them sorted out before a year has passed, or at least when anything to do with them is being sorted. My mother cursed the inconvenient lightswitch in her larder several time a day for thirty years and more, and I regularly fall over a slightly inconvenient bit of wood keeping a draught out of the sitting-room that was put there rather than re-hang the huge old door, and have done ever since we've been here.

    Enjoy it! Good luck.

  280. At 06:31 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Aunt D (275), Gillianian (276), Thank you both. You remind me that it is all both inspiring and daunting. I think I know what you mean about the sense of it being your own, Gillian, and I think that's what I really want. (Although of course, it will undoubtedly become Gordon's with me as a paying guest as soon as he moves in, if I do buy it...) Back to the 'Directions' essence (brandy)...

  281. At 06:50 PM on 13 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Belinda (273) this is just for you:

    ACCIDENTALS: Wrong notes
    AGNUS DEI: A famous female church composer
    ALLEGRO: Leg fertilizer
    AUGMENTED FIFTH: A 36-ounce bottle
    BREVE: The time you spend when the line is short
    BROKEN CONSORT: When somebody in the ensemble has to leave and go to the restroom.
    CADENCE: When everybody hopes you're going to stop - but you don't
    CHANSONS DE GESTE: Dirty songs
    CLAUSULA: Mrs. Santa
    CROTCHET: A tritone with a bent prong - or
    CROTCHET: It's like knitting but it's faster - CUT TIME: When you're going twice as fast as everybody else in the ensemble.
    DRONE: The sound of a single monk during an attack of Crotchet
    DUCTIA: A lot of mallards

    Fifi ;o)

    I'll get my coat...

    Fifi ;o)

  282. At 07:58 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Aperitif wrote:

    Big sis, Fishers. thanks to you too.

  283. At 08:25 PM on 13 Sep 2007, nikki noodle wrote:

    bless you all.

  284. At 08:53 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Selkius Piscinus wrote:

    T'ink nut'n of it, Appers!

    Have a gorilla.

  285. At 11:09 PM on 13 Sep 2007, RJD wrote:

    Ap (271) - It don't happen often, but I must admit I'm speechless.

    Cammelia (272) - You can have butter, olive oil, mature cheddar, marmalade (believe me, it works), fried egg, whatever!

    iBelinda (273) -

    iBig Sis (274) - The doctor will be along presently.

  286. At 11:27 PM on 13 Sep 2007, Frances i wrote:

    Chris, what did you quote? 'Batter my cod, three-personed heart'?

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