The Beach
Never mind the weather
Get it together
Sun is shining
the rain can fall
come on
p-l-a-y playaway-away-way playaway play-play-away way
play away playaway
Jonnie - get those shoes and socks off now!
Never mind the weather
Get it together
Sun is shining
the rain can fall
come on
p-l-a-y playaway-away-way playaway play-play-away way
play away playaway
Jonnie - get those shoes and socks off now!
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Brian Cant eat yer heart out :-)
Thanks Carolyn!
La-la-la-la-la-la la-la la-la-la. Come on.
P-l-a-y playaway-away-way playaway play-play-away way. Play away playaway. :0)
tide cometh in, tide goeth out. nice squeaky clean beach!
thanks sequin, now where did i put my Speedos?
Elevenses - in Cafe 502?!
Muffins and flapjacks if you can get to them
Ooh a new beach. Almost as lovely as Holkham was at the weekend. Bet I'm not allowed on it, though. I'm feeling particularly persecuted this week as none of my attempts to get through to any of the threads has been successful. Bad as ever it was.
Chris J, leave Jonnie's socks alone NOW! They are not hats for the film crew.
If you two don't start to behave, it'll be the Naughty Step for you both ;o)
Gladys Tuesday @ 1, What, you mean the Beach is immune to 502s and to sluggishness in all respects and to sullen blank screens for minutes at a time if one tries to post? get along with you. I know that if I try to post this what I will get is one of the above, or all three, or a malicious warning, unless I have an hour or so to spend on sending it manymany times -- and if I do it will deny all knowledge of me until it suddenly puts up this post manymany times just to teach me a lesson.
Carolyn: You aren't related to Joyce Grenfell by any chance?
DIY - Gillian made a pair of curtains out of them.
jonnie..I bet you Brian can!
but I can't.....I keep tripping over 502 pebbles!
shall I'll go and open Cafe 502?
the comment I made above about the sluggishness of everything was 502ed after long pauses, but got here anyway.
Someone tell me, how are we meant to know that a post we are told has been refused has been accepted really?
(Posting at 12.06)
Gordon Brown spent some of Monday afternoon claiming he had saved us from the evils of the EU Reform Treaty, the rest of the time he had the audacity to accuse ‘others’ of being EU sceptics! If his is the best mind in Britain - God help us all.
He is even more deceitful than Chamberlain
Big Sister... (8)
...don't do that.
Brian: Would you like to post your comment on the Furrowed Brow, please? This is the Beach, where we have fun, and where you'll just get ignored if you carry on with such posts.
I say ... I emailed PM this a.m. to complain about the blog being broken, and now it looks as if it might be working again ... fingers crossed.
The intermittent Horse (9)
no.....not that pair, I meant the pair with the built in wind powered hot water circulatory system.....
Yay! A new beach! Does it have a funicular?
Big Sis (13) I'm afraid we have a troll. There's been a number of times I've tried to engage Brian, only to be ignored. Also, if you look at the l"link" in his name you'll see it's not a link. Ah well....
Hello Everyone,
I've been a bit absent again, so it's nice to turn up just in time for a new beach :-)
Lovely to see the photos from the weekend in Bournemouth too -- thanks Gillian -- hope you all had fun and hope to see you at the next one, whenever and wherever that may be...
Now then Big Sis, Fearless, do yo think Brian may be a Chatbot? (Remember those?) Perhaps a new variation on the theme -- only attempts to engage others in politics-based conversations?
Cocoa anybody?
Back from a few days away. WHat happens? Window at work broken, Probably not an attempt at a breakin, probably just some nutter leaning his/her foot against it from the internet cafe bext door. Petrol cap cover broke off car and fan belt started to squeek. I called in to my local mechanic to order new part and for them to listen to fan belt and he stopped it squeeking with some silicone lubricant stiff and then it fell off!!
All normal now. I owe him a beer 'cos a two minute job ended up an hour.
So a cheap weekend away ends up costing a large piece of laminate glass and a bit for the car.
Oh well!
its now 11.15 and the last comment on the beach is at 1.01. Either everyone has got seriously bored with negotiating 502s and given up, or things have broken down entirely. Well we'll find out in a minute when I hit send ........
Good grief! Between pesky RL back in October and Cafe 502 I've barely been able to post for weeks now!
Anyone for late night hot chocolate? There's a dash of brandy in it... and whipped cream... anyone?
;o) []
coffee and bagels on the counter. now let's see if i can win the war of the deckchair to today.
peeps out from behind curtains / it worth a try.......
....looks like a probable non starter, 502'd at the first hurdle.....
Test 09:01
Anybody for coffee? And I've brought some croissants and apricot jam ... though I have the tiniest suspicion I may be eating them all myself.
@09:16 a.m.
lets have no more complaining about the blog, my comment last night was posted 2 minutes before I sent it, you can't get much quicker than that.
Wonko, I fear I'm too late for one of your "special" hot chocolates. :( Still, I come bearing a selection of freshly ground coffees for the row of foffee makers, and a plate of pain au chocolat that were on display at the mobile patisserie that floats around the lagoon. Tucjk in folks (if you manage to avoid the number that will not be named...) Fat Chance!
Appy, you may well be right (as always!) :)
....over 'ere mate, behind Cafe 502, we are sneaking a quick fag whilst Miss is looking the other way.....
Thought I'd drop by here, or Cafe 502, before I get seriously stuck in to work in RL.
Toast, Marmalade and Tea, anyone (fave quick breakfast)?
I get more walks when this blog isn't working. :)
I just noticed that my comment of last evening was posted 2 minutes before I sent it which is pretty impressive.
Having read FrogPrince Marc's comments Chez Jonnie's, I thought I'd just pass quickly through here to give regular froggers a wave.
Life at the Big Sister House is somewhat mad at the moment, but for those of you who know about my ailing dog, update is that he is still hanging in there (Bless him!), the builder is still giving us grief, and I never got to take my holiday :o( due to the above. Similarly, I never made it to Jonnie's as we've been running around like proverbial blue a**ed flies.
Ah well, at least there's the Blog (I know, I know ....)
Tried to send earlier, but the door has been barred :o(
Having read FrogPrince Marc's comments Chez Jonnie's, I thought I'd just pass quickly through here to give regular froggers a wave.
Life at the Big Sister House is somewhat mad at the moment, but for those of you who know about my ailing dog, update is that he is still hanging in there (Bless him!), the builder is still giving us grief, and I never got to take my holiday :o( due to the above. Similarly, I never made it to Jonnie's as we've been running around like proverbial blue a**ed flies.
Ah well, at least there's the Blog (I know, I know ....)
An Update to regular frogger friends from
the Big Sister House.
Dafydd is still hanging in there (Bless him!).
Builder is still giving us grief.
I never made it to Jonnie's as we've been running around like proverbial blue a**ed flies.
I never got to take my holiday :o( .
Ah well, at least there's the Blog (I know, I know ....)
Stun a stoat! I just lost my temper and posted on another thread, and the blog told me my comment had been accepted and held! No 502s, no stalling, no wwwbbc unavailable, not even malicious!
There is something dreadfully wrong somewhere, but in case it happens again here I shall take this opportunity to tell people that there are several cases of favoured drinks behind the bar, and a selection of the finest chocolates at one end of it. Dig in, folks.
If it turns out that this only works if I lose my temper.... um.... Grrrrrrrrrrrr?
Stun a stoat! I just lost my temper and posted on another thread, and the blog told me my comment had been accepted and held! No 502s, no stalling, no wwwbbc unavailable, not even malicious!
There is something dreadfully wrong somewhere, but in case it happens again here I shall take this opportunity to tell people that there are several cases of favoured drinks behind the bar, and a selection of the finest chocolates at one end of it. Dig in, folks.
If it turns out that this only works if I lose my temper.... um.... Grrrrrrrrrrrr?
Actually, I'd like to be a chatbot. A life of chatting without any emotional upset. Sounds great to me.
I could do with cheering up. Where's Jason Good and his wit when you need him?
Would a 'whinney' at this hour get through?
every morning this week i've been down with enough coffee and bread products to feed the proverbial 5000. today i come simple as i am, clutching a coffee and hoping to find reprieve from work.
perhaps if we set up an alter to the technical gremlins over by the cave, and leave offerings of flowers and perfume (and coffee) they will let us have the beach back.
I am going to make pancakes. They may be here. They may be in cafe 502.
morning all!!
guess what?
I've no idea if this will post....
Am putting a bumper spread out on the bar.....
(doh! too soon!)
(tiptoes gingerly onto the sand)
Is it safe to come out to play?
Wow! Looks as if it might be - safe that is.
Fresh English Breakfast and Blue Mountain on the NC bar, fresh croissants and butter on the large stoneware platter decorated with dolphins (made by my mum at pottery class).
(Holds breath while submitting again)
I wonder?.......
;o( []
Wow! Here's butter and jam to go with Witchi's pancakes. My comment on ''Tempting providence '' has just been snatched up. If it appears, I'll bring clotted cream!
Oooh, pancakes ... fingers crossed.
@ 10:43 a.m.
WItchi - can I have maple syrup please??? Yum!
Can I have lemon juice and sugar on mine please Witchi? Thank you x
Atishoo! Cough!
Been laid low with a stonker of a cold for a few days and so missed lots of exciting 502s.
Hot lemon and honey on the bar. There's a bottle of whiskey and a few cloves for rjd and peej.
Bless you Francis - have a soothing balm tissue. I think you should have a lie down in the sparkley hammock and have the boys bring you everything your heart desires.
*calls* come on Wonko, nn, DiY, FF etc 'tis your turn to do the looking after. Stop hiding behind that dune pretending you're looking for your ball.
Had a bit of a one at the weekend, but it wasn't bad enough to stop me going to Bournemouth with my red and blotchy nose!
...Izzy, the red nosed frogger
had a very blotchy nose
and if you ever saw the blogger
you would even say it glows...
Tra la, tra li
I come bearing gifts, remedies, lotions, potions and cures!!
For all who need or desire, for heart, head or chest, I have a hot toddy for all.
1. Take one dash of drink, a favourite tipple works best.
2. Pour into a largish mug, a favourite, well worn, picture-fading chipped one will do.
3. Curl up on the sofa, carpet, bed, with a snugglitious duvet, a cushion, pillow or good book.
4. Rest head back, relax, close those sleepy little eyeballs, and breath in deeply.
5. Come on down to a virtual hammock, the campfire, a munchie pancake, marchmellow, choccy, and frugs for all who need
6. I shall now croon the traditional papua new guinea lullaby song:
"pm pm pmpmpm"
(to repost or not to repost...c'est la question?)!
s_d it.
If anyone else is up at the moment (12:20am Friday 26th), the blog appears to be fine (touchwood) - maybe the spammers have had an early night?
I've brought along an industrial-sized jar of coffee for cafe 502, along with a selection of magazines (well, they're bound to be more interesting than "Waiting for" and a progress bar stuck half way). If your post does get through, since it's always warm summer here on the beach (unlike the cold grey weather in real life [irl]) I've also left a bottle of Pimms on the bar.
Now, where's that hammock? :)
NN, You've got too many either/ors in there (3)! And you forgot to mention pre-warming the mug, though I like its well-worn character.
Ahhh, the smell of campfire smoke, and oh, yes, don't mind if I do!
Abandon the search for Truth; settle for a good fantasy.
Fri Oct 26 01:26:30 BST 2007
It's over here Mittferherrr >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It never got light in Norfolk today. Headlights on on way to work, and on way back too. Depressing.
mittfh(56) a blog that only works in the wee small hours is no use to me. Incidentally you appear to have appeared before you posted!
Putting some fresh beverages on the bar just in case anyone else attempts to make it over here.
Peers over are things this morning?
Breakfast picnic anyone? Lots of fresh fruit, homebaked bread and muffins, some cheese and cold meats for those who fancy.
Ok, holding my breath and jumping in with both feet.....beach or 502??
Thanks for the grub Witchi, I'll take you up on your fresh fruit offer. In real life I've just had my regular Fryday fry, bacon, sausage egg, potato bread and soda bread. But don't worry I've arranged to have my next cholesterol check up on the beach, so with your fresh fruit intake I should be fine.
No idea if this will post or not, but let's give it a try anyway.
I found the ball behind the dune! Honest! Tee hee...
Sorry to miss the pancakes, mmmm, could just do with one of those now - with lashings of crispy bacon on it and literally floating in maple syrup. Excuse me, I seem to be dribbling.
Can I add my Uncle's recipe for a hot toddy?
1) Lemon juice, a good single malt, nutmeg, honey and two packets of b**chams powders (other paracetamol based cold remedies are available).
2) Place all of the ingedients on a mug, add hot water and stir well.
3) Take the mug to bed, because otherwise you might hurt yourself when you fall over. ;o) []
Peeps out from behind Café 502....can see friendly foggers so it might be ok to risk it.
....dashes down to the naturist end, whips off Speedos and shouts with joy before leaping into the surf......
Morning all.
Appy (38) : If this comment dodges Café 502 I'll email Jason and tempt him to return.
If not... I'll be in Café 502 with a huge pile of bacon butties for everyone to customise.
Is that my chain I can feel being yanked?
What a lovely day for wandering into an Indian restaurant with a mechanical alarm clock that's too scared to ring and saying "how's that for a chicken tikka?"
oooer, don't look now but I've been testing other threads on the blog and so far (cross fingers) it seems to be
I think I need a nice lie-down in a hammock to recover from the shock. Please don't throw that ball too near, I might have to get up and throw it back.
.......NEVER EVER leap into the surf without Speedos when there are jelly fish about!
G@d that stings!
......and yes I did see the Friends episode with the same dilema and no you're not!
Right - as this seems to be working...
Things are all set to move at Chez Witchi! For those that don't know am chucking in with my mom and her partner to buy a house. Her divorce settlement is all set, mortgage offer sorted, tentative completion date mooted and just waiting to be okayed. So lets pop a cork or two eh? xx
right, OK peeps this may be a bit premature but fingers etc crossed it might (faces south and prays to the blog gods) double choc muffins all round!
i also think we need to club together and get Sequin a spell checker.....there is a very interesting spelling of industry in the newsletter..!
Oh dear....the mods don't seem to like the verses I added to Izzy's song ;o(
(Just for the record - it wasn't 502'd, but simply hasn't appeared)
Great news Izzy! Popping a cork or two sounds perfect - we still have mittfh's Pimms too.
Mmmm...had we better have a bowl of lentil soup first?!
I hope we're not jinxing things, but Whoo Hoo, a beach!
I have lots of warming drinks for those wanting to recover from RL in October. I've also left carafes of fruit juices, and a plate of sausage sarnies to complement Fifi's bacon buttoes...
WW, I've just sent you some bubbly on f*cebook:)
FF - it hit the spot! Thanks my froggy friend!
Where is Big Sis - we need a friday afternoon conga and she is the best!
Afternoon, my good people!
sounds good ww! Hope it goes through smoothly!!!
Jason : thats terrible! We'll have naan of that!
Gillian, it's going to have to be those 'oversized' speedos for diy after *that* incidient, and tell us again about your added verses?!
Hi to sid, ed, wonky, peedge, fearless, mift, annep, fiona, GM, LadyP, appy, izzy and Frances O!!!
Are we all back to normal?!!?! [:-)]
Neigh Ho Froggers. The horsebox will be here soon to take me off to fresh pastures for a bit of a holiday. Well, I say pastures, but in truth there will be a very nice beach there too.
Hope the 502s stay away for you.
Jason (66) Hahaha :-)
See, the first rule of a happy life: know what you need.
The second: don't be afraid to ask for it.
Please Mr Good, can we have some more?
And thanks Feefs (65).
btw, just seen the newsletter. Is it really a year since the infamous "Are you holding your Golden Joystick now?" moment?...
Just had my newsletter. The golden joystick is coming out to play again ? Must go and polish it
NN - whatever normal is....someone had to say it!
n-n (75) Just for you, then, I'll have another go....but you'll have to go all the way back to Izzy (55) for the first verse!
....None of the other froggers
Thought to laugh or call her names -
We even made poor Izzy
Join in all our froggers' games.
Then on sunny Sunday morn
Izzy came to say
''Froggers, we don't seem so bright -
How much did we drink last night?!'' ........;o)
looks like my alter has worked wonders... that and the blog prince!
as reward I'll pop this giant bag of chocotofs (chocolate toffees would you believe?!) on the counter. it'll stop me from eating them all.
now... where's that deckchair and newspaper...
Good weekend for all.
This saturday Williwaw will set sails again. Places for 3. Come aboard.
Witchiwoman - sorry - in my postnumber 71 I called you Izzy by mistake! I'm really happy for you - as I would be for Izzy if she also had good news to share ;o)
Ooh, I'm feeling much cheerier now. And guilty after ranting by email yesterday.
Sun's going down, so I'm lighting the fire and sticking some crumpets on.
n-n (75)
good idea, gillian can u run me up a new pair?
I depart Nelson country in the morning for the fair county of Devon and the fine city of brace yerselves in the west county...
...if any one sees a green 'Bertr@ms' Ren*ult Kangoo van 'racing' down A11, M11, round M25 , along M4 and down the M5 give me hoot!
Here's some of my tomato & lentil soup (you veggies will love it!) to go with Witchi's bubbles.
Welcome back Jason, sorry if my gentle prod felt like a wallop with a cricket bat!
Is it Pimms o'clock yet, Wonko? .....Wonko???
Afternoon Belindada!
More Mr Jason, please, more! Please!
Stewart M (78)
I show u mine if you will show me yours.....
n-n, it's no good - the extra verses (plus my apology to Witchi for calling her Izzy!) seem to have been with-held ;o(
I'll put them on the froggers' refuge.....but you'll have to keep the words to the first verse (Izzy 54) in your head.........
Ha! It's 16:59 and my extra verses have just appeared at number 80!
Guima (82) May I come aboard please? The sea breeze will do me good. ;o)
Its always pimms o'clock fifi. Something to do with the sun shining over the yard arm at the horizon.
A priest, a rabbi and Methodist minister decide on a days fishing so they meet up and row out together to a spot the rabbi and the minister have used before.
Not long after they have baited up and made the first cast the rabbi exclaims that he has left the thermos flask in the boot of the car.
With that he leaps over the side of the boat and dashes off across the lake returning a few minutes later with said thermos. At this the priest is dumfounded but can only put this feat down to the fact that the rabbi must be a very religious and pious person.
Not half an hour goes past when the minister confesses that he has left the sandwiches in the car. So he too jumps over the side and runs back to then shore, returning shortly with the lunch.
Again the priest is amazed but can only put it down to the fact that the minister must also be a very religious and pious person.
Anyway the settle back to the fishing and they are having reasonable luck, in fact they were doing so well that they start to run low on ground bait. The priest says no problem, I have plenty in the car I will nip and get some. He is quite sure that he is just as religious and pious as the rabbi and the minister so he leaps over the side of the boat and promptly disappears under water!
As he surfaces for the third time the minister turns to the rabbi and says 'Morris, shouldn't we tell him where the stepping stones are?'
....i thank you....
Afraid I'm all out of jolity at the moment. Just finished editing the video of a school production that has taken me since mid July to do. First attempt at doing any video work since Super 8 went out.
Couldn't get the DV in/out to work until the last bit so the quality of the first 90% (done with USB) is awful and the original footage/sound was awful anyway. I hate doing a bad job of anything, particularly when it takes hours and hours and hours and hours...
Not got any decent software to do it, never used a digital video camera before, etc etc. Life was easier with a splicer and sticky tape...
Jason (93)
try contacting jonnie, he is a whiz at things like that, follow my name to try and get hold of him......good luck
If Advil is called ibuprofen, shouldn't Viagra be called dixafix, or ibepokin or even mycoxstoppedafloppin or at a push...... mydixnotadrupin?
...i thank you...
DI Wyman ... no matter what it was called, you still wouldn't be able to get it over the counter.
Now come with me and sit on the naughty step. Got any Woodbines?
Hi All
Gillian - fantastic pick up of the batton! I did pass on the congrats to WW when I saw them ;o).
Now, I had a bit of a rant yesterday - everywhere. I e-mailed PM and I moaned on the refuge. The gist was, why say it's fixed when it isn't, it's extraordinarily annoying. I had a rather nice e-mail back, which I have also posted on the refuge. The gist of this was, sorry, only telling you what the techie people tell us - we're as frustrated as you. So, well done them for getting back to me. I'm only trying this post now because mine of last night did actually get through and you've all had a fairly successful day today - woe betide it if I get a 502 now, (I shall be wagging my finger in a very strict manner)....
Wish me luck....
DIY, Sid,
Reminds me of that Hungarian shot putter, who got ejected for having a third testicle, what was 'his' name?
I remember: Oojanika Bolokov.
yes, my shout. What'll it be?
any ideas how to de-stress before a job interview? I'm up for a job I really want with interview on Tuesday but am already in a panic. and i can't give up the coffee as i don't function without it.
more jokes please.
n-n and Sid
hi i am now in Exeter......
.....more jokes are requested, see you behind the bike shed to the rear of Café 502 later...
i have the Players Navy Cut, Sid and n-n you can fight it out to who brings the cider and crisps.....
And with what do you propose to adulterate the Navy Cut, I ask?
I'll bring a wee bit homegrown herb.
17:18 BST 27 Oct 2007 CE
Yawn... Oooh, Saturday evening already! That spangly hammock's so comfy. And the spandex-covered duvet, snuggly and cosy...
Thank you so much to all who have pampered me with cold relievers (no such thing as a cold cure, even in a whisky bottle).
Is it FF's birthday today? If so,
Fearless birthday to you,
I've a cold in the head,
Happy birthday, dear FF,
Happy birthday, dear Fred.
2357, hoping to arrive before the Today programme's b'day
Good morning from the treehouse!
I sure enjoyed the extra hour! Sun has risen beautifully, and I was just handed a "good morning beer" by a couple of kids on the wander from a "parents away, let's have an all-nighter" party.
Never speak ill of today's youth!
Bacon and sausages on the bar for any early/late risers. Coffee, tea or there's a few more of these wee Stellas the kids 'found'
The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy. What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the
master calls a butterfly.
-- Messiah's Handbook : Reminders for the Advanced Soul
Sun Oct 28 08:13:59 GMT 2007
too good to expect!
Hello 502, my friend
it'gs nice to wake to you again...
Sun Oct 28 08:21:53 GMT 2007
Why do I bother?
Sun Oct 28 08:26:52 GMT 2007
Happy Birthday FFred! Did you enjoy the extra hour?
Testing, 501, 502, ....
to hell with this! I'm off to fry sausages and bacon (local pigs - knew them well)
Sun Oct 28 08:31:25 GMT 2007
The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
-- Mark Twain
Good morning, all.
I think Ffred's birthday is on Monday - apologies if I'm wrong, Ffred!
Having said that, if we start sending our best wishes now it may be Monday before they reach the Blog - and even then we'd be lucky!! ;o)
Hi All, Gillian is correct. I start my mid-life crisis tomorrow morning! :p Thanks for the wishes, though, folks :) I've got a bottle of bubbly stashed behind the bar for the day (It's a magic sel-filling bottole of course)
Now, I'm going to stretch out on the red hammock. I think I'll stay here on the Beach, given how "lovely" the weather is in RL...
502'd at 12:27, then again at 12:34
Well my message at no. 105 was 502'd but made it here anyway.
It's now 18:45 and I can smell the roast beef there anyone around who would like to join me for dinner?
mmmm! Gillian, smells good!!
I'll bring deserts....
nikki noodle
currently at platform 4 outside crewe
deserts of vast eternity, I presume, n-n...
With apologies to A Marvell
06:00 AM Monday, October 29 2007
coffee's up. the bacon's on the grill and bread taosting.
and for anyne with a delicate tum there's yoghurt and raspberries again!
Happy Burthday, FFred (502-willing)
SB 7:12am
Thanks, Humph! Thanks, Little Red :)
I'll have a mug of that coffee if I may, then it's off for a leisurly stroll along the waterfront, before a day of doing nothing...
Here's hoping Cafe 502 isn't needed today...
Oh dear, 502'd at 8:18am. And again. Is this to be a day of 502s?
Thanks, Humph! Thanks, Little Red :)
I'll have a mug of that coffee if I may, then it's off for a leisurly stroll along the waterfront, before a day of doing nothing...
Here's hoping Cafe 502 isn't needed today...
Oh dear, 502'd at 8:18am
FFred........Bappy Hirthday.
Happy BirFfday Ffred - hope you have a good one!
FF - happy happy birthday!
I have some fresh baked saffron cake ready and waiting, double batch so I can leave some in Cafe 502 if needs be (I get the gist the frog was bluggered again during the weekend....deep sigh)
Happy Birthday FFred - havea wonderful day - here are some pastries for you to smuggle-and-scoff as you work :)
3rd attempt - (Is this a 502 Day again! :-(
I got 502'd but post got through - sooo frustrating! Time for yoga then - anyone wish to join me?
Happy Birthday FFred!
I'm not risking this mountainous pile of sticky buns with jammy middles and a mixture of coloured icing and hundreds & thousands on the top ... until I know where to bring them.
Will it be the Beach, or Café 502??
Fifi ;o)
Goodness me, that was a tight squeeze! It took some inelegant elbow work, and comedy wriggling... but the sticky burpday buns with jammy middles are HERE!!!!!!!!
Fearless first, then all tuck in.
I shall sit demurely in a corner of the NC Bar and nibble this dry oatcake...
Fifi xx
To 502 or not 502,
That is the question...
;o) []
This fortune intentionally says nothing.
Here goes nothing - Beach or 502? 11.16 Monday morn. Though, admittedly, all the clocks in the house are still wrong so I'm a tad confused in RL.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FFRED! I did post on your wall in t'other place on the stroke of midnight last night. I'd been watching Abigail's Party - that took me back a bit.
Happy Birffday FF - have a good one!
Feefs, I don't know what that is in your hand but it most definitely is NOT a dry oatcake.
Goodness me, I appear to be here!
*chomp chomp* Lovely buns, Fifi! :p
Happy BD again, FF!
a non-blank "fortune":
When you're a Yup
You're a Yup all the way
From your first slice of Brie
To your last Cabernet.
When you're a Yup
You're not just a dreamer
You're making things happen
You're driving a Beamer.
Happy Birthday FFred!
Just grabbing a bun on my way back to October... thanks Feefs. Lots to do, make a list...
;o) []
Hello - a quick plea! My memory has recently dragged up a song we used to listen to when we were very small kids, 'Me and the Elephant'. A quick google has found lyrics but I can't seem to find a recording of it anywhere. It was by a man but apart from that I'm stumped. Any ideas? Mom seems to think it was by a Ben or Bobbie someone....
Not to worry, but it would be lovely to hear it again as theres a part of the melody I can't quite get!
I've brought a JCB and cunningly hidden it behind a palm tree - it may be needed to help us shore up the beach later, if it collapses under the weight of Ffred's party.
Anyone want one of these cheese straws? There's a selection of dips to go with them.
Witchi (131) What a sad song! I don't remember ever knowing it, but like you I g**gled it. It was sung by Bobbie Goldsboro and also Charlie Landsborough. Can't help with the tune though - sorry.
* Ouch! *
Well that's strange. I appear to have toothmarks in my buns.
Did anyone see what happened? And why are you looking shifty, Fearless (128)?
I did try several times to send lots of you a special drink via FB but I think the gremlins have affected that too, now. :o(
Just time for a quick swing in the spangly hammock before Wonko serves the birthday Pimms. Singalong later, anyone?
Fifi ;o)
The FB/BM gremlins accidentally have delivered plenty of Liffey water. When the invoice arrives, nobody take responsibility, right? And let's stash a few of the barrels where they'll never find them...
"Oooohh, What shall we do with a Drunken Frogger,
....(R4 theme tune)
There's a little picture of ED MCMAHON doing BAD THINGS to JOAN RIVERS in a $200,000 MALIBU BEACH HOUSE!!
Oh, trap! *
My many futile attempts to send a drink via FB... actually got through. All 41 of them.
As a result, the Beach is now awash with Love Potions. I have poured them into this inflatable paddling pool, and suggest we all just dip in a glass whenever we feel the inclination!
I've also lugged a keg of Liffey Water to the NCMB, courtesy of Ed Iglehart. Cheers mate! That should keep us regular...
Fifi :oD
Me, Fifi (134)??? I'm as innocent as the next man!
Still, it looks like there's plenty of booze for tinight, what with four kegs of Liffey water, and six(!!!) love potions as well. I just hope someone's covered the camel's eyes.....
As if by magic...
Pimms O'Clock!
;o) []
DIY man - I've been busy, I'm afraid ...
Anyway: one of my favourite jokes of all time:
Q: How do you titillate an ocelot?
A: You oscillate its titalot.
Will that get past the censors? Let's see... Ooh, and thanks for the Navy Cut - didn't know they still made those ...
Not much luck so far ... but if this does get through, then Happy Birthday FF, and welcome to the over-the-hill club!
Fearless birthday to Fred,
My cold's gone to my chest,
Happy biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirthday, dear FF,
I wish you the best.
(cough, cough)
Hot whiskeys on the NCMB.
(This is a splendid toddy-like drink, but you don't need to be unwell to partake)
The next man, Fearless (138) is Wonko. How innocent does he look, with two bottles of Pimms in one hand and an empty love potion vial in the other???
So, you're not off the hook mate, birthday or not. And my buns are still toothmarked and tender!
Fifi ;o)
Sid (139)
I counter that and raise you!!
Moshe has been married four times. He is now approaching eighty years old and went to see his GP. When shown in he said 'Doctor, next week I get married for the fifth time an 18 year old girl'.
GP says 'Moshe, this, it could be fatal'
Moshe replies 'Oy vay, if she dies, then she dies'.
....i thank you......
Sid, a lovely joke! I have just circulated it to the Fifi's Bits crew...
My word, did you see THAT?????
* dips glass into paddling pool *
Oh, you missed it. Never mind....
Fifi ;o)
Any one know any thing about a whacking great JCB? There's one stashed over 'there' behind a palm tree....?!
I just happened to check if the keys were in, and apparently they are;
*whistles innocently*
Oh and of course:
Happy Birthday Fearless!!!!!!
Fifi, I recommend arnica to stave off bruising.
To work off dinner, who's for a game of boules on the sand?
Long first jack (I know that's not the right term for the wee brightly coloured ball we're all aiming at) ... straighten up ... and my first boule lands 18 inches short of it, right in front.
Who's next .... Fearless??
Thanks Frances (144). But I can't reach...
Whatever shall I do!
Ocam, I seem to have landed about 16" long, in line with the mark....
My turn again then, as I'm further away.
Fifi steps up to the line... takes aim... bends the knees... and...
Disaster! Boule slips out of fingers and lands on toe. Miles from the jack.
* rugger! *
Fifi tries again and... yes... YES! Right on top of the jack.
* tries not to look smug *
Fifi x
hey!!! mind where you're throwing 'em balls!!
Jack (150) : It's your own fault. You moved.
Happy birthady, FF !!
Belated birtday wishes FF. What do you think of the kite folks. Those speedos are full of wind!
I can no longer see the jack, it's under a pyramid of expertly-thrown boules.
Call it a draw, FF.... except you can invoke birthday privilege .... you win!!!!!!
* flakes out under a table in the NCMB, not for the first time... *
Fearless has got blogged down. Does that mean Fifi wins the game by default?
F ;o)
Fifi, I recommend arnica to stave off bruising.
morning peeps, coffee and doughnuts on the bar, tuck in.
Stewart M, when you have finished mucking about can I have my Speedos back?
DiW - oohh, coffee please. I wil be so glad when the move has happened and this course has finished; RL is such a slog at the moment (but a happy slog).
Oh, whats this in the paddling, slightly fizzy and vaguely warming....
*yawn* Morning, folks! Thanks for a lovely party last night both here and fb :) I've brought a plate of assorted muffins for those who didn't get a chance to nibble on Fifi's sticky buns yesterday...
Feefs - top strapline! have a dougnut to celebrate
Beer and skittles at Nick's
;o) []
Anyone for Pimms?
;o) []