The Beach
is here. Sorry for the delay.
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Eddie Mair | 11:41 UK time, Saturday, 1 December 2007
is here. Sorry for the delay.
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DiY, never knowingly under inflated.
You're full of something, that's for sure, DIY.
mean while......almost one hour later......'tis true my Laird, Eddie of Mair..mostly hot air and a hint of scrumpy but I still have a soft touch for a VERY VERY crumbling blog site!
so.... tally ho, onwards and upwards..etc.
'I say, Ginger' cried Biggles, 'fetch me the 12 bore, there appears to be a man from papers at the door'
DiY, never knowingly unarmed!
'Well, core blimey guv, stab me vitals. It's back.....the PM Blog.....It's back'
Life, as we know it will never be the same again.
DiY, December 2007:)
(oy vay....if only)
A new beach? Dare I rish k trying to leave some footprints in the sand?
Yippee, a new Beach! So, why am I sitting in the shade, a tall glass of something yummy at my side, sorting through FESTIVE music?
On second thoughts, I'd like a jug of whatever DIY's on!
Fifi ;oP
Seconded and make mine a double...
In the interest of clarity, and the probity of the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú, I wish to make the following announcement:
Today's strapline WAS supplied by Fifi. In a spirit of irony. Remember irony....?
ouch. i'll pass on the drinks, too much wine last night has left my head a-throbbing.
new beach is well worth celebrating so i'll be back later to join in the frivolities.
now, did the 502 monsters find the new beach already?
right, to have a jug of what I am on and to get you lot up to speed you will need:-
a tractor and trailer.
an old garden shredder.
a couple of old baths.
a traditional cider press.
several old 50 gallon fruit juice plastic barrels
1 cwt of sugar.
12 bore and a couple of cartridges.
a friendly pig farmer.
1. September, go to local fruit farmer and say...'Cos you can't sell your apples due to cheap imports, I'll give you a £5 a trailer full'
( have a small glass of last years brew )
2. wash apples in old baths.
( have a small glass of last years brew )
3. stuff the said washed apples through the old garden shredder and collect the juice and put into recycled juice barrels. (make sure 12 bore is still licenced)
( have a small glass of last years brew )
4. add sugar.
( have a small glass of last years brew )
5. wait. (no need to add yeast, use the natural ones wotz in the air!)
( have a small glass of last years brew )
6. test for taste......barff.......wait a bit more. DO NOT be so impatient!
( have a small glass of last years brew )
7. test again, (stomach lining damaged), wait another month.
( have a small glass of last years brew )
8. invite enemies round for tasting. Doesn't go to badly, enemies are now all really good friends.
( have a small glass of last years brew )
9. bottle/ barrel it. Remember to give x bottles to local constabulary as a retainer.
( have a small glass of last years brew )
10. go to local pig farmer and purchase a pig.
( have a small glass of last years brew )
11. kill pig and take to butcher (use 12 bore, not the shredder).
( have a small glass of last years brew )
12. resume PM blogging, have lots of people round for a hog roast to help you drink last years vintage........way hey, another year has passed!
.....there is a lot to be said for living in the country and not in them thar city fings.....
Feefs (8)
irony.....the hobby of ironing garments etc?
Feef (8) and DIY (11) surely irony means being a bit like an iron....
DIWy (11) Talking of ironing - I hope Humph can leave his alone long enough to re-join us.
Perhaps we can all press him into it!
DIY (10)
hear hear!!! Pour me a glass.....
I have put two gallons of 'falling down juice' (scrumpy) on the bar at NC's.......have fun. But for goodness sake be carefull as NASA also want it as fuel for their shuttle thingy wot wizzes round the earth.
Too much wine ... too much wine ... no, sorry don't understand. Can anyone explain, please?
Ceci n'est pas une Fifi ...
Gillian (13).
Humph.......ironing.......a concept that needs positive proof if it is to be believed!
Alright H?, hows yer Murphy Richards?
Can it be true? Is it working???
Fifi ;o)
I have issued a coooo-eeeee! to Humph. If his ironing pile isn't too tottering, I'm sure he will be here soon.
Fifi xxx
whoops, i have ironed me Speedos on the wrong heat setting and they have scorched and shrunk them some what.
Gillian, can you knit me a new pair?
For Sale....1 pair of used Speedos, slightly singed but perfectly wearable for people of small stature!
In the mean time there is coffee, tea, toast and various marmalades at NC's.
I can highly recommend the Lemon one, really hits the spot.
mmmm coffee.
as it's december we can pull out all the stops for all those that lasted the November fast... here's the pain au chocolat and frothy hot chocolate!
Sid (17)
if you insist in blogging in Icelandic, can you add a translation for us poor simple souls wot is not headucated?
oooh my aching head....DIY, what *was* that, what I drunk last night?!!
'falling down juice' you aint joking....
shade's what i need, and water, and a lie down, and oooo, too much talking already....
I've brought some supplies fro tesburysons for a barbeque later, in the off-chance we get a Beach that doesn't become bloggered. Who want's what?
I'll have a pint of Shiraz, if that's okay ...
Sid, it's between you and your liver, I'd say, but here's the pint.....
i've got some freshly baked choc brownies if the wine goes to your head too fast Sid. And there'll be a delicious mushroom risotto in a few hours.
But for now, mine's a G&T please
Is that risotto ready soon, Red?
It's good to see the Beach repopulated.
Or am I tempting fate??
good eve peeps.
RL is dark, wet and windy...just yer typical December Sunday.
anyhoo, there is a very large bowl of samples from Bournville at NC's for those that need a cocoa boost.......enjoy!
Well, I tried posting a "Welcome back to the blog" but my internet connection has been almost as unreliable as the blog. Anyway, hope this effort works.
Welcome back blog.
Risking a small hallooo.....?
Izzy (31)
go for broke.....HALLO -HALLO - HALLOOOOO!
Hello all,
I missed all of yesterday due to other, Annasee type committments, but did learn how to listen to iPM on the mobile phone. So what was this steely strap line of Fifi's? I have noticed some of Fifi's are repeating (the currant affairs one, for example).
Yesterday, as part of my "other" duties, I purchased a heavy duty corkscrew. It was costly (but not as costly as the "fashionable", but rather flimsy ones, I though cost etc would prove to be strong. After all, I had to open three cases in 15 minutes.
You can guess it fell apart in my hand *on the first cork*. Photos and missives to a never undersold shop. Fortunately I had my normal one, but that is a little on the short side and not always pull the cork out in one go.
It may be chilly in RL, but some nice Sauv Blanc at the bar for takers...
Gosh, this beach is getting crowded ... Hi all!
DIY man - what I said was: 'This is not a Fifi' - I trust that clarifies everything for you?
Dark, wet and windy here, too - but the Christmas cake's in the oven, and that changes everything. I mean, it wouldn't do if it was bright, dry and hot, would it?
Hello all,
I missed all of yesterday due to other, Annasee type committments, but did learn how to listen to iPM on the mobile phone. So what was this steely strap line of Fifi's? I have noticed some of Fifi's are repeating (the currant affairs one, for example).
Yesterday, as part of my "other" duties, I purchased a heavy duty corkscrew. It was costly (but not as costly as the "fashionable", but rather flimsy ones, I though cost etc would prove to be strong. After all, I had to open three cases in 15 minutes.
You can guess it fell apart in my hand *on the first cork*. Photos and missives to a never undersold shop. Fortunately I had my normal one, but that is a little on the short side and not always pull the cork out in one go.
It may be chilly in RL, but some nice Sauv Blanc at the bar for takers...
502'ed once (I updated my blog while waiting!)
502'ed twice
502'ed thrice
Submission error (malacious... well, maybe, given the number of 502's)
502'ed 4th
DI Why, Those speedos were tight after that ironing fiasco they are two octaves higher! I'll be doing the soprano at the Carol concert!
Frances sorry but the risotto got cancelled last minute, but will try again on tues for all to enjoy (have an xmas-do tomorrow - the season has started)
anyhoo reason for no risotto was last minute trip to the silver screen to watch the new, horribly graphic, viggo mortensen flick (might not be new in UK anymore - one of the downsides to life on the continent). lots of russian mobster violence and a really good storyline later and i'm not in the least bit interested in going to bed. if you can stand gore then i'd recommend it, if not then you should probably give it a miss.
might go for a late night paddle. anyone fancy dipping a toe with me?
Cooooeeee Eddie lammy-pie,
Cashier Number Three Please!
Eddie how are you? I'm back in Blighty with a ricked neck from shuttin' me hair in me car window and a twisted ankle from wearin' ridiculous shoes on them knobbly pavements. I'm walkin' like summat you'd usually throw fish at after it's balanced a ball on its nose. Eddie. My mantra for the day.This, too, will pass. All is well.
After all. I might look scaldy today but come the weekend when I've scrubbed and buffed meself up and added a bit of wattle&daub to the old mush before launchin' the onslaught at the gorgeous Holly's hen party, I'll be a bloody BABE.
Right. Best be off. It'll take a bit of time learnin' to balance this beach ball on me nose, just in case.
Good Lord! Is it really still alive?
Is 'tworking?
Dare I click on submit????
Snow on the tops today - beginning to look like December...
It's alive, I tell you, ALIVE!!!
Mwa-haa-haa! Come, Igor, it's time to check on the monkey-brains...(exits, stage left, in true mad scientist style)
Summoned back by Eddie, so just giving it a try. Do I need to mutter some sort of charm over the mouse button before I click submit?
FF, ask him from me whether he's watered the brains today?
"what a beautiful day fa la la!!!"
tatty filarious!!
yeth, thur?
time for a pedalo race. Mine has the go faster sripes. First to the new speedos.
Well, Hello!!!
(Leslie Phillips- get it? I actually sold him two pillows once.......)
Anyway, is there any cake or something to eat before I sort out m' xmas piccy for you- know-who.
nice here, i'nnit!
Deepthought (34)
You're quite right, straplines do repeat (see today's, for example ...)
Presumably we can sort that out by sending some more in?
Morning folks, here for a relaxing mint tea and a gaze at the sea to calm me down after reading -- and responding to -- yesterday's glass box...
Anyone for a buttered teacake?
Ap - If the buttered teacakes are still on offer, I'll have one. Not sure about the mint tea though. . .
I've brought a bowl of fresh fruit salad for those who want it. Assorted creams (single, whipped, and clotted) are on the jugs to the side....
Appy, I saw you getting angry in the glass box. I know it's stressed you out, so try some of this Orange & Lotus green tea. It's a wonder for de-stressing...
Oooh, thank you Fearless -- fruit salad -- my favourite :-). I don't usually do green tea but orange and lotus sounds good and since you recommend it I'll give it a go.
Now how could any of that be deemed malicious?
Me (49)
Aha. My Monday PM newsletter arrived at 1:54 this morning. It makes everything clear.
I'll have some fruit salad too, please ...
I need my oats to set me up for a busy day. Anybody seen my nosebag?
Intermittent (54) I think it's hanging on the peg behind the NCMB. There's also a packet of Pólós* on the bar, but I recommend leaving them 'til later...
*other minty sweets with holes are available...
Ooooh, it seems so long since I've been here. Little Red - thanks for the lovely chocolatey things; the frothy hot chocolate is especially welcome.
Anybody canoeing today? Keep hold of that paddle, you might end up in Panama . . . .
Diddle diddle dumpling.
Well finally feeling better today after having to resort to a visit to the Doctor yesterday for amoxicillin.
I think it was tonsilitis but combined with the tooth I felt quite miserable.
I awoke at around 3:am absolutely dripping wet - and the bed. Had to lay towels out and bring in the dehumidifier but feel much much better this morning.
I think I'll stay in and keep warm today but may paddle tomorrow :-)
Poor Jonnie. Hope some rest does you good and that you're ready to play on the beach again soon. x
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a big one.
Michael J. Fox has a small one.
Madonna doesn't have one.
The Pope has one but doesn't use it.
Clinton uses his all the time.
Bush is one
Mickey Mouse has an unusual one.
Liberace never used his on women.
Jerry Seinfeld is very, very proud of his.
Cher claims that she took on 3.
What is it?
....... LAST NAME.
jonnie (59)
sorry to read that you a bit is a joke that may cheer u up.
Why aren't aeoroplanes powered by natural gas?
Because the wind would blow the pilot out!
I fank u
FF (56) - Thank you. I feel much better now.
Apropos nothing in particular, Mrs Intermittent and I were on holiday in Wales earlier this year and stopped for something to eat in a place named Llangollen.
We couldn't agree about how to say Llangollen, so I turned to the waitress and asked "Can you settle an argument for us and pronounce where we are, VERY slowly?"
The waitress leaned over the counter towards us and said "Burrrr gurrrr king"!
Joe, that's very funny.
Did you hear it on your mates show on Radio two?
I actually pasted it into google and it opos up on a yahoo site somewhere with various answers to the question.
And guess what a few people have guessed the answer is?
Mmmm - 'A Penis'
Duh !
Oooh, quality Beach Time. Just what I need to escape the grimness of RL.
*stretches out on lounger and closes eyes*
Glad it's buttered teacakes we're having and not buttered buns. Because THAT would require yet another mass exodus to the Naughty Step, if my reference books are to be believed!
Jonnie, hope you start feeling lots better soon.
Fifi (65) I'm sure I don't know what you me about a trip to the Naughty Step. After all, we're all so innocent and pure of thought here! 0:-)
Hi Feefs.....great strapline, maybe.
I have just realised ... one of my new batch of straplines has appeared!
Much excitement at Cowan Towers.
To celebrate, the drinks at the NCMB are on me! (Sun being NEARLY over the yard arm...?)
delicious thai red curry for all who want it. made altogether too much by far so will be eating it for a few days yet! and the risotto still hasn't materialised.
anyone for a sandcastle competition?
Hey! Is it really true? The blog's little heart is still beating? Has someone injected it with whatever they gave Ros on *Spooks* last night to bring it back to live in an oh so realistic manner??
How fantastic! And MadMary is even here too!
Cooeee... Humph, AUnt Dahlia, are you there?
Perky - how are you enjoying life with chocolate again? My first chocolate was a mini roll, what was yours? I wonder what Carolyn's was?
If anyone's around tomorrow night at 6.30pm I'm allegedly on *Hollyoaks* - well at least they told us that's when it was going out. Look out fro some frozen carol singers with terrible lip synch!!!
Ohhhhh noooooo, GM!!!!! I'll be in Brum, on my way to seeing The Nutcracker.
Oh hang on - TD's just told me she's watched tomorrow's Hollyoaks today - maybe I'll catch you on Friday then!!
Oh dear, by the lack of people on the beach. I guess a certain number, hated by the froggers, has re-appeared. In case any froggers make it through, I've left some stewed apple with custard in bowls behind the bar. Tuck in :)
Yep, I encountered a 502 at 13:02...
Fearless, I can't blow my own trumpet, but I agree that we are all pure of heart and innocent.
The beast, 164 short of its traditional status, dpes indeed stalk the frog and all who sail in her, bur we are doughty folk and withstand the stress (not without recourse to both anger and a wee dram)
Hmm. Nice strapline, Fifi. Will this get through? If it does, I'll buy drinks for all at the Nick Clarke bar.
The beast, 164 short of its traditional status, does indeed stalk the frog and all who sail in her, bur we are doughty folk and withstand the stress (not without recourse to both anger and a wee dram)
(666-14)d, of course!
RL weather is affecting the stability of my internet which proves a big problem for work.
i'll just *have* to curl up in a hammock with a big bowl of comfort then. cheers FF!
502 AGAIN!
I am here - just never get through these days.
Office party tonight so we knock off early, down the Frog and Nightgown to get into a state to make it bearable........ Moscow Mules here I come.
I'd actually prefer to drink straight ginger beer. Really. Honest.
I shall leave some on the NCMB for you all to make your own minds up
Feefs, two straplines on consecutive days and Eddie getting into the office at some uneartly hour this morning!!
The public has a right to know!
Thursday afternoon humour......
Betty has just placed her aging father into a 5 star nursing home in Rugby. It's costing her an arm and a leg but she feels it is the best place for her Dad as he will receive 24 hour care of the highest standard. Although assured by the management team and staff that he will be Ok she gave him a new mobile phone so that he would be able to call her when ever he wanted.
When she got home she decides to call him to check all is OK. He answers after a couple of rings and she asks how he is getting on.
'Oh Betty, it's really nice here. We had a session in the indoor pool followed by a sauna this afternoon.
For dinner we had fresh wild Salmon and Trout with a choice of salad or vegetables.
We also had a choice of wines and the cheese board was out of this world. Tonight we will be going to watch a Rita Heywood film in the theatre'
'Wow, Dad' it sounds fantastic', says Betty, 'So all is OK?'
Well it is pretty good' says Dad, 'but the nurses a sticklers for deportment and poise'
'What do you mean Dad?'
'Well, after dinner I was sitting in an armchair and as I lent over to my left Nurse Jones rushed over and straightened me up. So I lent over to my right and she immediately straightened me up again'
'Well, I think they are only thinking you would be more comfortable sitting up right' says Betty.
'That may be so, my dear but I am dying get this fart out!
i fank u
DIY (79) : I won't talk, no I won't, you can't make me!
Eddie ... our secret is safe with me.
* mwuh... huhh... huhh... hah! *
.....darn it.... malicious?..... curses!
Can anyone say anything inspiring on the beach tonight?
As the Festive Season rapidly approaches I have asked my three boys what they would like for Christmas 'cos I haven't got a clue wot the youff of today really wants.
Daniel, DJ, son #1, says he wants a I got him the Ark Royal (The third one, not the one with the poofy bit on the front)
Tom, Tj, son #2, says he wants a music centre, so i have got him the Albert Hall.
Matty, Mj, son #3, said he wanted a cowboy outfit, so I have got him British Airways!
i fank u
Appy (82)
...the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want?
After dinner last night I made love to my wife six times in just under two hours.
Knowingy I had had a heart attack in 2001, this amazed two of the GP's from our local practice,
They were sitting at the next table............
i fank u
Jonnie (65ish)
that reminds me of the French Presidents wife (Mitterands?) who was asked what she drempt of. She replied in English:
'appiness, of course!
"My dear" replied M le President, "the English pronouce it 'appiness"
[thinks: hmmm, maybe that joke works better when you say it....]