
Charlie Sloth

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Archives for April 2010

Guest Blogger JME takes on a Street Fighter champ!

Producer Woman | 11:00 UK time, Thursday, 29 April 2010


If you're a Boy Betta Know fan, they'll you're probably know that JME from the crew is a DON at Street Fighter and since the new Super Super Fighter IV is just dropping, we thought it was only right to get him bless this blog. So over to you JME.

What you saying guys, JME here.... So Super Street fighter IV is being launched Capcom are having an exclusive friendly play day down in central london and I was personally invited first of all I was too excited for words, so I just said "BOY BETTER KNOW!!"

I got down there, nice and late, as soon as i walk in i see Lethal Bizzle battering guys! No actually, first I saw free drinks, so I got myself a double apple juice (you know how we do) then yeh, I saw Lethal B just brushing guys off the screen. I walked around a bit to take in the atmosphere and all the new characters and all the good stuff, shook a few hands, finally got to meet the Capcom team, who I only ever get to contact via email, big up Leo and Jay.

Then I before I can even sit down, I see Treble T telling the best player in the whole of europe that I... yes ME.. Jamie Adenuga.. JME.. I said i can beat him??!!?!?!!
I was baffed? but I should have known anyway, if Rampage are there... trouble is only around the corner....

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Super Street Fighter IV Review

Treble T | 10:05 UK time, Wednesday, 28 April 2010


So after an exciting 3 rounds at the event with JME, Lethal B & Ryan (the European Champion) I was inspired to give it a go myself. (Shouts to JME for writing the blog).

There is a definite old Skool feel to this game, it appeals to those like myself who spent hours down the local arcades playing Street Fighter (where I played as though my life depended on it). Or if your not old enough to remember those days you will still appreciate the game play this game has to offer.

Talking of gameplay this new version has 10 new characters with 2 of them NEVER been seen in Street Fighter before and all the old characters are unlocked. This version also has excellent online play where you can even be matched to play people specific in your local area. Heavy, I can take out my aggression on that noisy neighbour!!

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10 ways to spot a true Gaming addict.

Mike Anthony | 09:36 UK time, Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Now video gaming is part of our everyday life and for anyone that disagrees.....you are not part of the norm! Coming from someone who's a games addict you might think? Well there are signs and we've highlighted a few of them for you..... (in no particular order).

1. When your bredren knocks your door and you're in the middle of an on-line campaign and he's still there after 10 minutes. (Always keep the blinds closed and the volume real low, he might just go away...)

2. "Mike! Mike! Are you listening to me........?" then you get busted....."You're playing a game....aren't you?"
Sound familiar? Having a deep conversation on the phone about serious relationship issues and you get the long pause between answering isn't the way to keep your relationship going. Take Heed: Treble T's been single for 10 years!!!!

3. This one is simple.....You're playing a RANKED game on Fifa10 on-line, you know if you put the pad down you'll lose 550points, your phone rings and you completely ignore it and the I.D says "Mum"
Please Note: I do love you mum! But losing 550 pts (Oh hell no!)

4. You're at work and you're thinking about the game or how much more points you need to get your next achievement/level.... Oh DAMN, let me get back to work "How much are you paying in sir"?

5. You have a personalised carry bag for each of your consoles and you keep all the old consoles in the cupboard just in case..... need I say more? (WHAT? The Atari may come back .. you never know!)

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Monster Hunter Tri review

Online Person Online Person | 11:40 UK time, Monday, 26 April 2010


How does Mike rate the third installment of the Monster Hunter series? Listen and learn.

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Format: Wii

Four joysticks

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction

Mike Anthony | 18:14 UK time, Sunday, 18 April 2010


First I get , then Call of Duty Stimulus package. Turn around and Tom lands on my doorstep! I've been a good boy.

For those that don't know what's going on, Sam Fisher (the guy you wish was your older brother) is outside the system and looking for his daughter's killer.

The trail leads back to Washington DC and a head on collision with Third Echelon. GASP!!! I hear you say!

The game play is slick and easy to get use to. Compared with the last editions this one appeals to a much wider audience and is more fun. With a vast array of weapons like
EMP grenades flash bangs, frags, remote mines, or sticky cameras (I love the sticky camera) its full of puzzles and action at every twist and turn.

Now the story mode is good but the smooth game play continues onto multiplayer Co-op gets its own mode and own story and standalone maps. The only problem is you don't talk to your teammates.

All in all you need it in your life. It's no C.O.D that blew your mind when you first put it in your console. But it's a very very good game. Terrorist Hunt is the bizzness! Sam Fisher is the man and is now an honorary member of the Rampage Crew and in keeping with inductions to crews, we thought we'd get trained properly so we can be in the next Splinter Cell. Take a look.....

Available on: Xbox
Rated: 18

Four and a half joysticks

Now if you guys listen to us on the regular, then you know we love a bit of action, whether its watching it or taking part, so when we got the opportunity to take part in a Krav Maga class (which is the actual moves in the game, of course we said YESSS!!). Well I did Treble T was a bit hesitatant at first, but don't tell anyone! (Wuss!)

Anyway after a few basic practice moves, we thought we could easily be just as good as Sam Fisher in the game. So we thought we'd give you a proper demonstration of one of the moves he does in the actual game. Check out our tight moves in the video below. (Sam Fisher's got nothing on us!!). Hmmm.. Wonder if I could get myself in a game...

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Mike Anthony | 11:10 UK time, Thursday, 15 April 2010


Your boys are at it again......Treble T and myself love a bit of footy and we couldn't resist checking out the new Fifa World Cup Edition. For those that don't know if its worth the money and its just a few extra teams and kits......go to the cash point!

This game plays different, feels different and has 100 new additions and feature. For those that are thinking this is a quick way of making some money there's definately more than enough change in the game to warrant a new release. It seems they've ironed out all the bugs from Fifa 10 (like lobbing the keeper every 5 mins).

Full review is coming soon peeps!

If you could invent a charger......

Mike Anthony | 09:37 UK time, Thursday, 15 April 2010


After testing out a wireless charger we got thinking if we could invent our own charger what would it be like. Producer woman says she'd want a charging ring (i think she's looking for romance) (very funny NOT - Producer Woman) how it works I don't know. Mike says he wants one that charges from his Missus' mouth ( Max would charge your stuff real quick) and I would invent a perpetual motion charger that charged up from your natural movement of walking/jogging what would you invent?

Leave your suggestions on the blog, you never know we might even be able to take to Dragon's Den!!

Charge your stuff wirelessly!!! But theres a catch.....

Mike Anthony | 09:33 UK time, Thursday, 15 April 2010


I got hold of this wonderful new invention that's supposed to help you get rid of that mess of wires we all have with chargers everywhere.its called the (you may have heard of it).

Basically it looks like a slim black plate and the concept is brilliant. I was lead to believe that all you had to do was plonk your phone down on the plate and Bobs your uncle but no! Theres a catch to get this thing to work you gotta buy the dock/sleeve or whatever its called for each of your gadgets that needs charging. Now each sleeve costs around 30 quid (about double the cost of a charger) add that to the cost of the plate which is around 70 quid and its starting to be pretty expensive. The whole point of this gadget is to free up your wires and plug sockets by charging everything in one place but not if you need a mortgage to do it!

In fairness it does work well and everything charged just like a normal charger, even the sleeves are quite cool (the iphone/touch sleeve doubles as a neat case), but I'm broke man, and would have to think hard even if I had the money.

1. Gets rid of all your chargers and wires.
2. Works well, and looks cool, so you can impressive your friends.
3. Does UBS charging aswell.
4. Sleeves for all the popular gadgets.

1. More expensive than other chargers.
2. Need separate sleeves for each gadget (LONG!).
3. Those sleeves are expensive too.
4. Only does 3 gadgets at a time plus 1 USB charge.
5. Total cost very prohibitive.

Rampage's Forthcoming games to get excited.

Mike Anthony | 14:37 UK time, Wednesday, 14 April 2010


Apart from my radio show which you all know is 5 days a week and the fact that I'm up and down the motorway doing gigs near you, then topped off with football coaching.....(zzzzzzz......Jade). I've put some time aside to tell you about all the games and stuff I'm doing this week.

Split Second "VELOCITY" Out 21st May
Driving game with a difference people. meets meets and your close to the excitement of this game. Power ups and massive explosions help take out the opponents as well as change the layout of the course your on. Play on-line with up to 8 other drivers or split screen in the comfort of your living room. Not finished yet but could be one to watch!

Monster Hunter Tri (Wii) OUT 23rd April
Need to get my head around Monster Hunter on the Wii. A massive game in Japan on the psp it was imported nuff to the UK. great idea but blimey its fiddley on the Wii. Wait for the review.

Lost Planet 2 End of May
Forget the snow boots people we can now shock out in different terrains. Better graphics, better gameplay, multiplay and cool story.....I'm gonna say it "I prefer it to HALO".....!? I'm going now before you string me up. Can't wait for this to drop.

Fifa 10: Ultimate Team review

Online Person Online Person | 17:22 UK time, Friday, 9 April 2010


Check out Mike's review of Fifa 10: Ultimate Team.

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Format: PS3, PC, Xbox 360, Wii, Nintendo DS, PSP

Four joysticks

The Top 10 Worst Games Ever According To Rampage

Treble T | 14:13 UK time, Thursday, 8 April 2010

So if you asked both Mike and myself what are the worst games around, this is what we would reply:


10. .
Made off the back of the Simpsons movie it looked just like the cartoon but had no jokes, poor game play and no point.


LOL! The Incredible Snore....if repetition is what you like this is the game for you. Stop killing Marvel Comics with these shocking Marvel Games and fix up! Jump, Smash, Throw and Punch....hard control system? Errr....no!


Another one from a movie but now the movie starting point is bad aswell. Not a big fan of blood and guts. In this you've got to chop people to bits in order to survive, not my idea of fun.


£100 for the biggest gaming paper weight! Nonsense game that doesn't even make you DJ! At least with Sing Star you get a mic and songs to sing. That square thing is NOT a turntable and you DON'T MIX. Try playing with it at your mates 16th or 18th birthday party and see what happens after your first tune.


Why after so many seasons of 24 would you make such a pants game? Plenty of time to develop a good first person shooter and all they did was shot themselves in the foot. Jack Bauer would not want the mission of playing this rubbish.

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Call of Duty 2. Got the new maps boyee!!!!

Treble T | 14:05 UK time, Tuesday, 6 April 2010


Yo the stimulus package for was released the other day so I downloaded it straight away mate. The package is basically 5 new maps, 3 brand new ones and 2 from C.O.D.MW 1. So inbetween gigs I've been doing my intensive research on multiplayer!!

And I can safely say its gonna keep me and many others amused for another few months. You can play all the regular game modes on them and if you get online quick you can learn all the nooks and crannies before everyone else but you need to hurry up or your gonna get shot to pieces which can be quite annoying.

My fav new map in the stimulus package is salvage cos you don't need much planning to get your kill count up. Just sit still in a good corner for long enough and your victims will come running past. Whats your favourite maps on C.O.D. Old or new what map makes you feel like a big man? Where on C.O.D do you really turn into Rambo and G.I Joe rolled into one! Holla

P.S Big up everyone that downloaded early and got 7 days free on xbox live (I did - I know I'm such a geek!)

T3 top 100 gadgets

Mike Anthony | 13:58 UK time, Thursday, 1 April 2010


So I went to see the top 100 gadgets according to and The is killing it. I also really liked the HTC Desire its quite a sexy phone.its really similar to the iphone with the same kinda touchy feely screen and a million apps to download. Digital cameras are now getting to the point of taking shots of the moon from your garden and when it comes to flat screen TVs 3D is the way forward even though your gonna look like a total twit with those funny glasses on in your siiting room.

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