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Archives for May 2010

Blur. Another racing game....with a difference...

Treble T | 14:27 UK time, Thursday, 27 May 2010


So I dont know how much I resemble Lewis Hamilton but I've been playing racing games HARD the past couple of weeks. First was Split Second/velocity now I've got my mitts on Blur, kinda like for the next gen console....Listen to my review to see if it's any good.

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Available on: PS3 and Xbox 360
Rated: 7+

Three and a half joysticks

The World of Gaming According to Lethal B ....Final Post.

Producer Woman | 23:57 UK time, Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Yes bloggers!

What you sayin'? It's your boy Bizzle back once again, for my final post, on my gaming habits. (Wow 4 weeks went quick innit?)

So last week I was counting down my favorite top 5 games of all time, and talking about my most memorable gaming experience. If you haven't read it yet, ya late blud! check it here.. Read on and check out what I'm talking about this week....


Okay so Mike and Treble gave me the choice of 5 games and made me decide just which category I'd put these game in. The Buying, Begging or Straight bin category.
Here's my choice... Are you guys leave me? Leave a comment and let us know what you think.

BIN IT (Yeah I said it, and WOT?)





BIN THAT(Are you serious?)



Okay so you wanna know what it would be....

No brainer really, it would have to be playing Pro Evolution with Arserne Wenger at the Emirates Arsenal Stadium, with all the Arsenal team watching, and if i win I would take over as manager cause it would show off my tactics. That would be BIG!!

So that's me, hope you guys have enjoyed reading weekly my posts, and have got a bit more insight into my gaming world. I've enjoyed kicking Rampage off and having the blog all to myself, think I should do it more often. (What do your reckon?) You never know, you may see me pop up from time to time, talking all things gaming, but until I do.... its been emotional. Shout out to the guys for letting me write on this prestigious gaming blog.

To all my peeps out there, keep supporting.

I'm out.


Red Dead Redemption review

Mike Anthony | 23:22 UK time, Tuesday, 25 May 2010


There are not many games that can make me eat a whole cheese cake without realizing. There are not many games that will make me eject Fifa World Cup or C.O.D from the console......

Rockstar the creators of Grand Theft Auto are back again with and we've managed to catch up with our homeboy Lazlow. (The infamous voice behind the radio in GTA and Co-writer of Red Dead).The last time we caught up with him he was trying to hijack our show. Check back our post here.

Now he's left Liberty City far behind, donned a cowboy hat and err.. dodgy cowboy shirt and jumped on a horse, headed for the Wild Wild West to bring us one of the most anticipated Western games ever! Check out this two part interview to hear what he had to say about the game:

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In order to see this content you need to have both Javascript enabled and Flash installed. Visit Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Webwise for full instructions

Okay so now after speaking to him, now you guys wanna know if the game is really all it cracked up to be right? Take a listen to our review.

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Available: Xbox & PS3
Rated: 18

Five joysticks

Treble T takes Split/Second: Velocity for a test drive

Online Person Online Person | 17:09 UK time, Thursday, 20 May 2010


Listen to find out where Split/Second: Velocity scored well and where it could have raised its game.

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Format: Xbox 360, PC, PS3


The World of Gaming according to Lethal B... Week 3

Producer Woman | 18:26 UK time, Wednesday, 19 May 2010


Yes yes yes da Bizzle back again, to give you the next installment of my gaming posts.
So its week three and I'm still going strong, continuing my domination on this gaming blog, while Rampage play their position!

So last week I gave you my top 3 gaming tips, if you missed that post go check it out here. This week's I'm giving you my all time favourite top 5 games now this one required some thought, cos there's a whole of games out there, so I had to make sure I got it right, check it out and let me know what you think...


(5) 007- Goldeneye (On the Nintendo 64)
Probably the best gun game ever. Back in the day all my boys used to come round with their different colour control pads and we used to go at it 4 player.


(4) Mario Kart (On the Nintendo 64)
The most funniest car game in history, my favourite car game, one of those games I used to be on for hours and hours and hours, my favourite character was Todd.

(3) Pro Evo Soccer 5 (On the Playstation)
This is my favourite version of Pro Evo. Game play was perfect, not too fast or too slow, the handling of the ball is definitely the best, and the shooting of the ball was very adventurous, even have a cop from the half way line.

(2) Street Fighter( Xbox)
The best fighting game in history, and my best fighting game ever- no other fighting game comes close.


(1) Call Of Duty 2 (Xbox)
This is my favourite game ever made, and the online play is too entertaining. Definitely not the right game to play when you've got a busy day ahead, cos the next thing you know you'll lose 9 hours of your life- so Ive been told anyway.


Most memorable was the Pro Evo tournament in the tour bus in 2007 on the NME tour. Basically there was 10 of us in the tournament, and everyone put a tenner in, and had to play everybody once and I did NOT LOSE a game, and I won the whole tournament. (C'mon you know how we do). Big!

Thats me for another week, check back with me for my final post next week where I'll telling you about about my ultimate gaming experience, BIG!! Untill then keep mashing them buttons...

I'm out.


Check out Lethal B's final blog entry


Mike Anthony | 19:20 UK time, Tuesday, 18 May 2010


Ok....here's another game, with a mic, songs and words to sing along to NOT!!!! This is ! Hip Hop battles with old skool, current and brand new tracks from the U.S.A to the UK. This is the game where you can actually battle others on-line or just have fun with the fam at home. This is the game where you can download fresh beats and spit your own lyrics, produce a video in the game and upload to in the states and you can get signed, get a record deal and become a global rap superstar WOOOOOOOOP! I've been lucky enough to have a play on the early build if it and trust me this is on another level, its due to drop in September and all of us here at 1Xtra can't wait!!

The FIRST 2 tracks exclusive to the UK edition of the game, have been announced today. Its gonna be the Brit award winning MC with his massive hit Fix Up Look Sharp, and the man of the mic with his number one tune Pass out.

Check out what Tinie had to say about prospect of being featured in this forthcoming mahoovise game.

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Mike Anthony | 15:49 UK time, Monday, 17 May 2010


Now let's not kid ourselves........when it comes to the build quality of consoles, the PS3 is the daddy. I've got at least 5 Deadbox's behind my couch and have come to the conclusion that only an Xbox Elite will do. If you think I've got a problem with Xbox, South African retailers seem to have even bigger issues with

What about you guys, have you had any drama's with your consoles? Let me know.

Alan Wake ... Is it any good?

Online Person Online Person | 13:27 UK time, Monday, 17 May 2010


Check out Mike and T's review of the hefty Alan Wake game. Split over six epsiodes, it's an action, thriller and horror survival game... all rolled into one.

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Format: Xbox 360, PC

three joysticks

The world of Gaming according to Lethal Bizzle .. Week 2

Producer Woman | 10:30 UK time, Thursday, 13 May 2010


S'up bloggers, its your Bizzle back in the land of blog!

Yep I'm continuing my reign on this gaming blog, whilst Rampage FALL BACK!! So last week you got a little taste of my gaming history, worst defeat, longest time I spent on game etc.... This week's an informative one, for those of you that don't know, here's useful info to help you out... read on...


1) Eliminate any distractions - Put your phone onto vibrate and avoid all calls, and
don't forget turn the house buzzer of, that one always catches you out!

2) Make sure you got loads of munchies at arms length, (its not about having to get
up.) sweets, drinks, crisps, FOOD!!

3) Don't lose, (goes without saying).



is my current new favourite, it's probably is the best Street Fighter ever. (I know big talk right?). The finishing super moves are absolutely ridiculous. The new characters are really cool, graphics are sick. The only one bad thing is that it just takes too much of your day up. Once you get on it, it's hard to stop. (I'm addicted!!)

Okay so thats me for another week, check back with me next week to find out what my top 5 games of all time are, (yeah...that requires some serious thought), untill then keep mashing them buttons...



Check out Lethal B's third blog post

Got one of these? It might be worth good money!!

Treble T | 17:07 UK time, Wednesday, 12 May 2010


Oi stick your head in your cupboards right now.
As a gadget freak I love new shiny stuff with buttons on but did you know that loads of the old gadgets are actually increasing in value, that's right, stuff my Dads trying to throw away is worth dough!! Can you believe a Sega Mega Drive in a few years will be worth more than you paid for it. (Heavy!).

I can't believe that those old brick mobile phones are becoming collectors items, even the Sinclair ZX80 (rubbishest computer ever) is worth a few bob.
How about the old calculator watches (you know you had one, don't front) Sodastream? Cassette Walkman?


Has anyone got any of these gadgets knocking about in your lofts and attics and cupboards? If so you might be able to beat the credit crunch and make a couple quid ( Well in a couple of years time).

Warioware D.I.Y by Cheyenne "Rampage" Anthony

Mike Anthony | 11:38 UK time, Wednesday, 12 May 2010


Hi bloggers this is Cheyenne "Rampage" (My dad Mike Anthony is that 1xtra Dj). So my dad come home and asks me if I wanna review Warioware D.I.Y and I'm like yeah. So what's it like?....

Well its more or less labelled as this generation's Mario Paint. While you can complete games that consist of quick 5 second weird and wonderful challenges like Wario Ware: Smooth Moves (that game is JOOKES :), create your own short games, go from finding people in the dark to picking noses.. .gross. As well as designing, programming, drawing, and music composing. It's pretty easy to get the jist, but if you ask me, it's really recommended to people who are into things like designing games and graphics. Definately engaging and quite addictive if this is your sort of thing, so if it is, GO FOR IT!

Bare in mind this is a "tap" based game. No drag and dropping anywhere, no D-pad and I'm not mashing down buttons. Sadly, its not really my thing......... but the good thing is, theres subtitles, so I don't have to listen to the strange background music :) now, here's the question. Would I rather play this or shall I listen to the yummalicious Jusitn Bieber? ...J.Bieber. aahahahhahahaha. Do you need to ask! :').


Available on: DS Only

Three joysticks

Lost Planet 2 review

Online Person Online Person | 18:12 UK time, Monday, 10 May 2010


Check out Mike and T discussing the merits and problems of Lost Planet 2.

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Format:PS3, Xbox 360, PC

three joysticks

The world of gaming according to Lethal Bizzle

Producer Woman | 15:16 UK time, Wednesday, 5 May 2010


Yes it's the Bizzle!! I'm taking over the blog this month yep that's right I've kicked Rampage off (well sort of), and throughout this month, each week. I'm gonna be showing you how I go hard on my gaming, we're talking my top 5 games, gaming tips, best gaming experience - all that good stuff!

So make sure you check in each week to see what gaming stuff I'm chatting about so we're kickin' off with some background info on my gaming habits.


Worst game you've ever played.

Deal or no Deal - this is the swaggest game ever made!! I'm a fan of the show so I got excited and got the game when it came out, and the game was just a total let down. It was so boring, a total joke! I took it back and tried to get a refund but they wouldn't let me return it so i just threw it in the bin - Swag!!


Longest time you've ever played a game.

Probably a whole day, it was the first Grand Theft Auto, and I wanted to try and clock it in one day, cos Ozzie B had done it in 2 days, but I couldn't get it finished in the 1 day.

Most embarrassing defeat.

I lost to an 11 year old kid on Pro Evo, it was my friends little brother who challenged me to Pro Evo soccer, throught he was a little kid and I could easily give him a good beating but he smacked it beat me 3-1, pretty embarrassing!! My mate still goes on about it to this day.

Favourite gaming character (Hero or Villain)

Ken - Street Fighter is my favourite character of all time, I remember playing it from when I was a kid, and I always picked him, and even now I'm a true loyal Ken fan.


What's the most amount of money you'd spend on a game?

If I like the game, to be honest, there isn't really any option but to have it. It doesn't matter how much it would cost, if I wanted it I would even sell something to get it. (Is that sad?).

Okay check back with me next week to find out what else I'll be chatting about in the world of gaming untill then....



Check out Lethal B's second blog entry

2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa

Online Person Online Person | 15:45 UK time, Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Does the game hit the target or is it an open-goal miss? Check out Rampage's review:

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Format: Wii, PS3, Xbox 360, PSP

Four joysticks

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