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Saturday Live

The Last Pilot

  • JP
  • 9 Sep 06, 08:42 AM

It's the last pilot this morning (that means a dummy run for those of you who may not be all that media savvy). Lots of nerves as usual but worst of all the catering staff have failed to bring tomato ketchup for the bacon sandwiches! I hope they get it right when we do it for real next week.

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  1. At 01:02 PM on 09 Sep 2006, wrote:

    ..it will be good to hear Fi back on the Radio...are you Anita Arnand fans,like me...?
    All the best Chris Morrell

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  2. At 10:27 PM on 10 Sep 2006, Robert Swipe wrote:

    I'm just adding a comment here as I felt sorry for any program that has failed to attract a single bit of interest despite an obvious presence on the bbc web site. I have not listerned to the program and therefore have no idea if it is worth litening to.

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  3. At 03:44 PM on 11 Sep 2006, Jon wrote:

    The "all new" Saturday Live sounds a lot like the incredibly popular Home Truths they decided to cancel.

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  4. At 05:18 PM on 11 Sep 2006, Mike Ansell wrote:

    The new Saturday live show sonds a lot of fun.
    All the best with it & may it run & run.
    Yours...........Mike Ansell

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  5. At 06:48 PM on 12 Sep 2006, S Khan wrote:

    It would be good to hear the velvet voiced again.

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  6. At 11:05 PM on 12 Sep 2006, Edi wrote:

    Good luck with the new show. Great to hear that Fi will be back on Radio 4... BH was never the same when she left !

    Looking forward to it.

    All the best,


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  7. At 11:41 AM on 13 Sep 2006, Andrew Elliott wrote:

    I would just like to say I welcome the return of Fi Glover to Radio 4. She was sorely missed.

    I enjoyed Broadcasting House but found Home Truths a bit too smug and whimsical.

    However I am sure with Fi at the helm Saturday Live will prove to be an entertaining and informative show.

    Good luck.

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  8. At 01:17 PM on 13 Sep 2006, andrew wrote:

    Sort of echoing others here really. Fi is one of the three or four best presenters on Radio and so I hope for great things from 'Saturday Live' despite the title! ('Live' tends like 'Celebrity' to bode no good...)

    Anyway the best of luck to all the team on the new show. And, most of all, welcome back Fi - we've missed you! :-)

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  9. At 09:01 PM on 13 Sep 2006, Frances O wrote:

    Hello, Fi and team.

    First time on this blog.

    Ooooh! Your trail just came up on the radio as I was typing! How spooky is that?

    With that sort of power in your hands I will *definitely* be listening on Saturday

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  10. At 07:20 PM on 14 Sep 2006, Norman Fyans wrote:

    Saturday Live sounds to me very like Home Truths spun with a new chic flavor. The sexy tea cosy show. Which doesn't arouse. Hence, I suppose, the slightly desperate appeal to coffee drinkers... But it's Fi Glover, so maybe we'll cosy up, and give it a go. Go for it Fi.

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  11. At 06:52 PM on 15 Sep 2006, Richard wrote:

    I hope the new programme will be nothing like Home Truths (see comment no. 3). It got so boring in the end, especially when everyone kept talking about their illnesses. Listeners - please don't write in to regale us with your medical problems!

    I'm really looking forward to hearing Fi on Radio 4 again, it's lovely to have you back. I'm sure with Fi in charge, the programme will go with a swing. You promised us some amusement, so let's have plenty of that.

    9 am is a time when people are running baths, making breakfast, talking/shouting and doing other noisy things, so please remember ....

    ....... LOUDER and FUNNIER!

    Good luck with the show and best wishes,


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  12. At 01:41 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Derek Child wrote:

    A keen blind listener to Radio 4 I am so pleased that Fi is back. Good Luck with the new programme.

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  13. At 09:41 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Gemma wrote:

    A bizarre combination of Home Truths, BH & (unfortunately) a Radio 1 breakfast show.

    Not what I expect from Radio 4 on a Saturday morning - I'm in my early thirties, but have studiously avoided Radio 1 all my life - don't put it on Radio 4, which is the last bastion of sanity in my life.

    I miss John Peel.

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  14. At 09:43 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Isobel wrote:

    Listening whilst in the office on a miserable Saturday morning in Rome (one of those days where smug people in the UK say 'but it's glorious here'....luckily very rare) - and loving it - much more Loose Ends than Home Truths - please keep it that way - Fi is not John!

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  15. At 10:11 AM on 16 Sep 2006, tim knight wrote:

    just what i want on a sat morn. Fi's humour and laconic delivery, Will self is always good value, and other interesting stuff.

    (ps. i want to have Fi's babies)


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  16. At 10:16 AM on 16 Sep 2006, helen.freeman wrote:

    I have never e- mailed about a programme before- but I am so disappointed at the poor standard of this morning's show - it was banal and trying to be far too clever- what an opportunity missed . Some of it made me cringe.

    The chemistry between the presenters was non existant , unlike FI'S PRESENTATION ON A SUNDAY . Also , we don't need timechecks on a Saturday-it only served to make me feel more tense.

    Sherborne, Dorset.

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  17. At 11:41 AM on 16 Sep 2006, Joe O'Malley wrote:

    Having listened to the first programme I'm not optimistic and I'm not saying this as a please-keep-Radio-4-preserved-in-aspic kinda guy.

    Fi Glover was brilliant on Broadcasting House but this is just a poor mish-mash of half-thought-through, cobbled together ideas.

    My other half made the comment on hearing the piece about the Iranian embassy siege negotiator, "I don't want current affairs on Radio 4 on a Saturday morning". OK, it's not exactly current but I know what she means.

    I'm also less than overjoyed at the prospect of celebrities appearing on the programme. I'm not saying "why oh why can't we have Home Truths back?" but at least Home Truths did make the inspired decision not to feature celebrities, rabbiting on inanely about matters of no interest to anyone but themselves.

    I mean Carol Thatcher!!! You really are clutching at straws! What next? Plugging your latest book?

    Come on, you can do far better than that. Please go back to the flipchart / whiteboard that you used for brainstorming ideas and erase anything that includes "get [z-list-celebrity-who's-been-on-brain-dead-reality-TV-show] to do a piece about...".

    At least with non-celebrities, chances are you might hear something that a) you can relate to and b) you've never heard before. Instead what we get with celebrities is somebody's opinion on something you probably already knew about anyway.

    I might listen next week to see if you've ironed out the wrinkles but I'm not holding my breath.

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  18. At 12:15 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Linda Lansdown wrote:

    I loved the first edition of Saturday live- just the right mix of interesting stories and light banter with Fi Glover as likeable as ever.

    Come on people- this is a new show- it doesn't have to be like anything else.

    After listening to the show on my way to the office this morning it intrigued me enough to come on to the Saturday Live website- something a radio show has never made me do!

    I look forward to see how the format develops in upcoming shows.

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  19. At 01:34 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Ben Scilly wrote:

    Disagree with Joe O'Malley, thought there was a lot of great features on the show.

    The Will Self piece and the brilliant Mark Thomas inheritance tracks thing were both great fun, something often missing from Home Truths.

    I wasn't over the moon when I heard Carol thatcher was on but she did better than I thought she would.

    Liked the flippant style, the poetry, but agree that the negotiator piece was too straight and newsy.

    Finally, Fi was great.

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  20. At 06:14 PM on 16 Sep 2006, Rich Painter wrote:

    I have to agree with Message 17. We now have 4Live (or Lite) to go with 5Live (or Lite).

    I have no personal problems with Fi Glover who is a good broadcaster, but this show was poor low grade celebrity stuff that R4 can do without. Not funny or amusing.

    The controller of R4 continues the erosion of quality on the station. Give Fi Glover a decent platform, this was'nt it.

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  21. At 01:12 PM on 19 Sep 2006, Ian Payne wrote:

    Good to hear Fi Glover back on the radio and I like its humerous slant - but what is the programme really about ? Is it a w/end version of YOU & YOURS I wonder ? There are even more celebs it seems - sadly !! It has a programme poet just like R4's TODAY programme - why ?

    I feel the show restricts itself by setting topics and subject matter to discuss. It should involve a free for all on any issues/topics of interest to the listener/s.

    I'll keep listening for a while and will give it a chance.

    Best Wishes,


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  22. At 04:59 PM on 19 Sep 2006, neil wrote:

    I loved Elvis.. do try and get him back on when you can.

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