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Commission or review? It matters

Brian Taylor | 14:46 UK time, Tuesday, 25 March 2008

A substantial figure for a substantial task. Professor Sir Kenneth Calman - who is to chair the - is, by any standards, a player.

Presently Chancellor of the University of Glasgow, he is a former cancer specialist who has been, at various times, the Chief Medical Officer both in Scotland and England.

Perhaps just the cross-border experience that will be required.

And he is to head a commission. A commission which will review. A commission which will review whether there should be further powers transferred to Holyrood or returned to Westminster.

Plus the small matter of finance.

We were chided, we in the wicked media who had suggested that there was a problem with the title of the body.

'Piffle and tosh'

We had pointed out mischievously that the Scotland Office, who called the media to hear the announcement, had talked of the Scottish Parliament Review.

Piffle, we were told. And, what鈥檚 more, tosh. Didn鈥檛 matter what it was called. Mattered what it did.

Well, no. It mattered because the leaked Downing Street memo indicated that Gordon Brown didn鈥檛 fancy the term commission and, more to the point, wanted the UK Government to 鈥渢ake the lead in setting a review up鈥.

This was, in short, about power, about control. Calling the inquiry a 鈥渞eview鈥 - after Wendy Alexander had insisted it was a commission - was shorthand for "We鈥檙e in charge here.鈥

At today鈥檚 news conference, we were issued with a statement from the PM to the effect that his cabinet had 鈥渄iscussed and approved the establishment of a Commission to review the Scotland Act.鈥

So, now we鈥檝e - mostly - sorted out the name, what next? Sir Kenneth will be surrounded by fellow commissioners, reflecting the three constituent parties - Labour, Tory, LibDem - plus wider opinion.

Previous work

They will convene, take evidence, discuss - and hope to produce an interim report by November.

Must confess that strikes me as ambitious. Unless, of course, the scope of the review is to be relatively limited.

I would have thought that studying the finances of devolution would, in itself, have taken longer. Perhaps, however, the commission will be able to draw upon previous work.

Plus, as Nicol Stephen pointed out, they should be able to obtain advice and information from the Treasury.

Let me close with a little confession. I have, perhaps, not accorded this initiative due weight in the past.

Perhaps I have been inclined to accentuate the dynamics of internal tension which mitigated against its progress.

English grumbling

However, this is serious. Tensions still exist: within parties, not least Labour; between parties, not least between Labour who back a 鈥渢wo-way street鈥 review and the LibDems who say that Holyrood shouldn鈥檛 surrender any power.

Questions still arise. What will this review cost? What will be the allocation of cost between the UK Government and the Scottish Parliament?

But this is serious: partly an initiative 10 years after devolution, largely a response to the SNP victory in May.

Plus, see this in context. This is part of a Downing Street initiative to respond to inchoate English grumbling about the state of the Union, post devolution.

This commission - and concomitant initiatives - will repay further inspection.


  • 1.
  • At 03:26 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • F White wrote:

This 'Review' is being carried out by three political parties - Tories,Lib Dems and Labour. Why should any of the costs be paid by the Scottish Parliament i.e. the taxpayer.

  • 2.
  • At 03:52 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Badger wrote:

Any powers that you think should be returned Brian?

Just asking.

  • 3.
  • At 03:52 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Pendragon wrote:

The "Review" or "Commission" issue is another humiliation for Wendy Alexander.Before "Scottish Labour" is seen as a credible Alternative Government in Scotland it has to prove that it is in the driving seat and not The Leadership in London.On this showing they face a very long period in Opposition.

  • 4.
  • At 03:58 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Chris wrote:

So that鈥檚 it now, we down to arguing about names

  • 5.
  • At 04:08 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Malcolm wrote:

Sir Kenneth Calman was appointed because he will do as he is told by Gordon Brown.

It really doesn't matter if this commission/review/working party (delete as appropriate) reports in 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days or 6 hours we all can guess with a great deal of confidence what it will ultimately say.

Sir Kenneth Calman will conclude that powers currently held by Holyrood should be transferred back to Westminster and that the Barnett Formula should be retained and the squeeze on it tightened.

You are about to witness the Home Rule movement in Scotland being given a good kicking by Westminster.

  • 6.
  • At 04:12 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Math Campbell wrote:

I suppose it would be churlish of me to suggest that you are perhaps in some way remiss in this matter Brian to not mention the SNP's original "conversation", and the associated panic Labour are in over the comments of one Mr McLeish..
It's a fairly big news story, with a minor civil-war going on inside the Labour-In-Scotland camp.

The way Labour are behaving in this matter is a downright scandal. As one of their ministers has said, along with ex-minister McLeish, this joke "review" is nothing more than a gesture to the masses that even though Labour (and the other english parties) refuse to take part in the Government's "national conversation", they're still involved with moving Scotland forward, see, they've got this review!
This review is a whitewash. Pure and simple. The PM has no business interfering or even commenting on this matter until the Scottish Parliament has voted on and agreed measures to submit to Westminster (except in his role as a "Scot", although whether he qualifies for that nomenclature now is a debate for another time/place). The very fact that this review will not consider indepedance means it is totally nullified. What if (and I'm not saying it is) independence is the best thing for Scotland. This review still won't consider that.
The SNP's conversation will consider "anything that might benefit Scotland", even if that thing goes against everything the SNP are working for. Why? Because the SNP want a) the best for Scotland, and to b) give the people a say in the future.

Labour, it appears, want to continue the status-quo, with, if possible, some of the more important powers handed back to London, after all, they know best.

I want my democratic say in the future of Scotland. Sure, my voice might be only one in 3 million, but if there's to be constitutional change in this country, I want a say in it. And don't just give me that "vote for the people that represent your views" old ham. I did, they got the largest slice of the vote, and they're willing to consider my opinion in said "conversation".

I never did understand why the pro-union party's are behaving like fascists in this issue. If they're so sure the Union is safe and secure, why won't they let us, the People, their bosses, have a say in the matter. Why when the SNP even mention the possibility of asking the people about independence do they immediately go into attack mode with lies about 拢5000 bill's and needing passports to shopping in London.

The SNP just suggested that they ask the people about independence. If they got voted in with a large majority, they could, in theory, approach Westminster and say "Give us independence now". That's what the Labour argument suggests since, according to them, the people got their say last May when they voted; no further democratic input is needed, and if they want to strip holyrood of it's powers, well, that's fine, cause the people already voted.

Somehow, I think if in 2011 the SNP were returned with a large majority and did just decree independence, that Labour would be screaming from the rafters that the people haven't been asked.

Strange only a few of them are yelling now about not asking the people.

Stranger yet that you haven't mentioned it, Brian.

  • 7.
  • At 04:15 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • JohnMcDonald wrote:

What a squalid little affair.

Any of the politicians involved in this "review" or "commission" and who possess anything resembling a conscience should be feeling a tad squeamish not to say ashamed.

This has nothing to do with the good governance of Scotland and all to do with stopping the SNP.

What are they so afraid of? God forbid that Scots might use their democratic right to choose independence.

  • 8.
  • At 04:19 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Colkitto wrote:

I can't take it seriously if it doesn't include independence.
You can't exclude a certain percentage (dependeing on what polls you believe) of the populations wishes of a future Scotland.
All side of the debate have to be taken into consideration for this to be seen as fair.

  • 9.
  • At 04:21 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • J. Miller wrote:

Watching events from 4,500 miles away and in the context of politics where I am, three opposition political parties taking matters into their own hands,excluding the elected Government and encouraging the active collusion and support of another Government would be regarded as an attempted coup. Surely if these parties have the courage of their own convictions then they should take the democratic route of introducing a vote of no confidence in the Scottish
Government in Holyrood, go back to the electorate and let them decide what kind of future they want for Scotland.

  • 10.
  • At 04:22 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Conway wrote:

The answer to complaints from England about the Scots is available all over the world and in a lot of Ex British colonys it is a federal (confederal)system of Government Canada,Australia,USA etc.For Britain to exist as a political unit in any form Westminster has to let go of the reins.
Does labour really think that the Scottish public will accept Westminster removing some of our present powers that we have spent years pushing for ? Or for that matter the Welsh or the Nothern Irish.
New Labour appear more and more out of touch with Scottish public opinion,whether Scots want independence or not to refuse to even discuss the issue is unbelievable and ostracises a large section of the scottish electorate.

  • 11.
  • At 04:25 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Harry Shanks wrote:

This commission/review/commission to review will expose the fact that the Labour Party, the Tories, and the Lib Dems really have nothing they can agree on.

It can be no more than a talking shop which will produce a set of wooly proposals which none of the parties will be bound to take forward.

Calling it "toothless tiger" would be over generous - this is more of a "gumsy kitten"

  • 12.
  • At 04:27 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Conway wrote:

The answer to complaints from England about the Scots is available all over the world and in a lot of Ex British colonys it is a federal (confederal)system of Government Canada,Australia,USA etc.For Britain to exist as a political unit in any form Westminster has to let go of the reins.
Does labour really think that the Scottish public will accept Westminster removing some of our present powers that we have spent years pushing for ? Or for that matter the Welsh or the Nothern Irish.
New Labour appear more and more out of touch with Scottish public opinion,whether Scots want independence or not to refuse to even discuss the issue is unbelievable and ostracises a large section of the scottish electorate.

  • 13.
  • At 04:31 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • HughB wrote:

Let's all bear in mind also that GB is not an elected PM (and is never likely to be), and WA is not the elected FM, so neither of these individuals has a mandate to make any changes to any settlement, and certainly have no mandate from the people of Scotland.

  • 14.
  • At 04:35 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • HughB wrote:

Brian, of course the review will be limited, because GB has already made up his mind what the result will be.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, this is a kanagaroo review which will be run by a kangaroo opposition, who cannot do what is needed for Scotland, because what is needed by Westminster takes priority.

We certainly need a review of the union, and this should be run by the Scots, and not Westminster.
A review of the union is a bit overdue, don't you think, about 300 years overdue.
Scotland needs a review of both devolution and the union, from a Scottish perspective, and not to provide Westminster with the answers it wants to hear!!!

  • 15.
  • At 04:41 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Edwin Cruden wrote:

I don't think the Scottish Parliament should bear any cost of this whatsoever. The party in power in Holyrood was given the authority, by the people, to go ahead with their 'National Conversation'. The issue here lies with Westminster and disenfranchised Scottish unionist parties. Let them cough up for it.

  • 16.
  • At 04:41 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Bill Beattie wrote:

Who really cares what they call it. They are nothing but a bunch of big "fearties" all taking their lead from their London bosses.

Once again the Scots are denied all the options by some who think they know better.

  • 17.
  • At 04:43 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • L.Telfer wrote:

More hot air and expence from the unionist parties. Still nobody wants to ask the opinion of the people of Scotland, they are irrelevant.A leader of the Scottish Labour party appointed by the Westminster government, a Scottish Liberal leader who is out of touch with reality, Annabel Goldie who is playing at politics and an over the hill medic, all pretending to decide the future of Scotland. Whatever the outcome of their commission/ review, any decisions will need the approval of Westminster, or rather Gordon Brown. Isn't it time the people were asked what they want, not what the Scottish "nearly" politicians want.

Between this Commission and the National Conversation, it seems every party in Scotland thinks the way forward on the constitution is to have debates that include everyone, look at all (or at least most) options and then agree the best outcome.

I wonder if that principle could ever apply to issues such as education, health, justice, etc?

The fact that it doesn't makes me wonder why? I do think it could be because the constitutional question isn鈥檛 something that most people take a huge interest in and so all political parties have to be seen as open-minded and inclusive, whereas on everyday issues there is less of a need to try and drum up interest.

Any thoughts?

  • 19.
  • At 04:46 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • CassiusClaymore wrote:

November isn't ambitious at all. Gordy will already have decided its conclusions - for Calman read McHutton.

  • 20.
  • At 05:05 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Bill Beattie wrote:

It's really quite ironic that the opposition, the unholy triumviate of the unionists are doing this in spite of the SNP and more importantly the Scottish people.

What's wrong with having a full debate on the subject, or are they all to "feart" to go against their London bosses.

  • 21.
  • At 05:10 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Bill Beattie wrote:

It's really quite ironic that the opposition, the unholy triumviate of the unionists are doing this in spite of the SNP goverment and more importantly the Scottish people.

What's wrong with having a full debate on the subject, or are they all to "feart" to go against their London bosses.

  • 22.
  • At 05:17 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Ewen McPherson wrote:

Nice that the terms and conditions of the McHutton Commission/Enquiry/Review have been set out in stone - Independence is not an option....Hey, it's an option until and when We The People of Scotland say that it is or is not an option, come the glorious day of the Referendum.

So, presumably, the taxpayers of the Union get to pay for this ?

Unless you're a Scot, that is, when you get to pay for it twice, once from our "National" taxes and once again for having monies set aside for Scottish Expenditure raked for it. All for more Jobs For The Boys and for More NuLabour Pro-Union Propaganda, with Wendy and Gordon leading us all into a peaceful and prosperous tomorrow under the Union Flag.

And you wonder why support for Independence is on the up ?

Brian you wrote "But this is serious: partly an initiative 10 years after devolution, largely a response to the SNP victory in May"

Are you now acknowledging that Democracy must be controlled by an elete, that there should be no room for parties other than Labour, Tory and the token protest vote lib Dems. It appears that the governing party in Scotland are not to be consulted nor invited to even submit any information.
Tony Blair was absolutley correct then the Scottish parliament is a glorified parish council!

Why on earth are we spending so much tax on a parliament building and over paid lackies to act as overpaid councillors and what of the real councillors what on earth are they doing?

As some one who is pro union I am surprised that the SNP in government seem a great deal more dynamic forward thinking and positive than either Jack was or Wendy is and oh yes Wee Nicol an Anabell

I hope that Labour, Tories and Lib Dems learn something that seems to be happening. The SNP appear to want to serve the country, whereas the rest seem to think the country should serve them!

  • 24.
  • At 05:20 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Richard the Rogue wrote:

Three Rings for the Union-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Shadowy Lords in their halls of stone,
Thirty Nine for Labouring Men doomed to cry,
One for the Dark Lord on his brown throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the brown-ness bind them
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

Apologies to Tolkein.

  • 25.
  • At 05:20 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • G Ford wrote:

No doubt the Professor is a clever man,( I wonder if he signed the University Chancellors against the SNP letter last May ??) however his experience is of the medical world and admin.That said,he says that he is happy being a Scot in the UK (and why not the UK have been very good to SIR Kenneth)and the C/R/C will be Independent in its findings.Aye right,not with Broon running it.
This Commision/Review/Commision will be run by London, fataly flawed and WILL SAY WHAT BROON AND LONDON WANT IT TO SAY.

  • 26.
  • At 05:27 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Irving Parry wrote:

This is just another "talking shop", set up by His Britishness, Gordon Brown, in an effort to keep the natives "happy". He knows what the Scottish people really, really want, and doesn't like it. So he tries to sieze control - yet again! Why does he not leave it to the elected Government of Scotland?.Because he is frightened of the result.

  • 27.
  • At 05:29 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • G Ford wrote:

No doubt the Professor is a clever man,( I wonder if he signed the University Chancellors against the SNP letter last May ??) however his experience is of the medical world and admin.That said,he says that he is happy being a Scot in the UK (and why not the UK have been very good to SIR Kenneth)and the C/R/C will be Independent in its findings.Aye right,not with Brown running it.
This Commision/Review/Commision will be run by London, fataly flawed and will say what Brown and London want it to say.

  • 28.
  • At 05:39 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Gordon from Ayr wrote:

To use a favourite word of yours Brian, it is a guddle!

The real issue here is the governance of England, to bring it into line in the post-devolution era but don't mention the 'F' word!

Whatever happens the status quo at Westminster must not be disturbed, because after all it is the Mother of Parliaments and there is no need for a written constitution or a bill of rights or any of that stuff that other democracies have.

GB is doing his best to ensure the break up of GB and doing Wee Eck's work for hime.

  • 29.
  • At 06:05 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • neil robertson wrote:

Sir Kenneth Calman is certainly not stranger to 'substantial figures for
substantial tasks', Brian! As The Chancellor of Glasgow University
he approved a pay increase of 11%
( >4 times the rate of inflation)
for Glasgow University Principal
and former Scotland Office boss
Sir Muir Russell at a time when
other university staff were being
offered 4%. The Principal now gets
拢234,000 a year over and above his
generous civil service pension and
the chauffeur as well as grace and
favour accommodation on Gilmorehill.

Muir Russell was of course heavily implicated in drafting Wendy's bill
for devolution back in 1997 and his
role in running up the Holyrood bill
was examined by The Fraser Enquiry?!

  • 30.
  • At 06:26 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Rob Anderson wrote:

Is anyone willing to leave a comment here supporting the 'Commission' and say if they think it is right to ignore the position of the part of the electorate who voted for the SNP last May, (and also those others who now say they will at the next election)?

  • 31.
  • At 07:05 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • sacrebleu wrote:

So dear Scots...
you can have any of these three options you like... the Status Quo, a wee bit more power, or some fewer powers. What's that? You want something else? Oh no. That's not on offer. You haven't been very good lately, have you? You went and voted for a party we don't like. Run along and behave now.

  • 32.
  • At 07:48 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • kevin wrote:

This is worrying,the three unionists party leaders are not fit to take Scotland and its people forward. The Westminster government will see them cummin and be laughin and say we`ll weaken Scotland even more and they`ll be that blind they wont even notice (come on) Wendy cant even do her own donations right,let alone god forbid Scotland and its people.The Westminster government they wont be able to pull the wool over the eyes of the SNP, cause they would check out every little loophole that GB and co try to do.Thats the big difference SNP will serve the scottish people, the rest (unionists parties)wont.

  • 33.
  • At 08:08 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Jim Henry wrote:

Brian I think this is much more than just serious it's an attack on democracy and an elected government.Hypothetically do you think if Republicans and Nationalists in Northern Ireland had formed an administration Westminster would have attempted to redraw the political landscape? I think not they are banking on the Scots apathy over many years to clip the wings of this parliament that they never envisaged would not be controlled by a unionist coalition.

  • 34.
  • At 08:21 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Neil S wrote:

I am shocked and appalled that the elected government of the United Kingdom should set up a review in direct opposition to the impressive, er, minority of people who voted for a pro-Independence party.

What they should have done is, of course, just let moaning cyber-Nats have their way.

Did Labour, the Lib Dems and the Conservatives spring the fact that they were pro-Union after the election? Or are they just pursuing what they think is best for the country?

  • 35.
  • At 08:34 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • neil robertson wrote:

People are already making jokes on other websites about his Mad Cow
Disease expertise. But what is of
course interesting about Mad Cows
is that BSE was an English issue -
but one which also affected grass
fed herds in both Scotland and in
Northern Ireland because the beef export bans failed to distinguish
between different phyto-sanitary
regimes within the Union of 1707.

Brown's agenda is clear - he is
hoping that this guy will come
out with the line that the UK
is necessary for environmental
union and fighting foot & mouth.
But every farmer in Scotland and
Northern Ireland knows that is in
fact an argument for Scotland to be 'independent within Europe'?!

That was the lesson of BSE - and it was also incidentally also the lesson of foot and mouth last year when stock movements in Scotland were blocked because of the poor phyto-sanitary regime in the UK
Government-run foot mouth lab in
Pirbright outside Guildford which was the source of that outbreak!

Alex Salmond will not need John Smeato to banjo this commission!

  • 36.
  • At 08:41 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • LYDIA REID wrote:

I find this a little hard to understand, we are having a review/Commission about the future of Scotland and the party that got most votes in Scotland are not invited to contribute in any way.

The people who will run and make the decisions during this commission are the three unionist parties who through legal votes were rejected by the Scottish people.

It seems anytime their is a whiff of the Scottish people wanting to make decisions which will benefit Scotland their is all out panic in Westminster. Now the question we must ask is why? If as the Westminster government loudly shout we cost the rest of the country so much money to support then why do they not just let us go and give us the independence we are asking for. Something does not make sense.

  • 37.
  • At 09:01 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • James wrote:

If this Commission is to be funded by the taxpayer then the proceedings should be on TV for everyone to witness not in camera. After all it would be our money that will be paying for it (freedom of information? - but not 6 months later - let us witness it as it happens)!

  • 38.
  • At 09:11 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Rab o' Ruglen wrote:

The only type of devolution I am interested in is the kind that will allow Scotland to protect itself against the next UK Tory government's depredations. Remember the Thatcher years? You aint seen nothing yet.

So here's a suggestion for the Commission/Review (whatever). How about we keep all the tax revenue raised in Scotland (including oil) and decide how much we will allocate to London for "services rendered", such as the administration of the powers we decide to devolve to them and of course our share of the costs of the Queen, Defence (excluding Iraq for that is clearly illegal) etc.

These will of course have to be tendered for on a competitive basis.

Like it Gordon?

I thought not.

Well it will just have to be Independence then.

  • 39.
  • At 09:52 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Norman M wrote:

I'm afraid I cannot take this seriously, for 4 reasons:
1 It doesn't include all interested parties in Scotland
2 It doesn't include independence as an option
3 It is too obviously a politically convenient creature of Westminster & thus
4 Remember Hutton! Its findings will have no credibility, for all these reasons. So, whatever it recommends (& yes, I do mean whatever) will be seen as irrelevant here in Scotland, I suspect.

  • 40.
  • At 10:22 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • C Holden wrote:

I'm genuinely curious about how the people of Scotland would react if this Commission recommended withdrawing powers from the Scottish Parliament. The Parliament may not been very popular in Scotland since it was 'reconvened', however, I would be very surprised if there was not some degree of genuine anger if Westminster were seen to be stripping it of powers simply to prevent independence or to undermine a democratically elected Scottish Government. How would that anger manifest itself I wonder? Through the ballot box? Civil disobedience? Perhaps something more sinister? I honestly think this is dangerous stuff and I have a feeling that Gordon Brown and his fellow commission supporters have not thought this through fully.

  • 41.
  • At 10:28 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Ron Thoms wrote:

Don't let us forget the SNP were invited to consult on this ,but they (as usual)
have the blinkers on .It appears to me that if the Nats don't come up with the ideas ,then anyone else ideas are ignored.

  • 42.
  • At 11:06 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • BongoBrido wrote:

Once again, the Labour coalition has angered me greatly. Who gives them the right to manipulate the very fabric of democracy to suit their 'very obvious' agenda.

I reiterate Conway's comments above... To even suggest handing any power back to Westminster is ludicrous. Although, I suspect that this could well be a... 'See at least we retained all Holyroods current powers' ploy when the final report surfaces, it is simply and clearly not the will of the people. The political landscape has been shifting to greater powers for the parliament (remember this is how this whole issue exists in the first place), for Labour to come up with a proposal which completely 'swims against the tide' just shows how devolved they indeed are from reality.

Also, it is becoming absolutely clear that the Labour Party does not have our (The ordinary Scottish peoples) primary interests at heart. I don't like being ignored and it is obvious that Labour are trying to gag us. This may be harsh, but excluding all Scots who voted SNP in their 'Commission', I consider to be a serious and damaging affront to democracy. For this very reason alone, the findings of this 'Commission' must be dismissed at once regardless of what the conclusions are. (not that we need to guess!)

  • 43.
  • At 11:29 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • karin wrote:


no the nats were not invited in on this in fact they were deliberately excluded. In fact it was the other way round the unionist parties were invited to join the national conversation and come up with ideas about specific "more" powers for the scottish parliament. They refused.

  • 44.
  • At 11:31 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • Sandra Scott wrote:

So, here we are three english based parties are assuming they can decide the future of Scotland and her people. Where did they pluck the 77% against Independence from, I was not aware a referendum had taken place on that question. Surely it was not taken from a poll (one of those things much maligned by these three parties.) I ask the question, if they believe only 23% of the Scottish people want Independence why are they frightened to support a referendum. I wonder. With regard to Scotland having to raise some of her own money, I assume of course, we will collect the tax revenue from North Sea Oil, that should be a healthy pot. Also Road Tax, VAT and income tax paid by people in Scotland but not necessarily collect in Scotland (if you work for a english based company, I worked for Safeway and my tax office was in Newcastle) This only names a few taxes by the time we are finished we wouldn't have much to make up. Oh I forgot what about the tax on petrol, our rural areas pay more for petrol so there will be more tax from that. Somebody needs to do some serious number crunching to give us an idea.

  • 45.
  • At 11:37 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
  • ratzo wrote:

Realistically, the returning-powers issue will never arise in fact.

The question is surely then what rhetorical function it serves. Most obviously, it's a rhetorical assertion of authority, and control. And therefore it is a symptom of fear and anxiety about a crisis of control.

Like whistling in the dark.

  • 46.
  • At 12:22 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • karin wrote:

"We were chided, we in the wicked media"

Brian you often refer to "we the wicked media". Please could you explain to those who dont understand this reference what exactly you mean by it?

Who are the wicked media and why exactly are they wicked?

Also is this just your personal opinion or do other media personalities also hold this view?

  • 47.
  • At 01:52 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Michael McFarlane wrote:

Sounds like their putting together an exercise in `complete and utter nonsense`, and their getting paid for it. Why does'nt Alex Salmond and his team just make up a list of all the new powers he wants and send it to Gordon Brown?. The `bold` Alex is now in charge up here, and at the top of his list, he should make it clear that all Scottish Government and local Council Elections shall be free from any Westminster interference. He should also continue raising the subject about the illegal war in Iraq.

PS: What special quality does the Chancellor of Glasgow University hold that places him as chair of the commission?.

At today鈥檚 news conference, we were issued with a statement from the PM to the effect that his cabinet had 鈥渄iscussed and approved the establishment of a Commission to review the Scotland Act.鈥

I am confused.

In December the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) was instructed by Parliament to set up "an independently chaired commission to review devolution in Scotland".

Sir Kenneth's Commission appears to have been set up by the Scotland Office and the UK cabinet, not the SPCB - so this is not the commission that the Scottish Parliament voted to establish. So, presumably, the SPCB still has to do what it was instructed by Parliament to do: set up its own commission. Doesn't it?

  • 49.
  • At 04:37 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • A Hewitt wrote:

Yes Scotland should have independence the sooner the better. Then England can also have the same, especially an English Parliment and not be dominated by a Federal Westminster Parliment loaded with two thirds Scottish pollies fearful for their salaries and other perks. Also England won't have to pay the weekly bill of 115million pounds to the bloodsucking EU. Independence for Scotland and England the way to go. Ex-pat Brummie.

  • 50.
  • At 05:53 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • leith of nazareth wrote:


what have we done?(PANIC in all devolutionist voices)wheres big TAM--he called it right.

shock horror--everyone in scotland is talking about INDEPENDENCE--were not feartys anymore.

lets pretend we want more powers for scotland---LOL

in other words

review = panic

Seventy per cent of voters thought Alex Salmond was doing a good job, compared with 17 per cent who believed he was doing badly, giving him an approval rating of PLUS 53 percent

Thirty per cent of voters said Alexander was doing well and 52 per cent thought she was doing a bad job - giving her an approval rating of MINUS 22 percent.

With their party in such a shambolic state,perhaps an internal review would be more relevant?


  • 52.
  • At 07:23 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Bob wrote:

Well I counted two people who argued against the foreign power having the right to try change the terms of the Parliament. Lets not forget Brown wants to remove Scotlands Rights under the Act of Union to preserve and use the Scottish Law. This is a very serious breach of the Agreement and is actually a front to let the Dark Side of Covert action by the State against our Scottish People who happen to be muslims.

  • 53.
  • At 07:45 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Derek C wrote:


* At 10:28 PM on 25 Mar 2008,
* Ron Thoms wrote:

"Don't let us forget the SNP were invited to consult on this ,but they (as usual)
have the blinkers on .It appears to me that if the Nats don't come up with the ideas ,then anyone else ideas are ignored."

A little blinkered are we Ron?

The SNP DID come up with this idea, then the pro-U parties bastardised it to try to make sure it came up with an answer they liked.

You hypocrite!

Kenneth Calman: Knight Commander Of The Order Of The Bath.

This title includes precedence and priviliges.

Frankly, I'm staggered at the audacity of the Labour party both in Westminster and their nickel and dime counterparts in Holyrood.


  • 55.
  • At 08:13 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • stephen wrote:

A couple of things are needing pointing out here.

Can westminster take back powers without the Scottish parliaments consent.

Im Not sure, but i know allocation of powers to the scottish parliament is a westminster remit, in which case we lose planning and gain son of trident and three new nuclear powered power stations. Not something the tories are against in scotland so what happens when/if the commission decides planning should go back to westminster.

Second point, knowing how enamered mr Brown is with mr salmond and the discontent in middle england that scotland gets more than a fare share of public spending, then I can see a review of the barnet formula which would lead to ever more cuts until scotland toes the westminster line.

Mr Brown wants complete control of this review for his own ends not the scottish parliaments. Ive heard from the LIBdems about not allowing powers to be returned but nothing from the scottish tories, whose leader in Westminster would prefer to have planning in his pocket if he becomes prime minister.

As for a funding review, nothing short of financial autonomy would bring real cuts to scotlands future funding, as the perception rightly or wrongly from the majority of UK voters is that we get too much as is, anything more would be political suicide for all westminster leaders

  • 56.
  • At 08:27 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Malcs wrote:

Are Labour so short sighted?

Can they not see that they'll probably lose the next election at Westminster (or at least the one after that when the UK is broke)!

Then when contol of Westminster is lost to the Tories, Labour will then harp on about a better deal for Scotland.

We need to take control of our own future!

Gordon Brown - where is your own mandate to govern anyhow? No one has ever voted for YOUR policies.

  • 57.
  • At 08:33 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Ian wrote:

I dont think the Commission is going to work for the unionist parties because their main objective does not address the reason why people voted for the SNP. Wendy said the financial accountability of the parliament needed to be looked at to address English grievances. The reason people voted for the SNP was because the SNP will always take Scoltand's side. When it comes to finance, Scotland will not be satisfied with cut backs as the UK government helps itself to the oil revenues. When this question arises Wendy et al are going to have to constantly argue that we should be getting less money. It's not really a vote winner!

  • 58.
  • At 08:54 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Mary wrote:

here we go the Nats shouting Westminster isnt listening to US . Alec Salmond wants to stop all the needling as it is getting boring ..As for his onsided Conversation .he spent 拢48.000 sending of taxpayers money on the postal poll ..he got around 48-50 replies on it and Sturgeon even got caught out lying to the Executive about it saying it was 500 replies but had to apologise and say it was really around 50 ..but still he isnt Listening to the People of Scotland remember when he was asked what if you get a No vote on Independence ..what was Wee Ecks answer ? We`ll just keep having them till we get the right answer ...so for Nats to accusse GB of stonewalling Scotland ,they should look to their own Leadership. We have shown that we are not interested in leaving the United Kingdom at all ..but now if you had a referendum on the EU that is one Union the majority want to leave in a heartbeat ...but Not Wee Eck he wants us to stay within that Union and he accusses GB of being out of Touch with Scotland. As for the nats supporters daring to accuse anyone of being facists..they should look no further than their own leader he has all the qualifications of a Dictator ..You know the hatred of anything british , the inferioty complex . paranioa running rampant , delusions of Grandeur to name but a few of Wee Ecks foibles..we wont mention his " Ego" that a whole other Blog ..hehe ...The man does not walk on water as mosat of his supporters think ...he is treading on very thin ice. Stop all this division and get on with running the Country as an intergral part of the UK which most of us want and are happy with as long as we all benefit and not just the select few

  • 59.
  • At 09:30 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Gail wrote:

I think it has all been said above.

This whole review is a farce.

The best thing the Scottish people can do is - all vote SNP at the next election and then they will be given their chance to have their say.

  • 60.
  • At 09:42 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Steve H wrote:

This is real Stalinist politics
The chairman of the review committee said it all at the launch yesterday 鈥渋ndependence is an important issue for Scotland in some ways, but it is not in the remit of this review鈥 how pathetic and insulting to everyone in Scotland.
It is obvious that Brown, Browne and Alexander played a big part in dictating their remit, but no one would dare say that, that could lead to political Siberia, while we Scots are expected to blindly follow our great London leaders.
The review will only talk about the issues Westminster allows them to discuss and !! that鈥檚 an open and independent review!! .
The politburo in London have blown it again, these tactics resemble a superpower pretending to the rest of the world that they are giving political freedom to their minions.
Unlike the four Westminster puppets on view yesterday, I am sure that the majority of Scots would want to discuss all the issues pertinent to Scotland鈥檚 future, Westminster should stop trying to dictate how we should think and treat the Scots with some kind of respect.
For me the term open and independent means discussing all the issues freely and candidly without outside influence.
Up the revolution.

  • 61.
  • At 09:44 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • PMK wrote:

There is no point about the unionist commission/referendum anyway as they have no intention of putting the main options to the people in a referendum - they simply ignore the fact that the people are sovereign and get supported every step of the way by our unelected PM.

  • 62.
  • At 09:47 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • lankyscot wrote:

Must admit, I can't help shaking my head at the majority of posts here. In what way is a commission (or whatever it happens to be) set up by the Scottish Parliament "undemocratic". It would seem to be entirely a product of representative democracy. As to "it will say whatever Gordon wants it to say." I hardly think Annabel and Nicol will fall for that one - unless they agree with it. And if so, they can put the results to the people in an election.

The truth is there isn't majority support for independence, and once the unionist majority parties agree on somethimg, it's likely to command much wider support than the SNP alternative.

  • 63.
  • At 10:19 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • scyinical sid. wrote:

morning , a few points to raise. the soverign power of scotland lies with the scottish people not 6 people trying to save there political skins. when they try to change the Scotland act that gave us the scottish parliment we must be consulted.it's the rules ,at the moment. no doubt paw broon will try to change that as well!!!!
why are we allowing these jokers to waste there time and OUR money on this farce when we all know what the outcome will be.
the status quo is dead and buried but 3 options remain.
1 more powers with none returned .
2 more powers with the powers brown wants returned
or 3 independance
if and when we get a referendum will all 3 appear on it? no chance!!!

  • 64.
  • At 10:26 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • George MacDonald wrote:

Why not just call this review -

"The Brown Review, Because Labour Lost The Election!"?

  • 65.
  • At 10:28 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Dave "Boy" wrote:

Devolution is a relationship between 2 parties: Scotland and the rest of the UK. Therefore any review of that relationship should (in fact, for credibilities sake, must) include the views of both parties. But equally, all opinions must be heard.

So...I think both parties have got it wrong. The opposition parties for not considering independance; and the SNP for excluding the rest of the UK from the "conversation"

  • 66.
  • At 10:31 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Tom R wrote:

Sir Kenneth Calman is reported as declaring that Scottish independence is only supported by 23% of the people and therefore will be ignored by his review. Even if we were to accept that unlikely low figure, surely it follows that he should not consider handing back any powers to Westminster as that option is truly supported only by a lesser percentage than 23% of the population?

  • 67.
  • At 10:37 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Brian McHugh wrote:

Mary #58 comments that the "Nats will keep answering the independance question until they get the right answer."

Sorry Mary, but that is exactly why my previous comment on independance being inevitable is absolute fact.

Politics is a process... as is Devolution... as it the process of independance.

Just because our leaders entered into the Act of union well before I was born, does not mean that this is right for me now. Similarly, in 10 years time, independance may be the favoured way ahead at that time in history. On the flip side, once independance happens (and it will), the unionists would still retain the right to campaign to ressurect the union if that is indeed the will of the people.

As far as the EU issue, I actually agree with you Mary. But to deal with one thing at a time... first independance from the UK, followed then by independance from the EU.

  • 68.
  • At 10:43 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Colin wrote:

A Chief Medical Officer will be required for this task, as a great deal of healing will be needed if this "Review" takes place as proposed.

I fear it will decide that Scotland has more than enough autonomy, and will attempt to remove some of the Scottish Parliament's power.

The outcome of this is that the SNP will gain a landslide at the next election and we will almost certainly be on the road to full independance, and on the current showing from the Unionists it can't come soon enough.

The irony is that independance for Scotland would probably be better for the UK as a whole, the only problem being that many of our English cousins would want to come and live here as we would have a better standard of living as we wouldn't have the burden of funding Westminster, London and illegal wars.

Bring it on!

  • 69.
  • At 10:54 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Martin wrote:

For an interesting take on how the Labour Party view Scotland, it is worth looking at the front page of their website. It contains a map of "Labour in your area", really....

  • 70.
  • At 11:03 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Kenny (Airdrie) wrote:

This review is a way of weilding a stick for these power hungry (but Power-less) Labour, Lib Dem and Scottish Torie politicians.

Trying to stop Alex Salmond at all costs but only re-enforcing their own dictatorial reputations. Trying relentlessly to stop our country progressing. Parading themselves yesterday like a band of Parliament Police......more like Keystone Cops.

The public likes the current Scottish Government and these party leaders only seek to alienate themselves even further by fighting against what is fast becoming the way ahead for Scottish nation.

  • 71.
  • At 11:06 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Kenny (Airdrie) wrote:

This review is a way of weilding a stick for these power hungry (but Power-less) Labour, Lib Dem and Scottish Torie politicians.

Trying to stop Alex Salmond at all costs but only re-enforcing their own dictatorial reputations. Trying relentlessly to stop our country progressing. Parading themselves yesterday like a band of Parliament Police......more like Keystone Cops.

The public likes the current Scottish Government and these party leaders only seek to alienate themselves even further by fighting against what is fast becoming the way ahead for Scottish nation.

  • 72.
  • At 11:07 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • neil robertson wrote:

'Taking stock' - the phrase used by Kenneth Calman at the press launch -
was, of course, the 'popular' (sic)
title of a previous cross-border review of the Union announced with
'Cabinet approval' in April 1992 by John Major (the Tory Prime Minister,
not the 15th Century East Lothian sage and philosopher John Major - also known as John Mair - whose
big idea was putting philosophic
flesh on things called 'notions'):

"In April 1992 I pledged that the Government would undertake a serious and detailed consideration of Scottish constitutional issues and of Scotland's place in the United Kingdom. To honour that pledge the Government embarked on a lengthy and wide-ranging examination of the Union of 1707 and the way it works for Scotland. The process became popularly (sic) known as 'taking stock'". {Forewword bt The Prime Minister Rt Hon John Major PC, MP to March 1993 White Paper "Scotland In The Union: A Partnership for Good"
introduced by then Secretary of State for Scotland Ian Lang MP.]

  • 73.
  • At 11:22 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Stewart wrote:

58. Thats some west coast Nu Labour rant and a half. Sure Mary isnt short for D Alexander.

Anyone catch wendy Alexander on Newsnight last night. had to mute her, her inane rambeling and swipes at the SNP and the democaratic rights of Scotland was to much to listen to after Goldie and Nicoll amitted to towing the party line.

I feel quiet sorry for Anabelle, doing a good job but when the torries get in again you can see them being completly wiped out in Scotland again

  • 74.
  • At 11:40 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Poppaea wrote:

I do wish the SNP clique who post in here would remember that they do NOT speak for eveyone in Scotland! Not everyone (in fact the majority) don't want independence. And the more of your rants I read, the more convinced I am that we are right to reject it. The Union is the status quo - and so far, you have not persuaded me that needs to be changed.

  • 75.
  • At 11:48 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Stewart wrote:


From your logic does that mean the majority of people in Scotland want rid of the coucil tax and replaced with something else.

With all the SNP votes and Lib votes and Green votes there must be a majority to get rid of council tax and replace with something else.

Im sure the majority of people also want to see Wendy Alexander prosecuted to the full extent of the law but we never got that either.

  • 76.
  • At 11:49 AM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • C Gray wrote:

All sounds like like yet another gravy train for yet another bunch of all too willing carpet baggers and yet again, we foot the bill. I still have difficulty in believing that the people of Scotland handed power to a toy town parliament in the first place, let alone the balloons who inhabit it. Im a Scot living in Britain and proud to be called British.

  • 77.
  • At 12:16 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Scamp wrote:


Do you not read the business sections in the newspapers or the 麻豆官网首页入口 business website? Nobody with one iota of economic knowledge could posssibly be following the antics of the Treasury and the City and then with a straight face say that the union is good for us.

  • 78.
  • At 12:23 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Dissector wrote:

Poppaea has got it right as has Margo MacDonald.
The entire Follyrood group have yet demonstrate any ability to improve the economic life and development of Scotland. Based on personal experience, their understanding of business / economics / development strategies is between nothing and zero.
They spend money with abandon on worthless schemes where the selection criteria is either the level of noise made or the influence that it is hoped to buy.

To promote any prospect of tax-raising powers or greater independence is beyond all sensible consideration.

  • 79.
  • At 12:23 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Cameron wrote:


Well very well done, good for you! One can only assume then that you believe the decisions that carry Scotland through the 21st century as best served up by London led parties with a thoroughly British agenda.

So, British environmental answers will work for Scotland, British planning answers [if GB gets his sordid way] are good for Scotland, British policy decisions with America and the world at large is good for Scotland.

Putting politics as a notion to one side, that amounts to nothing less than absolute idiocy.

This is the thing. Politics is only a word, but unionism - well, it just can't work - by definition.

If you're truly content at Scotland's way being governed by people who are not in a position to focus or consider what's right for Scotland - well, the argument against the union is right there - in a thousand very obvious guises. Plus you barely deserve proper representation.

If, even after such evidence at hand, you cannot see that the union is a shambles - a mockery of democracy - then there's little hope for you at all.

Flipping it, I've never ever, ever, ever seen a single logical argument FOR unionism that makes sense.

For a forward thinking Scotland free to decide its own agenda, go take your pick.

Cam, still waiting for the tax bill, the Bin Laden attack, relations with my Cambridge cousins dissolving, seven plagues, and any other thoroughly nauseating scare story Gordon Brown can create via his own appalling arrogance...

  • 80.
  • At 12:33 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Joan MacD wrote:

I agree with the majority of your writers....what a joke all this is. Perhaps we should have a march!!! This is not just about Independence, as much as I am for it, it is about having the right to be asked the question in the first place....so come on folks lets demand we have our say....we could all do with a good day out to beat the winter blues away!

  • 81.
  • At 12:34 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • George MacDonald wrote:

Remember John Major and "Taking Stock"?, ended up Scotland being taking something else, a ride to nowhere with the nowhere man.

"A power devolved is a power retained", never a truer phrase was scripted!

If the majority of Scots vote SNP at the next UK election and Brown and the rest of the parcel of rogues loose their seats, what happens then?

Seems to me that London and Scottish Regional Labour have lost their "reason to be", i.e. stand up for the disadvantaged and poor. Last thing on their minds is standing up for Scotland.

Now a days Labour stands for wagging illegal wars, ID cards, nuclear weapons / energy, supporting a discredited aristocratic family with obscene wealth and surprise, surprise the Union.

I fail to see any benefit in the Union, taking back powers the parliament has will compound this contempt I and others hold Labour and the Union!

Irony is that no one has told their die hard supporter. Per

  • 82.
  • At 12:41 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Dan Ritchie wrote:

I really hope that this Unionist Committee fails. They are a group of parties with differing opinions and i think that in other countries a committee like this would be considered to be a conspiracy akin to a potential coup. Im sure it is wrong on all levels.
Lets watch it crumble like that other useless committee on the Trump Golf Course.
This is an afront to Scotland regardles of your political views. At the very least they need to put their findings to the vote but i know they wont dare. It makes me sick to think we pay these people.

  • 83.
  • At 12:43 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Grant wrote:

The Tories back in the 90s have been proved right. They said that devolution would destroy the Union and it is, slowly but surely, quietly but thoroughly. The problem is, I think Unionists in their heart of hearts can see this and know that independence is inevitably coming.

It is sad, but it will be Unionists who deliver independence for Scotland, through their intransigence, rather than Nationalists and those of us whose viewpoints are excluded.

  • 84.
  • At 12:54 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Cameron wrote:

Sorry - meant #74 - not #73

Apologies to the poster at #73

  • 85.
  • At 01:10 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Alan Henderson wrote:

Sir Kenneth Yesman! Brilliant!
I foresee a Lordship looming. The ermine gown will be a small price for Gordon Brown to pay.

  • 86.
  • At 01:11 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Joe Middleton wrote:

It's not serious despite the media bumping it up. What it is an attempt to draw attention away from the SNP's meeting with civil Scotland this week.

This is an initiative which would have never even happened if the SNP hadn't launched the national conversation.

While the SNP are open to discussing other options the unionist version is only interested in talking to itself and has ruled out independence at the start. This is the option which is supported by at least four political parties in Scotland.

This severely restricts it's relevance to the Scottish people who will at the end of the day decide their own destiny.

The fact the unionists are scared of even considering independence is because they know that their own case is seriously flawed.

Tinkering at the edges with devolution won't change the overall situation that on the big issues of defence and foreign affairs our MP's are outnumbered 10-1.

  • 87.
  • At 01:21 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • David wrote:

Are the lib-dems, tories and labour going to remove other candidates from the ballot papers for the next ellection because they are not "viable" candidates in their opinion.

Surely any discussion, commission or whatever should be open to all possibilities. Otherwise you are looking at a railroad straight to the predefined definition.

  • 88.
  • At 01:28 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • David wrote:

Are the lib-dems, tories and labour going to remove other candidates from the ballot papers for the next ellection because they are not "viable" candidates in their opinion.

Surely any discussion, commission or whatever should be open to all possibilities. Otherwise you are looking at a railroad straight to the predefined definition.

  • 89.
  • At 01:33 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • J Stevenson wrote:

With such diversity of views and comments, it's clear that we do need a review before racing off in any direction, regardless of who's driving the rollercoaster.
We should be seeking the broadest consensus possible... that's why I'm a unionist, albeit with reservations.
But I still think our biggest problem is the quality of people in our politics, at all levels, not "systems" per se.

  • 90.
  • At 01:37 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • C Gray wrote:

Just for the record. Dont think Wendy Alexander actually broke the law. Perhaps you missed that information in a previous mute.

  • 91.
  • At 01:43 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Derek Hilling wrote:

In relation to previous comments as the 3 unionist parties are conducting the review then I agree they should pay, but if it does have to come from the tax-payer then let it be the Scottish tax-payer. After all this is a review of the 'Scotland Act' and of course the wishes of the people of England will be immaterial to all the 3 main parties who continue to ignore the 'democratic deficit' that the people of England must endure. Yet, we, the people of England who make-up the great majority of the tax-payers in the UK are being asked to fund a review on which we can have no input.
It just goes to show what a cosy little club Westminster is, all nicely carved-up between the main political parties. Why is there no review of England's constitutional position? How come Welsh and Scottish MPs can still vote on matters pertaining only to England?
Labour, Liberal or Tory the people of England will get nothing from this lot.
Arise ye people of England.

  • 92.
  • At 01:53 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • m macmerry wrote:

hi brian, wow, what a hornet's nest you have created,now a question,if the people are not interested in independance,how come 90% of your blogs are? i think we are being fed porkies...

  • 93.
  • At 02:09 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Mary wrote:

To all those SNP supporters ..who say that most of Scotland want Independence and that as you Put it concerning anything " British " is the usual " They robbed us , they are doing untold damage to Scotland and its people ...I dont see any Highlanders running down.. Claymore in Hand in their Thousands " Screaming
" Freedom ..Freedom from the Oppressors" or with Wee Eck in Front shouting " Infamay ..Infamy ...They`ve all got it in for Me!!!".....
There have been no en masse demonstrations to support these claims of Wrongs that should be righted ? in the eyes of most ordinary Scots Wee Eck is tarred with the same brush his wee mate George Galloway is tainted with and that says it all ..You see what does really matters and unite all the
" Ordinary People " throughout the UK is who you are seen to rub shoulders with either in thought or deed and Wee Eck writing to the likes of Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejadand and Mogabe for any reason has done damage to Scotland and its Peoples reputation around the World and I am not talking about the US or the rest of the UK

  • 94.
  • At 02:18 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • MalcolmW wrote:

So many posters talk about "the Westminster government" or the "London government" as if it were somehow an English institution. It is, of course, a UK one, and those who bother to look closely will see, despite its location in London, that it is currently disproportionately (in terms of populations) run by Scots, elected by Scottish electors. Brown, Darling, Browne, Read, Alexander etc etc; all sitting for Scottish seats. I suppose it is just easier to see it as an English conspiracy to dominate Scotland, when in fact, the opposite is true.

Scotland, post-devolution, has control of its own domestic affairs; the English were given no say in a referendum on the establishment of a Scottish parliament, though their taxes were used to pay for it (and through the present funding arrangemenst still are). More to the point, they were given no opportunity to vote for control of their own domestic affairs at the same time. We have already seen MP's sitting for Scottish seats using their votes to force through unpopular measures on England that would otherwise have been lost, safe in the knowledge that their own constituents would not be affected, and that English MP's would have no opportunity to meddle in a similar way in Scotland. Not an issue pre-devolution - it is now. Why is there surprise north of the border that this fuels resentment?

How would the Scots feel if the form of devolution they had been offered was "regional"? Islands, Highlands and Lowlands are distinct regions with far greater differences between them that those of the so-called "regions" which have been artifically created in England. There are of course regional differences in England, between North and South in particular, but with nothing like the contrast between, for example, the Outer Hebrides and Glasgow. Yet "regional" devolution was all that was briefly on offer to the English. Not only would that not have recognised the existence of England as a proud nation (rather the exact reverse), but could never have begun to address the inequality of the famous "West Lothian question". Is there any surprise that it was rejected?

Both my mother and my mother-in-law were proud Scots, and I have warm feelings for the country, but I am often frustrated at the inability of many Scots to see things from a wider perspective. Devolution may well have been a good idea, or maybe not, but one thing is certain: it's implementation by Labour was badly botched. The English are slow to anger, but the growing resentment at the present demonstrably unfair arrangements, both financial and political, since devolution are more likely to cause the break-up of the United Kingdom than Scottish nationalism. The ability to hold to account at the ballot box an MP is central to democracy, but how do the English eject an MP sitting for a seat in Ayr whose vote forced higher tuition fees upon their children, but not those of Scotland?

It is not too late. One poster raised the prospect of a federal union, with each constituent nation having control of its own domestic affairs, and it seems to me that this is the only way forward now. The anomoly of seeing Gordon Brown unable to vote on education, health and law-and-order anywhere in the Kingdom, despite being prime minister, will be a bizarre spectacle, and one he will resist for all he is worth, but if the Union is to endure as he claims to want, it is probably now the only way forward. All the home nations have prospered within the Union, and it shouldn't be jettisoned like yesterday's bathwater, but unless and until there is true equity between its nations, its will remain in intesive care.

  • 95.
  • At 02:21 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Stuart D wrote:

Is it just possible that the reason that independence has not been included in this review is that it will clearly come out as the optimal option?
This was the outcome the last (and only) time any of these parties actually reviewed the possibilities of an independent Scotland! That time the findings were buried for several decades...

This review is a facade for narrow horizons for those incapable of seeing beyond their current lot. Scotland shall continue to underachieve when we accept such a lack of vision.

  • 96.
  • At 03:45 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Andy wrote:

#74 poppea - I am just a normal punter reading and occasionally posting on here. I have been very impressed with the SNP. I feel they are the only party that cares for Scotland...previously I always voted labour. Perhaps the fact that you feel the "SNP clique" are in the majority...as does appear to be the case, means that in actual fact folk are changing their views, like me, and beginning to see that the real benefits and leadership this country now has. The last 10 years felt like there wasn't really a choice but now there is a left wing party that are actually doing a great job, better than ANY parliament I've ever lived through. Open your mind just a little bit and perhaps you'll see that things are changing here and perhaps it is you that are in the minority. But I guess you'll ignore my comments and call me an SNP clique....this is open to all...why aren't there more unionist posts? perhaps there isn't that many unionists left??? just a thought

  • 97.
  • At 03:47 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Andy wrote:

#74 poppea - I am just a normal punter reading and occasionally posting on here. I have been very impressed with the SNP. I feel they are the only party that cares for Scotland...previously I always voted labour. Perhaps the fact that you feel the "SNP clique" are in the majority...as does appear to be the case, means that in actual fact folk are changing their views, like me, and beginning to see that the real benefits and leadership this country now has. The last 10 years felt like there wasn't really a choice but now there is a left wing party that are actually doing a great job, better than ANY parliament I've ever lived through. Open your mind just a little bit and perhaps you'll see that things are changing here and perhaps it is you that are in the minority. But I guess you'll ignore my comments and call me an SNP clique....this is open to all...why aren't there more unionist posts? perhaps there isn't that many unionists left??? just a thought

  • 98.
  • At 04:26 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • leith of nazareth wrote:

forget november---i will predict here NOW there opening statement

committee chairman--"firstly its our strong findings the people of scotland dont want INDEPENDENCE"

reporter-"what about a referendum on independence to prove your findings"

committee answer-"we have westminster elections"



  • 99.
  • At 09:44 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • LYDIA REID wrote:

If you are reading this you must be interested. If you are reading this you must be on the Internet.

If you are on the Internet and have an interest in Scotland go to the Scottish Parliament website answer the document called "The national Conversation" Do some good for Scotland.

Give Scotland something to fight back with when they set up the review/commission.

  • 100.
  • At 10:10 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Norman M wrote:

94 MalcolmW

Correct to a large extent, but this would not solve a major grievance-Iraq & Afghanistan.
Let's go for a beer & muse on the deep irony of English post imperial ambition being led & fed by Scots, against the wishes of their countrymen! You really couldn't make it up.

  • 101.
  • At 11:25 PM on 26 Mar 2008,
  • Craig M wrote:

Hear no independence, speak no independence, see no independence, such is the Labour, Liberal, Tory review.

  • 102.
  • At 06:51 PM on 27 Mar 2008,
  • Mary wrote:

99 ...
Why should I waste my time and as for The Conversation ..he has wasted 拢48.000 sending out questioniares on this subject and Sturgeon Lied to the Executive saying they got 500 replies when this was queried she had to apologise as the figure for the replies was actually only got 50 replies ...the SNP keep shouting how bad off Scotland is ..Scotland is flourishing but that doesnt suit the Natz Agenda so they keep prattling on about how hard done by we all are ..Total Mince as usual served up by the Natz what I want to know is hopw Salmond had the cheek to claim 拢130.000 expenses as a Westminister MP ..what expenses has he had when he has rarely turned up at the Westminster Parli..What a Hypocrit ...Wee Eck reminds me of Nero " Fiddling while he tears down Scotland and its reputation

  • 103.
  • At 10:16 PM on 27 Mar 2008,
  • Rob Anderson wrote:

#90 C Gray


  • 104.
  • At 09:51 AM on 28 Mar 2008,
  • wrote:

In reply to #90.

Wendy Alexander broke the law, Fact!

  • 105.
  • At 02:54 PM on 28 Mar 2008,
  • Malcs wrote:

Quote from Scots Labour vision at-a-glance

"Constitutional commission should consider both more powers for Holyrood and handing some back to Westminster."

This translates to into -

1. Planning Control for Nuclear Power stations going back to Westminster.

2. Watering down of Scot's Law so Gordon Brown can continue his & Bush's war on terror. Maybe just getting out of Iraq would be a better alternative.

Sounds like the deal has already been stiched up - Wendy Alexander is just a puppet of Westminster!

Thanks Wendy, thanks for totally disenfranchising the Scottish Nation!

  • 106.
  • At 02:20 PM on 30 Mar 2008,
  • Michael Smith wrote:

This is an interesting debate....for some people, if any of the other contributors here had any kind of life they would know that the constitutional issue is way way down the pecking order of Scots concerns and is only discussed by politicians and nerdy wannabe 'frustrated' politicians, 'out there' in the real world away from small mesageboards and forums this is a boring settled issue - I say that as an enthusiastic SNP voter at the last elections and I will vote for them again without hesitation but I still favour a union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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