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Obama's rapid response

Justin Webb | 17:55 UK time, Monday, 25 February 2008

obama_ap_blog203b.jpgIn Cincinnati with Obama and all the talk is of tribal gear following the appearance of of the candidate helpfully circulated (allegedly) by Clinton aides who thought it would be sad if the world didn't see how well, um, foreign, he could look.

Dirty tricks or a fuss about nothing? Here in Team Obama they are taking it very seriously - an example of the post- world, I guess.

A senior staff member just winked at me and said "boy, you've picked the right moment to come on the bus…" I think we have - the interesting thing is not the Clinton attack (the sarcasm and the photo) but the strength and sureness of touch of the Obama riposte.

Of course you can wear what you like...

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  • 1.
  • At 06:23 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Observer Emeritus wrote:

Now, now, careful, Justin--just croon along slowly, "Falling in love again..."

  • 2.
  • At 06:37 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Henry wrote:

It's not surprising. The Clintons are totally shameless. Now they are pulling out their race card again. They are hellbent on continuing the Bush-Clinton carousel, no matter what the cost to the people, party, and country

  • 3.
  • At 06:52 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • jack richmond wrote:

Yet another dirty trick to get Hillary's popularity back. This is great training for Obama, he'll be facing the republican slime machine when he's nominated.

  • 4.
  • At 06:56 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Carole wrote:

Mr. Drudge must be asked to produce some proof that the Clinton campaign did indeed circulate the photo of Sen. Obama. For if the Drudge allegation is true, then the Clinton staff is truly guilty of fear-mongering; if not, we must exonerate them. Whatever the case, whoever circulated the photo is exploiting the scurrilous rumors currently targeting Sen. Obama simply because he does not have a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) name. Shame on whoever did it!

  • 5.
  • At 07:17 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Henry Hayes wrote:

If it's a fuss about nothing, why did the Clinton camp need to leak it in the first place? Clinton is clearly trying to play on post-9/11 Islamophobia to hurt Obama, and it's blowing up in her face to such an extent there is now zero chance of her surviving past March 4th. And you know what? Good. Regardless of how you were leaning, how can you support someone who professes liberal values yet uses some very crude racism to try and shut down their opponent. That's not experience you can believe in, it's experience you don't want in the white house.

I think it's a sad state of affairs if something as minute as this picture will actually affect the way a person in the USA may vote.

I really have to question whether the Clinton campaign would do something this stupid. I know they're probably desperate, and all, but really ... ???

And, of course, the Obama campaign could be behind it saying that Hillary put it out there -- I wouldn't put it past them, either.

  • 8.
  • At 07:21 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Theino wrote:

Interesting that Ms Williams knew that the "traditional clothing" worn by Obama in said photograph was "traditional Somali clothing" and yet claims no knowledge of the circulation of the photo.... hmmm

  • 9.
  • At 07:48 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Marjo Miller wrote:

RE" Responses
Always remember which side of Chicago the candidates came from. . . Hillary, a suburb along the north shore and Obama the south side of the city.
Hillary's class conscious jibes are predictablel regardless of her rhetoric to the contrary and she feels she has earned the Presidency even though her voter contact is calculating and without consensus experience. Heretofore, she has just gotten wealthy contributors in a big room for a party with the promise she willl be elected. Hillary depends on the class choice of innuendo.. Barack knows he has to have the facts. He has always been under higher scrutiny. because in his society he was the exception. He has learned to carefully and wisely pick his fights. . . It is easy to see who will win. . ..

  • 10.
  • At 07:48 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • James Garritano wrote:

Certainly, this is upsetting, but we have to learn to ignore internet-based smear ads, given that it is impossible (or will be) to determine their origin.
If we can't shut down spammers, why on Earth would we expect to be able pin this on someone, let alone someone as powerful as Clinton?
For all we know, this could be done by an Obama staffer to demonize Clinton, a sly McCain supporter, etc.
Public discourse should only be on confirmable events - if we see paid advertisements displaying this sort of image, by all means, call it out as the dirty politics that it is!

  • 11.
  • At 07:51 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Kevin Burns wrote:

I'm a bit baffled by this latest attack - is Clinton really saying that Obama is a bit foreign, and that's bad? Maybe I'm taking it the wrong way, but... is that not one step away from using the 'n' word?

  • 12.
  • At 07:55 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • arnold wrote:

I think this whole issue about Obama wearing a traditional African dress is nothing but absolute desperation from the Clinton camp. She has no other real political agenda to fight against him so now she is attacking him personally. Hillary Clinton is acting like a crying baby.

  • 13.
  • At 07:56 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Kelly Pierce wrote:

This is good. These attacks will be 'swiftly' rebutted and the attacker then ut on the defensive. I like Obama, i like him personally. I may not agree with everything but I like him. This offends me and the more they do, the more I will donate to Team Obama.

  • 14.
  • At 08:05 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Suzanne wrote:

I think this photo attack is a big mistake by the Clinton campaign. It feels both desperate and somewhat racist, with a hint of 'scary Muslim' fear-mongering. Plus, as others have pointed out, Clinton's been attired in foreign dress on her trips abroad--without even a parent's ancestry as a motivation.

  • 15.
  • At 08:07 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Bilal Sultan wrote:

Obama has every right to retaliate to Clinton's new negative tactics. The photo can be severely damaging. Keep in mind how ignorant many Americans are; for example, after 9/11 many hate crimes were against people who wore turbans, even though they weren't actually Muslims. Being a black man with Muslim roots, Obama already has a lot going against him, and such a picture will certainly be convincing evidence for some people that that Obama is not American enough.
I am a democrat, but like many other democrats, I will be voting for McCain in the event that Hillary's dirty tactics prevail and make her the democratic candidate.

  • 16.
  • At 08:10 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • mark wrote:

Justin - why don't you just give up pretending to "report" on this election and just join the Obama camp full time. I'm getting steadily irritated at your near blatant total support for him.

  • 17.
  • At 08:17 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Iain Thorpe wrote:

Justin that's just weak. As yet, there is no evidence that this photo has been circulated by the Clinton team. You are working on the assumption that they have; your use of "(allegedly)" is nothing more than a fig leaf. Get some perspective.

Why is Obama's camp blaming anything negative on Clinton, without evidence? Is that honest? Why is Obama concerned about the photo? In truth there is nothing wrong with it. But, it will play badly with a nasty side of American public opinion.

Obama was presumably happy about the photo when it was taken. Why is his team unhappy about it now? Is that honest?

You're on the team bus. Find out something interesting. Ask some hard questions. Don't just get caught in the hype.

  • 18.
  • At 08:18 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Jim wrote:

This is a ruthless and shameless ploy on the part of the Clinton campaign, but it is ALSO brilliantly effective.

If the Clinton team can associate Obama with the far left, even for a few people, they might win. Of course he is not a Muslim - but this photo will produce strong reactions. This is also coming out at the same time as Farrakhan's strong praise for Obama. That is certainly not Obama's fault. But the two issues will certainly help Clinton in the short term.

They really are ruthless.

Of course the Obama response will be fast, assured, and on-point. This is because Obama and his staff are improvisers. As such, they're not beholden to any particular narrative. Instead, they focus on making the most productive move in any situation with which they are faced. It's a new style of campaigning, and will be a new style of leadership, ideally suited to the realities of the world in which we live.

Not only is this improvisational approach highly effective in the new realities of the Networked World, it explains why the Clinton staff's attempts to 'script' the narrative of the campaign -- beginning with Hillary's 'inevitability' and then her 'experience', and then Obama's 'plagiarism' and then his 'lack of specifics'...and now this pathetic attempt at yet another narrative.

A media-savvy generation of voters is going to see right through this one. In fact, it backfired out of the gate when a new generation of reporter, Matt Drudge, LABELLED IT AS A CLINTON LEAK right in the headline of his website!

If you think it's interesting where you are, Justin, imagine the dervishes in the Hillary camp, trying to put a 'What's the big deal?'spin on this. It IS a big deal. It's the end of the Hillary for President in 2008 story.

  • 20.
  • At 08:23 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • ceci wrote:

I do not understand the front page headline describing the photo itself as controversial. What has caused a controversy is the malicious intent of the Clinton camp in releasing it to the Drudge Report as a tool of fear mongering. Nothing else. They make Karl Rove proud. Hillary's desperation was patently clear all weekend. Following her conciliatory little speech at the end of the last debate, she has re-invented herself yet again- engaged in cheap shots, attacks and even an over the top mockery of Senator Obama.

  • 21.
  • At 08:34 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • John wrote:

What do you mean by:

"the strength and sureness of touch of the Obama riposte."

In what way?

This is nothing. Mrs. Clinton has been dressing as a progressive, competent politician for years.

  • 23.
  • At 08:41 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • OBI BOB GODWIN wrote:

This is a shameful act by staffs of the clinton's campaign. And a defeat for America as a nation. For goodness sake, l see this as pure wickedness and "a heavy blow below the belt" How can someone bring out such a foto at this crucial moment of the electoral process. Why should hillary pursue power at all cost trying to paint Barack Obama as a terrorist? She knows perfectly what she is doing and it's evil and l say shame on hillary clinton.

  • 24.
  • At 08:51 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • jvii wrote:

Slow day, huh, Justin Webb? Where is the news here? Did they pay you for this?

Very sophomoric, Hillary!

Stay on the high road, Barrack!

  • 25.
  • At 09:07 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Linda wrote:

As much as everyone dislikes negative campaigning, it does work. This is why candidates have been using this for years. No one should be surprised.

Fasten your seatbelts; there is more "swiftboating" to come.

  • 26.
  • At 09:08 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • pastor ike molokwu wrote:

THe issue is not much of a picture than the tagging of Obama a black which wouldn't have meant something except for the obvious-A BLACK PRESIDENT (TO BE )-and not -AN AMERICAN PRESIDENT-.I guess the Clinton camp are just beating below the belt picking at every thing they can to win the nomination.She is losing a good degree of the respect she had before now getting this low from the issue of Obama's plaggiarism to who knows next? The world wants to hear of their programs not who wins more white or more black or women votes.The McCain camp is watching too,the real battle is yet to come for either candidate whoever gets the nomination.

  • 27.
  • At 09:15 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Mig wrote:

The strangest part about this latest "crisis" is Obama's response. What is he so embarrassed about? If he doesnt respect his own history, how can anyone else?

  • 28.
  • At 09:27 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Yinka wrote:

Obama should not be ashamed of the picture. It is him and it is not a misrepresentation of him. So why can he be proud of the pictures he has taken in the past. The question is, are there any other pictures out there that he does not want the public see? Pictures should not be something to change the views of how people vote if he is confident that he is the people choice.

  • 29.
  • At 09:34 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Ben Karlin wrote:

I think the attack by Clinton's camp in releasing the photo, if they did, is much more subtle than 'let's get people thinking Obama is a terrorist.' They want him to respond that it's offensive and then ask why - see her camp's comments that Obama should be ashamed if he thinks wearing traditional dress would be divisive. If they did it, they did it for a reaction - if Obama was sensible, he'd say "yep, I wore traditional dress in Africa. So what? You're pathetic, and I'm focusing on the issues." And then he'd be quiet and not make a fuss and Clinton would look like an idiot.

  • 30.
  • At 09:35 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Nani Aspinwall wrote:

Who flippin cares? It's just a picture. Geeees! Really, what is the point? What kind of country are we? Blacks on one side, women on one side, terrorist haters and judges on one side. Do we really judge people because they wear a turban and call them terrorists? Common, please?! Let's act a little educated even if we aren't. Let's look at what each candidate can do to help us, citizens. How much help do we really want?

  • 31.
  • At 09:35 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • nahmed wrote:

What else can you expect from Team Clinton.

  • 32.
  • At 09:37 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Jude Awuba wrote:

What a disgrace from the HRC. Shame on you! The racial and the drug use comments have not worked in the past, there is no reason to believe this smear campign from HRC will work today.

It is simply the kick of a dying horse. After 4th March, I predict HRC will be done with.

Can some one advice her to loose with some respect.

Obama 08

  • 33.
  • At 09:37 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Greenley Greene wrote:

Can someone please do some real reporting -- I think they used to call it journalism.... This photo was all over conservative blogs this weekend. Matt Drudge was not the first to publish this photo... from what I saw this weekend it was published in print by a tabloid... any true journalist coveraging this story would be working on the web and print timeline of this story and pinning it down...

  • 34.
  • At 09:43 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Alfred Stanley wrote:

Senator Obama looks pretty good getting outfitted in traditional African garb--more evidence of his comfort representing the United States before the entire world. Thanks to whomever brought this to the world's attention!

  • 35.
  • At 09:46 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Naicker wrote:

It is pathetic that someone beleives americans will fall for this photo. If it succeeds that will be the begining of the end of American Empire.

  • 36.
  • At 09:47 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Phil wrote:

I'm a white guy from Wisconsin. Hillary is trying to make other white guys from the Midwest scared? Is this scary? I mean, I'm sure it is to the FOX News staff & most of the Republican party...but to a rational person?

As for association with the "far left" and Farrakhan. I'm not exactly sure if the commentor is implying the Nation of Islam is of the "far left", but, if so, I'd suggest he/she do a little research.

As for "traditional dress". He's wearing a red t-shirt. How traditional is that?

I'm not too concerned about this. We Americans may not be the brightest, but we are not so dim.

  • 37.
  • At 09:49 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Robin wrote:

The woman is desperate - she is losing and pulling out all the dirty 'spin' she can get away with.. If she keeps it up, she is in danger of dividing the Democrats and another Republican will rule in the White House.. Mind you, she is no better than the Republicans when it comes to under handed politics. The best thing for her to do is concede defeat and leave with whatever dignity she has left... This woman would make a terrible President

  • 38.
  • At 09:50 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Lizzie wrote:

The clinton campaign should be aware that the more negative she gets on Obama, the more she irks many americans and therefore continues to lose to him. After hearing her shouting her head off, "Shame on you Obama!" The next thing is to see this very offensive photo. Given the timing of it, it seems like a desperate measure that has for sure come from her campaign. Actually there is nothing wrong with Obama wearing that traditional garb. For those who have travelled widely, tribal elders will cloth only very honored guests as a show of a warm welcome and appreciation. They were honored to have Obama visit them. So Clinton side should do away with this blatant mockery, disrespect for her opponent, fear-mongering, etc. If American people have decided to vote for Obama nothing will stop them. So Clinton might as well start getting to the high possibility of losing. At least she should preserve some dignity for posterity!

  • 39.
  • At 09:51 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Helen M Rohde wrote:

I am not upset with Mr. Obama wearing a dress of culture when in another country it does not faze me I love and believe
in him 100% Many other Presidents have worn clothes from other cultures, the dumb heads fear a muslim religion, there is many good muslims too. Obam is a Christian and anyone should be able to chose their own religion!
My Obama 08 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 40.
  • At 09:52 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Timothy B. Robinson wrote:

The ignorance of people who have jumped to their own conclusions in this election is staggering.

For the record, those of you with no common sense, there is ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF as to where that picture of Obama came from.

And Justin, I've held my tongue (fingers?) for long enough. You are MUCH too biased towards Obama to be running a political web blog. I'm sure that won't stop you, but you should know that it's painfully obvious. Too bad, because Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú News was my last hope for unbiased news reports. Just a thought: stick to the facts, not your own opinions.

  • 41.
  • At 09:54 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Nick Hayns wrote:

Before everyone jumps on the anti-Hillary bandwagon, perhaps it's woth remembering that nothing has been proven against her...!

Who really stands to win out of this 'scandal'? It makes Hillary look bad (and I can't believe she'd be so naive as to do this), and i'm sure in some people's minds it makes Obama look bad. So, who stands to gain?

Surely the republicans will achieve the most out of this. It might not have been them - but I bet they're pretty happy about it anyway.

  • 42.
  • At 10:05 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Lynndag wrote:

Why is Obama mad about a photo that was taken two years ago? I remember him being proud of the fact that he was visiting Kenya! Everyday on the news there was Obama walking with reporters following him in Kenya on the news channel every night.I wonder then like I wonder now what is the big deal? Where is news? Why is this story getting so much coverage?

  • 43.
  • At 10:22 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Chuka Konwea wrote:

A liberal dose of mud is being splashed around in the hope that some would stick. Obama is receiving his baptism of fire. To be the most influential person in the world, which the President of the US arguably is, is not a piece of cake. But still something good has to be said about the US. In some African countries, a price would have been placed by now on Obama's head. Dirty as it may seem, give me the mud rather than a bullet.

As others have said, I don't (yet) see the proof that this was leaked by the Clinton camp. As it was, he was attending a public event- anyone could have stumbled upon it.

In an odd way, I'm glad the photo came out- the Republican smear machine will be in full force in the run-up to November, and Obama needs some practise in resisting this sort of thing...

  • 45.
  • At 10:43 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Dave M wrote:

To start off, don't trust anything Matt Drudge has to say. He makes The Sun and the rest of them bastions of respectability by comparison. Second of all, I love how people think this is a smear campaign. If Barack Obama is not proud of his heritage then that is something that is not good. Maybe this is why Michelle Obama has not been very proud of her country for a few years now. I mean think about it. What is the smear, exactly? That Americans won't like this man because he is celebrating his heritage(well, not exactly. It is Somali dress)on a trip to a foreign land? What a sad comment on this country then.

  • 46.
  • At 10:46 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Laura wrote:

I wonder if everyone who backlashes out as thinking "oh no-someone might think he is a terrorist, his is horrible" realize that they are supporting the thought that someone that is muslim or that wears a turban or wrap of some sort can be construed as wrong. The buzz that this story creates is mostly created by Obama supporters.

Though, one could also say, in the same sense, that it is another convenient way to once again potray Clinton as a vicous witch. Which is okay by most people.

I myself am getting tired of Mr. Obama's camp and supporters whining. Everything is a personal attack on him. If he wins the primary, he has to go against people who are dead set against a black or woman president. Whining will not help him win over the support of the apathetic or those insensitive to racial slurs.

Then think, if he does win, will he spend all of his term(s) whining over all the other people in the WORLD who dislike him because of his race, religion, background or his clothing?

  • 47.
  • At 10:56 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Ranger-12 wrote:

The posting of the picture by Hillary’s staff is another reason that at time I ashamed to be call an American, it show just how stupid and brain dead that the political people in my country are.

When I was in foreign countries I used to like to wear the native dress of that country did that make me less of an American, no it didn’t sometime it show respect for the county I was in because I didn’t stand out as a so called right American.

My respect for what is taking place in this race for president in my country shows just how far some people will go to win something that I don’t think they are qualified to run in the first place, but I may not be the only person to think that about them. My country needs all the help it can get, but it may not get from some of the people who are trying to become president. I will leave it at that.

By the way the pictured does not mean a thing to me, it shows me a man in native dress in a foreign country. That all I see.

  • 48.
  • At 11:04 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • Carl Bennett wrote:

"Mrs Williams did not address the question of whether staffers circulated the photo. " A sin of omission?
Obama is Kenyan Luo and Caucasian. The Luo are an african tribe driven out of Sudan circa 1500 by the Arab Muslims. The photo makes Obama seem forgiving of Islam, not one. Do the Clintons think all Americans are as uninformed as they are? I am a Florida Democrat and a WASP. I voted for Obama in our primary that the Clinton dominated DNC will not currently allow to vote at the Democratic National Convention. The Clintons are self serving egos, not progressives.

  • 49.
  • At 11:34 PM on 25 Feb 2008,
  • John Kecsmar wrote:

One minute you're accused of being in love with HIllary, now the same for Obama. You can't win...!!!
Oh well...just highlights the mypoia of what this is really all about...

  • 50.
  • At 12:12 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Andrew F wrote:

The response from the Clinton camp seemed flawed: on the one hand, they condemned Obama for interpreting this photo as "smear", suggesting that there was some implicit racism in Obama's shocked reaction. But then, they didn't deny that they had circulated it. Now, I know we shouldn't take silence as an admission of guilt... but I'm going to, for the sake of argument.

Clinton's staff had the photograph circulated but it wasn't smear? Hm, interesting. What was it, then? Were they trying to help Obama's image? Obviously not. Were they trying to harm his image? Almost certainly. Then that's smear.

  • 51.
  • At 12:14 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Jay wrote:

This comes on the heels of the "Obama went to Muslim Schools; Obama refused to say the pledge; where could Obama's campaign money be coming from?", malicious baloney that is still ricocheting all over the internet.

It's a sad reflection on us here in the USA that all this matters, and that the last set of false e-mails are still being forwarded and quoted.

It may gain the Clintons some ground with fossilized racist voters and those who buy into the climate of fear that has worked so well for Bush.

  • 52.
  • At 12:15 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Brian Merritt wrote:

Barak Obama is a princely candidate who says, in effect, "I am making you the gift of my gracious person. Don't ask what I will do. Trust me."
His campaign consists largely of abstract nouns like hope, peace, change and dialogue, generalities that no one can be against. To ask for details or to challenge his credentials is the politics of "cynicism." He tends to believe that talking to America's foes would be enough to bring peace and that America itself was too often the chief source of the world's problems.
His idealistic intentions clash with the reality of a world containing forces whose hostility toward the West is often a matter of deeply held conviction, and rarely the result of a simple failure to communicate.

  • 53.
  • At 12:21 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Arian Smith wrote:

The Clintons are not pulling out the race card, they are pulling out the "Americans are dumb" card. The Clinton campaign honestly believes that Americans seeing this photo will mistake him for a Muslim, which he certainly is not. This tactic is one of desperation and one Id imagine the Clinton campaign has been holding on to for just the tenuous situation Hillary is in right now. This is a dirty trick but its not going to work. Why? Because dumb Americans typically don't vote.

  • 54.
  • At 12:23 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Nathan wrote:

All of you are absolutely shameless. The only source you have is DRUDGE! There's no evidence whatsoever and even then Hillary Clinton's camp has denied involvement in releasing in BENIGN photo that is years old. Her own camp has said that she too--like every other politician--wears the folk clothing of local people and there's nothing wrong with. She has repeatedly worn the hijab and the right wing has blasted Pelosi for doing the same.

You guys are UNBELIEVABLE! There's nothing here and yet you blame her for your utter projection. She didn't release the photo for one and the photo is innocuous.

I expect this from Obama fans but now the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú is in on this nonsense?! My God. Highly inflammatory "reporting" indeed.

  • 55.
  • At 12:31 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Nilanjon wrote:

I must say that the use of allegedly is a bit weak here. There is no proof other than the Obama campaign claiming it to be so.
I would like to remind people that Bill Clinton at the very least isn't stupid when it comes to staging a comeback campaign. This guy virtually came back out of no where to win the '92 nomination. And he's smart enough(shesh he's a Rhodes Scholar) to realize that if this photo is leaked it would have a horrible backlash on his wife's campaign. You would have to think that he realized this from the backlash she received from the "fairytale" and "Jessie Jackson" remarks he made.
Now if it comes out that it was the Clinton campaign that did it, then the logical conclusion is that if they must be utterly stupid. This is definitely a boost to Obama and even more of a boost to McCain and the Republican party as the Democrats can continue to bicker at each other.

  • 56.
  • At 12:50 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • H McDaniel wrote:

I think people need to understand the depth of ignorant reaction which can accompany any tinge of being perceived as "Muslim" in some parts of America. People wearing turbans, or what can even be perceived to be turbans, have come under verbal or even physical attack. Given that there is already a whispering campaign suggesting that Obama's "Muslim roots" make him an unsuitable candidate, whoever started this photo campaign had a clear motive.

  • 57.
  • At 12:58 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • michael wrote:

Hilary seems to acting on the basis that the nomination should belong to her and thus Obama's popularity(whether you support him or not he is popular) is a an attack on the natural order. The picture incident is trivial, her stance on Florida and Michigan nothing short of disastrous for the Democrats if she gets her way. Regardless of the rights or wrongs of seating those delegates the media and the Republicans will portray her as stealing the candidacy, and the Obama supporters will be alienated if she wins the nomination because of such a maneuver.

  • 58.
  • At 01:03 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Marisa Landau wrote:

How is this photo negative? Only for xenophobes. I think it's a great thing that Mr. Obama has lived in several countries and travelled around the world. Whatever one does not know is readily dismissed, despised, demonized. It's far time the U.S. has a president who has first-hand experience of the world (or at least of a good part of it). The photo shows how cosmopolitan he is - an excellent thing in this day & age.
I am not American, but as many in the world, I'm rooting for Obama.
Mrs. Clinton refused to clarify the Whitewater affair (in which one person commited suicide), so I doubt her honesty. And most important, there have been some women presidents in the world but this has not changed the world very much; but the symbolic effect of a black U.S. president would be absolutely wonderful for colored people everywhere.

  • 59.
  • At 02:02 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Delbert wrote:

Yet another example of a candidate willing to do or say anything to get elected.

  • 60.
  • At 02:15 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Lili wrote:

Its a traditional somali outfit- has nothing to do with terorrism. Iam proud to see that Obama fits well with and respects other cultures. That's the kind of leader the world needs.

  • 61.
  • At 02:24 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • SPN wrote:

Obama is like Destiny's Child; the controversy only makes him stronger because it increases public awareness of who he is. Too bad Hillary can't see this.

  • 62.
  • At 02:38 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Lili wrote:

When she screamed 'shame on you Barack Obama' she sounded a bit like a matron scolding a little boy.I found that condescending and irritating.May she lose badly!

  • 63.
  • At 03:28 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Anthony Hughes wrote:

This picture has helped me decide to vote for Obama, make a financial contribution and to also campaign for him. It is clear to most Americans(popular votes counted) that Obama is the most competent candidate of either party. If Obama was of say Scottish ancestry and tried on traditional scottish clothing on a visit, would that be on the front page of the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú?
America deserves the best candidate and we will elect him.

  • 64.
  • At 03:43 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Anonymous wrote:

Desparate Clinton, all have to say...playing her dirty cards.If she plays dirty tricks with Democrats. I think there no is granntee, she will do anything for the country. For her it is personal matter, not public

  • 65.
  • At 03:43 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Miss America wrote:

The truth is that the Obama campaign released this photo themselves so that it couldn't be released on Barack during the general election--then they BLAMED it on Senator Clinton. It's a subversive reactionary tactic to smear Clinton while claiming "Victim Status" for themselves. And exonerating Barack in the future from what the Obama campaign thinks could be used as a damaging picture of him.

  • 66.
  • At 03:55 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Malcolm McLean wrote:

The question Hillary has been asking is 'who would you prefer to deal with a national crisis" and honestly I would prefer Obama hands down.

I cringe at the thought of Hillary representing this country with her smug "bought and paid for" husband in tow.

Obama has demonstrated his grace of a confident intellectual, verbal superiority to spar, and the worldliness of a great leader.

She has demonstrated her corruptive and sleazy character.

  • 67.
  • At 04:17 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Donnie wrote:

I don't really see the big deal. If we all stopped a second and took a breath you'd see that it is a picture of a man wearing the traditional clothing of the country he's visiting. Yes his ancestors are from there so maybe it's a little family pride. If I was at Oktoberfest in Germany I'd be tempted. I don't read it as "oh my goodness he's a Muslim". I'm just looking for the best human being to elect as our president. I've never trusted the Clinton's. I know our system is far from perfect and I'm just tired. The last 8 years have taken their toll on us all whether you admit it or not. If this is the way the primaries are going to be then I'm sure the November election will be a new low.

Ky cynic

  • 68.
  • At 04:24 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Annabel Raduma wrote:

When Barack Obama came to Kenya in 2006, it was a momentous occasion for every community. He was made an "elder" of so many communities, as has been the case for a number of dignitaries when they come here. The Borana also did the same- both as a sign of respect for what he has achieved as well as for respect. Let the world look upon this photo from that viewpoint and not make unrealistic conclusions from what was intended to be a sign of respect from that community.

  • 69.
  • At 05:52 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • DBX wrote:

The Clinton campaign has turned into a multi-headed monster in which none of the heads know what the others are doing. I don't think we will ever definitively know whether they circulated the photo or not, judging by the chaos of their various comments on this during today.

The interesting thing is that rather than trying to spin it to make Obama look ridiculous too, Drudge instead posted the photo along with Laura Bush in a hijab, George W in some kind of ridiculous take on a Druid costume, and Bill Clinton wearing some kind of African thing on a foreign visit. Message, all politicians, at least all American ones, play dress-up from time to time.

Of all the twists and turns in this campaign, this has to be the biggest non-event of the year. But I think after Hillary's bizarre tantrums over the weekend, photo-gate got much more attention than it ever would have otherwise. Still by tomorrow night it will be forgotten.

  • 70.
  • At 05:54 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • keverett wrote:

The Drudge Report claims that the photo of Obama was sent via email by a Clinton staffer. Given Mr. Drudge's record as a muckraker, the press should be demanding that he produce the email. If he can, then the staffer is fair game for the media. If he can't, then Mr. Drudge should be held to account with the same publicity given to his allegation. One should not underestimate the capacity of right-wing zealots to conduct covert disinformation campaigns.

  • 71.
  • At 06:25 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • AMERICA wrote:

The picture upset me at first but I vote Obama anyway many others have dressed in different countrys in their culture then the garb is given as a gift this picture means nothing, what bothered me more is how low down hill will go to try and mimic Mr. Obamas speeches that is digusting I have never once heard him insult her like that, he is intelligent enough to know how dirty the clintons are . I am so proud that we will have a great president soon !

  • 72.
  • At 06:47 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • AMERICA wrote:

Has anyone seen Mrs. Bush s picture right next to Obamas in grab from other countrys? Boy that clinton sure likes to play in the mud, but like the old saying goes a boy can fall in the mud and get up and brush himself off, but a girl cant, she is one sorry person if you even call her human.

  • 73.
  • At 08:20 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Ewoku Andrew wrote:

How silly could the Clintons team possibly be to even push senator Obama more to the fore, he sure now is the world choice of president to be.....this in a lay African interpretation simply is that senator Obama is the most accomodative of all in the race to associate with Africa and the entire wide world,please rest assured because we have secured the American society in Uganda for you. We keep praying for you senator in Africa.... You gonna come through.

  • 74.
  • At 08:50 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Festus Akinbusoye wrote:

This thread, the others on the web and the way this news is emerging says, to me, less about the potential desperation of the Clinton camp but more about the state of the United States. It somehow indicates the level of prejudice that still exists in America. Whilst this attire could be more of a traditional outfit, it would be interpreted as a religious one i.e. Islamic. America is perhaps more ready for a black president than it is for a muslim one. The picture was clearly meant to tap into the well known insecuritites of Americans thereby raising doubts about the suitability of Obama as the presidential nominee.

This is why I think in terms of change, Barack Obama would be the epitome of the change needed in America. He is black, he has a multi ethnic and multi religious background and he is engaging. America needs an image makeover as the "leader of the free world". Mr Obama is certainly wearing the right outfits.

  • 75.
  • At 09:09 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Edward wrote:

Americans are interested in the economy, jobs and a renewal of the image abroad. The Clinton camp is choosing the opposite and it is no surprise they have had 11 straight losses to Obama. I will not be surprised if they start talking about what Obama eats!!!!!

  • 76.
  • At 09:43 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Mary Clarke wrote:

This manoeuvre (plainly from the Clinton camp) mirrors the type of campaign which the British SUN newspaper would run in support of their preferred candidate. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, this photograph will definitely have an impact on the undecided voters. Once again, the American public will fall for the unimportant issues and Clinton will finally nail the nomination. Dirty tricks seem the only way that desperate people who want power can succeed in the US of A.

  • 77.
  • At 10:33 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Andrew Puckering wrote:

Um... I can't be the only guy reading the news to think 'what's the problem with this picture', can I? He doesn't look threatening. He doesn't look particularly muslim. Sure, he looks like he comes from Kenya in the photo, but then, everyone knew his dad was Kenyan already, right?

If anything, the red shirt with the white cross-belts remind me of a British Redcoat rather generic foreignness.

If either Clinton's team or Obama's team think this photo will change people's minds about Obama, I think they're dramatically overplaying it. Go Obama!!

  • 78.
  • At 10:44 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Brackie wrote:

Of course you love Obama, because he is your left wing dream ticket. The thought of the left getting into the white house has you salivating doesn' it? But, the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú is supposed to be impartial and it sickens me to my very core that the general public has to fund the various political views on this website. All overwhelmingly left wing I might add. The Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú is supposed to report the facts only, not influence and misrepresent!!!

If you want to rant and rave about your messiah, then do it on your own watch and don't use tax payers money to further your agenda.

  • 79.
  • At 11:40 AM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Nilsonn wrote:

About the photo:

Why wasn't the photo displayed earlier last year when the campaign started?
Is there any High ranking Demo to persuade HRC that it is all over? Why is she wasting people' money pursuing a lost cause? CNN reported that she is already behind in Texas in the poll. Can't she see that?
Can please anyone ask Bill Clinton to tell her wife to write a proper exit speech before March 4?
It is too late for anything for her. She is just a dreaming monster with all that wickedness.

  • 80.
  • At 01:31 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Charles Bongomin wrote:

It's shameful for Hillary to indugle in such cheap political madslinging! Shame! Shame!

  • 81.
  • At 01:43 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Fabien ilunga wrote:

it is a big shame to see the way The Clinton are behaving, they must be able to accept public verdict, Hilary will not success, she is a loser and must admit it.

  • 82.
  • At 02:05 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Sonu wrote:

A black man can become president here, and there will be lot of supporters for him.In this 21st century Americans are still not ready to vote for a white lady. Male chauvinism showing up. I am sure that Mr.Obama becomes president to fulfill his dream of getting a place in the history and please his supporters who funded him generously. This guy is not going to do any good to the society. Mark my words.

  • 83.
  • At 02:17 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Samwed wrote:

If the Clinton camp is responsible for the photo, then this is a desperate move against a strong contestant. this would only shows how unappreciative and ignorant the Clinton Camp is of other cultures.It would be hard to comprehend how an inspirant for the presidency of the most poweful country in the world would have no respect for foreign cultures.

Samwed, UK

  • 84.
  • At 03:18 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Moncef wrote:

well, this makes me smile. Here are some photos of Clinton in Morocco:

  • 85.
  • At 04:55 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Reena wrote:

This is so lame. Big deal, he's wearing Somalian clothing.

Wouldn't any normal citizen want their own politician/president to integrate with other cultures/countries?

Hillary Clinton and her team has just confirmed to the world how desperate she now is to win the race.

  • 86.
  • At 05:44 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Alberto Enriquez wrote:

Too many here assume that this came from "the Clinton camp." That's not been established. Certainly others could benefit from engendering mistrust and lasting ill-will between the two Democratic candidates.

Let me see, who brought "swiftboating" to the English language? Who forged the document that ended Dan Rather's aggressive reporting on the Bush family? Why did we never find the person who stole a voting machine's memory card recording thousands of votes in Gov. Jeb Bush's Florida? How did the records of the President being AWOL mysteriously disappear? Whose father made it happen? Who cashed in while Neil Bush served on the board of the Silverado Savings & Loan as it was looted? Whose campaign actually worked to discourage and deny registered voters from voting? Who sat by as Enron killed little old ladies by manipulating the power supply? And finally, why is it that when bad things happen on the watch of a Bush family member–nobody ever seems to be responsible?

And why, after 8 years, do we assume that a Republican hack would be too righteous to engage in this particular stunt? Because there's no illegality involved?

  • 87.
  • At 05:56 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • arnold mccann wrote:

I think it is high time for the American people to say good bye to Hillary Clinton and her wretched campaign. The reason why Obama is doing so well is because he has a number agendas that make political sense such the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, restrictions on lobbyists and so on. On the other hand Clinton has been using wild rhetoric, reputation and emotional breakdowns for winning votes. Breakdowns are not good for anyone who intends to be a leader of any country. In addition her policy layout is mostly what is being publicized in the US press at that point of time but nothing concrete as to what Obama has.

Mr.Webb your reporting is great and try keeping it that way!!!

  • 88.
  • At 07:17 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • elgarbanzo wrote:

it was probably rush limbaugh....and now he is laughing his head off!

  • 89.
  • At 07:47 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Jon wrote:

I think he is getting more popular. I like this guy very much. One thing the opponent doesn't know is as they send such unkind thing , Obama is getting more popular.

  • 90.
  • At 08:59 PM on 26 Feb 2008,
  • Dave M wrote:

Well, I guess I was wrong. It was Kenyan garb. Thus, shame on Obama for not saying "Here I went to Kenya and I received a great reception. I am proud to wear the garb of my ancestors." It's a shame he didn't say that and talked about it being a smear campaign. No wonder his wife is not so proud of the US if he thinks this will prejudice people against him. I thought his campaign was all about a better future. A future without discrimination against people simply on the color of their skin or their ethnic background.

  • 91.
  • At 07:27 AM on 28 Feb 2008,
  • DS wrote:

Obama is a whiner. what has he to hide that he is soo upset about the picture. Is there actually a Islamic connection he is afraid will be revealed. Doesn't look like a person of hope. Desperate person acting panicked .. that is our Barack Obama. Acusing Clinton with no proof. Petty ans low.

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