Arglwydd, Dyma Fi

Heb i fawr o neb sylwi'r mae'r mesur yn cael amser caled iawn yn NhÅ·'r Arglwyddi - nid yn bennaf oherwydd S4C ond oherwydd yr egwyddor o roi'r hawl i weinidogion ddenyddio deddfwriaeth eilradd i wyrdroi cymalau sy'n rhan o ddeddfwriaeth sylfaenol.
Fe fydd y rheiny sy'n cofio'r dadleuon ynghylch Adroddiad Comisiwn Richard ac ail-fesur Llywodraeth Cymru yn cofio pa mor ddadleuol yw "pwerau Harri'r wythfed" - y pwerau brenhinol bron sy'n gallu cael ei roi i weinidogion gan y Senedd - pwerau y mae hen bennau gwleidyddol yn garcus iawn ynghylch eu creu. Dyna yw'r union bwerau sydd wrth galon y Mesur Cyrff Cyhoeddus.
Dyma oedd gan ddau aelod Cymreig o Dŷ'r Arglwyddi i ddweud am y Mesur rhai dyddiau yn ôl.
"...the Henry VIII clause, which is used as the heart, core and kernel of the Bill, is a monster. One therefore asks whether you can redeem a monster. Can you so curb the functions of a monster that it would be safe for Parliament to proceed?
I ask the House to consider that it is part of its trust in relation to the Welsh language to regard the situation of S4C as being wholly unique. Parliament has the sovereignty to amend all the legislative structures but, in so doing, it would be reneging on the solemn compact that was made between a very honourable gentleman and the people of Wales 28 years ago."
Elystan Morgan
Of course, at the end of the day such changes as are made will be by secondary legislation, with all its parliamentary limitations, to a body established and developed by primary legislation over some years and after a great deal of discussion. Such extensive discussion may again be necessary, judging by the ferment in Wales at present, but that would be possible only with primary legislation... the precedent established here of a massive subjection of public bodies, largely established by primary legislation, to possible change by secondary legislation is not a happy one.
Wyn Roberts
Rwy'n tynnu sylw at y dyfyniadau uchod ac yn wir y am ddau reswm. Yn gyntaf dwi'n meddwl bod y ddadl yn haeddu mwy o sylw nac mae hi wedi cael. Yn ail, mae'n werth nodi nad yw'r ddadl ynghylch dyfodol S4C yn ymwenud yn unig â Chymru a'r Gymraeg. Mae gan yr egwyddor a'r mesur oblygiadau llawer mwy eang.
Mae gan Alan Trench bost diddorol ynghylch hyn oll yn .
SylwadauAnfon sylw
Rwyt ti'n llygad dy le, Vaughan, i dynnu sylw at effaith pellgyrhaeddol y Public Bodies Bill y tu hwnt i S4C os byth y bydd yn cyrraedd y llyfr statud. Mae'n dangos sut y gall Llywodraeth sy'n bendrfynol o gael ei ffordd sgubo ystyriaethau democrataidd i'r naill ochr, os yw'n benderfynol o wneud hynny. Mae'n dangos mor fregus y gall y traddodiad Prydeinig o sofraniaeth Seneddol fod, lle bo gweinyddiaeth benderfynol yn mynnu cael ei ffordd.
Mae hi'n werth, serch hynny, canolbwyntio ar y rhan honno o araith ysgubol Elystan Morgan, sy'n son am S4C, felly (os maddeui di i mi) dyma ddyfynnu:
I turn now to the specific matter of the inclusion of Sianel Pedwar Cymru-S4C, the Welsh language channel-in Schedules 4 and 7. It is my contention that this body is wholly unique. It is unique because it was set up with a commission. That commission was that it should do everything within its power-indeed, its existence is based on this-to preserve the life and future of the Welsh language. It is unique also in relation to the scene that existed 28 years ago when it was set up, when there had for many years in Wales been a long, bitter campaign of civil disobedience and lawlessness against those opposed to a Welsh channel. William Whitelaw, a man of immense understanding, diplomacy and integrity, ultimately came to a compact with the Welsh people and said, "You will have your channel". A legislative framework was set up that guaranteed funds for the channel that would be adequate for it to carry out its commission. Indeed, its independence was guaranteed by statute.
The viability of that channel is now challenged and jeopardised by the fact that that financial guarantee disappears. The independence is jeopardised by the fact that it is contemplated that it should be merged with the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú as a very junior, meagre partner. Its independence cannot possibly be real in those circumstances; indeed, the major decisions may well be taken by the broadcasting trust in London.
I do not believe that I overstate for a moment the anxieties that are felt in Wales concerning that loss of independence. Indeed, if one looks at the statements made in the last few days by Channel 4 as to its grave anxiety with regard to its own independence, one can well understand why the Welsh body is so afeared of what might happen in this situation. The continued viability and independence of S4C is crucial to the very existence of the Welsh language. The Welsh language is spoken by some 580,000 persons, including three or four of us in this House. It is one of the oldest living languages in Europe-it stems back to its Indo-European origins about 1,500 years ago. It was a living language 1,000 years ago, when French was only a patois of Latin. In those circumstances, I ask the House to consider that it is part of its trust in relation to the Welsh language to regard the situation of S4C as being wholly unique. Parliament has the sovereignty to amend all the legislative structures but, in so doing, it would be reneging on the solemn compact that was made between a very honourable gentleman and the people of Wales 28 years ago.
O ran taith y Ddeddf Cyrff Cyhoeddus trwy'r Senedd, wele'r amserlen ar:
Bydd y "committee stage" yn Nhy'r Arglwyddi ar 23 Tachwedd. Rwy'n deall y bydd yr Arglwydd Roger Roberts o Landudno yn gosod gwelliant er mwyn ceisio tynnu S4C o'r Mesur.
Cofied am yr ymgyrch gyfansoddiadol sydd ar y gweill. Mae angen un nerthol. Cynhelir cyfarfod yng Nghanolfan yr Urdd, Bae Caerdydd ddydd Llun nesaf rhwng 10 a 12 er mwyn ei chydlynu. Croeso i bawb. Os nad ydych yn medru bod yn bresennol ond yn dymuno cyfrannu, mae modd ichi gael eich gosod ar y rhestr bostio er mwyn derbyn gwybodaeth.
Cysylltwch a RhAG yn eu swyddfa yng Nghaerdydd er mwyn cael eich gosod ar y rhestr bostio (manylion cyswllt y swyddfa ar eu gwefan).
Does gen i ddim syniad pa drefn fydd orau i sicrhau dyfodol S4C ond tybed beth yw barn Elan Closs Stephens?
Tan mis Mawrth 2006 Elan oedd cadeirydd Awdurdod S4C. Ers y 1af o Dachwedd eleni hi yw cynrychiolydd Cymru ar fwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr y Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú.
Beth bynnag ddywedir ar lawr Ty’r Arglwyddi dwi’n tybio mai o gwmpas bwrdd y Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú y daw datrusiad.
Mae’r cyfan yn nwylo Elan.