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David Mazower | 16:43 UK time, Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Hi It's Karnie live blogging tonight..welcome to World Have Your Say...

Today we're talking about:

Should George W Bush be impeached?
Following yesterday's programme you really wanted to talk about this. Senior politicians on both sides (reprublicans and Democrats) and the mainstream media are largely ignoring it, but there are growing calls for Bush to be impeached, and we've had several emails/texts asking to talk about it. So here we are...keep those messages coming in. Two reasons most commonly talked about: lying over the grounds for invading Iraq, and the NSA wiretapping scandal. Does he deserve to be impeached, or is it just sour grapes by people who can't accept he got elected again?

We are also talking about, Freedom of Thought and Expression...
Are children in schools being discouraged to express their own opinion? 3 global stories this week show us examples of where and when children's free speech or thoughts/actions are being stifled. They are in brief..The US Supreme Court is considering the case of the pupil suspended for holding up a pro-drugs banner. Poland debates whether to ban discussion of homosexuality in schools…and children in the UK are banned from wearing the veil. What should young people be able to wear and talk about at school? When are schools justified in restricting pupils' freedom of expression, and when is it needless authoritarianism?

Lisa in Mentor Ohio says..
It's too little and WAY to late. The war in Iraq is an abomination to every American. And, one wonders why everyone hates Americans?

Bradley in Lakewood, Ohio writes..
Yes I think Bush should be impeached for waging an illegal war of aggression that was sold to most of the US population based on lies.

Washington State Senator Eric Oemig who is for the Impeachment of George Bush says the underlying point is DID G W Bush break the law?

In Ohio is Terry Casey a Republican Political consultant who is against the impeachment of George Bush.

Phil says Saddam Hussein was the weapon of mass destruction and he had to be stopped.

Dave says not only G Bush led us into this war..what about leaders of other countries who led us to the war too i.e. Britain

Ken in Cleveland writes..
To Terry...
The fact that Terry is comparing anyone dislike of the war to that of a television show, emphasises how out of touch most Republicans can be. It's also an insulting blanket statement that Neo-Cons use like water. We don't dislike the length of the war, we dislike the war... period. Save your blanket statements for mainstream news.

Sandy says Bush needs to be impeached, that's the right thing to do.

Gilbert writes..
Impeach George Bush! He is the Anti-Christ!

Ron says..
George Bush had access to intelligence that Clinton and Kerry did not. When he came out with his select info, senators trusted him. He betrayed that trust.

John says G W will be out soon, we shouldn't impeach him. But I do feel Bush has embarrassed us around the world with this war.

Brian in South California, US writes:
I now think George Bush should be impeached. Like the one man asked why isn't anybody talking about it? Ill tell you by god, we will start talking about it. My conversations will now shift to persuade others to collect the power brought to them by their own oppression in this country of late, and use that power to release our real opinion, and practice true unabated freedom of speech. In this case, how we can impeach the president that has left us in tatters according to the new world view.

Mark in Sanford, Michigan, US writes:
We should not have to resort to costly and lengthy impeachment proceedings to limit President Bush's ability to wage this unpopular war. Why hasn't Congress acted more directly to cut funding for military support in Iraq? Congress' cowardly inaction is every bit as deplorable as Bush's stubborn adherence to this failed policy.

Paloma in Columbus, US writes:
I strongly disagree with this war, but don't you think that leaving now is a bad idea? The USA made their bed, now they need to lie in it! Its too late to go back and it will be up to the leaders of this nation as well as others to come up with a resolution.

Aaron writes:
The only way to temper the world's disdain for the US is to show them that we, as a country are just as outraged by his behaviour as they are. Publicly punishing Bush with impeachment is necessary for our national security.

Dave writes:While Bush is immoral and has destroyed America's historical standing, his actions have not been unconstitutional. Impeachment sets a dangerous precedence that would cause greater damage to America's future stability than the temporary good done by removing a despicable president.

Mike in Portland, US writes:
George W. Bush should be impeached and convicted for many reasons.
Lying and deceiving the public about the war in Iraq.
Breaking the law to spy on citizens.
Allowing and justifying torture
Persistently hiding illegal interrogations
Attempting to put a lock on all political discourse through manipulating legislative processes, the K street project and the Faith-Based Initiatives - taken as a whole, this is an attempt at a dictatorship

Marty from Cleveland writes:
President Bush and Vice President Cheney lied to us about the need for war in Iraq, has politicised our Justice Department, and exposed an undercover CIA agent. It is time for the House to impeach, which is essentially the only way to indict a president and vice president. Yes, the House of Representatives should raise the questions about these and other alleged criminal activity in this White House.

Jake in Portland, US writes:
The question is not yet about impeachment. first you have to investigate alleged crimes. There are some very serious questions about whether this administration violated the constitution by overreaching the powers allotted to the executive branch.

Steve writes:
I voted for President Bush twice, and up to about 2 years ago I was a staunch Republican. He's lied to me and my country; he's betrayed me and my country. If he hasn't committed a crime by lying to get his war on terror started, he has surrounded himself with dodgy folk like Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and Alberto Gonzales while repeatedly giving them virtually freedom to do as they please, and that's the most damning indictment of them all. Now, I'm a Democrat and feel like I need to actively stymie Republicans.

S in Chennai, India writes:
If the Bush government is impeached, it automatically implies that international condemnation on invasion of Iraq will be justified. Considering so, he further will have to stand trial in the International Court of Justice for starting a war on baseless grounds. I hope the Democrats will not commit an international faux pas by pulling the legs of Republicans by impeaching them.

Hussain in Kurdistan says, No George Bush should not be impeached. It's not the right time. Good solutions need to be found to sort this problem. As a kurd I think he did the bright thing to get rid of the regime.

Sarah says of course G Bush is not a hero or a chicken. But Kurds are happy he got rid of Saddam Hussein. They won't really care about whether they impeach George Bush or not.

Charles says Bush should not be impeached. The people of America need to get behind their government and tell them what they want for America.

Susan says I am appalled by what is happening in Iraq with the number of dead people, both Americans and Iraqis. I am also concerned about military recruiters in US schools too.

Bob says I am shocked at the unappreciative attitude in Kurdistan. The aim of the war was to free the Iraqi people from the boot of Saddam Hussein. I think you should be careful of what you wish for.

Patricia asks Hussain and Sarah do they think Democracy would work in Iraq?

Sarah says she doesn't think it would work because they don't know what the right meaning of Democracy is..

Mike asks..is Iraq really worth saving as a state? And is it unifiable?
Hussain is hopeful that Iraq IS unifiable. But he says, help is needed from other countries.

We're moving on to the debate of: What children should be allowed to do at schools..

Tamara says we want the world to be a democracy. We should allow children to do this but we need to teach them to do this respectfully.

Semmah a student in Ramallah says children should be allowed to say things freely.

Dr Joseph says the issue of free speech is very important but in this US case "Bong hits for Jesus" was a joke.

Justin is a student says it's really important for students to say what they think, this is how students learn.

We're now back on the subject of: Should George Bush be impeached?

Bob Clegg disagrees with Impeachment. He says, the problem here is that there is no concrete proof here.

Sandy says there are millions of people who are talking about Impeachment here in the US, there are so many grounds for this. He has lied to us so many times in his time in office.

Bob Glegg says there are really no grounds for impeachment. He asks what about the democrats who agreed with the war, should they be impeached?

Ruth says Impeachment is an impractical process right now but we are just looking for some way to express our disgust with regard to the war.

Terry in Salem, Oregon, US writes:
My goodness, I can't believe that it has taken this long for people to seriously talk about impeaching Bush. He should have been impeached during his first term. Everyone knew that he lied and that he would not be able to handle the war in Iraq. He has serious problems with his appointments and outing people in government position who disagree with him (such as a dictator would). Get him out of here and let him go down in the history books as the criminal he is, not the 9/11 hero he and his colleagues would like him to be remembered.

Chris in Montreal, Canada writes:
If I was an American, I would not want to impeach the president. That would mean that I was fooled twice by the torture-wiretap-Iraq president.

Kim in Portland, US writes:
Seriously, we impeached Bill Clinton for having sex. How can we NOT impeach Bush for being responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people? And doing it for the sake of his own pride - Disgusting.

Gabe in Portland, US writes:
Bush has not only operated on misinformation (or lied?), but he has broken the law: International and U.S. law in Guantanamo bay (and elsewhere) and U.S. law per his actions with regards to the Patriot Act. I would not only liked to see him impeached but tried in a court of law.

Dawn in St. Paul, Minnesota, US writes:
If Bush wasn't lying about his reasons for going into Iraq, he and his administration were at the very least demonstrating a disastrous lack of forethought critical thinking. To me, that's AS bad, if not worse, than lying.

Ron in Birmingham, US writes:
George Bush had access to intelligence that Clinton and Kerry did not. When he came out with his select info, senators trusted him. He betrayed that trust.

Linda writes:
I'm tired of people defending the actions of the administration based on the evils of Saddam Hussein. If that were the case why don't we do any thing about the genocide taking place in many parts of Africa? What about the human rights of those people?

Jacques in Boston, US writes:

The UN inspectors asked for 3 more months of inspection would definitely prove if there was any WMD. W Bush went in for oil, Cheney and Haliburton. He should not be impeached. He should finish his mandate and have this war and all the dead people on his conscience for the rest of his life.

Oliver from Cleveland, US writes:
Bush should be impeached because he is setting a precedent for future leaders to abuse powers. Considering that the current administration is becoming dismantled by corruption tells me that the leaders i.e. Bush and cheney are the root of the problem.

Jack in Cleveland, US writes:
Let's start impeachment hearings for the 2008 president now. U.S. legislators can always find something to impeach a president about, it's all a matter of having enough time for hearings.

Mike in Portland, US writes:
Call Bush before Congress and ask him under oath: "What was the real reason to invade Iraq?" It's obvious to me that the Republican administration's real reason was to make an opportunity for war profitteers to steal billions.

Jack writes:
The Washington State legislator dropped the ball on whether Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, or others were also lying about the need to remove Saddam. The Administration owned the intelligence and could hear the concerns about its reliability; members of Congress did not have that luxury...

Doug in Columbus, US writes:
My thought is to impeach V.P. Cheney and Sec of State Condi Rice for lying the country into war. And, it sounds like American Conservatives favor 'Nationbuilding.' President Bush campaigned against Nationbuilding in the 2000 campaign which makes him a flip-flopper.

Dan writes:
I think we need a strong congress to control the issues like the Iraq War and not spend time and energy on impeachment. Who do you think will take the place of Bush… Cheney … and we definitely do not want Cheney as president. He already is the puppet man behind Bush and very dangerous. I would ask cities in the USA to start a national blockade and allow no more men or women to be sent to the Bush War effort. We need to make a stand and stop this madness. America is not to be defined by Bush.

Erika in Cleveland, US writes:
Bush and Cheney deserve impeachment, not just for the war, but their overall conduct, misguiding and misleading the public. I bet that criminal charges would come out of investigation. Unfortunately, I agree with the gentleman in the audience that their overall failures are due to incompetence and arrogance. These are not criminal characteristics, but just thoroughly embarrassing and shameful for Americans. From Katrina to Iraq, the whole world now can clearly see the quality of American leadership.

Tom in Bend, US writes:
Bush and Cheney committed the same War Crime by invading Iraq that Hitler did when he invaded Poland. Bush and Cheney should both be impeached, tried, convicted and put in prison where they belong. There were no WMDs and we knew there none before the Bush/Cheney Invasion. Further, then they ought to be bound over to the people of Iraq and tried in the same courts that Saddam Hussein was tried in. And then the US ought to apologize to the people of Iraq and get the hell out..

Nancy in Cleveland, US writes:
With regard to the gentlemen's comments that Bush has committed no crime or that Saddam should not have been given benefit of the doubt -- The soldiers in Haditha who charged homes with the notion of a perceived threat to them and killed civilians when there proved to be no threat have been charged with murder -- How is Bush's perceived threat from Saddam when there was none any different? Not only should Bush be impeached, he should be imprisoned --

Dan writes:
What we need is an International City as the home of the UN headquarters. All countries would have skin in the game and the UN would not be headquartered in America. This bold move would send a signal to the world that we need to work together and stop fighting over every issue of life and our future. Has anyone discussed the need for an International City?

Tim writes:
It is amazing how so many people in the US have turned their back on a president that we voted in to office not once but twice. War is war and if we could predict the outcome, form a timeline and not have any deaths then we probably wouldn't have to go to war in the first place. We do need to see this war through, not only for the Iraqis who have lost the most, but for the Middle East in general.

Laurie writes:
I can't believe I'm still hearing that we invaded Iraq in response to the attack on 09-11-01. The 9-11 Commission reported links, as in people had been in Iraq, things like that, but they were tenuous at best, and if we're going to invade on those grounds then we would've had a much stronger case for invading Saudi Arabia! Invading Iraq because you wanted to "do something" after 9-11 is like a town lynching a guy who talked to the guy who committed a terrible crime. What's the point? What a bunch of yee-haws!!!

Anonymous writes:
51% of iraqis have said that they have no moral qualms about shooting US soldiers. You do not bring democracy to a country with bombs and guns and tanks. The USA did not go to Iraq to bring freedom and liberty - that was window dressing. The reason citizens were given was to remove the nuclear weapons ("smoking gun that will be a mushroom cloud") - that reason was a lie

Nick in Omaha, US writes:
I would say YES, Impeach Bush! However,Its far too late and its been said the vice president would be much worse in the last throws of this term. He should be impeached not because he took on the problem in the middle east, it was the way he went about it. There were no weapons to attack the U.S. Also the way he is following through, taking all of the conditions into mind.

Michael writes:
This morning the topic spoken of is not the one we, the World should be addressing. The first is our own self interest, (ie) the World. Who is getting more Power? Who is suffering? Who is receiving Freedom? Who is being Held in a Police State, by their own Governments? Who is receiving the MONEY, and getting RICHER!

Anonymous writes:
Many people were under the impression that Saddam had WMD. That was until the UN inspectors were on the ground saying they were not there. Hans Blix now is certain there were not any. You should never listen to the words coming out of a politicians mouth. Judge them only by their actions. I do not know about impeachment but the sole act of disclosing a CIA operative is an act of treason. This is the offence that could be researched and pursued. Gerry in Berlin, Germany writes:
I find the discussion so far somewhat America-centered. I just want to remind people of the 'Lancet' figure last summer of 655000 dead Iraqi civilians. Impeachment or not, this is what the debate should be all about.

Frank writes:
I'm absolutely appalled, APPALLED that some are still conflating the attacks of 9-11 and the war with Iraq. It's intellectually dishonest, misleading, and despicable.

Rick writes:
George Bush was voted out of office in 2004; he lost the popular vote. He was never elected in 2000. The voting process in the U.S. is currently not working. There needs to be a special prosecutor appointed to investigate what crimes he has committed; then, he needs to be impeached.

Gray in Texas, US writes:
Bush has done nothing to merit impeachment. The US was attacked on 9-11 and this country went to war on that date. During a war mistake are made and often decisions are made on incomplete information. This country has not been attack since 9-11 due in large part to the actions of the Bush administration. If Clinton had the guts to have acted to kill Bin Laden prior to leaving office this would not be an issue now. I prefer action to inaction even if mistakes are made.

Connie in Columbus, US writes:
He definitely should be impeached for lying to us, playing on our fears and patriotism to mislead us into an illegal, pre-emptive war, ignoring our security, allowing torture, abrogating our domestic civil liberties, violating laws and usurping power. Bush impeached all of us when he disregarded the millions of people all over the world in his rush into a this war on Iraq. It's only fair that he be impeached. It's the only way to keep him from doing more damage to the U.S. and the world.

Jim writes:
Impeachment does not equal removal from office. If people are considering impeaching George Bush and keeping him in office, what does that accomplish other than make him an example for future politicians on what not to do. If he is removed from office, that would leave it to Cheney to step up to become President which could translate to even more reliance on unilateral military rather than collective problem solving.

Robin in Berlin, Germany writes:
I think that kind of thinking obscures the fact that there are many good reasons to view the Americans in general as the "bad guys" and that too is not a useful way to see things.

Kebba in Gambia writes:
I think George Bush should not only be impeached but tried as a war criminal for the crimes he has and continues to commit against humanity. The world has become a dangerous place for mankind because Bush's arrogance is rooted in ignorance and as a result,has no respect for other people's sensitivities and concerns. This man is a dangerous man and needs to be stopped before it's too late. Remember, two years is more than enough time for another disastrous blunder.

John in Nairobi, Kenya writes:
George Bush should be impeached immediately. The move is long overdue. He has let innocent people loose their lives. Iraq is now worse than it was during the reign of Saddam Hussein. American people are the ones to blame since they had an opportunity to fire him but they chose to give him a second term. Let them not complain now .They have learnt a lesson.

Anonymous writes:
I don't think George Bush should be impinged because he is protecting democracy.His action against terror is a positive one.

Masuka in Lusaka, Zambia writes:
George Bush has presided over an administration full of lies and scandals. He lied about weapons of mass destruction and has succeeded in hanging Saddam Hussein and his cronies. Be that as it may, the world requires the likes of George Bush as check on on North Korea, Iran. Please impeach Bush after he has removed Mugabe from office.

Collin in Brussels, Belgium writes:
Essentially the Bush Chenney Rumsfeld trio decided to go to war and then got up to the normal political manipulation to push through the decision. Worse they then ignored all the work done by the other government department preparing for the aftermath of the of the overthrow of Saddam. The thing that so damages the reputation of the US around the world, was so clearly illustrated by the speaker shouting "kill the bad guys and then bring the troops home" who clearly has no idea about the reality of the politics in the middle east.

Isabelle in France writes:
Impeachment? Impeachment!
Why did you silly Americans vote Bush in TWICE when it was clear from the days of "The Hanging Chads" that he was both stupid and dishonest. As an English woman living in France I'm ashamed to say to my European friends that, yes, Britain is allied to America.

Laurence in New York, US writes:
If Bill Clinton can be impeached for receiving oral sex, why shouldn't Bush be impeached for mis-representing Iraq's WMDs, wire-tapping of the American public, Abu Ghraib, Valerie Plame, and on and on?

Senator Sherrod Brown (voted against the war 4 years ago) says what we need to do is focus on the war. He says that's where people should focus their energies . Impeachment is not the answer at this point in time...we need to focus on the war.

We're back talking about: Are children to young to exercise freedom of speech?

Adam in Portland, US writes:
generally I think children should have the right to free speech in school and out of school. it is the parent's responsibility police their childrens' behaviour.

Rachael in Memphis, US writes:

I am a middle school teacher in Memphis, TN, but I am originally from Ohio. I have found that people in Memphis are less open to talking about certain issues, such as homosexuality, premarital sex, and evolution. In contrast, speaking of God, the bible, and faith is openly discussed; often to an extent that makes me uncomfortable. I feel that it is important to allow teacher and students to openly discuss all issues, so long as it is in a respectful, knowledge seeking manner.

Dan writes:
People of all ages are becoming more and more vocal about world issues. Telling students to shut up and not express their views is completely wrong. Each generation will have their way of expression and we need to respect that. I like a recent protest sign that stated…. FRODO FAILED. BUSH HAS THE RING. Lets stop this political correctness movement and start being tolerant to all the expressions of freedom. Talk about it. There is no belief that is more right or more anything than any other. What are we afraid of anyway?

Cyrus in Michigan, US writes:
I don't see how a Muslim girl should be banned from wearing a veil. I don't see why conversation about homosexuality needs to be filtered. If we need some legal oversight to control these sorts of things, that speaks very loudly i think the level of tolerance that is absent from the people involved. The people who can't understand why a girl would wear a veil are at fault and should be educated about Muslim tradition. If people are still fearful about homosexuality, are trying to cover discussion to prevent people from "catching" homosexuality, then those people should be educated, discussion should be more open about it so that understanding can spread. Children have very active minds and their speech should not be controlled; they haven't been fully tamed by social norms and the things they bring up, though they may be unorthodox (bong hits for jesus) may have significant elements that adults simply wouldn't approach because they may not think that way anymore. It is important to embrace different points of view, regardless of the source.

Bertrand writes:
I think that Teachers are there to guide the Students So they should be able to restrict the kids on certain issues. Certainly Children don't have the right to vote because they are Children So too they should't have the right to free speech because they are in school learn that certain things are right and others wrong.

Aurie writes:
Why do people think it will confuse children to hear about homosexuality? People do a lot of things, and I would hope that a child would know whether or not it applied to them and so avoid confusion. We tell children about Stalin and Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer, who were all people, and once upon a time even boys, and never say it will "confuse" children, so even if you really have that negative of a feeling about homosexuality, that it's a sin, and as bad as killing, then I still don't get the confusion part.

Dan writes:

I don't care whether you are gay or not. Keep your sexual interests to yourself. We don't need to know and stop picking on people that chose to live different than you do. What are you afraid of?

Ty in Nashville, US writes:
This comment is to the gentleman who stated that we can't have homosexuality in the school, without religion - How would he feel about ALL religion being freely expressed in schools, not just Christianity? i.e., if his children went to a school, when a group of Muslim children wanted to practice their religion freely? He would probably feel very different.

Mike, Detroit
Bush should face a war crimes trial. He lied to start the war and 3000 americans died. Now he wants iran. Its about oil not helping people.

Vincent in Hampshire, UK,
"I was not allowed to wear an earring at school because it didn't comply with the uniform. Perhaps if I'd paid more attention I might have had the intelligence to play the religion card. How many of these children would rather wear the veil at school. I'm willing to bet not many but they are forced to by parents.

Gordon Patrick in Glasgow, UK:
What if you believed in Jedi, would you be allowed to wander around in a storm trooper outfit, might sound daft but to an atheist any religion sounds a bit silly.

Zee in London says:
Banning the veil will most likely segregate society further. Muslim girls and parents with strong views of the niqab will either stop their children from going to school or choose other religious schools, is this what we really want?

Dave, London says:
We should be open enough to allow the veil. If people want to alienate their children in the schoolyard by doing this then i'd think its punishment enough as it is.

Adam in London says:
I think the interesting thing about this is the bigger question: In what circumstances should the state, or indeed private businesses, be able to impose rules regarding the dress and appearance of individuals?

Ma'aruf says..
Pres George Bush deserves to be impeached and taken to the war crimes tribunal for his illegal wars. He is forcing mankind to split in two.

Al in the US writes on Jesus for bongs says...
The school board are making fools of themselves confronting a non-sensical banner outside of their jurisdiction. I think its fantastic that such an absurd slogan has been attached to an important issue on student rights.

Rose Marie in the US writes..
I am glad people are standing up for freedom of religion. this country was founded on religion & Christian principles.

Herbert in Nigeria says
Those wanting George Bush impeached are only making their political propaganda.
I love what's going on in Iraq, I love the war against terror!

Obed from Ghana
Bush should have been impeached a long time ago. He had lied and continues to lie. Americans didn't impeach him so they can't do it now.

Ivy in Kenya
You want an honest President? There is no such thing as an honest politician. Can anybody name one?

John Nigeria
It has gone so bad that the american people are calling for Bush's impeachment - It shows that the Congress (the people's voice) has been caught napping.

Hisham in France
Impeaching Bush wouldn't solve the deeper problem of the whole system which is corrupt and dedicated to private rather than public interest. What do you think?

Moennsad in Nairobi
Why impeach a man who is out to eradicate world islam terrorism?..

Muhammed says..
Who else other than bush & blair are responsible for the big mess in iraq which was based on a complete lie. He should be impeached without fail.

Nasiru in Nigeria
That's what democracy entails,the concept of the rule of law must be respected. Therefore George Bush must be sacked out of office.

Dave says :
I think this case is about the range of free speech--can students promote drugs?--and the reach of the schools authority--does it extend across the street? I think the court will walk a tightrope in answering "no" to both of those questions.

Yusuf in Nigeria
I believe Bush should be impeached because he is a Fanatic who doesn't believe in diplomacy.

Wanala says..
Impeach the president. He lied to the whole world on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq..

Keikura in Uganda says..
There is on difference between G. W Bush and Chief Norman in Sierra Leone who also fought terrorism by fighting the RUF. If Norman can be tried 4 war crimes why not Bush who lied 2 the world and committed war crimes.

Jamraray says
George Bush must not only be impeached, but must also be tried for crimes against humanity either in The U.S or at the Hague.

Ashley in Jamaica
Bush should be impeached because he is dangerous for the world

Sorieba in Sierra Leone.
The 9 11 issue has got nothing to do with Iraq but terrorism. Hence, Bush should be impeached.

AGAINST IMPEACHMENT George Bush should be allowed to complete his mission in Iraq. Anyone who opposes the war in iraq is promoting terrorism. Impeachment is out of the question.

Ansumana The Gambia
Do I hear impeachment? Are you out of your mind Americans? The so called TERRORISTs are afraid of Bush.They are just waiting for Bush to quit and then punish you the Americans, including the whole world with the latest and never to be forgotten deadly attack. Mr.Bush, keep it up.

BUSH is a criminal guilty of all crimes. He must be arrested by the I.C.C

America used to be one of the most respected countries in the world. George Bush should be Impeached for lying and creating war and should also face the international war crimes tribunal for genocide.

Buba in Belgium
I've followed U S politics since Kennedy got shot. Bush is the worst president ever ever.

C Domician Dar Tanzania
Students should put on undifferentiated uniforms, and only express religious affiliations when out of classes!

Ellen from Siena, Italy

These Muslim girls in Great Britain - can they spell? Can they do sums? Can they find Paraguay on a map? That's what schools should worry about!

More messages coming in..

Haresh in Florida writes:
Children in school should only be allowed to wear a uniform, school is not the place for personal expression, it is a place for learning and anything that gets in the way of that precious pursuit for knowledge and education should not be allowed in schools.

Laurence in New York, US writes:
The point is, this kid was off school property. How far does school censorship reach? Across the road? In the student's home? While the student is traveling abroad?

Mark in the US writes:
There is no separation of church and state in USA. Faith based funding and the number of religious ministers in government prove that church and state are intermingled.

Stephanie in Germany writes:
I'm an American living in Germany. I'm alarmed to hear someone say that personal expression doesn't belong in school. A person's time in school coincides with important stages of human and personal development. Learning to express oneself is a very important part of growing up, and to keep this out of schools would be irresponsible.

Barrett writes...
George W Bush, undoubtedly the most incompetent and mentally challenged president the US has had to suffer, should have been impeached long ago. But Dick Cheney should also be impeached. Ideally, all the liars in the Bush Administration who led the US into the unnecessary war against Iraq should be brought to justice before an international tribunal in the Hague and imprisoned for life. For personally they are responsible for the deaths of well over 3,000 US troops and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians, not to mention the maiming of countless thousands of both groups. The actions of the Bush Administration have brought international shame to America that will take generations to correct and have stimulated the recruitment of terrorists in numbers that Bin Laden in his wildest fantasies could not have posted.

Okwum from portharcourt Nigeria.
Impeaching George Bush is not important. Looking for a way forward by restoring the broken structures eg. security in Iraq would do.

(George Anyii, Kampala, Uganda)
I like George Bush and the USA for taking the initiative to clean up the world. The world needs more leaders like Bush. Saving the oppressed? Well i am a peace corps volunteer in Morocco and everyday i hear from such oppressed people how disappointed they are with our country. Forget about impeachment. Our citizens need to educate themselves and push for candidates with real plans.

John Toe, Liberia
Bush's impeachment is a mere dream, because he has not committed crimes in the eyes of the majority of Americans. They dont care how many persons he has helped to kill around d world . I am an american from toledo ohio living in Morroco and hearing about the impeachment of bush is right, but those who falsified the intelligence should go with him

Kirsten in Jordan
What a mess our president has made.. I feel the effects even here in the small rural middle eastern village where I live. If he were impeached at least the people here would understand that as a majority Americans do not support his actions. And this knowledge would do wonders for middle east relations..

The World does not hate America, we hatye the imperealistic Bush regime which has little regard for humanity or the rule of law.

G. Thomson
With regards to Mr Clinton's impeachment, as opposed to Mr Bush's, how many people died due to Mr Clinton's lies about his personal life?

UMAR, Nigeria

Why shoud the admin talk about WMD in another country when the US has more than all the word put together?


Bush should go. The biggest criminal is Bush and Osama.

Yusuf from Nigeria
I believe Bush should be impeached because he is a Fanatic who doesn't believe in diplomacy. The war on terror has betrayed the best american values and only made the american corporations richer at the expense of the nation. Impeach George W bush!

Terror is terror whether in new york or in iraq. Bush is the only world leader equal to the task. Leave Mr. Bush alone to rid the world of the bad guys.

Clinton, Nigeria
George Bush and Tony Blair are some of the worlds greatest leaders if they had not done what they did another september 11 would most certainly have happen.

Ella Nbi
When I got maried my Mum said to me. 'Do you wanna be right or do you wanna be happy?' Will you be right or happy if Bush is impeached?

Vahid Oloro says..
Bush is one single US president who has raised more world wide hate for the US than anyone before him. The faster he exits the better.


George Bush is a deservice to the world. His war on terror has done nothing rather making the world unsafe and more insecure. He must be impeached and tried for crimes against humanity.

Chipampa, Zambia.
George Bush's intentions were good, let him finish what he started, then judge him.

Impeaching George Bush would be disastrous for America. George Bush must be impeached, he is the worst President the United States has ever had.

Bush and Blair are criminals just like the criminals they claim to fight in Iraq, and Afganistan.

RUGE KAHWA, Dar, Tanzania.
Bush is worse than Saddam Hussein, but he is shielded by American might. Impeachment will not happen.

C Domician Dar Tanzania

I feel Bush has made the world an even more dangerous place to live from when he begun the war campaigns!

Juliet (Uganda)
It would make sense if the US increased Aid for the refugees in Iraq than have more soldiers.

We should stop talking about impeachment. Bush is just trying to play a role that God has destined him for.

Please tell those who want Mr Bush impeached that they should keep politics out of the war in Iraq; because the terorists don't seperate between the Democrates & the Rebublicans when they attacked the USA on 9/11. Please leave President Bush alone! It's his calling from God to protect his generation.

After his tenure of office he should be taken to the Hague for crime against humanity

Archie Ekanem - Nigeria
Those who clamour for impeachment of George Bush should try not to forget 9-11 in a hurry. Maybe Bush over did it but he meant well.

Mr Jawo
I believe that George Bush should have been impeached a longtime ago because he is a global liar. He is a devil without the letter D. Go Bush Go.

George bush is my hero he is the last man standing for civilisatiom against evil terrorists, darfurian killers, and evil liberals.

Impeaching Bush is not a sufficient means to fixing the problems caused by this world. Americans have to lobby for a change of tactics to improve the relationship with those affected. The majority of the rest of the world do not look at this as a Bush-problem but rather a wholistic American problem.

Paul in Zambia.
I think Bush shoud have been impeached in '06. Vote for Obama or Mrs Clinton in November '08.

Nelson Mandela wondered "How Americans could elect to be led by A MAN WHO CANT THINK PROPERLY"!

George Bush and Osama bin laden are twins brothers. He should be impeached...

Roger in Italy
It appears that everyone in the western world has difficulty in discussing islam. The majority christian based cultures are now being dictated to by the muslim minority. There is genuine fear about an open and frank debate about islam, whereas christianity can be discussed freely!

George Bush and his Leadershp have a noble vision for the greater good of all mankind in this global village. War is inevitable to overcome the tough challenges.

We have been taking about impeaching bush for too long now, on what grounds can a president be impeached?
Americans are not to be trusted. Bush is the moses of terrorism.

Mbale university -(uganda)
Bush deserves to be impeached since he is behind whatever is happening today in Iraq and Afganistan. he says he advocates for human rights, but he is the hypocrite no 1

George Bush has lied repeatedly to americans and the world about Iraq and other issues. His actions since taking office have made all of the world less secure.

Am Steve Ezeh, from Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma, Nigeria.
George Bush should be impeached for not being honest to the people, America and the world at large, on his role in Iraq. Also, after the impeachment, he should be charged for war crimes. He is a wicked President with no fear of God.

A comment on what one lady said - oh yeah just try expressing a religion other than Islam in most Muslim countries - take note of the recent programme about the Bahai religon in Egypt.

Bush has reduced all Americans to fools.He lied to go to Iraq. He lied to get reelected and lied to stay in Iraq.

The only way we can salvage this situation is to restore America to the basis it was founded upon - faith in One God. The rest of the world simply copies from America! Athanas Mwamba, southern Sudan.

Victor in Nigeria
Bush should be encouraged to win the war. Afterall it was Clinton that ignored the terrorists hence it incubated and ultimately hatched,

Fred Kenya.
No! He shouldnt be impeached, it's too late, many innocent people have died. It makes no sense! He should spend the rest of his time repenting God & Iraqis

Emmnu, Lagos Nigeria
This war is not America's war, Bush is fighting for all of us. Terror anywhere must be defeated.

Michael Stanley-Monrovia
Kids must be guided to distinguish between right and wrong. Restrictions are part of this guidance. Its our responsibility.

Why don't you guys leave Bush Alone and give him more time to let those killers know that we will give more power to Bush.

What do you people mean 'provocative' because the religious symbol is just meant to bring people together. Some people who make big fuss out of nothing.

C Domician Dar Tanzania
Students should put on undifferentiated uniforms, and only express religious affilitions when out of classes!

Ellen from Siena, Italy
These Muslim girls in Great Britian - can they spell? Can they do sums? Can they find Paraguay on a map? That's what schools should worry about!

Ansumana Abdulai, The Gambia

Do i hear impeachment? Are you out of your mind Americans? The so called TERRORISTs are afraid of Bush.They are just waiting for Bush to quit and then punish you the Americans, including the whole world with the latest and never to be forgotten deadly attack. Mr.Bush, keep it up.

Muhammed in Ghana
BUSH is a criminal quilty of all crimes. He must be arrested by the I.C C and the i.c.c

Baboucarr in The Gambia.
America used to be one of the most respected countries in the world. George Bush should be Impeached for lying and creating war and should also face the international war crimes tribunal 4 jenoside.

Buba in Belgium
I've followed U S politics since Kenedy got shot. Bush is the worst president ever ever.

Just think of the message impeachment will send all over the world. It will restore Americas credibility.

Yusuf from Nigeria
I believe Bush should be impeached because he is a Fanatic who doesn't believe in deplomacy.

Wanala G., Uganda
Impeach the president. He lied to the whole world on wepons of mass destrction in Iraq..

Keikura Braima, Kampala, Uganda
There is on difference between G. W Bush and Chief Norman in Sierra Leone who also fought terrorism by fighting the RUF. If Norman can b tried 4 war crimes why not Bush who lied 2 the world and committed war crimes.
Jamraray, Sierra Leone
George Bush must not only be impeached, but must also be tried for crimes against humanity either in The U.S or at the Heague.

Ashlee Jamaica
Bush should be impeached because he is dangerous for the world


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