On air at 1800GMT: #eG8, the Internet and us

This topic was discussed on World Have Your Say on 24 May 2011. Listen to the programme.
President Sarkozy is hosting a major two day conference about the internet. It's called e-G8, which many of you will know as it was already trending as a subject before it began. We're putting together a four person panel of our own to chew over some of the same issues facing the delegates at the conference. And as reaction to what's being said in France evolves online, we'll let that filter into .
Five areas that are already featuring are:
REGULATION: Is it possible or desirable to regulate the net?
NET NEUTRALITY: Is it important? Can it be protected?
PERSONAL INFORMATION: Are we too willing to share info about ourselves? Are there better ways that companies and websites can protect the information we give them?
FREEDOM OF SPEECH: Is the net a place where what we say should not and cannot be restricted? Or do the same legal and moral rules apply? Is the net different to the other places where we express ourselves?
CHILDREN: How do we allow children to enjoy and benefit from the net while protecting them? What's the priority in this area at the moment?