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Bankers, MPs, journalists: the question why

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Robin Lustig | 17:48 UK time, Friday, 15 July 2011

What is it, do you think, about (some) bankers, (some) MPs, and (some) News of the World journalists?

What was going on inside their heads when they behaved so appallingly that - when the rest of us discovered what they were up to - the institutions for which they worked teetered and shuddered under almost unbearable strain? (In the case of the News of the World, of course, the strain really was unbearable.)

Did the bankers really think there was nothing wrong with investing billions they didn't have in financial products they didn't understand?

Did the MPs really think it was fine to claim money back from tax-payers for expenses they either hadn't incurred or which clearly had nothing to do with their jobs?

Did the NoW journalists really not pause, even for a moment, to wonder if maybe hacking into people's voicemail messages was not something they were perfectly entitled to do?

And while I'm at it, did Scotland Yard really think it was a good idea to hire a former senior NoW editorial executive as a PR adviser even while they were supposedly investigating allegations of illegal phone message hacking - by the News of the World?

We all have different ways of judging what we regard as ethical or moral behaviour. But I suspect there aren't many people around who see nothing wrong with the way these various bankers, MPs, and journalists have behaved.

Me? I try to apply the Private Eye test: how would I feel if my actions were to be published in the next issue of that satirical organ of investigative reporting and lampoonery? If the very thought brings me out in a cold sweat, I quickly deem the proposed actions inappropriate.

If the bankers, MPs and journalists had done the same, we may well all have been spared a huge amount of trouble.

But of course it goes deeper than that. If bankers had been more open about how much they were lending to whom, and on what terms, maybe someone, somewhere would have sounded an alarm bell.

If MPs had been obliged to publish their expenses claims, as they are now, maybe some of them would have thought twice or even three times about the claims they submitted.

And if the News of the World had published at the bottom of each relevant article: "The information reported in this story was obtained by hacking into the voicemail messages of person X", well, maybe, they wouldn't have.

So, much as I hate the use of the word in this context, the secret seems to be more transparency - openness, if you prefer.

The more we know about why and how people in positions of power or influence take the decisions they do, the more able we are to let them know when we think they're going off the rails.

And if you think we've been making a bit too much of all this phone-hacking stuff, consider this.

A democratic, capitalist society requires several sound and stable institutions to ensure that it serves the interests of the most people possible. It requires basic freedoms, including the freedom of an unfettered press which afflicts only the comfortable and comforts only the afflicted; it also needs a parliamentary system in which politicians govern with the fully informed consent of those whom they govern.

Plus, a system of finance which offers fair dealing, stability and prosperity; and a police service to deliver peace and harmony without fear or favour.

It's beginning to look as if on each of those considerations, Britain has been falling well short of what its citizens are entitled to expect. And the reasons, perhaps, in just a few words: arrogance, secrecy, and greed. If we can chip away at the secrecy (as a journalist, I would say that, wouldn't I?), we might be better able to discern whatever arrogance and greed remain.

Meanwhile, the financial storm clouds are gathering again. President Obama could be heading for a major budgetary crisis - and unless it is averted at the 11th hour, which it may well be, the global markets are likely to tumble headlong in panic.

Oh yes, and Italy is heading for trouble too. The markets have woken up to its shaky economic prospects and vast public debt, and the respected Italian finance minister Giulio Tremonti is embroiled in a major domestic political row.

He has warned his compatriots in stark terms of the likely consequences if he is forced from office. "If I fall, Italy falls. And if Italy falls, so does the euro."

So I suspect we're in for a long, hot summer. (And no, that's not a weather forecast.) Next Tuesday, for sure, will be a scorcher: Scotland Yard commissioner Sir Paul Stephenson, Rupert and James Murdoch, and Rebekah Brooks (now the ex-chief executive of News International), will all be giving evidence to parliamentary select committees on the same day. You can be sure the MPs on those committees will not want to miss the opportunity to show what they're made of.


  • Comment number 1.

    "We're going to hell in a handcart. You couldn't make it up."

    © Richard Littlejohn

  • Comment number 2.

    And regrettably, we the great British public have not exercised opurselves sufficiently over any of these issues.

    It is still a matter of deep disgust to me that we have allowed bankers to receive bonuses whilst good, hardworking folk are losings their jobs and livelihoods.

    We need the Arab Spring right here and now, and for politicians to start delivering what the people of this country want of them which is no more than fairness for all.

  • Comment number 3.

    "A democratic, capitalist society requires several sound and stable institutions to ensure that it serves the interests of the most people possible."

    Democratic, capitalist? Isn't that an oxymoron?

  • Comment number 4.

    Did the bankers really think there was nothing wrong with investing billions they didn't have in financial products they didn't understand?
    No, they knew it was wrong. They knew the affect of derivatives, especially bundled, and essentially worthless. They knew because they then made it worse by betting against the deceived, betting on failure, as with the sovereign debt on most European countries. This is why I have been crying for an audit - not stress tests - but a full audit to pull these nefarious products off the EU balance sheets, potentially opt for Court action, and charge-back of these worthless products to the seller. Did you know there are more derivatives in the world than the world's entire GDP? This is not possible! If this is not a crime against humanity - the suffering, the austerity, the anxiety that has resulted - what would be?

  • Comment number 5.

    Did Parliamentarians really think it was fine to claim money back from tax-payers for expenses they either hadn't incurred or which clearly had nothing to do with their jobs?
    No, they knew it was wrong, but if the auditing system was poorly designed not to detect wrong-doing, why not? This is where honour enters the picture, character, goodwill, remembering that you are a servant of the people. No one caught cheating should ever be re-elected, unless s/he provides full compensation, demonstrates true remorse, and swears in writing never to do it again at the cost of his/her job. I believe redemption is possible, certainly temptation exists, but it's the old adage: do it once, shame on you; do it twice shame on me, the public.

  • Comment number 6.

    Did the NoW journalists really not pause, even for a moment, to wonder if maybe hacking into people's voicemail messages was not something they were perfectly entitled to do?
    These hackers remind me of the persons who say, but I was only following orders.
    It must be hard to try & compete with those who hack, when you do not hack. I'm glad this whole situation has come to light because I believe it will do tremendous good to the world of honourable, vetted journalism, starting with a level playing field.

  • Comment number 7.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 8.

    I accept your test; I practice your test: How would I feel if my actions were to be outed?If the very thought brings me out in a cold sweat, I quickly deem the proposed actions inappropriate.
    However, some people have no conscience; there are psychopaths among us; they usually do quite well in business because they are cut-throat. It's all about them, their profits, their greed. They have no capacity to ask themselves the questions that you and I would ask ourselves. You find many of these psychopathic personalities in powerful, positions whether it be: bankers, MPs, journalists, or politicians. This is one of the very important reasons that regulations are necessary - to help the business psychopath to behave himself.

  • Comment number 9.

    As for banking nefariousness, who could sound the alarm bell? Who among the general public understood "prime" or derivatives or CDS? Only the good-old boys at the top knew what they were doing, and I think all of them belong behind bars - after their companies are charged back with illegal, accounting products.
    So, much as I hate the use of the word in this context, the secret seems to be more transparency - openness, if you prefer. But more so an understanding of the white-collar crime that has landed on the taxpayers. The courage to go against some very powerful people, and the confidence to trust that the Courts will do the same.
    It's beginning to look as if on each of those considerations, Britain has been falling well short of what its citizens are entitled to expect...and the United States, especially the United States.

  • Comment number 10.


    Simpler than that - people are going to get prosecuted over this media scandal for behaving unlawfully.
    How many ministers behaved unlawfully in the expenses scandal?
    How many were prosecuted, a token 2 or 3?
    If I lied on an insurance application it would be called FRAUD I would without a doubt loose my job and be prosecuted (probably prison).
    Let's get it right this is the impunity order:


    and then are us ordinary people who pay our taxes and go to prison when we're really naughty.

  • Comment number 11.

    When countries become corrupt politically, it tends to permeate the entire society. All the big boys, government, bankers/investors/news were all enjoying the lust of the 90's, no matter how corrupt. the game is over and the residue begins to collect. Nothing new, has happened many times. When there is a great imbalance in things...things go bad. The real criminals always escape..as they have done again.
    Processes that begin with lies can not tell the truth.

  • Comment number 12.

    Robin says "Britain has been falling well short of what its citizens are entitled to expect" {of bankers, politicians and journalists}.

    Just a tiny point, but as the bankers, politicians and jounalists who have been 'falling short' are predominantly located in and mostly influence England, then it follows that it is the citizens of England who are being short-changed by these cohorts.

    Actually, it is not such a tiny point and when the people living in England finally wake up and reassert their own political identity, then we English will be back on the straight and narrow.


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