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War with Iraq
I think that if a country disobeys the self-styled UN council, it
should be blown to bits. It's much more fun than taking the weapons
out by lorry, and makes the 'defense' industry a fortune. Colin.
As another side benefit you get to control another country, wipe
out hundreds of thousands of gentiles and look at all that lovely
oil. Western interests aren't spread around the world by accident,
it requires hard work, dedication and an unswerving commitment to
lying, cheating and killing. Graham, Cambridge
Re: Asylum seekers
come from Glasgow and I think it is a disgrace that ayslum seekers
have taken over Glasgow and why should they come into our country
and get house and money most of the people have travelled across
europe to get here..why is that? because Britian is too soft. it
is time it stopped before people do take the law into their own
hands. David , Scotland
Re: War threat
Why don't the peolpe of this country wake up! We are going to war.
The warships have been sent, the soldiers are being sent, the aircrafts
are being sent, just for the fun of it. Mr blair and Mr Bush are
intent on war. They do not care about the ordinary person, they
are as bad as the First World War generals sending the troops over
the top of the trenches to be slaughtered! Every war that has taken
place has ended with people sitting around a table and discussing
peace terms, why don't we do this before people get killed.It will
not be Mr Blair or Mr Bush that go to war but our young men and
women who have their whole lives ahead of them. If Mr Blair and
Mr Bush want to fight let them be in the front line, but that will
never happen. How dare mr Blair declare war on anyone without a
mandate from parliament, he does not have my vote and he never will.
How dare he say he speaks for Britain when only 25% voted for him
and I am sure most of those people are regreting that now. Stop
this insanity before it starts, it is people lives you are dealing
with not statistics Roland Fry, Ramsey Merside UK
I think you've missed the point on Cambridge car parking charges.
If Cambridge want to deter motorists that's fine although I should
have thought the Chamber of Commerce should wake up and also they
should lower charges for disabled drivers. The really iniquitous
charge is in the evening and is sheer greed at 拢2. There is no congestion
in the evening and it must adversely affect the Arts theatre and
other entertainments. The Council spokesmann said it has no effect
on shops closing. Where has he been for the last 20 years as all
the good shops have gone! Personally we shop in Newmarket, Saffron
Walden, Burt St Edmunds and Peterborough. whenever possible Jerry
Hathorn Mr G.(Jerry) S.Hathorn, Sawston
of the 拢 3.2 has been wasted by installing traffic lights and pelican
crossings close to roundabouts all over the city. Roundabouts are
meant and indeed do keep traffic flowing at junctions. Placing pelican
crossings on the roads adjacent to the roundabouts clogs up the
roundabout and defeats the object. I am sure the City Council bought
up a " job lot " of traffic lights about a year ago and have been
erecting them all over the city without thought regarding the consequences.
How many traffic lights are there on East Road between the Newmarket
Road Junction and the Catholic Church on Hills Road ? Think of the
polution with all that traffic continually stopping and starting.
Think of the fire appliances leaving Parkside and trying to negotiate
this kind of dense, near stationary traffic. Oh, one other waste
of money which occurs to me. The pedestrian crossing installed at
the bottom end of Barnwell Road about 5 months ago. As I use this
road several times every day, I was amazed to actually see a man
wheeling his bike across it yesterday. A FIRST ! K G Steere, Cambridge
AMP Pearl job cuts
just one lot of redundencies after another at the moment. Are we
heading for a recession in this country? I would hate to l9ose my
job just before christmas. Geoff, Peterborough
Firemans Strike
My uncle is a fireman. he is given a house by the firestation for
which he pays reduced rent. he works four days and 3 nights a week.
During the nights because he lives in the firemans complex around
the firestation he can go home and sleep with a bleeper. If he wants
to he can stay at home all day and just go in when the alert sounds.
if he wanted 2 he could get another job such as a painter or decorator,
and many of his friends do. he was the only fireman in derbyshire
not to go on strike so all his friends took the mick out of him
and sent him to coventry. he sent all the money he earned during
the strikes 2 charity, but all his old friends refuse 2 speak to
him for being strong and doing the right thing. I think it takes
far more courage to stand up to your and be ridiculed by your friends
than it takes to go into a building, which he has been trained 2
do and he says he hardly ever has to do: its all cutting people
out of cars on the M1. Far more travelling salesmen get killed on
the M25 every year than a fireman gets killed in 10 years. Laura, Colchester
belive that this whole animal testing topic has some merit. It is
true that there are test out there that are extremly cruel and have
no real purpouse, (LD50) but there are some that can have extreme
value. Take stem cell cloning. they take rats with broken backs
and test new ways in wich they can grow back the severd nerve. This
has already shown movment in the rats hind limbs. Don't you think
that it is okay for the rat to be tested on, So some people may
walk again some day? Any one who says that a humans life isn't as
valuable as an animals is insaine. God made us like we are. Any
one who says animals should have the same rights as human, should
ask themselves this, Doesn't animal equality imply that human should
undergo the same tests? Anyone who says yes, should be first in
line when the sign up list is posted. So seriously, I belive that
the goverment shold crack down on this, find a sulution, And then
start doing somthing more productive, like helping the needy. Call me fred, Alaska. USA
RE: Firemans Strike
It is clear that Mr Gilchrist is now showing his true colours and
his true agenda. The firefighters are just being used as pawns.
Shame on you Mr Gilchrist Jan Ertner, Cambs (and Denmark!)
Why does everyone keep going on about the dangers of being a fireman,
after all is it not this aspect of the job which attracts them in
the first place? Research has shown that out of the top 30 most
dangerous jobs, firemen come in at 23rd. Joe, Cambridge
I was
told at a very early age you either do a job you love or a job that
pays well only a very few can have both. Perhaps the firemen ought
to think about a career change. Can anyone explain how 20K a year
works out at 拢6 an hour for a 48 hour week.? Gary, Huntingdon
re: Firefighters Strike. Would people care to look at the Cambridgeshire
Fire & Rescue web site.ref vacancies/firefighter job description peter, Manea
Just a short note re the Fire-fighters, why not pay them "Danger-Money"
as a rise, would'nt that settle it. I'm behind them a 100% Pat Hewitt, Pitsea Essex
Re Firemans strike: Isnt it a sad reflection that men are paid 30,40,拢50,000
per week to kick a ball around a pitch and yet we only pay 20,000
to men prepared to risk it all? Maybe some of these premiership
footie sides should sponser our firefighters!! sonia, hardwick
I am afraid that the fireman think that all of those car hoots are
for them but in reality its the great British public who are fed
up with this goverment and are simply through the firemans action
applauding someone who is giving the present govt grief. But good
luck anyway but please keep your feet on the ground and be realistic
about how much you can expect to get. I have striked in the past
myself and somehow never recovered all that I lost and that includes
pensionable sevice, did you know that every day that you strike
is knocked of your sevice, it may not matter know if you are young
but later on it will. Good luck John Taylor John Taylor, Lancing England
The fire service should all be sacked. Their posts should then be
advertised in the local press. There all lazy good for nothing part
time painter and decorators.
RE: firemans strike i think the fireman should get more money ive
read all these people saying they have greast working conditoins
and everythin but they dont sou call a chemical spill a great working
enviroment how about a factorey fire or a airplane fire they are
great working inviroments are they how about a RTA they see some
people die everyday if they can save them they risk their lives
to save you and if u dont support them what gives u the right to
sdya they dont need no more money will you be saying that when your
house is on fire and they save or if you are in road trafic accident
will u then be saying i dont think they need anymore money when
you see what they have to basically i think they deserve their pay
rise for risking their lives everyday to keep you safe and if u
dotn well you are all bloddy mad alexander Barnett , Gloucestershire
Re the fire strike how can the firemen say they are only on 6 pound
an hour when they get 21500 a year yet im on 8 pound an hour and
work a 45 hour week and still only manage to earn 17000 before tax
something does not add up James, Royston
I don't support the firefighter's strike. I'm sorry yeah they probably
deserve more money but doesn't every one. Peter from Manea you say
try spending 24 hours on a busy fire station. Well my dad is a psychiatric
nurse who is on call for one week every month without getting paid
any extra and the phone goes at home every night and wakes my whole
family. My dad works double shifts nearly every day and my mum has
a day job and also does about 3 nights a week as a bank nurse. With
all this I can assure you they are both earning less than fire fighters.
My parents work hard to support me and my sister and they would
like more money too but they're not putting people's lives at risk
by striking. Firefighters jobs are nowhere near the most dangerous
in the world. My grandad worked a builder for 20 years and fell
from scalfolding and broke many bones a few times and my friends
dad broke his neck while working in the building! trade. Builders
jobs are much more dangerous than that of a firefighters and just
like alll jobs they do a valuble job for society. But do they get
paid anywhere near that of fire fighters? I don't think so!! There
are plenty of people who want jobs as fire fighters. In fact for
every job there are on average 20 applicants and with only 16 weeks
initial training like my dad said 'I'd love to have only done 16
weeks initial training and get paid what they are paid. If the fire
fighters won't do there jobs for what they're paid then I'm sure
their are plenty of others who are willing to do it. Mya, england
re: firebrigade srike. I work for the Ambulance service as a Paramedic
ihave done this job for 10 years my pay is just 19,800 i have to
do over time. they talk about all the trauma of road traffic accidents
and the stress. 9times out of 10 we the ambulance service are first
on scene we deal with the patient support them,keep them alive takethem
to hospital then straight on the next job could be go to a drunk
with a broken bottle, a little old lady who has fallen and needs
some help, but who are the ambulance service, the forgotten service
that who what about a pay rise for us dave , ely
Re Firefighters Strike. I served 21 years full time I went on strike
in 1977 for a better wage now that wage has been eroded its time
to bring the fire service up to date. Meals - firefighters do not
get free meals - sleeping try sleeping with a bell ringing 2 or
3 times a night - pensions I paid 12% of my wages to the pension
fund every month I retired at 55 because at that age one is to old
to keep up with the difficult and strenuous job that has to be done.
maybe Doug of Cambridge should spend 24 hours on a busy fire station. Peter, manea
Hopefully when the firemans strike is settled and over the papers
will continue to keep us informed as to our many people are dying
each day as the result of fires,road accidents,and other incidents
that require the assistance of the Fire and Rescue service. It seems
to me to be a cheap way of playing with peoples feelings. john, huntingdon
Firemen should look at what most average people earn then realise
there not so bad off after all. They get a good wage a very good
pension and great working conditions. Not to mention that only a
small part of there working day is spent working. If they had to
find another job then they would see how much normal people earn
and have to live on. If they cant survive on 21500 then there very
sad indeed. I say to all fire personel take a good look at what
you get ie great pension retire after 30 years on site canteen payed
meals on duty ect. Like many id love to be a firefighter and failed
only because of my eyesight give real people who want to do the
job a chance and if the rest are more intreasted in the money lets
see how far they get in the real world. Firemen and women please
look at what you have not what you want if its money you want go
find a new job if its people ypu want to help then be gratfull your
in a job you love. there are 40 people waiting to fill each firefighters
job i say give them a chance and sack the rest lets see what they
earn then. You all get more than most think about it when your next
eating your free meal on duty and getting in your warm bunk for
night whilst being paid. YOU WANT MORE MONEY THEN GO GET ANOTHER
Firefighters Strike. Is anyone else wondering why it is not possible
to postpone the strikes while talks are held? A few weeks delay
won't make much difference and it would show that the firefighters
are prepared to negotiate. Or could it be that Andy Gilchrist is
too focussed upon making a name for himself as a great trade unionist?
We've seen this before. Scargill. The man thought he was bigger
than his cause. Firefighters have already lost my respect. All that
can happen now is more deaths due to inadequate fire cover. Jon King, Cambs
Stop paying the petty idiots in parliment, and start paying the
people who add value to our country by providing a vital service. Nick, UK
How do the dangers and risks of injury and death compare with other
dangerous jobs like miners, fishermen, and agricultural workers?
How does their training compare with other professions? If they
get their 40% or a large increase where will the money come from?
Will it mean less for education, social services and pensioners?
I should add that I have great sympathy for the firemen. don Bloom, cambridge
Eight pounds fifty an hour is all they are asking for! How much
do you pay to have your car serviced! I know who deserves our support.
Firefighters are putting their lives on the line every time they
report for duty. It,s about time we supported them. Laura, Peterborough
The Green Goddess fire engines are too old for the work they have
to do. Every one that I have seen on the news has had water dripping
out of the back. The red engines need to be used, as the government
is discussing. There is one question though, why have the goddesses
not been replaced. The goivernment could have bought the old engines
that the fire brigade have decommissioned over the years to replace
the goddesses, at least they would have been better equiped, with
a larger water tank and probably higher pressure hoses. Neil
hi my dad isa firefighter and he puts he life at risk everyday for
people he doesnt even know.He has a family wife,son and me and we
appreciate what he does.he is a retained fireman,and he doesnt want
to go on strike because they will put lives at risk. he was telling
me about 1977 that his station didnt go on strike because of all
the people dieing, and the station was called alsorts of names for
saving lives!!! so he is stuck in the middle and if anything he
will lose money from not going to work.people say get a different
job but he LOVES his job but is thinking of giving it all up after
10 years.,but he has to ,to support hes team.only the full-time
fireman get the 拢30,000 a year.My dad tryed to applie for a full-time
about a year ago and you have to go through all sorts of things
e.g. you have to pass your health and fittness,medicle and eye-sight
(theres alot more but i dont know what)but my dad passed every!
th! ing 101% except 1 thing his eyes sight by 1% (belive me he was
very upset as that was his dream) so u can see what they have to
do before they put their lives at risk.do you agree that that they
should have extra money (im not saying 40%)?i hope you people agree
with me. fire-fighters daughter
RE: the firemans Strike. I live very close to a firestation and
took the opportunity to go and talk to the firemen on the picket
line. They are ordinary blokes who do a job that regularly put their
lives in danger to save others. As a public servant myself I am
earning a similar salary to the fireman to do nothing more dangerous
that man a computer and manage a few staff. I have a policeman and
a nurse in my family and along with the Firemen I think it is appalling
how little their pay is in comparisom with other jobs, including
my own. I have been a pay negotiator( Trade union) in my time and
I know that both sides will be putting their own slant on the offer
when talking to the press, but don't give these brave lads and lasses
a hard time they have not taken this action lightly. It has probably
cost more to cover the strike than the cost of offering more money
to the FBU, I realise public sector pay comes out of tax ( local
and national ), but is about time that the service that public sector
workers offers was appreciated more, whether they have to be professionally
qulaified or not. I hope that in the coming days the negotiations
will make some progress and that the next strike will not be necessary.
Pippa Botley, Peterborough
Fireman's Strike, It is a shame that the firemen feel the need to
strike The goverment have no idea what a fireman has to do if they
did then there would be no strike in fact the firemen police and
the nurse would be a lot more than they are now. The goverments
are rubbish, and never listen to the people. Clint Bradley, ELY
I am not a fireman, but hearing of comparisons of them, to police
and nurses is rediculous.Whilst police and nurses are of immence
importance to the community, a fire-fighter's job is far more dangerous.
A wrong decision can put their colleague's lives on the line. Tony
Blair has given himself and MPs enormous pay increases, and yet
they blather on about keeping pay rises in common with such things
as inflation! This country would be far better off with a government,
(I don't know who), which did what the people of this country wanted,
instead of shining other governments shoes! With all the billion
of pounds wasted by this government, and those before them, decent
wages could be paid for ALL our services that deserve them. Peter Allchin, Stoke on Trent/England
The firemans strike rings 'familiar bells' of my time as a midwife
with 20 years experience under my belt. We chose not to adopt strike
action in the early 90's but were then subjected to the degrading
and humiliating clinical grading exercise costing the government
an absolute fortune. Those of us on higher grades were then bullied
and intimidated into taking on larger case loads and larger areas,
some unpaid, questionning the safety of the service we were able
to offer. At meetings we were told if we didn't like the heat in
the kitchen we knew what we could do as there were plenty of others
waiting to jump into our shoes! Many of us had had enough and the
intimidation and bullying affected work performance and personal
lives very badly, so voted with our feet and left the profession
completely. Yes, if you're not happy with pay and particularly working
conditions get out but public don't be fooled. There are plenty
of would be firemen waiting to jump into their shoes but it takes
years of practice to accummulate experience. Joan, Norwich, Norfolk England
should get more pay, like all of us!, but they are a public service
and they are not being responsible lives are at stake. mike, cambridge
the firefighters do deserve a pay rise, however I wonder how the
average soldiers pay compares to that of the firefighters? Perhaps
as it is always the services whom we rely on THEY should have the
40% rise!! Rob Beeston, Kettering Northants
My father was a Fireman he would not strike, although they put their
lives on the line they are giving a service, which is why they joined
in the first place. Do they realise that their are people in the
working environment that also do worthwhile jobs who are not paid
as well as they are. Take the 4 per cent and keep negotiating and
strike and put peoples lives on the line. Pat Johnson, Huntingdon
Isn't it time people stopped taking the public sector for granted.
Alot of the things that make the UK what it is are things that run
on the good will of those in the jobs. Yes, the public sector have
shift patterns, But if we all walked out exactly on time what would
happen to the fire out of control, the patient on the bedpan, the
young child who hasn,t been collected from school. Isn,t it time
to start appreciating those things which we take for granted? I
support the public sector in there cry for a pay settlement which
reflects their dedication, and leads to a professional stanard of
living!!! hedgehogkay2, cambridge, uk
From your programme this morning I was dismayed to hear that the
Military are being 'prevented' from using the civilian fire equipment.
Why is this. There must be military crews able to use this kit,
every airfield and airport in the country has a fire crew. Why should
we be held to ransom. I do not agree with strikes - you should never
give in to bullies. Colin. PS - as an ex Civil Servant I never went on strike-I
crossed picket lines to get to work.
An open letter to the firefighters
I am sympathetic to your pay situation but you should go back to
work. There are three resolutions to this strike. 1. Negotiation
and agreement. 2. A sufficient number of people die that the government
yield to your demands. 3. A sufficient number of people die that
you go back to work. Which do you want? Public opinion is against
you. The 麻豆官网首页入口 news site shows a survey of 55000 people with 65% against
a strike. 麻豆官网首页入口1's Look East did a phone survey: 60% against the strike.
You cannot win if you don't have public opinion. In fact, you can't
win at all. All you can do is trade lives for money and try to live
with yourselves. Remember, Fire fighters are not 9 to 5 workers
who graft to make their employers richer. Fire fighters are professionals
who provide an essential service. The clock is ticking and it won't
be too long before a child dies and the press leap upon the event.
Can you live in your community after that? jon king, Cambs
I agree that firefighters should get a good wage, but not the figures
they are asking 11% over two years is more than most will receive.
As key public servants they should not be allowed by law to strike
and their engines should be made available to the armed forces.
It is the public afterall who have paid for them NOT the firemen!
Jules Evans, Cambridge
If the firemen are not satisfied with a realistic wage surely they
should be looking for another job with a higher salary. I am sure
there lots of others to take their place. Pat, Cambridge
remember that Firefighters put their lives on the line more so than
any other branch of the emergency or caring services. No other service
will enter a burning building in danger of collapse to rescue someone.
Firefighters ARE qualified and have to undertake rigerous training.
拢30,000 hardly seems enough for what they do. (I am not a firefighter
and have never had to be rescued by them but I am grateful every
day that they are there if I ever need them!) Rob Baldwin, Cambs
shouldn't the firefighters get a payrise? These men and women do
put their lives on the line everyday of the week. Some people seem
to think that they spend all their time sleeping and damping down.
Another comment made was that they don't need any training. If this
is the case then why is everyone complaining about them going on
strike. The Armed Forces have no training, they are capable of sleeping
and any fool can pour a bit of water onto a smouldering plank so
therefore the Armed Forces should be able to do just as good a job
as the firemen. If only that were true. Perhaps if some of these
people that make these stupid comments were put into a position
where they had to go into a burning building to rescue a person
then after the experience perhaps they would realise just how dangerous
a job these firefighters have. I have been into a building to rescue
someone and I would not like to have to do it again. These people
are doing it everyday of the week and I say good luck to them. Striking
is a heavy way to go about getting what you want but what alternative.
I am sure that if a compromise could be reached then the firefighters
of this country would take it rather than go on strike. These people
are dedicated proffesionals and should be treated and payed as such. Gary Simms, Cambridge
What do "firefighters" actually do? ........All they seem to do
is "damp down" and sleep on night shift. Discuss. Joe Bloggs
Firefighters deserve more pay but not 拢30,000. Firefighters are
not qualified and do not need to go to college like nurses. Nurses
have to go to University for 3 years to qualify and at the end of
it they get paid 拢14,500 per annum. Do you think this is just and
Geoffrey Bain(student nurse)
Ex London firefighter Mr Greens letter to the Cambridge Evening
News should send a warning to us ALL about the seriousness of the
Firefighters strike. Do firefighters themselves have mothers, fathers,
wives, husbands, sons and daughters? Do they live in homes that
could catch fire or travel on our congested roads? As an ex firefighter
himself, Mr Green's own daughter had to be rescued only two weeks
ago by these valued and brave emergency services.Who do the striking
firefighters think will come and cut out THEIR loved ones from road
traffic accidents or do they think they will call on a few mates
on strike to do them a special favour? I call on you good people
who are firefighters to get your representatives to SORT IT! Lizzie, UK
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