
Seven times DIY was better than buy-buy-buy

There’s loads of pressure these days to spend money and buy new things – but sometimes doing it yourself is way more fun.

1. That time your best mate made you a birthday card

It was THE BEST – and frankly, where were they going to buy a card with a picture of a ninja owl on it? (It’s a private joke, other people just wouldn’t understand.)

2. Home-made pizza!

Because the supermarket doesn’t sell one with your favourite combo of pineapple, pesto and fish-fingers. No really, it’s delicious!

3. When your fashion-sense was WAY ahead of the curve

Nobody else has customised their old trainers with zebra-print, cartoon cats and silver laces – why? Because YOU thought of it first.

4. That time you drew your own comic

Stories are more fun when you get to decide what happens and create all the characters yourself (you *might* even have put a superhero version of yourself in…)

5. Your school charity bake sale

Nobody wants to buy the perfect-looking shop muffins – they want to buy your misshapen chocolate and banana explosions, because a messy bake is a tasty bake. And it’s all for a good cause!

6. When you gave your granny a present and made her cry with happiness

All it took was a photo of the two of you together.

7. That time you and your mates had a craft afternoon that went wrong

OK, so the project was a disaster and you ended up getting COVERED in glitter glue – but it was the BEST LAUGH EVER.

Have you ever made or done something which has turned out way better than what you could buy?

Tell us about it below!

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