
Seven ways to get fit without realising it!

Not the sporty type? Don’t worry – exercise doesn’t have to mean getting into a leotard. You can get fit in loads of ways!

1. Do your dance

Put your favourite music on and go nuts! You’ve got some great moves!

2. Go retro

How did people entertain themselves in the days before mobiles and consoles? With old-school fun like hula-hooping – seriously, give it a go!

3. Step up

Regularly taking the stairs instead of the lift is a simple way to boost your fitness.

4. Walk the dog

Dogs have so much energy – they could walk for hours and love every minute. If you don’t have one, you could always go out for a walk with a friend instead (but don’t throw sticks for them).

5. Get stuck into those chores

OK, so tidying your room or hanging up the washing isn’t the most fun ever – but it needs to be done, so you might as well use it as a way to get up and moving.

6. Go for a ride

Cycling is not only a great way to get fit – it’s also really handy for getting you where you need to be!

7. Make a stand

When you’re doing something ordinary like chatting on the phone, watching TV or reading a book think ‘could I do this standing up?’

Do you have any sneaky tips for getting more active?

Let us know below!

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