
Lola's Spanish Empanada

Help your child make Lola's tasty Spanish empanadas with this quick and simple recipe. Serves 4 - 6.

You will need
  • 1 egg for glazing
  • 2 x 220g balls of frozen pizza dough, defrosted
  • 180ml Sofrito Passata (plain passata is fine)
  • 1 dessertspoon (dsp) tomato puree
  • 110g tin tuna in oil – drained and mashed
  • 8 green pitted olives (no stones)
  • ¼ tsp paprika
  • 5 twists black pepper
  • 4g fresh oregano
  • 1 boiled egg, peeled


For allergens, see ingredients in bold.

  1. Crack an egg into a mug, whisk with a fork and set aside. Wipe hands

  2. Sprinkle a clean surface with flour and roll out one of the balls of dough into a round that is slightly bigger than a 23cm spring form cake tin. Keep turning the dough to help keep the circle shape. Use the empty tin to check the size

  3. Drop the circle of dough into the bottom of oiled and lined tin then. Brush the surface of the dough with some beaten egg and lift onto a baking sheet then ask an adult to put into the oven for you at 170°C for 10 – 15 minutes till cooked

  4. Roll out the second ball the same way and put to one side on a plate covered with a clean tea towel

  5. Into a bowl of 180ml of sofrito passata measure in 1 dsp tomato puree from the tube

  6. The add the mashed tuna and tear the green olives into the bowl

  7. Add in the paprika and 5 twists of black pepper, then pull the leaves off the oregano and add to the mixture too

  8. Break up the boiled egg and add the chunks to the filling mixture. Stir everything well

  9. Check the second circle of dough is still slightly bigger than the tin (they shrink back a little)

  10. Spread the filling over the cooked and cooled base of the empanada using the back of a spoon, leaving a border of about 2cm around the outside

  11. Then carefully lay the second dough circle on top, pushing and pinching all around the outside with your fingertips to seal the layers together

  12. Brush the surface of the dough with the egg then ask an adult to put it back into the oven for 40 minutes

  13. Allow to cool then slice and serve

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