
Seaweed Radio – Talk Like A Pirate

Seaweed Radio distracts Cook and Line from the to-do list Captain Captain has given them. Join in with Cook and Line by singing and dancing along to the Swashbuckle Salute. You could even talk like a pirate, ahoy!

Play a game of 'Talk Like A Pirate'

Are you ready to talk like a pirate?! Repeat the pirate phrases in your best pirate voice!

"batten down the hatches"

"thar she blows"

"avast ye"

"shiver me timbers"

Did you speak Super Awesome Pirate, just like Cook and Line?

Create your own pirate name!

Cook (AKA DJ Cooky-Cook) and Line (AKA MC Line-O) have their Swashbuckle pirate names, but would you like to have one too? You can find out what your pirate name is here.

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