Real-life tragedy: The original transmission of this episode was famously delayed because of a tragic real-life shooting incident at the Littleton High School in Colorado. Subsequently this episode has been placed where it was originally to air, between Enemies and Choices.
Telepathic telekinesis: People with psychic abilities are a science fiction staple, and the subject has frequently been explored in movies, TV series and novels. Most, like Carrie, are revenge dramas that deal with telekinesis, (the ability to remotely manipulate objects), or, like The Dead Zone, focus on characters who can predict the future. Very few movies have concentrated on the subject of telepathy.
Mind games: A couple of movies have used telepathic powers to transmit thoughts into others, as in Dreamscape (1983), The Sender (1982) and Michael Reeves’ chilling The Sorcerers (1967), but only one about telepathy springs to mind, a 1963 Disney film called The Misadventures of Merlin Jones, about a college student who invents a helmet that enables him to read minds.
Mind reading can get you everywhere: Earshot most closely resembles a 1961 episode of the fantasy story anthology series The Twilight Zone called Penny For Your Thoughts, which starred Dick York, (three years before starring in Bewitched), as a meek bank clerk who suddenly discovers that he can read minds, and uses his new skills for career advancement. For a more light-hearted depiction of telepathy in the movies, check out the opening scene of Ghostbusters!
Naughtiness in Sunnydale: Buffy finally learns that her mother and Giles had sex - twice! - under the influence of Ethan Rayne’s drugged chocolate, in Band Candy. Previously this had only been implied.