The success of this episode hinges on one simple deception, one that only really works if you buy into Serena Scott Thomas's mannered performance as the haughty Gwendolyn Post, Faith's new Watcher.
Douglas Petrie's script cleverly relies on audience expectations. He guesses that it will have crossed most viewers' mind that Giles' unconventional training methods would sooner or later become of concern to the Watcher's Council. This is an arc idea that will be explored again in later episodes.
The episode gets off to a good start with a good pre-credits cliffhanger and continues nicely with scenes of tension between Giles and Post, and Post and her new protégées. Before very long, we're back on a routine quest for some McGuffin or other, which is being sought by yet another nondescript demon. The mundane begins to infiltrate.
Events get really quite depressing when Buffy's friends round on her for hiding the fact that Angel has returned - "What gives you the right to suck face with your demon lover?" - causing considerable rifts among the gang. The tension even extends to Buffy and Giles, who is obviously disappointed. He expresses his sadness in a speech beautifully delivered by Anthony Stewart Head ("you have no respect for me, or the job I do…")