School's our for Summers
Wanting for nothing...
Whilst the Buffy writing and production staff remain infinitely flexible
in their duties in order to create the best show possible, Doug is keen
to stress that there is a need for firm but friendly control from above.
Well, there is definitely a hierarchy,” he explains. “Everything springs
from Joss and originally Marti Noxon and David Greenwalt were his right
hand man and woman. Then there are the rest of us who all help out.”
"You can't run a show without [the hierarchy] but it also feels like the
funnest after-school club you can imagine."
“So I think the people respect the hierarchy absolutely but it's very
hard to think of your friends as your bosses. And it works incredibly
well, I have to say. I've seen places where it doesn't. I think it's
because the hierarchy is so respected.”
Whatever his place in Joss's great scheme of things, Doug Petrie
certainly feels no inhibitions when it comes to exploring his creativity
as a writer.
“You know, we're running around in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory here.
Inhibition and frustrated desire just aren't issues. We're very happy
here. There's nothing where [we think] ‘I wish I could do that but I'm
not allowed to.’
“Right out of the box I have been given some wonderful opportunities
here,” he enthuses. “To write episodes with Faith, to write dialogue for
Sarah Michelle Gellar. I have been reunited with Michelle Trachtenberg.
I'm wanting for nothing here.”