Farscape | Interviews
Jonathan Hardy
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Jonathan Hardy, the veteran actor of stage and screen behind Rygel's commanding tones, took time to chat with us recently.
Here's what he had to say about Rygel's character, spin-off rumours and problems with eyebrows.
A long career
Tell us about your background and how you joined Farscape.
Rygel the hero
Was working in science fiction a big change for you?
Down to Earth
Rygel seemed particularly at home on Earth.
Rygel the writer
With your screenwriting experience, were you tempted to write a Farscape episode?
Puppet power
Did you try your hand at operating Rygel?
Small world
Was voice work something that interested you before?
An actor's lot
Did the cancellation come as a great shock to you?
Farscape's real future
Is there any truth in the rumour about a mini-series?
Cliff-hanger or closure?
Were you happy with the final storylines of the series?
Top tales
Which were your favourite episodes?
Hard worker
Jonathan tells us about his other projects, past and present.
His Dominar's voice
Would you be able to do a little spot of Rygel for us?
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