Farscape | Interviews
Ricky Manning
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Co-Executive Producer and long-time Farscape writer Ricky Manning agreed to answer questions sent in to us. We passed them all onto him, at his request, and he's had his witty way with them.
Check out the interview for everything you've always wanted to know about Farscape but were afraid to ask.
From Fame to Farscape
Hello, and welcome to "Ask the Froon."
Favourite on Farscape
All about writing for the many and varied characters on Farscape.
Day in the life
Could you give us an idea of what your role as Executive Producer entailed? What was an average day like? Question from K.
From the writer's mouth
Tell us a little about the two episodes you wrote for season four - Promises and Terra Firma. You don't make things easy for John and Aeryn's relationship in either of them, do you?
Foolin' around
What possessed you to come up with the storyline of Won't Get Fooled Again? (Question, in various forms, from Angie, Carter, Danielle, Jeni, Pippa, Rita and Sadia)
Getting into the trade
How do I go about getting a career in scriptwriting? (Question from Pilotslover - Ricky was surprised nobody else asked this one).
The future of Farscape
Many people have enquired about the fate of Farscape (Question from Andrew, Belinda, Charlotte, Charles, Chris, Dave, Elliot, Joanne, Mary-lee, Phill, Simon, Susan, and Trev, to name but a few.)
And the rest
Ricky Manning tries to answer all of the other questions sent in.
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