Has the Star Trek philosophy of Gene Roddenberry changed the way you look at the world?
I think that Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future was so positive and uplifting that it can’t help but have influence. It’s certainly [affected] my outlook on the future and it’s what made Star Trek successful and what made it attractive to be on.
It makes me proud now as the father of two kids to say "This is the show that your dad was doing for all those years" and watch it. I can have them watch it with pride because the ethics and the morals of the show, which were Roddenberry’s strongest suite, are things that we should be so lucky as to embrace.
With what’s going on in the Middle East, and in Northern Ireland, parts of the world have gone to [an appalling place]. If the prime directives were followed a little more accurately here on earth, I mean it sounds somewhat Pollyanna, but I think people would certainly get along better.