Oh and steph....I have taken on board what you have said and will let you know what i think. Apologies for getting you wrong. Peace :-).
Well perhaps people should stop contradicting themselves. You all keep saying that the purpose of this site is so that people can express their opinions and that is all I am doing. So lets get this straight, people can express thier opinions, but only if they are positive with regard to WITRWN? Is the case? If so, it cracks me up! I rest my case...
Jenny, Tqy.
Im fed up of people slating witrwn, they are a really good band and all of this nasty talk in not on. Fair enough if their not your thing then just say i dont really enjoy their music or give a decent comment some of you people must just have pointless lives and so have to slate a really great band. Also their not just a cover band they have some wicked material. witrwn have proved from their continued success of msgs left from them that people love em'. What i thought was a very unfair comment though was someone who said norman should give others a chance, please tell me how exactly norman are stopping other from having similar sucsess of comments on the msg board?thats just pathetic, why do people have to associate blame with everything!?
Stop all the bitching i say and talk about the music!!! As far as norman go musically, their a TIGHT group, they all play really well especially guitar, they write and perform their own material and they perform covers excelently too! Musically they are a awesome band!
John, Devon.
Im a norman fan and i listen to other bands and often watch loads of different bands all the time. Norman are a great band but i really cant understand why all this has risen, do you guys have nothing better to do than put people down? If you dont like there music thats fine there not here to be liked by every one! But dont knock the people that do like them and wish to express that on this msg board, and at the end of the day thats what this site is for, right??! Just to also comment about some who called norman 'just a cover band' or something along thoes words. In my opinion you get the best of both with norman, they perform wicked covers and some great original tracks, with the lastest having a real blues feel which i think are awesome really good songs. I love the fact they perform their own stuff it shows they can write and produce music very well but i also enjoy going to watch them and being able to sing along to some great classics! They are a popular band, and in no way slipping in my opinion and a band which has set this site alight with a constand stream of comments. From being a norman fan and from them being on here i have been introduced to the mega talented jodie jones, bow jenkins and stephenson's rocket!And i owe all to norman!! Whether you love em or hate em their here to stay, all this stop defending them, there just a cover band, change the record' talk is just silly, there is commenting on a band and then there is all of this unnesessary rubbish!
Good luck to norman, you rock and good luck to all the other devon demo artists.
lesley from Hertfordshire
We were recently in Devon on a weekend break and saw you guys in a pub in Paignton can't remember the name of it, thought you were absoloutly brilliant!! Have you changed your bassist? Anyway me and my fella loved you. well done x
Adam, Exeter
I'd like to sy I think 'Astra Dolphin' is very good and has an unusal sound... What do others think... Also have you checked out her site seems to have a fair bit going for her too!
All you norman haters sort it out aint you got anything better to do?
Who'z in the room with norman? ROCK!!
p.s there gigs have not faded they have loads of gigs just not all in Tqy.
Ken, Torbay.
Yes, the msgs for norman have faded out some from when they first joined Devon Demos but i will say that they are the only band who has continued to have a steady flow of really positive msgs. I dont see why 'Adam' it has to be about "making it" or becommng famous? Why cant it be that the guys from norman LOVE doing what they do and the love is why they do it not to become famous!
Also, no doubt im a norman fan to the end but i have and do enjoy listening to a variety of other bands some which i watch as frequently as norman.
Most of the msg board at the moment does consist of msgs for norman, and i see no harm in that!? If people want to leave msgs thats cool, thats what this site is for right?? AND everyone has a fair chance to leave a msg for what ever band they want, its just that the majority is for norman as hard as it is for all of you who seem to have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to norman. Yes there are many other bands out there, and yes some better than norman but who is stopping them from having msgs on this board?norman? ha, some people just have to put blame on everything or so it seems!? Surly the fact that this site has been jam packed with msgs for them speaks for itself?
Personally i cannot see why all of this talk has emerged, with a lot of people being so negative, whether you love or hate norman my opinion of them is outstanding. Talented talented talented!and it always will be. I accept they dont float everyones boat, wouldnt it be boring if they did!? BUT i also accept they are a good band, excellent musicians with great potential to go on further (if thats what they wish to do) and i have not been bored once at the 50+ gigs i have been to.
sean torquay
It is a fact that only the artists themselves and their freinds and families will usually be the ones to comment on this message board.So unless you actively encourage people to comment as do WITRWN and Jodie Jones then not too many 'outsiders' will bother.So when fans make comments on someone elses music it is a real big compliment.We shouldn't discourage any type of comment as it keeps the 'thing' buzzing.
Steph Chudleigh
Adam, I agree totally with what you say.I am not a 'Norman' fan at all and I take little notice of their fans comments as their demo displays not one of their many written about qualities.That said I am absolutely head over heels that I have discovered Rob Swann and quite by accident.Adam listen to Rob's songs from his website he has an amazing range.Let us know what you think.Tell us who you like and maybe a real constructive discussion will ensue.
Matt from Exeter
Like Hombres Impossible - good name, good riff! Update the gig list
Steph from chudleigh - Now then, I think you're getting us wrong. No one is slagging off WITRWN or say that what they have achieved is not something to be proud of. All we are syaing is that it's pointless continuing this battle over what people think of WITRWN. Some people will like them some people will not. It's as simple as that. So, I repeat myself...How about some of you 'Norman' fans listen to some of other bands on this site and let us know what you think. This site is not just about one band. Give the others a chance! And just in case you're wondering, I've seen 'Norman' live and thought that yes they were good musicians, but essentially they are cashing in on the success of others by playing covers. And I was also throughourly bored. They won't get very far if they continue to do this. They'll make a living, but no fame or fortune will come their way. I've been doing this for 10 years, so trust me, I know!!!
Dave from torquay
I've just listened to the three latest demo's on this site and I have to say that there is some really good stuff going on the south west at the moment. Great stuff guys, keep up the good work!
Amie from Barnstaple
There's some great artists out there: The Climb, Obedientbone, Adam Westcott, Tom Kerswill, Trimorphous, Hombres Impossible are just a few on this site. Change the record guys!
Steph Chudleigh
This site and particularly the message board has thrived on the 'Norman' comments since their inclusion backalong.Whether you love 'em or hate 'em they have inspired comment.It cannot detract from anyone elses musical ambitions simply that the fans of a particular band are consistently expressing their opinions on their own favorites.Infact Roly from st.Marychurch discovered Rob Swann's music on here through 'Norman' and as I write this message 'A Closer View' from Rob's website is playing again as a result of reading what was initially a comment on 'Norman'.I also went to The Cider Press on Tuesday to witness 'something special' but to my disapointment Rob you didn't come.I'll keep watching for you Rob because I think you are brilliant. Thanks 'Norman' fans.
yeh there are many better bands in the area seeing as they are obviously slipping out of the spotlight its about time someone else a little more worthy took the spot. its not hard to find a good band, with the likes of arkade, soft toy heroes, and stephensons rocket, certainly not zenn though theyve had a chance, but theres so much talent out there why not talk about them, norman are quite boring to be honest.same few pubs for the last two years.they have obviously lost their va va voom.
Yes yes! Perhaps, some comments on some of the many other bands on this site, would be more healthy for the scene as a whole?! There are other bands out there apart from WITRWN. Probably much better bands too!
i cant help but think that the whole norman situation has gone quiet. not as many gigs or something? they used to be the rave of this site now it just seems to be an odd criticism followed by a defending norman fan. have they started slipping? it seems like their peek is over or something. dont get me wrong im a norman fan it just seems a shame cos they seem to have lost it, maybe now theres only two.(please dont defend them this time)
Kris exmouth
tom kerswill, sooo good we play togther in my hometown on his way back from europe. hopefuly get some joint gigs going soon
Jamie from Sidford
First of all, I'd like to say a big "EXACTLY!!" to Jenner from Devon. Secondly, I don't have anything against WITRWN, I just think that it doesn't matter if you're The Beatles, there will always be a few people that think you're crap! And I don't think there's much point in trying to convince them otherwise. Better to accept that, occassionally, people's opinions will differ from yours and they do have the same right to express it.
Laura, Exeter
Has anyone listened to Arkade? They are superb.It's about time bands started using brass sections again -everyone likes hearing them and it makes a lovely change from the usual guitar based line-up. Good luck to them all
Kate,Devon Town
Thumbs up to the 'norman' guys! Keep at it Kris I am certain your set to do amazin things with your carree!So dont give up.
Thumbs up to 'Trimorphous' wicked demo love it!
Old school norman fan!
Thanks to the excellent whoz in the room with norman?(quick shout to kris; your site is wicked and your media section is awesome, you rock!!) I have been introduced to some fantastic artists. Really like the new demo from 'Trimorphous', a interesting sound; good interesting though! Best of luck to all, may everything you hope and dream for come true!
Jenner from Devon
Age shoulldn't come in2 it! Saying 'he's only 19' as a defence or as a critiscism is simply not on! Look at people like Bow Jenkins! She was just 14 when she wrote those songs, and if anyone's listened 2 the lyrics she's got a talent beyond most!!! So leave age out of it! If someone's not good just say it! Don't try and excuse them for it!
Adam - Trimorphous
Thank you to the two people of have said that they like our demo. Should anybody wish to purchse a copy of the Debut Trimorphous EP entitled "How to Crash Land a Jet Plane On Water", Please visit
Trimophous also have two gigs coming up. Tuesday 4th October, Zephyr BAr, Exeter and Saturday 8th October, upstairs at the Globe, Exeter. We would love it if some of you could make it down and put some comments on this messgage board. Peace, Adam.
Ken, from Devon.
Regardless of the recent whoz in the room with norman talk on here i think they are a really good band. For starters they all can play amazingly and are very well established musician. In the past poeple have slated them for being 'just a cover band' but at gigs now they have a awesome selection of their own fine material. I like that they do covers as well as their own stuff, you get the best of both worlds then! Nothing seems to stop these guys, I mean since the beginning there has been so many changes and many critisms good and bad and and there still standing and stronger than ever.
I think kris and will are awesome and very determined in their work, they deserve all the credit that so many people give to them which a lot of people seem to have a problem with.
I wish kris& will the very best and i hope you find a bass player soon!cheers.
Sue, Paignton.
Jamie from sidford I think your wrong about who'z in the room.... the "he's only 19" was not used in defending him it was used in the term of he's only 19 and wow he is an amazin guitarist!!! which he is! All bands have their off gigs, so what really!? Honestly unless your one of these phyco norman fans who cares if they had a gig where by they wernt that energetic??
I do agree that excusses only go against the artist but in norman's case im sure kris would say he doesnt really give 2 hoots. In my opinion I was at that particular gig in question and didnt think it was bad at all, the band was great!
claire from brighton
i was in north devon with my bloke a few weeks ago and heard a really chilled cd playing in a bar there. i'm sure the barmaid said it was by someone called amy johnson, can anyone help me find out where i could get her album?! thankyou!
Will, Exeter.
TRIMORPHOUS I like your demo, it sounds great.
Danny from Exeter
I totally agree Bemby, Bow is THE ONE...
Jamie from Sidford
Fair enough, if you are a fan of Who'z in the Room with Norman, you are going to want to put good comments about them. However, it sounds a bit pathetic and quite desperate when you have people writing in to make excuses for them. First it's saying "he's only 19" when somebody points out that his song writing isn't very good. And now the pub wasn't full enough and they were missing a Bass player. If the pub's dead, you play something a bit more mellow and chilled out (maybe they did) which is easily achievable without a bass player, as many bands on this site will agree. Whenever you make excuses, you are conceding that the critisism is correct.
pip newton abbot
next week at the cider press in torquay is the last jam night for barney dine ex of daddy mango.barney is a very good musician and producer and daddy mango were the band against whom many local acts measured themselves.I'm sure some artists and bands on this site owe a little bit to barney and the lads.
barney is leaving this isle to make his fortune on the continent and if I may I would like to wish barney and ange the very best from everyone from this site that knows him and don't forget where you started once you become a millionaire
Paul From Devon.
This is in conjunction with the comments from Louise.
Hi Louise, I am a regular at 'w.i.t.r.w.norman?' gigs and their last gig at Appleby's was a bit off colour for 'norman?'
As many local bands would also agree you feed off the crowd and too be fair to our 'norman?' lads the place was dead! They normally play to a jam packed appleby's on sunday nights rather than fridays.
Also with them havin no current bass player as Jay has left the "fill-in" one will not have the same conection.
So please dont judge 'norman?' on this one performance as they are a hell of a lot better.
Louise, Torquay
I also saw who is in the room with norman and i thought they were a bit boring and nothing new and very over rated. Rubbish? yup
Jamie, Exeter
TRIMORPHOUS: Superb, an amazing track!!
bemby, brighton
Bow Jenkins is THE ONE! I gotta echo what Sally said, Bow is more than special, she touches you right deep down and affects you in profound ways. I want more... I really hope, really, really hope that another album comes soon and some live gigs. I'd travel a long way to hear her live... I'd have to.. simple as that.
roly st.marychurch
Went to see 'norman'at applebys recently and was impressed enough to go to their website. Followed the link to here and so trawled down the list to see who Ive heard of. I recognise rob swann from tuesdays at the cider press where my mates play and I'm sure Ive seen him at applebys doing a full set. His voice is the best I have ever heard and that includes some big names. Before any one comments on legends or talent go down to see rob with barney on jam nights and deny that you've witnessed something special.
Les from,Aberdeen
Red house are great.I am a musiciam/composer and I am impresed with the quality and tight sound of the band.
Play Scotland and play the best.
A Very Wise Old Man From Tqy.
Si and Trevor you'r absolutly spot on about Kris from Norman. He is one extremely talented young man. I think im right in saying that he taught himself the guitar with no help from a tutor or guitar books etc. I no many people do, however if you've herd Kris play then all is explained. Quite simply he's a guitar genius.
Just proves what hard work, dedication and pure talent can produce. Think he is a ideal role model for young espring musical artists and also these young lay-abouts who sit and watch television alday every day.
Sammy from Sussex
I went to see Red i a while ago and they are fantastic. Nuff said.
Si from torquay.
Trevor your not wrong my friend Kris's talents run far and deep! I read his bio on his site and its amazin how much he has achieved already! And his first gig age 9 playing infront of 400 people is pretty impresive!
Good luck with your guitar playing& norman?, teaching, composing etc you'l go far.
(p.s it's great to see we have some pure rare and raw talent in the bay!!)
OMG, Kris from norman? is a ledgend, check out his web site he rocks!!!
A Fan...
Astra Dolphin can I just say -GREAT STUFF.
renee from sydney
well have never seen you live but cant wait! heard from you through simon and keep looking you up on the web! keep up the good work love your songs and sydney is waiting for your massive talent:)
In reply to some of the stuff about contracts etc., what is the problem with musicians and songwriters just wanting to go out play and be heard? We seem to be obsessed with having to have a record deal, worrying about contracts and being ripped off. Lets just play and enjoy - we can't all be "at top" but we can still play and enjoy.
Russ of Seaton
Saw Bonsai Band at Dukes, even better than I thought they'd be.
Chris, Tavistock
Hello all... I saw Astra Dolphin performing live on Friday night at Mary Tavy, near Tavistock and she was excellent, a rare talent. If you can catch this girl live she is a class act... We look forward to your single release Astra - Great stuff.
Sarah, Torquay.
Simon, yeh some of the artists are nothing special by the sound of their demos. However the ones i've seen have been absolutly fantastic live, so maybe if you check out some live performance your opinion will be changed.
simon, crediton
What has all this got to do with the price of fish?
From what I have heard so far, the majority of the artists on here will not need to worry about being ripped off by the music business.
Jodie Jones, UK
Dawn, you are so right, music lawyers are a gift from God! I highly recommend MUSIC lawyers rather than general lawyers, as they are dealing with artists and all sorts of royalty/publishing/management deals on a daily basis. Having said that, any legal advice is better than none, never just sign 'cause it sounds good!
Steve Bonsai Band
Yes Russ Bonsai Band are playing at Dukes in Sidmouth on Friday (16th Sept).
dawn morris
iam trying to tell any unknow artist who really want to make it in the music bussiness i here to say its a hard road and if you dont start out young, it takes at least 10 yrs to make it dont sign anything , let a music lawyer read everything dont get screwed over, i love music i have two kids,my days have done pasted but i do have enough smarts if my kids want to start into the music bussiness i will tell them. the pros and cons a band is a bussiness. dont trust every tom dick and harry, reseach everything no matter how good you are . dawn morris.
Russ of Seaton
I was really impressed with the Steve Bonsai Band track. Good raw sound. Are they playing in the area soon?
Guy from Torquay
Just to let you all know The Morrisons are making their come back playing at The Angel in Exeter on Thursday 15th Sept 05.
From Devon
I have to urge anyone who listens to who'z in the room with norman?'s demo this is really dated now and since the demo was put on this site they all have developed extremely as singers and musicians and the demo is not true to them now as they sound a lot better. They deffinately need to put some of their recent original material on hear. The latest i herd at the last gig had a strong blues feel to it and was just fantastic! This band have gone from strength to strength, and they are a MUST SEE live. Front man Kris just superb!
Colin From Tqy.
Im a huge who'z in the room with norman? fan and i would just like to give a massive shout to main man Kris Barras. Seriously guys this lad is something special!
I remember the band his dad used to be in many years ago!
But never have i seen such a talented musician at his age. I've checked out his bands site and his own too and i have to say im impressed what he has achieved already and the guy is only 20! I recommend you check his sites out and come to the next gig you can and watch him. His fast guitar work is fantastic, he efortlessly plays with such enthusiasm it's awesome to watch.
Kris much respect to you sir!!
Sally, Exmouth
Giles, will the 2 forthcoming COMEG cds be free to download from your website like your last 4 albums?
julia, cornwall
Joe Brooks sings on jodie jones album and I was wondering if anyone knows who he is or when he's gigging near here>? His voice is lush and sounds perfect with jodies - you gotta here it to believe it!
giles exeter
a note about COMEG 2 New cds 1 is the best of the 1st 4 cds coming very soon the other is cd of new material coming soon. ENJOY!
Peter from Exeter
I went to the acoustic Music Night at the Barnfield Theatre on 2nd September. Amongst others, listened to a singer/songwriter called Steve Morgan. His songs were just classics, standards in the making. So refreshing to hear original songs after all these tribute and covers bands around Exeter! Good luck to him!
ace, recent addition to the UK
Wow what a bunch of musos in Devon! Never would've thought it - Astra Dolphin is a star without the fame and jodie jones ROX !!
jonathon, dorset
harry - go to her website and click on the gramaphone
Joe, Paignton
Went to see who'z in the room with norman? on saturday at the spinning wheel and they were really good. Had a wicked night only planned to stay in there for a few drinks ended up staying the hole night watching this excellent band with some tight guitar playing!!!
QUALITY from start to finish!!
harry from exeter
Just listened to Jodie Jones. It were bo selecta if you ask me. really enjoyed it, nice voice. Interested to know what else she writes about and if theres any other style she can do.
nick from london
flowebed are great - lovely mellow tune with some great lines. ive listened to to him a few times now and i do really like hs stuff
J.P.J south hams
Joanne is correct of course but the enjoyment for most ,although they may not realise it at the time,is trying to get there.The artists on this site who are content to earn a bit of cash playing other people's songs are also enjoying themselves.Artists such as Jodie Jones, Rob Swann, Hombres Impossible who are very good at writing songs may feel frustrated that they are not getting the breaks they feel they deserve.Maybe none of them will make it or perhaps all three will,it will depend on how positively they react to the knocks and unfairness they will inevitably encounter.Good luck to everyone on this site and most of all keep enjoying yourselves.
Most people in the music industry aren't famous, the majority are in bars and pubs and restaurants and cruise ships, and that's cool. It's just a job and it must be disheartening for musicians coz they're made to think that unless they get famous they've failed. It's sad and it's not true - Most chefs work in kitchens, not on a tv cooking show! Fame is just a tiny, tiny amount of people who happen to be well-known in their industry. So good on ya, local bands, who are doing it for the love of it!
John from Ottery
Read both Sue and Dave's comments. One unmentioned band was Steve Bonsai Band which not only produces original material to a high standard of musicianship but they also sound good. They also have the ability to reproduce the sound when playing live. Worth checking out.
Todd, Devon
Dave in Exeter you have no idea what you're on about! I know Jodie Jones and she's the sweetest most down to earth girl you could ever meet! Her song 'It's Like Love' is honest and heart-felt, I think everyone who hears it can tell that. She will go far, but that doesn't mean she's big-headed at all. On the contrary, she's the most modest person I know and deserves all the success she'll get.
J. Devon
Hi, well I've seen Astra Dolphin a fews times and she is very, very good a totally different sound - so check her out. I know she has a single launch gig fairly soon (ooops let that slip!) Oh, well! So watch this space. Best to all.
Sue, Devon.
'Dave Exeter' your well intitled to your opinion and thats what this site is for. However in MY opinion your comments are out of line. I try to get round and see as many of the local bands and acts as possible and have seen at least once all the acts you have commented on.
To put a few things straight yes there is loads of msgs for 'norman' but all well deserved!! These guys are definately one to watch! They are a tight band and of corse excellent muscians. Yes they perform mostly covers but i managed to watch the last gig by which there was more of their own material, which i though was excellent!
Bow is a extremely talented young lady with great song writing ability, no doubt another one to watch! Ive seen Jodie a few times too and never has she come across as having a big head. Another talented lady with a fab voice! Tom Kerswill, i have not seen so il leave someone who has seen him to comment on that one!
Dave, Exeter
Firstly, people need to chill out. ok. Theres to much of "norman are so good" when really they are a cover band. Good musicians, but a cover band. Bow Jenkins is ok, but to bring "meaning back to the music industry" as Sally said is a little over the top. Bow is good, and will improve all the time, but as far as saving the industry is concerned is a bold statement. To be honest there aren't that many good bands on here. Fosta are like muse to the nth degree, Tom Kerswill is just a totnes dreamer, and Jodie Jones needs to be back on Earth, and not at the mega heights in which she thinks she belongs. I like Astra Dolphin, though
I've just discovered Bow Jenkins, and i must day is all the better for it! She's so young and beautiful, and her music is so mature and powerful! Her lyrical abilities are way beyond what I've heard anyone in years posess, and her album is so diverse i was blown away! Usaually artists have a particular groove (which is often one dimensional or shallow somehow), but Bow takes her audience on a pretty full on journey on her album...Truly a god given gift if you ask me! Surely Bow's the one that might just bring back some meaning to music today?!
mike from sidmouth
I just listened to the Bonsai band colours within. What a fantastic band. Where can I get hold of some more songs. From the comments made its good to see a band keeping it local.
Dave of Teignmouth
a sort of fusion of Muse and U2, I liked their "Hurricane" track, the vocalist has a great voice, they sound like they could be a great STADIUM BAND!
John, Devon.
Right guys if you didnt catch the "norman?" gig last night in Torquay you certainly missed out BIG style!!! They were absolutly fantastic, Kris rocked the place!!! One thing to comment on though the bassist Jay seemed only to get into the gig at the end but in the beginning he was just sitting on the speaker playin, looked like he was bored or didnt wana be there or was that just the 'look'?? Thought you could of made a bit more of an effort Kris was giving it large on stage think you should join him i mean your in the best band in Torquay!!! Who'z in the room with norman? i dont know, but someone sure put something into Kris's water last night he was ROCKIN!!
Great gig lads.
Jamie from Torquay.
who'z in the room with norman? ROCK!!!!! saw their gig last night was wicked they were so energetic was sooooo cool!
Kate, Devon.
omg!!!! the norman? gig at appleby's last night was awesome! never seen them so fired up was wicked! Kris you were fantastic, bloody awesome cant wait for the next gig! Will follow the norman? empire forever.
Wendy, Exeter
Katie From Tiverton, If you like what you heard from COMEG, please visit their website where they have 4 album's worth of material to download!
Jane from Exmouth
Dan Church experience live at Barrels in Exmouth with full band 2 weeks ago, great vocals from 2 front men and a great sound. Playing there again? would like to know.
Katie, Tiverton
Just listened to Comeg. Very impressed. Great voice, great music.
Yvette from Willand
The Steve Bonsai band are cool. Great sound. Great hair steve.
James from Willand
The Steve Bonsai Band were fantastic at Sidmouth Folk week.
Hannah from Willand
I saw the Steve Bonsai Band open Sidmouth Festival at Dukes and they rock. Woooowooo
Julie, Devon
Hi,if you'd like to know more about what's happening with 'Astra Dolphin' then visit Astra's website the links on her artist page. As the info their will keep you up to date on developments. Thanks.
Fred from Exeter
I just saw Idlecrash at the Angel! Damn good, they rocked the place!!
The need for the norman? albam is very very high, cant wait any longer so come on lads get it out there for us! :-)
sam, goodrington.
Jodie is well good. Luv er voice its really wicked, fink she will go far, good luck.
Emy, (staddy gig)
Im well in2 classic rock and blues and was well impressed when i went 2 go see 'who'z in the room with norman?' They are soooo cool! and the lead singer/guitarist is bloody awesome and well fit!!! Had a wicked night with some sawesome rock songs and great eye-candy! ;-)
...from torquay.
Im a huge fan of who'z in the room with norman?'s front man Kris. Think this lad has huge potential to become an all-time great guitarist! At gigs I watch in amazment as he plays. His fingers going 100mph or so it seems and the passion!, he plays every song with amazin passion and love for the music and his guitar poors out of him. He's got this crackin stage presence, you have to see it really to understand. Never once have got bored of watching them, and credit to the rest of the band too, the drummer is in a league of his own and the bassist also fast fingers some crackin bass lines! This band and Kris in particular has massive potential, and personally I feel no matter where they are they will definately be well known!
Best of luck guys, will continue to give my support.
a fan of astra.
whats this about astra???
gail northam
steve bonsai band
i love this it is calm and relaxing great
Adam, Exeter
Nice news on Astra Dolphin.
Great one, about time...
Micky, Newcastle
wow... just discovered Bow Jenkins... something superb! No gimmicks, no "aint I just a sexy beach babe" crap, (but I have to say, she is bloody sexy too!) just really soulful soul and rocking blues, original lyrics, moving themes, and massive voice! I love her! LOVE HER! If she was up here, she'd be selling out all the local venues.. I only hope she's getting live gigs and tons of appreciation down there!
Archie from Sandy, Beds
Red House can certainly rock, excellent vocals and musicianship, and I'm sure Red House can get down to some mean Blues too. This is the kind of band that would go down so well some small club packed to the gunnels.
All the best for the future.
Matthew, London
Trying to get in touch with The Idle Lovers about playing a gig. If you are an Idle Lover or have their contact details.
paul paignton
Beachmaster: just been on rob swann's website.His songs are incredible and all very different. I'll be there Friday to see for myself.Rob if you ever look at this board your 'online jotter'? I'm spooked!Gonna email you to ask you all about it.
J. Somerset.
I would just like to say that I think Astra Dolphin is an excellent new talent and is one to watch, things are happening for her and I know that she has just signed a deal, so we'll watch this space. Go girl!
Gaz, Torquay.
I luv who'z in the room with norman? I think they have GREAT potential and all are fantastic musicians. Lead guitar player is excellent, certainly a jaw dropper with his fast fingers! But I just can't see why they are NOT signed. The likes of McFly are out there earing big bucks with their basic songs. Then we have who'z in the the room with norman? who are MORE musically talented and their origanal material is just as good, infact a hell of a-lot better than McFly yet they are the stars! Just doesn't fit!?? I guess its all about being in the right place at the right time, but I just hope who'z in the room with norman?'s time is soon because these guys deserve it and if Mcfly can do it so can they but bigger and better! Best of luck guys, keep going your time WILL come.
Jim, Dawlish
Comeg are great!
Sarah (14) of Sidmouth
Steve Bonsai Band are pungent.
The Beachmaster
I went to see Rob Swann at The Spinning Wheel in Paignton on sunday night 24/7/05.My wife and i were were very impressed.Loved "The Sadist".Great version of "The Day We caught The Train" .All in all a great night.If you havent seen Rob live,then i suggest you do soon.
steve, exeter
Saw Comeg at The Angel, a couple weeks ago. They were by far the best band I have seen in a long while.
We were all captivated by the singer's voice and how tight they were. Brilliant!
Kim, Torquay
Whoz in the room with Norman r brilliant and for their fans check out their website cuz ity is completely wicked!! thanx xxxxxxx
Brigid from Sidmouth
Steve Bonsai Band have a great raw sound. Enjoyed listening to them.
Daisy, Devon
As a regular follower of this site and of norman? thought i wud av a listen to new guys the mush talked about comeg and dan church.
Think both are cool nothing extra-orginary, maybe comeg are better live cant see what all the hype is about, but again this is only one demo, over-all a good set of demos this month. thanks.x
south west music awards.
the south west music awards are now under way for voting so everyone get on there and vote. what are you waiting for!!!!!!
Wendy, Exeter
When are COMEG appearing on Devon Demos?
Reply from 麻豆官网首页入口 Devon: We have lots of contributions sent to Devon Demos, which we sift and add to the site as soon as the previous ones have had a decent time at the top. However, you will see that Comeg have been added today.
Jamie, Exeter
Stephensons Rocket are SUPERB!!!! I cant believe we are still talking about "Norman". We have had this before. Stephensons Rocket have got it. Now this IS a VOCALIST!!!! He is superb, the range and power is out of this world.
Kris from Norman?
hey all. don't really know what to say about the comments other than everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thats cool. some people like my voice, some don't - that's life. check out our website which is up and runnin now thanks to everyone who continues to support is greatly appreciated!!!!
Daisy, Devon
Dont really know what to comment about the latest who'z in the room with norman? msgs. I really love their new material. Who knows really, if their not reaching their potential with their current songs which i think are great i would love to see how amazin their songs would be when they did reach their potential.
Anyway no doubt witrw norman are great and they are playing at Malloy's in Torquay this comming saturday so go check em out and see for yourself.
Jim. Tqy.
Sean- I partly agree with you. Their live show is prety amazin. However I think "norman?" need to work their own material into their sets more than what they do at the moment, as this is what will enable them to make it. But maybe they are quite happy playing as they do? I personally think if this is the case their potential is absolutely wasted! However you can't knock people's opinions, if they do like Kris's voice and do like his own material then fair enough, and if people want to give him praise for it then that is more than fair. I personally feel their new material is a step in the right direction. I often find myself huming the tune to some of their latest material. Think Kris should get on here tell us his perspective of the latest batch of comments.
A Fan, Birmingham
I'd just like to say I think Astra Dolphin is very unusal, nice tunes, I know she is one to watch after visiting her website, lots of info which is great... She's one cool chick! Looking forward to catching her live sometime. Also all the best to every other act who has a demo on this site. But Astra you get my vote...
sean torquay
devon demos is an excellent place to make your music available to the world.the best part of 'norman',their live show ,is only available really to order to succeed they need to record and perform better songs.we've known them long enough now to realise that they find it difficult.thats why i think they need to add to their existing line doesn't do them any good to keep praising them when its not due.we all would love to see them succeed but if everyone around them is telling kris he's a good voice and they write good tunes then that is destructive praise.we need the world to see their live act but at present i feel they're hitting their heads against a brick wall: singer songwriter, and aim high.