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Brenda + Lilian frostiness

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Messages: 1 - 14 of 14
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by gubbeen (U8174133) on Sunday, 17th June 2007

    Can someone explain waht that's all about? Something about Lilian's son + boyfriend...? When was that + what happened? I'm a fairly new listener...

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  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by E Yore (U1479700) on Sunday, 17th June 2007

    Sun, 17 Jun 2007 14:48 GMT, in reply to gubbeen in message 1

    Act I - Brenda started a relationship with Lillian's toyboy, Scott. Lillian (at that point she was only visiting in Ambridge, and living at Grey Gables) was a) devastated at Scott's duplicity b)very *very* angry at Brenda.

    Act II - Brenda slept with James, Lillian's son, thinking it was the start of a serious relationship and on the strength of some throw-away comments of his, chucked up her job at Radio Borsetshire, thinking she would be moving to London with him.

    Brenda has also been tried to have a relationship with Adam (but took it in good sport when she was made to realise he was gay) and was certainly seeing Simon Gerrard - Debbie's husband - in inappropriate circumstances, leading to the first break-down of that marriage.

    It is not true to say that Brenda throws herself at men: she only throws herself at men of the Archer clan ...

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  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by gubbeen (U8174133) on Sunday, 17th June 2007

    ooer thanks - how long ago was Scott then? Thought the fabulous Lilian had been with Matt for ages... I'm so behind!

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by dean volecape (U1477030) on Sunday, 17th June 2007

    Sun, 17 Jun 2007 18:44:17 GMT, In reply to: gubbeen [

    Gubbeen, welcome to the boards, but may I say that I think that calling yourself after a truly delicious and truly superior IRISH cheese, at a time when we're being expected to believe in Oliver and Helen's manky old stuff is


    admirably subversive

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  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by bob larkin (U2297537) on Sunday, 17th June 2007

    Is this so? I don't remember it.

    I thought that Simon was s***ing the head of department's wife. (Not that that precludes him from entertaining Brenda as well of course).


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  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by RosieT (U2224719) on Sunday, 17th June 2007

    Both. Brenda wanted to do some evening classes, and Simon offerrd to help her.

    They were Seen Together. And i think there were phone bill clues - Debbie opened her husband's by mistake. But that could have been the Lorelie king leturer's wife figure. Jeanette?

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Polly Tunnel (U1530077) on Monday, 18th June 2007

    Mon, 18 Jun 2007 08:38 GMT, in reply to gubbeen in message 3

    ooer thanks - how long ago was Scott then? Thought the fabulous Lilian had been with Matt for ages... I'm so behind! 

    Lilian and Matt (Yuk! now I have to wash my keyboard with carbolic soap) moved in together in 2006 and had probably been seeing each other for a year or so beforehand (Matt was married to the lovely Yvette when they first got together).

    I don't know exactly when Scott first rode into Ambridge on the Harley Davison Lilian bought for him but I guess around 2000.

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  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Peggy Monahan (U2254875) on Monday, 18th June 2007

    "I don't know exactly when Scott first rode into Ambridge on the Harley Davison Lilian bought for him but I guess around 2000."

    According to "characters" Brenda gave up her job at Borsetshire Radio in 2005. Was Scott around for 5 years? Doesn't seem like that to me.

    Btw, Brenda was born in 1981. I suppose from 19 up she could have been up to getting off with Lilian's toyboy.

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  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Spartacus (U38364) on Monday, 18th June 2007

    Mon, 18 Jun 2007 22:29 GMT, in reply to Peggy Monahan in message 8

    Brenda gave up her job at Radio Borsetshire on the basis of vague promises from Lilian's son, James, whom she was sleeping with about five years after the "Scott incident".

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  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Peggy Monahan (U2254875) on Tuesday, 19th June 2007

    Sorry yes, my confusion Scott and James. But did she really get off with Lilian's toyboy at age 19? Seems quite daring so young. (Given the enclave and all that.)

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by HoraceTabor (U7857756) on Wednesday, 20th June 2007

    Scott first appeared during the foot and mouth outbreak. He had to wash his fancy shoes in the disinfectant. Mind you everyone said he drove a Harley-Davidson, and the sound effect for that was of a cheap pop-pop motorbike, so perhaps his shoes were only cheapo ones as well.

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  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by RosieT (U2224719) on Wednesday, 20th June 2007

    Monday 30th April, 2001
    The stranger arrives - it is Scott, obviously an old flame. To Brian's amusement, he and Lillian have eyes only for each other, ignoring everyone else, before they dash back with unseemly haste to Grey Gables. Jennifer is outraged. Scott must be twenty years younger than Lillian.
    Wednesday 9th May
    Scott discovers Brenda at the Bull, slightly tipsy after her interview on live radio today, which she deems to have been a success. Scott chats her up, and Brenda responds. Don't even think about it, says Lilian.

    Tuesday 5th June
    Lillian is getting ready to go out, without Scott - he's not happy about this, but she thinks he's just out for what he can get. He gets a kiss.
    Brenda, meanwhile, goes to see Caroline to ask whether she could interview staff about working where the documentary. Scott interrupts, Caroline freezes him, but Brenda is more willing to talk.
    Scott has managed to corner Brenda. Scott is really smarming - Brenda asks about Lilian. Scott says not to bother, and is just about to ask Brenda out when Caroline arrives to talk about the radio programme some more.

    Lilian, meanwhile, is crying on Jennifer about how much she loves Scott, and says that it's all right for Jaenny, he doesn't know what it's like, being lonely, and that she knows everyone thinks sh's a pathetic sote. Jenny suggests that Lillian has a lie down, so she does. Jenny agrees to ring Scott and explain.
    Caroline gives Scott the message - Caroline tells Scott that she is really not interested at all. Scott takes Brenda back to his room for a drink.

    Thursday 7th June
    Wayne asks Brenda to screen calls more carefully for the second of Joe's call ins - he wants more balance and more excitement. Scott arrives, once Wayne has left the room, and starts kissing Brenda, and asking her about her work. She is embarrased, and says she 'doesn't normally behave like that', Scott sweet talks her, and calms her down somewhat.

    The speech at the unveiling does go well, and it seems that Siobhán is right, it will be good publicity. Scott brings Brenda, late, missing the speech. Brenda goes to get an interview with the artist, and Shula and Siobhán giggle over Scott's behaviour, but are worried about Brenda.

    Friday 8th June
    Pat tells Clarrie that Betty is worried about Brenda and Scott, although Scott has not split up with Lillian. Mike doesn't know yet - he doesn't seem to care that Brenda's out all the time.

    Sunday 10th June
    Brenda and Scott are spotted 'together'. Surely she can't be taken in by him and what will happen when Lillian finds out.

    Monday 11th June
    Brenda is still worried about what Lillian will think but Scott says no need to worry. Wayne seems less than keen that Scott is at the radio station again.
    Wayne tries to warn Brenda that Scott is taking her for a ride. Brenda says she knows what she is doing. She shouldn't be having Scott in the studio so much and Wayne doesn't want to see her hurt. He saw Scott with Lillian last night. Brenda thinks Scott is trying to let Lillian down gently and everything will be fine.

    Tuesday 12th June
    Scott appears and tries to encourage Brenda to leave and offers to show her to her car. Jack and Linda try to keep Lillian away from the car park but to no avail. Brenda and Scott are found together in the car park saying a fond farewell. Lillian leaves in high dudgeon with Scott in hot pursuit. Lillian and Scott row. Lillian doesn't take him seriously. Scott walks out.

    Wednesday 13th June
    A gentle knock on the Garden Suite's door brings the prodigal son home to his Sugar-Mummy. A nauseating scene ensues where Scott swears his undying love, he only went off with Brenda because he didn't think Lilian was letting him into her real life, why would he want a silly girl when he could have a mature woman? It goes on ...

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by RosieT (U2224719) on Wednesday, 20th June 2007

    Friday 15th June
    Hayley delicately enquires about Brenda's fling with Scott. It's quite apparent that she's besotted with him - and that the affair is by no means over. Isn't Scott thoughtful for wanting to let Lilian down so gently ...

    Monday 18th June
    Scott is preparing for a trip to the dentist in Borchester
    Pointedly getting on with her pie, Jill has to concede that Lilian seems very happy with Scott. Lilian believes that there is no real age difference between them, spiritually. Of course, Scott does not really need the whole afternoon to go to the dentist; he will be arranging additional treats for the London trip.
    Actually he is not. He is meeting Brenda.

    Thursday 21st June
    Scott is late for his rendezvous with Brenda: Lilian is being very clingy. Brenda does not like going behind her back but Scott assures her he will not let things drag on.
    Brenda is very important to Scott and he is going to tell Lilian so but he doesn't want to see her hurt; she is a very lonely, vulnerable woman and she will be devastated. He assures Brenda that she will not have to be patient much longer but she must trust him and not push him any more. Brenda likes him all the more for his caring attitude. She laps it all up as only the besotted can.

    Friday 22nd June
    Brenda is on late shift and is enjoying her free morning but Kirsty is only allowed half an hour off for coffee and cakes. She thought Brenda was foot-loose and fancy-free and can hardly believe it when she hears that the fling with Scott is not over; he is still with "face-ache", she saw them in The Bull last night. Get real Brenda. He is a creep and full of himself. No, he is really sensitive and for the first time in weeks Brenda is happy, at least she was until she met up with Kirsty. She does not want to fall out with Brenda, in spite of a rather unkind dig about not being quite so good at seeing through people when Tom was two-timing with Lauren; she just doesn't want to see Brenda hurt. Alas, Brenda has been completely taken in by Scott; she understands him. It will all end in tears.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by RosieT (U2224719) on Wednesday, 20th June 2007

    Monday 25th June
    times Ed shows him.
    When Scott meets Brenda, as arranged on the phone, he reminds her that she must never ring him: what if Lilian had answered? He and Brenda will be together. When the time is right he will tell Lilian but he can't hurt her. Because Brenda wants to believe him, she does. The reason for the urgency is that she has the opportunity to attend a big charity 'do'; Wayne usually goes but he has cried off. Go for it. Scott even thinks there is a chance of spending the whole night together.

    Wednesday 27th June
    That evening at the Felpersham Hotel, Brenda has finished her Celebrity interviews and is starting to enjoy herself. Scott orders the champagne. Brenda is allocated a room to change in, but is unable to secure it for the night. However, Scott has an alternative plan that will enable them to spend the night together.
    It's 10'o'clock at night at Grey Gables and Jack still hasn't gone home. Roy who will be working late sends him on his way. At 2.30am however, Scott and a drunken Brenda return. She insists in breaking off a carnation from the flower arrangement for Scott and knocks over the vase. He goes off to check that Lilian hasn't returned to their suite with the idea that he and Brenda will spend the night there. Whilst he is gone, Roy finds her in reception and guesses why she is there. He tries to persuade her to go home and suggests that Scott isn't seriously interested in her. They quarrel and she tells him to leave her alone and get on with his own boring little life.

    Sunday 1st July
    Betty has problems convincing Lillian that Scott is still seeing Brenda. Obviously Scott can't really be interested in her but it is worrying. Lillian is sure it is a misunderstanding.

    Monday 2nd July
    Lillian explains that Scott is still seeing Brenda. She is very upset Betty asked her to sort Scott out as if she were his mother. She was so humiliated - Scott will have to pay. This isn't the first time. He's gone too far now. When he gets back from London he won't know what hit him.
    Tuesday 3rd July
    Scott is trying to get into Lillian's room. Jack tells him Lillian has moved and has refused to allow him the key. She has had his things packed and his Harley Davidson removed. She has also cancelled his bar tab.
    Greg and Helen are waiting for the others for the pub quiz. Lillian joins them. Helen should go for Greg - or isn't he her type. Helen thinks Lillian is brave to turn up but Lillian doesn't care what other people think. Helen has a lot to learn about men. Brian turns up followed by Scott. Greg makes them both go outside. Scott tries to make excuses. Doesn't Lillian know what she is throwing away. Does she think he enjoyed being with her - it was just the money.

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