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Leon, Helen and Annette

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Messages: 1 - 28 of 28
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by Caro (U14909021) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Please, can anyone tell me the end of the tale?

    I know that L. was 'seeing' (she writes euphemistically) both girls and Annette became pregnant. Annette leaves,pregnancy is terminated, and she's never to be heard of again.

    Did H. ever know that L & A were an 'item'? Did she find out ever that L. was the father of the child?

    And, what's really bugging me - what happened to Leon?



    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Chris Ghoti (U10794176) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Helen never discovered that Leon and Annette had shared sex in her flat, nor that Leon had fathered Annette's aborted child.

    Nobody knows what happened to Leon. He was simply written out, and has not been heard from since Annette's departure.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Caro (U14909021) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Helen never discovered that Leon and Annette had shared sex in her flat, nor that Leon had fathered Annette's aborted child.

    Nobody knows what happened to Leon. He was simply written out, and has not been heard from since Annette's departure. 
    No! So Leon, who was seen everywhere when the story was Hot News....in the street, in Am Organics, in bars other than that in which he worked.........just went without officially going, if you see what I mean?

    Shoorly not! For an Ozzie to move on, specially after things got..errr...sticky?.....would be a matter, scriptwriting wise, of a few words, but to never be seen/mentioned again?

    Now that would be sloppy scripting.

    That can't be right (rolling eyes, not entirely in a TGIF fashion)

    Thank you CG.

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Nelson_G (U13801071) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Wasn't there some sort of bust up between Helen and Leon? Ian had met Leon with Helen in a bar and he was suspicious of Leon. Helen was having none of it and things became a bit frosty between them. Helen kept inviting Leon to meet the rellies but he kept dodging (fair enough you might think) and then Helen was out with people and met Leon with another girl?

    Am I just making this up? I think there were other people there to witness the fun. That was the start, or perhaps the end, of Helen's descent into blitheringness.

    Annette went off to her Gran's in Sheffield, never to be heard from again.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Sallyruth (U14589711) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Helen dumped Leon's mobile in a glas of wine, because she bustled up to a woman he was "canoodling" with and told her to stop kissing my boyfriend. Leon said plenty of me to go round sort of thing, and Helen demobilised him.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 5.

    Posted by Caro (U14909021) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Thanks all. A friend vaguely remembers a mobile phone being dumped in a glass (full) in a bar or sommat during a showdown but doesn't ever remember Leon doing a flit from Felps/wherever.

    Seemingly, nor do any of you.

    So......................duh!...another loose thread (pity not a cannon to ricochet back sometime)

    What a shame.

    Speshlly cos The Majickal Babe may need a Godfather or two sometime. praps. Wot laughs (poor mite).

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by BG59 (U13873951) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    > Annette went off to her Gran's in Sheffield, never to be heard from again. <
    I was actually on Sheffield railway station when that episode was broadcast. I waited for some time, and Annette never showed up.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Caro (U14909021) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    hmmm.........curiouser and curiouser....

    to re-cap, M'Lud....

    Leon didn't actually leave Am/Felp area at any point according to the listeners?

    Annette didn't arrive (preggers still a this point?) at Sheffield, as verified by a listener?



    You know, this is more for FA than N&Q.

    No change there, then.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by BG59 (U13873951) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    > Annette didn't arrive
    (preggers still a this point?) at Sheffield, as verified by a listener? <
    I'm fairly sure that Annette had been de-preggered at that stage of the proceedings.
    OTOH, there is still the question concerning the need for Ian to re-paint the skirting-boards in The Nursery shortly after Helen had painted them. Some sort of cover-up?
    Has anybody thought to check what's underneath the floorboards in that flat?

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Leaping Badger (U3587940) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    I remember Helen dunking Leon's phone in a drink.

    Don't think we were ever told that Leon was leaving. But it's not beyond the bounds of possibility that in Borchester, and less so Felpersham, which is even larger, in to which Helen would rarely go (can't remember in which Leon lived and worked) they won't bump into each other again. I'm sure we've all been in relationships which have ended and then not seen that person, although we lived/worked in the same town/city.

    Not quite sure what the point you're making, Archer_Roadie. I mean, obviously he was no longer of any use to that rubbish storyline, so was dropped from the story, as peripheral characters usually are in TA. But him continuing to live in the same town/city wouldn't cause me any bother.

    And no, Helen never found out that Leon had dallied with Annette.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by mike (U14258103) on Saturday, 18th June 2011

    This SL reached a natural conclusion and is not a "loose end" in any way.

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Garde_Champetre (U14354428) on Tuesday, 21st June 2011

    Leon works in the new cocktail bar and drive-thru STI clinic on the far side of Felpersham.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 11.

    Posted by Lakey_Hill (U14391672) on Tuesday, 21st June 2011

    Well, it reached a sort of conclusion by not going anywhere further, but that doesn't mean that there weren't loose ends. The last we heard of Leon, I think, was when he bumped into Annette on the street, and suggested further entertainment. She said no in no uncertain terms. Perhaps Leon being involved no further is understandable, but for Annette to totally disappear is a bit odd. If nothing else, you would think that Helen would have speculated occasionally about what she might be doing or where she is, or ... something. Did she really simply draw a line under the whole situation?

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by JoinedPeetsBoard_Smeesues_too (U14519481) on Tuesday, 21st June 2011

    I think Helen is quite self-centred. Other people might wonder about Annette and be concerned for she was a very fragile character. But not Helen. On the other hand Annette is likely be most happy not to hear from Helen .

    After Annette left Helen concentrated on having her Own Babbie

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by BG59 (U13873951) on Tuesday, 21st June 2011

    I'm not an expert in such matters, but . . .
    Given that the Annette storyline somehow involved a mutual recognition of a vague step-mother/step-daughter relationship between Helen and Annette . . .
    Isn't it a bit odd that nobody seems to have thought to tell Annette that she has a step-half*-brother?
    * other fractions are available

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by JoinedPeetsBoard_Smeesues_too (U14519481) on Tuesday, 21st June 2011

    I expect Annette and Helen exchange Christmas Cards - next year Helen's will be:
    from Helen and Henry
    and there will be a photo of the baby in the card ...


    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by shulascat (U14737252) on Wednesday, 29th June 2011

    I'm not an expert in such matters, but . . .
    Given that the Annette storyline somehow involved a mutual recognition of a vague step-mother/step-daughter relationship between Helen and Annette . . .
    Isn't it a bit odd that nobody seems to have thought to tell Annette that she has a step-half*-brother?
    * other fractions are available 
    Probably because Henry is not actually related to Annette - or is the mystery father Greg, having donated his sperm before shooting himself? I don't think Helen was ever married to him.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by bobbyc (U14559432) on Wednesday, 29th June 2011

    Greg and Helen weren't married but I always felt Helen relished the idea of Annette having a baby because it would be Greg's grandchild and in her mind a step grand child to her. Of course when that didn't materialise she had to go one better!!!

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Buntysdaughter (U7084475) on Wednesday, 29th June 2011

    Yes, and it is quite likely that Helen would have wanted to let Annette know, in spades, about the Magikal Babe that is Henry. But we have a new Helen now, so what she clearly would have done this time last year goes out the window.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by mike (U14258103) on Thursday, 30th June 2011

    There are a number of possibilities:

    1. Helen has been in touch and given Annette news of her baby but we simply haven't heard in on the programme (why should we?)

    2. Annette has by now moved on elsewhere and hasn't forwarded her new address to Helen (deliberately) because she is still deeply embarrassed by the Leon episode and wants to put that whole part of her life behind her.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Black-fevvered mourning Sparrer (U14335374) on Saturday, 2nd July 2011

    mike: There are a number of possibilities: 

    3. Annette never made it out of Ambridge - Helen drowned her in the poo lagoon.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by BG59 (U13873951) on Saturday, 2nd July 2011

    > Annette never made it out of Ambridge <
    I was on Sheffield railway station on the night in question; nobody answering Annette's description showed up.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by Caro (U14909021) on Sunday, 3rd July 2011

    > Annette never made it out of Ambridge <
    I was on Sheffield railway station on the night in question; nobody answering Annette's description showed up. 
    Right! Thanks all for your input.Curiouser and curiouser. Annette definitely didn't turn up at Sheffield railway station that night,but has anyone checked Nat.Xpress payloads,whatever they're called, for that date? Cheaper than train they iz...and anyway, praps she employed Subterfuge to get away from the Crazed One...any journey anywhere, coupla changes, quick disguise in the lavs, etc....could be done. Spect.

    But I'm more concerned about Leon's total disappearance, given that everyone meets everyone in Felp, wherever.......and he a lad Far From Home, she a crazed lover spurned - who's to miss him?

    And so, now that it's been suggested, I'm wondering about the freshly painted skirting boards too.........particularly that part near where the cot with the mobile that catches the sun would have stood...

    (written with dodgy internet connection in H after lunchtime meds + a surfeit of novels by Peter James kindly(?) supplied by me mates)


    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by JoinedPeetsBoard_Smeesues_too (U14519481) on Sunday, 3rd July 2011

    Er - I think what with getting Annette with child and annoying Helen, Leon might have thought it expedient to scarper back to Oz or wherever..

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by BG59 (U13873951) on Sunday, 3rd July 2011

    > in H after lunchtime meds + a surfeit of
    novels by Peter James kindly (?) supplied by me mates <
    A_R; if you are in hospital and are reading the relatively recent Peter James novel that involves organ transplants, STOP READING IT RIGHT NOW. SERIOUSLY.
    (And reconsider your choice of 'mates'; if you think the seabed scenes are disturbing, well, you ain't read nothing yet).

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by Janey_belle (U14942081) on Wednesday, 27th July 2011

    As Annette is still a character on the list, is there a chance she may be returning?
    Now that Rhys has moved into the flat, what is the possibility of Annette returning and running into Rhys expecting to see Helen? Just wondering.....

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by mike (U14258103) on Friday, 29th July 2011

    Lucy is still on the cast list (with actor's name) but she hasn't been heard for 15 years (at least), so I wouldn't hold your breath ...

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Lakey_Hill (U14391672) on Monday, 1st August 2011

    I don't think that Leon knew about Annette's pregnancy, and he didn't care that much about Helen. He could well still be in the area.

    Report message28

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