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GW 19/06/09

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Messages: 1 - 34 of 34
  • Message 1. 

    Posted by David K (U2221642) on Friday, 19th June 2009

    On the whole, one of their better weeks....some useful info...But oh dear! That bluddy sundial!!!! smiley - steam

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Pete-Free (U7363826) on Friday, 19th June 2009

    Dull Dull Dull, Toby and team. Grasses: no perfume, no colour, can't eat them, ghastly gladioli and eucomis went towards making a lack lustre episode in the builders yard again this week.

    Oh well...... GW on two weeks "summer break" now, in high summer mind you.....oh yes it'll be Wimbledon of course. Some things never change smiley - steam

    Best get out there and learn for ourselves then.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Ian (U13936372) on Friday, 19th June 2009

    I find the border planting a bit strange. that border is nearly as big as my garden.must find a tree surgeon so i can make me a sundial

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Holbert (U3994703) on Friday, 19th June 2009

    I saw the last 20 mins ( I don't record it any more and there was nothing else on at the time I wanted to watch a bit of TV!)

    Loved Alys's bit on front garden veg and her pirate outfit smiley - whistle and Carol's bit about astrantias.

    Hated the 30 min project. As usual. "Go to a tree surgeon (oh yeah, like everyone does) and get these bits of wood. Get this paper sundial and score marks into the flat bit of wood, snip up a bit of slate and voila! An amateurish looking pile of tat".

    I see I'm still not missing much. smiley - sadface

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by mcspanna (U7544489) on Friday, 19th June 2009

    did they not do the cool wall or was I just not paying attention? OK, so I wasn't glued intently to it but I also didn't switch channel either...it felt like the silliness factor had decreased significantly overall: smiley - ok

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by David K (U2221642) on Friday, 19th June 2009

    As usual. "Go to a tree surgeon (oh yeah, like everyone does) and get these bits of wood. 

    GW has been doing this for a long time now; remember Joe's raised beds on his allotment?
    There just happened to be a wood merchant down the road who had tons of brand new wood they didn't want.....Like some of us will believe any old rubbish you tell us!!!

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by malanD (U7337386) on Friday, 19th June 2009

    It was the most boring prog, I didn't learn anything or find anything interesting enough to watch.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Palaisglide (U3102587) on Friday, 19th June 2009

    I awoke after my late evening meal as it came on (blast, missed master mind) and was sort of half watching when I realised I was sitting up and taking notice. My agile brain (I oiled it yesterday) was saying "something wrong here" then recognised it for what it was, they had got my interest.
    Sitting back to enjoy this phenomenon we sailed along to the thirty minute botch up where as usual I fell about laughing, that bit is better than Dads army, I have an old clock in the garage they can have, or our auction rooms are giving sundials away after the last sunless summers.
    I had the remote in my hand for the Hot or Not ready to switch but it never came on, they had forgotten to water in the plants they buried "err" planted, I am one of those strange people who love Gladies, shame on me. Rather like grasses too but only when they are in next doors garden.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Boofer (U3709461) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    What I want to know is why did Joe find it necessary to put up a fence where there was already a perfectly nice wrought iron railing?

    If he wanted to obscure the view of the water butt in Toby's adjoining 'front garden' why not plant a shrub. It is supposed to be a gardening programme after all not 'DIY SOS'.

    As for the sun dial - the best bit about that disaster was the frog timer.

    Maybe they will use the summer break to catch up on some reading - of all the messageboard posts complaining about that shambolic feature of the programme.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by londonplantmad (U2392946) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    How much do you think the cedar planks cost that Joe built his wall with. I noticed they cut away when the sawing was being done. The sundial was ridiculous blue peter could have done better. So they mentioned bringing plants from Berryfields. Are they also bringing those expensive rusted pagoda type stands Monty bought at £150 each.If not what happened to them? They seem as though Toby and Alys have some thoughts about recycling but Joe like Monty does not mind spending other peoples money. Just like our politicians if its not your own money have what ever you fancy no matter what the cost. I am glad Carol is in her own garden with real keen enthusiasts. At least her garden is real and the information useful. For the rest of G.W its just tat. No one mentioned they were out on the deckchairs this week. Maybe next week it will be bikinis and shorts who knows.

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by the cycling gardener (U2350416) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    I loved last night's GW. The silly banter had all but ceased and the programme seemed to move logically from one topic to another and held my interest for the whole 60 minutes. The 30 minute fix was a laugh. As it took up very little time from the programme as a whole I just enjoyed a chuckle. I was particularly interested in the prairie planting as this is something I do professionally in some of my gardens. Toby's description of matrix planting wasn't as informative as it could have been but its an awkward concept to get across without a diagram. I really enjoyed Carol's contribution and the Atrantia's were superb in HD.

    It struck me that the programme format was something more like the excellent Beechgrove and the producers are listening. More like this please. 9/10

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by toonia (U4760062) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    I thought Joe's fence was the best bit. Firstly because it was a nod to how awful TB's screen and butt look -even worse from the side than the front.

    He explained what he was doing, took time and care with the levels and measurements and did a very decent job. He did say once you had the framework up you could clad it with cheaper materials instead of the cedar.

    TB was as bad as ever, trampling over the beds and bunging in plants and the sundial has really scraped the barrel as far as lack of taste and an eye for design goes.

    Anyone want to join GROT? (get rid of Toby)

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by David K (U2221642) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    As I've said several times, the naff advice being given (mainly by TB) doesn't bother me, because I'm experienced enough in gardening matters to be able to dismiss it.
    However, it does concern me that people new to gardening may actually try out these things and become disillusioned, as when (as they will) fail.

    I noticed that they concreted-in the branch used to support the "sundial". Within six months it will rot at ground level, leaving someone with the task of excavating a huge lump of concrete.

    To TB I would say, becoming the nation's head gardener comes with responsibilities, /not/ to give rubbish advice!

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by groovygran (U2934690) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    That piece of slate on the 'sundial' was all out of proportion to the tree branch! Plus, how long are those marked lines going to be legible? My 12yr old grandson could have done better than that! Does TB not do any prep. beforehand? No self-respecting DIY person would put that in their front garden.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    Alys has nicked my idea of growing cavolo nero in the front garden.
    i did it last year and interplanted with parley and beetroot and it was so beautiful!
    You spoil it all later when you harvest of course!
    Unless yo want the whole lot at the same time.
    Ruby chard would be nice as well?

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by David K (U2221642) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    My 12yr old grandson could have done better than that! 

    groovygran - You do your grandson an injustice!

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by tigerBeeBee (U11776619) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    Toonia, I'm sorry to disagree with you, but I think Toby's probably one of the most genuine and knowledgeable presenters that have fronted GW. I think he's coped extremely well with taking the lead whilst working alongside Joe and Carol who are both very experienced and established presenters.

    My gripe has to be towards Alys. Besides my feeling that her presentations come across rather cringingly as 'I'm trying ever so hard to be a celebrity', the quality of her 'advice' is often debatable. Last night for instance: Why put people off growing veg in their front gardens if they live near a busy road? Give me a bit of carbon (or heavy metals?????!!!!) in preference to pesticides any day... Don't people wash their veg?

    Also, any experienced vegetable grower will know that the best way to attract cabbage butterflies to your brassicas is to plant nastertiums near by... There's certainly no evidence that they are a preferable host and would prevent the butterflies from laying eggs on the brassicas. BTW, only the large white butterfly lays its eggs in clusters, the small white which often causes more serious damage by eating into the heart of cabbages undetected, lays its eggs singly.

    Anyhow, I'm now off to the allotment to sow some fennel!

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by darren p (U8518743) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    if i came home from work... and that sundial had appeared in my garden... i would set fire to it and seek out those responsible.... but! i am warming to toby, i just do not sync with many of his ideas.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by David K (U2221642) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    but I think Toby's probably one of the most genuine and knowledgeable presenters that have fronted GW 

    Strewth!! smiley - yikes Never ceases to amaze me what appears here. smiley - laugh

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 19.

    Posted by grow your own veg (U11933408) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    I see some of the normal friday night GW MOANERS haven't disappointed this week. I hope the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú keeps the present format just to get on your nerves.

    By the way what is wrong with Joe Swift wanting to do raised bed on his allotment there plenty of people who have created raised beds on their allotment up and down the country. so Petty to moan about that subject. I don't agree with ponds on allotments but I don't moan about it each to their own I say.

    Not only that you moan about JS raised beds on his allotment because you can, if it wasn't for him being famous gardener on tv you wouldn't give a dam.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    This posting has been hidden during moderation because it broke the in some way.

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Holbert (U3994703) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    I see some of the normal friday night GW MOANERS haven't disappointed this week.  

    I see one of the normal people who gets upset about others having a different viewpoint to him, hasn't disappointed this week and is again taking the bizarre route of defending a programme he likes by slating others.

    I hope the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú keeps the present format just to get on your nerves.  

    Really? What a sad empty life you must lead. I'm so sorry for you.

    Not only that you moan about JS raised beds on his allotment because you can, if it wasn't for him being famous gardener on tv you wouldn't give a dam.  

    Well, very few people would have seen his raised beds if he wasn't a gardener on TV would they smiley - doh so no, of course the viewers wouldn't give a dam!! smiley - dohsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by darren p (U8518743) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    how did it come to this? in order to appreciate gw, we have to lower our expectations? i think toby's 30 min fix this week was a micky take- but aimed at whom? us or the production team? maybe he has clocked us friday night moaners and is being sadistic! maybe he us having a laugh at us.........

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by PenylanSue (U13901201) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    I also like the raised beds. I made several for my allotment many years ago using 3 planks from a DIY store and some angle iron. They worked so well that when I moved house 5 years ago I was able to dismantle them and put them in my new kitchen garden. I have tall raised beds at the front of the house (which just had lawn before) and they are great. Well drained, easy to maintain (although I need a step to get up onto them to weed the middle) and they even contain a pond. Yes, they cost a bit being made of new sleepers, but so would the digger needed to dig out what was there before. We are built over an old station yard. I've worked with many people who find raised beds af any kind a real godsend.
    Please remember that GW is to give us ideas and not necesarily for us to follow, for example, Joe Swift's, fence. There will be viewers who may like to tackle that sort of thing after seeing it explained. Your house is an investment, after all, so a nice bit of cedar cladding is good.
    As Alys says, "Please don't grow veg by a busy road." Pollution from vehicles, like pesticides DOES NOT WASH OFF.
    Please don't read this and think "Oh she's made of money". I'm not, and I recycle like any one, such as making compost bins and gates out of old pallets, but as I said before, sometimes you need to spend some money. GW is supposed to cater for all. Geoff Hamilton and Alan Titchmarsh were not short of money.

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Trillium (U2170869) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    Definitely getting better. The what's hot/not/cool wall thing has clearly been ditched in favour of a far better what-to-do-now discussion. Toby's reminder about biennials was timely. Alys comes across better each week and Joe's in the groove with design stuff.

    The sundial was a poor idea though. A non-treated bit of softwood branch concreted into the ground, and whole thing was out of proportion - the slate piece was far too small.

    All the gardens they visited were huge though. I know it's trickier for cameras but they really do need to show some superb 'normal' sized gardens from time to time.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 25.

    Posted by pacific_palisades (U13926552) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    I think the current presenters are not too bad. Still think they don't spend enough time on problem solving though with pests etc

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    This posting has been hidden during moderation because it broke the in some way.

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by roseaholic (U13922482) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    Either I've mellowed or the programme has mellowed cos i actually watched the programme this week in full without irritation and deviation. smiley - smiley

    plus i'm getting to like and respect Toby again which Im really glad about because i've been on a real downer about him. He does seem to be able to present and come across well, when he can be more natural and normal and less on an adrenalin rush and acting the fool and being competitive and patronising with the others.

    Its so nice to be able to watch it again and sink back into the sofa and feel chilled out and relaxed rather than peeved off.

    I hope this is a sign off things getting back on track and not just a one off.

    I'm really easy to please really, I just dont want the Top gear style and egos anywhere near it, its the antithesis of what GW should be about.

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by pootles magnet (U11709665) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    Holbert, why don't you use the thread to tell us what you thought of the show, rather than just adding your 'critiques' of other posters?

    For me, it wasn't a particularly fascinating episode. That's mostly just for my personal likes/dislikes really - can't stand grasses, so all of that was pretty dull for me - Joe's fence, was quite interesting seeing how it built the framework, but not my style at all, so that too didn't excite.

    I'm a bit disappointed with front gardens bit to be honest. I was really looking forward to it - I had vague memories of that Gay Search front garden prog from years back, which I seem to recall had some really nice gardens in - but the patches they are using on Gardener's World are barely even gardens, they're just tiny front yards really, so I'm finding them a bit boring, which is a shame. Maybe things will perk up once the plants grow up.

    The whole thing seemed a bit flat this week - maybe they were all depressed about Wimbledon pushing them off screen!

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by U14019283 (U14019283) on Saturday, 20th June 2009

    I doubt they care about Wimbledon except to watch it like many others. They will use the break as chance to get some foundation work for future programs at green acre.

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by Holbert (U3994703) on Sunday, 21st June 2009

    Holbert, why don't you use the thread to tell us what you thought of the show, rather than just adding your 'critiques' of other posters?  

    I already have thanks - see Message 4.

    Have you said the same thing to GardenerJim by the way? No? Odd that. smiley - whistlesmiley - laugh

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by David K (U2221642) on Sunday, 21st June 2009

    p00tles_magnet - In fairness to Holbert, I think it should be understood that it was a reaction to someone who irritatingly visits these threads to ridicule those who hold opinions different from their own.

    I respect those who are happy with Toby B & the present GW format!

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Palaisglide (U3102587) on Sunday, 21st June 2009

    If my garden was on an old station yard I too would have raised beds. We gardeners adjust to the circumstances we are given and at times we need to improvise.
    I put raised beds in when it got a bit hard to bend then took them back out when the weeds no matter how hard I hoed took them over. I now use containers instead I can lift them to fill and sow then once positioned weed from a sitting position if needed.
    Those containers at Green Acres were needed as the soil they were working on was no good for anything, but why so high, why so costly and why are they not full yet.
    Joe's containers on the allotment are not needed, that ground will have been dug over for years, he used them as a quick fix against weeds and it did not work he had to spend hours weeding later when a good clear out to start would have done the job.
    I did like this weeks GW apart from the 30 minute tongue in cheek Toby slot, I would also have put up a fence if confronted with Toby's ugly water butt when going in my front door.
    Alys putting vegetables in her front garden is not new but she is right to warn against doing it on a busy road, much better to put bushes in place to soak up the fumes.
    Altogether a much better show and held my interest most of the time. Trillium is right we could do with more on a normal sized garden to round things off and maybe a few well run allotments other than Joe's.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by bookhimdano (U10771514) on Sunday, 21st June 2009

    i thought the sundial an excellent idea. its there to spark ideas. using the template one can make one as snobbish/show up the joneses as one likes? could have used a stone/brick stand. or used the concrete to make a stand by pouring it into a mould in the ground or sand.

    given the web provides unlimited time why worry about 30mins?

    why not make a duck island? hehe.

    thanks to iplayer i can fast forward stupid bits like the 3 trainee slot.

    holiday? again? blinking part timers. smiley - winkeye

    still no lawn. any plans for one? bowling green with diamond cut would do.

    Report message34

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