
TV and RadioÌý permalink

10th June

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Messages: 1 - 42 of 42
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Friday, 10th June 2011

    Well, what did we all think?
    I thought Alan's programme was great for beginners, and Monty's programme was, as it has been all season, very patchy. Please, if we're going to have his garden used, please let us see more happening in it.Monet's garden was irrelevant ( although beautiful) I want to feel some connection to Longacres, and, as yet I don't.Please let us see him working there for the majority of the programme.I want to come to know the garden as a familiar friend, and empathise with it's owner.Alan is still streets ahead of Monty as a presenter, he connects with his audience,is relaxed and natural. I shall continue to watch both programmes.....but still feel that neither one is quite what I would want ideally :/

    Report message1

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Ken Smart (U1158196) on Saturday, 11th June 2011

    I thought Gardeners' World was very good once again - though I'm not particularly into herbs. I don't really know why, but I think that Monty Don is probably better, and more relaxed, than he has ever been. This week, Carol was where she seen to best advantage - in her own garden. She really is an inspiration when it comes to propagation. Once again, the absence of Joe and Rachel was a bonus for me. The half-hour flew past.

    The Titchmarsh programme was just about exactly what I expected. It was a pleasant enough lightweight sort of a programme - more entertainment than educational. Sadly, I was left with the feeling that if AT isn't careful, he could easily spoil the fond memories of his years on GW, and his splendid complementary series. There must come a time when the 'cheeky chappy' approach starts to look a bit lame. I'll probably continue to watch, but it sure isn't 'must see' TV.

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by thedogcody (U14659366) on Saturday, 11th June 2011

    For me GW is vastly improved from when it returned in March- Monty is more relaxed, cant fault his enthusiam and you get too see a lot more " gardening"- I liked the Monet garden segment and inspired me to make a visit- something I would have never thought of before-and even though I am not a great fan of Carol (no gushing and arm- waving this week)- nice propagation technique!
    Earlier in the year there were issues with the lighting- this seems to have been addressed and it is much brighter for it.
    The AT programme - ok- the jury's still out- but I have to agree with Ken not really "must see" tv- just a way of spending 23 minutes- but I like the fact that Hoselock paid for an advert on the day drought warnings were issued in some parts of the country and that the programme was sponsored by a pain reliever - just the message you need to go gardening- " this is going to hurt"
    Geoff smiley - winkeye

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by Pumpkin_Patch_Paul (U14565900) on Saturday, 11th June 2011

    Amazing AT LAST!!They have fixed the lighting!! I am so glad somebody else noticed this as well.

    Both programmes OK and I think we all need to support any TV garden output,Carol I could watch you for a hour no trouble, thought Monty was in gpod form but like others have said I would like to see more from Monty's garden.

    The Monet garden should have been a half hour special on it's own, would have liked to see more on the running of the two nurseries that keep that wonderfull garden stocked.

    So Friday OK for me.


    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by Colin (U2252951) on Saturday, 11th June 2011

    Pleased to see that MD and AT both gave a nod to topiary and box hedging!

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Saturday, 11th June 2011

    I’m reaching the conclusion that I've been gardening for too long to expect anything credible from any gardening programme.

    I'm sure the couple, who had designed, planned & created their beautiful garden from a wilderness, didn’t need any advice from Alan T or anyone else regarding making alterations. Then I suppose it’s all carefully choreographed, right down to the patronising way AT ushered the lady away to make a cup of tea…of course, I presume there would be a suitable cheque in the post to compensate.

    Likewise, I would guess too the final shot in GW where MD pulls the string (Rambo style) of his petrol hedge-cutter (prior to doing more GBH to those wretched box hedges) looked similarly choreographed.

    Oh, and I overwinter French tarragon in the open without any problem, including last winter; reputed to be the coldest for decades.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by gaffelbiter (U14481810) on Saturday, 11th June 2011

    The longer I've had my allotment the less I watch gardening programmes. Though a programme devoted to fruit and vegetables would be appreciated. I've found French Tarragon quite hardy too. To be frank I find Monty Don a bit irritating

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Sunday, 12th June 2011

    I thought the ITV programme was gardening lite although i did enjoy AT's presentation. I would have preferred more practical info on taking a bare plot or a neglected wilderness and creating a thing of beauty rather than just being shown that it can be done and tweaking a bit of pond edging. Some people need more "how to" or it's all just too challenging so I don't think this did beginners many favours.

    I loved the bit on wildlife - how to deter cats from predating. Quite when a domestic UK moggy is supposed to have met a full grown lion and thus recognise it's poo as evidence of danger is beyond me. As for those sonic devices, I bought a pair to stop our cats from crossing the road and getting run over. It failed. The best deterrent is a water scarecrow - not shown - or intelligent siting of bird feeders and nest boxes - not rocket science.

    I think I might try making honey ice cream but, having researched the costs of bee hives and beekeeper clothing, I won't be keeping honey bees in the near future but will do my best to encourage solitary bees.

    As for Monty - it was OK but too much dreamy infill with the dog and so on. The advice on herbs was fine and I enjoyed the visit to Monet's garden but, like a previous poster, would have liked a bit more about those plant nurseries. Carol was excellent on propagation so I'll be having a go at stuff I haven't tried before and that, for me, is what a gardening programme is about - inspiring people, whatever their level of expertise, to have a go.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Logissimo (U14020652) on Sunday, 12th June 2011

    Can confirm that French Tarragon is hardy; yes it does die back in winter but grows back ever stronger the following year. He's creatinga bit of a credibility problem for himself. Agree however that Russian Tarragon is vile; I chose the wrong one myself too having brought a "Tarragon" plant myself in a garden centre and wondering for a year why it didn't taste like Tarragon.

    Hope everyone is getting the rain! L

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by welshcol (U2301689) on Sunday, 12th June 2011

    Thought the two programmes had a different brief really-AT's is design, bit of cooking!!!, easy to watch and more interactive.
    GW definitely more garden specific, topical and more gereally pertinent to your "typical" gardener- whoever she or he might be!.
    Like comparing soaps and documentries both watchable but serve different purpose smiley - erm
    Still thing BG beats the both of them together. smiley - ok

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Sunday, 12th June 2011

    Oh Obs _ i'm going to disagree with you, but I'm sure we'll manage!
    - i've always loved seeing presenters' animals in the garden with them
    AT had his cats, Alys her little dog, and Monty has his big dog.
    Hopefully, there will be an item on about how to keep all our beloved animals off the bits they will damageo on either programme
    It's a frequently asked question on the boards - so I hope one of them will address it

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Sunday, 12th June 2011

    Can confirm that French Tarragon is hardy; yes it does die back in winter but grows back ever stronger the following year. He's creatinga bit of a credibility problem for himself. Agree however that Russian Tarragon is vile; I chose the wrong one myself too having brought a "Tarragon" plant myself in a garden centre and wondering for a year why it didn't taste like Tarragon.

    Hope everyone is getting the rain! LÌý

    Well yes, this is why I keep banging on about the rubbish advice they give...but there are enough suckers to keep soaking it up, for me to make any difference.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Sunday, 12th June 2011

    Nooj - I love seeing dogs and cats in the GW garden but don't need long, lingering shots of them.

    I too have a hardy French tarragon - at least it is now that I have it in a very thick ceramic pot in a fairly sheltered spot. The fierce drainage means it has survived even my winters but it never did in the ground.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by Trillium (U2170869) on Sunday, 12th June 2011

    Just watched Friday's GW - we were away and I recorded it.

    Well, what a difference - the whole programme was brighter, lighter and more colourful and Monty was positively jaunty. Perhaps it was just the sunshine - I'm a more cheery soul in the sun too - but hopefully it was a conscious decision to 'lift' it. Anyway - lots packed in and something for everyone. Best GW I've seen in a long time.

    I'm sorry to say it doesn't need Joe and Rachel's trips out - those pieces do seem very staged and not particularly informative.

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by eremurus (U14891981) on Sunday, 12th June 2011

    Why can't we just have a simple straightforward practical gardening show?
    No trips out, no cooking, no celebrities?
    Also if I'm told how to plant a tub of mixed herbs one more time I will .........
    Having said that I do think GW is on the mend, more Carol Klein please!

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by everhopeful (U11289037) on Monday, 13th June 2011

    Why can't we just have a simple straightforward practical gardening show?
    No trips out, no cooking, no celebrities?
    Also if I'm told how to plant a tub of mixed herbs one more time I will .........
    Having said that I do think GW is on the mend, more Carol Klein please!Ìý
    We do have a straitforward gardening program its called BEECHGROVE
    I record it every Monday and watch with a cup of tea one of the following days when I come in from the garden.

    I think we are now getting quite a choice of gardening progs, some good some not sogood ,just like cookery and house viewing. We all have our favourite and dont need to complain on the message board ,just dont watch if you dont enjoy.
    No offence intended.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Pumpkin_Patch_Paul (U14565900) on Monday, 13th June 2011

    But you have to watch it to see if you like it, and if you dont you watch it again in the hope it gets better.

    I always think the "turn it off if you don't like it" to be a fools answer....

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Monday, 13th June 2011

    No it's not. I've turned off or over every time a soap comes on for years but also haven't felt the need to vent vitriol about their dross on a message board. Nor do I watch "reality" TV like Big brother, Britain's Got Talent, The Apprentice. I could happily switch off the entire production teams' fundings as well as the TV.

    On the other hand, I do feel strongly about what gardening TV should and could be so I'll no doubt continue, to comment, congratulate or complain as needs be.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Trillium (U2170869) on Monday, 13th June 2011

    Obelixx - I absolutely concur.

    I contribute to this board because GW is the only long term TV programme I care about. I want it to be great.

    Am somewhat embarrassed to say that the only other programme I regularly watch is Casualty - but that's just fiction, so I really bring myself to comment on it publicly....

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Ken Smart (U1158196) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    I've turned off or over every time a soap comes on for years but also haven't felt the need to vent vitriol about their dross on a message board.Ìý

    Much as I normally agree with your views, I think on this occasion you've grabbed the wrong end of the stick. Like yourself, I don't watch the 'dross' on TV, but GW is something that historically had been a 'must see' for more years than I care to remember. It should also be remembered that gardening programmes are like hens teeth, and it is not unnatural for enthusiasts to fight hard to get the quality shown that they think they deserve. I appreciate that you were taking a general view of 'turning off', but in this case I'm 100% behind PPP. By not watching GW for well over a year recently, I simply cultivated a general loathing for those behind the Toby debacle - but it did take me many months of hellish viewing before I finally decided that it was not going to get any better. Bear in mind also, that if we had all remained indifferent to the previous version of GW, we would not have brought about the dramatic change that we now have. It's difficult to demand change to a programme if you don't know what's been happening.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    Ken - To each their own of course, but I'm puzzled how you or anyone else could see Monty Don as an improvement on Toby Buckland.
    I would concede that the format of the programme in TB's time was pretty dire, but I think it would be unfair to blame Toby for that.

    I have to pose the question, do you not notice (or are you not bothered) by the incorrect & rubbish advice you are being given?

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 21.

    Posted by Ken Smart (U1158196) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    I have to pose the question, do you not notice (or are you not bothered) by the incorrect & rubbish advice you are being given?Ìý

    David, I confess that many of the valid points you've made relative to Monty's poor advice simply passed me by at the time. However, recently I've become aware that, while I follow all the recommended procedures in the garden, my wife just 'cuts and plonks' - and there's not much difference at all in our final results. Clearly, there are usually many ways to achieve the same results, and down the years, I don't think either of us could disagree that Monty Don has regularly produced beautiful gardens (don't mention the box). Unlike yourself, I do hold Toby partly responsible for the previous debacle, and I get tired of hearing of people supposedly being 'forced' to do things they don't believe in. Final word on the subject of poor advice. I listen to Monty Don, and (believe it or not) I pay heed also to what you say - so I can't lose.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 22.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    Goodness Ken - you've been on a diplomacy course!!!!!!!

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Pumpkin_Patch_Paul (U14565900) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    Goodness Ken - you've been on a diplomacy course!!!!!!!
    Ken comes across to me as less of a diplomat and more of a wise sage. (excuse the pun)....

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    I was just wonderting if it was expensive, and whether to sign up!

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 16.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    We do NOT ALL have Beechgrove.It is not on Freeview and that is all I have.
    I do NOT want to watch via the computer as I find it very uncomfortable. Anyway, that is no excuse for the poor quality of programming from the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by Ken Smart (U1158196) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    Goodness Ken - you've been on a diplomacy course!!!!!!!
    Here was me thinking that I was ALWAYS the diplomat. I can feel a complex coming on.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 27.

    Posted by nooj (U13729031) on Tuesday, 14th June 2011

    No you're not - you can be amusingly grumpy!
    You've probably just blanked that out....

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Bluedoyenne (U2341157) on Wednesday, 15th June 2011

    I didn't see AT's programme, so cannot comment.
    MD's programme I saw only last night. It was good to see MD in such bouyant mood and his visit to Giverney was a pleasure to watch. But I too think this deserved a 30 min slot of its own, which would have left us with 30 mins of pure gardening. Carol will always be wonderful - so two great and different gardeners in two very different gardens. What more could one ask for.

    As for Joe and Rachel - I mean no disrespect to either of them, but the programme does not need them and I would even say it is much better when they are not involved.

    And maybe someone in the production team read my message about continuity because MD did say what we're supposed to be doing with sweetpeas after weeks of silence on the issue. Yea! smiley - smiley

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by everhopeful (U11289037) on Thursday, 16th June 2011

    We do NOT ALL have Beechgrove.It is not on Freeview and that is all I have.
    I do NOT want to watch via the computer as I find it very uncomfortable. Anyway, that is no excuse for the poor quality of programming from the Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú Ìý
    Ooops I seem to have stirred something up
    Lowena are you sure you cant get Beechgrove on Freevi ew I 1st watched it in I Player and then saw a message on this board giving channels that it is repeated on. We have sky until next week when we are changing to Virgin. I have been assured I will still be able to get all the same channels.
    If you wld like to watch it why not give it a try on I Player just once to see if you like it. Forgive me for laughing but i had a vision of a little girl stamping her feet in reply to my suggestion.

    Ken and David Do you like the botany progs which are being shown?

    I doubt I wld survive in the world of hard business as it upstes me to tink that people ie Toby, Alys, Joe can lose thier jobs because of comments made on message boards. Perhaps you could use your influence to get rid of most of the rubbish and violence screened today. My husband and I agree to record the things the other one doesnt like and we each watch at our convenience.
    Do you rant on other boards or is it just the gardening.

    The advantage of recording is of course that you can fast forward the bits you dont need. Its pouring with rain here so I am on the computer instead of being in the garden and will now go in search of some scented leaves garaniums mentioned on the blogs on gardening board..
    See you later bye Eh

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Obelixx (U2157162) on Thursday, 16th June 2011

    Hello Ken. I do think "turn off " is good advice for those who can only rant and pour negative scorn on the proceedings.

    However, it's not much good for people like you and others who do care enough about a programme's content to want to see it improved and who can offer constructive comment and suggestions and even praise when they get it right.

    It also pays to remember that the UK, not to mention GW's continental audience, has a wide variety of soils, climates and growing conditions so what works for a poster/gardener in Cornwall won't work for one in Essex, or Lancashire or points more exposed or sheltered. Gardening does require us to be flexible and adaptable. In general, gardeners are tolerant souls but some are very fixed in their ways and will brook no alternative methods or timings.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Thursday, 16th June 2011

    Definitely not on Freeview.It is on Sky, Virgin and Freesat only.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by Ken Smart (U1158196) on Thursday, 16th June 2011

    Ken and David Do you like the botany progs which are being shown?

    I haven't seen it yet - but I have a good feeling about it.

    it upstes me to tink that people ie Toby, Alys, Joe can lose thier jobs because of comments made on message boardsÌý
    Unfortunately, this is not the way things work. It was probably the volume of criticism from gardening journalists and newspaper columnists that brought about the downfall of the previous regime. Take comfort from the fact that none of the above mentioned are out of work. Alys is rewarded with her very own TV series, Joe was never actually dumped, and Toby is still 'on the circuit', and presumably coining it in. It would seem that there is no price to pay for abject failure.

    Do you rant on other boards or is it just the gardening.Ìý
    You must be referring specifically to David, as I've been assured that I've become a bit of a pussycat. However, you have my assurance that I'm not one of those serial complainers who seem to need the companionship of a Message Board. The sad truth is that I don't watch too much Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú TV these days, which is why the aforementioned Chris Beardshaw programme has slipped by me (for the moment), but I've no hesitation in making some points about GW when the occasion demands. I can't tell you how nice it feels to be able to say something positive about it at long last.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by everhopeful (U11289037) on Thursday, 16th June 2011

    Ken and David Do you like the botany progs which are being shown?

    I haven't seen it yet - but I have a good feeling about it.

    it upstes me to tink that people ie Toby, Alys, Joe can lose thier jobs because of comments made on message boardsÌý
    Unfortunately, this is not the way things work. It was probably the volume of criticism from gardening journalists and newspaper columnists that brought about the downfall of the previous regime. Take comfort from the fact that none of the above mentioned are out of work. Alys is rewarded with her very own TV series, Joe was never actually dumped, and Toby is still 'on the circuit', and presumably coining it in. It would seem that there is no price to pay for abject failure.

    Do you rant on other boards or is it just the gardening.Ìý
    You must be referring specifically to David, as I've been assured that I've become a bit of a pussycat. However, you have my assurance that I'm not one of those serial complainers who seem to need the companionship of a Message Board. The sad truth is that I don't watch too much Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú TV these days, which is why the aforementioned Chris Beardshaw programme has slipped by me (for the moment), but I've no hesitation in making some points about GW when the occasion demands. I can't tell you how nice it feels to be able to say something positive about it at long last.
    I am only stirring it Ken call it boredom when I cant get out into the garden.

    Its good to read all the comments offered and I am pleased when I get a response, better than being ignored.

    This is a great message board and I have had some very useful advice
    oh dear there i go again boring boring boring
    I think I will take a nap.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by JakiB (U4322875) on Thursday, 16th June 2011

    It seems that everyone has strayed from the subject of this thread - AT's new programme.

    I did enjoy the programme and I loved the featured garden, especially the pond area, (being a Piscean, I have a thing for water). Personally I prefer AT with his gardening hat on to anything else he does on TV. He is really passionate about gardening and, like me, gets excited by the whole process.

    I'm going to stray briefly from the subject of the thread to add that I can't stand Lesley in Beechgrove, although I do enjoy the rest of the programme.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Thursday, 16th June 2011

    Everhopeful - I have to say, I deeply shocked by this! I felt sure you must be referring to Ken, with his incessant moan, moan, moan, about Gardener's World and it's presenters...though I will concede he has mellowed slightly since his successful campaign to put the skids under poor Toby. [Also, it hasn't gone unnoticed; he now has the lovely Rachel & the hapless Joe in his sights.]

    You ask if I ‘rant’ on other boards, well I certainly post messages on other boards (including other sections of this one) where my presence has thus far been received in a friendly manner and to my knowledge I’m held in high regard.

    I wonder if you confuse ‘rant’ with my readiness to point out blatant inadequacies in certain presenters who seem lost in their own celebrity.
    In my defence, you may like to know that, following her recent & successful TV series Carol Klein thanked me personally in her blog, for my support over the years. You may also wish to note my complimentary remarks about Chris Beardshaw in the thread ‘Apple appetiser’ on this page……I don’t criticize just to be controversial.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by everhopeful (U11289037) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Everhopeful - I have to say, I deeply shocked by this! I felt sure you must be referring to Ken, with his incessant moan, moan, moan, about Gardener's World and it's presenters...though I will concede he has mellowed slightly since his successful campaign to put the skids under poor Toby. [Also, it hasn't gone unnoticed; he now has the lovely Rachel & the hapless Joe in his sights.]

    You ask if I ‘rant’ on other boards, well I certainly post messages on other boards (including other sections of this one) where my presence has thus far been received in a friendly manner and to my knowledge I’m held in high regard.

    I wonder if you confuse ‘rant’ with my readiness to point out blatant inadequacies in certain presenters who seem lost in their own celebrity.
    In my defence, you may like to know that, following her recent & successful TV series Carol Klein thanked me personally in her blog, for my support over the years. You may also wish to note my complimentary remarks about Chris Beardshaw in the thread ‘Apple appetiser’ on this page……I don’t criticize just to be controversial.

    David please see my message 24

    I mean no disrespect but do like to stir things occasionally

    I actually agree with most of what you say but dont have your eloquence.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by David K (U14115317) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Everhopeful - I’m a little surprised you saw my message as anything other than tongue in cheek.....hope Ken doesn’t see it as anything other!

    There I go, trying to be humorous! smiley - laugh

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by ladynovicegardener (U5368058) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    I had family visiting last weekend so thank goodness for the record button. I thought the AT show was ok but not particularly interesting. Surely he could have done more than fix up a bit of edging around a pond. Perhaps I've just become too bored with it all. I'm not sure, we'll see what tonight brings.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by cufcskim (U14483815) on Friday, 17th June 2011

    Definitely not on Freeview.It is on Sky, Virgin and Freesat only.Ìý It most definitely is on freeview, Â鶹¹ÙÍøÊ×Ò³Èë¿Ú1/2 Scotland, which is obviously broadcast and received in Scotland and the Borders.

    You can get yourself freesat for £40 or freesat HD for around £65.
    If you're able to put up a trellis, you can set it up a dish yourself.

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Lowena (U14575314) on Saturday, 18th June 2011

    In a valley, surrounded by trees.No satellite signal which is why I don't have SKY.
    Freeview ( no box) built into digital tv. Channel 5 are having a ( by the sounds of it) very lightweight gardening programme, starting in July.
    I find AT's programme rather lightweight and MD's programme okish.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Sheila1 (U2826143) on Sunday, 19th June 2011

    Hello Ken! Don't come on the message board very often nowadays. Thought I would just say a quick hello and see how you are. Rarely watch G.W. these days. Tend to record it but spend most of my time whizzing through it. Just been to G.W. show which ,unlike some, I thoroughly enjoyed. Hope you and your good lady are well . Cheers!

    Report message42

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