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December in your garden

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Messages: 1 - 50 of 7306
  • Message 1.Ìý

    Posted by daisy_host (U14285225) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Good morning all and welcome to December in your garden. This is your monthly over the garden fence thread where you can share what’s wonderful in your garden and talk about other topics. Please note this thread will be closed at the end of each month.

  • Message 2

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Good morning,

    Well we had a bit of a gale last night but the sun is shining today, not sure if I will be able to do any gardeningsmiley - erm

    Yvie good to see you are still with us I feel for you with a migraine.

    Kit can you not get those kids to share, did you get a blind?

    smiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - xmaspudsmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - xmaspudsmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - xmaspudsmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - xmaspudsmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - xmaspud

    Report message2

  • Message 3

    , in reply to message 1.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Goodmorning Daisy and thanks.

    As Geoff is absent today, hope he produces his excuse letter when he returns, I will be first.

    I now pronounce Christmas officially open. smiley - winkeye No more bah humbugs.

    Lovely day and may venture out, yet again.

    Summer reminded me last night that my grandson has been picked to be Joseph in the school nativity play. Fortunately, as he goes to a Church Shool, it will be the nativity as we know it, not one trying to please all and sundry. Apologies if that may offend anyone. Why should I feel the need to put that?

    How's the tooth Kate?

    Report message3

  • Message 4

    , in reply to message 2.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Oh, you've spoilt my day now kevinlovescosmos smiley - winkeye

    Got my blind but can't think what you mean about kids sharing. smiley - doh Explain in simple syllables for this slightly demented old bird.

    Got up earlyish and getting nowhere. Not even had brekkie yet.

    Got to get my long ladders out so I can wave and shout to Geoff in London. Good job it wasn't yesterday. Someone may have shoved a banner in his hands.

    Report message4

  • Message 5

    , in reply to message 3.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Tooth is giving me grief, I don't think it liked the beef stew, back to soup today.

    I like a proper nativity,I think it is a shame that many schools have closed performances now, in my day all the villagers could come and the pensioners got a cup of tea and a mince pie.

    Report message5

  • Message 6

    , in reply to message 4.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    You said your grandson was on the computer so you could not use it?

    I hope Geoff got there safely.

    Report message6

  • Message 7

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    If I allow him in the computer, it stops him talking! Also, he does play second fiddle to his sister so it's nice for him to be on it without her keep poking her nose in.

    Sorry to hear tooth still playing up. Just keep sucking the chocolate.

    I am pleased that the school keeps to it christian traditions. Although I loved to watch eldest grandson in his play, I often wondered what significance they bore to the nativity. No Mary, Joseph and baby, etc. I remember one year he was a fish! The other thing was that every child participated. No one was given a 'special' part.

    At least Geoff has got a good day weatherwise.

    Report message7

  • Message 8

    , in reply to message 6.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Morning all,

    Kit and Kev, I do agree about the nativity. Every culture and belief should be able to tell their own stories in their own way. Getting together to share and to celebrate our various beliefs and traditions is a joyful thing.

    Hope your grandson enjoys his role, Kit. Of course we grandmothers shall take plenty of tissues.

    Sunny but cold here and I'm waiting in again. Shall watch for Geoff waving.

    Report message8

  • Message 9

    , in reply to message 7.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Oh, you've just made me laugh out loud, Where-is-Geoff. smiley - laugh Didn't spot it before I posted.

    You are going to get everyone confused. Might think we have lots of new posters.

    Report message9

  • Message 10

    , in reply to message 9.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I did think that. Duh!

    Report message10

  • Message 11

    , in reply to message 10.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I hope Geoff will have enough pennies to buy us souvenirs after he has bought lunch in Londonsmiley - yikes

    I like a gigglesmiley - laugh

    Report message11

  • Message 12

    , in reply to message 8.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Miorning Summer

    You're an early bird today. I should be getting myself ready to go out, but just can't summons up the energy to do so. I think I might clear out the small cupboard under the stairs. It holds several pieces of eldest son's drum kit, some of which I think will go in the loft. Just the stands. It will give me room to put more rubbish. He doesn't 'gig' any more so doesn't need it handy.

    Do you enjoy entertaining Summer? I hate it as I get so worked up that things aren't going to go right.

    Grandchildren's school is for those of christian faith only. Quite difficult to get into. However, the juniors have trips to all other faith's places of worship and, of course, learning about other faiths it is all part of the curriculem.

    Must move.

    Report message12

  • Message 13

    , in reply to message 12.

    Posted by Summerchild (U14187397) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Hope you are enjoying your morning,Kit. Clearing out a cupboard is a good way of focusing the mind, isn't it.

    I love entertaining. Of course it is not quite the same without OH, but I prepare well and then boss the daughters about for a bit when they get here, to make everything ready for the others. My DIL at her first family party, before they were married, was astonished to be handed a cabbage and told to shred it for coleslaw. She passed the test and is like one of my own now.

    Report message13

  • Message 14

    , in reply to message 13.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I have been for a potter around the garden, very little to do. I wanted to check the shed as this is the first serious rain we have had since it was re-felted, it is OK.

    I wonder if Geoff is having a nice time?

    Report message14

  • Message 15

    , in reply to message 14.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Sorted the cupboard. Just a bit of shifting around was all it needed so not necessary to go to the trouble of putting drum stuff in loft. Did get another lot of rubbish in.Discovered I have run out of black bags. Nuisance.

    Washed the pvc in kitchen in the hope that blind will be put up tomorrow. Will then cease to feel I am living in a fish bowl. Always have the feeling that I am being watched. Stupid you may think, but neighbour over the back once asked me what I had been doing one day! She had watched me from a bedroom window. Now the magnolia tree has lost its leaves, she can see straight into my thru room and kitchen.

    Have ordered Christmas cards and crackers online. Easy peasy. I am sure they will be absolutely wonderful.

    Wonder whether Geoff has had his cheeseburger yet.

    I am going to have sausages, mash and beans for my dinner, which I will have at lunchtime (I know that sounds daft), as I am at daughter's tonight. She has got me a pizza but I think I will be having too much cheese after last night's meal. Was in agony during the night. smiley - sadface

    Report message15

  • Message 16

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Afternoon all.

    People changing names! What next? smiley - laugh

    Daughter took me out to localish GC for coffee & yummy egg custards. Survived the being driven, only once instictively lifting foot off accelerator!! It was noticed, of course, but luckily she saw the funny side! Being a passenger I actually noticed a pond that never knew existed- you wouldnt see it at all if driving.

    She's now out all this afternoon, so shall do my exercises next & may do some ironing- yay, my choice of TV or whatever. Have already taken painkillers for my knee, sitting being driven & not using it wasnt very comfy!

    I'm cooking the meal tonight- another HF-W one. Must study the recipe to gauge times etc, but not totally sure what time she's back. J.

    Report message16

  • Message 17

    , in reply to message 15.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Sorting cupboards is often all they need, we have a lot of stepsons stuff here, which I would like to sort but cannot.

    I love cheese but it makes me sneeze really badly.

    It is really surreal, I have been observing my neighbours who back onto me, they have had 2 daughters, family parties etc over the years, they never shut their front room curtains. I have never met them because their road has a completely different entrance, I even know when they go away and I keep an eye on their house, am I creepy stalker?

    Hope Geoff's cheeseburger was yummy.

    Report message17

  • Message 18

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I cant understand why folk leave their curtains open at night- wastes energy, allows all sorts to nose, sorry WiG.

    BTW, I know why Dwarfbean doesnt put up the decorations until that late! smiley - winkeye

    With having a Dec birthday, none here until about a week before.

    Daughter, & me, have been sniffing 'real' trees this morning- think the GC staff used to the 2 idiotic females doing it every year. We cant be the only ones.

    I nearly got her to let me buy a small, real tree in a pot for this year, but she did point out that her car not big enough- true. So the elderly artificial one will be used one last time- we plan to try & replace it this time with a smaller one when they are half-price in GC sale! J.

    Report message18

  • Message 19

    , in reply to message 17.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    No Kate, just good neighbourhood watch. I doubt you would ask them what they were doing at a particular time. I think it's good to be observant of what goes on around you so you know if something isn't quite right. I always check that my old neighbour opposite has pulled her curtains in the evening and that they are pulled back the following morning.

    I remember now you saying about cheese making you sneeze. How strange.

    All on your own today Jo. Bliss! Doesn't daughter have a TV in her room that she watches so you can have what you like on? You must put your foot down and have what you want on! Hope you are resting.

    Going to cook my sausages and mash.

    Report message19

  • Message 20

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Jo if you leave your curtains open you have to run the risk of being watched, it is quite built up a round here, so I imagine 3/4 people can see right in, they are a lovely family though so nothing to hide.

    No tree here this year, I might do some light decorating but nothing that will take too long to take down.

    Jo I am one my own tonight, so I may try a veggie dish.

    Report message20

  • Message 21

    , in reply to message 18.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    That was quick posting Jo!! I must have had a nap whilst typing mine!

    I do know about DB but still don't understand why 24 December. Perhaps he will come back and tell me.

    I know people love real trees but, as both my two always have one, I just find that even though they now say the needles don't drop, they do and end up making a terrible mess everywhere. Can't be doing with that. There's also the going and buying it, getting it home, cutting off the bottom - no thanks.

    About buying the tree Jo, that reminded me of when eldest son took me to GC and I bought loads of stuff, a lot of it because of him. Got to his car - looked at the trolley and thought it's never going to go in. I reckoned without his packing. He had his roof open with a tree sticking out the top, I got in and he then surrounded me with plants with the aid of some of the staff. Had to drive really slowly home, laughing all the way.

    Report message21

  • Message 22

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Our kitchen is at the front of house, next to an alleyway, so am paranoid about people being able to see in.
    Know what you mean though about 'change' in whether curtains shut or not. we're all pretty good around here at keeping a watch on each others' house.

    Now am really confused. Had a phone call on Tues to say my appointment tomorrow was 11am, but letter arrived just now saying 9.30am! smiley - doh So have phoned up & been told get there for 9.30. Dont know if that's good or bad..........

    Good job daughter around as OH wouldnt be back by then- he drives back home on a friday morning, but waits until daylight at this time of year. If we, me, get our act together going down in the car will save my knees! Also am terrified of slipping, so, since a cold night due here the pavements wouldnt be fun. J.

    Report message22

  • Message 23

    , in reply to message 20.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Where-is-Geoff. Now you know that you can't make a passing remark about not putting decs up and not explain why. May we have an explanation or have you already said why and I've missed it - again.

    Report message23

  • Message 24

    , in reply to message 23.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Jo I am sure that it is fine just a clerical error.

    Kit I did tell you all about the family party and the trials and tribulations of organising my brothers family, I just did not mention Christmas.smiley - winkeye

    I am having to do my own ironing, where is the dynamo when you need her?

    Report message24

  • Message 25

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Dynamo here! Eating an apple.

    About to clean the kitchen floor, downstairs loo & bathroom whilst no-one around!!
    Yes, I know should be taking things easy, but if I've got the energy & something needs doing........J.

    Report message25

  • Message 26

    , in reply to message 24.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Resting I hope WiG. Told you I was thick.smiley - winkeye

    Jo, as WiG has said, all will be fine. Too many good vibes coming your way for it to be any different. You will be painting Kate's house, doing up my kitchen, playing golf with Geoff, chores for Lottie and Yvie and any other little job there is going next week whilst we all sit with out feet up chatting on here. Believe me smiley - winkeye

    Report message26

  • Message 27

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Well have swept the kitchen, now to mop it, if I can..... Done my exercises, getting more difficult.
    Am trying not to think about if an earlier appointment time etc etc. Wish my brain would switch off at times. J.

    Report message27

  • Message 28

    , in reply to message 26.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Ironing finished , now I need to sort out some draws, I can never find a pair of socks when I need them.

    smiley - santasmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - crackersmiley - santasmiley - cracker

    Report message28

  • Message 29

    , in reply to message 28.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Remind me next time I say I fancy sausages, mash, etc, that I don't like the dinner. Add that to the baked spud and tuna.

    Will have to find something nice to eat now to compensate.

    I have terribly neat drawers. I am a terrible neat person. Twee I think the word is. My son has terribly neat drawers and wardrobe too - much to his disgust! smiley - biggrin

    Only got one shirt to iron and I won't be getting the ironing board out for that. Not for the next week or so I shouldn't think.

    Wonder if Geoff is in the charabanc on his way back. Do you think he will be touched at the amount of times we have mentioned his absence today?

    Not in the festive mood enough yet to start using christmas smilies.

    Report message29

  • Message 30

    , in reply to message 29.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I am very untidy, well I was till I married, I am quite happy to live in chaos but as a compromise I have made an effort to be tidier.

    There is always a compromise between easy meals and yummy ones, I am thinking about pasta in a leek saucesmiley - erm

    Do you think Geoff will stay to look at the lights in the West End?

    Report message30

  • Message 31

    , in reply to message 30.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Have mopped the kitchen, cleaned downstairs cloaks & mopped in there. Done my 2cnd set of exercices-ouch- but at least my knee is much happier, for the moment.

    2 crackers have crept in as well- naughty J.

    Fished my library books to renew. It's annoying as a 3 week cycle- that's going to take us up to about CEve! Havent actually opened any of them, but want to read them. Am still doing BB, & started a John Cushnie, on pruning, this morning, before daughter stated nagging about going to GC!

    Our, daughter & me, version of North African squash & chickpea stew for tonight. Better go make a start. J.

    Report message31

  • Message 32

    , in reply to message 31.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    As am still pootling around-oops, just heard the owl start up outside- if it sits in the tree near the bedroom window, shall not be impressed as you can distinctly hear it through the double glazing. J.

    Report message32

  • Message 33

    , in reply to message 32.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Have been eating dip & tortilla chips whilst cooking- I really need to 'be good' tomorrow. The HF-W recipe was pretty easy to do, sort of a one-pot thick soup/stew which we'll have with nice bread. The rest of the squash is chopped up & stored ready to do soup tomorrow or sat- organised!

    Now to watch 'trashie' TV whilst meal cooking. J.

    Report message33

  • Message 34

    , in reply to message 33.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Jo I do not think you need to worry about being good this month and especially with the amount of energy you expend.

    Report message34

  • Message 35

    , in reply to message 34.

    Posted by jo4eyes (U13654107) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Well as usual, food left over, despite trying to do only for 2.
    Excellent meal & enough for OH & me plus baked potato tomorrow night. Daughter always refuses to eat the same meal 2 days running! Doesnt bother me & she's out tomorrow so shant have to think about what doing- just a rough menu for the shopping being done on sat.

    OH been baking again! Says he's bringing cakes- plural smiley - yikes back tomorrow. He's really taken to baking, but then his Mum taught him well.
    What amuses me is at his little house he's soooo house proud, but here, ha, no-way.

    Think we're going to get our first frost up here tonight. Am watching the temperature dropping in the greenhouse- we have a sensor in there that 'sends' to another in the lounge. I know that all the plants are fleeced etc, so cant do any more. at least the panel back in.

    Just watched a Top Gear, possibly from couple of years back, & noticed a Cranleigh sign on a nearby parked lorry. Didnt Yvieh say that the TG track nearby?

    The owl gone quiet, good. Have to get up early tomorrow so daughter & me can get down to hospital. Am no good in mornings. May walk IF no frost, but since am terrified of slipping it will be daughters' car & the traffic is bad that early in that direction. I do know that as en-route to my Monday job, when working. J.

    Report message35

  • Message 36

    , in reply to message 35.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Jo How many cakes? Not sure about frost here, it is raining again.

    Report message36

  • Message 37

    , in reply to message 36.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Back from looking after kids. Pouring with rain and cold.

    Been very quiet on here tonight. Looks quite like old times! Got to a point at one time when it was mainly me and Jo trying to keep it going! Now it looks like Jo has been talking to herself all night. smiley - laugh

    If there's too many cakes, Kate and I will help you eat them Jo. Trouble is, these cakes never materialise. Shouldn't worry about putting on weight, you are on the go too much. Now me, that's a different kettle of fish. Didn't eat any tea, just had a yoghurt an a rice, oh and a handful of granddaughter's flumps.

    Think I might watch 2 episodes of 4 in a Bed on catchup and then go to bed, unless anyone decides to post on here.

    Good luck for tomorrow Jo.

    Report message37

  • Message 38

    , in reply to message 37.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Hi Kit I have been nursing an aching jaw all night, it is not painful just annoying but I have done very little unlike Jo. Looks miserable out and tomorrow is the same smiley - sadface

    I am starting to worry about Geoff, we should have arranged a curfew for him, maybe they stopped for fish and chips on the way back?

    Report message38

  • Message 39

    , in reply to message 38.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    Poor you Kate. Pain makes you tired, no matter how 'minor' it is. I do hope that the antibiotics do the trick so you can have the tooth sorted next week, or started anyway. Have you got strong painkillers?

    I bet Geoff went straight to bed. Not used to being in the 'smoke' and on such an awful day after all. All that travelling at his age too smiley - laugh Don't forget it's the second day in 5 days. Too much for the poor old thing.

    He will be so pleased to know that we missed his silliness, even though you kept us going. What name tomorrow I wonder? smiley - winkeye

    I am already thinking of what to eat tomorrow, having had two disasterous meals this week. I am sure I think about my next meal all the time. Am getting so fed up with it. Perhaps I'll have chicken in one form or another. At least I know it won't give me pain.

    Going to watch GA again now. Too early to go to bed.

    Report message39

  • Message 40

    , in reply to message 39.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I always plan my next meal as soon as I have finished one. My problem is OH, he likes a proper meal, whereas I could snack all day. I am currently sucking chocolate.

    I will be very upset if we do not have a full report on Geoff's day out.

    I have just deleted the next program I was planning to watchsmiley - doh

    I have made another christmas present smiley - smiley

    Report message40

  • Message 41

    , in reply to message 40.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I always plan my next meal as soon as I have finished one. My problem is OH, he likes a proper meal, whereas I could snack all day. I am currently sucking chocolate.

    I will be very upset if we do not have a full report on Geoff's day out.

    I have just deleted the next program I was planning to watchsmiley - doh

    I have made another christmas present smiley - smileyÌý
    Been e-mailing so not got round to catchup yet. Can't you watch prog on catchup or is a film?

    I used to organised with meals, but since son has been working and doesn't get home until 7.30 at earliest but often goes out or to the gym after work, I find I leave my meal later and later then end up doing something quick which I don't really like. Have gone off lots of things. Am also having a problem at the moment as, without sounding like a hypercondriac, every meal I eat seems to cause me a lot of pain. Is there a doctor in the house? I wonder whether, as you mention, I might be better having small meals of what I fancy, rather than thinking of having a 'proper' meal. I think I will try it

    I am sure Geoff will give a blow by blow account of his day out 'up West'. I expect he was ever so excited. Probably had to be told to sit down several times and to stop kicking the seat in front of him. Oh, and please refrain from making those awful noises smiley - winkeye

    I do think that's a lovely idea to make your own pressies. I loved your little flowers.

    Report message41

  • Message 42

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I've done it again!! Didn't mean to quote you Kate. My laptop has a mind of its own at the moment.

    This 3 min rule doesn't help either.

    Report message42

  • Message 43

    , in reply to message 41.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    I only watch programs on computer if I am desperate to see them, The Slap is repeated on saturday so will record it then.

    I never believed that I would be a difficult eater, I suppose it catches up with all of us, I have a list of bad foods, so does OH, it then gets so boring I just give up and we get chicken and rice again.

    I am turning my flowers into brooches smiley - smiley

    Report message43

  • Message 44

    , in reply to message 43.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Thursday, 1st December 2011

    You're still watching that naughty programme! Just watched episode 14 of GA. I really enjoy it. Not everyone's cup of tea I know.

    I am getting really fed up with cutting things out. I keep looking on internet for good and bad food for me but nothing seems to be working.

    Love the idea of the brooches.

    1 min to go - Night

    Report message44

  • Message 45

    , in reply to message 44.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Friday, 2nd December 2011


    Christopher Robin not back yet?

    Sunny but cold.

    Every day, I start with nothing to do. Sometimes I find a job that I want to get on with but often I am a couch potato. Should I feel guily? I don't think so. If there's nothing to do, then there's nothing to do.

    I know, I am just waffling along but until someone comes and joins me, then I have to talk to myself.

    Report message45

  • Message 46

    , in reply to message 45.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Friday, 2nd December 2011

    Hi Kit sunny here too, I may go for a potter in the garden in a minute.

    I ended up watching a film last night where the heroine was a caterer and owned a cake shop, so many shots of yummy food , why do they do that.

    I am worried about Geoff, maybe he got lost or is being held hostagesmiley - erm

    Hope Jo's appointment is short and sweet.

    Report message46

  • Message 47

    , in reply to message 46.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Friday, 2nd December 2011

    Hi Kate. Perhaps he's catching up on his chores. Missed a day yesterday.

    Yes, I too hope Jo's appointment is short and sweet. I am sure she will get back to us as soon as she feels able.

    Very wet out, even though it's sunny. I won't be walking round the garden!

    Just been trying to self-diagnose, with the help of internet, to find out why, when I lie down, I get a pain in the middle of my body. Goes away when I get up. Keeps waking me up. If it's not one thing, it's another as my Mum used to say.

    Am already thinking about what to eat today and I've only just finishd my weetabix.

    Report message47

  • Message 48

    , in reply to message 47.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Friday, 2nd December 2011

    I do not think I will be able to walk on the lawn but there are still a few plants on the patio that need tidying.

    Odd medical problems are really annoying, they are not doctor worthy but you feel that a solution is out there if only you knew where to look. I spent years waking up feeling like I had a cold before I found out that I was eating too much dairy, I thought I was protecting my bones.

    What chores does Geoff do?

    Report message48

  • Message 49

    , in reply to message 48.

    Posted by Twiggy (U3854938) on Friday, 2nd December 2011

    Now then Kate. You know what a busy little bee he is by the amount of time he manages to spend on here. Bit like you and me smiley - winkeye

    Whilst I was laying in bed listening to the radio, I planned to get up earlier and get on and be ready for about 11. Not going anywhere but thought I ought to mke an effort. Well, at least I thought about it.

    Report message49

  • Message 50

    , in reply to message 49.

    Posted by We are Happy Wallflowers (U14952193) on Friday, 2nd December 2011

    I am glad that you do so much thinking Kit smiley - smiley

    I am off to the garden then I am going to make some soup, healthy stuff smiley - winkeye

    Report message50

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