Erica Leerhsen - Blair Witch 2

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

Interviewed by James Mottram

What did you think of the original "Blair Witch Project"?

I really liked it. I thought it was a great concept, and the last ten minutes were so scary. I was living in Brooklyn and I saw it in a very scary movie theatre. When I went home to my incredibly scary apartment, which had no curtains at the time, I kept thinking someone was going to break in through my window.

You've never acted professionally before. How difficult was the experience of working on a movie which has such expectations pinned on it?

I just looked at it as an incredible opportunity. I wasn't thinking "Oh, my God, I can never do this." I had the chance to create this entire character. I honestly didn't think about how difficult it was. It seemed easy.

In this film, you play a white witch. What kind of research did you do?

I studied Wiccanism really intensely. Joe, the director, would give me a new book on Wicca every single day. I became really knowledgeable as to what the Wiccan religion is and all the persecutions that Wiccans receive on a day-to-day basis - how their kids are shunned from activities from school, how their neighbours try to get them to move. They're so discriminated against. I got into this argument with a witch because she didn't think I was taking her seriously. I found a similarity, though, because people often treat actors the same way.