Christopher Reeve: Part 2


Interviewed by Almar Haflidason

You suffered a life-changing accident over six years ago that has left you paralysed. Do you feel your life now has more purpose than before?

I would have to say yes. Before the accident I was politically active, involved in funding for the arts, and campaign finance, and deeply committed to environmental issues. While these are still important to me, I'm working more now in the area of healthcare and the quality of life of people who are disabled or ill. I think that's perhaps more important than the work I've done before. I've also learned a great deal about the shortcomings of our healthcare system, the way insurance works, the way Medicaid and Medicare work, or fail to work. So I think yes, my political involvement or my position as a celebrity is more important than it was before.

With the critical success of "In the Gloaming" with Bridget Fonda, Whoopi Goldberg, and Glenn Close, do you plan more directing in the future?

I have three different projects, two for theatrical release, and one for television in development. But after September 11th the whole world changed and it also profoundly affected the entertainment industry. Studios have had to re-evaluate and re-think some of their decisions so they make films appropriate for the time. Some studios just aren't giving the green light to any projects. Really there's no way of knowing yet when my next project will be given the green light and as to what kind of budget will be involved.

"Superman: The Movie" is now available to buy on DVD