Great British Menu: Scotland Judging
Series 17, Episode 6

Great British Menu
Series 16: 6. Scotland JudgingThe two highest scoring chefs from Scotland go head-to-head to cook their six-course menus again. But will they take on board their veteran’s advice as they serve the panel of judges, including a guest judge who is the author of a bestselling science book?
The chefs need to impress the formidable judges: food writer Matthew Fort, restaurateur Oliver Peyton, broadcaster and food creative Rachel Khoo, and guest judge Caroline Criado-Perez OBE, who won the Royal Society’s Science Book prize. She is also well known as a feminist campaigner, whose book Invisible Women exposed the gender bias in science. She made history by successfully lobbying to get a woman put on the ten pound note and the first statue of a woman erected in Parliament Square.
How will she judge dishes celebrating British science and innovation, including the dishes from the Scottish chefs which celebrate women pioneers in medicine, as well as the Scottish invention of penicillin and others?