
close windowPlant list: Half-hardy annuals

Sow indoors in early spring and plant outside in late May or June when the danger of frost has passed.

Tagetes erecta, African marigold
 Latin name:Tagetes erecta
 Common name:African marigold
 Type of plant:Annual
 Flower colour:Orange, yellow and red
 Leaf colour:Deep green
 Height and spread:30cm to 100cm x 30cm to 50cm (1ft to 3ft x 1ft to 2ft)
A fast growing, bushy and upright plant with strong smelling foliage (use as a ‘companion plant’ to keep away aphids). The brightly coloured flowers are double and around 5cm (2in) across.

Lobelia erinus 'String of Pearls', Lobelia
 Latin name:Lobelia erinus 'String of Pearls'
 Common name:Lobelia
 Type of plant:Annual
 Hardiness:Half-hardy annual
 Flower colour:White, mauve, blue and pink
 Leaf colour:Green
 Height and spread:10cm to 20cm x 10cm to 15cm (3in to 8in x 3in to 6in)
This lobelia is made up of a well balanced mixture of all the brightest colours. White, carmine and rose all feature, along with the traditional deep and mid-blue you'd expect from a lobelia. Choose it as edging for a really bright bedding scheme. Lobelia is a popular bedding plant for containers and hanging baskets. Prefer sun and moist, well-drained soil.

Zinnia, Zinnia
 Latin name:Zinnia
 Common name:Zinnia
 Type of plant:Annual
 Hardiness:Half-hardy annual
 Flower colour:White, yellow, orange, pink, red and purple
 Leaf colour:Pale to mid-green
 Height and spread:20cm to 90cm x 30cm (8in to 3ft x 1ft)
Large dahlia-like flowers are excellent for cutting and using in flower arrangements. Dwarf and full sized versions are also available. Prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Benefits from regular deadheading.

Impatiens, Busy Lizzie
 Latin name:Impatiens
 Common name:Busy Lizzie
 Type of plant:Perennial grown as an annual
 Flower colour:White, pink, red and violet
 Leaf colour:Fresh green
 Height and spread:20cm to 30cm x 20cm to 30cm (8in to 1ft x 8in to 1ft)
A very popular bedding plant that flowers its heart out, and looks fantastic in beds, containers, or hanging baskets - either in bold masses of a single colour or different colours mixed together.

 Latin name:Petunia
 Common name:Petunia
 Type of plant:Perennial grown as an annual
 Flower colour:White, pink, red, violet and blue
 Leaf colour:Green or multi-coloured
 Height and spread:15cm to 40cm x 45cm to 90cm (6in to 15in x 18in to 3ft)
A favourite summer bedding plant that prefers well-drained but moisture retentive soil and a sunny spot. Deadhead regularly to keep flowering profusely. ‘Surfinia’ types are spectacular trailing from a hanging basket.

Related plant lists:

Hardy annuals
Half-hardy annuals
Hardy perennials

Half-hardy perennials
Deciduous plants
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